Many of those who try to maintain a healthy diet still constantly crave sweets. It is not clear why the desire to eat sweets overcomes us, even if the body is already full of the main dish?

Sometimes a craving for sweets can turn into an obsession, but it is established that you need to consume it daily. This happens especially often with overweight women trying to stick to a diet. And having eaten the forbidden, they then reproach themselves and are tormented by pangs of conscience.

Nobody wants to become overweight. And it is clear that excessive consumption of baked goods and sweets is shortest route to clothes huge size. It is not clear how to ensure that the desire to treat yourself to a cake or chocolate does not poison the mind at the wrong moment.

Why does the body require eating sweets?

Of course, each person may have individual motivations and reasons for craving desserts.

Nutritionists say the reason why you constantly want sweets is an imbalance in the diet in carbohydrates, a lack of calories and the habit of a constant excess of sugar in the daily food intake.

The changed diet today, compared to the past, makes our food cravings uncontrollable. Psychologists will add that many people try to compensate for the lack of positivity and positive emotions in everyday life by eating sweets. Many people prefer to lose weight by following diets. This is often simpler and more economical in terms of time and money than doing some kind of sports training.

If the menu is cut down radically, and less than 1000 kcal enters the body per day, the energy released is not enough even for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The brain activates its “alarm signal”, and a woman who is losing weight begins to really want to eat something high in calories. And due to the fact that the central nervous system functions on glucose, we want quickly digestible carbohydrates.

The best option is to increase your nutrition. But, if a person is sure that he will begin to gain weight, you can try to confuse the body by replacing carbohydrates. Experts recommend that diets include foods containing complex carbohydrates whenever possible. This is oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, brown rice. Having them on the menu will allow you to get enough glucose so that the nervous system works in the correct mode. All the more certain.

The habit of eating at the same time every day can also help. The body will develop a reflex to produce all the necessary enzymes at the right time so that food is processed faster and more efficiently. The body will be provided with energy for life faster. Chances are good that this will help you stop wondering why you constantly want sweets.

How to get rid of the desire to eat sweets

It is not necessary to completely deprive yourself of coveted sweets. Otherwise, you can find harmony, but lose peace and become depressed. For lovers of such food, nutritionists provide consolation in the form of the “ten percent” rule. You need to calculate the daily allowable calorie content of your menu, and you can allow yourself to consume 10% of this volume in the form of sweets.

If you constantly want sweets, girls who intensively and regularly engage in some kind of active species sports, this may be due to a lack of glucose in the muscles. This phenomenon can be prevented by eating some product that serves as a source of complex carbohydrates three hours before the start of training. For example, porridge, dishes with bran, black bread, fruits rich in pectin and fiber. If this is not done, then after playing sports your own glucose resource may be depleted. As a result, you will really want to replenish it with sweets.

Sports people have a hard time on a protein diet. It is believed that for normal muscle function, the body simply needs carbohydrates in the amount of 3–4 g per kilogram of its weight. If you want something sweet at the end of your workout, feel free to treat yourself. 20 minutes after intense movement, the so-called “carbohydrate window” is open - the time when these macroelements are absorbed without leaving a mark on the waist. You can take advantage of this and eat a couple of sweet fruits. And after a few hours, porridge with fruit or some bread with cereals is allowed.

Psychological reasons or habit

Sometimes even those who don’t diet and don’t exercise constantly want sweets. In this case, most likely, it is caused by increased excitability of the nervous system, active mental work, or frequent depression or stress. Simply eating chocolate will not solve the problem in this case.

Having financial resources, you can even visit a professional psychologist who can help in solving a number of situations. Independent work on yourself should also be quite effective. You will have to try to create a positive mood, learn to relax and have quality rest.

To begin with, understand your own feelings. Understand what is associated with anger, depression or constant fatigue. It may even make sense to write down the problems that have been identified. And then think about how you can overcome destructive emotions, throw them out without getting carried away with sweet food or some other self-destructive habits.

If you don’t find any psychological reasons for your craving for sweets, maybe the simple habit of eating desserts after meals works. It can only be overcome by a conscious ban, or by developing some more useful replacement (for fruit, for example).


So the reasons why you constantly want sweets:

  1. Not enough or wrong products.

When you don't eat enough calories, the body begins to require more fuel to satisfy itself with energy.

Calories are the only thing that truly provides real energy so eat food consistently in whole meal form and try to break the cycle of sugar cravings once and for all.

  1. Bad habit.

Some people chew gum without even realizing the harm. Others, for example, pick at their nails all their lives. Well, some people eat a chocolate bar every day for 3 hours. Yes, these are all bad habits.

Banish all bad habits and start living your most nourishing life!

  1. Consume too much starch and not enough fat and/or protein.

Follow proper control practices for foods containing added lean protein. You need a little protein to help you feel satisfied.

  1. Lots of salty food.

When you eat packaged, processed food with big amount sodium Here's a paradox: the saltier the food, the more you constantly crave sweets. But it is strictly defined on the day.

The key to solving the problem is to make the necessary changes in a conscious manner regarding the consumption of sweets.


The author of the appeal is Norilsk resident Larisa Yangol. According to her, “being with a small child in Adler for only two days and having swam in the sea, instead of resting, I got an intestinal infection and a trip to the infectious diseases hospital, which turned out to be overcrowded with vacationers.”
RIA Novosti / Mikhail Mokrushin

“I ask you to influence the local authorities and the general sanitary situation on the coast, which is out of control and threatens the health of the nation!” - writes Yangol. She addressed her appeal to the country's President Vladimir Putin and the country's chief sanitary doctor
Global Look Press

Russian tourists decided to draw the attention of the authorities to the sanitary situation on the Black Sea coast. They call it "catastrophic" and call on officials to stop the spread of Black Sea resorts intestinal infection, follows from the petition posted on the website.

The author of the appeal is Norilsk resident Larisa Yangol. According to her, “being with a small child in Adler for only two days and having swam in the sea, instead of resting, we got an intestinal infection and a trip to the infectious diseases hospital, which turned out to be overcrowded with vacationers.” “Sick children even lie in the corridors, there are not enough places! Everyone has the same story - they swam in the Adler Black Sea, where sewage is dumped and infested with E. coli!... And this is in post-Olympic Sochi, where they did everything for the guests of the Olympics, but for their own children cannot create conditions for safe holiday"- writes the tourist.

“I ask you to influence the local authorities and the general sanitary situation on the coast, which is out of control and threatens the health of the nation!” - writes Yangol. She addressed her appeal to the country's President Vladimir Putin and the country's chief sanitary doctor.

Within a month, more than 800 people signed the petition. “I am signing because my vacation on the Black Sea coast was hopelessly ruined, because all of the 6 people in our company had an intestinal infection, spent a lot of money on medicine and stayed in the room for most of the vacation! Urgent checks are needed from Moscow, because local authorities are keeping silent about the whole truth about the epidemiological situation,” writes Moscow resident Tatyana Chugunova in the comments.

Since mid-August, numerous vacationers have been publishing on social networks reports of cases of intestinal infection and rotavirus in Sochi and Anapa, as well as their reports of visits to overcrowded hospitals. The resource "BlogSochi" published a message from Angela Alekseenko, who complained that her child in Adler contracted an intestinal infection just by sitting on the beach.

“A night 60 children are admitted to the hospital with one diagnosis - “intestinal infection”, all the children are in the arms of their parents, they are constantly vomiting, they are exhausted and cannot stand on their feet,” the woman writes. “Poor doctors who do nothing they have time, the hospitals are overcrowded."

At the same time, the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory and Rospotrebnadzor deny massive outbreaks of infection. According to the Ministry of Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, the congestion of the Black Sea beaches in the high season of 2016 exceeded 100%. However, the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor reported that cases of group and outbreak morbidity associated with the water factor of infection transmission (swimming in the sea, rivers, use of recreational areas), not registered in the region, writes Kommersant. This information was confirmed to the publication by the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory.

The Sochi mayor's office suggests that parents and their children spend too long in the sun, including at hours when it becomes unsafe to be there. According to the deputy head of the tourism department of the Sochi administration, Elena Pavlovich, they do not rule out cases of poisoning, but emphasize that this is not widespread at the resort. And parents are advised to monitor their children more closely so that they are not in the sun all the time and do not drink sea water, the website reports.

What is really happening on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory? The earth is full of rumors, and social networks are teeming with horror stories from seasoned tourists. People write eagerly and colorfully about the resort nightmare that their vacation turned into.

The sea is a big toilet

“The sea has turned into a big toilet. AND local authorities I don't care, it's just money in my eyes. Don't be a herd, plan smarter next summer. We ourselves are from Krasnodar, we know our sea well, and this has never happened before.”

“This situation is everywhere Black Sea coast. In Georgia, all hospitals are also full. Almost everyone has an intestinal infection, but as always, water tests are normal, just like in Russia.”
“We vacationed in Adler from July 19 to August 1, 2016. An epidemic has broken out, but declaring a quarantine and closing the resort means losing billions of money. Towards the end of our “vacation” on the beach, a warning finally sounded that there was an intestinal infection, along with stupid advice: do not wash fruits in sea water, wash your hands, etc. We are convinced that the cause of what happened was the discharge of sewage water into the sea. We swam a lot and several times felt a strong unpleasant odor from the water, and we weren’t the only ones. But some want to place all the blame on vacationers: they are the slobs, they eat anything, they use the plumbing incorrectly, they don’t look after their children, etc. This is the approach of the local administration and the restaurateurs, hoteliers, and medical officials who sing along with it out of self-interest. For them, the citizens of our country are not brothers, not dear guests, but sheep that just need to be milked and sheared.”
Reach the President
The especially desperate ones went even further, straight to the Kremlin. Larisa Yangol from Norilsk urgently asked the head of state to take the maritime situation from its sanitary point of view under personal control. In her appeal, also addressed to the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, Onishchenko, this situation is characterized as catastrophic. Larisa wrote that children and adults, instead of sunbeds under palm trees, lie under hospital IVs and literally “do not get off the potties”! “And this is in post-Olympic Sochi, where they have done everything for the guests of the Olympics, but cannot create conditions for a safe holiday for their children,” Larisa poured out a cry from her heart in her petition to the president. The letter had many supporters.
Do not violate the hygiene regime at every step
And yet, it is better not to neglect advice about hand washing. And it’s better not to drink sea water. Although, alas, no one is actively promoting these seemingly simple but effective rules on the coast. Let's take a look at the website of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory. The department's press service cheerfully reports on the work of the cancer patrol and unique operations, but the real news hit of recent months has been the vaccination campaign. For ten days (from August 24 to September 3) - six publications about the prevention of influenza, and not a single one about the prevention of intestinal infections and rules of conduct on the beach. Why, for ten days, there hasn’t been a single note since the beginning of the season, not counting the opus about the risk of heat and sunstroke.
As for the department, which, on duty, accumulates information about the state sea ​​water– the regional Rospotrebnadzor, it called the situation regarding the incidence of acute intestinal infections on the Azov-Black Sea coast stable. Moreover, according to the department, the incidence rate this year has decreased by 10% compared to the previous period. It is noted that of the number of cases, the share of those arriving on vacation is up to 70%. That is, the infection hardly affects locals. And water... “The proportion of samples that do not meet hygienic standards does not exceed the long-term average and amounts to 0.8%,” the report says. Victoria Gorbushina, the owner of a mini-hotel in Adler, is also sure that nothing extraordinary is happening this year. Everything is as usual, she shared her impressions with the Kavkaz Post correspondent. In the second half of July and August, when the water warms up most intensely, someone always needs absorbents. That’s why the owner keeps them in sufficient quantities. Last year, yes. The flood that hit Sochi on June 25 brought a lot of sewage into the sea, rainwater came in a one and a half meter wave. The presence of pathogenic bacteria was then confirmed by laboratory tests, and the beaches were closed. So, it turns out that the health of vacationers is in their own hands.

We also “vacated” in Adler in July 2016. Saw Olympic Park: without a single tree in 32-degree heat, there are no names at the Olympic Park stops, it’s not even clear where to call a taxi, because... on public transport will not leave; to the Olympics There is no access to the objects, they are located behind a triple fence at 20m. from them; There are no names on the Olympus objects; they can only be recognized and seen closer by taking a paid excursion. The new junctions and bridges are very beautiful, but not well thought out; if you have passed your exit, then it is no longer possible to return back, or you have to drive 14 km. before turning around, or you find yourself in some terrible outskirts, where, in reality, you are afraid for your life. We went to Sochi a couple of times. We were in the “Riviera”: a dried-out park, plants exhausted without watering, palm trees with dried leaves, tents with third-party entertainment (the whole country is getting rid of them), you can’t even see the park behind it, angry service sellers. We went to MoreMall, which, apparently, they forgot to decorate the outside (in Saratov, unexpectedly, it’s more beautiful shopping centers ). All this every second made me think: they want to make money on us, but what in return? Why pay a lot of money? Knowing that we would not come to Sochi again (for that kind of money we could have a better rest), we decided to go to Krasnaya Polyana. It is very beautiful there: mountains, beautiful hotels and cafes that are not affordable (all without visitors). Believe it or not, we were very happy with McDonald's. Only there it was possible to have a snack available, but there were long queues, because... almost all the people are here. For 3600r. (2 adults, 1 child) went up on 3 lifts and decided to see everything at once, because... I don’t want to go to Sochi anymore (we didn’t know yet that we would be in an infectious disease unit). On the lifts there are again angry, dissatisfied staff - and this is for such money. At the last peak, Rosa Peak, they don’t allow you to take photos for free, there is an organized mandatory, instant photo - everything is only for money. And, of course, such an attitude does not make you want to return to Sochi. Having read reviews about Adler in advance, we did not swim in Adler itself; we knew that the sea there was dirty and people were poisoned by it. We were forced to travel by car (paid parking 50 rubles per hour) to Olympus. park (because according to locals it is cleaner there). We didn’t buy anything on the beach, we didn’t swallow water (the child is 7 years old), in the evening the whole family drank Polysorb as a preventive measure, but it didn’t help. The day before departure, a girl vomited in the hotel where we were staying. The next day, on the way back from Sochi, we stopped in Gelendzhik, in the morning the child became ill, and at night the temperature rose and vomited. Let's go to the infectious diseases department. There, hell continues: they lie in the corridors on 3 floors. Lucky are those who lie on the floor with doctors and the treatment room; doctors and nurses do not reach the other floors. My child and I were admitted at 4 a.m. (I was expecting a doctor’s round at 7 or 8 a.m.), the doctor only came at 1 p.m. for the first time and only after my already raised voices of indignation. The child has a temp. 39 and no one provides help, the doctor sends him to medical attention. sister, and she goes to the doctor - a vicious circle. Doctors can’t keep up; in addition to those who are lying down, new patients are constantly coming. It turns out that locals come and make IVs for money and go home for the night (they also suffer from this infection and have found such a way out for themselves) and spread this infection further. And we, vacationers (in a foreign city, 1000 km from home), are of little interest to them. The hospital only has: rehydron, smecta, lydic mixture, antibiotic (I don’t remember the name), sodium potassium solution for IVs, which causes all children to have some kind of hallucinations. The rest: Polysorb, Enterofulir, Maxilak, Cefikon, Creon, Interosgel, Kagocel - you buy at your own expense at the pharmacy in Tridoroga. Separately, you need to write about the quality of medical services. In our Saratov infectious diseases hospital, everyone is in isolated boxes, the doctor washes his hands with disinfectant upon entering and exiting, and patients will occupy the box once. Here the ward is called boxes, but they are just wards, the patient left, they changed the bed, and put the next one in. In such conditions, the infection cannot be stopped. There is no quartz lamp in the wards, the medical staff works without gloves, and not everyone can even get flexuli there. The staff is not qualified: my son couldn’t get into the vein until he was 5 rubles, and one year old was only 7 rubles. They poked him into a vein (he was already hoarse) but they couldn’t, only with an ultrasound machine they succeeded. It’s not just children who are brought to the ambulance; many adults are brought in in serious condition and unconscious. We found ourselves in a hopeless situation: we couldn’t go back home from Gelendzhik, the child felt a little better, but he couldn’t stand 12 hours in the car, he got motion sickness; waiting a couple of days in Gelendzhik was unheard of, because... There is an epidemic there (an ambulance arrives every 5 minutes, all the tracks are covered in vomit, and the locals carry this infection back home). We were lucky: a plane flies from Gelendzhik to Saratov once a week and we had tickets. We flew away, and the next day my husband drove alone by car for 1300 km - this is a vacation that will be difficult to forget. Our state has driven us into inhuman conditions. In the press, on the Internet, there is no information about rotavirus; everything is hushed up, all negativity is deleted. We won't go to the Black Sea anymore.