People who fly often are familiar with the tedious procedure of waiting in the waiting room for a flight. Crowded spaces and long lines at eateries are not for everyone. A map will help make the wait more comfortable Priority Pass. What it is and what advantages its owner has, you will learn from this article.


Card holders can change their lives for the better. Priority Pass is an international program of access to one of 600 VIP lounges at airports around the world. Regardless of the airline and class you will be flying, a pass to the lounge area (relaxation room) increased comfort) is a map and a plane ticket for the current day's flight. Cardholders are guaranteed peace and tranquility in a separate waiting room, as well as low prices subject to the purchase of an annual subscription. There is a separate range of business class lounges in more than 300 cities around the world.

Opportunities for cardholders

The Priority Pass card holder can invite you to the waiting room with you increased comfort friends for a free snack, drink, and shower before the flight. But in some VIP rooms there are restrictions on the number of invited guests, as well as their age (not all of them allow children). Payment (if any) for the use of telephone, Internet, Wi-Fi, fax is paid directly to the VIP lounge staff. The list of free services available includes TV, the latest newspapers and magazines, and the ability to charge popular models of phones, smartphones and tablets.

Visits are recorded in one of two ways: through an electronic terminal that is installed at the entrance to the hall, or the card holder is issued a “Visit Card”. In the second case, the cardholder must check the correctness of the data specified in the coupon regarding himself and all the people accompanying him.

The administration of VIP rooms may limit the maximum stay time (usually no more than 4 hours) to avoid overcrowding. To increase the time spent in a comfortable lounge, you will have to pay twice for visiting the lounge. The fee for visiting VIP rooms is charged for each visit per person, based on the conditions of participation in the program. The program includes access to meeting rooms.

Access to the hall is available to persons with an air ticket of the same day, provided that it was purchased without a discount. Outside the US, you must also provide one for your current flight upon entering the lounge. In some European countries Access to VIP rooms is open only to tourists traveling in Schengen countries.

How to become a participant in the program

Great opportunities open up for participants Priority programs Pass. How to access it? This map is not a means of payment, is valid until the date indicated on the front side, and with the signature of the owner on the back side. The Priority Pass card is an application to Gold, Platinum, Infinity, Selective cards. Sometimes it is issued along with classic credit cards. But each bank has its own rules.

At Sberbank, only participants of the Sberbank-Premier program can receive a card, that is, clients who have issued a Platinum American Express card. The cost of annual maintenance is 15 thousand rubles. Subject to a pre-approved order, you will have to pay 10,000 rubles for the annual Priority Pass service. Banks Uralsib and Avangard issue the card for free. For the first, the service fee for 365 days is 6,000 rubles, and for the second, 3,000-5,000 rubles, depending on the type of main payment cat (GOLD or PLATINUM). In some cases, Avangard Bank employees may offer to issue a Priority Pass for free if Mastercard Standard turnover is large enough. Raiffeisenbank issues a card upon activation of the Premium package and charges RUB 3,000 monthly.

How much does it cost

The Priority Pass card in Russia is also issued by Rosbank, Absolut, Unicredit Bank, and SNGB. In Ukraine, a card can be issued at Privatbank, OTP, VTB, VAB, Russian Standard, and Delta Bank has recently joined the program. Before applying for a card at any bank, you need to clarify the service fee. Practice shows that banks more often issue clients the first category of Priority cards. What is it? There are three main tariff categories:

  1. 100 euro annual fee, each visit of the owner or his guest is paid 24 euros at a time.
  2. 250 euros - 10 visits included, each subsequent 24 euros per visit per person.
  3. 400 euros per year - unlimited visit of the cardholder and 24 euros for a one-time visit by a guest.

But if you take the time and apply for a card at the “right” bank, you can find rates at which the card issue and all visits will be free. This is the best option for a large family.

Alternative way

The second way to receive a card is via the Internet, on the Priority Pass website. But, in addition to registering on the site, paying the membership fee and delivery costs, you will also have to link new map to a regular bank account from which funds will be debited. This entire procedure takes approximately 30 days. The amount of the membership fee depends on the tariff:

$399 per year - unlimited.

$249 per year - $27 for all visits starting from the eleventh.

$99 per year - $27 for all visits by the owner and his guests.

Scope of application

When issuing a card, a bank employee is required to provide a directory with a list of airports around the world where this program is valid. Having a directory can significantly reduce the time spent searching for the desired airport with a VIP lounge. But even if you don’t have a directory at hand, you can find out the list of airports in two ways. First, on the official website of the service, in the “Find you lounger” sign in the left column, you need to enter the country, city and airport. The second is through an application for gadgets with the iOS, Android, and, more recently, BlackBerry operating systems.

Interestingly, anyone can install the application. Many airports provide the opportunity to enter the lounge area at a rate of $10-20, on a “pay-per-use” basis for the application. When you first launch the program, it does not require you to enter any membership information. And you can use the application without an active Internet connection. Within the application, you can save your favorite bookmarks and view your search history.

On practice

The advantages of the card are obvious - the opportunity to relax between flights in a lounge with an increased level of comfort. But there are some nuances to participating in the Priority Pass program. User reviews on the forums confirm this. Firstly, each VIP room has its own rules: in some the number of admissions to the lounge areas is limited, in others you need to pay separately for guests. You can issue two cards in different banks in your name, then the guest will be allowed in for free. The second option is to apply for a card at Raiffeisenbank. When connecting to the Premium package, guests can be admitted to the lounge areas for free.

Secondly, in Russia, the card’s capabilities can only be used at Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo and Pulkovo airports. In Ukraine - Kharkov airport, Boryspil and Zhulyany. Much more opportunities open up at international airports. Forum participants actively share useful information. In Barcelona and Hong Kong, lounge areas provide free food, hot showers, drinks, and Internet access. The VIP lounge at Nairobi Airport is air conditioned, unlike the airport itself. The ideal use of the card is when traveling with children. In such cases, free places in the rooms with food and drinks are guaranteed.


If a tourist travels more than 3 times a year, and moreover with a family with two children, then applying for a card will significantly save the budget and allow you to comfortably pass the time between flights.

Anyone who flies often knows what it's like to wait for a flight in a crowded airport hall. And this is especially tiring if you are traveling with your whole family and children. The Sberbank Priority Pass card allows you to make your trip more comfortable, as well as conveniently relax and pass the time when your flight is delayed.

Priority pass is a whole set of bonuses for the owner

To receive premium service at airports, you need to purchase Premium-level plastic. A similar additional application can be obtained by owners of Visa Platinum Premier and World MasterCard Black Edition Premier.

What is Priority Pass

This program, operating worldwide, provides access to VIP lounges in almost 1,000 air terminals. In fact, this is a club for air passengers who want to spend time comfortably while waiting for their flight. The program card is a kind of pass and allows anyone to freely enter the privileged recreation area international airport connected to this service. In this case, the type of air ticket does not matter: its class (economy class, including), and which carrier company operates the flight.

The most important bonus is always the availability of a place to relax in more than 1000 VIP rooms

In addition to access to the VIP zone, owners receive certain services:

  • provision of comfortable seating areas;
  • free Wi-Fi;
  • charging gadgets;
  • food, drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • massage chairs;
  • periodicals;
  • video room;
  • Some air harbors can offer visitors showers, comfortable massage chairs, and separate sleeping rooms.

The goal of the service is to improve conditions for passengers during their stay at the airport, which significantly improves the image of carrier companies.

Access to wireless internet- for free

It should be noted that plastic is used only if you have an air ticket. The expiration date must be marked on it. When entering the business zone, the passenger presents a plane ticket and a card, from which a lounge employee takes a stamp.

Passengers should be aware that having a Piority pass does not guarantee access to any hall. Passengers who do not comply with the dress code, have an inappropriate appearance and behave inappropriately may not be allowed into the VIP lounge.

Sberbank Premier priority pass: conditions

All the best and most convenient - for owners of Priority plastic

Apply for a card Priority Pass is available through its website. But this is not so profitable if you tie it to a specific bank account. The bank issues it to clients who have signed up for a package of Sberbank Premier services. To receive a priority pass, you must fulfill an important condition - maintain the status of a “premium client”. This means that owners of platinum plastics must have at least 2.5 million rubles in their accounts. (for Muscovites) or 1.5 million rubles. (for residents of regions). By complying with this condition, privileged clients of the bank receive a Priority Pass with unlimited visits for themselves and another 5-9 companions.

What does Priority Pass give you?

What does a Priority Pass card from Sberbank give to an ordinary passenger? First of all, he can leave the general waiting room and relax in a calm and cozy VIP area, using various services. At each airport, the list of services may vary; some of them may be absolutely free, while others will have to be paid for. To familiarize yourself in advance detailed information and a list of services provided by a specific air harbor, it is recommended that before departure you look at the PriorityPass website or its mobile app.

A special phone application makes using the card even more convenient

Some airports provide special conditions for businessmen and their business partners: in addition to lunch, they can be provided with a place for business negotiations.

Most passengers traveling with family or company are interested in the main question: how many people can be taken to the recreation area thanks to this service and how many times can it be used? If the service is arranged at a bank, then the client is given the right to unlimited visits to business lounges around the world, this is a distinctive advantage of the bank compared to other institutions. Restrictions apply only to the number of people accompanying the cardholder and the time spent in the business zone. As a rule, 5-9 people can accompany him. The exact number of persons allowed depends on the specific airport regulations. You can ask about this in advance. For married couples who often travel with children, it is beneficial to immediately sign up for the Premier package. This will allow you to have access to business lounges and additional insurance for all family members. You can do this with your friends, but the insurance will not cover them.

Special rules apply at individual airports: large quantity accompanying persons allows you to increase the time of stay in the VIP zone. In any case, it is worth asking about the rules set by the administration in a particular room.

Priority pass is a service at the highest level at any time of the day, it is a service without a time limit

The second advantage of participating in the VIP client club is receiving discounts at hotels or various companies that are partners of the program.

Sberbank priority pass card: list of airports

Every year the number of participants in the Priority Pass program is constantly growing. Having a Sberbank priority pass card in hand, you can go to the official website and find out the list of airports where this service is connected. There are only 3 airports in the Russian Federation that are partners of the program: Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo and Pulkovo.


Knowing how to get a priority pass card from Sberbank, the owner receives guaranteed comfortable conditions during flights. Exclusive membership in a prestigious international club gives the passenger the chance not to languish in a noisy common room: he and those accompanying him will enjoy the peace and quiet of the business zone.

There are several types of airport terminal lounges. The first is the regular area, in which all passengers from economy to business class are located. The second is the lounge area, which can be accessed using a special card or for guests who have a high class of service on the plane.

Business lounges provide passengers with additional privileges. VIP clients relax, work and have lunch in peace and quiet. Every avid traveler should know how to get to the business lounge at the airport. To do this, you need to buy a business class ticket or become a member of the international Priority Pass program.


The best lounges in the world offer passengers an excellent opportunity to visit the lounge area using the Priority Pass card.International program participants can use premium service while waiting for their flight.

At airports in business lounges with Priority Pass you can get the following privileges and services:

  1. Passengers relax on comfortable armchairs and sofas. Lounge areas provide slip boxes. This option is paid separately and is not available in all luxury lounges.
  2. Free press and newspapers are freely available. There are magazines in national and English languages.
  3. Meals in the halls are free. In most cases it is a buffet. Some lounges offer restaurant menus and food is delivered.
  4. Coffee, tea, water and carbonated soft drinks are free. Alcohol is only available to persons over 18 years of age and is available for a fee. Only local beer or wine can be taken for free.
  5. Before departure, you can freshen up in the shower room and put your thoughts in order. But the shower is not always free, and you will also have to pay for swimwear.
  6. Most lounges offer meeting space if you need to hold business meetings that weren't previously scheduled. The meeting room is always provided for a fee. In rare cases, business class passengers can use it for free. It all depends on the administrator of the hall, who sets the restrictions.

Particular comfort is felt in the business lounge when there are connecting flights and you need to wait a long time for the next boarding of the aircraft.

Travelers also have a toilet, flight display, TV, telephone, copy equipment and areas for charging electronic gadgets at their disposal.

Economy class

Access to airport business lounges is possible when flying in economy class.How to get to the business lounge?

To do this, you need to become a member of the international Priority Pass program.

If you travel frequently and use regular lounges, sign up for a Priority Pass card soon and get additional privileges.

Economy class passengers have two options for accessing terminal lounges. Namely, apply for a card included in the premium package, or register yourself on the company’s official website.

Registration of a package of services at the bank

It is better to get access to business lounges through a financial institution. It gives you not only the opportunity to use all premium services, but also additional benefits.

Such as an insurance policy, participation in loyalty programs, receiving discounts in some stores, the ability to accumulate miles and exchange them for air tickets with a high class of service or passes to premium lounges.

To gain access to business lounges, you will need to meet certain conditions that the financial institution will require. Passengers who have paid for annual service can access the lounges using Priority Pass.

Also, these conditions may be different. For example, maintaining an average monthly balance on all card accounts of a package of services in the amount of 2 million rubles. or spending on the card in the amount of 50 thousand rubles + the average monthly balance should be 500,000 rubles.

The conditions in each bank are different, so read them carefully and choose for yourself the best option. How much the service costs should be checked with the employees of the organization itself.

The card, which is issued by the issuing bank, as part of the service package, can be debit or credit. Credit cards are issued only to solvent clients who are already 18–21 years old.

Herself club card Priority Pass is issued free of charge. For its reissue in case of loss, theft, damage or expiration cash are not charged.

To visit the business lounge, you only need to present your club membership card; no payment product is needed. If a client has 2 to 8 visits per month available, but not all passes are used, they are not transferred to the next month.

Neither the airport terminal nor the Priority Pass program is responsible for the number of lounge passes issued by the bank. Therefore, all such issues should be resolved with the financial institution.

The Priority Pass card can be obtained when registering for a package of services or connecting premium cards of the Mastercard/Visa system in the following Russian banks: VTB 24, Rosbank, B&N Bank, Alfa, Raiffeisen, Promsvyaz, Unicredit, Sberbank and many others.


Economy class passengers can also gain access to airport business lounges by registering in the program themselves.

Becoming a member of the club is easy and simple. You need to go through a simple registration, select the appropriate tariff plan, pay for the service and receive a Priority Pass card by mail in a month.

Business Class

The third way to gain access to airport lounge areas is to purchase a high-class ticket on the plane.

Visiting the lounge area is free, the cost is already included in the amount paid for the air ticket. An additional entrance fee may be charged to accompanying persons.

Preferred Client

The airport lounge also accommodates passengers traveling to other countries via Star Alliance, SkyTeam and Oneworld.

These airlines provide the opportunity to visit lounge areas for free; you just need to issue a plastic card, which gives you the right to receive privileged service at the airport terminal.

These cards accumulate miles, which can be spent not only on a pass to the lounge area, but also on other good services. For example, to upgrade the class of service on an airplane, to check in at business class counters (without queues).


You can get free airport lounge access with the right travel companion.

To visit the lounge area, you can ask your companion if he has a Priority Pass card. Some banks allow access to business lounges not only for holders free of charge, but also for one accompanying person or the person with whom he is flying.

To visit the lounges, the holder just needs to provide a Priority Pass card and mention his companion. This applies not only at Sheremetyevo Airport, but all over the world.

If the cardholder passed for free, plus they were charged $27 for a companion, you should contact hotline issuing bank and resolve this issue peacefully. The hall staff do not have sufficient qualifications to help you with this.

There are many ways to visit airport lounges for free. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and use it, enjoying comfort and aromatic coffee alone in a large airport.

The universal and convenient Priority Pass Sberbank card is unique product, offering users the advantageous opportunity to use comfortable lounges absolutely free of charge at more than 900 airports located in 120 countries around the world.

Page content

The recipient of the Priority Pass card is the client using the “” service package, and it can be used regardless of the class of air ticket, which is a significant advantage for both tourists and those who often travel on business.

Membership in the “Priority Pass” is a bonus from the bank, which you can receive quickly – within a few days. Along with the card, the client receives an information brochure that describes all the benefits.

What is Priority Pass

Priority Pass from Sberbank is a card that provides special benefits to frequent flying clients of a financial institution. The card user can spend free time in special waiting rooms at airports, use comfortable seating areas, showers, the Internet, sometimes massage chairs, eat food and drinks. Each room individually offers its own services, which may vary depending on the country of residence.

Comfortable recreation areas are:

  1. Free food and drinks, including alcoholic ones.
  2. Free access to the Internet.
  3. Possibility to charge a laptop, tablet computer or smartphone.
  4. 24/7 service that works without interruption.
  5. Quality services regardless of ticket class.

There are several ways to find the location of the waiting room and learn about all the rules for visiting it:

  • by visiting the official website
  • by downloading a special application for iOS, Android or BlackBerry.

You can get a convenient card that allows you to visit numerous waiting rooms in many countries of the world without being tied to other banking services, but today it is Sberbank of Russia that offers the most favorable conditions.

According to reviews and information for clients presented on the official website, if you are flying with your whole family, then it will be enough to order the Sberbank Premier package in one copy.

Conditions for the Priority Pass card from Sberbank

The Priority Pass card is issued free of charge to users of the Sberbank Premier service package. Cost of service and conditions of receipt:

  • Always free if you have at least 2.5 million rubles in your accounts.
  • Paid (RUB 2,500 per month) if you don’t have RUB 2.5 million in your accounts. and more. But the first two months are free.

The Priority Pass card from Sberbank is issued with unlimited access to waiting rooms, and the service applies not only to you, but also to your companions.

Important! The number of guests may be limited by the rules of a particular business lounge (usually from 3 to 8-9 people).

It is important for Priority Pass card users to know:

  1. Lounge attendants are not required to tell their customers when they need to prepare to board. Therefore, experts advise not to forget about this fact and keep track of the time yourself.
  2. At some airports, lounges are located up to passport control, so once you get your stamp on the document, you won’t be able to go back. Access to comfortable rooms will be closed.
  3. The client may be denied access to a special hall due to inappropriate appearance. This does not mean that you need to dress in expensive boutiques and wear exclusive perfume before entering the business lounge. The restrictions apply only to extreme cases. For example, if you have been traveling around Europe on foot for more than two weeks without the opportunity to use a shower and now want to relax in the VIP area intended for airport passengers.
  4. One airport may have more than two lounges, and you can visit them all.

The Priority Pass card is not a payment product that proves the solvency of its owner. Using it in this way can be regarded as a separate type of fraud.

List of airports available to Priority Pass card holders

You can find out a list of all airports where comfortable lounges are available to passengers using a special application. Download a convenient program onto your smartphone and receive not only a list of airports, but also conditions for visiting business lounges. We provided links to applications above.

To be honest, I have never been to business lounges at airports. But when I got into the lounge area during the flight and long docking at Sabiha Airport in Istanbul, I decided to study this issue in more detail. Because the comfort and benefits of staying in such luxury lounges are worth more than the money you need to pay for them.

I was introduced to the lounge area at Sabiha Airport in Istanbul. The flight had a long layover, there was not enough time to get there and see the city, so I decided not to sleep for 7 hours on a bench, but to go to the lounge area.

This pleasure cost 15 euros. For this money you could sit in a more comfortable chair, get free Wi-Fi and a small buffet with alcoholic drinks and snacks. One thing is that at that airport the hall was small and not everyone ended up with enough space to sit comfortably. But overall, I appreciated this kind of leisure time. And I even made a short video about this lounge area.

You could sit as long as you wanted, unlike business lounges where the time of stay is limited, from 2 hours or a little more. The lounge areas do not belong to any airlines and any airport visitor waiting for their flight can stay there.

Anyone can gain access to such a zone; they just need to find where it is and pay for the entrance.

Business lounges at airports

Business lounges have a different range of services at different airports. It might just be a comfortable chair and Wi-Fi with drinks, or it might be a fully stocked buffet. There is also a shower, sometimes for a fee, and a capsule hotel where you can sleep for a couple of hours. Children's room. But what will definitely happen there is that it will be a little quieter than at the airport itself.

As a rule, business lounges belong to certain airlines or alliances, but access to them is not limited to passengers with a business class ticket or with gold and platinum frequent flyer cards. Visiting the lounges is free with a ticket or by presenting the same airline loyalty card.

But it happens that at some airport there is no business lounge for your airline and there is no lounge area. But there is a business hall of another alliance. How to get there?

  • The option for money will not work. Entry costs 20 euros or more. At the same time, you get access to all the services of this room, from the Internet to food. Sometimes there are restrictions, for example on alcohol, you can only drink welcome champagne, and then only beer or wine. But not everywhere you can get by paying an entrance fee.
  • Option 1 - buy a “subscription” card with annual access to priority pass, dinners club or. It costs from 99 to 399 euros and the tariff plan depends on the number of visits per year to such halls. Moreover, if you have family or friends with you, they enter for an additional fee and are cheaper than the cost of entry for everyone else.
  • Option 2 is to open a bank payment card, fulfilling a number of conditions, and receive a priority pass for free. Moreover, as a rule, such cards allow not only you, but also those with you, to visit the hall for free. Conditions in banks are different. And as a rule, this is a separate tariff plan. That is, it is not enough to simply open a card at a bank; you either need to deposit a certain amount into the account or spend a certain amount per month or simply pay more for the service. But in addition to the priority pass, such tariffs also include free insurance with very good coverage.

Of my friends, the only one who uses a priority pass from the bank is the “Privilege” tariff from VTB. However, there is a whole list of banks that issue a priority pass card for free. Conditionally free. You either pay more for the annual fee than for a regular card, or you meet certain conditions, such as having a balance in your account or being required to spend a certain amount per month.

  • VTB 24. Privilege package.
  • Alfa Bank. Package "Maximum+".
  • UniCredit Bank. Prime Club package.
  • Raiffeisen Bank. Premium 5 package
  • Sberbank. Premier package.
  • Promsvyazbank. Package "Orange".
  • Citibank. Ultima package.
  • Russian standard. Empire package.
  • Opening. Premium package.
  • Bank of Moscow."Height" package.
  • Binbank. Premium package.
  • Rosbank. Premium package.

In some banks you can use your card to bring 1 companion with you for free, in others you can bring a companion, but this visit will be deducted from your visit limit. The number of visits varies from 4 per month at Alfa Bank, 12 per year at Rosbank, to unlimited visits at Moscow and Otkritie banks.