September 20, 2015 in Zhangjiajie Park Chinese province Hunan opened an amazing glass bridge. Well, how can I say they opened, the bridge had been there for a long time. But, much like in the case of the Capilano Bridge in Canada, the old wooden and already dilapidated bridge was replaced with a modern glass structure.

Glass Bridge on the map

  • geographical coordinates 29.046775, 110.481499 (though I’m not sure that the data is correct)
  • distance from the capital of China Beijing is about 1330 km
  • the distance to the nearest airport Henua in Zhangjiajie is approximately 15 km

The new bridge (like the old one) connects the two peaks of Stone Mountain Buddha and is located above the Pingyang Valley. Now the bridge serves not only to cross between the mountains, but is also a local landmark. Moreover, now the functions of the attraction are probably more important than others.

Glass bridge in numbers

  • length 300 meters
  • height 180 meters
  • glass thickness 24 mm

The entire floor of the bridge is made of glass, the strength of which is 25 times higher than usual. The glass is double-layered and 24 mm thick, which makes walking over the abyss absolutely safe.

But the human instinct of self-preservation protests, and the vast majority of visitors have great difficulty forcing themselves to walk across the bridge. It’s extremely scary to walk practically on air, especially at such a height. The transparency of glass creates the illusion of airiness and fragility.

Having overcome your fears and fear of heights, you find yourself in amazing place. Firstly, of course, there are beautiful views of the surrounding area, secondly, hundreds of meters of emptiness underfoot, and thirdly, unforgettable photographs as a keepsake. The feeling of walking through the air here will probably even surpass the feeling of being on the famous Five Fingers site in Austria.

It’s not for nothing that the glass bridge is also called the “hero’s bridge.” It takes remarkable courage to step on it. And to walk all 300 meters of it is generally heroic.

Trembling knees and tingling fingertips are normal. Almost all extreme sports enthusiasts who have visited the glass bridge, and even overcome it, have experienced similar feelings. True, some, not very heroic heroes, conquer the bridge on all fours.

If you still want to cross the bridge, but your brain stubbornly dissuades you, then specially trained people will come to your aid, ready to help you cross the bridge, and, if necessary, they will be able to provide moral and psychological support.

Streams of tourists flocked to this man-made landmark for both incredible photographs and adrenaline.

To prevent herds of travelers from trampling the glass panels of the bridge, they are given shoe covers. And this is correct, because not every cleaning lady will agree to wipe the glass on this bridge. Due to the incredible popularity of the glass bridge, the park administration limited the number of visitors to 10 thousand people per day. Up to 100 people can be on the bridge at the same time.

There is a known case when visitors to the bridge were seriously frightened. On October 7, 2015, one of the tourists dropped a metal thermos onto the glass floor of the bridge, and the glass cracked. Those around us suffered a lot of fear, but no one was hurt. Everything ended well.

Glass bridge photo

Several glass buildings have been built pedestrian bridges, arousing great interest among tourists and local residents. They give a delightful sensation when crossing over an abyss and allow the pedestrian to test his courage and bravery.

Glass bridges- a national hobby of the Chinese. Nowhere in the world are there so many such structures as in China. They are very popular, and their number increases exponentially every year.

Today these bridges are trending in China. Their construction is inexpensive, and the effect of the influx of tourists quickly pays for the investment. No less in demand here glass paths over steep cliffs and observation decks with glass floors.

Glass bridges

1) . It is located at an altitude of about 300 m, has a length of more than 400 m and can simultaneously support up to eight hundred people.

The glass covering of the lower part of the structure was subjected to a huge number of safety tests for pedestrians, incl. for resistance to high and low temperatures environment, their sudden changes, strong winds, etc.

Because of the glass floor, the bridge looks invisible, and pedestrians have the feeling that they are walking on air, floating in the clouds. But such a trip is not possible for children and people suffering from actophobia - fear of heights. They may have a nervous attack.

2) The second bridge in Hunan Province can be found in Zhangjiajie Park. It is called the Bridge of the Brave. It is about 300 m long and hangs between two hills at an altitude of about 180 m.

Previously, the bridge was made of wood, but gradually the interest of tourists and vacationers in the park began to fade away, and a modern decision was made: to make it of glass. First, we conducted an experiment: we covered a small part with glass.

Visitors to the park liked to walk high above the ground in the clouds, then it was decided to do glass all over this pedestrian promenade bridge. Since then it has enjoyed deafening popularity.

Experts are confident that a 6 cm thick glass floor is completely safe and you can jump on it. But few people dare to take such actions. The vast majority of pedestrians move across the bridge with their eyes closed or crawling.

3) "Cracking" glass bridge in China near Mount Taihanshan is located at an altitude of almost 1,200 meters. In fact, the appearance of “cracks” is an attraction or a special effect, a way to once again test pedestrians’ courage.

It is important to note that such a special effect can simply cause a myocardial infarction for an unprepared pedestrian. Local authorities They believe that this is just a game “provocation”, but continue to be criticized among the population.

But in 2015, the special effect glass actually began to crack, so it was removed and repaired. But after the renovation, they installed “cracked” glass, explaining this by the great popularity of the attraction among spectators.

4) A new glass bridge has appeared in southern China, only the most courageous and reckless people will be able to walk along it. It goes around a sheer cliff at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters, called "Writhing Dragon" and leads to Mount Tianmen.

The length of the bridge is more than 100 meters, it is narrow - about 1.5 meters. Walking along it, pedestrians see pictures of the surrounding nature of extraordinary beauty: the valley below and the mountains floating past the clouds.

Glass observation decks and trails

1) Near Beijing there is the famous Shilin Forest. This forest has a platform with a glass floor. It has an area of ​​more than 400 km. m, a height of more than 400 m and gives an excellent overview of Shilin: huge stones mixed with trees.

IN national park Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, has completed construction of the world's longest glass bridge. The structure is reported to be very durable and can support up to 800 people. /website/

The bridge, located 300 meters above the ground, connects the two sides of the great canyon. The glass structure stretches 430 meters in length and is six meters wide. According to the builders, the bridge's glass covering has passed about 100 safety tests. Tests were also carried out for resistance to temperature changes and wind swings.

Glass bridge on the gorge. Photo: JOHANNES EISELE/AFP/Getty Images

The developer of the project was the Israeli architectural firm Haim Dotan. “Thanks to its glass base, the Zhangjiajie Bridge will look like a real invisible road going into the clouds,” the designers said about the structure.

This is not the first glass bridge in the area. Last September, another glass bridge opened in Zhangjiajie Park, called the “Bridge of Brave People.” The suspended structure, 300 meters long, is located between two cliffs at an altitude of 180 meters.

Previously, the bridge was wooden, but to attract tourists they decided to make it entirely of glass. Back in 2014, the park management conducted an experiment by replacing a small part of the bridge with glass. Everyone liked the result of the experiment, so the administration decided to change the entire bridge.

According to engineers, glass 24 mm thick is absolutely safe. Tourists can even jump on it if they dare. However, they often walk through it with their eyes closed or on all fours. Many people try not to look down, although they can admire the picturesque view of the villages below.

Are glass bridges safe?

There is another glass bridge in Zhangjiajie Park. It is located on the Tianmen cliff. True, it does not swing over the gorge, but is attached to the mountain, but this does not make the bridge any less scary. A transparent structure called the “air trail” invites tourists to admire the views of the park from a height of 1,430 meters. This height allows you to look at some mountains from above.

In October last year, this bridge cracked, which greatly frightened tourists. The U-shaped glass bridge could not withstand the impact of a metal thermos, which fell from the hands of one of the visitors. Fortunately, no one was injured and the tourists were evacuated.

Bridge officials confirmed that "under the influence external force“Several cracks appeared on the structure. However, they assured that only one of the three layers of glass was cracked, so there was no danger to people.

Glass bridges in other countries

Thrill-seekers can admire the Grand Canyon in the US state of Arizona from observation deck, known as the "sky path". Glass platform built by architect Mark Ross Johnson in 2009.

The bridge is made in the form of an arc, 20 meters beyond the rocks. Here tourists can fully feel like they are floating above the abyss, since the completely transparent structure is located at an altitude of more than 1.2 kilometers. Both the railings and the floor of the bridge are made entirely of glass with a high degree of transparency.

There is an area with a glass floor on Tower Bridge in central London. A breathtaking panorama of the English capital can be seen if you climb the pedestrian part of the bridge to a height of 44 meters. Compared to bridges located in the mountains, Tower Bridge is not at all scary.

There are no similar structures in Russia yet, but Moscow has a chance to acquire its own “floating bridge” in the future. A glass structure over the Moscow River is included in the Zaryadye Park project. According to the plan, it should connect the park with the embankment. You can get to it through an underground passage.

The height of the structure will be 140 meters. From the bridge you will have a view of the Kremlin, the park and the central embankments. According to project leaders, construction of the bridge will begin this year. The opening of Zaryadye Park itself is planned for next year.

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Modern architectural capabilities allow you to create amazing buildings. One of them is the “China Sky Trail”, which has been exciting the minds of its visitors for several years in a row!

Where is the glass bridge in China?

The world's longest glass bridge is located in picturesque place— Grand Canyon of Zhangjiajie. This place for construction was not chosen by chance. The canyon will surprise all tourists with incredible views of sunset and sunrise. The height of the bridge is 300 meters and can be seen through the transparent floor of this architectural marvel! This creates an optical illusion, as if you are walking on air - taking the first step can be very difficult and scary.

Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan District (Zhangjiajie) - the movie "Avatar" in the real world. This mountainous area will remind you of the landscapes from the fantastic, fictional planet “Pandora”, which exists in the movie universe of the film “Avatar”.

From the glass bridge you can observe the adjacent nature reserves and the Tianmen mountain system. These areas are among the first nature reserves in the world, allowing tourists to enjoy amazing nature, preserved from the early periods of the formation of the state of China.

Description of the glass bridge

Knowing how amazing and diverse China can be, a glass bridge in the mountains does not seem at all something amazing, but there is something to be surprised by:

There are convenient viewing platforms and places for extreme look rest (you can bungee jump from it).

  • Passage width: 6 meters.

This width does not introduce difficulties when moving along the bridge, and creates the feeling of the absence of sides - you are simply walking “on air” and nothing more.

“The Glass Sky of China” is also sometimes called this architectural building of the century. This name is associated with Chinese mythology. In Chinese myths, the sky is a symbol of divinity and power. The one who walks in the sky has incredible magical powers.

When was it opened?

The "Glass Attraction" (as it is sometimes called by the Chinese) opened on August 20, 2016. At first, the bridge was opened in test mode - no more than 600 tourists a day and pre-order ticket, but later this measure was canceled and the bridge operates in standard mode (800 tourists per visit).

Construction lasted more than 5 years. Several workers died during construction. Several mountains are named after them (previously they had no names), which are visible from the observation deck. As you climb the stairs to the bridge, you can find out the biographies of these workers - they are written on special memorial plaques. The staircase has convenient handrails and a container with first aid supplies, which is located every 300 meters.

At the opening ceremony, the head of the Zhangjiajie city district solemnly cut the ribbon - this event became a national holiday for the whole country, and in Beijing a personalized ribbon was issued postage stamp, in honor of the completion of construction.

Bridge length

The length is:

  • 430 meters.

Almost half a kilometer in the Zhangjiajie area, a glass bridge allows you to connect two hiking trails. Walking along it in itself is an attraction that evokes surprise and an unusual feeling of freedom.

Along its entire length, tourists can take photographs of themselves “floating in the air” over the abyss.

Who built it and how?

Chilling to the soul and sight suspension bridge was built by order of the Chinese government. The cost of the order was $3.4 million. The completed project set 10 world records at once!

The construction began with the installation of special (architectural) support pillars, which visually look very light - this was specially conceived by the architects. This solution made it possible to once again emphasize the effect of “hovering above the ground” for tourists.

The transparent bridge has a base in the form of a steel frame. This frame was fitted with 120 walkable glass panels (instead of traditional asphalt). The material used to make such panels can only be called “glass” conditionally - the material is much stronger, but has similar transparency to glass.

At the same time, the glass bridge in China is cracking. The fact is that several screens were recently installed in it, which imitate glass. When walking through them, holographic cracks form under tourists’ feet and a pre-recorded sound of breaking glass is heard. The guide may not warn his “charges” about this, which causes real, genuine emotions of shock, but this is just part of the attraction to entertain visitors. In order for a bridge to truly crack - human effort is not enough for it to crack - (if you set yourself such a task) you need to use special tools.

The thickness of the durable transparent bridge covering is 15 centimeters and is not inferior in strength to concrete. Walking with your feet on such a surface over the abyss is allowed.

Architecturally, the “heavenliness” of the creation is emphasized by the decorative and functional elements of the steel frame suspension, which makes it unusual appearance, and further adds strength to the entire structure.

Security measures

Safety measures on a glass bridge are the same as on a regular bridge, but with a few exceptions:

  • The use of selfie sticks is prohibited;

This precaution is due to several cases where they have been lost. Tourists, for beautiful photos, protruded them beyond the sides, and a gusty wind carried such “photo tools” away from their owners under the bridge.

  • Take heavy luggage with you;

Before passing through, the weight of your luggage will be weighed on special scales and you will be asked to lay out heavy items. After graduation tourist travel— items are returned to their owners. Also, this is due to the fact that in 2015, a missing thermos filled with liquid could create a microcrack at the junction of two panels. Technically, it was not really a crack, but only a delamination of one of the composite parts of the panel, which did not pose a threat to the lives of visitors. However, a decision was made to ban heavy hand luggage.

  • You cannot walk with a cane.

The tips of the reeds may become clogged with small stones. The strength of such stones (quartz) is extremely high - they can leave abrasions and scratches.

How to get to the architectural masterpiece?

You can get there in several ways and in several stages - these are:

  • By plane:

Chinese airlines operate regular flights from the following cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Changsha, Shenyang, Qingdao.

  • By train;

There are regular trains from any city. It is recommended, for a faster trip, to calculate your route so as to travel the maximum distance on a high-speed train, and then transfer to a regular one - it’s faster.

Buy a ticket to the Grand Canyon at the Zhangjiajie bus station. The buses are equipped with air conditioning and tourist programs from guides.

Purchase a ticket at the box office or present a pre-purchased ticket to enter tourist area, which includes the "heavenly sky".

Myths and facts about the attraction

  • Chinese authorities are hiding the number of people who fell from the bridge.

It can not be true. Since the longest bridge in the world is the pride of the Chinese nation, all tourists are counted. This was done in order to increase safety and identify (at an early stage) possible problems in the design. Any interested journalist, using the journalist's right to information, can obtain this data upon the first request to the authorities.

  • The "China Air Trail" trembles when walking.

It's true. This was done deliberately to reduce the load on the steel frame. Some note that this is precisely why the “terrible” suspension bridge is cracking, but this is not entirely accurate. Tremor is a shock absorption that allows the bridge to be more resistant to winds and possible changes in the geological features of the area (the distance between supports).

The world's longest and tallest glass bridge, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon glass bridge opened to the public on August 20, 2016. It offers the opportunity to enjoy panoramic views of the magnificent Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon - if you dare to walk through it!

The glass bridge will not only serve as a walkway. Visitors can enjoy bungee jumping and zip lining.

  • Length: 430 meters (1410 ft)
  • Width: 6 meters (20 feet)
  • Height: 300 meters (984 feet)
  • Key Features: Bungee jump and beautiful natural views of towering sandstone pillars
  • Ticket for Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Scenic Area is 118 yuan; the price of the glass bridge in Zhangjiajie is 138 yuan.

According to the latest official reports, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Scenic Area (including glass bridge) will be suspended from September. 2nd, and its opening will be announced later. We will pay close attention. During a break, we would like to recommend Yangjiajie Scenic Area.

Finally Open! Would you dare to take a walk?

Our local guide sits on the glass bridge. You can see all the way down to the bottom of the canyon.

The glass bridge began trial operation on August 20, 2016. In test mode, no more than 8,000 visitors every day will have the opportunity to walk along the bridge. Entrance tickets are only available upon prior reservation.

Since such tickets are limited, it is recommended to book your air ticket through a travel agency like us who are the first choice for purchasing the ticket. An individual booking is extremely unlikely to be successful. We suggest you book your ticket at least 10 days in advance. Please contact us if you need any assistance.

Things to keep in mind:

  • The glass bridge is most likely closed in adverse weather conditions.
  • Only up to 600 people are allowed on the bridge at one time.
  • Visitors may only bring wallets and mobile phones with appropriate cases to the bridge.
  • Do not attempt this if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, or a fear of heights.
  • Don't behave dangerously. Do not run across the bridge, lean over the railway, etc.

Different from ZhangjiajieTianmen Mountain Glass Sky Walk

There are three glass sky walks in Tianmen Mountain scenic area, about 85 km from Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, glass bridge. This glass clings to vertical rocks at altitudes of over 1,400 meters (4,600 feet).

Spiral Dragon Cliff's newest sky walk opened to the public on August 1, 2016. It is 100 meters (328 ft) long, 1.6 meters (5 ft) wide.

How to get to Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

1. Get to Zhangjiajie City

by plane

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge attracts a large number of visitors.

  • Flying cities to Zhangjiajie throughout the year: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Changsha, Shenyang, Qingdao, Shenzhen
  • Cities with irregular flights to Zhangjiajie: Chengdu, Chongqing, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Nanjing, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Shantou, Xuzhou, Zhengzhou, Wuxi

By train

There are only regular trains to Zhangjiajie city at present. But there are many high-speed trains passing from the most interesting cities(Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin, etc.). in Changsha (capital of Hunan province). We recommend that you sit on high-speed train to Changsha and then by regular train to Zhangjiajie city (about 5 hours).

See China Highlights train ticket sales services for train schedules.

2. Get to Zhangjiajie City Bus Station

No direct bus from Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Airport/Railway Station, so you have to go to the city bus station Zhangjiajie (张家界市中心汽车站).

  • From the airport: take a taxi. Or sit down public bus 4 to GuanlipingZhuanpan (官黎坪转盘).
  • From the train station: Zhangjiajie City Bus Station is located to the left of the Zhangjiajie train station exit, about 150 meters down the road.

At Zhangjiajie City Bus Terminal, buy tickets to Wulingyuan Bus Terminal (武陵源).

3. From Wulingyuan Bus Station Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon

Take the "Zhangjiajie–Grand Canyon" line (武陵源–大峡谷). Once in grand canyon follow the signs and people to the glass bridge.

"¥10,000 symbol" - international competition named after

Zhangjiajie glass bridge is in the development and testing stage, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Scenic Area announced a global competition for the name of the new bridge. The main prize is RMB 10,000 (USD 1,530) for each symbol, maximum 10 characters, so up to RMB 100,000 (USD 15,300)!

Other prizes from December 25, 2015 to February 29, 2016 competition are sent to every corner and access to every work in the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Scenic Area. 1,000 lucky members can travel to Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon with their family for free.

Experience the glass bottom bridge and world-class scenery of China

As the glass bottom bridge opens, it will be another highlight in Zhangjiajie. If you want to enjoy the stunning scenery and amazing attractions of Zhangjiajie, check out our most popular tours below for inspiration:

  • Tour Shanghai - Suzhou - Hangzhou - Zhangjiajie - Fenghuang 12 days/11 nights

Our tours can be customized. Just tell us your interests and requirements and we will design for