There is nothing more intriguing than a forbidden place. The fact that you cannot go somewhere makes you crave to go there. Because there is nothing more interesting than the unknown.

North Sentinel Island, India

It is home to one of the few tribes in the world that refuses to have any contact with modern world. They do not allow strangers into their domain. In 2006, the tribe killed two fishermen who accidentally trespassed on their territory, but the Indian government made no attempt to punish the killers. Now it is strictly forbidden to approach this island.

World Seed Vault, Norway

The Doomsday Vault is located on the island of Spitsbergen and is designed to preserve the seeds of all agricultural plants existing in the world. If, as a result of wars or natural disasters, some plants disappear from the face of the Earth, they can be restored with the help of seeds stored here.

Gate of Pluto in Hierapolis, Türkiye

“The Gates of Hell”, “deadly cave” - this place was once dedicated to the Roman god of death Pluto. During excavations of the temple of Pluto, a small cave was discovered from which carbon dioxide escapes from a crack in the rock. Scientists have proven that this place is extremely dangerous: birds that are unlucky enough to fly too close to the fumes suffocate and fall dead. In some cases, gas concentrations can pose a threat to larger animals, including humans.

Poveglia Island, Italy

This island was a cemetery for plague victims during the Roman Empire and later, during the Middle Ages, when the plague returned, the island again became home to thousands of terminally ill people. They say that the soil here is 50% human ashes. Then in 1922 a psychiatric hospital was opened here. It's safe to say that this did not have a positive effect on the patients, as the island already had a truly eerie atmosphere. Now this island and the buildings on it are abandoned, it is guarded, and it is closed to the public.

Lascaux Cave, France

The Lascaux Cave is a complex of caves near the village of Montignac. The ceilings and walls of the cave are covered with paintings, among which images of large animals predominate. The drawings have no precise dating: they are believed to be approximately 17,000 years old. Back in 1940, the cave was discovered by 18-year-old Marcel Ravidat, and since then many have wondered about its origin and significance. Anthropologists believe that these drawings may symbolize the mystical rituals of hunters. Opening the cave to the public changed its climate. 1,200 visitors a day, changes in air circulation and electric lighting caused the images to gradually deteriorate, leading to the closure of these caves in 1963.

Vatican Secret Archives

Documents relating to the Catholic Church dating back to the 8th century are kept here. The endless series of shelves in this archive stretches for 85 kilometers, and entry here is strictly prohibited for everyone except researchers with a special pass. The archive contains documents such as information about the excommunication of Martin Luther and a letter from Michelangelo to Pope Julius II.

North Brother Island, USA

The island covers an area of ​​just over 5 hectares and is located on the East River near Manhattan, New York. Once upon a time, a passenger ship sank off the coast of the island, killing more than 1,000 people in the water. Later, a hospital was opened here to treat infectious diseases. The most famous patient was Mary Mallon, better known as Typhoid Mary. She was the first person in the United States to be recognized as a healthy carrier of typhoid fever. They say she infected more than 50 people, 3 of whom died. Mary herself categorically denied having the disease and refused to stop working in the food industry. In the 1950s, a drug rehabilitation center was opened on the island. The island is now a bird sanctuary for herons and other wading birds. It is abandoned and closed to the public.

Ise Grand Shrine, Japan

A sacred place where Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun and the universe in Shintoism, is worshiped. The temple was built without a single nail, but the most interesting thing is that the temple is rebuilt every 20 years, observing the Shinto concept of death and rebirth. Despite the beauty and sanctity of the temple, only priests and representatives of the imperial family can enter the territory. The only chance to look at this incredible place- through wooden fences. You are not allowed to take photographs here.

Morgan Island (Monkey Island), South Carolina

The island got its nickname because of the colony of rhesus monkeys living there, numbering about 4,000 individuals. The monkeys were brought here from La Parguera, Puerto Rico. These monkeys are infected with the herpes virus. No one is allowed on the island for their own safety (and the safety of the monkeys). Unless scientists who work at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have access here.

Catacombs, Paris

This is one of the most mysterious and scary places in the world. The site was originally a network of tunnels that connected the stone mines of Paris, but at the end of the 18th century it became a repository for 6 million dead bodies. A very small part of these tunnels is open to the public, and you can see thousands of bones and skulls stacked together here. You won’t see 99% of the 274-kilometer-long labyrinth; entry is prohibited because you can easily get lost in the tunnels. However, this does not stop desperate people and members of secret societies from roaming here, causing problems for the police who guard the catacombs.

Snake Island, Atlantic Ocean

"Island of Golden Snakes" is located off the coast of Brazil. This the only place, where a very poisonous snake, the island bothrops, has been preserved. The island is closed to the public to protect this snake population from destruction, and also to protect visitors, as it is estimated that there is one snake for every square meter of the island.

Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, China

The tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang is located in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Despite the fact that it was discovered back in 1974, when excavations of the Terracotta Army were carried out, the tomb was not opened. Opponents of opening the grave believe that the tomb and its contents could be damaged during excavations, so access to it is prohibited.

Area 51, USA

The most closed military facility is located 134 kilometers north of Las Vegas. Considered one of the most mysterious places in the world, the US government denied its existence until 2013. Such secrecy has become a breeding ground for the emergence of a wide variety of “conspiracy theories.” Due to its remote location, the area is primarily used by the CIA and the US Air Force as testing ground. Despite the fact that this is a military base, many believe that it was here that an alien ship crashed, and scientists had the opportunity to examine the bodies of space aliens. Many conspiracy theorists visit the area surrounding Area 51, but entry is strictly prohibited.

Surtsey, Island in Iceland

A unique island that appeared in 1963 after an underwater volcanic eruption that lasted 3 years. It is now used only for scientific research. The goal of scientists is to understand how an ecosystem forms without any human intervention. Only a few scientists are allowed onto the island, making it one of the most forbidden places on earth. Scientists are not allowed to bring any seeds with them, so that nothing affects the natural process of life development. But one day a tomato grew on the island, which really puzzled scientists. As it turned out, one of them ignored the rules of being on the island and... went to the toilet on the frozen lava. Once scientists realized where the plant came from, they immediately got rid of it.

Metro-2, line D-6, Russia

During Stalin's reign, a secret government metro system known as Metro 2 was built. This mysterious system The metro supposedly connects administrative institutions such as the Kremlin, Vnukovo-2 airport and the Academy of the General Staff. It is reported that the tunnels contain furnished rooms and technical rooms. Since the system is inaccessible to outsiders, it is believed that it was intended to house high-ranking officials in the tunnels during times of war. The Moscow metro administration denies the existence of these tunnels, but back in 1994, a group of diggers claimed to have discovered the entrance to this underground system. Now the existence of only one of the 4 branches has been confirmed, and this is line D-6. You can only get here with a special pass.

Bohemian Grove, USA

That's what they call elite men's club in Monte Rio, California. Every year since 1872, about 2,500 of the world's most influential people come here, including high-ranking politicians, Nobel laureates, senior military personnel, and presidents of elite universities such as Harvard or Yale. They say the club has its own rituals and traditions. The Club's motto, “Web-spiders have no place here,” implies that all problems and commercial transactions must be left outside. The club is strictly for men; women can only appear here as servants.
Journalist Jon Ronson criticized the club: “I get the impression that these are immature youths in front of me: imitating Elvis, performing terrible rituals, drinking. These people may have reached the top of their professions, but their emotions remained at the level of college students."

There are many places in our world that both attract and frighten with their mystery. People disappear there, ghosts appear, animals behave strangely. Scientists voice various theories, but none of them claims to be one hundred percent reliable.

1. Headless Valley, Canada

This place got its creepy name due to a series of tragic incidents. At the end of the 19th century, gold was discovered here, and fortune hunters flocked to the valley. In 1898, a group of 6 gold miners disappeared without a trace. 7 years later, two MacLeod brothers and their friend Robert Vere disappeared in the same valley. After 3 years, 9 headless corpses were accidentally discovered.
Mysterious disappearances of people continue in the valley to this day.

The local residents themselves are sure that all the deaths are the work of soskvachi. Creatures similar to hairy giant men were often seen here, and even more often their traces were found.
In fact, most likely, this is the work of a gang of thugs operating in the valley who are hunting for gold miners and their prey. However, the police do not confirm this guess.

2. Valley of Falling Birds, India

IN last days During the summer in the Indian state of Assam, unusual phenomena occur in the Jatinga mountain valley. At night, closer to midnight, flocks of birds fly here in an almost unconscious state.
The birds circle low - local residents even knock them down with sticks and then cook them over a fire. Many birds fall to the ground and do not even try to escape from the hands of the person who lifts them.

The inhabitants of the valley are sure that the gods are rewarding them for their righteous life by sending them easy prey.
Scientists have established that the hypnotic behavior of birds (the absence of the instinct of self-preservation and the body’s reactions to external stimuli) is formed only with a mandatory combination of factors such as the new moon, wind and darkness.
Based on this, we can voice a hypothesis about the presence in this area of ​​a short-term geomagnetic anomaly, which, with the coincidence of all the listed natural factors, has such an unusual effect on the birds living in the area.

3. Death Valley, USA

Contrary to popular legends, this place is not associated with the disappearance of people and the death of livestock - the valley received its name during the California Gold Rush. Here you can observe unusual crawling stones - many have seen them, but they were recorded on camera only 2 years ago.
The tracks trailing behind multi-kilogram boulders reach several tens of meters.

Scientists led by paleobiologist Richard Norris reported that they had solved the mystery of moving stones in Death Valley.
According to them, the movement of stones is influenced by daily temperature changes in winter, coastal wind, the nature of the soil at the bottom of a nearby lake, and even climate change. In their opinion, due to general warming, such movements have become less frequent.

4. Drossolides, Greece

Near the Franca Castello castle greek island In Crete, many locals and tourists have encountered an amazing chronomirage (event from the past) called “drossolides”, which means “droplets of moisture”.
According to them, in the early summer morning, strange outlines of warriors appear over the sea, shrouded in fog, and sometimes the sound of battle can be clearly heard. After some time, the chronomirage disappears near the castle walls. A fierce battle between the Turks and Greeks took place at this site in the mid-19th century. Everyone who observed this mystical phenomenon claims that the phantoms of these very warriors appear near the castle.

Researcher Andrei Perepelitsyn believes that elementary particles with sufficiently high energies, moving in air saturated with water vapor, leave a trail of water droplets. They may be able to ionize the air and "reveal" into misty images before the dew falls. And the rest is a matter of human imagination.
Perhaps chronomirages cause magnetic storms or geomagnetic disturbances in some small area of ​​the area. To find out, further research is needed taking into account the possible influence of these factors.

5. Lake Dead, Kazakhstan

This small lake in the Taldykurgan region of Kazakhstan it seems completely normal from the outside, but even in the hottest summer it remains terribly cold. There is absolutely no life in the lake: there are no fish, not even aquatic insects.
And people drown in the lake all the time. Another frightening fact is that the drowned Dead Lake do not float to the surface, but, on the contrary, sink to the bottom and stand there straight like candles. Even professional divers with equipment cannot stay in the water of this lake for more than 5 minutes. For some inexplicable reason, they suddenly begin to choke, although their tanks are still full of air.

According to one version, mystical rumors are associated with the phenomenon of hypersolarization of water and the purple bacteria living there that produce hydrogen sulfide. Even in small doses, it actively affects the human psyche.
There is also an assumption that at the bottom of the lake there is a crevice from which toxic gas is released, which kills all living things. However, there are no plans to conduct separate scientific studies of the Dead Lake in Kazakhstan yet.

6. Heizhu Black Bamboo Hollow, China

Hundreds of people enter these bamboo jungles every year and stay there forever. Moreover, everyone disappears completely without a trace - no traces, no bodies, no personal belongings. Documented cases of missing people here date back to the middle of the last century.
In 1950, for an unknown reason, a plane crashed here. Interestingly, there were no technical malfunctions on board, the crew did not send distress signals or report any oddities. The plane, along with all the people, simply disappeared.

Of course, local residents talk about portals to parallel worlds and time paradoxes that transport people from the ravine to some other reality.
But scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have identified a structure of geological rocks in this place that is completely unique in its characteristics, and also recorded the release of deadly toxic fumes, which turned out to be a product of the rotting of certain tree species, of which there is an abundance here. The researchers also noted a difficult local climate with unexpectedly and sharply changing weather, and strong geomagnetic radiation.

7. Pluckley Village, England

Residents of the English village of Pluckley claim the existence of as many as 12 ghosts in their village. The Plaklians say that all the ghosts once lived in this village, but died or died long ago.

Skeptics are sure that the village population is simply flattered by the attention of tourists who constantly come to look at the ghosts.
However, when a group of researchers arrived in the village in 2011, something inexplicable happened. Pluckley was swarmed with flies in near-zero temperatures at the start of winter. The researchers had to return with nothing.

8. Palmyra Island, Pacific Ocean

The ship of the American captain Edmund Fanning in 1798 crashed off the coast of Palmyra - a small uninhabited atoll with an area of ​​only 12 square meters. km. Many of those who tried to swim to the island drowned or were eaten by sharks. 10 people were saved, and after 2 months only three remained alive on the island. Survivors claimed that the island killed the others.
During World War II, Palmyra was used by US Air Force aircraft for landing. However, everyone who is different time was on the island, they said that it aroused fear, depression, anger and hatred in them. Some suddenly took their own lives without any apparent reason, others, on the contrary, suddenly went crazy and killed their friends and colleagues. Almost everyone says that it was scary all the time on the island.

Some speculate about the existence of a certain religious sect on the island. Scientist Mershan Marin believes that there is some unknown creature hostile to humans on the atoll. Many support this idea and try to prove that the island itself is alive. Having lured him into a trap with his beauty, he kills his unwary guests. And there are also exotic versions, for example that there is a gate to another dimension on the atoll.
Be that as it may, there are few people who would like to visit Palmyra, especially after 1986, when an American radioactive waste dump appeared on the island.

9. Overton Bridge, Scotland

In 1951, a certain dog, for no apparent reason, jumped off this 15-meter bridge. It seemed like just an accident. But by 1955, there were already more than 50 such suicide dogs. Moreover, it is noteworthy that all the dogs always chose the same place for jumping - between the last two spans on the right side of the bridge.
Until now, on average, 1 dog per month jumps from this bridge. Surprisingly, some animals that managed to survive this suicide attempt recovered and went to jump on the bridge again.

Animal behavior expert David Sexton found that the ground just under where the dogs fell was simply filled with traces of mice and minks. The urine of males of these animals has a very strong effect on dogs and cats. A further experiment only confirmed the ethologist’s theory. He spread the scent of animals living under the bridge and observed the behavior of ordinary dogs. As a result, only 2 out of 30 dogs - with short muzzles and small noses - remained calm. The rest mindlessly ran to the source of the smell, practically not looking around, as if under a spell.

10. Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Translated from Japanese, the name of this place sounds like “plain of blue trees.” But most often it is called the “suicide forest.” They say that in the Middle Ages, local poor people, driven to despair by lack of food, brought their elderly relatives here and left them to die in this forest. Since then, restless souls have been wandering through the forest, lying in wait for lonely travelers, wanting to take revenge on them for all their suffering.
Until now, from 70 to 100 bodies of people who have decided to commit suicide are found in the forest every year. Many come to this forest specifically to commit suicide, but there are rumors that the forest itself “persuades” some to do so. It’s as if someone who turns away from the paved walking paths is immediately overcome by severe melancholy and depression. So strong that the poor fellow immediately commits suicide.

So far, the only fact known for certain is that at the foot of Mount Fuji in the “suicide forest” the compass does not work. There is a strong magnetic anomaly there, which, apparently, has a colossal effect on humans.
Just before the entrance to the Aokigahara territory there is a sign with approximately the following content: “Your life is the most priceless gift that you received from your parents. Think about your family. Don’t suffer alone, call us on 0555-22-0110.”

There are places in the world that have attracted people for many decades. They are accompanied by mysticism, the crimes remain unsolved, the disappearances of people are unexplained, frightening natural phenomena and terrible stories from witnesses appear constantly. Stories are passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes it is very difficult to find out the truth about such a mysterious place. In the age of science, the inability to explain everything rationally can lead to madness. Especially when there is no way to get an answer at all. Even leading scientists regularly encounter mysteries so complex that they simply cannot figure them out. In a world that is well explored, it is always unusual to learn about places that hide surprises. If you love mysticism and think you can solve the mysteries of these places, get to know them. You may come to the conclusion that some things are better left unknown.

Overton Bridge, Scotland

Fifty dogs have jumped off the bridge in the last fifty years. Animals die on sharp stones tens of meters under the bridge. The record number was five dogs in six months. All tragic incidents occurred in the same place, on the right side between the last two parapets. The Scottish SPCA recognized the problem as a mystery. All this has caused a lot of discussion on the Internet about the reasons why animals commit suicide. Locals try not to walk their dogs in the vicinity of the bridge. Many believe the bridge is haunted after a man threw his child off it. He believed that the newborn was the embodiment of the devil. After that, he tried to kill himself, but it didn’t work out, and when he was asked why he decided to do this, the man replied that the bridge forced him.

Humberstone and La Noria, Chile

In 1872, these two towns in the Chilean desert were crowded with salt mine workers. During the Great Depression, manufacturing collapsed and cities were abandoned. In the sixties of the twentieth century, no one lived here anymore. Locals they refuse to walk the streets of abandoned towns. There are rumors that the souls of the dead wander there at night. There is a legend that the inhabitants never really left their houses. You can ignore the rumors about ghosts, but there is something even more frightening - most of the graves have been excavated and skeletons are visible. People are sure that the dead walk at night because grave robbers have disturbed their rest. Even in daylight, some people hear voices and children's laughter here.

Lake Anjikuni, Canada

How can an entire village with all its inhabitants simply disappear without a trace? In 1930, hunter Joe LaBelle went to an Indian village near Lake Anjikuni. When he got there, he saw that the place was completely deserted - people had left food, weapons and clothes. All thirty residents have disappeared! Labelle reported this to the police, but the Indians were never found. The strangest part of what happened is that the dogs that lived in this village were found frozen to death, they were hungry, but there was plenty of food around. To this day there is no clear explanation for what happened. Unless, of course, you believe in aliens - some believe that they abducted the Indians.

Skeleton Lake, India

In 1942, a frightening discovery was made in India - Lake Roopkund was found in the mountains, in which more than two hundred skeletons were discovered. The bones have been dated to 850 AD. Scientists have never been able to explain their appearance. Some believe that people died during the storm, while others say it was suicide.

Bigelow Ranch, USA

The last owners of the house were Terry and Gwen Sherman. He encountered so many paranormal events that he simply ran away from the ranch. For example, ten cows simply disappeared without a trace, large shining spheres were seen above the house, doors appeared in the air, three dogs disappeared, and in the place where they were last seen, a huge spot was noticed, as if from a fire. Surprisingly, all the dead animals found near the ranch did not shed a drop of blood - the skeletons were removed from the corpses, but there was no trace on the ground.

Disney Discovery Island, USA

The island has been closed to visitors for almost twenty years. Some are sure that the reason is mysticism. The abandoned island still has electricity. Why? In addition, creepy vultures live there. The atmosphere there is truly scary!

Yonaguni Monument, Japan

In 1986, a diver discovered mysterious underwater structures near south coast Japan. Twenty-five meters underwater is the largest pyramid in the world. There is a road around it, it is absolutely clear that the entire structure is created by human hands. Scientists have studied the structure and are sure that it is five thousand years old. But why is it there? The debate continues further.

Hotel del Salto, Colombia

The hotel is located thirty kilometers from the capital; it was once very popular. Now it is closed - a whole chain of suicides has occurred there. Locals are sure that the place is cursed.

Kapustin Yar, Russia

This place is one of the most mysterious in Russia. Here the space program was developed and tested nuclear weapon. It is not possible to explore this place - it is closed to outsiders.

Aokigahara Forest, Japan

At the foot of Mount Fuji is the Aokigahara forest, where an incredible number of suicides have been committed. According to legend, demons and spirits live in the forest. Anyone who comes there sad falls under the power of evil forces and kills himself. More than fifty corpses are found here every year!

Chateau Miranda, Belgium

The castle's previous owners abandoned it during the French Revolution. Then they opened a shelter there, but that too soon moved. The building stands abandoned and is accompanied by an atmosphere of mystery. Why does everyone leave him without regrets?

Devil's Triangle, Pacific Ocean

People are mysteriously disappearing in this part of the ocean. Mysterious situations are associated with plane crashes and magnetic anomalies. Researchers tried to explain the nature of what was happening, but failed to cope with the task.

Lighthouse at Cape Aniva, Russia

The lighthouse was built in 1939 near Sakhalin. It is believed to be radioactive, so entering the building is prohibited. Some believe that the building is a government shelter where political criminals are interrogated. Others believe that the lighthouse is haunted.

Helltown, USA

Strange things are happening on this piece of land in Ohio. Satanists gather here, it is believed that the souls of people who burned alive in their houses still live here, and someone claims that a chemical disaster occurred here, from which some residents mutated.

San Luis Valley, USA

Aliens have been seen here many times. Disks and spheres appear in the sky, which have been repeatedly recorded on film and photographed by local residents. The mystery remains: why is everything happening in this particular valley?

Pine Gap, Australia

This is a closed piece of land that is controlled by the government and is secret. It is believed that from here researchers are trying to contact other galaxies. However, everything is classified, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out the truth.

Paris Mines, France

Everyone knows the catacombs in Paris, but the mines are closed to visitors. They are so secret that even the most enthusiastic researchers cannot get there. In September 2004, the police found an underground cinema in the mines, but the next day there was no trace of it!

Riddle House, USA

Many tragedies happened in this house. For example, one of the employees committed suicide. Residents heard strange voices and sounds. The house was abandoned. When the workers returned again, they noticed strange occurrences - windows opened on their own, and tools turned on for no reason.

Death Valley, USA

This valley is known for rocks that move across the ground for no apparent reason. Scientists have not been able to explain why this might happen. Each stone weighs hundreds of kilograms and moves! This is a real mystery.

Door to Hell, Turkmenistan

When Soviet scientists were looking for a source of natural gas here, a huge crater emerged from which flames burst out - the fire has not gone out for almost fifty years. No wonder tourists come here. It is simply impossible to close the crater, and how much gas there is still in it is unknown.

Our planet never ceases to amaze us. In every corner of the Earth there are unusual and mystical places that force scientists and researchers to look for clues to their uniqueness. Many of them are easy to reach and have long been favorite tourist attractions. Others are located in hard-to-reach places and are still waiting for their researchers. Why are we so attracted to the most mystical places in the world? Probably, each of us wants to believe in miracles and that there are secrets in the world that scientists have not yet been able to reveal. We offer our readers a selection of 10 the most mystical and mysterious places on Earth, the mysteries of which have not yet been solved.

Blood Falls, or Bloody Falls capable of scaring anyone who sees it for the first time. This is a rusty red stream flowing from the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica. This is amazing a natural phenomenon was opened in 1911. At first, scientists thought that the color of the water, strikingly reminiscent of blood, was caused by algae living in the lake under the ice where the waterfall originates. But studies have shown that the color, as well as the salinity, is given to the water by microorganisms inhabiting the lake. Their age is about 1.5 million years.

The unique Bloody Waterfall is in 10th place among the most mystical places in the world.

Sun Ji Resort

If abandoned houses and hotels create a depressing and frightening impression, then ghost towns can cause even greater fear. , a fashionable resort on the coast of Taiwan, was built for wealthy guests. 60 futuristic houses in the shape of UFO saucers were supposed to be a triumph of the engineering mind of the resort's builders. But then the economic crisis struck and construction was curtailed. However, there is another version - the workers who built the houses were injured and died. Local residents decided that the evil spirits living in those places were to blame. Ninth place in the ranking of the most mystical places on the planet.

The Heizhu Valley, or Black Bamboo Hollow, located in southern China, is considered one of the most mystical places on the planet. Many believe that this is the strongest anomalous zone, although no serious scientific research has been carried out here. The valley has a reputation as a mystical place as many cases of disappearances are attributed to it. Eighth place on the list of the most mysterious places on Earth.

Ranked 7th on the list of the most mystical places in the world, it is located in the town of San Antonio del Tequendama on the Bogota River in Colombia. It was built in 1927 and closed in 1990. The abandoned building has become an attractive place for those who decided to commit suicide. It must be said that the appearance and the surrounding area contribute - the hotel is made in the Gothic style and is located near the waterfall in a secluded place, which gives it a rather gloomy appearance. Despite its reputation, the abandoned hotel attracts many tourists.

In 6th place among the most mystical places in the world is Indian Roopkund Lake, located at an altitude of 5029 meters in the Himalayas. Every year, when the snow melts, hundreds of skulls and skeletons can be seen on its banks. Therefore, the second name of the high-mountain reservoir is “Lake of Skeletons”. Still at the end XIX centuries, rumors have appeared that numerous human remains lie on its shore and bottom. They say that they were first noticed by pilgrims who visit a sacred place called Homkund once every 12 years. Their path lies along the shore of Lake Roopkund. Researchers were able to reach the difficult-to-reach place only in 1942. The rumors about skeletons were confirmed. After this, expeditions of paleontologists, anthropologists and geologists flocked to the lake. Hundreds (presumably up to 600) skeletons were found on the shores and bottom of the lake. Their approximate age is from 500 to 800 years. After genetic analysis of the remains, it turned out that most of them belonged to men.

Many hypotheses have been put forward for the reasons for the death of people at Lake Roopkund: an avalanche, an epidemic, mass suicide. Subsequently, when analyzing the bones, it turned out that the damage to them was caused by huge hailstones (up to 7 centimeters in diameter). A group of people walking along the banks of Roopkund hundreds of years ago died due to heavy hail - this is one of the most likely versions of the appearance of hundreds of skeletons in this place.

Poveglia Island

Sadly famous island, located in northern Italy in the Venetian Lagoon, ranks 5th on the list of the most mystical places in the world. IN XIV century, due to an attack by the Genoese fleet, the population of the island was forced to leave it. For a long time, Poveglia was empty, until a psychiatric clinic was opened on the island in 1922. It did not exist for long, until 1968, but since then Poveglia has been considered one of the most mystical terrible places in the world. According to legend, during the Roman Empire the island was used as a reservation for plague patients, who were buried here. Their souls inhabit Poveglia even now, instilling fear in all curious people who come to the island for thrills.

City of Machu Picchu

In 4th place among the most mystical places on Earth is the lost one. It is hidden in the Peruvian Andes on a high, steep mountain with a flattened top. He managed to escape the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors. For centuries the city was cut off from the outside world until it was found in 1911. As the researchers found out, Machu Picchu was not destroyed - its inhabitants simply left the city one day. What reason made them do this is still unknown.

Great Pyramids of Giza and Sphinx, which have survived millennia and still tower proudly under the sky of Egypt, are in third place on the list of the most mystical places on Earth. They have been studied far and wide, but so far scientists have not come one step closer to unraveling their secrets. We do not know why these monumental structures were built and how they were able to survive the ravages of time.

The territory, turned into a giant necropolis, cannot but have a mystery. are considered not only one of the most mystical, but also terrible places in the world. The network of tunnels stretches under Paris for 300 kilometers. They were originally quarries for limestone. Then, when the cemeteries of the expanding city could no longer accommodate the dead, the remains were removed from the burials, cleaned and placed in abandoned quarries. The ashes of more than 6 million Parisians rest here.

One of the most famous and mysterious places on Earth is. It continues to remain a mystery to scientists and researchers. We do not know who built this gigantic stone complex or why. Whether it was the Druids, the ancient peoples of Britain, or the great magician Merlin had a hand in the construction, Stonehenge continues to keep its secret.

Intellectual power helps humanity to uncover many of the Earth's secrets. People reached the surface of the Moon and explored other planets in the solar system. But still, there are a number of mysterious and unknown places in the world. Inhospitable conditions and the destructive forces of nature deter people from exploring some areas of our planet. At the same time, these same natural forces help preserve the original appearance and beauty of such places untouched by civilization.

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Ice caps of Greenland

Greenland is the most large island in the world. In fact, most of the island is covered by ice caps - sheet glaciers that are smaller in area than ice sheets. Therefore, this place is considered the least populated on the planet and is practically unexplored. Ice layers in Greenland are 3,200 meters thick and are about 100 thousand years old.

In Greenland you can also see glaciers, glacial rivers, hot springs, white nights and northern lights. But erratic weather conditions make Greenland one of the least explored places on Earth.

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Mariana Trench, Western Pacific Ocean

The Mariana Trench is the most deep place on Earth, it is located in the western part Pacific Ocean. It was formed millions of years ago. The most deep point Mariana Trench known as the Challenger Deep, the maximum known depth of which is just over 11 kilometers. Such great depth and high pressure made the Mariana Trench a very difficult place to study, so it remains completely unexplored to this day.

The Mariana Trench is home to deep-sea ocean creatures and is also home to rare minerals. The floor of the Mariana Trench contains fossils dating back millions of years and many other minerals that would help unlock the mysteries of the Earth. But unstable conditions make it difficult for people to explore the place.

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Kankar Punsum, Bhutan

Kankar Punsum - the highest unconquered Mountain peak in the world. It is located in Bhutan. This mountain has a height of 7570 meters and is the 40th most high mountains in the world. There are only four known expeditions to Kankar Punsum - in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994 respectively. But all of them were unsuccessful due to heavy snowfall and unstable weather conditions.

Out of respect for local beliefs, the Bhutanese government banned mountaineering on Kankar Poonsum in 2004. So this mountain peak remained unconquered and unexplored.

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Deserts are notoriously difficult to explore due to unsuitable weather conditions. Antarctica is the largest desert in the world and has unsuitable conditions for growing plants. The hottest desert in the world, the Sahara, is located in Africa. The amount of annual precipitation in deserts is very low. These areas are also characterized by extreme temperature changes - very hot during the day and very cold at night. This creates very harsh living conditions for plants, animals and people.

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Deep caves

There are a large number of caves in the world. They have become too difficult for scientists to study due to unbearable weather conditions, sharp rocks, heat and slipperiness. Some of the underwater caves are not inhabited by living creatures due to the deadly conditions for survival. The flooded caves of Yucatan in Mexico - sacred Mayan caves - are best example this. Crystal Caves and snow caves are also too dangerous for expeditions due to possible unprecedented sudden changes in conditions inside the caves and their topography.

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Amazon jungle, South America

The Amazon rainforest is half the rainforest on Earth, covering an area of ​​6.47 million square kilometers. The rich biodiversity of this area and the presence of rare species of animals make the Amazon jungle a priority area for study. But the mystery of this place makes it still a completely unexplored place on Earth.

IN tropical forests There is no dry season in the Amazon; it rains all year round. Heavy rains between February and May cause water levels in the Amazon River to rise sharply. This leads to severe flooding in its basin. In this condition, transportation across the river becomes too dangerous due to the extreme river currents. It is also home to many dangerous animals, such as jaguars, rattlesnakes, Brazilian wandering spiders, mosquitoes, dart frogs, piranhas, black caiman and anacondas, which can cause harm to humans. Lack of access to healthy food and clean water can cause many diseases.

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It is the coldest place on the Earth's surface, with temperatures fluctuating sharply between -10C and -30C most of the time. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was -89 degrees Celsius. It is the driest, coldest and windiest continent on Earth. Such a harsh climate makes Antarctica the most mysterious and unexplored place on our planet. Antarctica holds many secrets and is therefore of great interest to scientific community. The average thickness of the ice crust on the continent is about 2.5 km, which means that the surface beneath the ice contains many archaeological artifacts from the period when the continent was free of ice.

The maximum wind speed recorded in Antarctica in 1972 is 321 km per hour. Antarctica's ice sheets, which are more than 3.2 km thick, reflect the unbearable climate conditions on the continent. Heavy snowfall, glaciers, and ice cracks are other potential hazards in Antarctica.

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These were the most mysterious and unexplored places on the ground. Thank you for your attention.