The world famous Egyptian pyramid of Cheops inside is like a “Russian doll” and consists of three three pyramids pharaohs. The veil of secrecy is lifted over one of the seven wonders of the world. Every creation of human hands has meaning.
“Everything that arises must have some reason for its occurrence, for it is absolutely impossible to arise without a cause.” So said the ancient Greek philosopher and sage Plato in the 4th century BC. e. in his book Timaeus.

All mysteries are overcome by knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained or created. As a “tool for creation,” let’s take our common sense, logic of thinking and knowledge of ancient people who used ideas about the world at that distant time.

“What is comprehended through reflection and reasoning is obviously an eternally identical being; and that which is subject to opinion... arises and dies, but never really exists.” (IV century BC, Plato, Timaeus).

Russian doll

What does it mean that the Cheops pyramid is like a “Russian nesting doll”, containing two more pyramids, one inside the other? To confirm the conclusion about the triplicity of the Cheops pyramid, let's start with the facts and look at the cross-sectional diagram of the pyramid.

Firstly, there are three burial chambers in the Cheops pyramid. Three! From this fact it follows that the pyramid has different time there were three masters (three pharaohs). And everyone had their own separate burial chamber. After all, few living people would think of preparing a tomb for themselves in three “copies.” In addition (as can be seen from the size of the pyramids), their construction is quite labor-intensive even for our time. Besides? Archaeologists have already established that the pharaohs built tomb pyramids separately and of a much smaller size for their wives.

Egyptian historians have established that long before the construction of the pyramids in ancient Egypt in the 4th millennium BC. and earlier pharaohs were buried in structures called mastabas. Below in the picture is the appearance of the ancient crypt (mastaba) of Shepseskaf in Saqqara. It consists of underground and above-ground parts.

The pharaoh's mummy was located deep underground in an underground hall. In the ground part there was a prayer room with a statue of the pharaoh. After death (according to the ancient Egyptian priests), the soul of the deceased pharaoh moved into this statue. The halls in the above-ground mastaba room could be connected to each other (or isolated from each other). Above these underground halls, a low, trapezoidal truncated pyramid was built from stone blocks.

Under the Cheops pyramid there is an underground passage (4) at the end of which there is a vast unfinished underground hall (5). There is also an exit (12) from the hall to the top, which was made according to the burial theory for the passage of the pharaoh’s soul to the above-ground part of the mastaba.

According to the section plan of the Cheops pyramid, we can conclude that if there is an underground hall (5) and there is a passage upward from it (12), then the upper prayer room of the mastaba should be in the center and slightly lower than the middle burial chamber (7). Unless, of course, when the second pharaoh began construction of his pyramid above the mastaba, these premises were not filled with stones, destroyed and preserved to this day.

This conclusion (about the presence of internal mastaba halls in the center of the Cheops pyramid) is confirmed by the observations of French researchers - Gilles Dormayon and Jean-Yves Verdhart. In August 2004, while examining the floor in the middle burial chamber (7) with sensitive gravitational instruments, they discovered an unknown void of impressive size below the floor at a depth of about four meters, the purpose of which at that time they had no versions.

According to the plan of the pyramid's section, a narrow inclined almost vertical shaft (12) goes up from the underground burial pit (5). This passage should connect to the above-ground prayer room of the mastaba. At the exit from the mine, at ground level under the base of the pyramid, there is a small grotto (extension up to 5 meters in length). Apparently, in ancient times, when excavating this grotto, they were already looking for a passage to the inner halls of the mastaba. It has been established that its walls consist of more ancient masonry that does not belong to the Cheops pyramid. The passage rising from the underground hall and the ancient stonework are nothing more than belonging to the first mastaba. From the expansion in the shaft (12) to the center of the pyramid there should be a passage to the ground halls of the mastaba. This passage was most likely walled up by the builders of the second inner pyramid.

By appearance and according to archaeologists, the underground burial chamber (5) remained unfinished. The condition of the prayer rooms in the upper above-ground part of the mastaba (which is the first of three in the Cheops pyramid) remains to be determined by opening a passage through them.

The height of the first internal truncated pyramid (mastaba), according to the pyramid's sectional diagram, should be no more than 15 meters.

The presence of an unfinished burial structure (mastaba), located in the most advantageous place (on the top of a stone plateau in the town of Giza), served as a pretext for the second (before Cheops) unknown pharaoh to use this mastaba to build his pyramid over it.

The fact that the Giza plateau was previously “inhabited” by ancient mastabas is also supported by the fact that the Sphinx was there. The purpose of the “Sphinx” is to serve as a tomb (mastaba) in the form of a lion sculpture. The age of the “Sphinx” (the deity into which, according to theory, the soul of the pharaoh should move) is estimated to be much older than the pyramids (about 5 - 10 thousand years).

In Egypt, by the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, the Egyptian priests had a new worldview about the place of residence of the soul after death.

In this regard, the burials of the pharaohs in mastabas were replaced by more majestic structures - step pyramids, and later by “smooth” hewn pyramids. According to the ideas of the priests, after death a person’s soul flew to life to stars related to their souls. “Whoever lives the time allotted to him properly will return to the abode of the star named after him.” Plato, Timaeus.

The burial chamber (7), belonging to the second internal pyramid (on the cross-sectional plan) is located above the prayer part of the first mastaba. The corridor ascending to it (6) is laid along the wall of the mastaba, and the horizontal corridor (8) along its roof. Thus, these two corridors to chamber (7) show the approximate overall dimensions of the first ancient internal truncated trapezoidal mastaba pyramid.

Second and third pyramids

This can be judged by the length of two emanating from the chamber (7) in opposite directions, the so-called (in modern terms) “ventilation ducts”. These channels (one to the north and the other to the south) in a cross section of 20 by 25 cm, approximately 10-12 meters do not reach the boundary of the external walls of the third pyramid.

The modern name for ducts as “air ducts” is, of course, incorrect. The deceased pharaoh did not need ventilation ducts. The channels had a completely different purpose. Channels are a pointing path directed to the sky, oriented with great accuracy (up to a degree) to the stars, where, according to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, the soul of the pharaoh would settle after death.

The northern channel was oriented towards the star Kohab in the constellation Ursa Minor. At that time, due to precession (the displacement of the Earth's axis), "Kokhab" was the "North Star" around which the sky revolved. It was assumed that after death the pharaoh becomes one of the stars in her environment in the northern part of the sky.

The Southern Channel was targeting the Sirius star. In Egyptian mythology, “Sirius” was associated with the name of the goddess Sopdet (the protector and patroness of all the dead).

At the time the second pyramid was built, both channels from the burial chamber (7) reached the edge of the outer walls and were open to the sky. The burial chamber of the pharaoh's second inner pyramid may also have been unfinished (judging by the lack of its interior decoration).

It is possible that the top of the second pyramid was not fully completed (for example, there was a war, the pharaoh was killed, died prematurely from illness, an accident, etc.). But, in any case, the second pyramid was built no lower than the height of the channels (“air ducts”) emanating from the burial chamber (7) to the outer walls.

The second internal pyramid reveals itself not only with tightly closed channels and its own separate burial chamber, but most of all it is revealed outside by the walled-up central entrance (1) to the Cheops pyramid.

Obviously, it immediately catches your eye that the entrance, tightly walled up with huge granite blocks, is buried in the body of the third pyramid (about the same 10-12 meters as the channels from the second burial chamber).

During the construction of the third pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops, there was no point in extending this external entrance to the second pyramid. Therefore, after adding walls along the perimeter of the third pyramid, the entrance turned out to be “recessed” inside.

The entrance gates of all buildings are always made slightly outside the structure, and not buried in the depths of the structure. The Pyramid of Khafre has approximately the same entrance, but moved outside.

Cheops is the third owner of the pyramid

Archaeologists and historians, according to the deciphering of hieroglyphs, have established that the Cheops pyramid was built not by slaves (as previously thought), but by civilian builders, who, of course, had to be paid well for hard work. And since the volume of construction was enormous, it was more profitable for Cheops to take an unfinished pyramid than to build a new one from scratch. The advantageous location of the unfinished second pyramid, which was located at the very top of the plateau, was also important.

Cheops began the construction of the third pyramid by dismantling the central part of the second pyramid. In the resulting “crater” at a height of approximately 40 meters from the ground, a pre-chamber (11) and the third burial chamber of the pharaoh (10) were built. The passage to the third burial chamber only needed to be extended. The ascending tunnel (6) was continued in the form of a large 8-meter high cone-shaped gallery (9).

The conical shape of the gallery is not similar to the initial part of the ascending narrow passage. This indicates that the tunnel was not made at the same time and under different external conditions.

After the third Cheops pyramid was expanded on the sides, adding 10-12 meters on each side, the outgoing channels of the second pyramid from the chamber (7) were accordingly closed.

If the burial chamber (7) turned out to be empty, then there was no point in extending the old channels for the builders of the third pyramid. Outside, the channels were filled with new rows of wall blocks of the third pyramid, and from the inside in chamber (7), the outgoing channels were also walled up. In the burial chamber (7), walled up channels were discovered by treasure hunters (researchers) by tapping the walls only in 1872.

In September 2010, English and German researchers launched a caterpillar robot into one of the narrow “air ducts” from the second burial chamber (7). Having risen to the end, he rested against a limestone slab 13 cm thick, drilled through it, inserted a video camera into the hole, and on the other side of the slab at a distance of 18 cm, the robot saw another stone barrier. Having reached a dead end, the scientists' search ended in nothing. The stone barrier is nothing more than the blocks of the third pyramid.

The builders of the third pyramid of Cheops from the third burial chamber of the pharaoh laid new channels (10) for the “flight of the soul” to the stars.

If you look closely at the cross-section of the pyramid, the two pairs of channels (to the north and south) from the second and third chambers are not parallel! This is one of the “keys” to solving the mystery of the Cheops pyramid.

The channels of the upper third chamber relative to the channels of the second chamber are rotated clockwise by 5 degrees. The northern pair of channels has inclination angles of 32° and 37° (5° difference). The southern pair of channels, oriented towards the star Sirius, has inclination angles of 45° and 39° (a difference of 6°). Here, an increase of 1 degree can be attributed to the own movement of the planet Sirius in its orbit. The 5-degree discrepancy in channel angles is not accidental. Egyptian priests and builders very accurately recorded the position of the stars in the sky and clearly laid out the direction of the channels to the stars (with an accuracy of minutes and seconds).

Then what's the matter

The point here is that the Earth’s rotation axis shifts by 1 degree every 72 years, and every 25,920 years the Earth’s axis, rotating at an angle like a spinning top, makes a full circle of 360 degrees. This astronomical phenomenon is called precession. Plato called the total rotation time of the Earth's axis 25,920 years - “The Great Year”.

When the Earth's axis shifts by 1 degree over 72 years, then the angle of view in the direction of all stars (including the Sun) also changes by 1 degree. If the displacement of each pair of channels differs by 5 degrees, then we can easily calculate that between the construction of the second pyramid (of the unknown pharaoh) and the third pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops, the difference is 5 x 72 = 360 years.

Egyptian historians say that Pharaoh Cheops (another pronunciation is Khufu) reigned in 2540-2560 BC. By counting “degree” years ago, we can say exactly when the second inner pyramid was built. Thus, the second pyramid was built in 2800-2820 BC.

In the Cheops pyramid the only place under the ceiling (on the powerful vaulted granite slabs above the third burial chamber) there is a personal hieroglyph made by the workers who left their mark: “Builders, friends of Pharaoh Khufu.” No other mention of the name Cheops (Khufu) or the affiliation of other pharaohs to the pyramid has yet been found.

Most likely, the third Cheops pyramid was completed and used for its intended purpose. Otherwise, the Cheops pyramid would not have been “sealed”. That is, a plug of several granite cubes would not have been lowered into the ascending passage (6) from above and from the inside along an inclined plane. With these stone cubes, the pyramid was tightly closed to everyone for more than three thousand years (until 820 AD).

The ancient Egyptian name of the Cheops pyramid is read in hieroglyphs as “Horizon of Khufu”. The name has a literal meaning. The angle of inclination of the side face of the pyramid is 51° 50′. This is the angle at which the Sun rose exactly at noon on the days of the autumn-spring equinox. The sun at noon, like a golden “crown,” crowned the pyramid. Throughout the year, the Sun (the ancient Egyptian God - Ra) walks across the sky in summer higher, in winter lower (just like the pharaoh through his domains) and always the Sun (pharaoh) returns to his “home”. Therefore, the angle of inclination of the walls of the pyramid indicates the path to the house of the “Sun God”, to the “house of the pyramid” of Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) - “son of the Sun God”.

The edges of the walls are arranged at an angle of view towards the Sun not only in this pyramid. In Khafre's pyramid, the angle of inclination of the wall faces is slightly more than 52-53 degrees (it is known that it was built later). In the Mikerin pyramid, the slope of the faces is 51°20′25″ (less than that of Cheops). Until now, historians did not know whether it was built before the Cheops pyramid or later. Now, taking into account the open “degree time” of the Earth’s precession, the smaller angle of inclination of the walls indicates that the pyramid of Mikerinus was built not later, but earlier. In relation to the “degree age scale”, a difference in the slope of the walls of 30 minutes corresponds to 36 years. In later Egyptian pyramids, for example the pyramid of Pharaoh Khafre, the slope of the faces should accordingly be greater.

In Sudan (see in the picture) there are many pyramids, the angle of inclination of the faces of which is much steeper. Sudan is south of Egypt and the Sun stands higher above the horizon there on the day of the spring-autumn equinox. This explains the great steepness of the walls of the Sudanese pyramids.

In 820 A.D. The Baghdad caliph Abu Jafar al-Mamun, in search of the countless treasures of the pharaoh, made a horizontal break (2) at the base of the Cheops pyramid, which tourists use to enter the pyramid at present. The breach was made to the beginning of the ascending corridor (6), where they ran into granite cubes, which were bypassed to the right and thus penetrated into the pyramid. But, according to historians, they found nothing but “dust half the size of a palm” inside. If there was anything valuable in the pyramid, then the servants of the caliph took it. And what they left behind was taken away over the next period of time—1200 years.

Judging by the appearance of the gallery (9), 28 pairs of ritual statues stood along its walls in rectangular recesses. However, the exact purpose of the recesses is not known. Two facts indicate that there were statues there. First, the eight-meter height of the gallery made it possible to install statues. Secondly, there were large round peeling imprints on the walls from the mortar that was used to attach the statues to the walls.

I will disappoint those who were determined to find “miracles” in the design of the Egyptian pyramids.

Over a hundred pyramids have been discovered in Egypt today, and they are all different from each other. The pyramids have different angles of inclination of the faces oriented towards the Sun (because they were built at different times), there is a pyramid with a “broken side” at a double angle, there are stone and brick pyramids, smoothly lined and stepped, there are pyramids with a base not square, but rectangular in shape, for example, Pharaoh Djoser.

There is no unity even among the neighboring pyramids at Giza. The Pyramid of Mikerin (the smaller of the three) at its base is not oriented strictly to the cardinal points. The exact orientation of the sides is not given importance. IN main pyramid Cheops's third (uppermost) burial chamber is not located in the geometric center of the pyramid or even on the axis of the pyramid. In the pyramids of Khafre and Mikerin, the burial chambers are also off-center. If the pyramids had some kind of secret secret, law or knowledge, the “golden ratio” and so on, then all the pyramids would have uniformity. But there is nothing like that in the pyramids. Below in the pictures Egyptian pyramids different shapes.

The former Minister of Archeology of Egypt and the current main expert on ancient Egyptian pyramids, Zahi Hawass, says: “Like any practitioner, I decided to check the statement that food does not spoil in the pyramid. Divided a kilogram of meat in half. I left one part in the office and the other in the Cheops pyramid. The part in the pyramid deteriorated even faster than in the office.”

What else can you look for in the Cheops pyramid?

Perhaps you can find the above-ground prayer room of the first pyramid - the mastaba. It would be worth drilling down several holes in the floor of the second (7) burial chamber until an internal cavity is discovered below.

Then from the grotto (12) find a walled passage into the halls (or pave it). This will not be detrimental to the pyramid, since there was originally a connecting entrance from the underground burial chamber to the above-ground mastaba room. And you just have to find it. After the discovery of the interior of the mastaba, it may become known about the pharaoh - the owner of the first truncated trapezoidal mastaba pyramid.

The Mastaba Sphinx is also of great interest on the Giza plateau. The stone body of the ancient Sphinx is located from west to east. Funeral burials were also made from west to east. Presumably, the Sphinx is an integral part of an above-ground structure (mastaba) - the tomb of an unknown pharaoh.

Searches in this direction would expand the boundaries of knowledge of the history of ancient Egypt. It is possible even more early civilization, for example, the Atlanteans, whom the Egyptians deified, considering them their ancestors, and referred to their ancient ancestors as predecessor gods.

An identification study by American criminologists concluded that the face of the Sphinx does not resemble the faces of the statues of Egyptian pharaohs, but has distinct Negroid features. That is, the ancient ancestors of the Egyptians, including the legendary Atlanteans, had Negroid facial features and African origin.

It should be noted here that the Egyptian legend about the Atlantean ancestors is indirect evidence of proximity to Egypt.

Probably, the burial chamber and mummy of an ancient pharaoh of Negro origin is located under the front paws of the Sphinx, as the American psychic Edgar Cayce said about it. In this case, there should be a passage upward from the underground hall - a path for the relocation of the “soul” of the pharaoh and subsequent life in the body of the Sphinx statue (according to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians).

The Sphinx is a lion (symbol of royal power) with a human head and the face of a pharaoh. It is possible that the face of the discovered mummy of the pharaoh (after plastic restoration) will turn out to be “two peas in a pod” similar to the face of the Sphinx.

By analogy with the construction (of later pyramids over earlier ones), we can say that many other Egyptian pyramids had more than one owner. In this regard, confusion is revealed with the time of life of the pharaohs and the time of construction of their pyramids.

For example, Pharaoh Mykerinus ruled later than Cheops, but his pyramid, according to the angle of inclination of the walls, in accordance with calculations based on “years of precession,” was started 36 years earlier than Cheops’ pyramid. How can this be? The answer to this question is that the pyramid began to be built earlier (before Mikerin), but it was completed later, when the angle of inclination of the lower walls that had been started could no longer be changed.

There is a large vertical gap on one of the side walls of the Mykerinus pyramid. Getting to the pharaoh's treasures in the burial chamber inside the pyramid, the robbers dismantled part of the wall from top to bottom. In the thus formed “vertical section” of the section of the inner blocks of the pyramid, the following was revealed - from a certain, clearly defined boundary, the upper blocks were not laid tightly and not as neatly as the lower ones. This confirms that the pyramid was being completed and that later builders were not as careful about the quality of laying the internal blocks.

At the same time, judging by the two underground halls under the pyramid of Mikerin (which belong to the burials of the pharaohs during the construction of the mastabas), the burial structure was begun many centuries earlier. This confusion of times suggests that inside the pyramid of Mikerin, as well as in the pyramid of Cheops, there should be above-ground prayer rooms of the original mastaba belonging to the more ancient burial of the pharaoh. And in the body of the pyramid there should also be a chamber-tomb for the later burial of Pharaoh Mikerin.

The “curtain” of the centuries-old secret over the secret of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops has been lifted. All that remains is to enter the open door.
This requires permission from the Egyptian authorities, which they give to research scientists with great reluctance.
A mystery loses its appeal when it is revealed.

But, despite this, tourists’ interest in the majestic buildings does not disappear. ancient world, which has survived to this day.

How the Cheops Pyramid was built

Another confirmation of the triplicity of the Cheops pyramid. In 2009, the French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin, and later with the support of Egyptologist Bob Brier from the American University of Long Island, observing how roads were built in the mountains, put forward a similar erroneous assumption. about the construction technology of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. The fact that stone blocks were transported to the pyramid by drag, around its walls along inclined ramps and corridors, as if along a serpentine road mountain road. This is a long and laborious path. Following this, Jean-Pierre Houdin began to look for evidence of his hypothesis.

To substantiate his assumption, he accepted the research of a group of engineers from the French Academy of Sciences, who in 1986 spent several months scanning the internal contents of the Cheops pyramid to detect hidden cavities inside it. French researchers discovered wide stripes along the perimeter of the pyramid at different heights with approximately 15% less density (see above picture of gravimetry of the Cheops pyramid). Areas with a density from 1.85 to 2.3 tons per 1 cubic meter are highlighted in different colors.

French scientists were unable to explain why there are sparse stripes along the walls of the pyramid, and therefore the results of the study did not receive any discussion in the scientific world.

In June 2012, in Russia, engineer Vladimir Garmatyuk revealed the “secret” of the Cheops pyramid. Obvious evidence is provided that the pyramid, like a “Russian nesting doll” inside, consists of three pyramids of three pharaohs of different times. When it became known that inside the Cheops pyramid (the third from the start of construction) there is an older (360 years earlier) second pyramid (see picture - a recessed entrance to the second closed pyramid).

And there is an even more ancient first truncated pyramid (mastaba, which reveals itself in the underground hall under the pyramid and other signs), then the stripes of material with lower density inside the Cheops pyramid found their explanation. The stripes show and confirm the separation of the bodies of the second and third pyramid.

How and with what to explain this

For the strength of the structure, the outer layer of the pyramid was laid out from hewn, tightly packed blocks. Hence the high density of the outer layer of the walls. While the inner rows of the pyramids consist of roughly fitted unhewn blocks. Therefore, the density of the inner rows of the pyramid is less.

See, for example, the picture below - the “insides” of the pyramid of Pepi II from South Saqqara. On the outside of the pyramid there are densely laid hewn blocks, and on the inside there are ordinary stones obtained from horizontal chipping of layered limestone deposits.

It is possible that the same thing happened inside the Cheops pyramid (of course, not in the central part, where the burial chambers of the pharaohs are located); a mound of stones, rubble and sand, delivered to the pyramid in baskets, was used as a volume filler. After all, this significantly reduced the cost and accelerated the construction of the pyramids. A mound of stones easily explains the same vast spaces of rarefied density that were discovered in 2017 by French and Japanese physicists when studying the inside of the pyramid with muon telescopes.

When accurately measuring the plane of the side faces of the Cheops pyramid, it is noticeable that they have some depression inward (to a depth of one meter). After all, over the 4.5 thousand years since the construction of the pyramid, there have been many earthquakes that gradually shook out its contents over and over again. And because of this, the walls (since there is loose material inside the pyramid) fell somewhat inward due to their lower density.

According to gravimetry of the Cheops pyramid (white) stripes along the perimeter of the walls of the second pyramid have a density of 1.85-2.05 tons per cubic meter. This just means that there is an embankment made of stone.

The third (outer visible today) pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops increased the sides and height of the second (inner) pyramid by 10 - 12 meters. The inner unhewn blocks of the third pyramid are laid along the dense, hewn outer walls of the second pyramid. Therefore, in 1986, French gravimetric researchers recorded a difference in the density of the material inside the pyramid; it is this difference (the difference in density) that creates the appearance of a “serpentine”. French researchers noted this circumstance, but could not explain it.

Other arguments by Jean-Pere Houdin and Bob Brier, given to prove the assumption of the “serpentine” construction of the pyramid, each have their own explanation. Researchers in 2009 did not yet know that the Cheops pyramid consists of three different pyramids. For example, longitudinal stripes of stone blocks of the same color on the edges of the Cheops pyramid, which they interpret as “dusty roads” from the transportation of blocks, are explained by the uniform color of the stones, mined in a quarry from one layer of rock.

The third pyramid was built up with stone blocks evenly along the height and perimeter onto the walls of the second pyramid, like “cream on a cake.” The stone was mined in one place, and therefore the blocks are similar in color. The order in which the stone blocks were mined was the order in which they were laid in the walls. When the blocks were taken from another place, their color was slightly different.

Or their other argument is a small pothole-deepening on the edge near the top of the pyramid, which they called a transport corridor. The pothole could have been made after the pyramid was built, for example as a failed attempt to get inside. Or the pothole could be made like:

  • guardhouse for giving signals,
  • as a guard post for religious, hermitage, cult or other purposes.

The fact that the Cheops pyramid consists of three different pyramids, separated by hundreds of years in construction time, means that it was built by more than one generation of people, and there was no such great construction “in one go.”

This significantly mitigates the worrying problem of the labor intensity of building a pyramid, but does not cancel or in any way reduce the grandeur of the undoubtedly greatest structure of the ancient Egyptian civilization in the history of mankind.

The largest of the Egyptian pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops. The only one of the 7 wonders of the world that has remained to this day. The pyramid stands in Cairo, on the Giza plateau. Hemion is considered the architect of this miracle. He was the nephew and vizier of Cheops. For more than 3,000 years, the structure was considered the tallest structure on our planet. After 20 years of construction, in 2540 BC. the structure was built. In Egypt, the start date of construction is 2560 BC (August 23). This date was obtained after using the astronomical method of K. Spence. However, there are other methods with which other dates are obtained - S. Jaca (2720 BC), D. A. Belmonte (2577 BC) and finally Pollux (2708 BC) .

The size of the base of the pyramid is two hundred and thirty meters, original height was approximately one hundred and forty-seven meters; today the height is approximately one hundred and thirty-nine meters. From inside the Cheops pyramid there are 3
buried chambers. Through a descending corridor, the length of which is one hundred and five meters (slope 26° 26’46), you can reach the lowest chamber. The chamber is located underground (dimensions 14x8 meters, height 3.5 meters). The construction of this tomb was not completed. Above this room there are 2 other tombs - the chamber of the Queen and the Pharaoh. You can get into these chambers along an ascending corridor, the length of which is about forty meters (slope 26.5°). The passage leads to the Great Gallery, from where you can reach the chambers of the Pharaoh and the Queen through two different corridors.
About one hundred thousand workers worked on the construction. Initially, a road was built along which huge blocks were brought. Each block weighed 2.5 tons. To build this giant, according to analyses, 2.3 million limestone blocks were needed. The largest blocks are found in the Pharaoh's Chamber, each of which weighs from 26 to 80 tons. Initially, the entire pyramid was covered with a single-colored smooth stone, which crumbled over time. According to uniform calculations, 5.6 million tons of limestone and 8 thousand tons of granite were used to build the pyramid.

To enter the pyramid you need to climb to a height of 15.66 m (north side), since the entrance is at this height. Through a seventeen-meter gap, travelers find themselves inside the structure. The breach was realized by the Baghdad caliph Abdullah al-Mamun back in 820, who was looking for the treasures of the pharaoh.
According to other sources, the ancient Egyptians used the pyramid as an observatory, since the corridors point to the stars Alnitak, Sirius, and Thuban. The structure is also called the Pyramid of Khufu. Until these times, the pharaoh's coffin was not discovered.
Undoubtedly, this is the most visited corner of Cairo, where millions of travelers arrive every year to see with their own eyes the 7th wonder of the world.

The pyramid is part of the ritual and funeral complex of the earthly ruler: the pharaoh. Therefore, despite all the differences, all pyramids, in addition to the general shape, also have a common internal structure, which is due to the mandatory presence of a hall in which the pharaoh’s sarcophagus and the passages leading to it were installed. Let's see how they work Egyptian pyramids inside using the example of the tomb of Cheops - the tallest stone structure in the world.

The only entrance, which was provided by the ancient builders, is on the north side of the pyramid structure at a height of 12 meters from the ground. Once upon a time, this entrance was hidden by cladding slabs, but already at the end of the 18th century, the first European scientists who explored this wonder of the world - the French - saw it open, since by that time people and time had already deprived the ancient structure of cladding slabs.

A corridor with an almost square cross-section leads inside the Cheops pyramid. The angle of inclination of the corridor, apparently, was not chosen arbitrarily - it coincides with the angle at which the ancient Egyptians could observe the North Star. Therefore, the first explorers had to face certain difficulties - then there were no railings, which are now made for the convenience of tourists, and their feet slid along the polished stone floor slabs. And the ventilation back then was incomparably worse than it is today (although even now it is far from ideal). The corridor sometimes narrowed to such an extent that we had to crawl on our haunches. Now, again for the benefit of tourists, everything has been “tweaked”.

Pyramid of Cheops inside

Unlike most other similar structures in Egypt, which have one burial chamber, the most famous pyramidal collos has three. One of them - underground - is located below the base of the structure, carved directly into the natural foundation. However, this camera was not completely finished. Apparently, the builders’ plans have changed, and the other two chambers are now located directly in the above-ground stone body of the giant structure. For a long time, scientists explained this by saying that the pharaoh wanted the tomb to be ready for a possible funeral ceremony at any stage of construction. And when the builders began building the next chamber, located above, the need for an underground chamber was no longer necessary.

This theory does not explain why all other similar structures have a burial chamber below the base line. Only the pyramids of the pharaohs Snefru and Cheops have burial chambers inside, higher than the base, in the thickness of the masonry. A significant number of modern Egyptologists believe that this arrangement of the chambers in the tomb of Cheops was associated with certain religious views of the ancient inhabitants of Egypt. Briefly, this theory goes like this. There are facts that allow us to conclude that Cheops began to be revered as the god Ra during his lifetime.

The pyramid of this pharaoh is called the “Horizon of Khufu”, which meant that he, like the god Ra himself, rises to the horizon every day. The sons and successors of Cheops, Djedefre and Khafre, became the first pharaohs whose titles contained the epithet “son of Ra.” That is, Khufu was identified with Ra, therefore his burial chamber should be located above the earth and closer to the sky - where the real sun is visible. True, it should be noted that in relation to Pharaoh Snefru, no facts have yet been found that would allow us to interpret the location of his burial chamber in a similar way.

But let's return again to what constitutes Cheops pyramid inside. From the corridor leading down into the underground chamber, approximately at ground level, a passage leading upward begins. From it you can get into a small gallery, and then into a small chamber, called the queen's chamber. One of the underground "interchanges" If you do not turn towards the queen’s room, but go further, you will see the Great Gallery, which is 47 meters long and 8.5 meters high. This magnificent gallery is a unique architectural structure. The ancient craftsmen laid the limestone slabs of the false vault in such a way that each subsequent layer overlapped the previous one by 5-6 cm. The limestone slabs framing the walls were polished to a shine and hewn together with amazing precision - even the blade of a thin knife could not pass through the joints . There are notches carved into the floor that allow you to move without having to hold on to the smooth walls.

After the Great Gallery there is a small airlock room leading to the room called the King's Chamber. Its dimensions are:

  • length - 10.5 m;
  • width – 5.2 m;
  • height – 5.8 meters.

The chamber lining is made of pink granite slabs. Five unloading chambers were erected above the ceiling, the top of which has a gable roof made of giant granite blocks. They take on the enormous weight of the stone mass, preventing it from crushing the pharaoh’s burial chamber. It should also be noted that the pharaoh's camera is precisely oriented to the cardinal points.

At the western wall ( afterworld among the Egyptians began in the west) there is a massive sarcophagus carved from a monolithic block of pink granite. The sarcophagus has no lid. Also, no traces of the pharaoh's mummy were found. That is, there is no evidence that the Cheops pyramid was ever used for an actual funeral. However, no other burial place of Pharaoh Cheops has yet been discovered, nor has his mummy been found. Nevertheless, Egyptologists have enough grounds to say that the pyramids are part of the ritual and funerary complex, and not something else.

When the first European explorers discovered the pharaoh's sarcophagus at the end of the 18th century, they did not yet know exactly for whom this tomb, as they thought, was built, or what the name of the ancient ruler of Egypt was. Only later were several hieroglyphs surrounded by an oval frame discovered above the burial chamber. In fairness, it should be noted that some Egyptologists consider this inscription to be a much later forgery, and there are certain reasons for this. The inscription was read thanks to the scientific discoveries of Champollion, who by that time had already deciphered the language of the ancient Egyptians. It turned out that this was the name of the pharaoh, by whose order this main and first wonder of the world was built. The pharaoh's name was Khufu (the Greeks called him Cheops), and he ruled according to modern scientific ideas in the 28th-27th centuries. BC, that is, about 4700 years ago.

The mystery of the mysterious canals

Speaking about the structure of the Cheops pyramid, one cannot help but say that both the queen’s chamber and the king’s chamber are equipped with ascending in the northern and south direction inclined shafts-channels of square cross-section with an average size of 20x20 cm. Until recently, it was believed that they served as ventilation ducts. However, if two passages extending from the pharaoh’s burial chamber pass through the body of the structure and go outside, then the two passages from the queen’s chamber cannot be ventilation ducts - they end in the masonry itself far from the outer surfaces of the walls (see diagram above).

Since 1993, attempts have been made using various technical devices understand what purpose they were intended for. German engineers have designed a special robot capable of crawling through such narrow mines. But in both the southern shaft and the northern one, the robot ran into an obstacle, which was a kind of plate with two protrusions (handles?) that looked like metal (copper?). An attempt was made to drill through one of the partitions, but the video camera that the robot pushed into the drilled hole showed that the small space behind the slab again ended in a new stone partition.

It was decided to continue the research by preparing new technical equipment, but the events in Egypt that occurred at the beginning of 2011 postponed it indefinitely.

In the light of new data, a scientific hypothesis has become widespread that these mines performed certain ritual tasks associated with the religious beliefs of the ancients. There is also a simpler hypothesis that originally these were actually ventilation ducts. But as the structure rose higher and higher, it was decided to build a third burial chamber - the king's chamber. And the passages leading from the queen’s chamber were blocked by the builders as unnecessary. This hypothesis is indirectly confirmed by the fact that the entrances to the mines from the side of the queen’s chamber itself were walled up and were found only after a thorough examination.

Internal structure of the Cheops pyramid from an engineering and construction point of view, the most complex of all such structures Ancient Egypt. All other Egyptian pyramids inside look approximately the same as the great pyramidal structure of Cheops, but in general, inside the pyramids of other pharaohs have a simpler structure, with the exception of the tomb of Pharaoh Djoser in Saqqara, which has a branched system underground passages and premises at its base.

It will also be interesting to watch.

History of the construction of the Cheops pyramid

The construction of the pyramid began around 2560 BC. The architect was Hemion, the nephew of Pharaoh Cheops, who managed all the construction projects of the Old Kingdom at that time. The construction of the Cheops pyramid took at least 20 years, and, according to various estimates, more than one hundred thousand people were involved. The project required a herculean effort: workers extracted blocks for construction elsewhere, in the rocks, delivered them along the river and lifted them along an inclined plane to the top of the pyramid on wooden sleds. To build the Cheops pyramid, more than 2.5 million granite and limestone blocks were needed, and at the very top a gilded stone was installed, which gave the entire cladding the color of the sun's rays. But in the 2nd century, when the Arabs destroyed Cairo, local residents dismantled the entire cladding of the pyramid to build their houses.

For almost three millennia, the Cheops pyramid occupied the first place on Earth in height, giving the palm only in 1300 to Lincoln Cathedral. Now the height of the pyramid is 138 m, it has decreased by 8 m compared to the original one, and the base area is more than 5 hectares.

The Pyramid of Cheops is revered local residents as a shrine, and every year on August 23, Egyptians celebrate the day its construction began. No one knows why August was chosen, because there are no historical facts No evidence has been found to confirm this.

The structure of the Cheops pyramid

Inside the Cheops pyramid, the most interesting are the three burial chambers, which are located one above the other in a strict vertical line. The lowest one remained unfinished, the second belongs to the pharaoh’s wife, and the third belongs to Cheops himself.

To travel along the corridors, for the convenience of tourists, paths with steps were laid, railings were made and lighting was installed.

Cross section of the Cheops pyramid

1. Main entrance
2. The entrance made by al-Mamun
3. Crossroads, “traffic jam” and the al-Mamun tunnel made “bypass”
4. Descending corridor
5. Unfinished underground chamber
6. Rising corridor

7. “Queen’s chamber” with outgoing “air ducts”
8. Horizontal tunnel

10. Pharaoh's chamber with “air ducts”
11. Prechamber
12. Grotto

Entrance to the pyramid

The entrance to the Cheops pyramid is an arch formed from stone slabs, and is located on the north side, at a height of 15 m 63 cm. Previously, it was filled with a granite plug, but it has not survived to this day. In 820, Caliph Abdullah al-Mamun decided to find treasure in the pyramid and made a seventeen-meter gap 10 meters below the historical entrance. The Baghdad ruler found nothing, but today tourists enter the pyramid through this tunnel.

When al-Mamun made his passage, a fallen block of limestone blocked the entrance to another corridor - an ascending one, and behind the limestone there were three more granite plugs. Since a vertical tunnel was discovered at the junction of two corridors, descending and ascending, it was assumed that granite plugs were lowered down through it in order to seal the tomb after the funeral of the Egyptian king.

Funeral "pit"

The descending corridor, which is 105 meters long, descends underground at an inclination of 26° 26’46 and abuts another corridor 8.9 m long, leading to chamber 5 and located horizontally. There is an unfinished chamber measuring 14 x 8.1 m, running east to west in shape. For a long time it was believed that there were no other rooms in the pyramid except this corridor and chamber, but it turned out differently. The height of the chamber reaches 3.5 m. At the southern wall of the chamber there is a well about 3 m deep, from which a narrow manhole (0.7 × 0.7 m in cross-section) stretches southward for 16 m, ending in a dead end.

At the beginning of the 19th century, engineers John Shae Perring and Richard William Howard Vyse dismantled the floor of the chamber and dug a well 11.6 m deep, in which they hoped to discover a hidden burial chamber. They were based on the testimony of Herodotus, who claimed that the body of Cheops was on an island surrounded by a canal in a hidden underground chamber. Their excavations came to nothing. Later studies showed that the chamber was abandoned unfinished, and it was decided to build the burial chambers in the center of the pyramid itself.

Interior of the burial pit, photo from 1910

Ascending Corridor and Queen's Chambers

From the first third of the descending passage (18 m from the main entrance), an ascending passage (6) about 40 m long, ending at the bottom of the Great Gallery (9), goes up at the same angle of 26.5° to the south.

At its beginning, the ascending passage contains 3 large cubic granite “plugs”, which from the outside, from the descending passage, were masked by a block of limestone that fell out during the work of al-Mamun. It turned out that for almost 3 thousand years scientists were sure that there were no rooms in the Great Pyramid other than the descending passage and the underground chamber. Al-Ma'mun was unable to break through these plugs and simply carved out a bypass to the right of them in the softer limestone.

In the middle of the ascending passage, the design of the walls has a peculiarity: in three places the so-called “frame stones” are installed - that is, the passage, square along its entire length, pierces through three monoliths. The purpose of these stones is unknown.

A horizontal corridor 35 m long and 1.75 m high leads to the second burial chamber from the lower part of the Great Gallery in a southerly direction. It is traditionally called the “Queen’s Chamber,” although according to the ritual, the wives of the pharaohs were buried in separate small pyramids. The Queen's Chamber, lined with limestone, measures 5.74 meters from east to west and 5.23 meters from north to south; her maximum height 6.22 meters. There is a high niche in the eastern wall of the chamber.

Grotto, Grand Gallery and Pharaoh's Chambers

Another branch from the lower part of the Great Gallery is a narrow, almost vertical shaft about 60 m high, leading to the lower part of the descending passage. There is an assumption that it was intended to evacuate workers or priests who were completing the “sealing” of the main passage to the “King’s Chamber.” Approximately in the middle of it there is a small, most likely natural expansion - a “Grotto” of irregular shape, in which several people could fit at most. The grotto (12) is located at the “junction” of the masonry of the pyramid and a small, about 9 meters high, hill on the limestone plateau lying at the base of the Great Pyramid. The walls of the Grotto are partially reinforced by ancient masonry, and since some of its stones are too large, there is an assumption that the Grotto existed on the Giza plateau as an independent structure long before the construction of the pyramids, and the evacuation shaft itself was built taking into account the location of the Grotto. However, taking into account the fact that the shaft was hollowed out in the already laid masonry, and not laid out, as evidenced by its irregular circular cross-section, the question arises of how the builders managed to accurately reach the Grotto.

The large gallery continues the ascending passage. Its height is 8.53 m, it is rectangular in cross-section, with walls slightly tapering upward (“false vault”), a high inclined tunnel 46.6 m long. In the middle of the Great Gallery, along almost the entire length, there is a square recess with a regular cross-section, 1 meter wide and 60 cm deep, and on both side protrusions there are 27 pairs of recesses of unknown purpose. The recess ends with the “Big Step” - a high horizontal ledge, a platform of 1x2 meters, at the end of the Great Gallery, immediately before the hole into the “hallway” - the Antechamber. The platform has a pair of ramp recesses similar to those in the corners near the wall. Through the “hallway” a hole leads into the funeral “Tsar’s Chamber” lined with black granite, where an empty granite sarcophagus is located.

Above the “Tsar’s Chamber” are discovered in the 19th century. five unloading cavities overall height 17 m, between which lie monolithic slabs about 2 m thick, and above there is a gable ceiling. Their purpose is to distribute the weight of the overlying layers of the pyramid (about a million tons) in order to protect the “King’s Chamber” from pressure. In these voids, graffiti was found, probably left by workers.

A network of ventilation ducts leads from the cells to the north and south. The channels from the Queen's Chamber do not reach the surface of the pyramid by 12 meters, and the channels from the Pharaoh's Chamber reach the surface. Such branches have not been found in any other pyramid. Scientists have not reached a unanimous opinion whether they were built for ventilation or have anything to do with Egyptian ideas about the afterlife. At the upper ends of the channels there are doors, most likely symbolizing the entrance to another world. In addition, the channels point to the stars: Sirius, Tuban, Alnitak, which makes it possible to assume that the Cheops pyramid also had an astronomical purpose.

Surroundings of the Cheops Pyramid

At the eastern edge of the Cheops pyramid there are 3 small pyramids of his wives and family members. They are located from north to south, according to size: the base side of each building is 0.5 meters smaller than the previous one. They are well preserved inside; time has partially destroyed only the outer cladding. Nearby you can see the foundation of the mortuary temple of Khufu, inside of which were found drawings depicting a ritual performed by the pharaoh, it was called the Unification of the Two Lands.

Pharaoh's boats

The Pyramid of Cheops is the central figure of a complex of buildings, the location of which had ritual significance. The procession with the late pharaoh was transported along the Nile to the west bank on numerous boats. In the lower temple, to which the boats sailed, the first part of the funeral ceremony began. Next, the procession headed to the upper temple, where the prayer house and altar were located. To the west of the upper temple was the pyramid itself.

On each side of the pyramid, boats were walled up in rocky recesses, on which the pharaoh was supposed to travel through the afterlife.

In 1954, archaeologist Zaki Noor discovered the first boat, called the Solar Boat. It was made of Lebanese cedar, consisted of 1224 parts, and had no traces of fastening or joining. Its dimensions are: length 43 m and width 5.5 m. It took 16 years to restore the boat.

On the southern side of the Cheops pyramid there is a museum of this boat.

The second boat was found in a mine located east of where the first boat was found. A camera was lowered into the shaft, which showed traces of insects on the boat, so it was decided not to raise it and to seal the shaft. This decision was made by scientist Yoshimuro from Waseda University.

In total, seven pits were discovered with real ancient Egyptian boats, dismantled into parts.

Video: 5 Unsolved Mysteries of the Pyramids of Egypt

How to get there

If you want to see Great Pyramid Cheops, you need to arrive in Cairo. But there are practically no direct flights from Russia and you will have to make a transfer in Europe. Without a transfer, you can fly to Sharm el-Sheikh, and from there travel 500 kilometers to Cairo. You can get to your destination by comfortable bus, the travel time is approximately 6 hours, or you can continue the journey by plane, they fly to Cairo every half hour. In Egypt they are very loyal to Russian tourists; you can get a visa right at the airport after landing. It will cost $25 and is issued for a month.

Where to stay

If your goal is ancient treasures and you come to the pyramids, then you can choose a hotel in Giza or in the center of Cairo. Comfortable hotels with all the benefits of civilization are represented in numbers of almost two hundred. In addition, Cairo has many attractions, it is a city of contrasts: modern skyscrapers and ancient minarets, noisy colorful bazaars and nightclubs, neon nights and quiet palm gardens.

Reminder for tourists

Don't forget that Egypt is a Muslim state. Men should simply ignore Egyptian women, because even an innocent touch can be considered harassment. Women must follow dress codes. Modesty and once again modesty, a minimum of bare areas of the body.

On organized excursions Tickets to the pyramids can be purchased at any hotel.

The pyramid area is open to the public in summer from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in winter it is open half an hour less; the entrance ticket costs approximately 8 euros.

Museums are paid separately: you can see the Solar Boats for 5 euros.

To enter the Pyramid of Cheops you will be charged 13 euros; visiting the Pyramid of Chefre will cost less - 2.6 euros. There is a very low passage here and be prepared for the fact that you will have to walk 100 meters in a half-bent position.

Other pyramids, for example, the wife and mother of Khafre, can be viewed for free by presenting an entrance ticket to the zone.

The best time to view them is in the morning, immediately after opening. It is strictly forbidden to climb the pyramids, break off a piece as a souvenir and write “I was here...”. You can pay a fine for this that will exceed the cost of your trip.

If you want to take a photo of yourself against the backdrop of the pyramids or just the surrounding area, prepare 1 euro for the right to take photographs; photography is prohibited inside the pyramids. If you are offered to take a photo of you, do not agree and do not give the camera to anyone, otherwise you will have to buy it back.

Tickets to visit the pyramids are limited: 150 tickets are sold at 8 a.m. and the same number at 1 p.m. There are two ticket offices: one at the main entrance, the second at the Sphinx.

Each of the pyramids is closed once a year for restoration work, so you are unlikely to see everything at once.

If you don't want to walk throughout the Giza area, you can rent a camel. Its cost will depend on your bargaining ability. But keep in mind that they won’t tell you all the prices right away, and when you ride around, it turns out that you have to pay to get off the camel.

Tricky tip: The toilet is located in the Solar Boat Museum.

On the territory of the pyramid zone there are cafeterias where you can have a good lunch.

Every evening there is a light and sound show lasting one hour. It is held in different languages: Arabic, English, Japanese, Spanish, French. On Sundays the show is performed in Russian. It is recommended to separate your visit to the pyramids and the show over two days, otherwise you will not be able to fit in as many impressions.

- one of the most ancient “seven wonders of the world” that has survived to this day. It inherited its name from its creator, Pharaoh Cheops, and is the largest in the group of Egyptian pyramids.

It is believed that it serves as a tomb for his dynasty. The Pyramid of Cheops is located on the Giza Plateau.

Dimensions of the Cheops pyramid

The height of the Cheops Pyramid initially reached 146.6 meters, but time is inexorably and gradually destroying this impressive structure. Today it has decreased to 137.2 meters.

The pyramid is made up of a total of 2.3 million cubic meters of stone. The average weight of one stone is 2.5 tons, but there are even some whose weight reaches 15 tons.

The most interesting thing is that these blocks are so perfectly fitted that even the blade of a thin knife cannot pass through them. They were glued together with white cement as protection against water penetration inside. It has still been preserved.

One side of the pyramid is 230 meters long. The base area is 53,000 square meters, which can be equated to ten football fields.

This huge structure amazes with its grandeur and emanates antiquity. According to scientists, the total weight of the pyramid is 6.25 million tons. Previously, its surface was perfectly smooth. Now, unfortunately, there is no trace of this smoothness.

There is one entrance leading inside the Cheops pyramid, located at a height of 15.5 meters above the ground. It contains tombs in which the pharaohs were buried. These so-called burial chambers are made of durable granite and are located at a depth of 28 meters.

The pyramid consists of ascending and descending passages that were not used in any other similar structure. One of the features is a large descent leading to the tomb of the pharaoh.

The Pyramid of Cheops is located directly in the place that points to all four cardinal directions. It is the only one of all ancient structures that has such precision.

History of the Pyramid of Cheops

How the ancient Egyptians were able to build this Pyramid and when, probably no one can say with exact data. But in Egypt, the official date when construction began is August 23, 2480 BC.

It was then that Pharaoh Snofu died and his son Khufu (Cheops) gave the order to build the pyramid. He wanted to build such a pyramid so that it would become not only one of the greatest structures, but also glorify his name for centuries.

It is known that about 100,000 people simultaneously participated in its construction. For 10 years they only built a road along which it was necessary to deliver stones, and the construction itself continued for another 20-25 years.

According to the research of scientists, it is known that workers cut down huge blocks in quarries on the banks of the Nile. They went on boats to the other side and dragged the block with felt along the road to the construction site itself.

Then came the turn of hard and very dangerous work. The blocks were placed next to each other with extraordinary precision using ropes and levers.

Secrets of the Pyramid of Cheops

For almost 3,500 years, no one disturbed the peace of the Cheops Pyramid. It was covered with legends about the punishment of anyone who entered the chambers of the pharaoh.

However, there was such a daredevil caliph Abdullah al-Mamun, he built a tunnel inside the pyramid in order to profit. But imagine his surprise when he found absolutely no treasures. Indeed, this is one of the many secrets of this majestic structure.

No one knows whether Pharaoh Cheops was really buried in it or whether his tomb was plundered by the ancient Egyptians. Scientists emphasize that the pharaoh's chamber does not have decorations, which were customary at that time to decorate tombs. The sarcophagus has no lid and is not completely hewn. It is obvious that the work was not completed.

After Abdullah al-Mamun's unsuccessful attempt, he became furious and ordered the pyramids to be dismantled. But naturally I did not achieve this goal. And the robbers lost all interest in her and her non-existent treasures.

In 1168, the Arabs burned down part of Cairo and when the Egyptians began to rebuild their homes, they removed the white slabs from the pyramid.

And from that pyramid that shone like gem, only the stepped body remained. This is how it appears today, before enthusiastic tourists.

The Cheops Pyramid has been constantly explored since the time of Napoleon. And some researchers are more inclined to believe the theory that the pyramid was built by aliens or Atlanteans.

Because to this day it is not clear how builders could achieve such excellent stone processing and precise laying, which has not been affected by external factors for centuries. And the measurements of the pyramid themselves are amazing in their results.

The pyramid was surrounded by other interesting buildings, mainly temples. But today almost nothing has survived.

Their purpose is not completely clear, but in 1954 archaeologists found the oldest ship at this site. It was the Solnechnaya boat, which was made without a single nail, with preserved traces of silt, and most likely sailed during the time of Cheops.

The Pyramid of Cheops is located on the Giza plateau. Giza is a settlement northwest of Cairo. You can get there by taxi by calling final stop Mena House Hotel. Either take a bus from the Tahrir Square stops in Cairo or take the bus at Ramses Station.

Pyramid of Cheops on the map

Opening hours, attractions and prices

You can see the majestic Pyramid of Cheops every day from 8.00 to 17.00. in winter, visiting is limited to 16.30. It is advisable to visit the pyramid in the early morning or late afternoon. At other times it is quite hot, and you can’t get through the crowds of tourists. Although even at this hour there are not so few of them.

When walking to the ticket office, which is not far from the hotel, you should not pay attention to the barkers offering camel rides or calling themselves inspectors. Most likely, these are scammers.

The cost of entry to the territory will cost $8, entrance to the Pyramid of Cheops itself will cost $16. And of course it’s worth visiting the two nearby pyramids of Khafre and Mikerinus, each costing $4. And to see the Solar Boat - $7.

It is impossible to appreciate the full power and grandeur of the Cheops Pyramid, shrouded in many secrets, from photographs or words.

You just need to see it with your own eyes and touch this ancient, truly impressive structure.