Every tourist often asks a simple and logical question about how to turn a long train trip into an exciting and tireless experience. It is also equally important for travelers to take everything they need so as not to deprive themselves of comfort and avoid any unpleasant situations. Most convenient way Reduce the risk of problems by making detailed lists. After this, you should check how necessary each item included in them is for a particular trip.

The first list - the shortest - will include everything without which no trip would take place:

  • bank card;
  • tickets (if they are paper and not electronic);
  • internal passport (if necessary, this can be a foreign passport);
  • documents related to the purpose of the trip;
  • photocopies of passport and other important documents;
  • cash (small amount);
  • birth certificates of minor children (if they are traveling).

You can get by without a bank card on the train, but later on it will become necessary.

Travel first aid kit

It is extremely important for travelers to avoid health problems while traveling. Therefore, a travel first aid kit must certainly consist of several items:

  • antipyretic,
  • painkillers,
  • antiallergic,
  • antimicrobial,
  • anti-colds.

When traveling, you should protect yourself from the consequences of accidents. Therefore, a travel first aid kit will be incomplete without a minimum of necessary drugs and items:

  • activated carbon;
  • antibiotics prescribed by your doctor;
  • cotton wool;
  • bactericidal patch;
  • bandage;
  • iodine;
  • ointments for wound healing;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

To avoid suffering from diarrhea, travelers will need one of the recommended medications: Festal, Loperamide, Mezim.

Dramamine will help with motion sickness.

Train wardrobe

Travel is also carried out in warm weather summer months, and frosty winter. Therefore, from the recommended list of clothing you should take what is suitable for a specific season and category of train:

  • trousers - regular or sports;
  • turtleneck;
  • jeans - not made of too hard fabric;
  • sneakers or sneakers (inexpensive);
  • shoes (light);
  • shirt;
  • socks – replaceable;
  • sandals;
  • sweater;
  • slippers;
  • T-shirt;
  • flip-flops;
  • shorts.

Do not forget that the choice of wardrobe also depends on the gender, tastes and age of each individual passenger.

Set for technically advanced tourists

For many modern travelers, any trip is impossible without gadgets and devices. Therefore, regardless of the season, the minimum set of items for this group of tourists includes:

  • Charger;
  • headphones;
  • laptop or tablet;
  • player;
  • smartphone or regular mobile phone.

"Road menu"

Not every tourist will undertake to give advice about food and drinks along the way. Everything here is too individual.

The “travel menu” should consist primarily of tasty and non-perishable products:

  • boiled eggs and potatoes;
  • coffee or tea bags;
  • mineral still water;
  • sliced ​​bread;
  • nuts;
  • sugar and salt (a little);
  • fresh vegetables and citrus fruits;
  • sweets (cookies, caramel, gingerbread);
  • dried fruits;
  • raw smoked sausage;
  • hard or processed cheese;
  • stews (if the duration is more than two days).

Self care kit

The train is not a beauty salon, and there is neither a bathroom nor a shower, but every passenger does not forget about the simplest cosmetic and hygiene products:

  • wet and paper napkins;
  • deodorant;
  • mirror;
  • toothpaste and brush;
  • a bar of soap;
  • handkerchief;
  • towel;
  • toilet paper;
  • hair brush.

Men certainly take with them everything they need for shaving, and girls and women take a whole range of cosmetics and products.

Leisure on the train

Modern gadgets give passengers an excellent opportunity to keep themselves busy while traveling by watching movies or playing games on a tablet, smartphone or laptop. And yet there are many tourists who prefer traditional activities:

  • games of checkers, cards, dominoes or chess;
  • solving crossword puzzles;
  • listening to your favorite radio stations and music using the player;
  • reading books, newspapers or magazines.

Individual comfort

Some passengers may be annoyed by noise in neighboring compartments or corridors. Due to hygienic reasons, not everyone decides to use bed linen and dishes on the train. Therefore, it is worth compiling a set of items for yourself that will help create comfortable conditions:

  • earplugs;
  • fork;
  • eye mask;
  • pillowcase;
  • garbage bags;
  • sheet;
  • jackknife;
  • tablespoon and teaspoon;
  • cup;
  • corkscrew.

For those who are afraid of falling from the top shelf, on branded trains Special seat belts are provided, but not always.

When traveling with children, parents should be prepared for inevitable inconveniences. Adults should be guided by the list of necessary items and things that will make the trip easier:

  • sketchbook;
  • baby food;
  • toys;
  • oilcloth;
  • diapers;
  • player;
  • diaper;
  • educational games;
  • collapsible pot or with lid;
  • pacifier;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • chocolate and sweets.

The list depends on the child’s gender, age, preferences, temperament and character.

Before setting off, a woman expecting a child should definitely consult with her gynecologist. Usually, during pregnancy before 18 and after 24 weeks, the doctor does not allow you to travel. The list of necessary items, food and everything else is not particularly different from the already mentioned lists. It just needs to be supplemented with a few documents:

  • an extract from an outpatient card;
  • health insurance policy.

It is also important to remember that only the bottom shelf is suitable for pregnant women. You should definitely walk along the corridor more often and under no circumstances lift heavy things on your own.

The more seriously and responsibly each train passenger approaches his future trip, the fewer problems await him on the journey.

Before any trip, the question arises of what to take with you on the trip, so that on the one hand there are no unnecessary things and excess luggage, and on the other hand, everything is at hand.
We share our accumulated experience, life hacks for packing suitcases, and lists of necessary things for ourselves and our children.

When going somewhere even for a short time, for two or three days, it’s easy to get carried away and gain too much. Girls will understand me. The list of things to do on vacation is an endless struggle with yourself and torment about what to take with you on a trip and what to leave, everything you need and you want to take everything at once. I hope our lists from today’s article will help you, at least every time I have to check them and post what you can easily do without on vacation.

Preparing for the trip - a list of things to do on vacation

If you're the type who packs everything on the last day, try breaking with tradition and start preparing for your trip ahead of time.
Preparing for independent travel takes a lot of time and effort, because you need to choose and buy airplane tickets , , find a hotel , study information about the place where you are going.

It’s also worth writing a list of things for your vacation in advance. For this purpose, I simply open a notebook and write down everything that comes to mind for several days in a row. Then I sort and throw out what
which won't be useful.

What to take with you on a trip?

The first thing you should check is documents, bank cards, money, visas, tickets.
It is best to have a small handbag or wallet on a string where you can put your documents and hang it around your neck.
Thus, the likelihood that you will forget it, get robbed or lose it is minimal. hang your handbag under your clothes, jacket or sweater.

What to take with you on vacation? - going to the airport

Foreign passports and their copies. If you are a family of travelers with children, then let one person have the original passports, tickets and other important documents that will be needed on the trip. Moms or dads.
Don't forget to make electronic versions of documents as well.

It is better to print out hotel reservations in advance, even if they are not required.

Printouts electronic air tickets usually not needed, but if you take copies and other printouts with you, make those at the same time.

Data on all tickets, passports, reservations, insurance and other things - take a photo and send it to your email, save it in cloud storage, take a screenshot, whatever, so that if you lose everything, you have at least something left.

You must have cash. Let it be dollars or euros+ National currency. You will need rubles at the airport to pay for a taxi or other small items. Dollars or euros upon arrival.
Abroad, large bills are exchanged at a higher rate, but if you are traveling to a country where you can pay in dollars, then take small bills as well.

There are several bank cards. Debit and credit. Some bank cards are needed because our banks like to suddenly block the card while you are abroad; cards tend to get lost, demagnetized and eaten by the ATM. 3-4 cards is optimal.

Phrasebook (mini version), notepad with pen. The phrasebook can be downloaded to your tablet or phone, as well as a map of the area. Now there are many cards that work even without the Internet.

If you have a driver's license, take that too. If something happens, you can rent a car abroad or simply use it as a document instead of a passport.

Don't know where to buy air tickets at the best prices? low prices? Look at Aviasales And Skyscanner .
To find air tickets at the lowest price, you should check both search engines and compare prices for different arrival and departure dates.

List of things for vacation - first aid kit

What medications should you take with you on a trip? And is it necessary to do this?

In my opinion, a first aid kit is simply necessary when traveling. It doesn’t matter how many days you are leaving for - one or a month, you should definitely take the most necessary medications with you on your trip.
Not because we are greedy or stupid, but in many countries it is impossible to buy medicine without a prescription.
Usually health care needed at the most inopportune moment, most often at night, and even more so if you have children with you - at least a minimum set of medications should be in the travel first aid kit. Sometimes there is simply no time and opportunity to look for a pharmacy, at night, on a weekend, in the outskirts of civilization - anything can happen.

First aid kit for a trip - list

I advise you to divide your first aid kit into the “essentials” and what can be stowed in your luggage.
First, we take what we carry in our hand luggage and take it with us everywhere on the road.

On a trip it is better to take with you:

Antipyretic and painkillers
Anti-diarrhea medications
From poisoning
Broad spectrum antibiotics
Allergy remedies
From motion sickness
For injuries
Eye and ear drops
Individual medications for chronic diseases
Personal hygiene items

Equipment while traveling - list of things to do on vacation

What else should you take with you on your trip? Of course, technology. Laptops, iPads, phones and cameras.

I only take a laptop and a large camera if I'm going to work. If it's an entertainment trip, I make do with the phone.

If you are going somewhere for at least 3 weeks to a month, then you should take with you on your trip:

Laptop + charger

Mobile phone+charger+headphones+powerbank or extra battery

Camera - if you are a photographer, you need photos for work or in general, don’t think without it. Otherwise, think a hundred times. Cameras, chargers, and cables weigh a lot, I’m too lazy to carry them around, and often get lost.

You can also take a flash drive and a removable hard drive. Many hotels have TVs with a USB input, so instead of dull news, you can watch movies while traveling.

Place all wires, chargers and other small items in a separate bag.
This does not apply to headphones, phone charging, or the phone itself.

What to take on a trip with you from clothes and shoes

If all of the above were flowers, then now there will be “berries”.
clothes and shoes are a sore spot for every woman. But let's gather our will and take only what we need.

Girls! If you are traveling to a country that is famous for its inexpensive textiles and interesting and exciting shopping (like Thailand or Vietnam), take the minimum.
In Thailand and India, for example, there is no place to wear cocktail dresses with 20 cm heels. You can only make the local roosters and hens laugh while hobbling along the impassable roads.

The clothes you take with you on a trip should be comfortable, light and utilitarian.
If you still can’t do without an elegant dress, then take one, the lightest one.

The list of clothes and shoes is as follows:

Several T-shirts + shorts-skirt
Lightweight pants
One dress
Jacket with sleeves.
Several pairs of underwear + socks
Swimsuit/swimming trunks - if you are going to the sea
Try to choose everything so that it fits together.
If you are traveling to hot country In winter, such a kit will be enough. Moreover, you will buy something else anyway.
For a winter country, a completely different list.

When it comes to vacation shoes, you should take: for the seaside - flip-flops, closed tennis shoes or Converse, or sneakers.
All. Take some light shoes if you can’t resist carrying a hundred thousand cocktail dresses.

What to take on a trip - hygiene

Men should take a shaving set and that’s about it :)

Girls, pull yourself together and don’t throw everything at hand into your makeup bag.
The easiest way to determine whether you need something or not is by how often you use it. Every day?
Then let's take it. Once a year? Has it just been standing there for 3 years and waiting for its trip? - you shouldn’t drag something like that.

All cosmetic stores, large supermarkets, Ikea and others sell cosmetic bags with empty bottles for travel kits.
I have Ikea jars into which I usually pour my favorite shampoo and conditioner. Exactly 100 mg, as allowed in hand luggage.
The rest are mini sets. Also remember all your tubes and jars that you brought from past hotel trips, you can use them too.

So, the list of things for vacation - hygiene:

Wet wipes + pads
Shaving accessories
Shampoo, body cream, hand cream, sample lotion
Dry wipes
Liquid antiseptic - especially if you are traveling with children
Several empty small bags for trash
Mini deodorant solid stick or crystal
Eyebrow curler+nail clippers+file file

No matter how well your first aid kit is packed, you definitely need to buy insurance on your trip. Everywhere abroad, seeking medical care is very expensive, but insurance purchased online, on the contrary, is cheap.
So we recommend the service, where you can choose and compare among the 16 best insurance companies,
choose an insurance policy based on your requirements and parameters at the best price.

Little things worth taking on a trip

Depending on where you are going, you may want to take some small items with you:

lighter, matches, mosquito and insect fumigator, flashlight, steelyard, boiler, thread and needle, tape, extension cord, adapter for sockets. You can also have collapsible spoon mugs with you.

Packaging life hacks: it’s better to roll things up in rollers, and put something small or breakable in the rollers themselves.
Anything that might leak should be securely packed in foil and cling film on top.

List of things to take on a plane

You should take small dry snacks with you on the plane, such as nuts, dried fruits and even sandwiches.
While you stand in lines, go through all the controls, hurry and wait for someone to feed you, a lot of time will pass, more than 4 hours, during which time you will definitely get hungry.

If you have children flying with you, then the list of things for your vacation can and should be greatly expanded. Read below about what to take with you on a trip with children.

Don't forget about the rules for carrying items in hand luggage. Don't give gifts to border guards. Do not take any liquids with you that exceed 100 mg.
If you have a 200 gram bottle of perfume that is 10% full, then it will also be taken away.
The maximum capacity of a bottle, container, jar should be 100 mg.
Possible in hand luggage Take 10 bottles of 100 mg with you, that is, a liter.

About what you can and cannot take in hand luggage in the article - What can and cannot be taken on a plane?

Traveling with a child

Documents, powers of attorney (if necessary), all this first.

Choose your clothes so that if something happens, you have a couple more sets on hand to replace. Including you. Children love to burp, spit, and sneeze porridge on their mother in the midst of a trip.
Diapers, several - if the child is small.

It is allowed for a child to take on the plane the food and drink he is used to. So if the baby bottle is 200mg, it will be missed.

A must have entertainment for your child on the plane. Let it be a lot of different ages.
Laces, rustling toys, books, drawing games, puzzles, and of course a tablet with cartoons.
Of course, I think that watching cartoons for hours is harmful for children, but sometimes you can’t do without it.
Prepare all sorts of rhymes, riddles, finger games and puzzles. On the plane you will be the favorite animator.

It’s also worth taking snacks for children - cookies, snacks, sandwiches, yogurt, fruit, drinks.

What should you not take with you on a trip?

I understand that parting with many things is difficult.

But you shouldn’t take bulky things like a hair dryer or iron with you on a trip.
Even if your hotel is simple and does not provide a hairdryer and iron in each room, you can always ask for one at the reception.

Don't take paper books. Download audiobooks or electronic books to your phone and tablet.

Do not take expensive jewelry or anything expensive in general. On a trip, everything often gets lost, stolen and disappeared.
If your trip is for tourism, then diamonds will only be an excuse for profit and will do more harm than good.

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. I often find very profitable options, I can save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way to avoid paying out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been registering on the website for many years, which give the best prices insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

Does my travel packing list match yours? Maybe I forgot to write about something? Share in the comments!

Quite often, the most unpleasant part of the journey is the long and cumbersome preparations. Or fast and stupid. I know those who carefully prepare for a trip for a week, thinking through every detail, and those who get ready on the day of departure, forgetting half of it. Do you recognize yourself?

I have been preparing for the trip for years. Every time after returning from a trip, starting with a trip to Crimea in 1998, I wrote “Lists of things for the trip based on the results of the last trip.” And the next time I set out on the road, I always used the previous list. She opened her notebook and with a pen put a tick in front of the item packed in her luggage.
Over the past 15 years, a lot of lists have accumulated. Anyway, the brown notepad is over. The lists differ from each other because the trips themselves differ: the number and set of things for a three-week trip differs from the list of things for a two- and three-day trip. Also, traveling by train, bus and car involves slightly different sets and distribution of things. What is distribution? This is packing things in different bags: luggage (what will be removed and will remain untouched during the move to your destination), bag(s) with you (what you will use on the trip).

Due to the nature of my work, I traveled quite a lot. Over time, numerous lists resulted in one standard list of things, which can be assembled in 1 hour, provided that you are not traveling with a large family (here, of course, you cannot do it in an hour) and provided that the clothes are washed and ironed in the closet, just get a shot glass. Because “working” with clothes is the most time-consuming. So, keep your clothes (and shoes!) in combat (clean!) readiness at all times if you are an avid traveler.
So, I present to you a simple and “quick” list of things to collect. Prepare your bag (suitcase), print out the list, fold your items and put a mark next to each item you put in your luggage.
P.S. Care and hygiene products can be packaged together in one bag. The same goes for medications. Try to arrange items so that those closest to their purpose are located together, so it will be convenient to find them and unpack them on the spot.

List of things for a short trip (2-5 days)

  1. Toothbrush, toothpaste,
  2. Soap, washcloth,
  3. Shampoo,
  4. Tonic, cleansing gel,
  5. Crema,
  6. Cotton pads, cotton swabs,
  7. Intimate hygiene products,
  8. Deodorant,
  9. Wipes – dry, wet,
  10. Hair products: styling spray, hairspray,
  11. Hair accessories: comb, hairpins, headbands, etc.,
  12. For the eyes: glasses (including sunglasses), contact lenses, lens solution, etc.
  13. Cosmetics, perfume,
  14. Mirror,
  15. File and manicure scissors,
  16. Medicines
  17. Cellophane bags, bags,
  18. Garbage bags,
  19. Hairdryer (if the hotel does not have one),
  20. Camera(s), video camera, memory cards,
  21. All charges (from camera, phone, laptop, etc.)
  22. Utensils: Cup, spoon, knife,
  23. Food: tea, coffee, sugar, cookies, chocolate, nuts (individually),
  24. Kettle or boiler (if not at the hotel and if needed),
  25. Umbrella,
  26. Sponge and cloth for shoes

Clothes, shoes, other

  1. Underwear (according to the number of days + stock),
  2. Hosiery (socks, tights - according to the number of days),
  3. Pajamas, nightgown (individually),
  4. Home suit, robe (individually),
  5. Rubber slippers (individually),
  6. Slippers (if the hotel does not provide them),
  7. Towels are provided in all normal hotels; if you wish, you can take them as a safety net.
  8. Trousers, jeans, breeches (individual, but in any case Always take the insulated version and the lightweight version. It can get warmer (colder) unexpectedly and overnight, this has happened to me many times),
  9. T-shirts, blouses, etc. (by number of days)
  10. Windbreaker, jacket, jacket (individually)
  11. If you plan to visit a temple, have with you Necessarily: skirt (pareo, large scarf, shawl), head scarf (hat, cap), cross

In a lady's handbag

  1. Documents (passport, birth certificates of children, insurance policies, travel vouchers, payment receipts, etc.)
  2. Wallet with money,
  3. Phone (don’t forget to charge before the trip!),
  4. Wet and dry wipes,
  5. Comb,
  6. Pen, notepad,
  7. etc. optional


  1. Hydrogen peroxide,
  2. Remedies for bruises and wounds (“Rescuer” or the like),
  3. Adhesive plasters and bandages,
  4. Citramon or etc.,
  5. Antihistamines (for allergies),
  6. Gastric (no-spa, phosphalugel, mezim, activated carbon...),
  7. For the throat: falimint, inhalipt or the like,
  8. Nasal drops,
  9. Antipyretics: Theraflu.
  10. Don't forget any personal medications you take!

04.12.2015 Anna Dmitrieva

What to take on the road? things for a road trip

We absolutely love road trips for several reasons:




It takes us less than an hour to get ready for a weekend trip, but we prepare thoroughly for long road trips, such as.

I, n Despite the fact that tourist life has taught us to exist autonomously, fitting everything we need into one backpack, in this article we have collectedthe most complete list everything that It can be usefulto our readers on a road trip.

Car check

  • Engine: belt and chain tension
  • Oil
  • Brake lights
  • Fog lights
  • Wheel alignment
  • Rubber
  • Belts
  • Candles
  • Brake fluid
  • Brake system (leakage)
  • Chassis, suspension (levers, springs)
  • Remove tint if you are traveling to Europe

Documents, money

  • Driver license
  • Documents for the car
  • Russian and foreign passport
  • Medical policy (for native region– regular, in Russia – special extended, abroad – issued additionally) and insurance
  • Hotel vouchers
  • Copies of documents stored in a separate place
  • Money (currency)
  • Additional documents of the country you are going to enter
  • A case for documents

Car equipment

  • First aid kit (check expiration date)
  • Tow rope
  • Jack
  • Spare wheel
  • Pump
  • Warning triangle
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Fuse set
  • Gasoline canister
  • Wrenches for nuts and screws
  • Fluid kit (oil, brake fluid, antifreeze)
  • Window cleaning cloths
  • Process water
  • Atlas
  • DVR
  • Radar detector (if you are not going to Europe)
  • Sunglasses

Organization of accommodation

  • Tent
  • Tourist foams
  • Sleeping bags/blankets
  • Small pillows
  • Air mattresses (sleeping and swimming)
  • Hatchet/hacksaw
  • Fire supplies (dry fuel, matches)
  • Rope (drying clothes, etc. help in organizing a camp)
  • Washing basin
  • Lantern for evening gatherings that can be hung
  • Sun umbrella


  • Cooler bag
  • Barbecue grill or skewers
  • Gas burner or electric stove
  • Spare gas cylinders
  • Table and chairs
  • Towel
  • Vegetable cutting board
  • Deep salad bowl (unbreakable)
  • Plastic containers with lid
  • A pot if you plan to cook over a fire
  • Ladle
  • Garbage bags
  • Paper towels
  • Paper napkins
  • Plates (unbreakable)
  • Glasses (unbreakable)
  • Spoons forks
  • Tablecloth or mat on the table
  • Can opener
  • Corkscrew


  • Wet wipes (lots of them)
  • Antiseptic
  • Washing powder
  • Toilet paper
  • Towel
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Shampoo, shower gel
  • Washcloth
  • Comb
  • Lenses and liquid for them
  • Individual cosmetics
  • Mirror
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • File
  • Cotton pads
  • Ear sticks
  • Razor
  • Shaving foam/gel
  • Aftershave
  • Deodorant
  • Repellent
  • Sunscreen

First aid kit

  • For colds
  • For headaches
  • For stomach disorders and poisoning
  • Painkiller
  • Band-Aid
  • Elastic bandage


  • Charger with car adapter to charge all phones and other devices
  • Flash drive/disc with your favorite music and books for listening on the go
  • Headphones
  • Player
  • Laptop or DVD player with downloaded movies
  • EBook
  • Camera with charger
  • Video camera with charger
  • GoPro
  • Additional memory: hard drive, flash cards, etc.
  • Hands Free
  • Mobile phone with charger
  • Walkie-Talkie

An approximate set of products for the road

  • Instant soups and purees
  • Smoked sausage
  • Cheese, hard or processed
  • Vegetable oil for cooking
  • Olive oil for salads
  • Fruits and vegetables, taking into account their shelf life
  • Pasta/spaghetti/buckwheat and other easy-to-cook cereals
  • Ketchup and other sauces
  • Boiled eggs on the first day of the journey
  • Tea bags
  • Instant coffee
  • Sugar
  • Sweets for tea
  • Bottled drinking water
  • Gum


  • Guide
  • Notepad with pen for taking travel notes and other notes
  • Book
  • Playing cards
  • Threads and needles
  • Fishing accessories
  • Toys, coloring books, pencils for children
  • Binoculars
  • Mate and accessories for it

Clothing, shoes taking into account weather conditions and type of activity

  • Warm clothes (jackets, sweatshirts, thermal underwear, windbreakers, trousers, jeans...)
  • Light items (T-shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, sundresses...)
  • Footwear (sneakers, boots, sneakers, boots, flip flops, slippers...)
  • Underwear, swimming trunks, swimsuit
  • Socks, tights
  • Hats

About, what to wear to hiking can be read in the article

About, what to take on a hiking trip can be read in the article

Lifehacks from the site:

  1. Nuts, crackers, gummies, sucking candies, and chips are great savers from a boring road trip and will help you “kill the worm” before snacking. When we travel, we always try to keep a spare pack of these goodies in the car.
  2. A thermos of coffee should always be on hand to cheer up the driver. Our Zojirushi thermos fits perfectly into car cup holders and easily maintains the desired temperature until your next overnight stay, even if it doesn’t happen today.
  3. Emergency food supply: under the seat we always keep an extra supply of instant puree and noodles, just in case. With our passion to get somewhere far away, we can’t always count on a store or cafe in the steppe. And in general, you never know where you stand and where you decide to walk. It’s good if there are also a couple of chocolates, rye bread and maybe some canned goods under the seat... The main thing to remember is that this is NZ!
  4. A compact frying pan is never superfluous. Among the products in the car, we usually always have chicken eggs. I admit that for me it’s a special thrill to cook Rob’s scrambled eggs in the morning. And sometimes in stores you can even find a ready-made mixture for making pancakes - and this is a separate holiday!
  5. You can never have too many paper napkins. I always take a lot of them. First of all, they do an excellent job of cleaning dishes from grease and are generally convenient when there is no place to wash them or you are simply too lazy to go. I honestly admit that I do the same with our plates when camping.
  6. Jet Boil - we write about this miracle device often and talk a lot, and we will say it again, because we really use it everywhere: even in traffic jams, heating water right in the car.
  7. Water! 5 l clean drinking water must always be in the car - this is our mandatory rule after poisoning in Abkhazia. To drink on the road, we buy cool sparkling mineral water - it invigorates well, and in parking lots we often use the five-liter bottle we have stored. This again contributes to our autonomy, since our snack is not tied to a stream or store
  8. The Leatherman multi-tool is something that helps out and saves space in the car without creating clutter. Robert doesn’t take an extra screwdriver, wire cutters, opener or corkscrew with him - he always has everything at hand in this compact super multi-tool.

Traveling is always a lot of impressions, acquaintances with interesting people, visiting previously unknown places and adventures. To make the most of your trip, make sure there are no distractions. If you prepare everything in advance for the trip, then during the trip you won’t have to waste time looking for some urgently needed item.

Making a list of things

On the last day, in the turmoil, there is a high probability of losing sight of something. The easiest way to take all the things is to make a list. Include in it all the items that will definitely be needed or will help in an unforeseen situation. Assembling a bag with a list takes a short period of time. Only the essentials are included in the list. On the one hand, there should be enough things so that you don’t need anything during the trip. On the other hand, there should not be too many of them so that the bag does not become heavy, which is especially important if you carry your luggage with you all the time.

It is simply unrealistic to create a universal list for all occasions. A trip to the sea will always be different from a trip to ski resort, at least clothes. Spending the night in a tent will obviously require more things than spending the night in a hotel room. However, we will try to give general recommendations on what to take with you on the road.

Personal care products

The set of hygiene products for women and men will be different. However, both lists will include:

  • deodorant;
  • toilet paper, wet and dry wipes;
  • means for cleaning teeth and oral cavity (toothpaste and brush, toothpicks, dental floss, mouthwash, chewing gum);
  • mirror and comb;
  • manicure set;
  • bath accessories (soap, shower gel, shampoo, washcloth).

Naturally, everyone may or may not have certain things on their list.

Representatives of the fairer sex additionally receive tubes of face and body creams, hair clips and decorative cosmetics. For men, the list usually includes a razor and shaving products. To save space, they can be replaced with an electric razor with a battery. If you don’t have one, then it’s better to compare prices in different stores. Women can also find body hair removal products in their bags, but there are enough of them to recommend something specific.

In summer, sunscreen, anti-sun and after-sun creams are additionally supplied. Choose all tubes and jars in small sizes. If the trip lasts several days, it is easier to take samples.

Clothes and shoes

Clothes chosen are comfortable and appropriate for the season. It is better to choose things that do not require ironing and are easy to clean from dirt. Depending on the time of year, take thermal underwear and an extra set of underwear. Not always on the street good weather, it is better to prepare in advance for different situations. In case of rain or snow, it is advisable to take a raincoat, an umbrella, and spare clothes, so that if you suddenly get wet, you have something to change into.

Shoes should be comfortable and not rub anywhere. If it’s winter, then it’s good to keep warm, and in summer, on the contrary, it’s good to ventilate so that your feet don’t sweat.

Technical devices

No trip is complete without phones and cameras. In addition to the smartphone, be sure to take a charger for it. A spare battery will come in handy, especially if there is no access to an outlet or such an opportunity rarely arises. When traveling abroad, telephone calls while roaming are expensive. In this case, they buy walkie-talkies and communicate with each other for free.

In addition to the camera itself, several pairs of batteries or a battery with a charger are taken to power it. Before traveling, check whether there is free space on your memory card. Take care of maximum protection of photographic equipment from physical damage, water and dust.

Other technical means may include a GPS navigator, laptop, e-reader, tablet. Don't forget the chargers for them too. If two gadgets are replaced by one, then take one. It is worth considering that there may be only one outlet at your place of residence and, moreover, in in an inconvenient place, so make sure you have a tee and an extension cord.

When traveling, you must take all the medications you regularly take. If there are none, then it is advisable to include cold, anti-inflammatory and painkillers in your first aid kit. Medicines used for burns, indigestion and sprains will not be superfluous. Bring patches and condoms, just in case. The latter can be used not only for their intended purpose. For example, you can put valuables or documents in a condom to prevent water from getting on them.

Money and documents

Before any trip, estimate how much money you will need. Change the required amount to another currency if you are planning a trip to another country. Bring enough cash if you are traveling through sparsely populated areas and there may not be a bank or ATM nearby.

Documents on the list include passport, international passport, medical insurance, tickets, visa. Just in case, it’s better to make copies of your passport and grab maps and guides to the places you plan to visit.


In addition to the main set, the list often includes:

  • cup;
  • flashlight;
  • threads and needles;
  • items for writing (pen, pencil, notepad).

While you get to your destination, you will want to eat and drink. Prepare yourself some food and drinks. Moreover, in the cold season it is better to take a thermos with hot tea/coffee.

It is impossible to create a universal list for any trip. But there are several categories of goods that will be useful on most trips. The list includes things that they plan to use in the future, or those that will help in a critical situation. And let the only thing that will never be useful be a first aid kit.