The question is where to go when in the mountains Krasnodar region, appears before any tourist. Hilly zones occupy 1/3 of the total space. There are really plenty of places worth seeing here:

  • Parks;
  • Caves;
  • Mountains and rocks;
  • Waterfalls and volcanoes;
  • Architectural structures;
  • Equipped recreation areas.

Natural objects

Let's start with what nature itself gave us. Do not underestimate its beauty, because in our case, we are dealing with truly memorable and majestic objects. Look at the popular options:

Lake Abrau: not far from Novorossiysk is located the most big lake KK, stretching 3 km in length. Climbing up the nearest hill covered with forest, you can see the unusual appearance of the water surface. It always has a heterogeneous shade - white inclusions appear through the thick blue. And by talking with the residents, you will be able to learn legends about the origin of the lake.

Great Azish Cave: great place, well accessible for tourists. It can be easily reached by car. Several hundred meters of ancient tunnels filled with stalactites and rock reliefs await you. Excursions are inexpensive - 400-500 rubles. for adults, approximately 200 rub. for children.

Mount Agepsta: the highest point near the city of Sochi. Its peak soars to 3.4 thousand meters. If you are a rock climber and a connoisseur of difficult routes, this place will appeal to you. But it will be extremely difficult for ordinary mortals to get here, since Agepsta is steep slopes that require professionalism. Not everything is so bad, the southern regions are friendly, and therefore everyone will be able to admire them.

Guam Gorge: thinking where to go to the mountains in Krasnodar region, go to one of the most mesmerizing points of the area. In front of you is the Kurdzhips River. Its fast current paints the stones, causing bizarre patterns on them. There are only rocks around, rushing 400 meters upward. A lot of greenery, seemingly growing from stones. The atmosphere is truly fabulous.

Mud volcanoes: visiting the Taman Peninsula, you will be able to observe a rare phenomenon for Russia. Here, its components erupt directly from the bowels of the earth, which, among other things, are famous for their healing effect. For example, in Temryuk anyone can take baths under open air. Quite a worthy vacation for lovers of beauty and a healthy lifestyle.

Devil's Finger Rock: the most popular place located near the village of Dakhovskaya. To look at something unique rock formation, you will have to walk along the path going up, enjoying the unsurpassed views along the way.

We recommend paying special attention to waterfalls. First of all, Bolshoi Adegoisky and Teshebsky waterfalls deserve honor. It is better to see the latter in spring or summer, as it is surrounded by greenery that they look unsurpassed. You get the impression of being in an expensive Hollywood film about the adventures of archaeologists or pirates. The Sakhray and Kishi rivers deserve a visit. The latter is famous for its rapids.

Fascinating Antiquities

You can admire the beauty of nature endlessly, but the creations of people are no less interesting. Take a look at some of them:

Dolmens of Gelendzhik: unique structures, the age of which, according to some estimates, reaches 5 thousand years. True Origin mysterious buildings has not yet been clarified. There are rumors that they are associated with magical rituals and even aliens. We can say that there is a special energy around the sights.

Observation tower on Mount Akhun: colorful place, causing the brain to create images of ancient civilizations. Even though the building itself was erected only in 1936, it radiates a unique atmosphere. Don't forget that you can climb up to 30.5 meters to take in the magnificent surroundings.

Dakhovsky Bridge: An ancient stone building that has preserved its original appearance since 1906. Erected by order of the 2nd Urup Cossack Regiment. Interesting feature It became a fact that chicken egg white was added to the mortar holding the stones together, which, according to the builders, increased the strength of the structure.

Fortress Storm Gate: This place cannot be classified as an antiquity, but its important role in the culture and history of the entire post-Soviet space cannot be denied. It was here that the military series of the same name was filmed. You will be able to follow in the footsteps of the heroes, feel the taste of battles and fresh air, and also enjoy an unforgettable and slightly frightening tranquility.

St. Michael's Athos monastery: a small building erected in the second half of the 19th century. Life of monks from this place stood out for his asceticism. The ministers woke up at 2 a.m. and then prayed until dawn. Particular attention was paid to the old members of the temple, who, despite their age and honorable wisdom, worked equally with the rest. Tourists note the unique taste of local pancakes, sold with a variety of fillings. The same applies to tea produced here.

We also recommend “Cossack Stone”, located on one of the roads of Adygea. Formed due to winds, frosts and earthquakes, a huge boulder of stone rolled down from the Una-Koz ridge, blocking the road. However, the modern route carefully made a detour around the object.

In addition to the sights and natural beauties, it is worth noting certain points that deserve a visit. Look at them:

Novosvobodnaya village: locality founded in 1862. In Bogatyrskaya Polyana there are over 4 hundred ruins of dolmens. It is also worth visiting the ruins of the white stone chapel, erected back in 1881. But archaeologist Rezepkin wrote a place in history by finding here the oldest sword in the world, the origin of which dates back to the 4th century BC. e. The exhibit itself is now on display in the Hermitage.

Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve: The facility is located in the village of Gezeripl. Entrance will cost only 150-200 rubles. In addition to the beautiful nature, you can enjoy the rope park, which allows you to get a dose of adrenaline while moving at high altitudes. Here you can also find several dolmens 3-4 thousand years old. There is a museum with photographs and stuffed animals. The latter are in a natural environment, which will allow you to get acquainted with the habits and lifestyle of the animals. It should also be noted that the staff love their own work. Judging by the reviews of tourists, they will be happy to tell you about the area, highlighting many little details.

Khamyshki village: being close to the Belaya River, it will offer several attractions. The previously mentioned Azish cave is located here, as well as a fantasy park. The latter represents natural complex, equipped for walking. Trails, animal sculptures and other details make you think that you are in some kind of fairy world, filled with secrets. Mount Trident, which received its name due to its three equal peaks located on the same hill, also deserves attention.

All of the above is just short list available places to visit. There are many interesting objects around. When deciding where to go in the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory, you need to remember about modern cottage villages and recreation areas. They offer to enjoy the beauty of nature in comfort and coziness.

Residents of the Krasnodar Territory very often call their small homeland Kuban. This historical name region, which is located in the southwestern part North Caucasus, was given by the name of the river flowing in these places. It divides the fertile land into foothills, mountains and a flat part, which occupies 2/3 of the territory of Kuban. The shores of the Krasnodar region are washed by the Black and Seas of Azov. On its territory you can find many unique places of beauty that attract the attention of a huge number of tourists coming to the region.

Agur waterfalls

The Agur waterfalls became popular among tourists coming to Kuban at the beginning of the 20th century. They are located along the entire length of the mountain river and are divided into lower, middle and upper. The lower waterfall is considered the most picturesque.

The cascades are located in the Sochi region. Hiking tours to these places are carried out all year round. The picturesque picture of falling water is complemented by the beauty of the rocky mountains surrounding the river and the exotic vegetation growing on them.

Park "Berendeevo Kingdom"

The “Berendee kingdom” in the Krasnodar region must be looked for in the Lazarevsky district. The creators of the park placed it in the valley of the Kuapse River. Characters from well-known fairy tales were placed surrounded by a unique landscape. Here you can see a waterfall with 7 cascades, the height of which is 27 meters. Natural mountain baths are filled in these places clean water. Hornbeams, oaks and maples grow around them. In the thickets of bushes you can find hazel and several varieties of rhododendron.

Lake Abrau

The biggest fresh lake is located just a few kilometers from Novorossiysk. It gave the name to the local village of Abrau-Durso, which is known for its world-famous champagne. The history of the formation of the lake has not yet been fully unraveled by scientists. According to one of the existing hypotheses, the natural reservoir was formed as a result of a strong earthquake. Lake Abrau is home to relict crustaceans, Abrau sprat, trout, and crucian carp. It also contains carp. On the shore of the reservoir you can find a freshwater crab.

Great Azish Cave

Despite the long history of its existence, the Azish Cave was equipped for tourists only in 1987. It is located in the Absheron region between two rivers - Belaya and Kurdzhips. It is surrounded by beech and fir forest. The cave is a unique natural object that is part of the Azish system. Inside the cave you can find many calcified slabs that were formed many centuries ago by the waters of an underground river.

Lotus Valley

Ideal conditions for flower growth were found in the Krasnodar region in the village of Akhtanizovskaya. Lotuses of amazing beauty covered the entire surface of the local estuary in these places. The diameter of the flower of some specimens can reach up to 50 cm. Tourists vacationing in the Anapa and Temryuk area come to see this miracle of nature. Akhtanizovskaya’s fame was brought not only by lotuses. In the vicinity of the village there is a mud volcano. For Taman Peninsula this is a common occurrence.

Mount Agepsta

The mountain peak is located on the very border between Russia and Abkhazia. According to various estimates, its height can range from 3256 to 3261 meters. This favorite place recreation for rock climbers in the Sochi region. The northern slopes of Agepst are covered with glaciers. They feed the waters of the Tikhaya and Mzymta rivers. The most difficult mountain route, passing through Agepst, belongs to the category of complexity 3B.

Mount Bolshoi Akhun

Akhun Mountain is named after the Ubykh God. It rises only 663 meters above sea level. According to the design of the architect Vorobyov, a Observation deck, which offers magnificent views of the local surroundings from Lazarevskoye to Pitsunda. You can get to the top of the mountain along a path going through the Agur Gorge. It passes by the famous Sochi Eagle Rocks and Agur waterfalls. In the area of ​​this mountain range there are a large number of caves and the remains of a Christian temple.

Guam Gorge

Translated from Circassian “guma” means “unpleasant to the heart.” The gorge is located in the upper reaches of the Kurdzhips River between the Lagonaki and Guma ridges. The length of the gorge is about 5 km and the depth is 400 meters. In summer, you can travel through the gorge on a pleasure train. He takes tourists to these places. In the 30s of the last century, a narrow-gauge railway was built here, which was partially destroyed by landslides. The mountains surrounding the gorge in these places are covered with boxwood, beech, yew and fir. The landscapes of the Guam Gorge are comparable in beauty to the landscapes of the Swiss mountains.

Castalian font

One of most picturesque places Kuban is located in Kabardinka at the foot of the Markhot ridge. It is located a few kilometers from Gelendzhik. Here, surrounded by juniper thickets, there is a trout farm. This place is especially interesting for children to visit. At the entrance to the Castalian font they are greeted by the pets of the local ornitarium. Pheasants and peacocks stroll majestically through large enclosures. A fountain flows in the middle of the central lake, and graceful wooden walkways and well-groomed stone paths lead to the windmill. The place is truly fabulously beautiful.


The mountain resort is located on the plateau of the Western Caucasus. Geographically, it is part of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory and is known for its meadows, which are not inferior in beauty to alpine landscapes. Lago-Naki is located in the Caucasian Nature Reserve. The height of the plateau is 2000-2200 meters above the Black Sea level.

The most popular place tourist recreation in this area of ​​the region ski slope, known as Dakhovskaya-Lagonaki. The rocks that form the basis of the plateau layers belong to the limestones of the Jurassic period. They are dissected by numerous sources and narrow deep canyons. The place is unique in its beauty.

Sochi National Park

Sochi National Park is one of the oldest in the country. Here you can find subtropical and mountain plants next to the snow-capped peaks. The park's territory covers the Adler, Khostinsky and Lazarevsky districts. The park is located on the southern slope of the Bolshoi Caucasian ridge at the foot of which Sochi is located. IN national park there are 15 botanical natural monuments, including tracts of relict trees, and 9 complex landscape objects protected by the state. These include waterfalls, mountain gorges and river valleys.

Lake Kardyvach

Mountain lake Kardyvach is located at an altitude of 2000 meters and is part of the territory of the Caucasus State Biosphere Reserve. Its age is approximately 3500 years. The surface area of ​​the water, which changes its color several times throughout the year, is 133 thousand square meters. meters. The water in the lake is running, so its temperature never exceeds 12°C. This is also the reason why there are no fish in the lake.

Rock Kiseleva

Kiselyov's Rock is one of the attractions of Tuapse. It is a flat sheer wall 46 meters high, stretching along the sea at a distance of 60 meters. The name of the rock was given by the artist who captured its beauty. Next door to this place was his dacha, whose guests were such famous personalities as Gorky, Serafimovich and Aivazovsky.

Dolmens of Gelendzhik

The age of the Gelendzhik dolmens is approximately 5000 years. These are some of the most ancient sights of Kuban. They are older Egyptian pyramids. You can find drawings on the walls of dolmens, and the history of their appearance in the Krasnodar region has its own mythical version. To this day, quite a lot of dolmens have survived in the North Caucasus. Most of them are concentrated in the Gelendzhik region. Here they occupy an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters. meters. There is a special map of the location of dolmens. Many tourists come to these places just to see these unique natural structures.

Big Kaverzinsky waterfall

A visit to the Kaverzinsky waterfall is one of the most popular hiking tourist routes the edges. The waterfall is located on the territory of the resort town Hot key. Along with the visit natural object The route includes an acquaintance with the village of Khrebtovoy, which was founded in these places back in 1874. The location of the waterfall is the Tambov gap, overgrown with fern, Caucasian fir, yew and other unique vegetation, among which several types of mosses stand out.

Near the Big Kaverzinsky Waterfall you can find 4 more cascades of waterfalls and University Cave. It is best to visit these places in spring or early autumn. It is especially beautiful here at this time. Height big waterfall is 10 meters. Its strength depends on the amount of precipitation that falls in these places. The waterfall looks especially powerful during active snow melting in the mountains.

Waterfalls on the Bolshaya Sobachka River

Waterfalls on mountain river, called the Big Dog, are the highest in the Psekups River basin. The largest of them is Flysch. Its height is 35 meters. The delicate blue color of the water in these places is given by layers of limestone rocks, which are located at the bottom of the rivers flowing here. Rocks bind the waterfalls in their vice. Surrounded by waterfalls and huge beech trees, as well as mossy boulders. Getting to the waterfalls is quite difficult. Due to its remoteness from noisy tourist routes to this place, it was possible to preserve the appearance of pristine nature.

Pshad waterfalls

Thirteen waterfalls are located in the upper reaches of the Pshada River. The largest of them is Olyapkin waterfall. Its height is 9 meters. The lithosphere of the river valley was formed during the Cretaceous period. These areas are characterized by shale and sandy rocks. In total, there are more than 100 large and small waterfalls in the Pshada River valley. Thirteen Pshad cascades stand out from their environment with special beauty and attractiveness.

Lakes of love in the area of ​​the Solokh-aul settlement

Located in the Solokh-aul area, the lakes of love are a little-known vacation spot in Kuban for tourists coming to the region. Dagomy troughs were called lakes of love. They are rock layers eroded by the river. Their shape resembles troughs through which a river flows. It flows from one body of water to another, shimmering in the sun with the blue-green tint of its surface.

Near the lakes there is a functioning monastery. Solokh-aul is considered the birthplace of the northernmost Krasnodar tea. You can find out its history at the local Koshmana estate.

And cycling, and even mountaineering. Here's about the latest and we'll talk In this article.

Mountain Kuban covers an area of ​​about 25 thousand square kilometers. Basically this territory belongs and getting a pass to certain mountain peaks can sometimes be very problematic.

The most significant peaks located in the Krasnodar Territory and of particular interest to climbers are: , Tsakhvoa and Chugush. These peaks have the following difficulty categories and heights: Fisht - 1B, 2867.7m, Tsakhvoa - 1B, 3346m, Chugush - 2A /2 B, 32370m. Each of them has its own flavor when climbing, each requires its own approach.

Mount Fisht - business card Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea

Climbing , Difficulty 1B can be considered the easiest. The route to Mount Fisht is one of the official routes of the Reserve. The approach to Mount Fisht is along a well-paved trail. The area is heavily visited by tourists. Here you can meet a completely different contingent from mattress lovers to hardcore tourists, from those who set themselves the goal of simply going on a hike in the mountains, to those who will go with you to climb the mountain. The ascent to Mount Fisht is carried out with the use of individual and group insurance; at any time of the year you need to stock up on a helmet, harness, crampons and an ice ax. In the summer, it is easier - the glacier is bare; in the off-season and winter - when climbing the mountain, karst cavities and glacier cracks may lie in wait for you. At any time of the year, strong winds and lightning pose a danger on the ridge. You should go out to climb the mountain as early as possible, at 5 o’clock, maximum at 6 am. It depends on how strong your group is, but in any case, the climb up the mountain should be completed before 14:00. After lunch, the weather on Fisht usually deteriorates, clouds roll in, and it may rain.

Mount Tsakhvoa is the highest point in the Krasnodar Territory

Climbing also cannot be called difficult. In technical terms, it is even a little easier than climbing Mount Fisht; there is no glacier. But the approaches to this peak are fraught with certain difficulties. To go to the mountains from the outside, you must apply for a border guards pass, in parallel with the Reserve pass. A pass to the border zone is issued within 30 days, the requirements for the pass change periodically, sometimes it is needed, sometimes it is not needed. Even the border guards themselves don’t know exactly how to unambiguously answer the question about the Bezymyanka River valley, but it won’t hurt to send documents to the border unit in advance. It would be better if you receive an official refusal to pass than to be tied under white hands under the long-awaited peak, especially since in the neighboring valley - the Tsakhvoa River - there is a poster notifying that you are in the border zone.

The next complicating aspect of the climb is the climb to the base camp. It runs along a stream flowing from under the Tsakhvoa (Stone Fire) pass and is so steep that the difficulty of the passage is comparable to the climb to the top itself. The camp is set up on green overnight sites at an altitude of 2500 - 2600m, not far from the saddle of the Tsakhvoa pass. The climb to the top and the climb are classic for 1B: a scree slope with a steepness of up to 45 degrees. For personal insurance and self-defense, you should use an ice ax and a helmet. In some cases, you may need a rope on the traverse section when reaching the summit. The main dangers are strong winds and thunderstorms. You can start climbing the mountain at 7-8 am, because... the distance from the top to the base camp is no more than a kilometer, and the elevation gain is only 600m.

Mount Chugush is the most high mountain Republic of Adygea

Climbing Mount Chugush is the most tempting and difficult climb we have outlined in this article. Its difficulty can range from 2A to 2B, depending on which route you take to climb. But in any case, you should stock up on a full set of climbing equipment, including ice screws and rock pitons. Some especially desperate heads climb Mount Chugush with one thin rope. Never follow their example. Safety precautions on the route must be observed first.

You will not need a pass to the 5-kilometer border zone, but you may encounter certain difficulties with the pass to the Reserve, since this territory is specially protected. When climbing the mountain, the base camp should be located on the Asman Glades; you should start the climb as early as possible at 4-5 in the morning. Chugush is not an exception, but rather a natural rule, and in the afternoon its slopes are covered in fog and it often rains.

Mountain Kuban is a huge territory with mountain peaks that you will want to conquer. This is the launching pad for conquering the peaks of the Central Caucasus, and don’t look at the fact that the heights in the Reserve are not so great, even at them you will be able to fully enjoy the experience, but more on that another time.

After conquering the summit of Mont Blanc, Mountaineer's Day began to be celebrated all over the world. The mountains and the breathtaking beauty of the views attract many enthusiasts, some dedicating their entire lives to it. Kuban also has its own interesting places and routes that are worthy of attention both for professional climbers and for those who simply want to enjoy unity with nature and an easy climb.

1. Mount Tsakhvoa

Mount Tsakhvoa is the highest point in the Krasnodar region. Its peak is 3346 meters above sea level. It is worth saying that it is located on the territory of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. According to tourists, this is one of the most beautiful peaks in the Caucasus. On the northern slopes you can see a glacier with an area of ​​about 2500 sq. m. It descends down the slopes in three narrow tongues. It is believed that the glacier is one of the largest in Kuban.

To get there from Krasnaya Polyana, you need to obtain a pass from the Reserve and a pass from the border guards in advance, just in case. Base camp is usually set at an altitude of about 2500 meters. To climb to the very top, experts recommend not neglecting an ice ax and helmet, as well as a rope.

2. Mount Fisht

Photo: Anna Andriyanenko, VK Press

Mount Fisht is known to many tourists and climbers as highest point Lago-Naki plateau. Together with Oshten and Psekha-Su, it forms the Fisht-Oshten massif on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. Its height is 2868 thousand meters. There are many things about these mountains beautiful legends that attract the attention of travelers.

Translated from the Adyghe “fisht” is translated as “gray-haired” or “white head”. There are several ways to get to the top of the mountain. It will be easiest to do this through the Great Glacier; it will be more difficult along the eastern wall. There is an option to exit through the Fisht shelter between the Belorechensky and Armenian passes. It will be easier to climb in the summer, but in winter it will be possible to conquer the peak with suitable equipment.

3. Mount Big Thach

In fact, there are different opinions about which Bolshoi Tkhach belongs more to: the Krasnodar Territory or Adygea. The mountain is located on their border in the watershed area of ​​the Malaya Laba and Belaya rivers. The height of Big Thach is 2368 meters. If we translate the name into Russian from Adyghe, we get “forever young god.” Some local residents they call it Lysa, which can confuse tourists a little.

The mountain is also interesting because it contains several caves, which many residents and guests of the region want to visit. For example, Crystal or Move to the Underworld. You can get to the place in different ways, but the most common route is from the village of Novoprokhladny. The other starts from Uzlovoy in the Mostovsky district. You can also get to Bolshoi Tkhach from Psebay, the route will be difficult, but very beautiful.

4. Pseashkho mountain range

This mountain range is located 20 kilometers from Krasnaya Polyana. It is usually referred to as the Main Caucasus Range. There are such peaks as the main one - Northern Pseashkho, 3267 meters high, Southern Pseashkho - 3251.2 m, Uzlovaya - 3196 and others. The lowest is Western Pseashkho - 2899.8 m. There are also 11 glaciers in this massif. The largest of which is the largest in the entire region.

Many peaks have different routes of difficulty for tourists and climbers. For example, a four-day trip from the camp on the Bzerpinsky cornice. Travelers are invited to visit Semiozerye, climb from the Pseashkho pass to Perevalnaya Yuzhnaya and other peaks.

5. Mount Agepshta

This is the highest Mountain peak on the border of Russia and Abkhazia, located on the Gagra ridge. Its height is 3256 meters. It can best be viewed from observation tower Bolshoy Akhun Mountains. Routes of varying difficulty have been developed for climbing Agepshtu. To get to the southern slopes, where the ascent is easiest, the most logical thing to do would be to move through Abkhazia from the Geg waterfall. Travel is possible at any time of the year.

Kuban Mountains.

(Thematic line)


  1. Expand children's understanding of mountains;
  2. Introduce the mountains of the Krasnodar region;
  3. Foster a sense of pride and admiration for the nature of your region;
  4. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, explanatory dictionary, audio recording, thematic poster.

Stroke of the ruler.

Presenter 1. (slide 1) " Better than the mountains there can only be mountains that you have never been to before” - the famous lines from the song belong to V. Vysotsky. How many poems and songs are dedicated to them.

Mighty mountains, steppe expanses.

The edge of the seaside coast...

Forests and glades, gardens and estuaries -

All our native Kuban.

The snowy peaks are cold and majestic, but stand lifeless and inaccessible. Even mountain eagles cannot reach here. Only climbers can conquer the peaks. But for this you need to be strong and resilient. Mountains have always amazed people with their size, so many proverbs and sayings are associated with them(children's performance):

  1. When you have completed all your homework in the evening, you can say:the mountain fell off my shoulders;
  2. But there were many lessons for you tooI had to move mountains;
  3. And it’s impossible otherwise, because it’s on youthey hope as if they were hoping for a stone mountain;
  4. Good for those who livebeyond the mountains, beyond the valleys;
  5. They always have it there, like in a fairy tale feast on the mountain;
  6. If you succeed, they will say about you that yourthings went uphill;
  7. Like this. We don’t promise you mountains of gold, but we’ll tell you about the mountains themselves.

Presenter 2 . (slide 2) In the Ozhegova dictionary, MOUNTAIN is a significant hill rising above the surrounding area.

(slide 3) South of the Kuban River, the Trans-Kuban Lowland gradually gives way to a hilly, wrinkled surface. This is the foothills of the Western Caucasus, stretching from the village of Verkhnebakanskoye to the Urup River. The foothills pass into the mountainous part of the main Caucasus ridge, which occupies 1/3 of the area of ​​the region. There are high ridges, deep gorges, wide valleys along which mountain rivers roar and foam.

Caucasus Mountains begin off the coast of the Black Sea, not far from Anapa. They stretched southeast to the Caspian Sea.

(Children's messages):

  1. (slide 4) The highest mountain in the region is Tsakhvoe (3345 m).
  2. (slide5) On the tops of the Fisht (2867 m) and Chugush (3228 m) mountains there is snow even in summer.
  3. (slide 6) Fisht is a mountain in the West of the Greater Caucasus, in the upper reaches of the Belaya River. In Adyghe “fisht” means white head. This name was given to the mountain most likely due to the fact that the snow on its top never melts.
  4. (slide 7) highest peak The Caucasus - Elbrus - has been striking since time immemorial with its size, smooth outline and whiteness.

Presenter 1. ( slide 8) Many legends about Elbrus have been preserved in the memory of the Caucasian peoples. One of them talks about a huge bird named Simurgh. With one eye she sees the entire past, with the other - the entire future. When she rises upward on her huge wings, the earth trembles with mighty flaps, a storm rises in the mountains, and the sea boils with waves.

The Kuban River originates here.

Presenter 2: (slide 9) In the area of ​​the Fisht and Oshten mountains there is a picturesque mountain plateau Lago-Naki. According to one legend, this plateau was named so in memory of two lovers: poor Laki and the daughter of the prince of the mountain tribe - Naka. Lago, having learned about Naka’s father’s refusal to marry his daughter, threw himself into the abyss. Naki followed her lover.

According to another legend, Lago and Naki, not submitting to the prince, ran away from him high into the mountains and there they founded the village of Lago-Naki. There is no village on the plateau for a long time, there are no former inhabitants, but the memory of Lago and Naki exists.

Presenter 1 : In the city of Temryuk, Mount Miska is widely known for the fact that on its top in 1960 a symbol of eternal glory was installed - the T-34 tank, a monument to the liberators of Taman.

(slide 10) Mount Miska is a mud volcano. In the last century Miska was active active volcano. The volcano is currently inactive. The top of the mountain resembles a giant bowl, hence the name.

Presenter 2: (slide 11) Oshten is a mountain that is translated as follows: “osh” - cleaver, “ten” - drop. Thus, we can assume the following interpretation: the mountain on which the cleaver (axe) is dropped, in the sense of being so inaccessible that one must free oneself from excess load.

Presenter 1 : Scientists consider the Caucasus Mountains to be young. They are about 70 million years old. Compared with Ural mountains, these are mountains - preschool children. Previously, people believed that mountains were eternal and unchanging. But the rains and winds destroy the mountains. And it also happens that a mountain grows literally before our eyes. This happens when a volcano is born.

Listening to a song about mountains.