"Everyone has heard about Seven wonders of the world. Can you list them? If yes, then great. But, if you don’t know anything about the wonders of the world yet, don’t be upset, because today we’ll talk about them, and you have a lot of new and interesting things to learn,” - this is how the journey through the pages of history began for the children from school 290, which was prepared by and spent library psychologist Maria Kirina and librarian Polina Bukhaidze.

Today, January 26, the guys learned why they talk about seven miracles, and not about five or nine... After all, the number “seven” is considered sacred among many peoples. The ancient Greeks counted seven of the most beautiful and most grandiose monuments created by human hands, which amazed their contemporaries with their beauty, size and technique.
The Egyptian pyramids, the only ones of the Seven Wonders that have come down to us, have always been considered the greatest miracle. “Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids,” said the Arabs who conquered Egypt.

What do we know about the Egyptian pyramids? The very first pyramid - Djoser - has a length of 129 m, a width of 107 m, and a height of 60 m. It was built almost 5 thousand years ago, when people did not yet know wheels and transported huge stone blocks on sleds. The Pyramid of Cheops consists of 2 million 300 thousand stone slabs, weighing from 2 to 30 tons. The pyramids took a long time to build, their construction began almost immediately after the pharaoh ascended the throne.
Today the children learned about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and about the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus, and about the Mausoleum in Halicarnassus, about the Colossus of Rhodes, the Pharos Lighthouse and the Statue of Zeus in Olympia.

And then the guys answered the quiz questions. Can you?
Burial site of Egyptian pharaohs?
A structure built by the Babylonian king for his wife?
What was unusual about the place chosen for the construction of the temple of the ancient Greek goddess Artemis?
Who destroyed the Temple of Artemis?
Why is the statue of Zeus, created by the famous ancient Greek sculptor Phidias, called Olympian Zeus?
Why, despite the fact that the statue of Olympian Zeus has not survived to this day, do we know what it looked like?
Which modern buildings are associated with the name of the Halicarnassian king Mausolus?
What was on top of the structure in which Mausolus was buried?
What other role did he perform? Faros lighthouse?
What does the word "colossus" mean?

Didn't answer a question? Dont be upset.

From pyramids to skyscrapers: A brief encyclopedia of wonders created by nature and man / Transl. from English A.N. Paper. - M.: Sovremennik, 1998.-255 p.: ill.- (World of Knowledge).

One Hundred Great Wonders of the World/ Auto - comp. ON THE. Ionina. - M.: Veche, 2008.- 527 p.: ill. – (100 great).

In our library you will find these and other interesting books!


Technical support for the event was provided by library methodologist Tatyana Afanasyeva.

Goal: introduce the children to the giant towers

  • develop the ability to work in a group
  • express your thoughts consistently
  • expand your general horizons
  • learn to communicate and exchange thoughts on a topic
  • develop interest in the cultural values ​​of the world


    explanatory dictionaries,


    additional reference material,

    task cards,

    writing instruments.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Frontal work.

How many wonders of the world are known?

Why are there seven of them?

Why are these cultural monuments called wonders of the world?

The ancient Greeks loved to travel and talk about what they saw in distant countries. One such traveler was a certain Philo, who lived in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e. You and I have the opportunity to get acquainted with the first page of Philo’s diary, where he describes the Wonders of the World he saw. I'll read it to you now.

I saw Zeus at Olympia
And the miracle of the hanging gardens of Babylon,
I saw the Colossus of Rhodes
And the pyramids are the work of many and
Hard work.
I know Mausolus, a huge tomb,
But I just saw the temple
Artemis of Ephesus, who raised the roof
Until the clouds, everything else faded before him,
The sun sees nowhere equal
He is beautiful.
And on Pharos I saw a tower,
Everywhere for many miles she is visible
A traveler during the day, but at night they see from afar,
Floating on the sea, light from a great fire
At the very top of the lighthouse.

What wonders of the World did Philo describe during his travels?

What Wonders of the World have survived to this day?

3. Work in groups.

On your tables there are cards describing one of the wonders of the world. Determine what miracle of the world is being talked about.

  • We were in Babylon. We were built by order of King Nebuchadnezzar for his beloved wife. A specially constructed wide tower with four tiers was used as a foundation for us. Of miracles, we are the most short-lived.
  • My homeland is the island of Pharos in Alexandria. I am 135 meters tall. I am made up of three parts. At the top of my tower stands a six-meter statue of the god Poseidon.
  • My body is made of ivory, and my clothes and jewelry are made of gold. In my left hand is a scepter, and in my right hand is the goddess Nike. For eight hundred years I sat on my magnificent throne.
  • I was in Halicarnassus. My roof is built in the shape of a stepped pyramid. The roof is crowned by a group of horses harnessed to a chariot. I was built for King Mausolus as a huge marble tomb. My name came to mean a ritual building.
  • They built me ​​from marble in honor of the goddess Artemis. I was built by an architect named Khersiphon, who proposed to surround me around the perimeter with two rows of marble columns. I was burned in 356 BC.
  • I stood guard at the entrance to the port of the island of Rhodes, off the coast of Asia Minor. My height is 34 meters. They made me from bronze plates. I lay in ruins for about 900 years. According to legend, the bronze plates were then removed from me and taken to Syria on camels.

4. Presentation of the work of each group.

5. Getting to know new material.

Today we will talk about new Wonders of the World. But you will learn about which ones by working in groups. There are instructions on your desks. Following the yellow instructions, complete the tasks and find out which Wonder of the World you will learn about today.

1 group. Instructions.

1. Determine the name of the Wonder of the World: solve the mathematical expression, match the result with the letters and write down the name.

2. Assemble the mosaic. On it you will see the object you are interested in.

6. Presentation of the work of each group.

The teacher shows pictures of the Wonders of the World.

What unites these Wonders of the World?

What is a tower?

Where can I find out the meaning of this word?

  • A tower is a tall and narrow architectural structure.
  • Elevation for guns on ships, tanks, armored vehicles.
  • A tall and narrow multi-storey building.

Which definition suits us best?

7. - Now you have to find out about your Wonder of the World. Following the green instructions, complete all tasks and get ready to present your work.


1. Distribute roles:

Philologist ____________________




2. Find a task for your profession among these tasks and complete it.

3. Prepare to present your work.

Assignment for mathematicians

Find numerical data about your tower in the text and write it down in a table.

Assignment for philologists

Find in the explanatory dictionary the interpretation of the words: tier, arcade, bell tower, flagpole.

Assignment for geographers

Find and underline in the text in which country, in which city this wonder of the world is located.

Assignment for historians

Find and underline interesting information about the construction of the tower in the text.

Additional reference material:

The famous clock on St. Stephen's Tower began to be built in 1837. Their opening was timed to coincide with a solemn event: the ascension to the throne of Queen Victoria. This is one of the main symbols of England. The name of the watch was given by the English Minister of Labor Benjamin Hall, and they were named after him. At first, only the large bell inside the clock was called this way, but then both the clock itself and the St. Stephen's Tower on which it was installed began to be called Big Ben. Big Ben's dials face the four cardinal directions. It is estimated that the minute hands travel a total distance of 190 km per year. This clock stopped for the first time in 1981. Imagine that ordinary coins regulate the clock. If they lag behind or go ahead, the chief clock keeper places or removes a one-penny coin from the pendulum, which adds or subtracts the clock's progress. The minute hand is as big as a 2-decker bus. Clock tower - 100 meters. The clock mechanism weighs 4.5 tons.

This tower is an outstanding creation of twentieth-century construction technology. Built in Moscow according to the design of design engineer Nikolai Vasilyevich Nikitin. Construction of the tower took place from 1963 to 1967. At that time it was the tallest building in the world. The official lifespan of the tower is 150 years. The original height of the building was 533 meters, but then a flagpole was added. Today its height is 540 meters. The mass of the tower together with the foundation is 51,400 tons. The tower contains 5 freight and 4 passenger elevators. At an altitude of 337 meters there is a circular observation hall surrounded by glass, from which a panorama of Moscow opens. Just below the observation deck there is the “Seventh Heaven” restaurant with three rooms located one below the other. The tables in the halls are on a circular platform with glass railings. The platform, rotating slowly, makes a full revolution in one hour. And all this time, its visitors admire the beauty of the Russian capital. In a strong wind, the top of this colossus can deviate as much as 12 meters from its vertical position; the engineers made sure that the tower was flexible enough, like a rod. This is what allows it not to collapse in the strongest winds. The tower is equipped with the most modern equipment, television and radio antennas, antennas of cellular operators.

This tower is best known in the world for its defect - tilting from the vertical.

However, it is suggested that the architects of the tower intended their brainchild to be this way - inclined, but most likely, the not very reliable foundation or the movement of the earth played a role here. Over time, the tower began to deviate from the vertical. It rises on the “Piazza of Miracles” in the city of Pisa, located in northwestern Italy and reaches a height of more than 55 meters. The tower has 8 tiers. A spiral staircase of 294 steps inside the tower's brick-lined cylinder leads to observation deck. There is also a belfry with bells. The lower tier of the tower is decorated with 15 semi-columns. 6 tiers of arcades with 30 columns each on the external galleries give the structure delicacy and incredible lightness. But this impression is deceptive, because, according to some calculations, the Leaning Tower with its 3-meter thick walls weighs approximately 14,500 tons. In 1990, this tower was closed to the public. Work has begun to strengthen it. To the great joy of tourists, on December 30, 2001, visiting this tower was resumed. However, some precautions were taken: no more than 30 people could visit the tower at a time. This tower could well have ended up in a book about miracles, even if it weren’t for the engineering miscalculation that made this creation of medieval masters truly unique.

This Parisian landmark is known throughout the world. The tower, named after its creator Gustave Eiffel, was erected in 1889. At that time it was the tallest structure created by man. Today it serves Paris as a radio and television center - a powerful transmitting antenna. And during the years of its creation, it simply decorated noisy Paris and served people as an observation tower. The base of the tower is buried 5 meters into the ground. The lower part consists of four interconnected arches, which rise upward with a bend and turn into a single tower. This structure is equipped with elevators. They lift tourists first along the inclined structures of the arches, and then along the vertical tower. This structure, like no other, amazes with its amazing numbers: when the tower was built, its height was 312 meters; with antennas it reached 324 meters. Its total weight is 10,100 tons, that is, equal to the weight of 12 high-speed trains. To climb to the very top, you need to overcome 1665 steps. Every seven years the tower is painted, which takes 60 tons of paint. When a strong wind rises, the top can deviate by 6-7 cm. The tower has three observation tiers: the first is located at an altitude of 57, the second - 115, and the third - 274 meters, and, of course, there is no shortage of sightseers. Over the course of more than a hundred years, the tower was repainted and repaired several times, but was not subjected to major alterations.

8. The presentation of the works is accompanied by illustrations of the towers.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Eiffel Tower

Ostankino tower

9. Teacher's story about the Tower of Babel

10. Summing up. Reflection.


  1. Children's encyclopedia “MAHAON” Wonders of the world
  2. Reg Cox, Neil Morris. Seven wonders of the world.

Developmental event on the theme “7 Wonders of the World”

Hello guys!

Today the topic of our meeting will be very unusual. What else do we call everything unusual? (answers) Yes, unusual is magical, fabulous or... wonderful! That's about miracles today and we'll talk. Have you heard the expression “wonders of the world”? Or maybe you remember how many wonders of the world there are? Of course there are seven of them! After all, seven is a magical, wonderful number in itself. (Presentation splash screen - 1 slide)

(Agnes Voskresenskaya “7 Wonders of the World”)

We were once given an assignment at school

Write a story about the 7 Wonders of the World.

And everyone immediately started talking about different countries,

Palaces, pyramids, gardens to remember.

Beautiful temples, wonderful buildings,

built by people for thousands of years

Huge walls, great knowledge

They left a mark on our history.

The name itself "Seven Wonders of the World" invented by the ancient Greeks in the second century BC. e. That is, now we are in the 21st century, and the seven wonders of the world arose 23 centuries ago, that’s how much older they are than us! The ancient Greeks called the most famous structures and statues in antiquity the “Seven Wonders of the World.” But most of the architecture of antiquity, unfortunately, has not survived to our time: it was partially destroyed natural disasters, and partly by the man himself. So what did ancient people consider the wonders of the world? Maybe some of you know these 7 miracles?

1. Egyptian pyramids(2 slide)

2. Hanging Gardens(3 slide)

3. Zeus Statue(4 slide)

4. Temple of Artemis(5 slide)

5. mausoleum in Halicarnassus(6 slide)

6. The Colossus of Rhodes (7 slide)

7. Alexandrian lighthouse(8 slide)

1. Egyptian pyramids

The pyramids of Egypt are the only ones of the “Seven Wonders of the World” that have survived to this day and continue to delight visitors with their grandeur and beauty. (9 slide)

The pyramids stand in an ancient cemetery in the Egyptian city of Giza, on the banks of the Nile River. Archaeologists believe that perhaps the construction of one of these pyramids - great pyramid It took Pharaoh Cheops 20 years and a man. (10 slide video) And if it were built today, it would be much faster. Using modern technical means, a team of 450 people would take about 6 years to build a similar pyramid, and $11.5 billion would be spent. The Pyramid of Cheops was built from more than 2 million stone blocks, each of which weighed at least 2.5 tons. (11 slide) Workers not only pulled them to the construction site manually, using only ramps and levers, but also adjusted them to each other, without mortar. The blocks were so tightly fitted to each other that it was impossible to insert even a knife blade between them from the outside. Upon completion of the work, the Great Pyramid rose 147 meters (which is equal to the height of almost ten 5-story houses). The base side of the Great Pyramid reaches 230 meters. It occupies more area than nine football fields. (12 slide – video)

Why do you think the pyramids were built? In ancient times, the Egyptians believed that after the death of a person (and especially a pharaoh), his remains should be preserved in the form of a mummy so that the spirit could continue to live after death. For these purposes, the priests turned the body of a deceased person into a mummy. (13 slide) The mummy was placed in a sarcophagus, and clothes, jewelry, and various things that, in their opinion, could be useful for the afterlife, were buried with it. The mummy of Pharaoh Cheops was placed in a burial chamber in the heart of his pyramid . (14 slide)

The Pyramid of Cheops is just one of several majestic structures that can still be seen with your own eyes in Egypt today. And all together these pyramids are the first wonder of the world. (15, 16 slides)

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Guys, what do you imagine when you hear the phrase “ hanging gardens"? (answers) Yes, and I also imagine fruits and flowers, waterfalls, gardens hanging from the walls of the palace, exotic animals... (17 slide) An amazing picture, but even more amazing to know that this wonder of the world may never have existed except in the imagination of Greek poets and historians! It is assumed that the Hanging Gardens were located near the city of Baghdad, in Iraq, and were a pyramid consisting of four tiers - platforms. On them lay a thick carpet of fertile soil, where seeds of various herbs, flowers, shrubs, and trees were planted. The pyramid resembled an ever-blooming green hill. Inside this pyramid there were columns and stairs, as well as special pipes for irrigation. (18 slide – video)

These gardens are also known as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. It's a beautiful name, isn't it? Let's imagine who this Semiramis could be? Of course, such a beautiful name could only belong to the queen! (19 slide) Semiramis was the wife of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, who gave these gardens to his queen.

3. Statue Zeus Olympian

In the 5th century BC. e. The citizens of Olympia decided to build a temple of Zeus, the main ancient god. (20 slide) The construction of the temple took about 10 years, but there was not a single worthy statue of Zeus himself, although one was necessary. And then the sculptor Phidias and his assistants got to work: first of all, they created a wooden frame that was supposed to serve as the backbone of the statue of Zeus. After this, they covered the frame with ivory plates, representing the skin of the god. Then, under heavy security, precious stones and 200 kg of pure gold were brought into the temple at the feet of the statue. According to modern prices, the cost of gold alone, which was used to decorate the statue, was about $8 million. Workers hid the joints so that the completed statue looked like a monolithic figure. (21 slides)

The base of the statue was 6 meters wide and 1 meter high. The height of the entire statue together with the pedestal was, according to various sources, from 12 to 17 meters. ( Show the dimensions using a visual example: Let's imagine: your height is approximately 1.5 meters, which means Zeus was approximately 9 times tall (or using the leader's height as an example). Width of the base - using the example of a hall, etc.) (22 slide) Platforms for spectators were built along the walls so that people, having climbed onto them, could see the face of God. After completion of construction, the statue remained one of the greatest miracles Sveta. (23 slide videos)

3. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

And in the name of the next wonder of the world there is another beautiful female name. Let's imagine some more, who could this Artemis be? She was the Greek goddess of the hunt, (slide 24) mistress of nature, protector of wild animals, also called Diana. Temple of Artemis, i.e. a temple built in honor of this goddess (slide 25) was the largest temple of the ancient world and was located in the city of Ephesus, in the territory of modern Turkey. It consisted of 127 marble columns, each 20 meters high, each of these columns was a gift from one of the Greek kings. (slide 26 – video) The Temple of Artemis was used not only for religious ceremonies. It was both the financial and business center of Ephesus. (slide 27)

The temple was richly decorated with sculpture, paintings and jewelry, but was later destroyed. In the mid-19th century, archaeologists began searching for the city of Ephesus and the Temple of Artemis. After many years of unsuccessful excavations, an English archaeologist finally managed to discover the foundation of the temple under a six-meter thick layer of earth. (slide 28) And at the beginning of the 20th century, the treasures of Artemis were also found: 3,000 valuable pearls, earrings, hairpins, brooches, as well as small coins made of an alloy of gold and silver, the oldest examples of coinage that have reached us. The Ephesian finds of archaeologists are now stored in museums in Turkey. Today, only a few foundation blocks and one restored column remain from the temple at Ephesus.

5. Halicarnassus Mausoleum

Guys, we have all heard the word “mausoleum”, but do we know where it came from? For example, I never knew that the word “mausoleum” is associated with the seven wonders of the world and comes from the name of one ancient king Mausolus. (29 slide) Mausolus was the ruler of Caria, ancient state in the territory of modern Turkey. Mausolus was a rich and powerful king and dreamed of a magnificent monument that would remind the world of his wealth and power long after his death. ( slide 30) And then he began to build a tomb for himself, but died before the work was completed. Then his wife continued the business. The tomb was called Mausoleum, after the king, and this word came to mean any impressive and majestic tomb.

The world's first mausoleum, which became the fifth wonder of the world, amazed with its unusual design. (slide 31) At the base of the building there was a tomb, which was guarded by a number of stone lions. Next stood a structure that resembled a Greek temple, surrounded by columns and statues. At the top of the building was a step pyramid. It was crowned, at a height of 43 meters above the ground, by a sculpture - a chariot drawn by horses, in which the king and queen were riding.

Eighteen centuries later, an earthquake destroyed the Mausoleum to the ground. (slide 32) And the remains of the mausoleum are now kept in the British Museum in London.

6. Colossus of Rhodes

Now, guys, let's remember one more word that we all know. What is the name of something very big and grandiose? (answers) Yes, in Russian there is such a word as “colossal”. And it also came from the name of one of the wonders of the world - the Colossus of Rhodes. Let's find out what it is.

Rhodes, (slide 33) guys, this is an island whose ancient people decided to build a statue of the sun god Helios, whom they revered, because according to legend, Helios himself created the island of Rhodes. This is how the statue of Helios appeared, tall and majestic, so it was called the Colossus, i.e. a colossal, grandiose structure .(slide 34) The production of the grandiose monument required 13 tons of bronze and 18 tons of iron. The colossus also gave birth to a kind of fashion for giant statues. The sparkling god was visible many kilometers from Rhodes, and soon rumors about him spread throughout the ancient world. (slide 35 – video) But half a century later, a strong earthquake that destroyed Rhodes knocked the colossus to the ground. The Rhodians tried to raise the colossus. But nothing came of it. The split colossus lay near Rhodes for a thousand years, until an Arab ruler in need of money sold it to a merchant. The merchant, in order to take the colossus to be melted down, cut it into pieces and loaded 900 camels with bronze.

7. Alexandria Lighthouse

Guys, who can tell me what a lighthouse is and why it is needed? (answers) Correct. So is the Alexandria Lighthouse (slide 36) was built to allow ships to safely pass the reefs on their way to the bay. It was the world's first lighthouse, and it stood for 1,500 years. Of course, there was no electricity or spotlights back then, so Alexandria lighthouse fire was used: at night the sailors were helped to find their way by the reflection of the flames, and during the day by a column of smoke at the lighthouse. The lighthouse was built near the shores of Alexandria in the Mediterranean Sea on small island Faros, which is why its second name is Faros Lighthouse. It took 20 years to build it. (slide 37 - video) The Faros lighthouse consisted of three marble towers, and its overall height was 120 meters. To keep the lighthouse burning, (slide 38) a large amount of fuel was required. The wood was brought in carts drawn by horses or mules. From ships it was possible to see this lighthouse at a distance of up to 60 km. But several centuries later the lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake.

Here we are at the end of the journey (slide 39) on the seven wonders of the ancient world. These miracles still amaze and inspire. Therefore, let's finally listen to a short poem about miracles and once again remember their names.

"Seven Wonders of the World"

Laura Evlakhova

They say in this wide world,

Our solar planet

There were only seven miracles

Praised to the skies:

The pyramids are a miracle

They have survived to us.

Miracle two - Semiramis

It’s as if I’ve grown a garden,

Everyone was happy to walk in it.

(Who planted? There is a dispute.

What if Nebuchadnezzar?)

Miracle three and miracle five

You need to look in Turkey:

Temple for Diana in Ephesus

He was wonderful and interesting.

Well, and the royal wife

Faithful to her husband Mausolus,

Massive tomb

She ordered it to be built nearby.

Where? The answer for the ancestors is clear:

Built in Halicarnassus.

Wonder of the world where are four?

We missed Greece.

Phidias created Zeus

And he sat on the throne

In a city that is happy about sports -

The birthplace of the Olympics.

Miracle Six - Colossus of Rhodes,

How about seven? – Pharos lighthouse.

Tesen ancient world miracles,

But the interest is eternal!

Geography of miracles,

Praised to the skies

Do you remember, friends?

Iran, Egypt, Turkey,

And, of course, Gre-tsi-ya.

(slide 40 with Black Lightning?)

Teacher's opening speech.

Egyptian pyramids.

Pyramids - the majestic tombs of the pharaohs - seem to grow from the sands of the desert. The oldest of them, the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser, is the world's first stone structure of such a kind. huge size(its height is 60 meters). But the Cheops pyramid, which had stood for almost five thousand years, rose to a height of 147 meters. The blocks of this great pyramid were so carefully polished and fitted one to another that it was impossible to insert a knife blade into the gap between them.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus.

According to legend, the construction of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus lasted 120 years, and all the states of Asia Minor took part in it. The light, elegant marble building aroused admiration and surprise of everyone who happened to see it.

Halicarnassus Mausoleum.

The architects conceived the tomb of King Mausolus as a rectangular building about 66 meters wide, about 77 meters long and 46 meters high. It was decided to erect the mausoleum (as similar structures later began to be called after King Mausolus) in the center of Halicarnassus, on one of the widest streets of the city, rising above the market square.

Alexandrian lighthouse.

Not far from the city, on the island of Faros, the world's largest lighthouse was built - a three-story tower about 180 meters high. The third floor was a round lantern, crowned by a bronze statue of the god of the seas, Poseidon, 7 meters high. The light of the lighthouse burned in the lantern, the light of which was amplified by a system of metal mirrors.

The creator of this miracle was Sostratus of Cnidus. The lighthouse stood until the 14th century. By that time, much destroyed, it still aroused admiration. The remains of the high pedestal have survived to this day, but they are not accessible to archaeologists and architects, since they are built into a powerful medieval fortress.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

During the brilliant time of its existence, the city of Babylon was a quadrangle surrounded by high walls with 100 gates, through which the Euphrates River flows diagonally. Babylon, with its beauty and wealth, amazed everyone who happened to visit there.

But more than anything else, they were amazed by the wonderful hanging gardens laid out at the palace by order of King Nebuchadnezzar for his beloved wife, the Mysian princess Amytis, who yearned for the shady forests of her homeland. The gardens were located on platforms raised on powerful pillars. The tiers of the gardens were made of ledges, they were connected by wide staircases made of white and pink slabs. Facing the cool wind, which usually blew from the northwest, the gardens - their aroma, shade and coolness - in treeless Babylon seemed like a miracle to people. Even after the destruction of Babylon and the Hanging Gardens, the legend about them continued to live.

The Colossus of Rhodes.

Having won in 305 BC. The inhabitants of Rhodes decided to commemorate the victory over the famous commander Demetrius, who was besieging Rhodes, by erecting a giant bronze statue of the sun god Helios, the patron saint of the island. The choice of the Rhodians fell on the sculptor Chares. The work lasted 12 years. Hares erected a statue of unprecedented height - 70 cubits (about 35 meters).

In 220 BC. Rhodes was hit by a devastating earthquake, many people died under the rubble of buildings. The Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who lived in the 1st century AD, having visited the island, wrote that even now, when the Colossus lies on the ground, it evokes surprise and admiration. Not every person can wrap both hands around the statue’s thumb.

Statue of Zeus at Olympia, sculpted by Phidias.

Olympian Zeus, sitting on the throne, his head almost touched the ceiling of the temple. It is believed that the statue rose 17 meters in height. From sparkling gold, the great Greek sculptor Phidias made the clothes of Zeus, the precious crown on his head, the clothes and victory wreath of the goddess Nike, which Zeus held in his hand. He sculpted the torso, head of Zeus and the goddess Nike from ivory, which gave an almost living warmth to the sculptural image