To carry out activities in the field of public catering, the management of the organization needs to develop an individual menu. And to compile it, you need a recipe for dishes, which must go through the approval procedure with supervisory authorities. To ensure that the approval process does not turn out to be too complicated for you, you must take care in advance to ensure that the documentation complies with the requirements of regulatory documentation. With the help of this material you will learn about the legislative basis for the procedure for agreeing on recipes for dishes.


The legislative regulation of the process of developing dish recipes and carrying out approvals is the following legal acts:

  • SanPiN;
  • SanPiN;
  • SP;
  • GOST R 53105-2008.

The technical and technological map is one of the main documents approving the recipe of dishes. The development of such a map is necessary for dishes produced by the establishment for the first time, and for dishes classified as signature dishes.

The basis of dish recipes is laid in collections officially recommended for use by control bodies. But these collections cannot be applied to all public catering organizations, so their use may not be useful in all cases.

According to the law, the process of preparing any dish from the menu of a catering establishment must be based on documents regulating the technological process, which are certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and their validity period is unlimited.

The list of such documents is as follows:

  • technical and technological maps;
  • technological maps;
  • technological instructions.

Technical and technological map

Must be compiled for any dish that may be considered non-traditional or is being added to the establishment’s menu for the first time. This card should contain the recipe for preparing the dish, a description of the technical and technological aspects of the cooking process and requirements for the presentation of the dish before serving. Also, a mandatory section of the technical and technological map is information about the storage conditions of the product (shelf life, humidity and storage temperature) and the standards for its sale (for example, the number of servings per month), the requirements for product quality, and the nutritional value of the finished dish. Also included is a calculation of the quality and safety indicators of the dish.

The technical and technological map must be certified by the signature of the person carrying out its development, as well as the signature of the head of the organization (the person authorized to sign). Each card has its own serial number and must be stored in the organization’s file cabinet. The absence of a card for any of the dishes entails the imposition of an administrative penalty by the inspection authorities. The technical and technological map is subject to renewal for any change in the recipe or cooking process.

If the dishes contain exotic products or new equipment is used, then the technical and technological map must be agreed upon with Rospotrebnadzor in order to prevent the sale of dishes potentially dangerous to consumers.

Technical and technological maps of dishes are regulatory documents. They are developed for new and branded dishes and culinary products manufactured and sold only in this enterprise (for products supplied to other enterprises, these cards are not valid). Along with the technology for preparing products and standards for storing products, they include requirements for the safety of the raw materials used and the technological process, as well as the results of laboratory tests of products on safety indicators.

The technological map of a dish, like the enterprise standard, consists of sections.

  1. Product name and scope of application. Here the exact name of the dish (product) is indicated, which cannot be changed without approval, and the list of enterprises (branches) and subordinate enterprises that have the right to produce and sell this dish (product) is specified.
  2. List of raw materials used to make a dish (product). All types of products needed to prepare a given dish (product) are listed.
  3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. A mark is placed on the compliance of food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the manufacture of this dish (product) with the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as on the availability of a certificate of conformity and a quality certificate.
  4. Standards for laying raw materials with gross and net weight, yield of semi-finished products and finished products. Here the norms for storing products with gross and net weight for 1, 10 or more servings, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products are indicated.
  5. Description of the technological process of preparation. This section should contain a detailed description of the technological process of preparing a dish (product), including the cold and heat treatment modes that ensure the safety of the dish (product), as well as the use of food additives, dyes, etc. The technology for preparing dishes and culinary products should ensure compliance with safety indicators and requirements established by current regulations, in particular SanPiN
  6. Requirements for design, serving, sales and storage, providing for design features and rules for serving a dish (product), requirements and procedure for the sale of culinary products, conditions, terms of sale and storage, and, if necessary, transportation conditions. These requirements are formed in accordance with GOST R 50763-95, SanPiN and SanPiN
  7. Quality and safety indicators. These are organoleptic indicators of a dish (product): taste, color, smell, consistency, basic physical, chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish (product), in accordance with GOST R 50763-95.
  8. Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value. The section contains data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish (product) (tables "Chemical composition of food products", approved by the Ministry of Health), which are determined when organizing meals for certain categories of consumers (organizing dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, children's, etc. nutrition).

Each technical and technological map is assigned a serial number. The card is signed by the process engineer, the responsible developer, and approved by the head of the catering enterprise or his deputy. The validity period of technical and technological cards is determined by the enterprise.


General Director of Renome LLC
(Full name, date)




This technical and technological map applies to Sandwich with fish, cheese and pineapple, produced by Renome LLC and sold in Renome LLC cafes and branches... (specify).


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of Sandwich must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.).



The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.
The sandwich bun is lightly toasted in a toaster and cut into two parts. The bottom of the bun is greased with mayonnaise, a leaf of Iceberg lettuce, a slice of cheese and a ring of canned pineapple are placed on top, then a fillet of dried muksun is placed. Cover with the top of the bun and wrap in plastic wrap.


The sandwich is sold in packaged form immediately after preparation.
The permissible shelf life of the Sandwich before sale is no more than 20 minutes. at temperatures from +20 °C according to the company’s proprietary standards...
The shelf life of the sandwich is in accordance with the regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.


6.1. Organoleptic quality indicators:
Appearance - a bun for sandwiches with sesame seeds, cut into two parts, each on the inside greased with mayonnaise, between the parts of the bun there are layers of dried muksun fillet, a leaf of Iceberg lettuce, a slice of cheese, a ring of canned pineapple.
The color is characteristic of the prescription components.
Taste and smell - a pleasant smell of fresh products, the taste is characteristic of the recipe components, without foreign tastes and odors.
6.2. The microbiological indicators of the sandwich must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Food Safety", or hygienic standards established in accordance with regulatory legal acts or regulations
documents valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.


Sandwich with fish, cheese and pineapple on the way out - 200 g

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
18,2 15,6 34,0 349

Responsible for registration of TTC in the cafe ______________

Head cafe production __________________

Note - If necessary, section 7 also indicates other indicators of nutritional value, for example, the content of vitamins, minerals, etc.

Nowadays, as a rule, the vast majority of enterprises develop signature dishes. (In principle, a signature dish is any dish that is not prepared according to the Collection of Technological Standards or the Collection of Recipes). For such products (dishes), enterprises must develop Technical and Technological Cards (TTK). The form and content of the TTK from January 1, 2015 is regulated by GOST 31987-2012.

In public catering establishments, the development of TTK, as a rule, is difficult, and in many cases, chefs and accountants - calculators - are involved in the development of TTK, as a result, the resulting documentation rarely meets the requirements. At many enterprises, the development of technical specifications comes down to drawing up a recipe and filling out the preparation technology (Regular Flow Chart). Such documentation does not comply with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU 021-2011). As a result, the company pays large fines for non-compliance of documentation with the requirements.

In 2007, changes were made to the “Rules for the provision of public catering services” (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 10, 2007 No. 276), which obliges public catering establishments to indicate the nutritional value of their products. But, even if you have experience in compiling technical specifications and all the necessary documentation, the development time for one technical specifications without using an automation program for technological calculations can take up to 3-4 hours (with calculation of calorie content, physical chemistry, microbiology and other indicators)!
We have been developing TTK for public catering enterprises for more than fifteen years, during which time we have developed a large methodological base.

Since January 2015, we have been developing documents in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021-2011. The new form of TTK was developed in accordance with the Interstate Standard, and approved for use by countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

In addition to updating the TTC form itself, we calculate the energy value in kJ, and calculate nutrients as a percentage of the average daily requirement.

Now the set of documents also includes an Information Sheet containing detailed information about dishes and products, including information about Allergens, dietary supplements, GMOs, as well as the composition of the dish.

When calculating losses during cold and heat processing of a product, we are guided not only by tabular data from the Collections of Recipes. Our database also contains actual product losses, which often differ from the STN. You can check the compliance of the company’s recipes for the correctness of the bookmark standards, and prevent financial losses!

The technical and technological map (TTK) is signed by the head of the enterprise and the developer. As a rule, there is no need to certify the TTC to Rostpotrebnadzor. But in some cases (for example, if you sell products outside the enterprise, through other retail outlets), the technical specifications are not enough, and it is necessary to develop Technical Specifications and go through the certification procedure.

When developing a Technical and Technological Map, we provide a complete set of documents necessary for the operation of a catering enterprise:

  • Technical and technological map
  • Costing card (calculation of dishes) at average Russian prices
  • Test report
  • Rationale for calorie calculations, mass fractions of salt, sugar, fat, dry matter, microbiology
  • Calorie worksheet
  • Information sheet
  • Technological map (for dishes prepared according to official Collections of recipes)
  • Mini recipes (bookmarks for chefs)

The development of documents is carried out by our technologists in the technological calculation program “Chief Expert” created by us.

Examples of documents developed in the "Chief Expert" program

How to order the development of a Technical and Technological Map and a set of documents for a catering enterprise?

The order and payment procedure is as follows:

  • You fill out the Questionnaire for the development of the TTK. After receiving the questionnaire, we will prepare a proposal for you regarding the cost and development time. If you do not want to fill out the form, write or call us;
  • After a positive response, we send you an electronic contract and an invoice for payment. (If the conclusion of the Agreement in paper form, with a signature and seal is not important for you, we are guided by the Offer Agreement);
  • You pay an Advance in the amount of at least 1/3 of the cost of the work;
  • Upon completion of development, we send you an Information Sheet, which contains detailed information about the dishes, and confirms that the documents have been developed in full;
  • You pay the remaining amount, we send a complete set of technological documentation (in MS Word (RTF), Excel or PDF format, at your choice). After which, documents confirming the fact of payment will be sent to you by registered mail (Original invoice, Service Agreement, Certificate of completion of work).

The development time of the TTK depends on the number and complexity of the dishes. On average, 50 TTKs are developed within 5-7 working days.

The cost of a standard calculation of a set of documents for a dish is 290 rubles. By standard calculation we mean the calculation of documentation according to the customer’s recipe, without entering the preparation technology (or with copying text from an electronic medium), with the calculation of a costing card at average prices.

3.1 Dish recipe

Name of raw materials

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Weight of finished product

Net weight for 10 servings

Output of the dish


5.3 Date of sale of the dish –



Color: Matches the included components.

Taste: Corresponds to the incoming components.

Smell: Corresponds to the incoming components.

Responsible developer

U T V E R J D A Y Director of the enterprise


(signature) (full name)

"______" ________________ 2009




3.1 Dish recipe

Name of raw materials

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Weight of finished product

Net weight for 10 servings

Output of the dish


4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of dishes is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments” (... g).


5.2 The temperature for serving the dish should be ...°C.

5.3 Date of sale of the dish –


6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:



6.2 Physico-chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of dry substances, % (not less)

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less)

Mass fraction of salt, % (not less)

6.3 Microbiological indicators: correspond to the appendix to GOST R 50763-95.


Responsible developer