Limassol Castle is the oldest heart of the city. Built in 1000 AD. Scientists suggest that the castle is a fragment of a larger structure. According to legend, Richard the Lionheart married Queen Berengaria here in the chapel. The castle was captured by the Turks in 1570 and became a garrison and prison under their rule. The British also had a police station here. IN given time The castle houses a museum of the Middle Ages.

Behind the castle you can see an ancient horn mill and warehouses. The mill was restored. "Settled" here Cultural Center Evagoras Lanitis and restaurants. There was also an exhibition of old equipment that was used to grind carob pods into flour in the mill building. A row of old shops and arches that were once the courtyard of one of the caravanserais (inns).

When you go down to the old port pier, don't miss the wall on the right. This is a fragment of an Ottoman domed market, or maybe it was part medieval building or the shelter of the Knights of the Order of St. John.

At the intersection of Genetliu Mitella, Jami and Zig Zag streets, the Jami Kebir - “Great Mosque” is located. This is the most important religious monument of Limassol during Ottoman rule. Nearby is the oldest cemetery in the city. Government officials, Arabs and Turks who served the Ottomans found their final refuge here. The tombstones on the graves are decorated with marble turbans and inscriptions from poems in Turkish or Persian.

After Zig Zag Street, turn right and you will find yourself on Rue Lutron (“Street of the Baths”). There is Charshi Hamam (bathhouse at retail space). On the marble slab above the entrance there is an inscription indicating the date of construction of the hammam and the name of the benefactor.

Among the others memorable places To get to know the ancient city of Limassol, be sure to visit the following attractions:

1. Museum of the Middle Ages. The museum's exhibits, opened in 1987, tell the history of Limassol from 400 to 1870 AD: tools, paintings, wood carvings of the 17th and 18th centuries, tombstones, armor, metalwork, terracotta, ceramics, glass and marble.

2.Catholic Church of St. Catherine. It was created in the Baroque style with mosaics on the vaults in the neo-Byzantine style.

3.Ayia Napa Cathedral. This most beautiful temple Cyprus, keeping the icon of the Virgin Mary of Napa.

4.Archaeological Museum. It was opened in 1948, has the most ancient exhibits, archaeological artifacts discovered in the Lemesos (Limassol) area.

5.Museum of Folk Art, which was awarded the Europa Nostra Prize in 1989. The ancient house houses a collection of folk art from the last two centuries: National costumes, jewelry, agricultural tools and much more.

Everyone who comes to Cyprus for the first time, or those who return to it, invariably asks the question: what interesting excursions to take in Cyprus? What sights of Cyprus should I see first? One of the advantages of the island is the opportunity to organize your own holiday in Cyprus.
Be sure to visit one of the areas of Limassol - the Old Town. You can get to it on foot along the Limassol embankment or by bus N 30. The Old City is a special place with a huge number of unique things and phenomena per square meter. Its location is marked on the map at the bottom of the article.
You can admire magnificent Cathedral and after walking a few hundred meters along the same street you will see a functioning mosque with its high minaret.

Find a triangular house and visit a Greek-style cafe, without one wall...

Take a walk through Richard III's castle "Lionheart" and see modern graffiti on the walls.

Try traditional coffee - frappe and enjoy fresh pizza, which will be baked in your oven according to an Italian recipe.

City fruit and vegetable market, shops with souvenirs or hand-embroidered linen, modern buildings and buildings from the century before last, a cafe with live music in the backyard and the auditorium of the University of Technology, “implanted” into an old house. And there is much more that is not mentioned in any guidebook.

A vowel - don’t rush anywhere. Cyprus today is a place free from time and fuss...

Each city has its own historical Center, relative to which it once grew in breadth. The older the city, the more interesting its old part is usually. So our walk today will take place through the old part of Limassol. And even if it is not as rich in architectural heritage, which can be seen in other “tourist” (and not only) cities of the world, but, as they say, what is rich is what one is happy with. We came to Cyprus on vacation, and this meant not only lying on the beach, but also walking. And for those who have chosen Limassol as their holiday destination, a walk through the Old Town is a must. So, let's start!

Let's go to Old city from the embankment, from the Old Port area. No, you can get there in many ways. But we just want you to first pay attention to the innovation that the city administration came up with to establish quite recently - in 2014. This is the future Cyprus Walk of Fame. At the time of filming, only a couple of “stars” were present there - the city of Limassol itself and the sign of this project. But in the future, the number of stars, according to the organizers, will grow. And at the expense of everyone. So if you suddenly have the idea to immortalize your or someone else’s name on the sidewalk of Limassol, then know that it is possible... if you have enough money, of course. At this piquant moment, let's take a break and walk to the Old Town along the Walk of Fame.

Today we will have a special walk. We will not “lead you by the hand” all the time, describing each step in detail. We will simply show in fragments those places that you can see while walking along the numerous streets of old Limassol. We advise you to simply wander as your heart desires. And if you go for a walk here again, then most likely it will be a completely different route, on which you will meet something new. In general, we go wherever our eyes lead us. Let’s just outline a little area where you should first take a walk. But first, let’s hold your hand a little.

street Dimitri Mitropoulou, which we entered, after a hundred meters it will lead us to the left and after another fifty meters it will lead us to an intersection. If we go left here, we will come out to the square on which stands Medieval castle. We visited this castle in a separate story, so today we will turn right, up from the sea. After another fifty meters the street will make a smooth turn to the right. Just after turning on the left hand you can find the street Irinis. It leads to the old water tower, where we started our sightseeing tour of Limassol. But today we will move to the right along the street Agiou Andreou, running parallel to the sea.

Agiou Andreou street

Fifty meters after the turn, having made a sort of zigzag, we will approach the street, which is called - Zik Zak. We are always attracted by something about the house standing on its corner. Let's take a look at it. Yes, by the way, we said that every year the old city undergoes changes, mainly in better side. Old houses are gradually being restored, and they are beginning to play with new colors. We’ll show just such an example in two photos. The first was made in 2008, and the second in 2014.

A mosque is visible in the alignment of Zik Zak street. By the way, this part of old Limassol (and beyond Medieval castle) was inhabited predominantly by Turkish Cypriots, who mostly left the city after 1974. Therefore, here you can still find abandoned and dilapidated houses that belonged to former owners. And they are in no hurry to restore them. In the meantime, let's take a look at the mosque's minaret, visible in the background.

We advise you to follow this Zik Zak all the way to the mosque. Excavations are currently underway on the side of it. They show that the mosque was built on the foundations of an old Christian church. Well, now let's go back and try to walk without stopping along Agiou Andreou, from which we turned off. Although it is simply impossible to walk without stopping. Firstly, this is one of the main “shopping” streets of the old city - it is difficult to walk along it quickly without being distracted by various shops. However, we talked about it separately in the story about “Shopping in Limassol”. If you look closely at the houses located along the street, you can find many interesting details on them. For example, we are always attracted by a variety of balconies. Now let's show a couple.

Not far from the church there is another interesting object. At least we like him for some reason. This is a triangular house. It's hard not to pay attention to him.

Let's go even further along this street. After about three hundred meters we will cross one of the central arteries of the Old Town - the street Anexartisias, which we also talked about in the story about shopping. Then we will again come across shops and taverns... but today we are walking for the sake of the aesthetic perception of the city, so our attention should now be focused on the architectural content of the houses and houses where all these establishments are located. For example, let's look at these options.

About five hundred meters from the turn onto Anexartisias street, on the right hand we will see office building Limassol diocese. It's funny that for many years, at least as long as we have been walking along this street, there has been a memorable women's delight store located exactly opposite.

While we are moving through the Old Town parallel to the sea. To outline the imaginary border of our walk today, let’s walk a little more to the next colorful object - to Public library Limassol. We filmed it at different periods. It looks very beautiful in the evening light. But recently the building was put up for reconstruction, and probably very soon it will sparkle with new colors.

Here we will leave for now and give you time to wander around the city on your own. You probably noticed when walking along Agiou Andreou that you constantly came across perpendicular streets leading deeper into the city. You can turn onto any of them for a further walk. And parallel to Agiou Andreou there are other streets, intersected by other streets - there are a lot of them here, a whole web. Some street may end in a dead end, and you will have to turn back. In general, there is somewhere to wander. So, we turn around in the opposite direction and turn onto the first street that catches our eye.

Old streets of the Old Town

Old dilapidated houses often become targets for graffiti. Let's show a couple of examples.

But the real art of graffiti begins in specially designated places, of which you can find many.

Back in 2007, we managed to catch a funny festival on these streets called Street Life Festival. One of its “highlights” was that everyone could create their own work - whether you want it on a specially prepared “wall”, or whether you want it on a small pebble.

But let's move on. In addition to ordinary houses, we will also meet quite civilized ones. For example, the city hall building (Town Hall). Near its entrance there are marble plaques with inscriptions of the sister cities of Limassol.

About two hundred meters from here you can find a building Central Market and nearby is a picturesque square with a fountain. If you want to visit the market, you should keep in mind that it is only open in the first half of the day.

Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus. It spreads over south coast islands and is one of the important tourist centers. The description of the old town of Limassol on our website will allow you to decide on the places you can visit. The heart of modern Limassol is the old town, which is located in the western part opposite the old pier.

Old town of Limassol

The city is rich historical places. The center of its main attractions is the Old Town. Its beginning is considered to be an old pier, which today is used as a parking lot for pleasure boats and fishing boats. This is where the embankment begins, along which you can see pergolas, sculptures, playgrounds and much more.

One of the fascinating places to see in the old town of Limassol is the fortress and the museum located within it. The castle, located near the old port, was erected in the 14th century under the Lusignans where there had previously been a Byzantine fortress. It was within the walls of this castle that the wedding of Princess Berengaria of Navarre and Richard the Lionheart took place. The fortress was destroyed in 1222 after an earthquake. Then it was used as a prison for guilty barons. 150 years later, it was destroyed by Genoese troops, and it was restored by order of King Jacques I. After that, the castle was destroyed and restored many times, expanded and strengthened. In 1800 it was again made a prison.

An excellent example of Islamic architecture is the Kebir Jami Mosque in the old city. It can be seen next to the castle. Scientists believe that it was built in the 16th century. The mosque is still in operation, but is not always open. The inside is not richly decorated, but even on hot days its white stone walls protect the room from the sweltering heat.

The most prominent representative Orthodox churches The city is considered the Agia Napa Cathedral, which was built on the site where an ancient Byzantine church stood. The design of the cathedral was created by the Athenian architect Georgios Papadakis. He is Greek style interspersed with Byzantine architecture. Construction began in 1903, and already in 1906, services and sacred ceremonies were held in the cathedral.

In general, there are many churches in the central part of Limassol. Some may not be immediately noticed, while others cannot be missed. In the old town there is also the Catholic Church of St. Catherine. Its facade faces directly towards the sea, and it is located in Molos Park.

Museums of the old town

Today the Limassol fortress in the old town is an architectural and historical monument. It belongs to the Department of Antiquities. Here is the Museum of the Middle Ages, which houses exhibits from the Nicosia Museum.

The museum began functioning in 1987. Here you can see armor, ancient tombstones, fragments of religious buildings, weapons, lamps, coins, and household items. The collections represent 400 - 1870 AD. In the main hall of the museum there are sculptures of the Lusignans, which were transferred from the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, and the main hall is decorated with photographs and coats of arms of ancient buildings.

The Box Tree Museum is located behind the Medieval Museum. In Cyprus, carob fruits are highly valued due to their beneficial properties. In past centuries, the processing of such fruits was the main source of income for the country. They are used to make syrups, candies, chocolate, dried fruits and medicines. Very often, dried fruits of the box tree are fed to camels and donkeys. You can visit the museum any day of the week.

A walk through the old town of Limassol must include the Archaeological Museum. It was created in 1948. All exhibits are objects of life and everyday life, discovered by scientists during excavations in the outskirts of the city, namely the city-states of Amathus and Kourion, which were destroyed in ancient times by strong earthquakes.

The Archaeological Museum consists of 3 halls. The first contains pottery from the Akrotiri caves, the second contains copper objects, the third and most valuable contains tombstones, statues of gods, marble items, glass objects and figurines. Directly in front of the entrance you can see images of Aphrodite and Eros, which are laid out in mosaics.

In addition to all sorts of places of interest, you can simply wander along the old streets. This is also a very interesting and exciting process.

Information about the old town of Limassol makes it possible to create a route for visiting attractions at your own discretion. A visit to the old town of Limassol will be one of the most interesting parts of your holiday

From Limassol you can get there in 1 hour by car and 1.5 hours by bus. Limassol is located on the Akrotiri peninsula, most of which is occupied by English military base. In the center of Limassol is the Commandaria district, the center of Cypriot winemaking. The most famous wineries of Cyprus operate here - KEO, LOEL, SODAP, ETKO.

Limassol history of the city.

The settlement on the site of modern Limassol arose in the 4th century. BC. It was the small city of Neapolis. For many centuries the town existed peacefully, without attracting the attention of chroniclers. In the 7th century, after the Arabs devastated Kourion and Amafunta, settlers from these cities arrived in Neapolis. The population of the city increased, and the bishop's see was located here. The settlers renamed Neapolis Nemesos, and later Lemesos. It was on the shores of Lemesos in April 1191 that the ships of Richard the Lionheart's flotilla washed up, on which the king's sister and his bride Berengaria of Navarre sailed.

Limassol and Richard the Lionheart.

The ruler of Cyprus, Isaac Komnenos, without entering into negotiations, captured the women. Richard the Lionheart was very angry at this act of the King of Cyprus. He deployed his flotilla, rushed to the shores of Cyprus and captured Nicosia and Famagusta. Isaac Comnenus took refuge in the castle of Kantara, but was soon forced to surrender, as Richard captured his wife and daughter. After a quick victory over Komnenos, Richard the Lionheart married Berengaria in the chapel of St. George in the fortress of Lemesos.

Limassol and the Crusaders.

The Crusaders began to call Lemesos in English - Limassol. After 1191, when the last campaign of the Crusaders ended in complete defeat, powerful knightly orders settled in Limassol - the Order of the Templars and the Order of the Hospitallers. The knights built a large port in Limassol, and the city began to trade with the Mediterranean countries. In 1373, Limassol was burned to the ground by the Genoese; in 1426 the newly rebuilt city was destroyed by the Mamluks, and in 1570 by the Turks. At the end of the 16th century. what was left of Limassol turned into rubble after a strong earthquake. During the Turkish period, Limassol fell into disrepair; only at the beginning of the 20th century. it came back to life thanks to the British - they built modern administrative and residential buildings and renovated the port.

Limassol blossoms.

A new flourishing of Limassol began after the Turkish occupation in 1974 - a modern port, the largest in Cyprus, and hundreds of modern hotels were built in the city. Limassol is home to the largest Russian community in Cyprus. On the streets, in cafes and shops, Russian speech is heard as often as Greek. Newspapers are published here in Russian, there are Russian-language schools and kindergartens. There is also a Russian Orthodox community. Services in Old Church Slavonic are held in the Church of St. Stelian in the north-west of Limassol, in the Linopetra area. Limassol currently has 228,000 inhabitants.

Limassol attractions.

Arriving in Limassol, first of all go wander along the embankment; only here you will feel the spirit of this leisurely Mediterranean city. Look at modern high-rise buildings “overlooking the sea”, fountains, elegant elderly ladies leisurely strolling with their friends, carefree vacationers and businessmen in cars rushing past, breathe in the fresh sea air mixed with the smell of hot asphalt in the sun, the strong aroma of pine needles and fresh coffee , and you will feel the rhythm of the city.

Limassol embankment.

The embankment is the most romantic place Limassol; look at the blue waves on the horizon - from there, almost 10 centuries ago, the fleet of Richard the Lionheart appeared. Take a walk to the old port. A surprise awaits you - the entire coast has been turned into a Museum of Sculptures under open air: stone eggs of different sizes rolling on the ground, wedding rings floating on the waves, a headless statue but with two necks, cubes, parallelepipeds and stone waves.

Old town of Limassol.

The most interesting architectural monuments Limassol are located in the old part of the city; This is an area that starts from the embankment, ends in the west with the old port, in the east with Archiepiskopou Makariou III Avenue, and in the north with Gladstonos Street. A chic new quarter has been built 3 km southwest of Limassol - promenade, beach, residential buildings. 270 million euros were invested in this project.

Limassol Fortress

Near the old port is the Limassol Fortress. Here, in the fortress chapel, the brave King Richard the Lionheart married Berengaria of Navarre. This was a unique royal couple - Richard spent only 6 months in England during his 10-year reign, and Queen Berengaria of England never set foot on English soil in her life. Alas, nothing remains of the castle of that time and of the small stone chapel in which the king took his marriage vow. Earthquake of the 13th century. All that was left of the fortress was the foundation; later the Lusignans and then the Byzantines erected new bastions on it.

Medieval Museum in Limassol.

Next to the chapel there was another castle, which in 1196 housed the headquarters of the Templar Order. It also crumbled to dust after the earthquake; Only a small Gothic chapel has survived, to which tourists are brought and told that it was here that King Richard was married. In 1570, the Turks stormed the fortress; After the attack, they restored the fortress walls and rebuilt some parts of the fortress. Now the Medieval Museum is located here. This is one of the most interesting museums in Limassol! His collection was kept in the Medieval Museum of Nicosia until 1974. There are several halls in which household items, jewelry, armor, and dishes from the Byzantine and Ottoman periods of history are collected.

Church of Agia Napa in Limassol.

Literally a five-minute walk from the fortress is the Church of Panagia Agia Napa - the cathedral of the Limassol diocese. It is a beautiful white brick Byzantine church with two bell towers and a large dome over the central nave. The outer walls of the temple are decorated with arches, each of which has four crosses carved into it. A temple existed on this site in the early Middle Ages, but was destroyed by the Turks. In 1906 the temple was built again; it was famous for its choir, which included famous musicians from Cyprus. In the autumn of 1996 there was an earthquake that destroyed many churches in Limassol; Panagia Agia Napa was rebuilt again with donations from believers. After visiting the temple, go wander through the streets of old Limassol and reach the City Market. You will not get confused if, after examining the temple, you return to the fortress and go up (away from the sea) along Od Street. Irinis.

Cathedral of Panagia Catholics.

Next to the City Market is the Cathedral of the Limassol Metropolitanate - Panagia Catholics. The kings of Lusignan built the Catholic monastery of Terra Santa ("Holy Land") on this site. Then the Turks burst into the city and handed the monastery over to the Orthodox. Christians rebuilt the monastery church into the Church of Panagia Catholica. In the 1950s, this temple was dismantled and a new building was erected in its place. modern church. This is a very festive, bright temple - its main dome rises on a high drum of red brick, in which many narrow windows are cut; the temple has two five-story bell towers, the ringing of which can be heard throughout old Limassol. The temple has a beautiful garden. On the left side of it is the official residence of the Metropolitan of the Limassol diocese. The temple has very beautiful, bright frescoes made in the Byzantine style. These are the works of outstanding modern icon painters of Cyprus Michael and Gabriel Morozani.

Turkish quarter and Kebir Jami mosque.

From the fortress you can also walk ten minutes forward, along the street parallel to the embankment, and you will come to the old Turkish quarter, in the middle of which stands the Kebir Cami Mosque. The mosque is surrounded by tall thin palm trees. This is a working mosque where services are held for the Turkish population of Limassol. Just behind the mosque are the Turkish Baths (Hammem). This is a mid-level “relaxing” establishment that many Limassol residents like to visit.

Limassol City Gardens.

Next, enjoy the Municipal gardens. This is a beautiful park favorite place recreation and walks with children of city residents. Next to the park, near the intersection of Od. Kaningos with Od street. Vyronos, houses the City Archaeological Museum. This is an interesting historical museum, which displays statues, pottery, jewelry, bottles and other archaeological finds. The exhibition is divided into eras and begins with the Neolithic period.

Museum of Folk Art in Limassol.

Approximately in the middle of the road from the fortress to the City Archaeological Museum there is an equally interesting Museum of Folk Art. National Greek costumes, utensils, jewelry, and wood products are collected here. We recommend visiting it on the way back from the City Archaeological Museum.

KEO Winery.

And then, at the end of the walk, visit the KEO winery, which is located a 15-minute walk from the Limassol fortress. This is a world-famous winery where you can taste all the alcoholic drinks produced in Cyprus for free. In addition to the famous Cypriot wine, liqueurs and spirits, KEO also produces excellent beer and mineral water, which is exported to many European countries.

Church of St. John the Merciful in Limassol.

Let's continue our walk around Limassol. One of the most beautiful modern churches in the city is the Church of St. John the Merciful. It was built in 1968 on the southwestern outskirts of Limassol with money from parishioners. As soon as the construction of the temple was completed, the area began to be built up at a rapid pace and turned into a modern part of the city. John the Merciful is considered the patron saint of Limassol.