The Russian Bridge in Vladivostok is cable-stayed and connects the Nazimov Peninsula and Cape Novosilsky on Russian Island, separated by the Eastern Bosphorus Strait. The bridge appeared as part of the APEC summit in 2012. The Russian Bridge is a complex and unique object in the entire practice of bridge construction in Russia and the world.


Construction of the Russian Bridge in Vladivostok began in September 2008, although the question of its construction arose at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first draft was drawn up in 1939, and the second in 1960. But both remained unfulfilled. It was only in 2008 that the final design of the cable-stayed bridge was approved.

During the construction of the bridge, different positions were expressed regarding the feasibility of its appearance. Some said that the work was economically unjustified, since only five thousand people live on Russky Island. Others insisted that the construction of a bridge to Russky Island would be an impetus for the development of the island and the creation of large economic and cultural centers.


The Russian Bridge is one of the most grandiose in the world. One of the reasons for this is that the length of the bridge in Vladivostok on Russky Island more than three kilometers. The road surface of the structure is supported by diagonal cables. They, in turn, are attached to two pylons, each reaching a height of 324 meters.

The entire structure weighs 23 thousand tons. Its spans reach a kilometer. On top of the bridge you can see stretched cables painted in the color of the Russian flag. Lanterns are installed along the railings. At the descent from the bridge you can see cannons - the remains of the Novosiltsevskaya battery.

Inside each pylon there are stairs hidden, along which you can get to observation decks, but they are only accessible to bridge maintenance personnel and only occasionally to photographers. From a height of 300 meters there is a breathtaking view: endless Pacific Ocean and below Vladivostok in barely noticeable outlines

Technical features

The cable-stayed bridge system across the Eastern Bosphorus was designed by the best engineers in Russia and abroad. The cables consist of parallel strands ranging from 13 to 85, each individually protected against corrosion. The shell is made of two layers: the inner one is made of dense polyethylene, the outer one is thinner.

The decorative shell has a spiral-shaped collar - it provides protection from vibrations generated by simultaneous exposure to rain and wind.

The Russian Bridge was built in conditions of strong winds, a humid climate and sudden temperature changes. As a result, the cables, thanks to special steel, are able to withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to +40 degrees, and their service life is up to one hundred years. The aerodynamic cross-section of the structure makes it resistant even to squally winds, which often occur in Vladivostok.


The bridge to Russky Island allows residents to go there on weekends. The structure is designed for passenger vehicles and small trucks.

The roadway has four lanes for traffic - two in both directions. Drivers who find themselves at a height of 70 meters are breathtaking from the expanse of water stretching below and the cables hanging from above. Pedestrians are prohibited from entering the bridge.


The lighting equipment for the bridge to Russky Island was completed at the beginning of 2013. The main task of the lighting is to create the illusion of a bridge floating in the air and at the same time highlight its main elements - giant supports and cables, painted in the colors of the Russian flag.

The lighting equipment is secured in such a way as not to create difficulties during operation. Lighting not only illuminates the bridge, but also significantly transforms appearance in the dark.

Bridge for tourists

The bridge to Russky Island across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait is being built as part of the program to prepare Vladivostok for the APEC summit in 2012. The cable-stayed bridge will connect the mainland and island parts of Vladivostok and will become an important link transport system Primorsky Krai. The bridge will become a world record holder for the length of the central span - 1104 meters and the length of the cable stays - 580 meters. The height above the water surface is 70 meters. The height of the pylons is 324 meters.

2. At the beginning of October 2007, NPO Mostovik won the tender to design a bridge crossing to Russky Island. The main partner of the association in the implementation design work became the design organization JSC "Institute Giprostroymost St. Petersburg"

3. Construction of the bridge began in September 2008. The general construction contractor is JSC "USK Most". The main subcontractors were SK MOST OJSC and NPO Mostovik LLC.

4. The bridge will open to road traffic in July 2012, and in September Russky Island will host delegates to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization summit.

5. The total length of the bridge is 1885.53 m (of which 1104 m is the central channel span)

6. The approaches to the bridge are overpasses with a total length of more than 900 meters. Trestle supports are rack-mount, with a height of 9 to 30 meters. The spans are steel-reinforced concrete, consisting of metal boxes with inclined walls and a monolithic reinforced concrete slab.

7. The width of the roadway is 24 m. There will be 4 lanes (2 in each direction)

8. For the construction of the M6 ​​pylon, an artificial peninsula was poured on the Nazimov Peninsula, from which wells were drilled for supports. The construction of the pile foundation of the M7 pylon on Russky Island began with water on a temporary working metal island. They are designed to protect ships with a displacement of up to 66,000 tons from piles, ice movements and wave action. The total volume of rock and loose soil moved during the construction of technological sites is 1.5 million cubic meters.

9. The design of the span has an aerodynamic cross-section to accommodate loads from squally winds.

10. At the base of each pylon there are 120 bored piles with a diameter of two meters. Piles with a non-removable metal shell under the M7 pylon go deep to 46 meters. On the Nazimov Peninsula maximum depth occurrence of reinforced concrete piles – 77 meters.

11. To construct each pylon grillage, approximately 20,000 cubic meters of concrete and about 3,000 tons of metal structures were required. Tensor sensors are built into the body of the grillage to monitor the condition of this colossal foundation.

12. The height of the pylon is 324 meters, which is comparable to the height of a 90-story building.

13. Top of the pylon

14. Builders are delivered to the pylon by cargo-passenger lifts. The photo shows a German GEDA lift with a lifting capacity of 2 tons, which allows you to simultaneously transport up to 24 people. Lifting speed 65 m/min.

15. Builders worked in extreme conditions weather conditions. The wind speed reaches 36 meters per second, the storm wind raises waves up to six meters, the thickness of the ice reaches 70 centimeters. The temperature in winter drops below minus 36 degrees, and in summer it rises to plus 37.

16. Continuous reinforcement and concreting of pylon M6 (Nazimov Peninsula) was completed in a record 25 months.

17. The solution was supplied to this height by special concrete pumps.

18. View from the Potain MD 1100 tower crane. This level is 348 meters from the ground. As I was told, on this moment, this is the tallest tower crane in Russia.

19. Lifting height – 335 m, boom length – 60 m.

20. Maximum load capacity – 50 tons

21. SK Most uses Kroll tower cranes with a lifting capacity of 40 and 20 tons for the construction of pylons.

22. Thousand-ton crane operator

23. Potain MDT 368 faucet (). Maximum lifting capacity – 16 t, lifting height – 328.7 m, boom length – 40 m.

25. The stiffening beam of the central navigable span of the bridge is all-metal.

26. It is a single box for the entire cross section with a lower and upper orthotropic plate and a system of transverse diaphragms.

27. The metal stiffening beam consists of 103 panels 12 meters long and 26 meters wide. The total weight of the panels is 23,000 tons. The length of the stiffening beam is 1220 meters.

28. Enlarged assembly panels were carried out on the territory of the production base on the Nazimov Peninsula ("Mostovik") and in Nakhodka ("SK Most").

29. Large prefabricated sections for installation of the central span into specially designated “windows” were delivered by barges to the assembly site and lifted by cranes to the 76-meter mark, where the cables were joined and secured.

30. For the joints of the vertical walls of the blocks, longitudinal ribs, transverse beams and diaphragms, assembly connections with high-strength bolts are used.

31. "Bridge" on the one hand...

32. ...and "SK Most" on the other - Russian-made derrick cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 400 tons

34. On the night of April 12, 2012, builders completed the installation of the final locking panel of the span, which connected the shores of the Eastern Bosphorus Strait.

35. More than 300 people worked on joining the last panel.

36. For the construction of the bridge to Russky Island, special technological regulations for welding have been developed, which are much more stringent and complex than for other bridge crossings. Each seam is checked using ultrasonic testing devices.

39. On the bridge over the Eastern Bosphorus Strait, an improved system of cables is used with a more dense placement of strands in the shell. The weight of the cable-stayed system is 3,720 tons, the total length of the cables is more than 54 kilometers.

40. The shrouds consist of parallel, individually protected strands, the number of which varies from 13 to 85.

41. Each such strand consists of seven galvanized wires covered with a sheath of high-density polyethylene.

On Far East This spring, the construction of one of the world's largest cable-stayed bridges was completed. The new bridge passes through the Eastern Bosphorus Strait and connects the mainland with Russky Island. In April 2012, builders completed welding of the 1,104-meter channel span.

Bridge project to Russky Island

This is the first bridge of this size and design in Russia. It can rightfully be called a unique achievement of Russian engineers, since the bridge became a record holder in several respects at once: the longest cable-stayed span in the world (1104 m), the longest cable-stayed span (580 m). In addition, it was ranked second in height in the world, its pylons reach a height of 320 m. The total length of the structure is 3100 m, and the height of the main canvas is 70 m above the ground, which allows even the most bulky ocean liners to pass under it.

Historical reference

The USSR authorities were planning to build a bridge that would connect Russky Island with the mainland in the first half of the 20th century. People first started talking about this in 1939, when the first bridge project was proposed. But then, due to the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, the matter never came to fruition. Later in the 1960s, a second attempt was made, but the second project was never brought to life.

However, what was not done then was finally realized in the 21st century. In 2007, a tender was held to develop a project for a modern bridge to Russky Island, which was won by the NPO Mostovik.

Together with the largest design organization in Russia, ZAO Giprostroymost Institute St. Petersburg, the production association began development. Several small Russian and foreign scientific companies also worked on the project, including: Cowi A/S (Denmark), Primortisiz, Primorgrazhdanproekt, NPO Hydrotex, Far Eastern Research Institute of Morflot and some others.

During the development of the project, experts considered more than 10 different options, including designs for both classical suspension and cable-stayed bridges. As a result, preference was given to the construction of a cable-stayed bridge. The design was completed in March 2008 and cost the state 643 million rubles.

The construction of a cable-stayed bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait to Russky Island started on September 3, 2008 in preparation for the APEC international summit, which will be held in Vladivostok in 2012. Construction of the structure was completed in the spring of 2012.

On June 22, 2012, full-scale dynamic tests of the structure were completed, which confirmed its reliability and full readiness for operation.

The construction of the bridge took place under rather difficult conditions. The work was complicated by unfavorable temperatures and strong winds. Temperature changes in Vladivostok can range from -31°C to +36°C, the height of a storm wave can reach 6 m, and the thickness of the ice cover can be 70 cm.

In total, over the almost 4 years that construction lasted, 33.9 billion rubles of budget money were spent on the implementation of this project. But it was worth it.

Technical parameters of the project

Bridge parameters

The design of the bridge over the eastern Bosphorus was developed by engineers taking into account two determining factors:

  • The shortest distance across the water area at the intersection of the bridge is 1,460 meters, and the depth of the fairway reaches 50 meters.
  • Strong wind load in the construction area, as well as a wide range of temperature differences.

Basic technical specifications new bridge over the Eastern Bosphorus:

  • The length of the central span is 1104 meters;
  • The shortest cable is 135.771 meters;
  • The longest shroud is 579.83 meters;
  • The height of the pylons is 320.9 meters;
  • The height of the under-bridge space is 70 meters.
  • The total length of the bridge crossing is 1885.53 meters;
  • The total length of the bridge with overpasses is 3100 meters;
  • 4 lanes (2 in each direction);
  • The total width of the roadway is 21 meters.

I would like to note that this is a truly grandiose project. For example, for the construction of the anchor spans of the bridge, more than 21 thousand cubic meters of concrete mixture were supplied to a height of seventy meters, and the total volume of reinforcement for the side spans was about 10 thousand tons.

Features of the construction of pylons

In order for the bridge to be strong and reliable, 120 bored piles were installed under each of the two 320-meter pylons. Concreting of the pylons was carried out using a unique self-climbing formwork with 4.5 m grips. According to engineers, a crane was used for the first three grips, then the formwork moved upward independently thanks to the hydraulic movement of special modular elements.

At the base of each pylon there are 120 bored piles with a diameter of two meters

It should be noted that the technology using self-climbing formwork made it possible not only to improve the quality construction work, but also reduced the construction time of the bridge by 1.5 times. Since the bridge pylons are A-shaped, it was impossible to use standard formwork. As a result, a separate kit was specially installed for each pylon.

The construction of the foundation for the M7 pylon was carried out without an embankment site. All drilling work was carried out in deep water. Note that the depth of the water area in this area ranges from 14 to 20 m. The steel casing pipes were submerged under water using a special floating crane. After the construction of bored piles, the pylon foundation was strengthened with a grouting layer of concrete up to 2.5 m thick.

To construct each pylon grillage, approximately 20,000 cubic meters of concrete and about 3,000 tons of metal structures were required

Everything was done in strict accordance with technology to ensure the strength and stability of the pylons.

Construction of a cable-stayed bridge system

The cable-stayed system is, without exaggeration, the basis of the bridge. It is she who takes on the main static and dynamic loads; without it, the existence of the bridge is simply not possible. For a bridge to be strong, the cable stays must be maximally protected from the effects of natural elements and other adverse factors.

The massive structure of the bridge across the Eastern Bosvor Strait is held in place by 168 cables ranging in length from 135 to 579 m.

During the construction of the bridge, cables manufactured by the French company Freyssinet were used. As the manufacturers note, all the cables were manufactured in factories that passed the strictest selection and were approved by Freyssinet specialists.

They have the highest levels of endurance, strength, and corrosion resistance, which, according to experts, ensured a design service life of at least 100 years. The structure is capable of withstanding a tensile load equal to 1850 MPa.

To secure the central span of the bridge structure, an improved “compact” PSS system was used, which has a more dense placement of strands in the shell. Due to the fact that the compact configuration of the cables has a shell of smaller diameter, it was possible to reduce the wind load on the bridge by 25-30%. In addition, this technology made it possible to reduce by a third the cost of materials for the construction of foundations, stiffening beams and pylons.

The cables consist of parallel, individually protected strands, the number of which varies from 13 to 85

Its strength depends on how strong the protective shell of the cable is. For the new bridge, a shell made of high-density polyethylene was used, which has the following extremely important properties:

  • resistance to temperatures from -40°C to +40°C;
  • resistance to the negative effects of solar ultraviolet rays.

PSS cables contain parallel strands with a diameter of 15.7 mm, each of which includes 7 galvanized wires. In total, each cable contains from 13 to 85 strands (strands).

In addition, the installed cables have a vibration damping system, which allows them to stabilize the structure in strong winds.

The cable stays were attached to the pylons after strengthening the foundation and was carried out at a height of 189 m. Modern technology was also used here, which made it possible to significantly speed up the construction - concreting the pylon body and installing the cable-stayed pairs were carried out simultaneously.

Installation of the central span

In the world at the moment there are only three cable-stayed bridges with a span of more than 1000 meters. In addition to the Far Eastern Bridge, this list also includes: the Sutong Bridge in China (span length 1080 m) and the Stonecutter Bridge in Hong Kong (1018 m).

The bridge to Russky Island, thanks to the world's longest cable-stayed span of 1104 meters, has already become a record holder and entered the history of world bridge construction. Of course, this was quite difficult to do, since the strong wind in this area puts a lot of stress on the frame and the span itself. Engineers managed to develop a special design of the span with a special aerodynamic section, which reduces the load from squally winds.

The central stiffening beam is a single, all-metal box that has an upper and lower plate, as well as a system of transverse beams and diaphragms. Note that the total weight of the central bridge span structure was about 23 thousand tons.

In order to determine the optimal cross-section configuration, additional aerodynamic calculations were carried out at the detailed design stage, which were then optimized as part of the processing of a large-scale experimental model.

The installation of the central span required precision and quality from the builders. High-strength assembly joints were used to join the vertical walls of the blocks, transverse beams, longitudinal ribs and diaphragms.

The panels were delivered to the installation site by barges and then lifted by crane to a height of 70 meters

The large prefabricated sections required for the installation of the central span of the bridge were delivered to the assembly site on barges and then lifted by a tower crane to a 76-meter height, where the multi-ton elements were connected to each other and the cables were attached to them.

Among the record holders, but not the main winner

Our bridge rightfully tops the list of cable-stayed bridges with the longest cable-stayed span. Russian specialists managed to build an impressive structure, but we have not yet succeeded in becoming a leader in length and height among bridges of a similar type.

The longest cable-stayed bridge in the world is still located in China. The length of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge in the East China Sea is about 36 km, which is almost 18 times longer than the new Far East Bridge. Its construction cost China $1.4 billion.

The longest bridge in the world Hangzhou Bay

This bridge connects Shanghai and small town Ningbo in Zhejiang Province. It took almost 4 years to build it, and it was opened to traffic on May 1, 2008. The bridge is quite wide, 6 lanes, 3 in each direction.

The bridge is located in an area with difficult climatic conditions, there are often typhoons, storms and squally winds. Because of this, the bridge structure was specially strengthened and a special composition of concrete and steel was used for construction, which is resistant to typhoons.

The Hangzhou Bridge has a special shape: it is built in the shape of the letter “S”. The main reason for choosing such an unusual design is the desire to make the bridge as resistant to strong tidal waves as possible.

The highest cable-stayed bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct Bridge, which is built at an altitude of 270 meters. This amazingly beautiful structure is located in the south of France and connects Paris with Barcelona, ​​passing through a wide gorge above the Tarn River.

The Millau Viaduct (le Viaduc de Millau) is a cable-stayed road bridge crossing the Tarn River valley near the city of Millau in southern France.

The Millau Viaduct Bridge was opened to cars in December 2004, and its construction cost private investors almost 400 million euros.

The bridge has 7 cable-stayed columns, which are located at a distance of 350 meters from each other. The height of the structure (the highest support) is 343 meters, and the length is almost 2.5 kilometers.


The president, in one of his interviews, called the bridge to Russky Island “a new symbol of Russia.” It's hard to disagree with him. Our engineers have something to be proud of. The new cable-stayed bridge built in Vladivostok is not just a modern engineering structure, it is a large-scale achievement of domestic scientists and builders.

By building this bridge, Russia actually proved to the entire world community that it can independently implement large and complex projects from an engineering point of view. After all, all stages of the project from the design stage to construction were carried out entirely by Russian specialists.

The commissioning of this bridge is also important from both economic and social points of view. Since it opens up new opportunities for the development of both Vladivostok and the entire Far Eastern region.

I would like to hope that this is not the last project of this scale for Russia.

Anna Belova,