Cool! 3

Short description essays:
This summer I most want to visit the city of St. Petersburg, where we have been more than once. I want to visit the amusement park, the cruiser Aurora and the wax museum. This city delights me with its bright and unusual buildings, museums and cathedrals, because only there you can see such a magical picture right on the streets of the city.

This summer I most want to go with my parents to St. Petersburg, where we have already been several times.
I really like this city, because there are a lot of interesting places that cannot be visited in one day or even a month. Every day in this wonderful place begins and ends with new discoveries and adventures, new facts and acquisitions. I want to visit the wax museum and the cruiser Aurora, which we were not able to visit last time.

I also want to go again to the Divo Island amusement park, where we have already been. There are a huge number of attractions, so it's never boring. And one cannot ignore the many museums filled with artifacts and luxurious, huge cathedrals, because it is not for nothing that St. Petersburg is called the cultural capital of Russia. Even just walking along the streets, you can admire the beauty of this city, its grandeur, and think about the history of the creation of architectural masterpieces. Despite the crowds of tourists and natives, the city is much calmer than many other big cities.

St. Petersburg is my favorite city, which I want to come to again and again. There you can get a lot of positive emotions, new knowledge and vivid impressions.

Essay for 6th grade - Where would I like to go for the summer

In the summer I dream of going with my parents south to the sea. My parents already went to the village of Lazarevskoye when I was very little. They brought a lot of photographs, beautiful shells and sea pebbles.

Lazarevskoye is very interesting. The village is located on the seashore. You can walk around the village, there are a lot of beautiful flower beds, buildings and statues. Eat nice park, where you can ride a carousel and eat delicious ice cream.

Parents told me that on the beach and in the park you can take pictures with parrots, monkeys and a lion cub. Animals can be petted and fed.

There is also a beach in the village where you can sunbathe. The sea is clean and you can swim there yourself or ride a boat.

I know that you need to go to Lazarevskoye by train. I've never ridden a train or seen a real sea. That's why I dream of going to Lazarevskoye by train.

We will go there for a walk with mom and dad. Dad will teach me how to snorkel. We will go on excursions, swim, sunbathe and eat ice cream and fresh fruit. There are also real mountains near the village. You can live in a house whose windows overlook the mountains. My parents saw mountains covered with clouds, it was very beautiful.

I want to see all this too.

Be sure to look at the recommended essays and take a few sentences into your essay!
Update date: 01/12/2019

We can go wherever we want. We thought about it and decided that we still wanted to go to the sea. And not at all because this is a “stereotype” recent years" And why the last - if you think about it, this stereotype is quite a few years old, remember at least about Soviet health resorts, sanatoriums, pioneer camps on the shores of the Black Sea. We suggest not to think about stereotypes - health is more important. We found as many as five reasons to be on sea ​​coast, listen to the sound of the waves, look at the crimson sunset over the sea and admire the horizon line. Straight line: only sky and water.

1. At the resort you can replenish vitamin D deficiency


Vitamin D is produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays - it is not surprising that residents of the North are categorically lacking in it, especially in winter. “Lack of vitamin D is typical for 95-98% of residents of the northern latitudes and central part of Russia,” says psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, author of a patented method for correcting eating behavior and weight loss. Recently, a deficiency of this vitamin has also been noted among residents of southern latitudes. This is due to the fact that people use too strong sunscreen and spend less time outdoors.

And this shortage affects literally all aspects of life. “The role of vitamin D is broader than participation in phosphorus-potassium metabolism and the prevention of osteoporosis and rickets,” says Ekaterina Pushkova, pediatrician, allergist-immunologist at the Atlas Medical Center. “It is involved in immune reactions, in cell differentiation, and reduces inflammation.” It is necessary to replenish the level of the substance with the help of vitamins with therapeutic doses (and they are much higher than preventive doses, as Mikhail Gavrilov explains).

To prevent vitamin D deficiency, spend 20 minutes a day in the sun with your arms and face exposed.

Without washing your face - so that there is a fatty film on your face. Can you do this right now? You can find out by looking out the window.

Theoretically, you can stock up on this vitamin by going on vacation to a seaside resort: “Vitamin D belongs to the fat-soluble category and will be stored in the fat depot for some time, three to four months,” reminds Mikhail Gavrilov.

2. Sea sand is good for feet, sea water is good for skin


The benefits are primarily cosmetic. Romantic walk along the surf strip can replace a trip to a pedicure specialist. The fact is that wet sand is an excellent exfoliant; it helps the skin of the feet (and not only the feet) to get rid of dead cells and renew itself, causing rough limbs to soften and take on a decent appearance.

It is advisable that the sand be very fine - beaches Seychelles, Dominican Republic, the islands of Bali or Cambodia are ideal.

In addition, walking on sand is also a kind of massage for the feet, which is considered useful by followers of alternative medicine: they claim that foot massage helps relieve stress, improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system.

Concerning sea ​​water, then options are possible. For example, if you have eczema and atopic dermatitis, it should be avoided. If you have psoriasis, on the contrary, splash around in it more often. And for those who suffer from acne, doctors advise sunbathing (in moderation, of course): vitamin D is also known for its antibacterial properties.

3. At the resort we move more and eat better


Disputants will certainly find something to answer to this statement: yes, exercises with a shovel in the countryside are also excellent fitness. But not now! In winter, many summer residents, even wealthy ones, prefer not to break through the snowdrifts to the site, but to calmly wait for the snow to melt. And there’s nothing to weed. In apartments, summer residents, of course, lack the opportunity to stretch their legs. Seaside resorts are a different matter.

In 10 minutes of swimming in the sea, a person weighing 70 kg burns 70 calories. For half an hour of walking on the sand, he spends 158 calories, and also protects his joints, for which walking and running on soft surfaces are very useful.

At the same time, it also strengthens the muscles of the legs (when walking), shoulders, back and arms (when swimming). But he might also decide to play beach volleyball, go for a mountain walk or ride a bike!

Food at the resort is a different story. If you travel to one of the Mediterranean countries or Southeast Asia, for sure you will eat more fish and seafood (and consume more omega-3 fatty acids, which you are probably lacking) and vegetables (vitamins and fiber) than at home. Additional benefit for the heart, blood vessels and mood. A person who has just had a good dinner is always in a good mood, isn't it?

4. Sea air has a beneficial effect on the lungs


And our ancestors knew this very well - remember at least the one who suffered from tuberculosis, whom we arrogantly count among our ancestors. “Sea air contains almost all known mineral elements,” says Ekaterina Pushkova. — In composition, it is close to human blood plasma: it is a very physiological composition, and negative ionization helps microelements penetrate human tissues comfortably for the mucous membranes and saturate them.

Inhalation of ionized air under conditions seaside resort occurs without discomfort, it is not perceived as a medical procedure.”

“The therapeutic effect is hydration, relieving inflammation,” continues Ekaterina Pushkova. — Breathing fresh sea air is useful for those who suffer from tuberculosis and obstructive pulmonary disease (it would be nice if there were fewer of them, of course), or are recovering from pneumonia or bronchitis. But, of course, this is useful not only for lung diseases. Residents of megacities breathe polluted air with a high concentration of tars and exhaust gases, it supports inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and susceptibility to infections increases. Sea air suppresses inflammation and restores mucous membranes.”

The second explanation is offered by American oceanographer and science popularizer Wallace J. Nichols, author of the book “Blue Mind”: he claims that the seascape itself has a calming effect on the psyche.

The third scientific explanation, related to the familiar vitamin D, sounds most clear. “This substance takes part in the synthesis of dopamine, which has a stimulating effect,” explains Mikhail Gavrilov. — Low dopamine levels are associated with poor motivation, lack of energy, and problems with controlling emotions. It is no coincidence that seasonal spleen hits many people in the fall and winter, when daylight hours are shortened and it is impossible to get a sufficient dose of vitamin D in the sun. A lack of vitamin D in adults can cause seasonal affective disorder, depression, obesity and decreased immunity.” So put doubts aside - it's time to go to sea.

To the village

I'm looking forward to the summer holidays. I really want to use them to visit my grandmother in the village. Last summer I spent almost three months with her.

I like living with my grandmother. Last year I met a boy in the village; he was visiting his aunt. He and I became friends: we rode a bike together, played ball, went to the forest to pick berries (the sweet raspberry grows in our forest). This year he also wanted to come to the village for the holidays.

In the village you can go to the river, it is not far from the house. On a hot, sultry day, we get together in a small group and go swimming, and in the evening we go fishing.

The morning in the village begins early, at five o'clock the rooster crows. I help my grandmother with the housework: she keeps two small goats, with whom she allows me to walk in the meadow. In the summer it is especially pleasant in the field: flowers are blooming: daisies, bluebells, cornflowers, and many other different plants, the names of which I don’t know. Insects are circling in the air: butterflies, dragonflies, bees. Snow-white clouds float across the sky, a pleasant light wind blows. At such moments, time seems to freeze. And I just lie on the grass and admire the beauty of nature.

I also like the air in the village, fresh and clean. It is especially easy to breathe in the morning in the forest thicket, when dew lies on the grass, and the rays of the sun break through the crown of the trees with uncertain reflections. But the forest is not silent, it is filled with various sounds that, merging, form a wonderful song.

But autumn is creeping up with vague, light steps. And the harvest season comes, I love this time. Pears and apples grow in grandma’s garden, tasty and sweet. We make jam from them and bake pies.

Holidays in the countryside are the best best time, leaving many unforgettable emotions and memories.

Essay on the topic Where I would like to go in the summer - to the sea

Soon summer holidays and almost everyone is already thinking about how they will conduct them. I would like to go to the sea in the summer, preferably to Crimea.

Every year I go to the sea with my parents. The last time we spent two weeks in June in Simferopol, and it was the most wonderful and memorable time in my life.

My best friend also went to the sea last summer, though to the Azov Sea. I have also been to the Sea of ​​Azov several times.

I want to go to the sea because I really like swimming. When the sea is warm and the sun is shining, you don’t want to get out of the water. You just need to be careful not to get hurt on the sharp rocks at the bottom or get sunstroke. How nice it is to bask on the beach under the rays of the morning or spring sun!

It is best to vacation on the seaside not for very long, about two to three weeks, because if you vacation longer, you become bored and begin to feel homesick.

You should go to the sea in the morning or evening - at this time the most beneficial tanning is that cannot harm your health. During the day it is better not to leave the house, this is the period of the heat and scorching sun. At this time you can sleep, read a book or play on the phone.

I also like holidays at the seaside because you can always find new friends there. They can live next door, walk with you in the same park, swim in the sea. The main thing is that they are a lot of fun to spend time with, but it is very sad to leave, because most likely you will not see this person again.

At sea, it’s worth buying a memorable souvenir: a magnet, keychain or figurine - they will never let you forget about a good vacation.

To remember the pleasant time spent, you need to take as many photographs as possible with an interesting plot.

I hope that my dream will come true and in the summer I will still be able to visit Crimea.

To Paris to France

Summer is here and for many people the opportunity to relax. Some people go to a sanatorium for treatment, others to the village to enjoy the rural silence and breathe fresh air. And there is a category of people who love to travel. So I really want to go to France with my parents during the holidays and visit Paris.

Two years ago, a French delegation of students came to our school, where I met a boy named Jean. He and I became such friends during this time that we couldn’t stand a single day without communicating. Jean told me a lot about his hometown, and I became so interested that I wanted to go to him this summer.

After reading information about this city in the encyclopedia, and a story from a friend, I learned that Paris was one of the most beautiful cities in a world where there were many historical places. I especially like the view Eiffel Tower, which, as I learned, was a symbol of the entire country. The tower looks especially beautiful in the evening and at night, illuminating everything around.

When I watched a lot of films about the reign of French kings, I was most attracted to the Louvre, which previously served as the residence of monarchs. Now, as I learned, thousands of works of art are stored there. Everyone is especially attracted to the portrait of the mysterious Mona Lisa. But probably the most interesting place for me it is the Montmartre area, where many artists, writers and other creative personalities live. My friend comes from a family of musicians, and therefore he stays in this place almost every day, as his parents show their skills on the Parisian streets.

No less fascinating is a visit to the famous Arc de Trimfu, which was erected by Emperor Napoleon in honor of his victories. I hope that we will definitely go to Paris, and I will meet with Jean, after which we will definitely walk around Paris to really see all its beautiful places.

Option 4

Summer is the best time of the year; it is in summer that the most interesting, fun, exciting and unforgettable things always happen. After the summer holidays there are always a lot of bright memories, interesting stories and “only our” secrets. I already have a lot of plans for this summer. I would like to visit distant relatives in hot and sunny Odessa, learn to swim breaststroke and operate a boat there, help my granny with her huge vegetable garden and apple orchard, go to my beloved grandfather in the village and finally build a tree house in the forest with my friends.

But my most cherished and long-standing dream is the real hiking with our friendly team from the camp. This year we are planning a two-week trip to the Carpathians. First we will have a long ride tourist bus, and then we plan to walk with backpacks, tents and other special equipment. This adventure will undoubtedly remain in my memory forever.

I've never been to the mountains, I've never gone on overnight hikes. But I have always been interested in such travel, because I love nature, fresh air, forests and fields, mountains, rivers and lakes. I endlessly enjoy discovering new places, getting to know previously unseen corners of the earth. Mentally, I’m already there: I imagine how I light a fire, warm myself by an open fire, cook food with friends in a camp pot, sleep in a sleeping bag under starry sky. This hike is also a great opportunity to make new acquaintances; I am always glad to make loyal friends and good buddies. From an early age I have gravitated towards such walking trips. Choosing between a comfortable stay in resort hotel And wildlife, my preference is obvious. The heart of a young romantic will forever belong to Mother Nature.

I am reviewing photographs of the Carpathians, watching scientific films about these places, I want to prepare as best as possible for such a long-awaited trip.

I'm sure this summer will be best summer in my life. The Carpathians are waiting for me!

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