Cultural tourism: essence and classification

      General presentation and classification cultural tourism

      Factors influencing cultural tourism

    Problems of development of cultural tourism in Russia

    1. Objects cultural heritage

      The main problems of Russian cultural tourism

    Potential for the development of cultural tourism in Russia

    1. Assessment of cultural complexes

      Criteria for assessing cultural tourism objects in Russia

      Development of cultural tourism using the example of the tourist and recreational zone “Golden Ring of Moscow”

      Prospects for the development of cultural tourism in Russia


List of used literature



More than a third of a century ago, the “International Convention for the Protection of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage” was promulgated in Paris, dictated by concern, if not fear, for the safety of the objects of material culture of human civilization.

They are threatened not so much by natural disasters, but by natural aging - the inevitably destructive passage of time. And not even acts of vandalism or the negligence of individual, in general, single, irresponsible members of society. And much more serious, more destructive forces are the changing mass consciousness in a changing world.

Culture is the fundamental basis for the process of development, preservation, strengthening of independence, sovereignty and identity of the people. The identity of the paths of historical evolution of culture and tourism predetermined the commonality of new methods of approach to their further development. In most countries of the world, there is a process of democratization of culture and tourism, which form an integral part of social life.

One of the main indicators of the effective work of the Tourism Committee on the development of inbound tourism is the annual increase in the flow of foreign tourists to Moscow. According to the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, about 3.5 million foreign guests visited the capital through the airports of the Moscow air zone in 2006, which is 19% higher than the final figure for 2005 (2 million 919 thousand). Indicators for the 1st half of 2007 - 1 million 427 thousand foreign tourists show an increase in the flow of guests by 7.5% compared to the same period in 2006 (1 million 327 thousand). 1

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in the light of the formation of democratic principles in Russia, integration into pan-European and world cultural processes is necessary, incl. processes of development of cultural tourism as one of the most promising areas of social and economic cooperation.

There are many definitions of the concept "cultural heritage". One of them says that cultural heritage is a reflection of the interaction between human society and the natural environment. Cultural tourism, unlike, for example, sports or beach tourism, is aimed at mastering cultural heritage, exploring the life experiences of other people, their customs, intellectual and creative achievements.

Today, as humanity enters the era of the Information Society, the requirements for the nature and completeness of available information have sharply increased. This also applies to cultural tourism.

The relevance and insufficient degree of theoretical and practical elaboration of the problems of the development of historical and cultural tourism in Russia and its regions predetermined the choice of topic, purpose and objectives of the study.

The purpose of the thesis is to consider the problem and prospects for the development of cultural tourism in Russia

In accordance with the intended goal, the following tasks are defined:

    formulate the methodological basis for analyzing the socio-economic nature of cultural tourism;

    consider the role of cultural tourism in the development of the regional economy;

    identify general global trends and prospects for the development of cultural tourism;

    estimate current state cultural tourism in the Russian Federation,

    identify economic and organizational features and opportunities for the development of historical and cultural tourism using the example of the Golden Ring;

    determine a set of measures for the development of cultural tourism as one of the promising areas.

The subject of the study is cultural tourism

The object of study is a set of organizational, economic, socio-cultural and legal relations that arise during the formation, functioning and development of historical and cultural tourism in Russia at the regional level.

The theoretical foundations and research into the problems of development of historical and cultural tourism were developed in the works of a number of foreign authors: C. Landry, D. Pierce, R. Prentice, G. Richards, etc. In the domestic literature, the features and trends in the development of historical and cultural tourism are reflected in works: O.I. Genisaretsky, V.E. Gordina, B.V. Emelyanova, V.A. Kvartalny, E.A. Kotlyarova, N.I. Podunova,
O.V. Rakhmaleva, T.V. Rumyantseva, V.B. Saprunova, V.T. Ustimenko and others.

In preparing the work, the author analyzed the legislative and regulatory documents underlying the state policy for regulating tourism activities in Russia, statistical materials: publications of the UN Tourism Commission, the World Tourism Organization, the WTO Commission for Europe, materials of the European Community Commission, international conferences on the development of historical heritage; national statistical publications, reports, reports, reviews of government tourism departments, periodical data.

In the process of research, general scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis, analogy, abstraction, induction and deduction, principles of unity of quantitative and qualitative measurement, historical and logical methods. The work also used methods of comparative assessments, forecasting, graphical and economic-statistical analysis, and expert assessments.

Structurally, the thesis consists of an introduction, in which the relevance of the chosen topic is substantiated, the purpose and objectives of the research are formulated; three logically interconnected chapters, revealing the conditional aspects of the topic under study; conclusions, which present general conclusions about the study; list of used literature and applications. Chapter titles reflect their content.

1 Cultural tourism: essence and classification

1.1 General introduction and classification of cultural tourism

Cultural tourism means traveling with the aim of getting acquainted with material and spiritual objects of culture, participating in cultural events. Together they influence the spiritual sphere of a person, his value system, knowledge, influence social behavior, and in one way or another affect his behavior as an economic subject.

In the context of globalization, cultural tourism as a leading sub-sector of tourism has new functions. It is no longer considered only as a type of tourism activity, but also an important and effective mechanism for managing the intercultural dialogue of peoples in a globalizing world; a way to implement the principles of social partnership at the level of various subjects of interaction.

One of the most attractive resources for tourism in the Russian Federation is cultural heritage. Russia is traditionally perceived as a country that has made a huge contribution to world culture. It is necessary to implement a competent heritage policy.

Heritage policy can be understood as a system of complex interactive interaction between various institutions and individuals: organizations at global, national and regional levels of government, public and third sector organizations, educational institutions, scientists and specialists in the field of heritage, simply “heritage consumers” (museum visitors , tourists, etc.), as a result of which the very essence of the concept of heritage, as well as strategy and tactics in relation to it, is determined. 2 Heritage management, or as it is often called, cultural resource management, is a rather technological concept, it also includes elements of strategy and tactics, but, as a rule, refers to the activities of government organizations at various levels. Let us give several foreign definitions of this concept. It is very clearly, although very narrowly formulated in the American methodology: it is “state-funded conservation and study of archaeological and historical resources including archaeological sites and historical buildings. Often used in a narrower sense to refer to work in the field of archeology and history that is carried out in anticipation of various large government-funded projects, such as the construction of dams or highways." Another definition, somewhat similar but different from the first, can be given: Cultural resource management or archaeological cultural resource management is generally federally or state-funded archaeological research that is carried out because a certain portion of private property has been acquired for use or construction of a road, bridge or for other purposes public works. For example, in order to begin construction of an interstate highway using federal funding, an archaeological resource assessment of the area is required. This assessment, reflected in the technical report, is similar to, and sometimes forms part of, the conclusions of the assessment of the project's environmental impact. It must evaluate all available cultural resources, historical and prehistoric, that may be affected by the project. Cultural archaeological resource management is typically broken down into three phases or implementation stages: Phase One: Identification of archaeological sites. The goal is to find and describe archaeological sites within a given territory. Phase two: implemented in relation to a small percentage of archaeological sites, when during the first phase it becomes clear that it is necessary better understanding object in order to determine mechanisms - how to avoid or mitigate the impact of the project on objects. Phase Three: Mitigation and Data Acquisition. It is implemented when the entire monument or part of it is planned for demolition or destruction, and in this case the goal is to obtain as much scientific data and information as possible. 3

The process of changing paradigms of attitude towards heritage was ambiguous and often depended on national and regional characteristics.

While in Russia, researchers and managers in the field of culture only approached the active use of this concept and associated terminology in the theory and practice of cultural policy only in the early to mid-nineties, in the West they have long been using heritage tools to develop economic and social development of a particular region or even an entire country, where heritage is sometimes the main, if not the only, resource for development. Very soon, such a connection led to the fact that, on the one hand, heritage began to be considered as an extremely important resource for regional and international development, and on the other hand, that from the category of abstract cultural concepts, it became a real economic and managerial category.

At the same time, here too the internal dialectical essence of heritage is manifested, in which the unity and opposition of the global and local, which largely determine the logic of modern development, are very well manifested. On the one hand, of course, “heritage is a factor in the formation of the cultural identity of a nation, its spirituality and historical memory” 4, on the other hand, its use is a very important element of the policies of global structures such as UNESCO, the World Bank, etc. In addition Therefore, the process of formulating heritage policy increasingly involves a variety of global and national governmental and non-governmental organizations, groups of people and individuals, cultural and world heritage information networks.

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