Calendar low prices for air tickets can be compiled by conducting an independent analysis of online offers, which are based on airline data. Many Internet search engines can provide indispensable assistance with this. Or you can do it easier and faster...

To find cheap deals, we recommend using our calendar of low prices for air tickets.

This form is very easy to use! Select your flight destination and find out when air tickets are cheaper!

ATTENTION! During the search process, the price of an air ticket may vary slightly, since the cost of air tickets changes constantly.

Sometimes there is a desire to go somewhere using air transport, to relax, or there are plans to fly to a certain country on business on a certain date, or maybe they are sent on a business trip for work, but everything stops at the allocated budget for the trip. In such a situation, you can use a service called the “low price calendar”, which is provided on the website where you can immediately purchase a plane ticket without leaving your home computer. An important factor is that this can be done at any time of the day and at any time. convenient location where there is Internet access. You can get acquainted with the prices for air tickets either several months before the planned trip or several days, or even hours.

Thanks to such a convenient service, planning a trip will be much easier, especially when the exact date of the flight is not yet known. You can easily get acquainted with the prices for each month on the desired route or for each day of the desired month in order to choose the flight with an acceptable cost of flight that is most suitable. If the trip is planned in a few months, then by selecting the desired date in the calendar, you can connect to the newsletter so that you can find out about possible promotions for the date of interest.

How to use the low price calendar?

There is nothing complicated about this, just a few clicks and the result will be displayed on your computer monitor, tablet or other mobile device. First, you will need to select the departure city and the airport that is most convenient for boarding the selected flight. Next, indicate the place where you plan to fly air transport. The cheapest months of flight will immediately be indicated on the calendar; those that are sold at the lowest prices in this direction will be marked in green. If the exact month of departure is known, you can click on it and see the prices by date, which are also the cheapest. prices are marked in green and having already decided on the date and price, click on the desired number and select the most convenient option from the list that appears.

When planning a one-way trip, you will need to select this item in the low price calendar form so that prices are shown only for flights in one direction. If you plan to purchase round-trip tickets, you will naturally need to select this item in the form you fill out. Also, when searching for cheap tickets, you can indicate which flight you are interested in. If you need only direct flights, then check the box in front of the required inscription, and when it is not so much a direct flight or a flight with several transfers, then this field can be left untouched. Depending on the completed calendar form, those flights that fit the list of interest will be indicated.

If the decision on a vacation spot has not yet been made, and the whole matter depends on the amount allocated for these purposes, then here you can look at the prices and compare them to the best interesting places any corner of the planet that you would most like to visit. To do this, indicate the place from where the flight will take place and where, and in the window that opens with a list of available flights for the desired date, you can easily compare the offered prices and other information of interest, for example, flight time, which airline serves this flight. All information about the search is saved and indicated under the search form in a new window, where a list of possible flights is offered, so by choosing more suitable cities to visit, you can click on the desired direction, which was considered earlier, and compare the cost of air tickets with other destinations indicated later and based on from the prices, choose a flight to the city that is most suitable for the price category of the allotted travel budget.

Another convenience is that in the list of air tickets on sale that appears, you can easily choose what time of day is best to fly, which airline to use, or how many transfers to choose. It is possible to compare the services offered various airlines, which serve the selected route.

Download the free flight search app now!

Best prices in the app.
Tickets are always at hand!

After fully familiarizing yourself with the prices and making a decision to purchase a specific air ticket, you can click the buy button and begin purchasing or reserving a seat on the plane. If the choice has not yet been determined, this can be done at another time by simply going to the website where they provide air ticket booking services and selecting the easy-to-use “Low Price Calendar” service. It is worth remembering that if you have not booked a suitable air ticket in advance, you may no longer find a cheap option for the desired date, since many people want to save on their trip and, naturally, try to purchase just such low-priced ticket offers.

The “site” does not sell air tickets, but makes a significant contribution to the purchase of inexpensive tickets. This resource finds the best option for passengers, and they themselves choose where to buy a ticket. The purchase is carried out directly on the official website of the partner company, which posted the offer you liked.

The “site” does not charge any commissions, does not set any markups and does not take any remuneration from its Internet users.

Agencies pay such companies to attract customers to their official websites by compiling a calendar of cheap airfare prices. The “site” simply shows customers who has the best deals, so the passenger does not overpay for his ticket.

Our low airfare calendar is a powerful tool for searching for airfare to all destinations.

Our service has a huge selection of routes, discounts, promotions and special offers, with the help of which it is easy to create a calendar of cheap prices for air tickets. The company's obligations include regular search and comparison of prices from multiple online sources, taking into account promotions and regular tempting special offers from airlines. Thanks to direct connections with airlines and agencies, new discounts and fares instantly appear on the website. Companies such as “site”, thanks to their correct attitude to work, value the trust of clients and understand that their reputation depends, among other things, on the reliability of their partners. The “site” works exclusively with trusted companies, as a result of which it recommends traveling around the world only with them.

Progress does not stand still and almost every year developers of various programs for airlines come up with more and more new technologies that make life easier for travelers and save their money. One of these applications is a calendar of low prices for air tickets, which allows you to see the most profitable ticket options by month in a specific direction.

Low price calendar for air tickets is the best solution!

Using such a calendar is very simple, just enter the point of departure and destination, select the option “only there” or “there and back” and click the search button. In some versions of the program, it is possible to search only for direct flights, which is very convenient for those who do not want to spend extra time searching for options with transfers. In addition, you can select the required currency, since the application shows not only flights within Russia, but also around the world.

After entering the data, the system will provide you with the cheapest tickets in the selected direction for all months. By selecting the appropriate one and clicking on it, you will open another window where the calendar of the month you selected will appear by day.

Select the day you need, click on it again with the mouse, and after a short wait the computer shows you all the available options. Each flight from the list is supplemented with information about the flight time, the selected airline, the date and time of departure and arrival.

Agree, this is very convenient, because once you find what suits you, you can immediately pay for the ticket with a bank card. Through this calendar it is very convenient to book tickets both several months in advance and the next day. With a large number of options to choose from, you will definitely find the one that suits you best. If you have certain preferences regarding the carrier company or you want to use up the accumulated bonus miles, then you will probably find the option you need in the list provided.

If you choose options with transfers, then simply uncheck the box next to “direct flights only” and the calendar system itself will build a route with transfers, taking into account the data you entered. This is very convenient, since you do not need to select suitable flights yourself and spend an extra few hours doing this. As you can see, the low airfare calendar is really very useful for all those who do not want to overpay for tickets, but want to travel around the world.

Airfare prices change throughout the month.

Airfare price trends are a handy tool for tracking the best airfare prices in a given month. It allows you to find the best air tickets in any direction and decide when exactly is the best time to book a ticket.

How to use the tool:

Did you know

    how to buy a plane ticket without leaving home?

    On the website, indicate the route, travel dates and number of passengers in the required fields.

    The system will select suitable options from offers from several hundred airlines.

    From the list, select the flight that suits you.

    Enter your personal information - it is required to issue tickets. transmits them only via a secure channel.

    Pay for tickets with a bank card.

    how to pay for an air ticket when purchasing online?

    The fastest and most convenient way to pay for a ticket on the website is with a bank card.

    We accept cards of all types of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard - debit, credit, virtual (for example, QIWI Visa Virtual).

    Why can you safely enter your bank card details on the website?

    Data entry takes place on secure pages. We do not store any information about bank cards, we just transfer them to the bank for payment.

    The entire process occurs automatically, without human intervention.

    Data is transmitted over a secure (encrypted) channel.

    We guarantee that no information will be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than issuing tickets.

    What does an e-ticket look like and where can I get it?

    After payment, a new entry appears in the airline’s database - this is an electronic ticket. Now all information about your flight will be stored by the carrier airline.

    Electronic plane tickets are not issued in paper form and cannot be viewed.

    You can see, print and take with you to the airport not the ticket itself, but route receipt. It contains your ticket number and all the information about your flight. We will send a receipt by email.

    An itinerary receipt will not be needed when checking in for a flight - all information is stored in the computer and at the airport you will only need a passport.

    How to get on a plane using an electronic ticket?

    An electronic plane ticket is an official document confirming the conclusion of an air transportation agreement.

    To use your ticket, you only need to arrive at the airport on time and check in.

    To register you will need:

    • identification document specified in the order;
    • birth certificate (when flying with children).

    The itinerary receipt is not a mandatory document when registering. However, recommends printing out the receipt and taking it with you.

    It may be needed for passport control abroad, as confirmation that you have a return ticket or that you are continuing on your route.

    how to return a plane ticket?

Airplane tickets are the most expensive part of any trip. Is this why the Internet is filled with all sorts of “life hacks” telling how to buy cheap air tickets?

Unfortunately, most of the tips either don’t work at all or provide meager savings that are incommensurate with the hours, or even days, spent on the search. This happens because the decisive role in the cost of a ticket is played by the season, the time remaining before departure, and the degree of occupancy of the flight. The rest - clean water lottery.

And if previously it took a long time, sometimes weeks, to “catch” the coveted ticket, now it has become much easier. Online help us buy air tickets cheaply and quickly low price calendar from company Aviasales. You can start searching right away, or read to the end and learn how to use it with maximum efficiency.

For those who don’t know, is a popular search aggregator that searches for cheap air tickets online for 728 airlines. In some ways it is better than other search engines, in some ways it is perhaps worse. However, it has a “trick”, thanks to which many tourists prefer it Aviasales, — a calendar of low prices for air tickets.

First of all, this tool will be useful for those who have not yet decided on a travel date and are ready to adjust it to a successfully found plane ticket. The calendar covers no less than a year from the date of the search. That is, you can see which of the next 364 days has the lowest prices for the destination you need.

Search for air tickets in the low price calendar

Having gone to the page we need on the website, we see an intuitive search window.

Having indicated the departure city, we come across the first hint on how to use the calendar of low prices for air tickets. Please note that in the “City/Country of Destination” field the default value is not the banal “Specify airport”, but “Any country”. This is no coincidence.

Let's say you have a certain amount of money and a desire to fly somewhere, either in the summer or right now. Where - it's deep purple for you, in any direction where there are cheap plane tickets. Select the dates you want, click “Show prices” and voila! Here is a whole list of ideas for budget vacation.

A more common option is that we know where and when (at least approximately) we want to go. We just need cheap online, using the low price calendar. In this case, you should indicate the city, and better country appointments. The “broader” the search parameters, the more complete the result. And we will always have time to clarify. Please note that you can search for both round-trip and one-way tickets.

For example, we have a desire to visit Bulgaria. We indicate the country and immediately receive the next hint. Near some months the letter “i” appears with information about interesting events occurring during this period. We take note and mark the months manually, or select the time of year. also allows you to search for air tickets in the low-price calendar by exact dates. This is not a measly +/- 3 days, like most other search engines. Let's say you have the opportunity to fly only on weekends. Instead of checking each weekend individually, you simply mark all applicable dates. This is just an example of how easy it is to plan a “weekend tour”. In general, the capabilities of this tool are limited only by your imagination.

Having decided on the dates, all we have to do is choose the duration of the vacation. This is the period of time in which the calendar will search for us the lowest prices for round-trip air tickets. Again, the larger the range, the higher the chances of finding “delicious” offers. Perhaps by moving your planned vacation just a couple of days, you can save a lot on tickets.

Low Price Calendar: Selection of Cheap Air Tickets

Having played enough with all the available search parameters, let’s click on the “Show prices” button. The first thing we see is another hint, a graph of plane ticket prices by month. By hovering the cursor over it, we see the dynamics of price changes throughout the year, and we are convinced that the period we chose turned out to be very successful for traveling to Bulgaria.

Green The dates for which you can buy the cheapest air ticket are marked, which makes the online low-price calendar even more convenient. You can go directly to the appropriate option, or use the filters in the right column.

  • The cheapest, perhaps, needs no explanation. These are air tickets at the lowest price.
  • Fast flights- for those who value time more than money. Here are the flights with the minimum travel time. As a rule, these are non-stop air tickets, which by definition cannot be cheap.
  • Long vacation— a selection of plane tickets with a maximum interval between arrival and departure.

Next, you can change the previously specified duration of vacation, which will lead to a change in the cost of tickets online. Also, the calendar of cheap air tickets allows you to set the minimum and maximum prices, select to display only non-stop flights in the results, and change the currency.

Having chosen the date carefully suggested to us, we will see the three most cheap air tickets for this number.

Opposite the price is the date when the ticket was added to the system. The less time has passed since it was added, the greater the chance that it has not yet been purchased. By clicking on the arrow, you can expand more detailed information about each of the options: departure time, airline, flight duration...

After making sure that the air ticket suits us, we take out a credit card and click on the “Buy” button. A few seconds of waiting, and unexpected severe disappointment.

Low price calendar: how not to miss the cheapest air ticket

How so? After all, the ticket was added just an hour ago! That's exactly it, unfortunately. While you and I were looking at the details and taking screenshots, someone more agile stole our flight from under our noses. Calendar of low prices from is extremely popular, and we are not the only ones sitting online trying to buy a cheap air ticket. Perhaps it's worth dwelling on this point a little. The calendar is compiled based on the search results received by users Aviasales in the last 48 hours. To make it clearer, let's take our case. About an hour before us, someone X I was looking for a very specific flight, Moscow - Burgas, on a specific date. The system gave him “our” air ticket and, if someone X I didn’t buy it or there were several tickets, then I automatically added them to the low price calendar.

Since the difference with neighboring dates was about 1000 rubles, it is not surprising that these particular tickets were sold out in just an hour. Especially considering that May 14 is a Saturday, when flights are more expensive than on weekdays.

Notice how assesses the relevance of a particular offer online. If cheap air ticket appeared recently (usually no more than 2-3 hours ago, depending on the popularity of the destination), then opposite it there will be the treasured “Buy” button. Literally a few hours later it is replaced by another button, “Find”. This means that the information may be out of date and if we click on the link, we will most likely see a higher price.

There are exceptions. For example, one of the air tickets found at our request, Moscow - Varna, was added 2 days ago with a price of 14,687 rubles.

By clicking “Find” we see that the ticket is still available. Moreover, it costs even a little less, 14,413 rubles.

I have been flying for more than ten years, 10-15 times a year.

I spend more than 150 thousand rubles a year on flights, but I would like to spend less.

I figured out what the price of an air ticket depends on. It turned out that there is little benefit, but you can still save on the flight.

Sergey Korol

spends a lot on air tickets

What does the ticket cost consist of?

The ticket consists of the fare, fees and additional seller options. You can't influence the rate and fees, but you can save on seller options.

Rate. This is the cost of a ticket for the airline - for this money it is ready to take you to your destination. The tariff does not depend either on the departure time or on the occupancy of the aircraft. Even if one passenger flies on board, he will pay for the ticket according to the tariff. Airlines change fares, but not often - usually once a season.

If you decide not to fly, the fare will be refunded, either in full or with a fine. Aeroflot's fine for flights within Russia is from 1500 to 2500 RUR, for foreign flights - 50-100 € (3647 -7294 RUR). Other airlines have similar rules.

There are also promotional tariffs, they are the cheapest. But such a ticket cannot be returned or returned; luggage and seat selection on board will be for an additional fee. Low-cost airlines have all promotional rates.

Fees. Additional payments are transferred to the fees: taxes, airport service fees, state taxes and fees, etc. Airline fees also include part of the cost of the flight, such as fuel charges.

Fees depend on the country and airport of departure, as well as on the exchange rate: airlines pay for kerosene in dollars.

Strange fees

In Australia, all passengers pay $42 (1944 RUR) for departure from the country. In the Netherlands - 42 € (3064 R) environmental tax. For a flight from the Bahamas and back you will have to pay an additional $140 (9063 RUR) in taxes.

In the USA, airlines pay fees of 7.5% of the cost of each ticket plus $4 (259 R) for each passenger for takeoff ($8.7 (563 R) for takeoff from Hawaii or Alaska) and $5.6 (363 R) security fee. For international flights, fees increase: 5.5 $ (356 R) for customs duty, 11 $ (712 R) for foreign flights, 5 $ (324 R) for the veterinary control service.

If the passenger returns the ticket, the airline will refund all fees, even for promotional fares.

Seller Options. Airline ticketing sites show airline fares and fees and try to make money on their additional services. The sites sell insurance, SMS notifications, rent out hotels and cars, and offer to register for money.

To save on a ticket, turn off all seller options. Be especially careful when buying a ticket on the website of low-cost airlines: EasyJet, Air Berlin, Rainair, Wizz Air. Low-cost airlines are not shy about including options in the ticket price without asking.

How to buy a ticket more profitably

Travelers have stories about when it is cheapest to buy tickets. Some say that you need to buy it six months in advance, others advise buying it right before departure. In fact, no one knows the best time to buy. The airlines probably know, but they don’t tell us: it’s profitable for them to sell unprofitable tickets.

The American payment company Akorp studied 144 million ticket prices in 2011 and found that it is most profitable to buy a ticket 6 weeks before departure. In Russia in 2017, everything may be different. But there are a couple of simple rules.

Fly on weekdays. I have noticed that tickets on the weekend are usually more expensive than during the week.

If you need to fly on specific dates, you won't be able to save money. But if you are just planning a trip, study the ticket prices in the coming days to the expected departure time. Look in the “Price Dynamics” sections on airline ticket websites.

In winter we flew to Sri Lanka. At first they wanted to return on Sunday. But then we saw that on Tuesday the ticket was 15,000 RUR cheaper. For this money we rented a large villa and rested on the island for two more days.

Subscribe to price changes. Ticket sites offer to sign up for price changes by mail. Once a day they will send you letters “The ticket has become cheaper” or “The ticket has become more expensive”.

A subscription is useful if you are going to fly cheaper, but when is not important. View prices and wait good option. The price may drop due to a sale or special offer airlines. You will see this in the newsletter and buy a ticket.

Pay for your ticket with a credit card. I usually buy tickets in advance and pay for them credit card. This is convenient if you need to buy a ticket for 70,000 R, I can’t spend that kind of money now. Over the course of a month, I gradually return the funds to the card - as if I bought a ticket in installments.

There is an opinion on the Internet that it is cheapest to buy air tickets on certain days of the week, and even at certain hours. It is believed that, for example, the most good time to buy air tickets - midnight on Wednesday, since that is when you have the best chance of getting the best fares and special offers that remain unsold from the weekend. At the same time, the weekends themselves are considered not the best time to buy....

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