Any holiday or trip can be overshadowed if suddenly, upon arrival at your destination, you suddenly do not find your suitcase at the baggage claim. As a rule, there are things, gifts, souvenirs, and clothes there. And it’s extremely unpleasant to be left without all this!

I decided to write an article about what to do if the airline loses your luggage. Having studied the legal scope of this issue, as well as the experience of many travelers, own experience and advice from airline employees, I managed to create a whole instruction in which I will describe the actions. In addition, the material will be regularly updated and expanded (like all my articles on this blog), and as a visual aid, you will have access to a “cheat sheet” in the form of infographics, which You just need to download it to your tablet or computer and, in case of missing items, you can easily get step-by-step behavior details.

So. Let's imagine that we have arrived at our destination or at the airport where the transfer is scheduled. Passed passport control, go to the baggage claim line. A signal sounds, the belt begins to move and carries bag after bag... 5 minutes pass, 10 minutes... But your luggage is still missing. What to do?

1. Stay calm. You are not the first, you are not the last.

Luggage gets lost regularly. This is a particularly common problem on connecting flights, especially if the flight consists of many “shoulders” (for example, Moscow - Ankara - Istanbul - Bangkok). So relax and don't panic. Remember, the law is on your side only as long as you behave within the law. Yes, it's hard to contain your emotions. But you shouldn’t behave the way the “heroes” of many YouTube videos do (screaming, hysterical, screaming, throwing themselves at the staff). Your task is to return the luggage.

Calmness and confidence will add respectability to you and allow you to quickly move on to a constructive dialogue, standing out from the crowd of other unfortunates who are also left without luggage. Very often, luggage is lost from many people on a flight at once.

2. Check out the Lost & Found desk

After making sure that your luggage is really not on the belt, without wasting any time, you need to go to the Lost&Found counter. As a rule, she is within sight, without moving far from the baggage claim area. If for some reason you cannot find the baggage tracing service, ask the airport staff for directions. If this doesn’t help, feel free to go to the representative office of the airline (which lost your luggage) at this airport.

You must report missing or damaged luggage as soon as possible, but no later than 7 days from the date of receipt or arrival of the flight at its final destination.

Lost luggage by airlines is a very common occurrence.

Here you are required to file a claim for missing luggage in writing. This is done in free form, although some companies ask to use a specific format or even provide a blank where it is enough to fill in the fields.

Your task is to describe the lost piece of luggage as accurately as possible so that it can be easily identified. Please indicate:

  • The flight that took place
  • Number of pieces of missing luggage
  • Appearance (color, model, features) of a bag or suitcase
  • Be sure to indicate if the luggage was wrapped in cellophane or had an additional tag on it

Yes, before I forget. About tags. Very often luggage is lost due to a loose luggage tag. Therefore, don’t be lazy and make your own tag for the suitcase, on which you indicate your full name and contact details (telephone, E-mail). This will allow you to be quickly found if your luggage is found without a tag.

Don't be lazy and make your own luggage contact tag. This can help you get things back much faster!

Also try to briefly describe the things that were inside. For example: there were a lot of clothes inside, incl. a large winter jacket and size 46 military boots, an old Helios 44 lens and a book.

At the end of the application, please indicate your first name, last name, passport series and number, and contact information. Please note that in addition to your phone number and email, you should write the address where your items will be delivered if they are found. The address must be within the city whose airport you are located at.

When applying, you will be asked to present your passport and a tear-off baggage tag slip (usually affixed to your boarding pass or to the cover of your passport). Please note that you must keep the original of this coupon; it will be useful to you if you have to go to court.

The act is drawn up in two copies. One of them remains at the counter and will be sent to the airline, and you receive the second. The act must be marked with the date and time it was issued, and in most cases, a number for checking baggage through World Tracer.

3. Now all you have to do is wait

Ideally, of course. if your luggage is found. but they will have to call you. But this is all on the conscience of the company. so it’s better to monitor it yourself. To do this, you need to call the baggage search department, the number of which will be indicated on the loss report.

Although now, almost any decent airline transmits its data about missing luggage to the international World Tracer system. If this is the case, it will be enough to enter the act number (indicated on your copy) and last name, after which you will be able to find out if your things have been found.

4. If your luggage is not found, we demand compensation

According to the law, luggage search is carried out within 21 days, that is, 3 weeks. Most often, the luggage is found much earlier - it was simply not reloaded during the transfer or sent on the wrong plane. But if, nevertheless, after 21 days the searches have not yielded results, then the luggage is considered lost. And you should be compensated for it.

How much money will you be paid for lost luggage? Depends on the country in which the airline is registered.

That's the point. that such issues are regulated by two acts: the Warsaw Convention of 1929 and a more modern version - the Montreal Convention of 1999. More than 100 countries of the world have already switched to working according to the Montreal version (including Ukraine), but Belarus, Russia and a number of other states have not become parties to this agreement. That's why there is a difference in payments.

If your airline is registered in a country that is a member of the Montreal Convention (including Ukraine, Turkey, all EU countries, Australia, USA, Canada, Georgia, UAE, Britain and hundreds of others), then compensation will be 1000 SDR per person, regardless of weight and pieces of luggage. As of November 5, 2014, that's $1,470.

If you took a flight with an airline from one of the countries such as Russia, Belarus, Thailand, etc., then compensation will be no more than $20 for each kilogram of luggage.

A little cheat sheet. To download a large image, left-click on it.

What to do if you lost your luggage? Step-by-step instruction- cheat sheet

Answers to frequently asked questions:

Is there compensation for lost hand luggage?

Yes, it is about 400 dollars.

How can you reduce the risk of lost luggage?

I adhere to some rules that, in theory, reduce the risk factor. I can recommend them to you too:

  1. In total I make an additional tag with contact information on the luggage
  2. Since I personally wrap luggage in film, it has a characteristic appearance, plus this reduces the risk that one of the movers will want to steal things from the bag
  3. I always check my luggage to my final destination and make sure that the luggage tag says exactly the airport I need.
  4. I avoid flights with transfers of about 1 - 2 hours, so that I have time to reload all my things

I don’t know whether it was this or not, but something helped me and so far, thank God, my luggage has not been lost even once.

Can luggage be insured?

Yes it is possible. But keep in mind that most of the insurance that airlines offer is a simple scam, as they cost 10 - 30 dollars per flight. I'm just buying travel insurance I choose the one that will cover my luggage as well. Thus, for the same 20 dollars they give me full insurance for a year, and not a “stump” that was simply created to profit from you.

I was told that the airline's rules do not oblige them to pay compensation

Their rules have nothing to do with reality. They must follow international law and the laws of the country where the airline is registered.

If a company refuses to compensate for lost luggage or offers too low a price, what should you do?

You have the right to go to court.

You write about damaged luggage. That is, you can demand compensation for a broken suitcase?

Yes. Both for a broken suitcase and for an item stolen from it. The main thing is evidence.

For example, if I buy a suitcase for flights, I don’t throw away the receipt and then indicate its cost. I wrap things in plastic so I can immediately tell if the package has been opened.

If you found my article helpful or liked, please share it on in social networks. It is very important for me. Thank you!

The global airline industry has demonstrated better baggage handling performance. In 2015, its losses fell by 10.5 percent. And in 2018, passengers will be able to track the movement of suitcases online, just like parcels are now.

Experts from Rossiyskaya Gazeta told us what to pay attention to when checking in luggage and what to do if the suitcase is lost.

In 2015, only 6.5 pieces of luggage were lost for every thousand passengers, according to SITA's annual Baggage Report. This is the best figure in the last 20 years. In 2011, almost 9 suitcases per thousand were lost on the road. Moreover, since 2003 the number lost luggage halved, while international passenger traffic increased by 85 percent.

In many ways, good results were achieved due to the widespread automation of baggage processing and loading/unloading systems. Manual labor at major airports is kept to a minimum. They are equipped with conveyor systems that move luggage from the check-in counter to the baggage sorting area for a specific flight. Manual processing permitted only when transferring baggage into air containers or onto baggage trolleys. However, today these jobs are gradually being given over to robots.

The reasons for lost luggage are known. In 45 percent of cases, it is lost during transit flights. In 2015, 8.43 million suitcases and bags were lost for this reason. Baggage not loaded on time accounted for another 19 percent, while ticketing errors or malfunctioning baggage switches accounted for another 16 percent of baggage losses.

Only a small part of the suitcases is not returned to the owner. Last year, 79 percent of lost suitcases and bags were returned to their owners, and in another 15 percent of cases the suitcases were damaged. Only 6 percent of passengers did not receive their luggage back. On average, suitcases were found and delivered to their owners within 1.76 days.

The luggage, whose owner has never been found, is stored in the airport's unclaimed baggage room. Each air hub sets its own storage period for suitcases, on average 6 months to 1 year. In the US, airports sell suitcases after their shelf life expires. In New Zealand they are being destroyed.

Unclaimed baggage in Russia is considered the property of the airline and is sent to the carrier's base airport if the initial search for the owner does not yield results.

Today, searching for lost luggage is a whole area of ​​IT development. This spring, Aeroflot was one of the first to introduce an online service for tracking lost luggage based on the international search program WorldTracer. The International Association was directly involved in its development. air transport(IATA), which sets standards in international air travel. WorldTracer is used by more than 440 airlines and 2,800 airports around the world. Thanks to this system, Sheremetyevo Airport returned 90 percent of lost luggage to its owners in 2015.

IATA has also taken the initiative to strengthen controls over the carriage of baggage. From 2018, airlines will track every piece of baggage throughout its entire travel route. “Passengers will be able to track their luggage in the same way as regular mail,” says SITA head Francesco Violante.

The SITA report also notes the rapid adoption of do-it-yourself tag printing technology. It began to develop with the advent of electronic tickets and check-in for flights via the Internet. Currently, about 40 percent of the world's airlines and airports offer self-service baggage tag printing to passengers using kiosks. There is no printing of tags in Russia yet. But airports are switching to baggage processing for passengers checked in using electronic tickets online at separate counters. In 2016, every third passenger in the world will check their luggage themselves using automated kiosks or through specially designated counters with the help of an airport employee, SITA predicts.

The loss of a luggage tag is the main reason why a suitcase cannot be returned to its owner, even when using the most advanced search engines. Without identifying elements, it is very difficult to find among thousands of others.

However, tags have already been developed that do not get lost. They are an electronic device into which information about the owner and flight is entered by the passenger independently using mobile application on your smartphone, allowing you to check your luggage from home or on the way to the airport. Data about the flight and passenger are reflected on the module, which is attached to the suitcase. Now the airline is already implementing such tags. The new tags will not cause any inconvenience to airport employees - the information is reflected on them in the same form as on paper tags.

Suitcases and bags are often lost due to the fault of the passengers themselves, for example, if they do not comply with or are not aware of the rules for transporting baggage on a specific route. In this case, it is important to remember:

Baggage for connecting flights on one payment receipt is issued to the final destination at the request of the passenger. This needs to be specified when checking in for a flight, so that the passenger does not end up at the final destination, and the suitcase on the baggage claim belt at the intermediate point.

The legislation of some countries requires mandatory declaration of prohibited items or passage through the green corridor. In this case, you need to collect your luggage at the transit point and then return it to a special transfer baggage counter.

For legal or technical reasons, many airports cannot reload baggage without your participation. Therefore, always check during transit whether you are required to collect your luggage at an intermediate point.

If a passenger is flying on connecting flights on several route receipts, at connecting airports he receives his luggage and re-checks it at the check-in counter.

“In case of loss of luggage, the passenger must contact the baggage tracing service staff before leaving the arrival area and fill out a special form,” said Aeroflot press secretary Maxim Fetisov. “The search for lost luggage is carried out within 21 days from the date of receipt of the application from the passenger.” According to him, if the luggage is not found after this period, the passenger can present a written claim to the carrier and demand compensation.

The decision on monetary compensation and its amount is made based on the provisions contained in the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Warsaw Convention and the airline’s regulatory documents, he noted.

One of the most common problems passengers have is losing their luggage at the airport. According to statistics, up to 25 million suitcases are lost annually. Fortunately for travelers, the non-refund rate is low, only 3.4%. The majority of lost suitcases and bags find their owners.

However, you need to know the sequence of actions in such a situation. Search activities are the same in all cases. And as an example, you can take the search for luggage at Sheremetyevo airport.

This procedure is regulated General rules air transport. Most of the requirements are universal for all carriers operating on domestic and international routes.

Suitcases will be handed out after passport control in a specially designated room. Items must be received immediately when they arrive for delivery, and at the exit from the terminal you will have to present a tear-off coupon for the baggage tag.

The internal rules of airport terminals detail the issuance procedure. In Sheremetyevo, cargo can be received in the delivery hall, which is served on a conveyor belt indicated by an indication on the information board.

If the load is missing from the conveyor belt

Everyone should know what to do when a suitcase or bag is not found on a conveyor. The main thing here is not to panic. Loss of baggage by an airline is a serious problem, but it can be solved. First you need to make sure that things are missing:

  • Wait for the end of delivery. They may have been the last to be unloaded.
  • Inspect the transporters delivering cargo from other aircraft. Rarely, but mistakes do happen.
  • Check the oversized load belt.

If there are no doubts left and things are lost, you will have to contact the search service at the terminal. There is a possibility that they were mixed up upon receipt and are already waiting for owners from the employees of this service.

Where to go

Usually this counter is called “Lost&Found” or “Luggage Search” in Russian. If necessary, any of the airport employees will show where it is. It is possible that such a stand is missing. Then the place to contact could be:

  • representative office of the air carrier whose crew performed the flight;
  • representative office of the national air carrier of the country of destination;
  • if there is neither one nor the other, contact the airport administration.

Before applying, check that you have the documents required to complete your application:

  • identification;
  • ticket;
  • tear-off coupon baggage tag.

Office staff must help the passenger at the time of request, regardless of the time of day. The victim registers Required documents in the form of a statement of loss addressed to the carrier, fills out a Search Report or Property Irregularity Report (in the abbreviation the name is written as PIR).

How to fill out the act

The claim must be filed immediately after discovery of the loss. Before filling out, you will need to present the tear-off coupon, which is usually attached to the air ticket. The Act must indicate:

  • flight number;
  • passport series and number;
  • color, weight and size characteristics of the suitcase;
  • special features (stickers, external defects, bright details, trademarks, name tags, etc.);
  • contact details and address to be delivered to lost suitcase, bag or backpack.

Example of a completed act (click to enlarge):

The claim is made in two copies. One of them remains with the applicant, and the second goes to the management of the airline, which must organize the search. If the loss could not be discovered within five days, a detailed list of things that were inside the luggage is attached to the application.

Search algorithm

Regardless of the reasons for the loss, the search for baggage is the responsibility of the air carrier. If the flight was operated by Aeroflot, its employees will conduct the search. The search must begin immediately upon receipt of a written application.

The carrier sends requests:

  • to the airports of departure and arrival for the presence of things;
  • to airports where items may have been sent by mistake;
  • When they are detected, a request is sent for delivery to the destination.

The found loss is delivered to the address specified by the owner in the act. Delivery does not require additional payment and is carried out at the expense of the airline. When receiving things, you must present your passport, coupon and certificate, which must be kept until the end of the search.

How to track searches

Usually the loss is found quickly, but sometimes it can take a long search. In this case, contact details of airline employees will be required. Take care of this when filling out the PIR. The service desk has telephone numbers, which you should write down in advance. If you have internet access you can use the unified World Tracer database, through which the owner can track the search.

After receiving a statement of loss, all data is entered into the database. To access information in the request form, you must indicate personal data and the code received when drawing up the Search Report. On the Sheremetyevo Airport website you can see a list of airlines that are tracked in this database.

How to get compensation

Since the carrier is responsible for the cargo, the airline will compensate for the loss. Claims for damages can only be made after three weeks. If during this period the search for the baggage put on the wanted list is unsuccessful, it is considered lost.

Compensation must be paid on the basis of a written claim, which must be submitted before the expiration of 6 months if the problems arose during domestic flights, and up to 18 for international flights.

The following are attached to the application:

  • air ticket;
  • tear-off coupon;
  • insurance documents, if the items were insured;
  • receipts confirming the value of the contents of the suitcase or bag.

The airline management is obliged to consider the claim within 30 days and pay the amount required by law or refuse in writing.

Payment amount

Amounts of compensation payments for losses on international flights established by international agreements. If things were lost during an international or transit flight, when one landing was outside the country, 20 dollars or 19 euros are paid per kilogram of cargo. On domestic flights the amount is 600 rubles per kilogram.

If the exact weight is unknown, then calculations are made using the average, which is 35 kg per person. In cases where the value of the property was announced by the passenger in advance, payment is made in the stated amount. The amount will be higher if the items are insured.

In addition to the specified compensation, you can claim:

  • Compensation for other losses. When a passenger has to miss a connecting flight or train departure, the company must refund the cost of the tickets.
  • Payments for moral damage. If there is no way to confirm health problems, their size will be small.
  • If the carrier did not satisfy the claims voluntarily, and compensation had to be obtained through the court, an additional payment of a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount paid to the passenger is possible.

Such payments will most likely have to be sought through the court, so after receiving the found items, you should not sign the documents stating that there are no claims.

Other payments

In cases where luggage is lost and a passenger is left without essential items, some companies may offer reimbursement for the cost of purchasing them. This is not the carrier's responsibility, but most provide such assistance for reputational purposes. The amounts are usually small and are paid after receipts confirming expenses are provided. When purchasing clothes, half the cost is paid.

If these expenses were not paid by the company, they can be included in the list of legal claims.

In addition to the loss of bags and suitcases, passengers have to deal with other troubles. Usually this:

  • stealing things;
  • property damage;
  • mixed up suitcases.

In the first two cases, you will also have to contact the carrier to file a claim. Based on this, the issue of compensation is considered. This may be full or partial cost, depending on the decision of the commission. If a suitcase breaks, compensation for repairs is possible.

The latter situation requires the prompt return of items to the carrier’s office or to the airport.

How to avoid problems

Most often, items are lost on connecting flights when a carelessly attached tag comes loose. In this case, things can either fly away in any direction or remain in place. To prevent such situations, speed up the detection of losses, and reduce material losses, it is necessary to:

  • If possible, avoid routes with transfers;
  • make sure that the tag is present and that it is firmly attached;
  • remove previous tags left over from previous flights;
  • do not transport particularly valuable items;
  • insure the cargo;
  • wrap your bag or suitcase in plastic, which will reduce the risk of damage and theft;
  • When choosing a carrier, read the reliability ratings and take them into account when purchasing tickets.

Be sure to include your last name with initials, contact information, destination and flight on the name tag. Although this partially duplicates the information from the coupon, it will significantly speed up the process of finding luggage if it is lost. If you have encountered troubles, do not despair, more than 90% of losses are found within the first two days.

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One of the most common problems passengers have is losing their luggage at the airport. According to statistics, up to 25 million suitcases are lost annually. Fortunately for travelers, the non-refund rate is low, only 3.4%. The majority of lost suitcases and bags find their owners.

However, you need to know the sequence of actions in such a situation. Search activities are the same in all cases. And as an example, you can take the search for luggage at Sheremetyevo airport.

This procedure is regulated by the General Rules of Air Transport. Most of the requirements are universal for all carriers operating on domestic and international routes.

Suitcases are issued after passport control in a specially designated room. Items must be received immediately when they arrive for delivery, and at the exit from the terminal you will have to present a tear-off coupon for the baggage tag.

The internal rules of airport terminals detail the issuance procedure. In Sheremetyevo, cargo can be received in the delivery hall, which is served on a conveyor belt indicated by an indication on the information board.

If the load is missing from the conveyor belt

Everyone should know what to do when a suitcase or bag is not found on a conveyor. The main thing here is not to panic. Loss of baggage by an airline is a serious problem, but it can be solved. First you need to make sure that things are missing:

  • Wait for the end of delivery. They may have been the last to be unloaded.
  • Inspect the transporters delivering cargo from other aircraft. Rarely, but mistakes do happen.
  • Check the oversized load belt.

If there are no doubts left and things are lost, you will have to contact the search service at the terminal. There is a possibility that they were mixed up upon receipt and are already waiting for owners from the employees of this service.

Where to go

Usually this counter is called “Lost&Found” or “Luggage Search” in Russian. If necessary, any of the airport employees will show where it is. It is possible that such a stand is missing. Then the place to contact could be:

  • representative office of the air carrier whose crew performed the flight;
  • representative office of the national air carrier of the country of destination;
  • if there is neither one nor the other, contact the airport administration.

Before applying, check that you have the documents required to complete your application:

  • identification;
  • ticket;
  • tear-off coupon baggage tag.

Office staff must help the passenger at the time of request, regardless of the time of day. The victim fills out the necessary documents in the form of a statement of loss addressed to the carrier, fills out a Search Report or Property Irregularity Report (in the abbreviation the name is written as PIR).

How to fill out the act

The claim must be filed immediately after discovery of the loss. Before filling out, you will need to present the tear-off coupon, which is usually attached to the air ticket. The Act must indicate:

  • flight number;
  • passport series and number;
  • color, weight and size characteristics of the suitcase;
  • special features (stickers, external defects, bright details, trademarks, name tags, etc.);
  • contact details and address to which the lost suitcase, bag or backpack needs to be delivered.

Example of a completed act (click to enlarge):

The claim is made in two copies. One of them remains with the applicant, and the second goes to the management of the airline, which must organize the search. If the loss could not be discovered within five days, a detailed list of things that were inside the luggage is attached to the application.

Search algorithm

Regardless of the reasons for the loss, the search for baggage is the responsibility of the air carrier. If the flight was operated by Aeroflot, its employees will conduct the search. The search must begin immediately upon receipt of a written application.

The carrier sends requests:

  • to the airports of departure and arrival for the presence of things;
  • to airports where items may have been sent by mistake;
  • When they are detected, a request is sent for delivery to the destination.

The found loss is delivered to the address specified by the owner in the act. Delivery does not require additional payment and is carried out at the expense of the airline. When receiving things, you must present your passport, coupon and certificate, which must be kept until the end of the search.

How to track searches

Usually the loss is found quickly, but sometimes it can take a long search. In this case, contact details of airline employees will be required. Take care of this when filling out the PIR. The service desk has telephone numbers, which you should write down in advance. If you have internet access you can use the unified World Tracer database, through which the owner can track the search.

After receiving a statement of loss, all data is entered into the database. To access information in the request form, you must indicate personal data and the code received when drawing up the Search Report. On the Sheremetyevo Airport website you can see a list of airlines that are tracked in this database.

How to get compensation

Since the carrier is responsible for the cargo, the airline will compensate for the loss. Claims for damages can only be made after three weeks. If during this period the search for the baggage put on the wanted list is unsuccessful, it is considered lost.

Compensation must be paid on the basis of a written claim, which must be submitted before 6 months if problems occurred on domestic flights, and up to 18 months for international flights.

The following are attached to the application:

  • air ticket;
  • tear-off coupon;
  • insurance documents, if the items were insured;
  • receipts confirming the value of the contents of the suitcase or bag.

The airline management is obliged to consider the claim within 30 days and pay the amount required by law or refuse in writing.

Payment amount

The amount of compensation payments for losses on international flights is established by international agreements. If things were lost during an international or transit flight, when one landing was outside the country, 20 dollars or 19 euros are paid per kilogram of cargo. On domestic flights the amount is 600 rubles per kilogram.

If the exact weight is unknown, then calculations are made using the average, which is 35 kg per person. In cases where the value of the property was announced by the passenger in advance, payment is made in the stated amount. The amount will be higher if the items are insured.

In addition to the specified compensation, you can claim:

  • Compensation for other losses. When a passenger has to miss a connecting flight or train departure, the company must refund the cost of the tickets.
  • Payments for moral damage. If there is no way to confirm health problems, their size will be small.
  • If the carrier did not satisfy the claims voluntarily, and compensation had to be obtained through the court, an additional payment of a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount paid to the passenger is possible.

Such payments will most likely have to be sought through the court, so after receiving the found items, you should not sign the documents stating that there are no claims.

Other payments

In cases where luggage is lost and a passenger is left without essential items, some companies may offer reimbursement for the cost of purchasing them. This is not the carrier's responsibility, but most provide such assistance for reputational purposes. The amounts are usually small and are paid after receipts confirming expenses are provided. When purchasing clothes, half the cost is paid.

If these expenses were not paid by the company, they can be included in the list of legal claims.

In addition to the loss of bags and suitcases, passengers have to deal with other troubles. Usually this:

  • stealing things;
  • property damage;
  • mixed up suitcases.

In the first two cases, you will also have to contact the carrier to file a claim. Based on this, the issue of compensation is considered. This may be full or partial cost, depending on the decision of the commission. If a suitcase breaks, compensation for repairs is possible.

The latter situation requires the prompt return of items to the carrier’s office or to the airport.

How to avoid problems

Most often, items are lost on connecting flights when a carelessly attached tag comes loose. In this case, things can either fly away in any direction or remain in place. To prevent such situations, speed up the detection of losses, and reduce material losses, it is necessary to:

  • If possible, avoid routes with transfers;
  • make sure that the tag is present and that it is firmly attached;
  • remove previous tags left over from previous flights;
  • do not transport particularly valuable items;
  • insure the cargo;
  • wrap your bag or suitcase in plastic, which will reduce the risk of damage and theft;
  • When choosing a carrier, read the reliability ratings and take them into account when purchasing tickets.

Be sure to include your last name with initials, contact information, destination and flight on the name tag. Although this partially duplicates the information from the coupon, it will significantly speed up the process of finding luggage if it is lost. If you have encountered troubles, do not despair, more than 90% of losses are found within the first two days.

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