1 day - 07/24/2016

Nevinnomyssk - Arkhyz village - t/s "Lunnaya Polyana" (organization of transportation at the confluence of the Arkhyz and Dukka rivers) - grassy slope on the border of the forest under the lane. Fedoseeva (1A)

At 3.15 in two cars we leave the Nevinnomyssk railway station, go to Cherkessk first to get border passes, then to Lunnaya Polyana. On the way, we registered with the Arkhyz PSO (we were assigned number 325, we discussed the planned route with the duty officer).

The development of the tourism component and the development of infrastructure are in full swing here, with construction all around. At 8.15 we stop between Moonlight Glade and Romantic. T/B "Romantic" has several ski slopes, along which there are operating ski lifts and funiculars (Photo 1).

Photo 1. T/b “Romantic”.

Photo 2. View of the Fedoseev Pass (1A)

From below, across the crest of the Abishir-Ahuba ridge, our first lane is visible. Fedoseev (1A), named after the famous surveyor and writer Grigory Anisimovich Fedoseev (Photo 2).

While the responsible group is organizing a drop-off at the confluence of the Arkhyz and Dukka rivers (left with the guard under the bridge under construction), the remaining team members change their shoes and prepare to leave.

At 8.55 we set out on the route in full force. We deliberately conduct the first running section gently and not intensively, in order to give the guys the opportunity to look around and get used to the unnatural weight behind them after a day and a half of railway idleness.

We organize breakfast at 10.00 (altitude 1717 m). We stand right on an empty ski slope, at the confluence of two streams. On the right side there is a route of an active funicular (“cable car”), music is playing. According to the workers, if you follow the tracks in its direction, the trail to the pass begins from there, so we constantly keep it in mind.

Photo 3. Ski slopes t/b "Romantic"

The ascent on the slopes has a steepness of about 20 degrees, periodically increasing to 30, then leveling out again. Frequent artificial ditches add additional difficulties (Photo 3).

Eat Alternative option the ascent is a dirt road (Photo 4), but workers on Kamaz trucks and construction vehicles often travel along it. But skiing along the ski slopes is more comfortable and is an excellent adaptive training at the beginning of a hike (Photo 5).

We didn’t go up to the cable car station itself, we stayed to the left, came out onto a construction dirt road, and a shepherd’s cat was visible at the top. A shepherd on horseback said that from the final station there is also a road that leads to a drinking stream to a dead end (a pipe stretches along the road), if we climb the path from this stream to the left, we will find parking places and a traversing path to the pass .

At 14.55 we reached the stream and parking areas. We are preparing lunch. Here we set up camp for the night. We carry out reconnaissance: there is a path towards the pass (on the left below the parking lot).

We spent the night above a stream, the sites were excellent, the places were beautiful, just what a beginner needed for the first night in the mountains (Photo 6).

Day 2 - 07/25/2016

Traverse of a grassy slope – a bunch of passes 1A:

lane Fedoseeva (1A) + lane. Agur (1A) – lake 2353 m.

In the morning, the general rise was at 6.00, no one had to be forced, many were already helping the people on duty: they brought water, put on the burners - the opportunity to get up early is an opportunity to see the dawn sun, gray mountains, as if covered with silk.

Due to built up ski slopes and with the ongoing construction of the territory, I don’t see the point in making radial exits and marking time - there’s no pleasure in it. The group is in excellent condition, the guys are increasingly looking towards the pass and are eager to fight. We decide to get closer to the pass.

Departure at 8.00. The trail traverses to the left from the parking lot, but after some time it dissolves into a sieve of goat trails. The movement is carried out at equal time intervals: 40 minutes of travel, 10 minutes of rest. The pace of the group is jagged, tempo leaders immediately emerge, whom the rest begin to chase, while those lagging behind, on the contrary, begin to run out of steam and stretch out faster. Therefore, a quick decision was made to shorten the gaps and shuffle the group members, appointing trail runners and those responsible for finding the trail. Thus, even the most frisky “moose” of the group found a use.

The path that the shepherd spoke about does not lead to the pass itself, but goes as a traverse in its direction (Photo 8). When all hints of the path ended, we decided to storm the grassy slope in a zigzag “head-on”. We set our sights on the stream, at the foot of which we found a clear path marked by tourists (on the left side as you go). The climb up the narrow path is steep, we walked in helmets, in a dense group.

The ascent was made, focusing on the rocks and the stream falling through them (Photo 9). Beyond the stream, the slope flattens out and after some time a pass takeoff appears. The saddle of the pass is quite wide; from a certain angle, the pass tour is even noticeable.

Just before taking off to the pass there is a small open plateau where you can stop for a rest (Photo 10).

There are two clearly visible paths leading to the Fedoseev Pass itself, on the left and on the right, the climb is not difficult, the group overcomes the climb at a free pace and soon basks in the sun, and I take my first pass note - a note from the MSTU tourist club. Bauman dated July 24, 2016 ( see Appendix 1).

From the saddle of the pass you can clearly see Lake Turye, but it is periodically covered in fog. There is a good path on the right leading down to the lake. There is a path on the left, which forks, but eventually converges and leads to the lane. Agur (Photo 12).

We do not remove helmets and trekking poles - the slope is snowy and rocky, quite steep. The snowfield under the Agur pass stretches to the very bottom, so the group was informed about the importance of coordinated actions, and also received a short briefing on the technique of movement and self-restraint with sticks (Photo 14).

Judging by the descriptions of previous reports, the snowfield under the lane. From year to year Agur appears and then completely melts away.

Photo11. Group on the lane. Fedoseeva (1A)

Photo 14. Moving through the snowfield in a dense group

We decide not to waste precious time and clear weather and traverse towards the Agur pass. From the circus, which is located under the pass, you can climb to the saddle, located in the northern part of the fort of the main ridge.

Old traces of the passing group are visible on the snowfield, but the traces are not fresh, which is confirmed by a note from the St. Petersburg State University (KTU) tourist club dated July 23, 2016 found on the pass tour ( see Appendix 1).

Agur Pass is a non-standard pass, rather a crevice, quite narrow, but interesting for beginners (Photo 15).

On the descent, someone gets acquainted with the middle scree for the first time and learns to place their feet correctly and identify “live” stones (Photo 16). The path to the descent is marked by tourists, while descending we notice two more lakes, the one closer is cloudy and brown, the one further away is blue. The closest one is most likely rainy. The distant lake is very beautiful and unusual. The guys are delighted.

On the descent from Agur you can see excellent sites, both above and near the lakes. The most decent and well-equipped parking lot is located to the left of the small lake (towards the Mylgval lane): with a fireplace and massive boulders protecting from the wind.

Judging by the large number of household items from previous groups (a towel, rubber boots, even some food), this place is quite popular, although capricious in terms of weather: there is a feeling that things were left in a hurry rather than out of absent-mindedness.

At 16.00 we decide to stop here for lunch. After lunch, everyone is determined to take the team to the end, but the weather suddenly deteriorates, thick fog descends and it begins to rain.

We put on raincoats and quickly set up camp. As soon as we set up our tents and hid, the fog cleared and the rain receded. Nevertheless, we decide to stay here and postpone the pass until tomorrow, since we are already ahead of the curve.

At 17.30 we go for reconnaissance towards the pass, we find a vertical cave “Sheer Mine” and two karst sinkholes similar to it, lined with stones along the edges and with accumulated snow at the bottom. The places here are unusual, pleasant, intuitive and marked by tourists - perfect place for walks and activities with beginners.

On a non-steep snowfield we conduct training sessions on the technique and tactics of moving on snowy slopes, as well as self-restraint techniques using an ice ax and trekking poles (Photo 19-20). After training, the guys had a blast skiing and throwing snowballs at each other. “Why does a tourist go to the mountains?” - I ask them. They are silent. “To have more fun during the summer!” We laugh merrily and go to the camp for dinner.

Day 3 - 07/26/2016

Per. Mylgval - lake. Kyafar - r. Kyafar –

river Western Kyafar (Kyzylchuk) - lake. Deep.

After reconnaissance the day before, they decided to combine the ascent to the pass with a small radial route to karst sinkholes and the marked “Otvesnaya Mine” cave.

At 8.35 we left the camp to the left side of the small lake. The path is not visible here, but at the bend you can see the tourists - there we go out onto a distinct path and first visit a mysterious cave with a vertical entrance (Photo 22).

The hitch at the rest stop was due to the loss of a GPS navigator, which was insidiously hidden in the awning of the tent and was not found immediately. But the climb to the pass took no more than ten minutes - the tour on the saddle was clearly visible, there is an excellent trail to the right of the rain lake (Photo 23).

At 9.40 we took a pass note from the TC MSTU. Bauman dated July 24, 2016( see Appendix 1), divided the pass chocolate among themselves and continued moving (Photo 24).

On the descent, the pass turned out to be not so friendly - medium, and then large scree, live stones, sharp drops (Photo 26). We saw two options for the path: on the right along the path, through the sheep's foreheads along the rocky slope, and on the left - along the large scree and through the snowfield above the lake (the path is marked by tourists). We chose the second option: traces of the previous group were visible on the snowfield. At the same time, an educational program was held on how to properly move along the already large scree using trekking poles and her own weight (Nastya began to lag far behind, timid in front of the shaky scree stones).

Photo 26.Descent from the lane Mylgval (1A)

After the snowfield we go out onto the trail (cow path) on the right and begin the long descent down (Photo 27).
The trail gets lost, but we find it by the smell :) When the view of Lake Kyafar opens at the bottom left (Photo 28), a clear path appears, traversing down to the place where the Kyafar River flows into the lake.

At the mouth we have lunch, collect eagle feathers, wade across the stream and on the left side continue down the path in the valley of the Kyafar River (Photo 29), then Kyzylchuk. At the fork of the rivers, we turn left and begin the ascent with a gradual gain in altitude (Photo 30).
The state of the group is surprising and inspiring - everyone, without exception, is determined to complete the program to the maximum, i.e. walk to Lake Glubokoe, thereby saving a whole day of hiking.

Photo 27. Descent from the lane. Mylgval (1A) to Lake Kyafar

On the way we meet a descending group from the Vestra tourist club under the leadership of Lyubov Starostina - the guys were coming from a neighboring pass, but saw Lake Glubokoe and crossed the stream coming out of it.

The long, monotonous climb forced the group to stretch out a lot (Photo 30). As soon as we reached the circus, we took a right (the landmark is a stream coming from above) and came out onto a path in rhododendrons, marked by tourists.

We had dinner and spent the night near Lake Glubokoe (Photo 31). Sites for tents and drinking water There is.

Photo 1.

I’ll slowly start showing photos from the last trip to the Caucasus.
We didn’t walk for long, only about ten days, but I managed to fill the flash drives to capacity, so now I’m raking them out...

Photo 2.

How we got there is of no interest to anyone, so I’ll just show you a map of our route.
Everything is simple here - we started from the Moonlight Glade and ended in the Taulu Glade. The places are quite well-trodden, but this does not diminish their charm.
To day is the first day...

Photo 3.

The beginning of the ascent to the Fedoseev Pass is accompanied by an escort of cows..

Photo 4.

..and not only cows, there are also bulls. Terrible in appearance, but cowardly in reality

Photo 5.

Photo 6.

Igorek, the fastest, scratches ahead of everyone - he can’t keep up!

Photo 7.

As always in the mountains, there is endless chaos in the sky, the movements of air masses are unpredictable - sometimes it’s drizzling, sometimes the sun is hot!

Photo 8.

Why are you staring, have you never seen fools with thirty-kilogram backpacks?
In general, at that moment I envied these cows - I wish I could graze like this now, and not crawl up.

Photo 9.

I came across a small cat along the way. While the guys were resting, I dropped in to visit the shepherd.

Photo 10.

here he lives, cooks, sleeps, looks after the cows and sheep.
All the slopes of the mountains have long been divided into sections, he and his partners have their own, they need to keep an eye on the animals so that they do not cross the borders.

Photo 11.

the guy is Russian. How, I ask, do Caucasians not oppress? No, he says everything is fine..
They're building a ski lift nearby, so we have to make room. Civilization is coming...

Photo 12.

Seryoga and Anya are two more of my traveling companions.

Photo 13.

We rested and went further up. The emerald slopes are pleasing to the eye, nothing else is pleasing, the climb is difficult...

Photo 14.

We are already looking from above at the place from which we started climbing, but it’s already evening, it’s time to look for a place to spend the night.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Here we found a level place. There is no point in going any further today, and it’s a bit hard for the first day.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Seryoga is the one who brought us together on this trip and whose idea it was.

Photo 23.

The tents are up, dinner is getting ready, I’ll go for a walk with the horses...

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

Photo 26.

Photo 27.

Photo 28.

Photo 29.

There is freedom for horses here! There's a small herd over there, up the hill.
But I don’t have the strength to go to them.

Photo 30.

Photo 31.

It was beautiful in the evening!
The camp had long since eaten dinner, and I still wandered around, enjoying the views.
Next time I’ll show shots at sunset, and this is always the culmination of shooting.
In the meantime, here’s a piece of video filmed in parallel with today’s footage.

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Just at the moment when a flood in the Elbrus region, provoked by a mudflow in the Adyl-Su valley, created a “rustle”, cutting off the population and guests of the village. Terskol from big land, Sparrow and I rushed back to Arkhyz. Judging by the forecasts of weather forecasters, who, as you know, can be trusted as oneself, the weather here did not foretell anything alarming, and on the contrary, it threatened to pamper with serious warmth.
This time the choice fell on the hitherto unknown vast lake granaries of the Abishir-Ahuba ridge, which greets any visiting tourist and excursionist with its gigantic long wall. The village of Arkhyz and its subsidiary derivatives are located right at the foot of this ridge, so it is almost impossible not to pay attention to this naturally striking, prominent character of local importance.

Fragment of the Abishir-Akhuba ridge (Abishirov family - from Karach), 3214 m. from the Malaya DukI valley.

Until the ambitious construction project currently underway ski resort“Romantic” and “Moonlight Glade”, the ridge was popularized mainly by pedestrian tourists. Now its importance, which determines the ever-increasing popularity and status of the entire resort as a whole, has reached a completely different level.

However, the upper reaches of Abishira with its spurs, wide valleys, peaks and numerous magnificent lakes are still the domain of the tourist fraternity. And in this context, I am slightly surprised by the fact that there are many times fewer people hanging around here than on the same Sofia Ridge, trampled along and across. Although I bet that Abishira is no less interesting to Sofia. Lake Kyafar alone, which is the largest not only in Arkhyz, but in the entire Karachay-Cherkess Republic, is worth it. Moreover, now the cable car, which halves the walk to the top, simplifies the task. In this regard, the phenomenon of attention to the sights mentioned here, which is still quite modest, by local standards, was a mystery to me.
Since the time reserve was traditionally three days and not a “cent” more, I decided to plan the route along the so-called. small circle of the ridge: from the Fedoseev pass to the Rechepsta pass, with a loop down the Arkhyz valley to cable car- initial starting point. This map with the track was taken into account as a basis:

The indicated route assumed to visit all the most outstanding lakes of Akhuba and most of them in total terms. Therefore, the uncovered right section of the upper reaches to Baritova Balka did not worry me very much.
Having paid 700 rubles. For the pleasure of riding a cable car, at 12.30 from the Romantic tourist center we climbed to the middle of the ridge. From there you need to climb another 600 meters vertically on foot. With a lunch break at the stream it took about 4 hours.

Shall we have lunch or make eyes? Bottom left is Romantic, right is Moonlight Glade

What a tour! You are on the right path, comrades.

The descriptions I studied stated that above the dead-end section of the road above terminal station cable car, there is no path and you need to wander stupidly through the wild meadow towards the pass. And with the beginning of the scree slope, a path will appear that conveniently leads the restless traveler to the right place. That’s how it is, but not quite. A little clarification is required here so that an inexperienced beginner does not fall into trouble following our example. The fact is that before the scree begins, you need to take it to the left, towards the rocks under the saddle. Then you will be clearly on the path. And a little to the right there is a rather unpleasant gutter with living stones moving underfoot, immediately and unnoticed due to the previous meadow steps of the slope. We managed to approach the pass on the right, where we unexpectedly ran into this school. The question arose: either go lower, or go around the chute, taking it even further to the right. We chose the second one. As a result, we spent about 20 minutes slogging through the loose dirt and paddled out to a saddle 30 meters above the pass point.

On the Fedoseev pass, 2880 m., 1 A. It’s getting dark and windy. Although five meters below the ridge the wind drops to almost zero

Immediately from the pass in the opposite direction there was a view of the Agur Lakes with a plateau of the same name overhanging on the right. However, due to the fact that they lie slightly to the side of our main route, plus the day was drawing to a close, and there were a whole host of upcoming plans to be implemented, we decided not to go down to the Agurs and limit ourselves to the view from above. The situation dictated the need to drill as far as possible, otherwise tomorrow we would have to go around all the remaining lakes en masse in one day. But man proposes, but God disposes.

The next pass, Agursky, is located just 300 meters from Fedoseev and is reached in “three jumps”. I’ve probably never walked so quickly from one category pass to another. From it we fall into the circus of the western source of the Kyafar-Agur River, where several nameless lakes lie. Just galloping past them across Europe is not a serious matter. And getting to know each other more thoroughly takes time. So it’s fate to fall here for the first night. This decision turned out to be correct because tomorrow morning, with good sunny weather, the lakes will demonstrate their merits in the fullness of true beauty. And in the evening their mood worsens before our eyes.

View from the circus in the opposite direction. On the left is the Agur Pass,2850 m., 1A. When there is more water in the lake, this peninsula turns into a pretty island

A piece of slab covered with stone-eater worms?

Morning of the next day. Before setting off on our further journey, we walk along the lakes of the circus

We whiled away the night on the shore of this blue "Pince-nez"

Two eyes, blue and green

After breakfast and operational preparations, we move from our overnight place to the neighboring third Mylgval pass, 2880 m, 1A, supported on both sides by two lakes at once. Directly below the saddle there is one medium-sized lake.

And immediately after the pass there is a large and Klasnetsky lake Mylgval, or Podskalnoe. Literally without giving anyone time to come to their senses, the lakes flowed one after another, like columns in a parade.

We head down the rocky descent towards the lake

There is no harp, give me the violin

On the opposite bank there is a tent with young lovebirds who have devoted their precious time of romantic leisure to afternoons with sticks.
From Podskalny Slegonets there is a view of the clearly distant Lake Lazurnoe. But first you need to go down to the valley to Lake Provalnoye, and then go up to Lazurnoe.

So, literally a 10-15 minute walk from Podskalny, on a grassy meadow rests amazing lake Provalnoye is surrounded by small nearby satellites, with a whole herd of graceful dark horses that harmoniously complement the landscape.

Provalnoye from the Podskalny side, with photo recording from the “under-barrel” side.

Zabar's dreams and dreams...

Marvelous. A month ago, everything here was full of snow, but now Arkhyz is unrecognizable. The appearance of the mountains was transformed into some kind of yellow-brown Central Asian landscape. But it’s also very cool in its own way!

The originality of Provalny is not only in its external interior. The name itself is due to the process of water outflow in the form of a noisy waterfall discharge into a karst mini-canyon. At first, it seems as if the water is pouring into a funnel and disappears into an unknown underworld. But in fact, as if from nowhere, a rapid stream again bursts out from under the sheep’s foreheads of the next, lower tier of the valley, and flows into the neighboring vast Kyafar. But this will come out a little later.

Ahead, a thin thread of a stream flows down from the step on which Podskalnoye rests. A little higher is the Mylgval pass

We fall further from Provalny towards Lazurny. From the mini-ridge above the cliff there was a view of the bottom of the next lower tier of the valley, where Kyafar rests, beckoning to its shores. A little later, buddy, we’ll leave you for a snack.

Below is the same stream of Provalny, which has washed in its depths an exit towards Kyafar, in the form of a river flowing into it

In fact, it turned out that the idea with Lazurny did not justify itself. In principle, I have nothing against this lake. Decent, typical, classic round shape. But quite ordinary. I didn’t notice any special zest in it. But it took a lot of time and effort. Now, if it had turned out to be closer, along the main movement, it probably would not have raised any doubts. Therefore, it is now clear why people come here either thoroughly, with overnight stays, or not at all, passing by. In addition, we made two mistakes: we climbed there not by the upper path, but by the middle path, which then forced us to climb over a steep stream. And back we burst through the tall grass on the other side of the stream, having lost the path. As a result, Lazurnoe took us 1.5-2 hours.

Finally they approached the shore of the main Abishira-Akhuba reservoir and set up a iconic place a well-deserved lunch break.

Lake Kyafar, or Kyzylchuk. Length 800 m, width 300. It is not always possible to catch it in this color, especially in summer months, when on Abishir in the afternoon it either pours or drags.

After lunch we walked along the shore of Kyafar for about 15 minutes, admiring its beauty and size.

On the opposite bank there is a stream flowing down from the step on which Lake Lazurnoe lies.

Here we met a herd of wild buffalo

The source of Kyafar into the next underlying Lake Rybnoye. In front in the middle is a wall of sheep's foreheads, from under which the above-mentioned stream flows in the form of a rivulet, and on top of the foreheads, on this step, lies Provalnoe. At the top left is the Mylgval pass.

Then they began to descend towards Lake Rybnoye. The latter seemed quite ordinary to us from a distance, so we didn’t waste time on it or get too close. We've had enough of Azure. Moreover, they did not take either dynamite or electric fishing rods with them to check the real presence of fish in it.

We forded the river and, before reaching Rybnoye, turned left into the neighboring valley of the left tributary of the Kyafar River. A long climb began to its upper reaches to the Rechepsta pass, under which two more large lakes. By this time, the strength had already been exhausted, so the two-walk trek past a series of cascading waterfalls seemed quite tedious. Around 17:00 we reached Lake Glubokoe and fell near it for the second night. Today more than...

Evening. Clouds covered the valley along which we climbed here. It will reach us soon. You need to set up your tent while your things are dry.

Morning on Glubokoye.

On the morning of the third day, we proceeded from Glubokoye to the second lake, Perevalny (not to be confused with Provalny).
It seemed to me much more interesting than its predecessor. At least you can’t deny the originality of its form.

View from the rise to the Rechepsta pass

And from the shore it looked like this:

And like this:

And even like this:

Not a lake, but some kind of visual transformer!

From Perevalnoye there is a slight climb and direct access to the Rechepsta pass, 3000 m., 1A.

And this is how the lake looks a little before reaching the pass

At the pass. Below on the right is the wooded valley of Rechepsta, along which we go down

Having thrown our backpacks at the saddle, we climbed to the main peak of the Abishira-Akhuba ridge, Mount Rechepsta, 3214 m. This rather effortless event in a rather short time period took almost 2 hours. The peak did not surprise us with anything special, except for the view from above of Lake Chilik in the neighboring valley, and the top of distant Elbrus. All the other beauties of the Arkhyz highlands so visible from the pass.

On the top

Lake Chilik

A little bit of good...

It's time my friend, it's time...

Then a terribly tedious and endlessly long descent from the Rechepst valley to the Arkhyz valley, which exhausted us more than all the previous wanderings. Down on the road, we were incredibly lucky with a hitchhiker and km. 10 we drove for free to the parking lot near the cable car. The ring has closed. And thank God! Just another 6 hours and we are in Krasnodar (I sympathize, Volodya!)

Don't think it's a set-up. That's how it really happened!

CONCLUSION: Very interesting route in every way. But in order for it to be more measured, it is advisable to have a little more time in reserve. Or you can simplify the task by saving yourself from unnecessary efforts. To do this, you need to become a base somewhere in the middle between Agur and Kyafar and run into the radials. Enter from Fedoseev, rising halfway up the ridge on the cable car. At the end, return to the cable car again and go down (you won’t have to pay again). In this situation, you will lose the not-so-significant pleasure of seeing the last two lakes (Glubokoye and Perevalnoye), but you will save yourself from the long climb from Rybnoye to the Rechepsta Pass, followed by a long descent into the Arkhyz valley. Moreover, down the valley itself you will have to comb a few more kilometers to the cable car. in case of a flight with a companion. With this option and three days Enough for the eyes, and without unnecessary strain.

Detailed description of the tour:

Horse route “The Path of Grigory Fedoseev”

We invite you to take an exciting horseback riding trip to the Kozya char, which is located in the unique region of the Mozhar Lakes.
Golets Kozya is the last and significant peak of the Western end of the Kryzhina ridge. This route is a small part of the route of the famous Sayan expedition, which in 1938 went to the Eastern Sayan to study the area, under the leadership of Grigory Fedoseev
Grigory Fedoseev is an engineer-geodesist, the leader of several scientific expeditions, on the one hand, on the other hand, he is a famous writer, whose books are read by millions of readers. His legendary book “We are walking along the Eastern Sayan” has long been known to all travel lovers. It was on the Kozya mountain that the first geodetic point was set up by the Sayan expedition. The view from the top is stunning in its beauty, the entire surrounding Mountain country Eastern Sayan with its famous char Moscow, Chebulak, Okunevy with numerous clean lakes.
Our route includes an excursion to Lake Mozharskoye, Lake Tagasuk and, of course, climbing the Kozya char. The majestic char has been standing near Lake Mozharsky for centuries, protecting it from invasions. In addition to the three Mozhar reservoirs, you will see a number more the most beautiful lakes glacial origin. The most beautiful of them is Tiberkul, the lower part of the lake is surrounded by flat mountains covered with fir forest. Traces of the action of glaciers are clearly visible on the lake in the form of ground boulders and polished rocks sticking out on the surface of the reservoir. Lakes Spasskoye, Semenovskoye, Varlaama, Maly Tiberkul are much smaller than Big Tiberkul. It is rightfully considered the most picturesque lake district.

Tour information:
Type: Horse
Region: Krasnoyarsk region(Kuraginsky district)
Service: transport service, guide services, food, insurance, equipment rental, horse rental, sauna
Tour difficulty level: Good physical fitness
Accommodation: 2- or 3-person tents on the route
Arrivals: From 06/10/08 to 07/08/08 and 07/23/08-09/10/2008 as groups are formed
Duration of the tour: 9 days / 8 nights
Min/Max number of people in the group: Min. 8/max. 12

Tour program
1 day/ Transport service
Arrival in Abakan. Meeting with a company representative. Breakfast in a city cafe. Departure for the route to the Kuraginsky district. Upon arrival, lunch in a specially equipped place. TB instruction. Selection of horses for each participant. Training detours. Tour of the village. Organization of a camp on the banks of the Kazyr River. Rest. Village dinner. Bathhouse.

Day 2/ Horse route
Exit to the equestrian route to Lake Tagasuk. The route passes along taiga trails and wetlands. Stop at Lake Varlama. Parking. Accommodation in tents. The total length of the route is about 15 km

Day 3/ Horse route
Exit to Tagasuk base. The total length of the route is about 15 km. Arrival at the base. Accommodation in village houses. Village dinner. Russian bath Excursion tour by boats of lakes Upper and Lower Tagasuk, Lake Mozharsky. Evening at the base. Accommodation in village houses.

Day 4/ Horse route
Exit to the equestrian route to the foot of the alpine zone of the Kozya peak. Alpine meadows. Stop and spend the night in the mountain area of ​​the summit. The total length of the route is about 12 km. Meals and rest stops are provided along the way. Accommodation in tents.

Day 5 / Horse route
Exit to walking route to the top of Kozya, a walk along the ridge, a panoramic view of the surrounding area, picturesque gorges, lakes. The total length of the walking path is about 17 km. The camp is located at the foot of the mountain. Accommodation in tents.

Day 6 / Horse route
Excursion to the equestrian route to the alpine meadows of the southern slope of the Kryzhina ridge, excursions to the picturesque cascades and mountain waterfalls. The total length of the route is about 13 km. Meals and rest stops are provided midway. Night near the Kryzhina ridge. Accommodation in tents

Day 7/ Parking
Parking at the foot of the ridge. Radial walking tours.

Day 8/ Horse route
Return to Tagasuk base. The total length of the route is about 20 km. Meals and rest stops are provided within 10 km. Late arrival at base. Rest. Village dinner. Russian bath.

Day 9/ Horse route
Departure from Lake Tagasuk to the village of Petropavlovka. Lunch on arrival. Departure to Abakan
Required documents: Russian passport - for Russian citizens
International passport - for foreign citizens.

Transport: Delivery to the starting point of the route is carried out in comfortable minibuses.

Accommodation conditions: On the route 2, 3-person tents

Meals: Meals on the route 3 times a day - prepared independently (food provided, dishes, fire equipment)

Features: There are a lot of ticks and horseflies in the area. Carry a sufficient amount of protective equipment against these insects.
Tourists participate in organizing the camp and assembling equipment. All persons on the route must strictly observe the safety regulations of equestrian routes; follow the recommendations of the attendants

Recommendations: Mandatory vaccinations and means of protection against harmful insects (ticks).
Personal equipment to take with you:
1. warm clothes (jacket, Polartek trousers);
2. windproof suit;
3. raincoat;
4. neoprene socks, cotton socks, wool socks;
5. Set of underwear.
6. Tracksuit.
7. changeable shoes (boots, sneakers and flip-flops)
8. Rubber boots or (for fishermen) light pants-boots. shorts,
9. trousers (cotton); T-shirt,
10. long sleeve shirt;
11. swimwear;
12. sun hat;
13. sunscreen;
14. insect repellent (mosquito net);
15. individual first aid kit;
16. headlamp;
17. Work gloves (construction)
18. Rafting bag (80-100 liters)
19. Backpack.
20. Hermetic packaging for documents.
21. Toiletries.
22. Knife. Sewing repair kit.
23. Honey certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to participation in the tour in taiga conditions.
24. Fishing tackle.

Warnings: Don't forget what you chose active view rest and be prepared for field living conditions.