Two years ago, on March 8, 2014, he strangely disappeared passenger airliner Boeing 777, owned by Malaysia Airlines, and en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. 239 people (12 crew members and 227 passengers) disappeared along with the plane. From time to time, rescuers claim that they find the wreckage of the missing plane. But is it them? And what is known about the Malaysian ship today?

Were you looking in the wrong place?

The Boeing 777-200ER aircraft stopped communicating in the skies over the South China Sea 40 minutes after takeoff. Moreover, the liner passed full check just ten days before this flight. Initially, the operation to search for the crash site took place over this sea, but later moved to the Strait of Malacca, and then to the Indian Ocean, closer to the western coast of Australia. Rescuers explained such an extensive search line by the fact that, apparently, the Boeing 777, after disappearing from radar, remained in the sky for more than 7 hours, having greatly changed its route.

The first search operation took place in March - April 2014. Then 26 countries took part in it (Malaysia, USA, Singapore, Vietnam, China, etc.). And the search for the plane was carried out over an area of ​​7.7 million km², which is comparable to the size of Australia. 15 days after the search began, Malaysian authorities announced that the missing plane had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. They came to this conclusion based on calculating the trajectory based on signals transmitted via Inmarsat satellites once an hour about the operation of Rolls-Royce engines. No other facts were found to support this statement.

In mid-April 2014, the search moved underwater, using the Bluefin-21 unmanned autonomous submarine. 340 square miles of seabed were explored, but no traces of the missing airliner were found there either.

Only almost a year after the plane disappeared, in January 2015, did the Malaysian authorities officially declare everyone on board the aircraft dead. The cause of death for each was listed as “accidental.”

Report without answer

A year after the incident, on March 8, 2015, the international investigative team gave a preliminary report on the results of the technical investigation. But the report did not contain any information about what happened to the liner. The only thing they could analyze then was the work of air traffic controllers. As it turned out, the senior air traffic controller in Kuala Lumpur slept for 4 hours after the Boeing disappeared from radar. Controllers in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) began to find out the reason why the plane did not enter their air space not after 2 minutes, as expected, but only after 20.

And Malaysia Airlines itself was not distinguished by its speed, which should be in such cases. The emergency was declared only 5 hours and 13 minutes after latest news about the liner. And the search operation began with a significant delay, although in such situations every minute is important. After all, the rescuers themselves and the Malaysian authorities have repeatedly said that in a matter of seconds, the current can pick up debris and carry it away in an unknown direction.

Fake wreckage

A few days after the plane disappeared, rumors appeared that its wreckage was allegedly found in the South China Sea. However, management civil aviation Malaysia immediately denied them. What was mistaken for part of an airliner turned out to be just an algae-covered shell of a cable reel.

A little later, information appeared that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority had discovered two objects that may belong to Boeing. Immediately, China stated that it noticed large debris - approximately 22 by 30 meters. Following them, the crew of a Royal New Zealand Air Force plane allegedly discovered debris in the southern Indian Ocean that may be related to the missing Boeing 777. But none of this was confirmed.

The first real wreckage of the Boeing 777 was discovered after a year and a half of searching, in July 2015. Moreover, this was done not by rescuers, but by cleaners on Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean. And this is more than 4,000 kilometers west of the deep-sea search, on which, by the way, more than $50 million was spent. The fragment turned out to be part of an airplane wing, about 2.5 meters long and covered with shells on the surface.

Later, after the exploration of the island by Malaysians, in August 2015, a number of other aircraft items were discovered. Then the assumptions were confirmed: the found fragment definitely belonged to the Boeing.

The next news about the plane was from local residents Philippines in October 2015. Allegedly, teenagers while hunting for birds came across the wreckage of a plane with Malaysian flags and human bodies nearby. The Philippine authorities took over the inspection of the territory and immediately denied this information.

Another six months later, the world was again talking about the Malaysian airliner. In January of this year, debris was discovered in southern Thailand that could belong to the missing Boeing. Residents of Nakhon Si Thammarat province discovered a large curved metal object on the ocean shore. But neither the authorities nor experts have confirmed that this fragment is actually related to the airliner. It turned out that the serial number of the part, the numbers of the bundle of wires and bolts do not match the numbers of the Boeing 777 aircraft.

End of the search

A week ago, on March 2, 2016, new information appeared about the missing Boeing 777. A metal fragment about a meter long was found off the coast of Mozambique. Presumably this is a horizontal stabilizer - a wing-shaped part attached to the tail of the aircraft. So far, only the territory indicates that this fragment belongs to Boeing: in the same part of the Indian Ocean, a fragment of a wing was found in July last year. The find will be studied by representatives of Australia and Malaysia, as well as “international specialists.”

It turns out that, in fact, only three relatively small fragments of all the finds could actually belong to the missing plane. Moreover, neither the bodies of the victims, nor the suitcases with things, nor the black box were found during two years of searching. And this despite the fact that more than 80 thousand square kilometers were combed with a total search area of ​​120 thousand kilometers.

According to the International Search Coordination Center, underwater search operations will be phased out in June 2016. But if in two years there is no clarity about what happened to the unfortunate Boeing 777-200, then it is unlikely that it will appear in another four months of the time allotted for the search.

A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, flying on the night of March 8, 2014 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, unexpectedly disappeared from radar without giving any signals about problems. More than 25 countries sent forces to search for the plane and the 239 people on it. The work was carried out for almost three years, stopped and resumed again, but did not lead to anything. On the contrary, over time, the number of questions becomes more and more, and the number of answers decreases.

Steal a plane and fly to the Maldives

During the entire search, rescuers managed to find only a few minor pieces of debris, which experts were able to officially establish as belonging to flight MH-370. In July 2015, 700 kilometers from Madagascar, on the shore of Reunion Island, a part marked “657BB” was discovered. Later, in August, investigators found out that the found fragment was part of the wing of a Malaysian Boeing. Almost a year later, not far from the Mozambique coast, a horizontal flight stabilizer was found, the belonging of which to the 777 was also established by specialists.

But no bodies, much less black boxes, could be found - all this probably sank into the depths of the sea. The lack of remains that could shed light on the tragedy led to the most fantastic versions of what happened. Thus, the Malaysian authorities seriously considered the possibility that the plane could have been hijacked - at first glance, a very logical explanation for the missing wreckage. Possible “destinations” were even named: Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Maldives. But the authorities of these countries quickly refuted such assumptions, noting that traces of the airliner were not detected by their radars. Although this rather confirmed the assumptions: experts claim that the kidnappers could have deliberately flown at low altitude so as not to be detected.

Of course, the possibility of a terrorist attack could not be ruled out. According to some experts, only if destroyed in the air could the debris disappear without a trace. The news added fuel to the fire that two of the passengers who were supposed to be on board reported the theft of their passports. With the help of their documents, the terrorists could just get on the plane. However, there is another explanation for this: Kuala Lumpur is a major center for transporting migrants to Europe, traveling precisely on stolen passports. So, perhaps the loss of passports has nothing to do with the loss of the plane.

Say goodbye to home and crash

Be that as it may, after some time - when debris began to be found off the coast of South Africa, then in Tanzania, then in Thailand - the versions of theft and terrorist attack faded into the background. Gradually, more and more questions began to appear about the role of the Boeing pilot, Zachariah Ahmad Shah, in the tragedy that occurred.

The 53-year-old flight captain has worked for Malaysia Airlines since 1981 and has accumulated almost 18,500 flight hours during this time. The weather in the area of ​​the loss was good, so the version of a piloting error was discarded almost immediately.

After a detailed analysis of the negotiations, the suggestion that Ahmad Shah was “out of his mind” was also rejected. The pilot's last contact with ground services did not raise any questions: in response to the dispatcher’s message that he was handing over control to his Vietnamese colleagues, the pilot replied in a calm voice: “Okay, good night.”

True, 12 minutes earlier the Boeing changed course, and all communication and detection systems on the plane were turned off. Apparently, at the same time the board dropped to an extremely low altitude in order to become “invisible” to radar. Then, presumably, he followed south, skillfully maneuvering between air spaces different countries, and flew to the center of the Indian Ocean west of the Australian city of Perth - the area as far as possible from possible landing sites.

The fact that all this is the work of Ahmad Shah is indirectly indicated by several facts. First, during a search of his apartment, the FBI found a flight simulator, the program of which was loaded with information on five runways in the Indian Ocean region. Secondly, the Boeing made an unnecessary detour near the Malaysian state of Penang, where the pilot was from.

Based on these facts, aircraft designer Simon Hardy later suggested that the disappearance of the plane was nothing more than the suicide of Ahmad Shah. How he managed to “neutralize” other crew members and passengers will apparently remain a mystery. Former head of the Canadian Transportation Safety Bureau Larry Vance suggested that the pilot, having previously put on oxygen mask, could depressurize the cabin so that the people on the plane would lose consciousness.

"Puzzle" for 70 million

It will probably not be possible to find out whether the plane was sent straight into the water or continued to fly until it ran out of fuel. At the same time, researchers found that the Boeing was not preparing to land on water - its flaps simply were not extended. No one can even say for sure where exactly the plane crashed. The “priority zone” of the fall alone stretches 93 kilometers in length, and its area exceeds 60 thousand square kilometers.

It turns out that “the Malaysian Boeing case consists almost entirely of dark spots. What really happened and what is considered the priority version of the plane’s disappearance? Could the ship's commander have become so disillusioned with life that he decided to commit suicide in such a sophisticated way, at the same time ending the fate of 238 more people? Did they understand what was happening to them? Did the airliner crash and if so, where? And if not, was anyone still alive? Finally, will Boeing's black boxes be found?

Until the answer to at least one of these questions is found, it is unlikely that the mystery of this story will be solved. However, hopes remain: only one private company is currently engaged in exploration work. The Malaysian government promised her $70 million if the plane or its black boxes were found. So here's another question: is this enough incentive to get the job done?

The wreckage of the Malaysian Boeing that disappeared in March 2014 was found in areas several thousand kilometers apart, but the fate of the airliner itself is still unknown. According to some assumptions, the ship's captain deliberately turned off the aircraft's communications system. Others put forward versions of the involvement of the US military in the deaths of passengers and crew members.

The missing Malaysian Boeing 777 flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing has not been found. The fate of 227 passengers and 12 crew members remains unknown. Although this happened on March 8, 2014, the details of the event have not been disclosed, and moreover, they continue to excite the public and “overgrow” with new hypotheses.

What happened to the passengers of the MH370 airliner?

Where the huge airliner and the people on board disappeared remains unknown. One can only make assumptions about their fate based on versions expressed by various sources. Some admit the possibility that they are all alive, others call them dead, one way or another - all this is shrouded in darkness.

Who was responsible for the search for the missing Malaysian Boeing?

Officially, the investigation into the case of the missing Malaysian Boeing in March 2014 is underway local authorities. However, at various stages, specialists from other countries took part in it. At the same time, two reasons were determined:

  • Finding out the detailed circumstances of the accident.
  • Involvement of criminal structures.

In accordance with ICAO requirements, an international group was organized consisting of experts from the world's largest companies:

  • Inmarsat is an international satellite communications company.
  • Representatives of Chinese civil aviation.
  • Experts from the NTSB, the US National Transportation Safety Board.
  • Employees of the FAA - the US Federal Aviation Administration.
  • American corporation Boeing.
  • British specialists from Rolls-Royce plc (engine manufacturer).

Boeing wreckage found off the coast of Africa

The wreckage of the missing plane was found on east coast Africa, more than 4,000 km away from the supposed crash site. A total of 6 elements were found:

  • On July 29, 2015, in the western part of the Indian Ocean, on the coast of Reunion Island, a part of a wing was found with markings proving that the part belonged to the missing liner.
  • December 2015 and February 2016 were marked by the discovery of two more elements of an Indonesian aircraft on the coast of Mozambique.
  • On March 22, 2016, part of an engine fairing washed up on the beach of a South African city.
  • On March 30, 2016, a trim element appears on the coast of Rodrigues Island.
  • On October 7, 2016, the latest find - part of the hind wing - is discovered on the island of Mauritius.

All items found match those of the missing aircraft and have been handed over to the international team investigating the case.

Version of the head of French airlines Marc Dugen

The assumption is that the plane was deliberately shot down by the American military. This was necessary to prevent the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11th.

After 40 min. After takeoff, the ground controller loses contact with the aircraft at a time when it is between the airspace of Malaysia and China. It was officially announced that military radars determined that it was at this moment that the plane was changing direction: leaving the given route, turning west.

Dugen's hypothesis indicates that the Americans even know where to look for debris. According to his version, the plane was shot down near the island of Diego Garcia, on which a US military base is located. The investigation is deliberately led to a dead end in order to cover up the traces of the murder of passengers and crew members.

FBI version

The news about the reasons for the disappearance of the Boeing, according to the FBI, was first published by the American magazine New York. It was based on a simulator discovered in the crew commander's house, which showed signs of intensive work. On the one hand, this may seem quite obvious: Zachary Ahmad Shah, who has more than 18,000 hours of flight time, trained in his free time.

Despite the fact that the history of the training flights was deleted, experts were able to restore the archive. This made it possible to determine the route along which the missing plane could well have moved before it fell into ocean waters. Having fallen apart from contact with water, the liner was subsequently “drawn away” by the underwater current throughout the Indian Ocean.

Slow decompression version

The assumption that the plane disappeared from radar due to decompression was immediately rejected. The reason was explained quite simply:

  • With a rapid (explosive) decompression, even if the plane was torn into several parts, modern equipment would allow the systems to operate for a few more seconds, which would be enough for the pilots to report the incident.
  • The slow one is capable of quietly killing people, but not equipment. A similar situation occurred in 2005, when Helios Airways flight HCY522 crashed for this reason. The Boeing 737, left without control, continued to move on autopilot and crashed into a mountain due to the fact that it had run out of fuel.

Thus, due to the resulting decompression of any form, the missing Malaysian flight should not have suddenly disappeared from radar screens.

Flying “in the shadow” of another plane

A long search for the missing flight led to the emergence of another version that the Malaysian airliner could have been moving in close proximity to the Singapore Airlines plane for a long time. This allowed him to escape radar and be undetected from 15 minutes to several hours.

According to these arguments, the pilot could hold out until the steppes of Turkmenistan or Kyrgyzstan and only there leave his “guide” heading to Spain. Experts do not reject this assumption, since even if the target on the radar screen began to “split into two,” military controllers could accept this as a “glitch” of the equipment.

Landing at the Diego Garcia military base

The moment of interception and landing at an American military base caused a lot of controversy. Moreover, several factors can be called indirect evidence:

  • The technical characteristics of the runway are optimal for an experienced pilot to land the plane safely.
  • The size of the hangars also makes it possible to hide a Boeing 777 in them.
  • The holidays announced at the base for March 8, 9 and 10 contribute to the fact that there will be fewer spectators.

The number of adherents of this version has reached such a number that the US Government was forced to make an official statement, which can be considered absurd. The text of the representative's speech contained a pledge that he was not involved in the disappearance of the flight and that the missing Boeing 777 never landed at the military base on the island of Diego Garcia.

New technologies

It is possible that the truth behind the disappearance of flight MH370 lies in the fact that among its passengers were 20 scientists associated with the production of electronic equipment. In particular, it affected equipment designed for aircraft and making them invisible to radar.

It can be assumed that the latest development and the people who created it were needed by someone. As a result, a grandiose operation was carried out, which the whole world cannot unravel.


Why is Boeing missing over Indian Ocean At first they were looking in the wrong place, and when the wreckage was found, they looked for it for only a few days, and then they abandoned the search altogether? And no one is embarrassed that new plane wreckage continues to be found, but let’s talk about everything in order.

New information has emerged regarding Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 on flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board.

The plane disappeared on the night of March 8, 2014, but despite the development of modern search engines, it has not been possible to find the 63-meter plane until today.
Even after a year and a half, the search did not yield much results, only mysterious white objects were periodically found, which, it is assumed, could be fragments of the missing plane.

The last hope for continuing the search was fueled by the found radio signal of the black box, but soon it too disappeared. Whether this was a signal from the missing plane is still unknown.

On July 29, 2015, a fragment of a wing and an airplane door were found on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.

After the Malaysian authorities confirmed that the found fragments belonged to the missing airliner, relatives of the passengers of the missing Boeing staged a real protest in Beijing. After all, the search was initially conducted in the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca. The enormous resources of the 26 states that took part in the search were essentially wasted, because, according to relatives dead passengers, in Kuala Lumpur they had long known about the deviation of the plane’s course, but continued to conduct searches in the areas indicated above.

Why was society misinformed?

An interesting version was put forward by the former head of the French airlines Proteus Airlines, Marc Dugen. In his opinion, the plane was deliberately shot down by the American military. This was done due to US Security Service suspicions that the airliner had been hijacked by terrorists and, In order to prevent terrorist attacks similar to those of September 11, the Americans were forced to shoot down the plane.

Ground controllers lost contact with the plane as it was over the South China Sea and entering Chinese airspace.
Malaysian officials say the airliner turned west and was last seen over the Strait of Malacca, according to military radar, heading in the opposite direction from its original route. Based on these arguments, it can be concluded that the aircraft changed course after contact was lost.

According to Dugen, the United States even knows where to look for the wreckage of the Boeing 777-200, so they are officially searching in another place, distant from where the plane actually crashed. He suggests that the airliner crashed near a US military base located in the Indian Ocean on the island of Diego Garcia.

In order not to be held responsible for the murder of 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the Americans are trying to lead the search for the missing Boeing to a dead end. And perhaps we would never have known the truth about this disaster if the wreckage of the plane had not been washed ashore on Reunion Island.
By the way, searches in this area have been suspended, and they lasted only 10 days.
This raises a completely logical question: If the search for the plane took months in the South China Sea, then why in this case was the search completed so quickly?
Don't you think this is strange? And maybe there really is something upstream?

The found debris was sent for examination to Australia. A number on one of the recovered aircraft pieces indicates it belongs to the missing Boeing 777 flight MH370.

Now everything comes together.
The wreckage of the plane was carried away by the current. Some of them were carried by the Mozambique Current.

It doesn’t take several years to come to this conclusion. It’s just that over time, the secret still becomes apparent and the intention to hide the facts becomes obvious.

The FBI has revealed the secret of the commander of the missing Malaysian Boeing.

The US FBI has released one version of the plane crash of a Malaysian Boeing flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014, TASS reports citing the American magazine New York.

From all this we can conclude that some people decided to prevent the development of camouflage technologies in order to maintain a monopoly on their ownership or, conversely, to steal scientists along with the technologies. In any case, it is clear that someone is slowing down the investigation and leading on the wrong trail.

06 01 18 The Malaysian government approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of flight MH 370. The Ocean Infinity campaign will do this. The costs of searching for the missing aircraft will only be paid if it is found. Ocean Infinity will search near Australian waters over an area of ​​25,000 km².

For comparison, the search area for this aircraft in the Indian Ocean was 710,000 km². According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), it was the largest aviation search in history. At the same time, satellite images were studied and ocean drifts were studied. The ATSB report said the chances of finding the plane were now much higher. Let's see what happens.