Bali is, of course, the island of the gods. Crowds of tourists flock to it every year. Including domestic ones, including those with children. And yet Bali is not the case when you can rely on chance. There is something to think about in advance. For those who are ready to travel with the whole family to the southern hemisphere, here are some tips from Ksenia Chesnokova, an experienced traveler and mother of Alisa and Grisha, four and two years old.

I spent about two months in Bali, rented a house, cooked food, went to cafes, entertained the children, and enjoyed the beauty of the island. First and foremost for parents with children: they don’t come here to swim. Maybe just lie on the beach, but also look for shady beaches. If you buy a tour and go "all ready", you should choose the Nusa Dua area. Here is the kingdom of multi-star hotels, clean sand, trees with spreading crowns and a sea relatively suitable for swimming (although a certain amount of algae and waves seem to whisper “why aren’t you lying on Thai sand?”). And it's expensive.

In general, Bali is huge waves cut by surfers, these are volcanoes, these are bright boats on black sand, poisonous green rice terraces, “multi-story” pagodas of temples, these are incredible trays and handmade furniture, these are scooters flying in all directions, like flies. This bright holidays and people who know how and are ready to find a common language with any child they come across.

What you shouldn’t be surprised by: the presence of decent traffic jams, the density of development in the southern part of the island and the number of Russian people (as if in Sochi, honestly).

Why then go to Bali with a child? I wouldn't go there for the sake of the child. But I easily took my children with me when I wanted to go to Bali myself. It's warm, sandy, fresh fruit and seafood. There are many tourists and expats on the island, so international schools and enrichment activities are plentiful. As well as Parmesan, bacon, French loaves and other products that are not typical for Asia, but sometimes so passionately desired. A large selection of private housing for reasonable money - here Bali will give odds to any other Asian country.

Seasonality, however, is not very convenient for us: in winter you can’t escape for warmth - it’s rainy season here until March. And it really rains - not all the time, but often and a lot. In addition, they provoke the appearance of mold on the walls, which can be combated with the help of chemicals and a housekeeper, but which still does not make life more fun and, penetrating into drawers, spoils things (upon arrival it is better to immediately remove the doors from the cabinets so that everything was ventilated). But in the spring it’s beautiful in Bali - it’s time to eat Russian vitamin deficiency with durian. It's not bad here in summer either.

Best places

If you arrive for a couple of weeks, you can stay at hotel room. But for a period of more than three weeks, it makes sense to rent a house - the price will be almost the same. The good thing about your own home is its impressive size, the presence of a kitchen, and the ability to find inexpensive housekeepers.

If the main thing is swimming in the sea, then you can stop:

  • in the north in Lovina (far from “life”, but there are shops and some necessary infrastructure, hotels right on the beach);
  • in the east in Amed or Tulamben (pebble beach, the infrastructure is tight, but you can snorkel with fish),
  • in Padang Bai or Sanur. These areas are located in the port area, here you can rent a house or stay in a hotel. Far from noisy nightlife Kuta and Bukit surf beaches, but many tourists with children stop here.
  • north of Kuta are the more expensive and quiet areas of Legian and Seminyak. True, it is quite crowded here. If you dream of a deserted island paradise, the density of buildings will be unpleasantly surprising.
  • located south of Kuta small peninsula Bukit. There is a slightly rustic atmosphere here: it’s quiet, there are almost no traffic jams, the amount of greenery and other nature after Kuta is very pleasing. The beaches here are different - five-star Nusa Dua, Padang Padang with its monkeys, Jimbaran with fish restaurants, wide Balangan, which at low tide forms “baths” convenient for children to play with, and is located almost in the Uluwatu cave.
  • Ubud is cool, there is a monkey forest, houses with huge terraces and views of the rice fields, villages with artisans. Everything is fine, but Ubud is located in the center of the island - far from the sea.

Searching for a home

Housing can be found in advance via the Internet, which means an overpayment of $200-300 per month to the agent. Or already on site - take a taxi driver or a scooter and go look for signs for rent, interview locals, find out in shops. In 2-3 days it is quite possible to find a good house with two bedrooms, air conditioning and hot water for $400-600 per month.

When concluding a lease agreement, you need to clarify and note several points:

  • are “utilities” included in the total price (water and electricity separately will cost about $30 per month),
  • what's wrong with the Internet (most likely nothing, but suddenly),
  • availability of the necessary furniture, plumbing fixtures and utensils - and what of these you can ask from the owner (they brought me knives, bought a water cooler),
  • Do all bedrooms have air conditioning, do all bathrooms have air conditioning? hot water,
  • is there a spare set of bed linen,
  • the size of the living room and surrounding area (children need somewhere to play),
  • if you have a pool, the frequency of cleaning and maintenance (if you do nothing, they bloom terribly),
  • the presence of cabinets and shelves around the house (things need to be laid out).

Having acquired a house, you can immediately ask the landlord or one of the neighbors to find you a housekeeper. In conditions of humidity and an abundance of ants, its presence will endlessly make life easier. Cleaning once a day will cost about $60 per month, constant presence and child care with one day off per week - approximately $110-150 per month.


Of course, you can survive in Bali without personal transport: live near the beach and hire a taxi for long trips. But if you know how to drive at least something, your own wheels will improve your life significantly.

Firstly, this means that you can find housing not by the sea - that is, much more comfortable, spacious and cheaper, without overpaying for the “first line”.

Secondly, you will be completely free to move around without having to pay extra for them every time - whether it’s to go to a water park or look for a new cafe for dinner.

Thirdly, renting transport in Bali is very cheap. A scooter for a month will cost from $55, a car - from $200. With a child, it is more logical to take a car: it is comfortable to sleep in, you can hide from the rain, and it is safer.

However, traffic on the island is heavy and quite chaotic. If you have already had driving experience in Vietnam, you can imagine what it's like. If you often drive a car in Moscow, in general, too. In other cases, mastering the features of driving in Bali is quite possible, but do it gradually and carefully.

If you want to drive around the island (and there is a lot to see in Bali), you can hire a driver with a car or rent a car for a couple of days. It will, of course, be calmer with a driver. But there are many advantages to being independent. When you hire a driver, you won't be able to avoid visiting his friend's shop or eating with a crowd of tourists where your "guide" will receive a commission. And how can you refuse if they tell you that it’s not tasty here, it’s not interesting, and to the right begins a godforsaken village. But just wandering through the village streets, you can see the funniest scenes and the most sincere smiles.


A hotel may have Wi-Fi, but a house will most likely have nothing. But no matter what Internet you get, it will be very, very slow - just like in your “modem” youth. If you suddenly plan to work in Bali, remember this.

The two most popular options: activate an unlimited package of −11$ per month on your own SIM card, or buy a modem from the Indonesian operator Smartfren ($22 with SIM card) and activate an unlimited package for $10 per month.


There are laundries all over the island, just look for the Laundry signs. Some are ready to pick up things from your home and bring them washed. Good price- half a dollar (5000 rupees) per kilogram. It’s better to try a specific laundry service on clothes that you don’t mind: unfortunately, things can get damaged and lost here.


The cuisine in Indonesia is not very varied and not very tasty, after Vietnam it can be quite dreary. But there are plenty of pizzerias, steak houses and McDonald's for the nostalgic. From local cuisine Children usually like soto ayam - chicken noodle soup. In a simple cafe you can always get nasi goreng (fried rice with vegetables and sometimes meat) for one and a half to two dollars. From these 15,000 rupees the countdown begins - then there will be crabs for $5.5 in a Chinese cafe, and lobsters for $50 where Russians are expected. Without my husband, my two children and I spent $5-10 per trip to a cafe. With my husband, the figure increased sharply and approached $20 (yes, men sometimes love grandeur and are not ready to save on themselves).

With the ability to cook at home, you'll probably take advantage of it at some point. In Bali there are large supermarkets (Carrefour in Kuta, for example), there are smaller ones - the Nirmala or Pepito chains (the latter has a particularly large selection of European goods), there are very “mini” markets (which are still similar to a supermarket, such as Circle K, Minimarket , Indomaret, but they are a little expensive). And there are local stores - and to find them, you need to look carefully. But the products there are the same, and cheaper. And there is more choice. Eggs - $1.5, milk - the same, a bag of coffee - $1, bacon - about three. Already a good breakfast for a couple of days. Add fruit, fresh rolls for 30 cents, and the morning will seem joyful even in the rain. Fruits and vegetables are often sold in separate stalls. A bag with watermelon, large papaya, bananas and pineapple will cost about $5.

If it is more convenient to buy food in local stores, then with clothes everything is more complicated. You can still find baby clothes - they will be cute and very cheap. But for adults it’s worth going to Kuta. In general, in Bali you can easily buy almost anything. There are a lot of children's toys here: both cheap, ugly ones, and expensive, high-quality ones. And at the same time, they are cheap and not bad. There are cars, bicycles, swings and slides in the yard. There are any accessories for swimming, there is everything for drawing and various puzzles, but there are no watercolors - paints are only in tubes.


There are large clinics in Bali, including in Kuta (BIMC, International SOS) and Jimbaran (Kasih Ibu). Be sure to take out insurance before your trip; it won’t cost much, but in the future you won’t have to wonder whether it’s worth paying for a doctor’s visit or whether it will “go away on its own.”

In general, children in Bali get sick, this must be admitted. During our stay on the island, both the children of the people living there permanently and mine were sick. The temperature was rising, there was diarrhea, and my friend’s child was vomiting. But these ailments did not last longer than two days and went away on their own. In general, at home my children get sick a little less often, but for a longer period of time.

What creates discomfort is high humidity, at which wounds heal poorly and all sorts of nasty things multiply well. A scratched mosquito bite can turn into something scary looking. At some point, I learned to spray everything with antiseptic solutions.


Having provided yourself with a decent life, you will probably find that sitting at home is boring, children are eager to be with people, and your soul asks for a holiday.

For swimming purposes, of course, it is worth exploring all the surrounding beaches and beaches. Moreover, they need to be inspected both at high tide and at low tide - the situation can vary critically.

In Bali there are small water parks for $5 (near the Nirmala supermarket in the Ungasan area of ​​Bukit, for example). There are more - for $10 (New Kuta Green Park in Dreamland, in the same Bukit). There is also a huge water park at Waterbom in Kuta - just go in the morning, otherwise you won’t have enough time to do everything. It happens that expensive hotels they allow you to use their pools for a fee (for example, Discovery Hotel in Kuta).

If you come for a couple of months, it will be interesting to take your child to developmental classes. They, of course, will be in English, but this is often not so important for children, and at the same time they will be immersed in the language environment. You can also send your child to school - every day for half a day - for about $200 a month.

When the entire island has been explored, you can quickly fly somewhere else. There are generally many airlines in Indonesia, but the cheapest tickets are usually from Airasia and Lionair, and the most comfortable ones are on Garuda planes. If you look through the promotions and think about everything in advance, you can fly to Kuala Lumpur for $20, to Java for $15-20, and fly to Lombok for $40 in business class, for example.

What did we do in Bali?

They just lived. We had breakfast, went to dig sand at the beach, and sometimes went swimming. We visited friends, had dinner in a cafe, and watched sunsets. We went to the pool - children very quickly learn not to be afraid of water, to swim, to dive. They bought fish at the market, asked them to cook it in a cafe and ate it at home. We went out to travel around the island by car several times. We took a boat to the neighboring Gili Islands - there the sea is quieter and you can see fish.

Two-year-old Grishka loved the waves and learned the words “crab”, “mosquito” and “ant” well. Four-year-old Alice demanded a pool every day, easily swimming 25 meters without any floating devices. The kids went crazy for the local roasted corn (half a dollar), drank endless amounts of fresh watermelon juice, and learned to play together and with Indonesian children (lack of language was no obstacle). My husband, who arrived for three weeks, tried to go surfing. At the same time, children also rode the same surf - closer to the shore, sitting on horseback.

Total: if you want paradise beaches and swimming, you don’t need to go to Bali. But if you want to live comfortably in a warm climate, the island is very suitable: there are large inexpensive houses, cheap housekeepers and nannies. Bali is small, and this compact area has everything you need for quality and have an interesting holiday- infrastructure, nature, and exotica.

Despite the fact that Bali is one of the world's most popular resorts, there is a lot of controversy about holidays here with children. Some try not to bother with this issue at all, pack their bags and go on a trip, others carefully plan their trip, trying to take into account all foreseen and unforeseen circumstances. Let's try to figure out whether Bali is generally suitable for children's holidays and, if so, which areas should be preferred.

Visit paradise island with a child has a number of advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  1. Vitamins. Bali offers a huge variety of fruits that are ready to saturate the growing body with all the beneficial vitamins and minerals. Due to various sanctions, there is no opportunity to try many of them in Russia, therefore, in Bali, in this regard, the soul rests. However, a child should be accustomed to exotic foods with small portions.
  2. Health improvement. Good ecology, clean air, proximity to the ocean help strengthen the immune system. On the island you can forget about the flu, colds and other seasonal diseases.
  3. Development. Being in international groups, the child becomes more relaxed, can learn several new words in English and try different types sports
  4. Lots of entertainment. Regardless of the age of your child, he will definitely not have time to be bored. There are a large number of development centers, schools, attractions, parks on the island, there is a zoo, a dolphinarium, a water park, and this is not the whole list.
  5. Large selection of cafes and restaurants. In Bali you will find dishes from different cuisines of the world, there are vegetarian and raw food establishments.
  6. Availability good hotels. Bali's hotel base includes modest 3-star and comfortable 5-star hotels. Many have playgrounds, children's menu, clubs for kids.


  1. Not every beach on the island is suitable for water procedures. There are often waves near the coast, which is not the best conditions for a child. In general, a beach holiday in Bali should not be the main purpose of the trip, since the island is not ideal in this regard.
  2. Intense traffic, as a rule, the speed does not exceed 40 km per hour, as a result, getting from one place to another can waste a lot of time.
  3. There are a huge number of insects on the island, from which it is often simply impossible to hide, so you have to save yourself with improvised means. And you should definitely install a mosquito net above the crib.
  4. Intestinal infections. You can encounter them not only in Bali, but in all countries South-East Asia. You must strictly observe hygiene and eat only in trusted places.
  5. The language barrier is also a disadvantage, especially if you plan to spend a long time in Bali. At first, it will be difficult for a child to establish contact with his peers, since they will not understand each other (unless this applies to Russian tourists).
  6. Quite a long flight to the island; not all children can sit in one place for a long time.

Best holiday areas

If you still decide to visit Bali with a child, then you should choose a holiday area that will meet all your requirements. The following areas are popular for families with children:


The beach is wide coastline, which is covered with snow-white sand. Five-star hotels with restaurants and swimming pools are concentrated along the coast. Their territory smoothly flows into the coastal zone, as a result of which it is always clean and comfortable. A coral reef along the coast protects the beach from waves, so the sea remains calm almost always. There is a play center in the center of the beach; children from 1 to 6 years old can visit it; children are supervised there by teachers. The best hotels to visit with children are Prama Sanur Beach Bali, Mercure Resort Sanur and Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur.

Nusa Dua

The resort is suitable for a relaxing holiday; there are practically no night entertainment venues, which means that relaxing with children will be as comfortable as possible. The lack of beaches is low and low tide, but if you study the map in advance, you can plan your time for swimming in the sea and not feel any discomfort. Many hotels have children's clubs with various events, there are separate swimming pools. Many restaurants have developed a special children's menu and provide high chairs. The best hotels are Tanadewa Luxury Villas & Spa, Melia Bali, Hilton Bali Resort.


This is one of the most prestigious resorts on an island that is in particular demand among Europeans. It is famous for its first-class sandy beach, quality hotels and excellent restaurants. The infrastructure along the beach line is well developed; there are no high waves at sea, which creates optimal conditions for swimming. The resort has facilities for children from 0 to 12 years old. Among the entertainments, it is worth highlighting El Parque Bali - a complex for family tourists. Among the best hotels– Villa Coco Bali, D’Penjor Seminyak, Gracia Bali Villas, Sarinande Hotel.


This is one of the most beautiful, which is suitable for families with children. Quiet and a nice place, near the coast there are waves on rare occasions. The resort has a strong hotel base, however, many hotels are not suitable for children. When planning a trip with a child, pay attention to the following options - Karma Jimbaran, Kayumanis Jimbaran, Le Meridien Bali, Abi Bali Resort and Villa.


This area is also a good option for family vacation, is especially popular in the low season. The only drawback is the lack of beaches, but there are great opportunities for cultural development. To the number best hotels for children's holidays we can include The Samaya Bali

While vacationing in Bali, you will have the opportunity to find entertainment for a child of any age. Among the most popular places- monkey forest, dolphinarium, bird and reptile park, zoo, elephant show, butterfly garden, skating rink, water park, Botanical Garden. Of course, this is not the entire list. interesting places. For example, you can take an older child with you rafting. The rafting takes place on large rafts under the supervision of instructors, and the emotions received from such entertainment can hardly be compared with anything.

From all of the above, we can confidently say that Bali is suitable for children's holidays. The most important thing is to properly plan the program of your stay on the island and choose a suitable resort.

What are parents afraid of?

First of all, I want to say that there are a lot of prejudices and myths around the topic of vacationing with a child anywhere, and especially in Asia. In particular, I recently came across this comment from a mother on one of the social networks: “Anywhere with a child, just not to Asia! Adults get bullied, and even more so children.”

They are afraid of mothers, acclimatization, insects and reptiles, poisoning, infections and other things. To this I can only say one thing: if you are afraid of everything, it is better to stay at home. You’ll save your nerves and won’t be afraid. Although, to be honest, you are not protected from anything at home either. One of my friends broke her leg while in her own apartment. So don’t program yourself for the bad, think about the good!

I can’t speak for all of Asia, since my child and I have spent the winter only in Bali and Phangan, but here are some myths that I learned about and that I really want to debunk.

Myth No. 1

“People don’t go to Bali to swim, children can only swim in the pool”

During the entire first winter, my daughter never swam in the pool. Well, I just didn’t think it was necessary to bathe a one and a half year old child in chlorinated water when there is real and living water nearby. We live quite far from the ocean, in the village of Ubud. But half an hour away from us is the Sanur district, where there is wonderful beach Sindu beach.

It is very clean and the water is calm because the coast is protected by a coral reef. Children love swimming there! My Hanya is afraid of waves, but she boldly goes into the water herself. I recommend going to the beach at the Inna Hotel Grand Hotel, it’s quiet there, no one pushes their goods and it’s very comfortable.

We also love Karma beachin Bukit. Not only is it clean and suitable for families with children, but it is also incredibly beautiful. Hannah especially appreciated the small pools that formed after low tide. It was like sitting in a jacuzzi. Two minuses: 1) There are 300 steps to go down to it🙈 2)It is necessary to take into account the timing of the tides, because at high tide the beach is almost completely submerged.

The Nusa Dua area is also beautiful. The beaches are clean even during the rainy season, when, for example, Canggu and Kuta turn into a pitiful sight due to the abundance of garbage. And the garbage is brought by the changing current. When the rainy season ended, Kuta and Canggu were transformed! So keep this feature in mind.

If you go to Nusa Dua, pay attention to the beachGeger, it is also protected by a coral reef and the water there is very calm, there are no waves.

So you definitely don’t have to worry about swimming in the ocean here. And if your kids can’t imagine life without splashing in the pool, then at almost any hotel you can negotiate and for a small fee they will let you in even for the whole day.

Myth No. 2

" There is nothing to do in Bali during the rainy season " - say those who know nothing about the rainy season. We arrived a couple of months before the start of the notorious wet season and, frankly speaking, we didn’t notice much difference between dry and wet. The rain collects, pours, pours out and after half an hour it’s nice and warm again Only once the downpour lasted for almost 3 days in a row with short breaks. Agree, you can survive 3 days of rain at a temperature of +25/27😁

Myth No. 3

"I'll save on insurance ".
It seems like going on a trip with a child without health insurance has become truly fashionable. . It would be better if the insurance policy remains unused, but you will know that you can count on qualified assistance if necessary. Especially if you are traveling with a child.

Hania was hospitalized with rotavirus for three days. Naturally, I was with her. Separate room, meals on menu, I’m not even talking about constant monitoring of my daughter’s condition. When we checked out, my neighbor (by the way, a mother of two children) shared her experience. Her daughter caught rotavirus while in Russia, and they were admitted to a general ward, where there were 5 other patients with different infections. As a result, the accompanying adult also caught some kind of infection. So Hania and I were even lucky to bring the rotavirus to Bali.

How and where to choose housing?

For holidays with children, I highly recommend choosing quieter areas. For example, the same

We are Ubud followers. It is green, fresh, calm in terms of safety and the nearest beach is 30 minutes away. Personally, Canggu and Kuta do not seem to me the most suitable for family spending time due to the large crowd of tourists, and, as a result, the abundance of crooks.

However, I know a wonderful couple with a six-month-old baby who adore Canggu, but they did not like our beloved Ubud. Every man to his own taste. It’s good that the island is quite compact and if you don’t like the chosen area for some reason, you can easily move to another.

How we looked for a house

We initially knew that we were going for a long time, while still in Russia. Our search was very simple: we sent requests to Bali groups on all social networks about available houses in the area we were interested in and within our budget.

The answers varied. The most common ones were of the following type: “Are you even in your right mind to look for housing for such pennies?” Apparently, this is how the agents answered us, who are completely uninterested in offering budget options. But we were not upset and continued our search.

As a result, we contacted a girl who lived in Bali at that time (preparing for childbirth), she sent us photos and videos of housing options. She also booked a suitable house, getting a good discount from the owner of the house.

Housing prices

The price range for housing in Bali starts from 10,000 per month for a room in a good guesthouse and goes up to infinity. There are homes to suit every taste and budget. So don’t listen to the agents, their interest is clear: to rent at a higher price in order to get a larger commission.

As a result, we rented a separate one-bedroom house on the territory where there are 9 other houses and rooms for rent, and the Balinese family itself also lives. Our nest is costing us an incredible amount beautiful view for rice terraces, daily cleaning, good internet, electricity and hot water for 20 thousand rubles. Gas for the kitchen is paid separately, drinking water and laundry services. For the same money we rented a one-room apartment in Perm with a view of the neighboring house. As they say, feel the difference.

. You book a hotel for a few days, arrive, take a bike and drive around or walk around the surrounding area, asking the locals the question “House for rent?” This way you will see the house with your own eyes, touch it, and even bargain. By the way, bargaining in Bali is not only possible, but also necessary. Usually, Russians are perceived here as moneybags, and the prices we are told are greatly inflated. So bargain until you go all the way. In the end, the right option will still be found. This doesn't just apply to housing!

Since I have no experience of staying in a hotel with a child, I cannot answer the question of which hotels are considered the best for families with children. I know for sure that many hotels have children's clubs and water parks, and there are babysitting services, so take into account whether the hotel has such activities. Where there are many children of different ages, there are many opportunities for natural stimulation of development.

What to do with a child in Bali?

For me, this issue resolved itself. We moved into the house at night, and when we went out to explore the surroundings in the morning, it turned out that the grandchildren of the owner of the house, aged 2-6 years, lived on the territory. Hannah was delighted!

Periodically, more families with children came, and we had an almost international kindergarten;) In addition, we also lived in a place where geese, ducks, cows, and many hens and roosters graze. Hannah looked at them with interest and fed the animals with her hand. For my daughter, a year and a half of such communication both with other children and with wildlife was enough, in my opinion. We tried to go to the beach two or three times a week. In this large sandbox, the child is always interested.

Bali Zoo and other attractions

We also went to Bali Zoo, which is located next to Ubud. Some people think that it is inferior to the Singapore zoo, but we really liked the Balinese zoo. I especially liked the area where goats, small kangaroos, and deer can be hand-fed! Plus, there is a small children's water park.

Large water parks Waterboom and Greenpark are suitable for older children. They are praised on the forums, but at first it was too early for us to go to such places, and then we were lazy, so we haven’t made up our own opinion about them yet.

Monkey Forest in Ubud is beautiful and dangerous at the same time. Monkeys run on the ground, climb trees, communicate with each other and do not take tourists into account at all. Be very careful because these are quite aggressive animals. But it’s worth taking a walk in the forest, it’s incredibly beautiful there.

We also, to be honest, unknowingly went to Hidden Canyon. It’s good that the baby was fastened in the baby carrier. The adventure is very interesting, but extreme: I still don’t understand how Hanya and I dared to crawl over these boulders and jump from stone to stone. Therefore, I recommend leaving your child with a nanny and going to this place yourself.

Hannah loves to go on rides. Fortunately, there are plenty of them in Ubud and their prices are low. We love the carousels at the children's hypermarket Clandy's. Tokens, translated into our money, cost 5 rubles. Sometimes we go to Macdonald's, but only to a certain one: if it has a children's slide. My daughter loves to crawl there with other babies while my husband and I quietly drink our coffee.

Also, in many areas of Bali, Russian mothers organize meetings where children have fun playing, and mothers have a pleasant conversation. There are kindergartens, both international and Russian.

How are children treated in Bali?

In general, children are very loved in Bali. Hannah never goes unnoticed wherever we are. They take pictures of her, hug her, treat her with goodies, and play with her. At first, this really embarrassed me, because in Russia we are not used to this. But after the first 6 months of being on the island, I am no longer surprised by anything and calmly react to these squeals and squeals of affection;)

I believe that going to Bali for the winter was one of the best decisions in my life. In addition to the fact that my husband and I both dislike the cold, and thanks to wintering we missed the frosts, we also witnessed an incredible leap in our daughter’s development. We arrived at 1.1 and Hanya was walking a little backwards.

In Russia, doctors intimidated me about dysplasia, I was very tense about this. And here she began to walk completely normally, and then run! Communication with foreign children, sounds of nature and the Indonesian language, a lot of movement in a minimum of clothing, swimming in the ocean - all this will leave a positive imprint on your worldview. And it will certainly be remembered by us, parents.

In general, my husband and I have a hard time imagining how we can leave our Hannah to someone and go on an excursion. That's why we carry it with us everywhere. My daughter happily swam in the waterfall, watched the monkeys, and explored the rice terraces with us. And the pleasure from these trips increased, looking at these eyes burning with interest.

I am sure that children are happy where their parents are happy. Yes, perhaps we haven’t climbed volcanoes yet, haven’t gone to clubs or some festivals, but all this is not going anywhere, it can wait. But my daughter doesn’t: she changes every day and these moments are dear to me.

Don’t be afraid to travel with your children, because the world is big and kind!

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Holidays in Bali with children: tips, recommendations from experienced tourists

Traveling around Indonesia is very popular among tourists. Fans of hot summers amid frosty winters prefer the Balinese coast. This island has become a real paradise where you can relax with children, a noisy company, alone or as a couple with your loved one.

Holidays in Bali with children: which beach to choose.

Holidays in Bali with small children.

basis have a nice rest in Bali with small children is the choice of a clean sandy embankment. Despite the fact that the island is surrounded on all sides by two oceans and the sea, it is difficult to choose a decent coastline. Most beaches are ideal for surfing or diving, but not for children.

But the island has some beautiful and cozy beaches, where parents can comfortably stay with their children. And on the southern Bukit peninsula there are embankments perfectly adapted for children's entertainment. The best of them is located in the town of Nusa Dua. Holidays in Bali with children in Nusa Dua can be classified as elite. There is everything here so that adults and children can get a good rest:

  • Spacious tourist complexes equipped with children's playgrounds, swimming pools, play areas and restaurants where you can have a delicious meal with your children. Many Russian-speaking tourists vacation in such places;
  • On the coast of the town of Nusa Dua there is golden sand and no stones. The ocean water is clean and calm, there are no coral reefs that can easily injure people;
  • Luxurious green area. Gardeners carefully trim the bushes and keep the artificial ponds clean.

If you plan to hold holidays in Bali with school-age children, then it is recommended to give preference to a fishing village called Jimbaran. The settlement is located in the southern part of the island. This place is attractive for older kids because there are many children's surfing schools for children. The waves here are small, so training will be safe.

To the beaches big city It is better to go to Kuta with older children. There are playgrounds on the coast and animators work. There are many rental points for boards, special clothing and equipment. Russian-speaking instructors are available to provide children with useful entertainment while parents relax under the shade of a palm tree.

Entertainment for children in Bali

Holidays in Bali with a child.

Hard to imagine holidays in Bali with a child no entertainment. The first thing that comes to mind is excursions. Of course, vacationing in Bali with a one-year-old child makes visiting excursions somewhat more difficult. Therefore, it is easier to leave active exploration of the island for a while or take a walk on your own.

Where to go on holiday in Bali with a child:

  1. The monkey forest is an ideal place for a walk with children. Just don’t take bags and small things with you, the primates quickly drag them away. In the park where monkeys live, you can find many other animals and historical monuments, for example, ancient statues from Hindu mythology;
  2. A luxurious bird park is located near the city of Ubud. This holiday in Bali with a child is difficult to forget. Exotic birds are stunning with the variegated colors of their feathers and their accessibility. Some species of birds can be touched with your hands;
  3. If in Bali the beach for children is already quite boring and you want some variety, then it’s time to visit the water park. In the city of Kut there is a huge water park. There are dozens of different slides, tunnels and pools here. Dreamland has a new aqua zone where you can spend many hours on end. Water parks are a great alternative to beaches for children in Bali;
  4. IN small town Lovina is a dolphinarium. Here you can take a closer look at dolphins and explore their habitat. Nearby there is a small zoo, which displays several species of animals, birds and reptiles;
  5. The Elephant Park is an area for children who are not afraid of the menacing appearance of large animals. Those interested can see a special show in which elephants are the main characters.

If a decision has not yet been made, where is the best place to relax in Bali with children?, then the tips described above will help you make the right choice.

Holidays in Bali with children.

What you need for a long stay on the island

To relax in Bali with a child and get a ton of pleasure from it, you need to think through every detail of your stay on the island:

  • Is there internet in the house?
  • Does the list of required items include furniture, dishes, a refrigerator, an air conditioner, and a drinking water cooler? If something is missing, you can ask the owner of the house for the item;
  • Air conditioners must be installed in every room;
  • The closet should have a set of spare bed linen and bath towels;
  • There should be enough space in the yard for children to play on the lawn.

Do you think where to relax in Bali with a child, then feel free to participate in conversations on forums, find out more information about a particular hotel. You can and should have a full rest in Bali with children. Properly organized space, leisure time, active games, naps and excursions around cities and their environs will provide an amazing vacation for all family members.

An important question regarding washing and nutrition. There should be no questions with the first question, since almost every apartment has automatic boxes installed for performing washing of various types of complexities. And children should add more fruits and vegetables to their diet. Most restaurants serve them free by the slice.

Holidays in Bali with children.

In case of medical assistance, you should contact large city clinics. Before traveling to the island, it is worth paying out an insurance premium, which will allow you to receive treatment for free in Bali.

Have you decided to go to Bali with your child? Confused in the variety of resorts and villages with exotic names and don't know where to relax? We will shed light on this question that seems confusing at first glance.

Features of children's holidays in Bali

Almost every traveler and non-traveler has a strong association of Bali with the delightful island snow-white beaches, straight from advertising brochures travel companies. Yes, a lot of heaven can be found in Bali, but it is inseparable from sloppiness and sometimes squalor.

All the beauty of the island lies in its untouched exotic nature, which can only be found by going deep into the island. And the further you go, the better the landscapes. However, children cannot go without swimming in the sea or ocean.

Really good beaches there are few on the island. And swimming on them does not at all coincide with our usual understanding of this process. Here, most likely, it is like jumping on waves, since most of the time Indian Ocean experiencing hot flashes. So it turns out that whether it is possible to enter the water at all or not depends on the tide schedule. You will have to wait for the moment of the “golden mean”, since at low tide the water completely exposes the shore and there is simply nowhere to swim. But going deeper is dangerous, coral reefs await there.

Best beaches Bali for swimming with children

But it is not all that bad. There are a couple of excellent places that can meet all the requirements of restless parents.

Despite the fact that the most close city to the Bali-Kuta airport, you should immediately dismiss the idea of ​​relaxing in this place. It's loud, dirty and clean with a party profile.

The Kuta beach is almost always dirty

Huge waves are always crashing near the shore, and annoying merchants tire you out with their pestering. Besides, Kuta is favorite place surfers' habitat. And if it’s worth coming here, it’s only for the incredibly fabulous crimson sunsets.

Absolutely all resorts more or less adapted for children are worth looking for on the southern Bukit Peninsula. The most impeccable conditions can offer southern resort Nusa Dua. This is a classic beach holiday with the unspoken mark of “elite”.

Huge tourist complexes are built along the coast. Perhaps the most Russified place in all of Bali.

The resort is one of the few that can boast a quiet coastline, golden sand, pure water and a calm environment. The waves near the shore here are unprecedented. Everything is neat and exquisitely beautiful: from trimmed green lawns to goldfish in artificial ponds. Overall, an ideal place for kids.

If we are talking about vacationing with a school-age child, we can highly recommend the fishing village of Jimbaran, also in the south of Bali. Jimbaran promotes a chic holiday with just a hint of waves, combined with bodyboarding lessons for teenagers.

"Jimbaran" is famous for its children's surf school

It’s a fascinating activity to walk along the beach during low tide, collect intricate shells and watch the sea life scurrying back and forth. Moreover, Jimbaran is very close to the tourist mecca of Kuta.

Uluwatu is a picturesque paradise, of great interest with its grotto. It is “swimming” only during the short hours of low tide, turning into one continuous pool with maximum depth- slightly less than human height.

Mysterious grotto on Uluwata beach

A fascinating sight for children - agile crabs running along the slopes of rocks.

One of the most beautiful beaches Not only Bali, but throughout Indonesia is considered a “Dreamland” not far from Ubud. It fully lives up to its name: a snow-white strip of fine sand and clear azure waters.

Incredibly fabulous lagoon surrounded by majestic rocks. It is better to swim here with children between high and low tides.

"Dreamland" looks like it came straight out of an advertising brochure - azure ocean waters and snow-white sand

If you can rent a car in Bali, be sure to go to Virgin Beach, which is located on the eastern coast of the island near the resort of Candidasa.

"Virgin" beach in Bali is little known among tourists, which is a pity

This is a place unknown to tourists, but especially revered by the Balinese themselves and sophisticated connoisseurs beach holiday. Unity with nature, granulated sugar, clear water and delicious seafood in coastal restaurants.

Hotels or apartments?

There are very few hotels on the very edge of the ocean in Bali. There is a special transfer from some hotels to the beaches.

But the true vacation format for Bali (and quite affordable) is a cozy villa overlooking the ocean.

In addition, it is very convenient: you can cook your own food and create a familiar home atmosphere for your child.

What to see?

Bali is a paradise for a child in terms of interesting excursion programs and entertainment. Two water parks "Waterbom" in Kuta

Waterpark "Waterboom" on the island

And "New Kuta GREENPARK" not far from Dreamland beach. Must visit "Forest of the Monkeys" in Ubud, go to dolphin show in Lovina,

and if there is a desire, then go on a boat to the ocean, where they swim in freedom. The safari park is also interesting "Bali safari marine park",

"Bird Park" in Tamang Burung,

« Elephant Park» in Tarot. A popular excursion to the island. Serangan, where the turtle farm is located.

Both children and adults on the island. Bali will receive a lot of bright and unforgettable emotions