Until the end of the year, the Arbitration Court postponed hearings on the claim of KUGI for termination of the investment contract for the construction of the Yuntolovo residential complex, concluded by the former leadership of St. Petersburg with the company Glavstroy-SPb. Thus, the parties to the conflict have almost a month to agree on a settlement agreement that will allow Oleg Deripaska’s company to continue construction of 2.2 million square meters. m of housing in the Primorsky district. In the meantime, Glavstroy-SPb is losing personnel: two top managers have left the company - the company's executive director Alexander Ermak and the head of the development directorate Anastasia Kozlova.

On November 20, the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region postponed the hearing on the claim of KUGI against Glavstroy-SPb LLC to December. Let us remind you that KUGI demands that the investment agreement on the implementation of a development project of 2.2 million square meters be declared unfulfilled in court. m in the Yuntolovo area, and also to recover 55.4 million rubles in penalties from the construction company for failure to comply with the terms of the contract. According to KUGI, Glavstroy-SPb was supposed to complete engineering preparation of the entire territory of the future residential area this year, but did not fulfill these obligations. The complexity of the situation is that the developer has already begun selling apartments in the first phase of the district, and if the authorities manage to terminate the contract, these houses will remain the only ones built on this site.

Now both the authorities and representatives of the developer say that they hope to reach an agreement on a settlement within this month. “The parties are currently negotiating with the aim of concluding a settlement agreement. Previously, the general director of the company, Sergei Vetlugin, has repeatedly stated that it is preferable to resolve the disagreements between the company and the city through constructive dialogue and negotiations, rather than in court,” the company said. KUGI also confirmed that negotiations on a settlement agreement are ongoing: in particular, there is a protocol of intent to resolve this matter peacefully.

But it is difficult to say how far the company and the city have progressed in negotiations. The previous conflict between KUGI and the Glavstroy-SPb company regarding the termination of the investment agreement concluded for the renovation of the depressed area bounded by Shkapina and Rosenshteina streets has not yet ended. At the end of summer, the parties announced that they had agreed to extend the terms of the agreement in exchange for a fine of 3 million rubles, but the agreement has not yet been signed. This information was confirmed to Kommersant by Glavstroy-SPb LLC.

Unofficially, market participants say that the tough confrontation between KUGI and the developer is connected, in particular, with the complex relationship between Vice-Governor Igor Metelsky, who oversees the property block in the government of St. Petersburg, and the head of the Glavstroy-SPb company Sergei Vetlugin (who at one time worked in Smolny together with Mr. Metelsky). Because of this, one of the active participants in negotiations with the city authorities is the owner of the company, Oleg Deripaska, who has to solve a whole range of problems: from extending the terms of contracts for the construction of residential complexes to the problems of Transstroy, which is part of the group of companies and is building a stadium on Krestovsky Island. As a result, so far the only problem-free facility in Deripaska’s empire in St. Petersburg is the Severnaya Dolina residential complex.

In the meantime, Glavstroy-SPb is gradually leaving behind the personnel who developed all the projects in St. Petersburg. As Kommersant learned, executive director Alexander Ermak officially left the company yesterday. Earlier, the head of the development directorate, Anastasia Kozlova, left. For now, the head of the sales department, Mikhail Buzulutsky, remains in place. But there are losses here too: according to market participants, since the beginning of autumn the brokerage agreement for the sale of apartments in residential complex"Northern Valley" with "Petersburg Real Estate", through which about 15% of all apartments in the complex were sold. Petersburg Real Estate confirmed this information to Kommersant, but did not talk about the reasons for the breakup.

“The departure of Alexander Ermak and Anastasia Kozlova from Glavstroy is a big loss for the company, as they personified the willingness to look for new ways to develop projects implemented in St. Petersburg. They were true professionals, and the fact that they left Glavstroy-SPb" , means that in the near future the problems of Apraksin Dvor and Yuntolovo will not be resolved,” says Dmitry Kumanovsky, head of the analytical department of LMS Investment Company CJSC. According to Nikolai Pashkov, general director Knight Frank St. Petersburg, the issue of extending the contract between the city and the developer “in the current historical period is a political issue, and not only for Glavstroy.” But if it is not yet possible to reach an agreement, this does not mean that agreements will not be reached in the end,” he believes .

According to Olga Trosheva, head of the St. Petersburg Real Estate consulting center, the abandonment of the Yuntolovo project will not greatly affect the primary market of St. Petersburg. “In the current situation, the release of one or another, even a large project, may not affect the market as much as it was before, when most of the projects were built within the city limits. Nowadays, suburban areas in the Leningrad region (various directions - north, east and others), where prices are lower - on average about 63 thousand rubles,” she said.

How much does it cost, how to pay and where to go - answers to the main questions.

To bookmarks

Friendly match between Russia and Argentina at Luzhniki. Photo by Alexey Filippov, RIA Novosti

On April 18 at 12:00 Moscow time, the last stage of ticket sales for the FIFA World Cup opens: tickets are distributed on the FIFA website first come, first served basis, so the sooner you apply, the more opportunities you have to purchase them.

How tickets were sold in the early stages

Until October 12, you could take part in the first ticket draw. The winners were chosen at random. Most applicants “flew” past this stage: although applications were submitted for 3.5 million tickets, FIFA distributed only 622 thousand of them.

From November 16 to 28, residents of Russia and other countries were able to buy tickets on a first-come, first-served basis for the first time. Already in the first minutes there was a stir, so in the first day FIFA sold out 98% of the quota available at this stage - that’s about 160 thousand tickets.

From December 5, 2017 to January 31, 2018, you could participate in the second draw. During this period, fans requested more than 4.9 million tickets. Since the demand turned out to be extremely high, and the quota was several times smaller, FIFA distributed the tickets randomly. Those lucky enough should have been notified no later than mid-March. In total, FIFA has already sold more than 1.6 million tickets.

What exactly will happen at the last stage

Starting April 18, FIFA is selling those tickets that remain after the first stages of sales. Tickets of all categories are available, including the fourth - the cheapest. To the tickets that no one has purchased yet are added those that no one paid for at the previous stages. FIFA also allowed the resale of tickets through its platform.

FIFA recommends buying tickets at the very beginning of the sales stage, but, probably, the organizers are only fueling demand in this way. Availability is shown in color - red, yellow or green, but no one knows the criteria for their appearance.

On April 18 at 14:00 local time, ticket centers will open in the host cities. For now you can get tickets purchased on the website, but from May 1 it will be possible to purchase new tickets there.

What about the results of the draw?

Along with the distribution of teams, it became clear who will play whom at the playoff stage. The website for fans has a complete tournament schedule, which will help when purchasing tickets.

If Russia leaves group A, then in the 1/8 finals it will meet someone from group B: A1 - B2, A2 - B1. Infographics Welcome2018.com

The match calendar is convenient when making plans, for example, in the case of moving between cities.

How much do tickets cost and is it possible to buy the cheapest ones?

There are four categories of tickets - they differ in cost and distance from the seat to the edge of the field. The most expensive is the first, the cheapest is the fourth. The latter is intended only for residents of Russia - citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners permanently residing here.

While the buyer is choosing a location, he sees the layout of each of the stadiums. These can be found in advance on the FIFA website.

From November 16 to 28, it was possible to buy tickets only of the first, second and third categories of tickets. The fourth category, 1280 rubles per ticket at the group stage, is available for applications from December 5.

You can purchase a package of tickets for a specific stadium. This option is most suitable for those who do not intend to leave their city during the 2018 World Cup.

A fixed package of tickets for a specific team is also available - from three matches to seven (this is the maximum number of games for one team in the championship). If the selected team is eliminated before the final, the money will not be lost: it’s just that now the “selected” team will be the one that made it further.

What to do in advance

  • You need to create an account on the FIFA website - via email, Facebook or Google+ profile;
  • It is necessary to prepare your passport details and postal address with a zip code, because each ticket is personalized. If tickets are purchased not only for yourself, but also for your companions (“guests” can later be changed), you will need to provide similar information about them;
  • You should deposit the required amount on your card or bank account. When selling tickets in a live queue, the application is processed instantly;
  • You need to decide how it is more convenient to pay - with a card or by bank transfer. You will be asked to indicate this in your application.

Is it possible to buy many tickets

The customer has the right to purchase a maximum of four tickets for one match (he and three guests) and attend no more than seven games for the entire championship. That is, one person can buy a maximum of 28 tickets.

You can only attend one match per day. It is prohibited to submit multiple applications for the same game at once.

Personal data of the customer and his guests can then be changed in personal account on the FIFA website. Thus, the guest’s ticket is allowed to be transferred to another person, for example, a friend or relative. The customer cannot transfer his ticket.

What is the main catch in payment?

It is better to prepare money in advance. When purchasing using bank card In the live queue mode, the cost of tickets will be charged almost immediately after completing the application. If you win by lot - after the winning application.

A resident of Russia will be able to pay for a ticket only using VISA and Mir cards, as well as by bank transfer. Foreigners can also pay via MasterCard.

If you choose to pay by bank transfer, you will have seven days to pay. The transfer on average takes about 2-3 days and is included within the specified period. Upon receipt of payment, FIFA will send a confirmation letter (save this document).

According to the rules, the name of the main customer of the tickets and the name on the bank card must match. Anyone who makes a purchase using the card of another person (for example, a relative or friend) risks a fine of 20% of the cost of the tickets.

Do I need a fan ID before purchasing?

A fan ID (FAN ID) is not required to purchase tickets. Along with a ticket, you will need it to enter the match and use public transport for free on game days.

After purchasing tickets, the fan should go to a special website and register. A current photograph is also required. You will be able to receive the document by mail or at a distribution center - there are such in all host cities.

What should I do if I want to go to football with my family?

The cost of tickets does not depend on the age of the child. For example, a ticket for a three-year-old and a 30-year-old will cost the same amount. A ticket for a child is a separate seat, just like for all other spectators.

If the child does not yet have a passport, then you need to enter the details of his birth certificate - it also proves his identity.

What about free travel between cities?

As during the Confederations Cup, during the 2018 World Cup, every spectator will be able to travel by train to the match venue for free. Special additional trains will be provided for fans.

You will need a fan ID and a ticket. You need to register on a special website, enter data, and then select a route and place. So far there are few flights and, mostly, only from Moscow. The final schedule will appear on December 15th.

When can I get tickets?

The courier will deliver tickets free of charge in April-May 2018. Those who made a purchase after April 3 will have to pick up their tickets themselves at the ticket centers of the host cities (addresses will be announced later).

You yourself need to pick up tickets for possible matches of a certain team and packages of tickets for any of the matches from the 1/8 finals to the finals. The reason is simple: the participating teams for each match will be determined after the start of the tournament.

In five days, almost a million people want to get to the stadiums Russian cities in the summer of 2018 they left their applications on the FIFA website. We tell you in detail how the process works.


Stages of ticket sales for the 2018 World Cup. Photo: fifa.com

Sales opened on September 14 at 12.00 Moscow time. The first stage will last until November 28, and it is divided into two periods: until October 12, you can leave applications for participation in a random draw, and from November 16 to November 28, tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

The second stage is also divided into two segments. It starts after the draw for the final part of the World Cup, which will take place on December 1. The scheme is the same: applications for participation in the draw will be accepted from December 5 to January 31, and from March 13 to April 3, tickets will go on free sale.

Finally, the third stage, called “last minute”, will last from April 18 to July 15 - that is, the day before the World Cup finals. Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.


World Cup 2018 ticket products. Photo: fifa.com

Let's take a closer look at the first stage. Tickets for any match, including the final, are already available.

There are so-called packages for a specific stadium (but they do not include the opening match, semi-finals and final). And there are packages for matches of a specific team.

In addition, FIFA provides special tickets for fans with disabilities, people with limited mobility and overweight fans.


On Tuesday we were able to talk with the head of the FIFA ticketing department Falk Eller, who told how the starting days of sales went.

So far we are completely satisfied with the pace. On this moment we're approaching a million applications,” Eller said. - There is interest in all matches, and we have the right to expect that all matches without exception will attract full stadiums. But today applications are received mostly for important matches - opening and final. This is logical, because not all teams participating in the tournament are known yet. 60 thousand applications have already been submitted for the opening match, and 83 thousand for the final (this is already more than the capacity of Luzhniki, which is 81 thousand. - Note "SE"). The lucky ones will be determined by an honest drawing of lots, which will take place in the presence of a notary.


Most of the applications came, of course, from Russia. “Many are applying for ticket packages for all matches in a particular city,” the official continued. - And if we talk about the interest of foreign fans, the leaders are Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, the USA and China. In total, foreigners account for 21 percent of the total number of applications.


Tickets are divided into 4 price categories. And the cheapest of them is available only to residents of Russia.

In total, it is planned to sell at least 350 thousand tickets of the 4th category. As for the transfer of tickets of this category to non-residents of Russia, this is not provided for, recalled the head of FIFA for tickets. - You see, it was invented so that Russian fans would have the opportunity to attend the matches of the home tournament. The price for category 4 tickets is lower than at all previous championships! There has never been such a low price.


At the initiative of the Russian authorities, after purchasing a ticket, each fan is required to receive a special passport - fan ID. The system has already been tested at the Confederations Cup.

Nothing is perfect the first time, but overall everyone was pleased with the experience, Eller said. - It is clear that some of the three million fans will probably lose their fan ID or forget it at home, but these are special cases. Globally, this tool justifies itself. In addition, we are increasing the number of passport issuing centers. There shouldn't be any problems.

Let us remind you that a fan passport allows you to take advantage of additional benefits and services: visa-free entry to the territory of Russia, free travel on special trains between the host cities, as well as on public transport on the day of the match.


So, to apply for a ticket and become a participant in the FIFA lottery, you must:

ATTENTION! FIFA warns that attempting to purchase a ticket through any other platforms will likely make you a victim of fraud.

2) Create an account.

4) Select the match or package of matches you are interested in. For example, it is already known that on June 14 the Russian national team will play in Moscow at Luzhniki, on June 19 in St. Petersburg, and on June 25 in Samara. Most cheap ticket for the Samara match of the Russian team costs 1,280 rubles.

ATTENTION! If you want to take a child with you, even a very small one, he will need separate ticket. There are no age restrictions.

5) Enter customer data: passport details, address, telephone, email address.

6) Enter payment information: bank card details from which funds will be debited if your application is fully or partially successful. Russian residents will be able to pay for tickets by bank transfer, however they will be required to verify that payment has been received in full by FIFA within seven days of receipt of confirmation.

7) Wait for the result. All ticket applicants will receive notifications by email, regardless of whether the request is fully, partially, or not satisfied at all. The response will be sent by November 16.

At the same time, fans will receive physical tickets no earlier than April-May 2018. You won't have to pay for delivery.

8) If your application is not satisfied at the first stage, you have the right to submit a new one at the second stage. Or wait until tickets go on sale. Good luck!

How I tried to buy tickets for the 2018 World Cup, but, alas...

“You can’t miss this World Cup,” my wife said, and I realized that excuses are not accepted, and good reasons don’t even need to be given. - We missed the Olympics. But she was in Sochi, and they will play football almost under the windows.” We live in Tushino. The Spartak stadium is 5 minutes by metro or 10 minutes by car. I had to study numerous instructions for purchasing tickets for the main sporting event of 2018 and go for luck.

Articles | Have you received your fan ID?

First of all, I provided myself with the passports of all family members, bank cards and three telephone numbers - a landline and two mobile phones. Relatives in Austria and Nizhny Novgorod are in touch (almost direct). The Austrians have their own interest: to get to Russia, you need to get a visa. To the nearest visa center- 2 hours by train and it doesn’t work around the clock. The last visa to travel home cost about 300 euros. With a football ticket you can spend at least 50 days in Russia feeling nostalgic.

It took a little time to explore the fifa.com/bilet website and register. What happened next was more interesting. Selection of tickets. The opening match was an immediate “yes!” Russia will also play there. Add it to the basket. Not to the trash, but to the wallet from which the total amounts will then be withdrawn. The final? Our people are unlikely to appear there, and football is usually very boring... But the memory will last a lifetime. And the opportunity to screw it up in the company: “Yes, we were here at the finals. Germany did a good job with Brazil.” This is the argument. Add to cart.

There is also the Otkritie Arena stadium, which will be renamed Spartak for the duration of the 2018 World Cup. Let me remind you that it’s just a stone’s throw away. Let's have some neighborly fun and then go home. Walking through deserted night streets. Matches No. 7 (now we know that Argentina - Iceland will play, but in September it was a pig in a poke) and 56 (1/8 finals).

“Let’s choose another match at Luzhniki,” asks the beloved wife. “They say they created indescribable beauty there.” Easily. Match No. 11. On December 1, it became clear that Germany and Mexico would play. Great plan.

Well, we decided to go to another city. See, so to speak, the beauty of Russia and feel the breadth of the Russian soul. Selected Nizhny Novgorod. Even if we don’t find tickets for trains and planes, we can go by car. You go there in the morning and back at night. This requires a day off. Match No. 30 (England - Panama) is scheduled for Sunday 24 June.

In general, the number of wishes multiplied by 2 or 4 (depending on the wishes of relatives) reached the classic number for the 2018 World Cup 32 - according to the number of participating teams. And they paid 69,120 rubles. On average, it turns out to be 2160 rubles per bill - not as expensive as it seemed.

I submitted the application and waited. Let me remind you that in September ticket holders were determined by lot. Surely they want to cut off speculators from sharing the pie, who would buy up all the cheap tickets in a couple of days. But they still were, are and will be.

FIFA opened its ticket program for the 2019 World Cup back in mid-autumn 2017. It was then that the first entry tickets for the World Cup games. During the same period, the enormous excitement caused by the future world championship became apparent. That is why everyone who wants to attend the games of the tournament and be in one of the stadiums needs to seriously think now about how to buy a ticket to the 2019 FIFA World Cup on the official website.

If you postpone this matter until later, you may find yourself in a situation where there are no more places left for the most interesting matches. And in the worst situation, you can suddenly find out that the ticket program has already been closed, since the entire allocated quota has been sold.

Given the enormous interest in the upcoming World Cup, FIFA has developed a special sales program, which includes several stages:

  1. the first ended back in October, when 622,000 stadium seats were allocated by drawing lots;
  2. the second took place from November 16 to 28 and consisted of approving applications on a first-come, first-served basis;
  3. the third stage took place from December 5 to January 31, when the most successful fans were determined at random;
  4. the fourth stage will last from March 13 to April 3, during which most of the seats will be distributed;
  5. the last stage will begin in May and will include the sale of remaining seats through stadium ticket offices.

You are allowed to make a purchase until the World Cup final. But the likelihood that something will remain unsold during the championship days is minimal.

How much does a ticket to the 2019 FIFA World Cup in Russia cost?

Prices for fans depend on 2 main factors – championship stage and category seat. To figure out how much a ticket to the World Cup costs, you need to remember that the list below shows prices for all 4 categories from 1 to last. FIFA has established the following prices(in rubles):

  • opening match – 3200, 13200, 23400, 33000;
  • group stage – 1280, 6300, 9900, 12600;
  • 1/8 – 2240, 6900, 11100, 14700;
  • 1/4 – 3800, 10500 15300, 21900;
  • 1/2 – 4480, 17100, 28800, 45000;
  • game for 3rd place – 3800, 10500, 15300, 21900;
  • final – 7040, 27300, 42600, 66000.

How to buy tickets for the 2019 FIFA World Cup on a first-come, first-served basis?

Despite the apparent difficulty, attending championship games does not conceal anything impossible. Every potential guest of the World Cup can easily figure out how to buy tickets for the 2019 FIFA World Cup. To do this you will need:

  1. visit the official FIFA website and register there;
  2. prepare a passport and exact home address;
  3. set aside the required amount in advance;
  4. open the sales page and submit an application;
  5. after waiting in line and having the opportunity to place an order, you must fill in all the required data, indicate the required games and clarify the appropriate payment method (by card or bank transfer);
  6. 10 minutes are given to submit an application, the waiting time depends on the number of applications;
  7. approval occurs instantly.

It is important to remember that every football fan has the right to book no more than 4 seats for 1 match and choose no more than 7 different games.

How to buy a ticket to the World Cup?

It is important to emphasize that submitting an application and paying a fee are not the only steps required to visit the stadiums. Additionally, you will need to take care of obtaining a fan passport. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • First of all, you need to register on a portal specially created for this;
  • Next, you need to apply for a personal FAN ID;
  • the third step involves delivery of the finished document at the place of issue.

Without such a certificate, it will be impossible to get to football matches, even if you have a paid ticket in hand. Such rigor is necessary to combat individual fans who are banned from attending sporting events, and profiteering, since without a fan passport, all transactions with resellers become meaningless.

Alternative options for visiting the World Cup

Even knowing how to buy tickets for the 2019 FIFA World Cup, not all fans will have the opportunity to attend world championship meetings. Some people simply won’t have time to wait in line and will be left without the coveted ticket. An excellent way out of this situation are numerous competitions from official partners of the competition. Currently, the drawing of tickets and memorable prizes is carried out by:

  1. Alfa Bank;
  2. Visa;
  3. Hyundai.

This list is not complete and should contain several additional titles that fans can find on their own. But to increase your chances of eventual success, you need to worry about participating now. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to get ahead of your competitors.

It should be emphasized that to obtain complete information about all existing promotions, you should visit the official competition websites. It is there that the full conditions of participation, probable prizes, requirements for competitors and other more important nuances that need to be taken into account are described in detail.

How to buy tickets for the 2019 World Cup - official website

Football fans need to remember that the only way to get to the championship matches is to visit the official FIFA portal. This is reported by both the website of the international football federation and the official page of the RFU. Attempting to apply or purchase through an intermediary or third party carries enormous risk and may result in you losing money. It is much wiser to wait in line and wait for the official opportunity to get to the football through the official sales portal. This may be a little complicated and will definitely take time, but it will save you money and avoid problems in the future. As a result, when the time comes to go to the stadium, the fan will be confident that no unforeseen difficulties will await him, and he will definitely be able to watch a great game.