It is unlikely that any of us does not know what a reserved seat carriage is. This is the most popular type in the CIS railway transport. Moreover, this unique phenomenon, which you will not find in any other country in the world. Reservation cards were invented in the Soviet Union to suit Soviet reality and remained in our lives for a long time.

A little history

Like many things in the post-Soviet space, the reserved seat carriage got its name from a foreign word. It meant a coupon (reserved seat), giving the right to occupy a specific seat in the carriage. Free reserved seat tickets meant that the passenger had to look for a free seat himself or stand until it became available.

Over time, the carriages without a reserved seat received the name general. But they differ from reserved seat seats only in the increased number of seats. In addition, today night recumbent carriages are often practiced, the tickets for which do not indicate the seat.

In general, it can accommodate 54 recumbent passengers or provides 81 seats.

How are the seats located in a reserved seat carriage?

In terms of their structure, cars of this type are large passenger salons, which are divided by partitions into 9 compartments. They are connected to each other by a common through corridor.

Each compartment consists of 6 places: these are three upper and three lower shelves. The numbering goes clockwise from the working vestibule. Places 1-36 are on the left side. At the same time, the side ones are numbered in reverse order: 37-54 from the non-working vestibule. All unpaired numbers are located on the lower shelves, and paired ones - on the upper ones.

In addition to sleeping accommodations, the compartments are equipped with luggage racks and compartments. Above top place there is a so-called third shelf on which mattresses are stored, and the passenger can leave his luggage. There is also a compartment under the lower seat where you can stash your belongings.

Inside the four-seater compartment there is also a relatively large table where you can have a snack or play board games to pass the time. On the side seats, the central part of the lower shelf in the unfolded position serves as a table.

Car infrastructure

Except passenger seats, the reserved seat car has 2 toilets, a conductor compartment, a service compartment, a water heater, and a compartment for controlling the heating system.

There are single toilets on both sides of the carriage. They have metal toilets and sinks. A passenger can relieve himself here in relative comfort, wash, shave, and brush his teeth. IN branded trains The toilets have paper towels, soap and toilet paper. IN regular trains all this may not happen.

Conductors are people who monitor the comfort of passengers on the road. Therefore, a special compartment with a door is allocated for them, where they can rest and recuperate. There are two sleeping places in the compartment. At the same time, the layout of the reserved seat car is designed so that behind the adjacent wall there is a service room with a switchboard that controls the life support systems in the car.

Comfort systems in the carriage

It should be noted that places in reserved seat carriage, the design of which is quite specific, should be equally provided with comfortable conditions. For this purpose, the carriage has several important systems.

The first of these is electricity supply. Each carriage has it individually. Electricity comes from a generator, which is powered by pairs of carriage wheels. This is enough to illuminate all areas, power the electric water heater and provide 12 volts of current to the car's sockets.

Also in reserved seat carriages there is a water cooling system. Few people know, but every passenger has the right to a free cold drinking water in the hot season. Moreover, its quantity is not limited, just like boiling water in winter.

Also, the carriages have mandatory heating for the autumn-winter period. The air temperature inside should not be below 20 degrees Celsius. Also, all cars have forced ventilation, and the modernized ones have an air conditioning system.

Responsibilities of a carriage conductor

Not everyone knows that seats in a reserved seat carriage, the layout of which is selected in a special way, must be served by conductors. Their job responsibilities include maintaining cleanliness in the carriage and other premises.

The conductors also provide bed linen, the rental price of which is included in the ticket price, and make sure that the passenger returns it on time. For an additional fee, a carriage worker can make hot drinks or lunch. But they give out medicines from the first aid kit, board games and clean cold/hot water completely free of charge.

The responsibilities of conductors on post-Soviet trains are much broader than on European ones. For example, in Germany, the care of the passenger is entirely entrusted to him, and the carriage employee only checks the availability of a ticket and helps to sort out the place, if such a need arises.

Disputes about the modernity of carriages

Many skeptics call the reserved seat carriage a relic of the past. Of course, the level of comfort in it is not at the highest level. But compartment cars are not much better. Lack of privacy, extraneous noise, snoring and neighbors talking, unpleasant odors are everywhere. But the level of security in a reserved seat is higher.

Behind closed compartment doors, it is easier for a criminal to commit robbery, rape or murder. In reserved seats, everything is in plain sight. Therefore, there are few inveterate bandits who would decide to commit a crime in such conditions.

Of course, the location of a reserved seat carriage in the hierarchy of comfortable travel is not the highest. At the same time, passengers choose it most often. Seats in such cars are cheaper, and the number of services received is sufficient to spend several hours of travel with relative comfort.

Therefore, it is too early to say that there is a worthy alternative to reserved seat carriages. Their effectiveness has been proven by their high level of popularity among middle-income passengers.

Today, probably, few people have not traveled by train. Of course, this method of travel takes a significant amount of time, but it is one of the cheapest modes of transport (especially using reserved seats). Therefore, it will be useful for many to know the location of seats in a reserved seat car in order to be sure of the comfort of the trip in advance.

Location of seats in a reserved seat carriage: how to choose the best seats

This car is very convenient for those who travel a lot, but do not want to spend a lot of money. Has satisfactory comfort (suitable for unpretentious travelers). Very popular among the population.

The carriage has fifty-four sleeping places. It also consists of nine compartments that do not close. Each has four seats (numbered 1 to 36). Opposite the compartment seats there are two side seats (numbered from 37th to 54th place).

Seats in the car are numbered clockwise - from the working vestibule (where the conductor is) to the end of the car and back. The first place is the bottom shelf of the first compartment. From this we can conclude that the place with odd numbering is the lower one, and the place with even numbering is the upper one.

The convenience of movement depends on the chosen seat in a reserved seat carriage. For example, if you drive for a couple of hours, then the side seats will be more convenient. For long trips with children, the lower shelves of the compartment unit are better suited.

The bad spots are near the toilet. These are shelves numbered 33 to 38. Here, as a rule, unpleasant odors will emanate from behind the door. Another minus is the constant passage of passengers and the constant slamming of doors.

Also bad places include 1 to 4 and 53 to 54. Passengers constantly pass through here in the same way.

It is better, of course, to plan your trip in advance, then you can choose places suitable for comfort, especially if it is long and with a group of friends.

In this case, you need to make sure that the seats are located nearby, then you can enjoy communicating with people close to you.

Take this into account, because the comfort of movement determines how successful your trip will be and what impressions you will have after it.

How? You haven't read yet:

For those who need a layout of seats in a reserved seat carriage with detailed description and recommendations for choosing beds, the most detailed information is provided below. Everyone can find here useful tips, thanks to which you will plan the most comfortable trip.

How to choose comfortable seats in a reserved seat carriage

People who often use the services of Russian Railways understand that a reserved seat carriage is convenient for saving money when traveling to other cities. For tourists who are unbiased about comfort, this is a satisfactory ride option in terms of convenience. Most Russian residents prefer to travel this way.

Inside the carriage there are 54 sleeping places and 9 non-closing compartments. Each has 4 beds numbered 1 to 36. On the other side of the compartment seats there are 2 side seats (the numbering of which begins with the 37th place and ends with the 54th).

All seats in the carriage are located in a clockwise direction, starting from the conductor’s office and ending with the toilet. The very first place is the bottom bunk of the first compartment. If we consider the situation as a whole, we can understand that all even numbers are at the bottom, and odd numbers are at the top.

The comfortable movement of the traveler depends on how the bed is chosen. For example, if the journey is only 2-3 hours, then the most convenient places in this situation will be those located according to the pattern on the sides. For longer trips with children, the best option is bottom bunks.

The most inconvenient shelves are at the end of the car (where the toilet is located). These are beds numbered 33-38. It often smells bad here. The second drawback is the constant crowding of passengers and slamming doors. The list of bad places where there is constant traffic and interference from passengers includes: 1-4, 53-54.

The most optimal option in a reserved seat will be selected if you choose a location suitable for the conditions in advance. Especially when the trip is longer in the company of family members or friends. To ensure pleasant communication with your friends, you should take care of berths that are close to each other (preferably in the same compartment).

If you are comfortable enough during the journey, the trip can bring the most favorable impressions.

Layout of seats in a reserved seat carriage:

Where are the sockets located?

Everyone has a smartphone, tablet or other device that they carry with them. Gadgets are especially indispensable when traveling, because... help keep your attention during a long journey. When watching videos, spending time playing games or reading, situations often arise with a lack of charge on the device, and then a power outlet becomes indispensable.

Modern Russian carriages contain sockets in every compartment and everyone can use them at any time. Old trains are only designed to connect razors. At the time when the compounds were made, gadgets did not yet exist.

However, in such cars you can find sockets near the toilet and next to the conductor’s office, and also in the 2nd and penultimate compartment - near seats No. 7 and No. 29.

In order to avoid conflict situations with other travelers, you must take a splitter with you. With this advantage, your device will always be charged.

Video review of a reserved seat carriage

How to find an emergency exit

As emergency exit It is customary to use windows in the carriage, which are squeezed out in dire situations. Similar glass is found in the 3rd and 6th compartments. If you look at the location of the seats, they are: from 9 to 12, from 21 to 24, from 43 to 44 and from 49 to 50. In the summer, traveling in these bunks is very stuffy, because... emergency windows do not open for ventilation.

Choose your travel destinations in advance. If you are not traveling alone, be sure to buy tickets for everyone at once. This will help you choose beds that are located nearby.


The reserved seat carriage has 54 seats, numbered from 1 to 54. The carriage is divided into 9 compartments. The first 36 seats are located on the left side of the aisle, seats 1–4 are located
in the first compartment, seats 5–8 in the second, etc. In the ninth compartment there are seats numbered 33–36. On the right side of the aisle there are side seats, their numbers are from 37 to 54, and
they are numbered in the opposite direction: seats 37 and 38 are opposite the ninth compartment, and seats 53 and 54 are opposite the first. Below is a diagram of all the seats in the carriage.

A group of schoolchildren are going to the Olympics and will be spinning fidget spinners all the way. Therefore, they need to buy seats in several consecutive compartments along with adjacent
side places. The numbers of available seats on the train are given. Determine the largest number of consecutive compartments that are completely free.
The program receives as input the number N - the number of free seats in the car (0 ≤ N ≤ 54). The next N lines contain the numbers of free places - various numbers from 1 to 54 in random order, one number per line.
The program should output one integer - the maximum number of consecutive empty compartments (compartments - 4 seats to the left of the aisle and 2 side seats) in this car.


Let's imagine a pasture compartment as a list filled with zeros.

v =

9 compartments in a carriage - 9 list elements.

The first part of the solution is to list the number of empty seats in each compartment.

Those. if the number 3 is entered, this means the third place in the first compartment is available. Let's get a new list
v =

#create a car of 9 compartments in the form of a list v = #enter the number of seats that will be free #we will enter them in the loop below n = int(input()) #enter free seats and check which compartment they are in for i in range( n): m = int(input()) if 1<=m<=4 or m == 53 or m == 54: v += 1 elif 5<=m<=8 or m == 51 or m == 52: v += 1 elif 9<=m<=12 or m == 49 or m == 50: v += 1 elif 13<=m<=16 or m == 47 or m == 48: v += 1 elif 17<=m<=20 or m == 45 or m == 46: v += 1 elif 21<=m<=24 or m == 43 or m == 44: v += 1 elif 25<=m<=28 or m == 41 or m == 42: v += 1 elif 29<=m<=32 or m == 39 or m == 40: v += 1 elif 33<=m<=36 or m == 37 or m == 38: v += 1 #при сдаче в тестирующую систему данная команда не используется print(v)

Now the second part of the solution: you need to count the most consecutive empty compartments in the resulting list.

For this we need two variables:

  • max - we will store the answer to the problem in it
  • f — current value of the number of free seats in the compartment

We look through the list values ​​in a loop. If the value of a list element is 6 (6 seats in a compartment must be free for us to count it), we increase the current value of consecutive compartments f per unit. And then we compare this value with max, which is equal to zero when the program starts ( max = 0). As soon as the number of free seats in the carriage is not equal to six, we reset the variable f (f = 0).

Now let's write down the complete code of the program:

#create a car of 9 compartments in the form of a list v = #enter the number of seats that will be free #we will enter them in the loop below n = int(input()) #enter free seats and check which compartment they are in max = 0 flag = 0 for i in range(n): m = int(input()) if 1<=m<=4 or m == 53 or m == 54: v += 1 elif 5<=m<=8 or m == 51 or m == 52: v += 1 elif 9<=m<=12 or m == 49 or m == 50: v += 1 elif 13<=m<=16 or m == 47 or m == 48: v += 1 elif 17<=m<=20 or m == 45 or m == 46: v += 1 elif 21<=m<=24 or m == 43 or m == 44: v += 1 elif 25<=m<=28 or m == 41 or m == 42: v += 1 elif 29<=m<=32 or m == 39 or m == 40: v += 1 elif 33<=m<=36 or m == 37 or m == 38: v += 1 #при сдаче в тестирующую систему данная команда не используется print(v) for i in range(9): if v[i] == 6: f += 1 if flag >max: max = f else: flag = 0 print(max)

Outside the window, fields, houses, cities and villages flash by, wheels knock, and fellow travelers chat in a friendly manner - this is exactly the picture that is drawn when it comes to traveling by train. However, travel will be fundamentally different depending on what type of carriage you choose - compartment, reserved seat, or general. Let's take a closer look at what a reserved seat looks like and what its features are.

Differences between a reserved seat carriage

In a general type passenger carriage, only seats are provided; in a reserved seat carriage and a compartment carriage, there is a division into compartments and shelves are equipped to lie down. What distinguishes a reserved seat from a compartment is the presence of lockable doors in the compartment car. Of course, it is more comfortable to travel in an isolated compartment, through which other passengers do not pass, but there is one plus in compensation - the reserved seat car is much safer. That is, few people would dare to commit a crime such as theft or something even more immoral in front of the amazed passengers.

Why a reserved seat car?

This name no longer has anything to do with modern times; it originated earlier from the word “reserved seat”. This was the name of the special card that was attached to the passenger's travel ticket. The card indicated the number of the seat that the passenger could occupy in the carriage. All carriages were divided into two types: reserved seats - with allocated seats and no reserved seats - where passengers were seated freely.

Seats in a reserved seat carriage

If you look at the plan of a reserved seat type carriage, you will see that the entire carriage is divided into 9 compartments, each of which has 6 seats for passengers. Thus, it is easy to calculate how many seats there are in a reserved seat car - 54 seats. In each compartment, 3 shelves are located on the lower tier, 3 shelves on the upper (odd numbers at the bottom, even numbers at the top). In addition to passenger compartments, there are 3 overhead luggage racks, 3 compartments for personal belongings under the lower racks, 2 tables and 2 windows. The arrangement of seats in the reserved seat is still divided according to the following principle - seats in the so-called compartment and side seats. The side seats in the reserved seat correspond to numbers from 37 to 54.

Inconvenient seats in the reserved seat

Passengers are often concerned about the question of which seats in the reserved seat are better. But it’s easier to first decide which ones are worse. So, the side seats fall into the “not the best” category, since, in fact, they are located in the aisle, and are also several centimeters narrower in width. The width of the usual bottom bunk in a reserved seat carriage is about 60 cm, while the lower side one is about 55 cm. Passengers are also in no hurry to occupy the seats near the toilet. One toilet is located near the conductor's compartment, so it is not avoided, the second toilet in the train of a reserved seat car is located at the opposite end and next to it there are shelves numbered 35,36,37,38. Also unsightly for travel are compartments numbered 3 and 6 (seats 9 to 12 and 21 to 24), since they contain emergency exits in a reserved seat carriage. This suggests that there are no windows that can be opened to ventilate the compartment, and in the summer time is a serious inconvenience. However, “branded” reserved seat seats with air conditioning are no longer uncommon, so the inconvenience of these places is relative.

Additional information about the reserved seat carriage

As mentioned above, for the convenience of passengers, each carriage contains two toilets with washbasins, two vestibules, one of which can be used for smoking, a conductor compartment (lockable) and a water heater. Knowing the location of sockets in a reserved seat car can also be useful - they are usually located in the area of ​​the second compartment from the beginning of the car and the second compartment from the end.

Now, when going on a trip, choose comfortable and cozy places!