The world population of this people is more than 82 million people. Of course, the bulk of them live on the land of the states of the same name: Northern and Southern.

China ranks second. The top three in terms of the number of Koreans is completed by the USA. A little more than 2 million people live in these states. Japan is in fourth place. There are just over 900 thousand Asians here. Russia is behind Canada, which is in fifth position. Among the Russian-speaking nation, there are 170 thousand Asian people, while in the North American state there are just over 200 thousand. Where are the Koreans in Russia from?

The majority of the Korean population is atheist, but Buddhists and Christians are also common. Moreover, there are many of them only in South Korea, and in the Northern part there are mainly people who do not adhere to any religion.

More details about the life of the nation

Among the population of the Korean peninsula, such holidays as the first anniversary of the birth of a child, New Year, 60th anniversary. In addition, Harvest Day is celebrated annually, both in South Korea and North Korea.

The main food product is rice. Most often, Koreans eat it and some other food of animal origin. This is due to the fact that in ancient times many in the state were not able to afford vegetables and fruits. That is why traditional Korean dishes are represented by the listed types. Seafood is also popular. Most likely, many people know the fact that Koreans prefer spicy food. In their diet you can often find dishes with a high content of pepper: red, chili or ground.

If we talk about the manner of dressing, then this nation, unlike other Asian ones, prefers White color in traditional clothes.

Korean names typically have three syllables. The last name is written first, followed by the first name. It consists of two parts. The most popular generic names of this nation are Kim, Lee, Pak, Choi (Choi, Tsoi). After marriage, a woman keeps her maiden name.


Koryo-saram is the name of ethnic Koreans who live in post-Soviet territory and are considered descendants of the indigenous representatives of the nation. If we decipher this “name”, then the first part is a reference to the state of the people, which existed from 918 to 1392. “Saram” is translated from the language of this people as “man”. But still, many are interested in the question: where do Koreans come from in Russia?

Who are the Soviet and post-Soviet Koreans? These are people who call themselves direct descendants of Asians, living since the 60s of the 19th century. As a rule, they are migrants from northern regions the corresponding peninsula. Among them there are many Orthodox, Buddhists, and Protestants. Most of the representatives of this people speak Russian, but they do not know their native language.

Koreans began to appear in Russia en masse back in 1860. Migration reached its peak in 1930. It is worth noting that even the revolution could not stop it. Why did Koreans have such a desire to move to Russia? The incentive was the lack of land in their home state, the good attitude of local officials towards the people, as well as occupation actions on the part of the Land of the Rising Sun. An interesting fact is that the Chinese and Japanese communities on the territory of the USSR were destroyed, while the Koreans in Russia were able to survive and even began to develop.

In 1917, more than 100 thousand representatives of this nation already lived here. Most of them were in the Primorsky Territory (90%). When Stalin came to power, the people described were the first to be deported on ethnic grounds. However, already in 1935, according to the population census, more than 200 thousand Koreans lived on the territory of the USSR. After 2 years they were deported to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

It is worth noting that in Primorye, before these actions were taken by the government, the people were developing quite well and quickly. Moreover, the resettlement of Koreans to Russia continued. Two Asian districts, 77 village councils, 400 schools, technical schools, institutes, and a theater were opened here. Several magazines and newspapers in Korean were published in this territory.

In 1993, by decree of the government of the Russian Federation, Koryo-Saram were recognized as victims

On this moment More than 500 thousand Koreans live in the territory of the former Soviet Union. The leader in their number is Uzbekistan. The Russian Federation took second place. And how many Koreans live in Russia? According to the population census, which was carried out in 2010, more than 150 thousand people live here. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, most of the Korean population migrated to Russia and Ukraine.

Population of North Korea in Russia

Some part of the population lives temporarily or permanently in the Russian Federation. These are students, defectors. According to data for 2006, there were more than 10 thousand North Koreans on the territory of the Russian Federation. An interesting fact should be noted: individual members of the Korean Labor Party, who in the future had very significant influence, lived in the USSR until the country gained sovereignty. They moved to the DPRK only after its founding.

If we delve deeper into history, we should say that, starting from 1953, North Koreans lived in Russia only because they entered higher educational institutions located on the territory of the USSR.

In order to provide the Far East with workers who would perform labor duties at enterprises, from North Korea 35 thousand people were transported. Over time, this number has doubled. Closer to the 60s, North Korea demanded the return of its indigenous people to the territory of the state, and 10 thousand people were transported back.

The second wave of sending citizens began in the late 60s of the 19th century.

In fact, Koreans appeared in Russia for more serious reasons. They consist in the fact that unemployment still reigns in the northern part of the country. In 2006, scheduled transportation of citizens began. Only people from cities participated in this project. It is believed that they adapt more easily to the conditions of the Russian Federation. More than 10 thousand people were transported to the Far East thanks to work visas.

At the moment, the President of North Korea has concluded an agreement with the head of the Russian Federation to increase the number of people who will work in the territory of the Russian-speaking state. It is worth noting that the wages of forced migrants are quite low. 70% of the monthly amount is taken by the country “for the sake of trustworthiness.”

Refugees from North Korea

Due to the fact that economic growth in North Korea is gradually decreasing, the number of fugitives to Russia is increasing. As of 1999, there were from 100 to 500 migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, there are no more accurate data. There are also quite a lot of fugitive North Koreans on the borders of the Russian-speaking country who are not officially registered.

North Koreans in Russia constantly live on Far East. The vast majority of them fled from It is worth noting that the South Korean embassy refuses to provide shelter assistance to refugees from the North, and the Russian government detained at least one fugitive who tried to get into the consulate. Afterwards, attempts were made to deport this man.

The Memorial Society is currently helping refugees draw up the appropriate documents to recognize them as such. It regulates people’s appeals to the Federal Migration Service. Only after this procedure has been completed can refugees officially leave their country. Then they come to Moscow and contact the embassy of South Korea or any other state. Russia provides each migrant with 3 months of temporary asylum. After this period expires, they must obtain refugee status in a certain country and then move there for permanent residence.

"Russian" Koreans

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the governments of South and North Korea began to actively promote their territories. In other words, the struggle for compatriots began. The overwhelming majority turned their attention to South Korea. At first the Asians were glad that they received good places. However, after working a little, the Russian Koreans were completely disappointed in their “brothers”. They worked seven days a week for low wages, which were often not paid. Largely because of this, in the 90s of the 20th century, the number of Koreans migrating to the territory of the Russian Federation increased. Almost throughout their entire lives, these people adopted the mentality of the country and its customs. Therefore, native residents often complain that Russian Koreans in Russia have adopted too many bad habits and are now very similar to the people around them.

Now, especially in those places where its representatives work on the ground, it forms quite close groups. These people have virtually no contact with the population, or more precisely, with the indigenous people - their interests do not intersect. I would like to say that it would be great if the Koreans and Russians looked for more points of contact. This way ethnic conflicts could be avoided.

Sakhalin Koreans

How many Koreans are there in Russia? We are not talking about the total number, but only about Sakhalin representatives. The number of this diaspora is about 45 thousand people. 10% of them are representatives of Koryo-saram, while the remaining 90% are descendants of South Korean workers who were brought as labor to Sakhalin. This happened during the annexation of Korea by Japan. All of them still live on Sakhalin Island. Often the people are considered as a separate diaspora that has no contact with other Koreans.

The formation of this group began after 1870. The first census of Koreans on Sakhalin was carried out by the writer Chekhov, who visited the island. In 1897, according to population counts, there were just over 65 Asians out of 28 thousand inhabitants. In the period from 1905 to 1937. a small group of Sakhalin Koreans, like Koryo-saram, were deported to Central Asia.

Famous Koreans in Russia

Famous Koreans in Russia who were born on the territory of the USSR and the current Russian Federation are Nelly Kim and Viktor Tsoi.

Nelly Vladimirovna Kim was born on July 29, 1957. Her place of birth is the city of Shurab, located on the territory of the Tajik SSR. Nelly glorified the Soviet Union, being a five-time Olympic champion, five-time world champion, two-time European champion and multiple champion of the USSR. In 1976, she was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports.

Her father is a Sakhalin Korean, her mother is a Tatar. She spent her childhood in the south of Kazakhstan. Nellie started playing sports at the age of 10. And by 1970 it had become a worthy opponent. In 1975, Nelly won the European Championship. A year later she received her third victory at Olympic Games in Montreal. In 1977, she married a Belarusian gymnast and moved with him to Minsk. In 1979, she was awarded the title of absolute world champion. It should be noted that Kim is the first gymnast who participated in the Olympic Games to receive the maximum score (10 points) for floor exercises.

After her career ended in 1980, Nellie began coaching national teams. During the same period, she received the position of international referee, and also judged all the major competitions in the world. He has two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor. At the moment, Nellie lives with her new husband and daughter in the USA.

Viktor Tsoi was able to become a legendary rock musician, songwriter and artist in a short time. He is also the leader and founder of the Kino group. In it he sang, played the guitar, wrote poems and music for them. He starred in several films.

Victor was born on June 21, 1962 in Leningrad. He began his activities as a poet, singer and composer in 1978. His father, Robert Tsoi, is an engineer of Korean descent, and his mother is an ordinary physical education teacher. Victor's parents divorced in 1973, but a year later they remarried. Tsoi studied at an art school, but was expelled for poor academic performance. After that, he began studying to become a woodcarver. In his youth, Victor was a fan of Boyarsky and Vysotsky. He was heavily influenced by Bruce Lee. He began to imitate his image and began to get involved in martial arts.

The Kino group in Victor's biography ranks significant place. This team has become truly legendary. It did not exist for long: it was founded in 1984 and disbanded in 1990. The group gave its last concert on June 24 of the final year. After him, Tsoi and a friend retired to the dacha, where a new album was recorded. It was released in December of the same year and was called "The Black Album". The cover lived up to the title. Probably, the group would have existed much longer and would have received worldwide recognition... However, in August 1990, at the age of 28, Viktor Tsoi died. According to official version, he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a bus. Fans call their favorite performer, composer a person with capital letters. They still dedicate songs to him and visit his grave. This tragedy came as a shock to everyone.

Life of Koreans in Russia

As you might guess, the Korean diaspora in Russia is heterogeneous. This is due to the fact that Asians constantly moved from place to place and changed the areas where they live. As a rule, residents of North Korea ended up in the Far East, and residents of South Korea ended up in Sakhalin. At the moment, many Asians are interested in whether Koreans need a visa to Russia, but more on that later.

The diaspora also consists of those who came to the territory of the Russian Federation as students. They, as a rule, remain to live in the state after graduating from higher education. educational institution on an ongoing basis. The Korean population living in Korea is divided into 3 types.

  • The first group consists of those who have local citizenship.
  • The second group includes those who are registered in North Korea but have received permanent residence permits.
  • The third group included those who were unable to obtain citizenship.

It is also worth saying that relations between members of the Korean diaspora are quite tense. When Asians from Central Asia and Kazakhstan were sent to the territory of Sakhalin, they, due to the fact that they knew the Russian language well, constantly applied for leadership positions. That is why they tried to emphasize their superiority over other Asians. After Russia improved ties with the Sakhalin Koreans, due to their good command of their own language, they were able to find positions as translators and managers in international companies, embassies, representative offices and churches. There has always been a wary attitude towards North Korean refugees. Moreover, this is manifested not only on the part of Russia and South Korea, it is also noticeable in the actions of their sister state.

Koreans in Russia have already changed their way of life and traditions, which have long undergone some changes. The population, due to the influence of Russian culture on them, slightly changed their way of life. Many of the Asians accepted Baptism.

Now the Korean diaspora in Russia is one of the largest in the territory. The overwhelming majority of these people speak Russian. Only about 40% speak Korean.

Mostly these people profess Orthodoxy. However, in some groups, Confucianism and Buddhism predominate.

At the moment, Korean culture has begun to develop in Russia. People restored schools and began publishing publications. The Embassy of the Republic of Korea provides them with assistance in this regard.

Visa regime

Do Koreans need a visa to Russia? The clear answer is yes. It should be issued, since it is impossible to enter and stay on the territory of the Russian Federation legally in its absence. In order to obtain a visa, an invitation is required. It doesn’t matter, both an ordinary person and an organization can do this. A visa for Koreans to Russia (it can be tourist, private, business or work) is issued by contacting the Russian Consulate in South Korea. The registration procedure and deadlines will be indicated by a specialist directly at the embassy.

North Korea earlier this year offered Russia to switch to visa-free regime. However, this issue has not been fully resolved.

Koreans about Russia and Russians

Koreans constantly talk about how Russians drink quite a lot. By the way, many firmly believe that Russia is the USSR. And they are very surprised when they arrive and realize that this is not so.

Koreans talk about Russia quite interestingly. Some people think that in summer period It's never warm here. Also, many immigrants are surprised that there are short girls here. In their opinion, all ladies should be taller than 170 cm.

WHERE THE KOREAN LAND CAME FROM Many in Russia think that the Korean language is most likely related to Chinese and Japanese. The logic behind this assumption is simple and... incorrect: since these countries are adjacent to each other, and they use some kind of “incomprehensible squiggles” for writing, they must be related. However, in reality this is not so, or rather not entirely so. The Japanese and Korean languages ​​are indeed related to each other, but Korean historically has nothing to do with the Chinese language. Although the Korean language has been greatly influenced by Chinese, although it has a great many Chinese borrowings, the historical roots of these two languages ​​are completely different. Oddly enough, the Korean language is distantly related to... Hungarian and Finnish, but not to Chinese. Let me remind you that, depending on their origin, languages ​​are united into groups, and those, in turn, into language families. If we use examples well known to Russians, then one language group includes, for example, Slavic languages ​​- Russian, Polish, Serbian, and many others. All of them are descendants of the Old Church Slavonic language, which was spoken by the common ancestors of these peoples about one and a half millennia ago. Another group is the Romance languages: French, Italian, Romanian, Spanish. All of them are descendants of Latin, which separated from each other about one and a half thousand years ago, after the fall of the Roman Empire. However, Slavic, Germanic, Iranian, and North Indian languages ​​are all members of one language family, which is called Indo-European. It includes almost all the languages ​​of Europe - English, German, Spanish, Russian, as well as the languages ​​of the Middle East (for example, Iranian) and Northern India (Hindi). They all descended from a common ancestral language spoken by our common ancestors approximately 6 thousand years ago. It is curious, by the way, that contrary to popular belief, the similarity or difference in appearance (or, as scientists say, “anthropological appearance”) of people speaking two languages, as a rule, does not say anything about whether these languages ​​are related. In addition to the Indo-European family, there are about four dozen others in the world. You can name, for example, Sino-Tibetan, which includes Chinese and many languages ​​of South Asia, or Altai. The languages ​​of some families are spoken by hundreds of millions of people, while other families are very tiny, consisting of only a few languages, each of which is spoken by several hundred people. For almost a century, linguists have been trying to figure out which group and family the Korean language belongs to. It has been carefully compared to many neighboring languages. By the way, I note that comparison of languages ​​is not made on the basis of external similarity or the presence of similar sounding words, this is a special and complex science. Establishing the relationship of languages ​​allows us to understand where the ancestors of a particular people lived, where they came from to their current territory (and all the peoples on our planet once upon a time, albeit a very long time ago, nevertheless came to the places that have now become their homeland). For a number of reasons, finding out the ancestry of the Korean language turned out to be a difficult task and required considerable effort from linguists. After considerable work, it was discovered that the Korean language does not belong to any language group, it exists on its own, and it has no close linguistic relatives. This shows that several thousand years have passed since the Koreans became a separate ethnic group. However, it cannot be ruled out that other languages ​​related to Korean previously existed, but they disappeared without leaving behind written monuments. However, although Korean (as, by the way, and the distantly related Japanese) does not belong to any language group, it has recently been proven that it is a member of the Altai language family, although it occupies a very isolated position in it. It happens. For example, Armenian or Albanian languages ​​are Indo-European, they are distantly related to Russian or English, but they have no close relatives and do not belong to any language group. So, Korean is an isolated language of the Altaic family (the other isolated language of this family is Japanese). Apparently, the ancestors of the Koreans came to the Korean Peninsula from somewhere in Manchuria, Mongolia or Altai several thousand years ago. In addition to Korean, the Altai language family includes languages ​​such as Mongolian, Turkish, and Manchu. Some scientists even believe that the Altai family is related to the so-called Ugro-Finnish language family, but this is still just a hypothesis. If it is confirmed, it turns out that Korean is very distantly related to Hungarian and Estonian (both are languages ​​of the Ugro-Finnish family). Andrey Lankov (“Chaotic Notes of a Korean Scholar”)

(based on personal observations)

1. There are many beautiful girls in Korea. Well, that is. for those who are able to appreciate the Asian type of beauty, and even more so are lovers of it, there is room to turn around.

2. To feel beautiful, a Korean girl must have white skin and big eyes.

3. To have white skin, Korean girls avoid the sun's rays in every possible way, walk the streets covered with a layer of anti-tan cream and under umbrellas. Marketers also actively take advantage of this weakness by offering lines of special skin-whitening creams.

4. The best graduation gift for a modern Korean schoolgirl is an operation to widen the eyes or narrow the nose.

5. Korean girls paint their lips differently - erasing, lightening the outer contour of the lips (rather than emphasizing it, as we often do), and apply a bright special lipstick - tint - to the inner surface of the lips, which creates the effect of such a cute baby's juicy mouth. I bought myself such a thing, I like it)).

6. Since I spent a day in a Korean women's bathhouse, I can say the following: Naked Korean women made a strong impression on me. Most of them - perhaps the overwhelming majority - are quite slender. And many are frankly goddesses. Even those with less than ideal figures are not flabby or loose, toned, with good skin. A Korean woman's breasts are actually a work of art. Even older women have practically no saggy, elongated breasts; almost all of them are very neat and have small nipples.
This observation was confirmed by other people who have been to Korean baths - the breasts of Korean women of almost any age are like those of our 20-year-olds.

7. The only nuance that is unusual for modern Europeans is that Korean women are very natural in the bikini area; almost no one shave.

8. Korean women have very good posture. I think it's genetic - due to centuries of Asians sleeping on the floor.

9. As I understand, naturally black hair is also a scam - that’s why both Korean boys and Korean girls tint and lighten their hair in every possible way. But before blonde - extremely rarely - apparently, it is very difficult to kill the natural black Asian pigment.

10. Korean hair and skin care products are some of the best in the world. Even those free shampoos that I tried in regular hotels had a better effect on my hair than here the expensive professional Goldwells, Loreals and other crap.

A little about Koreans

Where did Koreans come from?

To the question “who are Koreans?” many will answer “they are Asians, and they live on the Korean Peninsula, in two countries - North and South Korea.” And someone might even call them Chinese or Mongols. There are many options, because until now scientists and historians have not come to a common conclusion, continuing to put forward various hypotheses about the origin of the Koreans.

There is a version that for about six thousand years, Paleo-Asian tribes living in northern Siberia settled in Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula, where they met with the Maek tribes who settled there, resulting in the formation of the Korean people.

Someone says that the Altai peoples have come from the foot Altai mountains to Manchuria, the Korean Peninsula and Japan, where they had to confront the Chinese Yihan, so the tribes rallied over time, forming the peoples of Koreans, Mongols, Turks, etc.

There is an opinion that the primitive Tungus are Koreans, formed as a result of the merger of three tribes: Phan Ung who arrived from Central Asia, Buyo who came from the steppes and Saki from Turkey. These three tribes came to northern China, where they mixed with local peoples, and then settled on the Korean Peninsula.

But DNA studies show that the Korean people originate from the eastern part of the Sayan Mountains and the environs of Lake Baikal. But one thing is certain: according to their anthropological type, Koreans belong to the East Asian branch of the Mongoloid race. Modern Koreans speak Korean and call themselves “Choson saram” in North Korea, and “Hanguk saram” in South Korea. Koreans live not only on the Korean Peninsula, there are quite a lot of them in China, the USA and Japan. Russia ranks eighth among these countries with a Korean population of 180 thousand people. The very ethnic name of Russian Koreans is “Koryo saram”.

Koreans. Interesting Facts

  • Korean carrots are a dish invented by Russian Koreans and have nothing to do with traditional Korean cuisine;
  • The first thing a Korean will ask you after greeting is “Are you hungry?” Food is a very important thing in the Korean mentality;
  • Koreans are very hardworking, losing a job means the end of everything sacred in life;
  • Lack of sleep is an indicator of performance. For example, a student defending his thesis should look green and half-dead, otherwise he may be reproached for not being diligent enough;
  • For men, in line with a small face, a wasp waist and expressive lips, the ideal of female beauty fits... big ears;
  • Until 1994, a couple with the same last name could not enter into an official marriage - the registry was stamped “relatives” and the married couple did not have the opportunity to register their children;
  • In Korea, they try to avoid the number 4 because it sounds like the word “death.” Therefore, in buildings, often after the third floor there is a fifth, or the four is replaced by the letter F;
  • Koreans drink a lot of alcohol. The average annual amount of alcohol per capita is 9.1 liters;
  • About 90% of Koreans are myopic, and they prefer glasses to lenses, as this is considered an indicator of a good mind;
  • Baseball is the most popular sport in Korea;
  • Plastic surgery is an important part of the life of almost every woman (and men too);
  • Many Koreans sing well but dance poorly. This is why they are so excited about Hallyu artists;
  • You cannot write the name of a living person in red ink - this will bring death to him. The thing is that previously the name of the deceased was written in red letters on the tombstone;
  • 93% of South Korean students graduate from university;
  • South Korea ranks second in the world in terms of the number of people who read;
  • South Korea's literacy rate is 99%;
  • Neither North nor South Korea perceives each other as an independent country. That is, South Korea automatically grants citizenship to a resident of the North, just as North Korea automatically grants citizenship to a resident of the South;
  • Every fifth Korean has the surname Kim, the eighth has Lee, the tenth has Park;
  • Koreans do not call the Sea of ​​Japan as such, but call it the East Sea. This is due to long-standing conflicts between states.

The question of the origin of the Korean people still remains open. There are many versions explaining the emergence of Koreans in our world. According to one of them, the Korean people first formed about 6,000 years ago and lived on the territory of modern Siberia. Then, as a result of migration, settlement occurred, which stopped on the Korean Peninsula. At that time, the Mak tribes lived there, with whom the Siberian tribes managed to establish relations.
Another version says that the ancestors of the Koreans are the current Altaians. Migration affected Manchuria, the Korean Peninsula and Japan. The unification of the tribes was facilitated by the opposition to the Chinese Yihan.
According to DNA research, the Korean people first formed in the vicinity of Lake Baikal. Anthropologists classify them as East Asian representatives of the Mongoloid race. Interestingly, their numbers are large not only in South and North Korea, but also in the United States. There are now about the same number of Koreans living in Los Angeles as there are in Seoul.


A distinct feature of Korean faces is square cheekbones, small noses, and eyes, on the contrary, seem quite large. South Koreans They differ from the northern ones in softer features. This is connected not only with ethnogenesis, because the standard of living in South Korea or the United States is incomparably higher. Plastic surgery is popular in South Korea; girls and boys often resort to the services of cosmetologists, so they look well-groomed and pretty.
Most Koreans are short and love stylish and sometimes quirky hairstyles. A characteristic feature of the entire nation is a predisposition to wearing unusual clothes. It’s not for nothing that Koreans are called the most stylish Asians on the planet - walking through the center of Seoul, you will feel like you’re at a fashion show.


The history of the Land of Morning Freshness begins in the Joseon era. Scientists believe that the ancient ancestors of modern Koreans lived during the Paleolithic. The main activity of ancient Koreans was hunting and fishing.
The era of ancient Joseon began around the 4th century BC. Many Koreans believe that the country's history began in 2333 BC, which is associated with the mythical ruler Tangun, the founder of Joseon. This word literally means morning freshness, hence the popular poetic name of Korea.
Joseon remained an independent state until 109 BC. Afterwards it was conquered by the Chinese Emperor Wu Di, a representative of the Han Dynasty. However, the Chinese could not control the country, since the population rebelled throughout its territory.
In the first millennium, the development of three states began, which marked the beginning of the era of the three kingdoms (Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla). Goguryeo, a state that occupied large areas in the northern part of the peninsula. Its possessions extended to Manchuria. The state was forced to fight with the Chinese dynasties. Some battles ended successfully, which made it possible to annex new territories. The three Korean kingdoms themselves also regularly clashed with each other, although they were united by a common religion - Buddhism.
The Silla state begins its existence in the 6th century and quickly comes to an alliance with the Tang Empire. The power of Silla and Tang turned out to be too great for Goguryeo and the state of Baekje, so both of them lost, surrendering their possessions to the Chinese empire.
However, in the 7th century, an ongoing struggle for freedom began, with Silla supporting it. As a result, the dances declared war on their former allies. Later, a country called Bohai appeared in Silla territory.
In the 8th century this state reached its peak. Agriculture, various kinds of crafts, science and writing actively developed. In the 9th century, uprisings became more frequent, which led to the beginning of the Time of Troubles.
In 918, the military leader Wang Gon came to power. He came from a merchant family and initially had great ambitions for the future. Having become ruler, Wang Gon proclaimed a new state - Koryo. In European sources it was written as "Korea".
Wang Gon will become famous for his cunning and strategic thinking. He managed to enter into alliances with influential feudal lords, which contributed to the unification of lands and the expansion of the state. Under Van Gon, a system of administrative division developed. A noble class emerged, which included officials who governed peasants and owned slaves. Thanks to its developed defense and army, Goryeo was able to repel attacks from neighboring tribes, who created a country called Liao.
The war with its neighbors gradually depleted Goryeo, so it was necessary to establish diplomacy with the Liao. The situation was aggravated by regular Jurchen invasions from the north. The decline of Goryeo began in the 13th century, and as a result of the formation of the Mongol hordes, Goryeo began to weaken significantly. In 1259, the state was forced to sign a peace treaty with the Mongols, but the Koreans did not accept defeat and began to prepare for mass uprisings, which reached their peak in the 14th century, as a result of which the Mongols began to retreat.
The end of Goryeo came with the disappearance of the last monarch, who was killed by General Yi Seong-gye (1392). From this moment the reign of the Li dynasty began, which lasted more than 5 centuries.

Founder and 1st Wang of the Korean Joseon Dynasty - Lee Seong Kyo

The state regained its original name Joseon and its capital Seoul (then Hanyang). The ideology of the ruling elite was based on neo-Confucianism. The new Joseon flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries. Peace reigned in the country, there were no raids from foreigners, which contributed to the development of encouragement from the monarchs, contributed to the rise in the level of art, medicine, science and Agriculture. Ruler Sen Jong Lee ordered the beginning of a chronicle and a description of the geographical location of Korea. During these years, a clear hierarchy system was formed in the country.
The next stage of Korean history was turbulent. Yongsan came to power, who did not allow the development of science and became known as a champion. The prince loved hunting, was likened to passions, and for the sake of his own interests was ready to destroy entire settlements. Thus, many houses were destroyed in the suburbs of Seoul to clear hunting grounds.
All this prompted peasant uprisings, the largest of which was the revolt of 1467. Even with constant suppression, people resisted and continued to fight against their own state.
Historians consider the Japanese invasion to be the most difficult period for Korea. The capture of Busan and Seoul, further battles that weakened the army, led to the defeat of Korea and its capture by the Japanese. The Japanese invaders prohibited Koreans from speaking their native language, took away their land, and did not allow them to develop their economy.
In 1919, liberation movements inspired by the Russian October Revolution launched a wave of riots against the Japanese. In 1945, Japanese troops were defeated, which contributed to the liberation of the Korean people. However, the influence of the Soviet Union later led to the division of the country into North and South Korea. A peace agreement has now been reached between the countries, which officially ends cold war, which lasted almost a hundred years. Peace was officially concluded in 2018.


In the post-war years, South Korea was in decline. Hard work and the emergence of economic freedoms helped it flourish. Entrepreneurs began to actively develop in the 90s of the last century, and now South Korea is one of the most developed countries in the world.
All Korean people are characterized by hard work and a passionate desire to work. Various US universities have conducted studies that have proven the ability to work tirelessly for 10 or even 12 hours every day.
Confucianism had a significant influence on the character of Koreans. His spirit can be felt in almost every Korean enterprise, where management strives to build collectivization into a cult. For Koreans, work is a second home. Therefore, members of the management team are perceived by employees as parents: their authority is undeniable, they need to bow from the waist up, like older relatives, always be smiling and not show dissatisfaction. If an employee is called to work overtime, he must agree. In exchange, a person receives social protection, benefits and insurance - this is very important, because South Korea does not have an established insurance system. Layoffs happen extremely rarely, which gives every person confidence in the future. He can be transferred to another position, to another company, but no one will fire him.
Promotion in Korean companies takes into account the merits of the employee. Experience, which is considered the main factor in promotion, must be taken into account. This fact clearly shows Confucian ethics, according to which the elder should receive benefits first, and the young should be inspired by a similar example.
Koreans often follow in their parents' footsteps. If they worked in medicine, then the son will become a doctor or medical engineer. The daughter will go to work in the company where the mother has worked for the past 10 years. This continuity is explained quite simply, because if the child’s parents felt good in one place, then the child will be comfortable.
It is not customary for Koreans to quarrel, since open conflicts are condemned in society. Even within a family, only older people can afford to swear.

The concept of statehood is important for every Korean. From bitter experience, the people know that a weak state promises famine, strife and civil strife, raids by warlike neighbors and decline. For a long time, private property was perceived as something incomprehensible, while state property, on the contrary, has long been held in high esteem.


IN last years Western influence has somewhat changed the approach to life. The building of businesses, the spread of Catholic churches, and the popularization of fast food chains all clearly indicate significant changes in Korean society. However, government bodies still have the right to interfere in a person’s private life, although efforts are being made to abolish their powers and reform the very work of the state apparatus. Until recently, a person could receive a sentence of up to 2 years for treason. In the 70s, the police actively fought against miniskirts, catching girls and measuring the length of this item of clothing with a tape measure.
Recent decades for Koreans have been characterized by a clear change in morals. If previously young people were obliged to ask their parents for approval in order to get married, now more and more often girls and boys leave this decision entirely to themselves. However, even now relatives tend to take the initiative, selecting the most suitable candidates for their children.
In Korean society, love marriages were very rare. Only in legends could one hear about lovers going against the whole world. In reality, marriage was needed to strengthen the influence of some families over others. And love should come after marriage.

Previously, Koreans chose their environment based on their ancestry. Man chose friends and partners based on their origin. In some cases, this approach has been preserved, although it is gradually fading away.
The divorce rate for Koreans is very low, because family is the highest good. Relatives are always ready to help children and grandchildren. The concept of clanism has been preserved for Koreans living in the Far East of the Russian Federation. One clan can number 200 people, and everyone must gather during the holiday, so women have to cook a lot. Each member of the clan (even the youngest) bears a great responsibility, but this person can always be sure that they will be helped in any difficult moment.
Every Korean honors his parents. Their character includes boundless love for their father and mother. The eldest son usually always lived with his parents, although now this rule is not always observed. Children help each relative if necessary. Therefore, the older generation is not too worried about old age, because even if problems arise with pension provision in the state, children will always help.

Men and women

The Korean man has always been perceived in society as a breadwinner. This attitude continues today. Careerism is rare among women.
Korean women of the older generation can adhere to fairly strict principles, but younger ones often ignore them. Interesting fact: Most decisions in modern Korean families are made by the wife, but the father is the main one in raising children. Wives manage finances, distribute money for general expenses and private ones.

As a result, we can draw 3 main conclusions regarding modern life Koreans:

  1. Traditional education, which professed Confucianism and Taoism, is gradually losing importance.
  2. The influence of the West can be seen more and more, which affects behavior and taste preferences.
  3. Conservatism, in the opinion of modern youth, seems archaic. Young people try to communicate with representatives of other cultures and peoples. Recently, interethnic marriages have become more common.


Much has been preserved in the traditions of the Korean people since the times of the Koryo state.

  • The many types of dances associated with classes clearly illustrate the peculiarities of the life of Koreans. The dances were mainly performed by villagers or jesters at the king's court. Nowadays, in a number of choreographic schools, the art of dance is taught as a serious discipline. The most popular is the dance of the fluttering butterfly - pakchommu;
  • Painting in Korea gained unprecedented popularity during the Joseon era. Drawings on silk, written with ink and vegetable paints, have survived to this day. Artists depicted nature and its inhabitants, and ordinary people depicted problems of everyday life;
  • Koreans pay special attention to gardens. The traditional version of the Korean garden was formed more than 2000 years ago. Its main elements are streams, ponds, rocks and waterfalls, trimmed trees and beautiful pagodas;
  • The national costume of Korea is called hanbok. The main elements in it are a blouse, a skirt in the female version, and paja in the male version. Female National Costume has a pinkish tint and expands towards the floor, forming something like a dome. The men's one has a shorter look, from under it you can see the man's wide pants and shoes. Some Koreans wear hanbok every day. This everyday option is made from durable cotton.


The Korean people have preserved many traditions. A wedding in Korea is a unique phenomenon. It differs from the European one - the event takes place in a ritual hall. Occasionally, the celebration may be moved to a restaurant or conference room. The bride and groom must wait in separate rooms for the ceremony to begin. Guests can take a photo as a souvenir. Wedding dresses represent suits and dresses familiar to Europeans; in some cases, traditional hanbok is used.

Wedding dances are performed to the music of Wagner. The father must accompany his daughter on the way to the altar, and the ceremony itself is performed by a close relative of the groom. A child's first birthday plays a significant role in Korean society. The holiday is called toljanchhi and people prepare for the important event in advance. On an important day, many guests come and gather in the yard and wait for the baby to appear. Each guest brings a gift and personally congratulates the parents. The child is dressed in a hanbok, and objects symbolizing good luck, prosperity, success, etc. are placed around. The baby himself must take the object he likes in his hand, which determines future fate.


In Korea, Seollal is celebrated - an analogue of the European New Year. The day of celebration is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. For three days, Koreans dress up in traditional clothes, visit relatives and walk along the seashore to watch the sunrise. In Seollal, it is customary to remember deceased ancestors, prepare special dishes and congratulate parents by bowing deeply.

The Chuseok holiday is considered significant, during which it is customary to honor ancestors and harvest the harvest. Harvest refers to products: they are used to prepare dishes that decorate the table. On Chuseok, Koreans gather with guests, remember their ancestors and bring gifts to the cemetery. On the holiday, it is customary to treat brownies and thank the spirits for the harvest. A special feature of the festival are mass launches kites.
On August 15, the country celebrates Liberation Day. Officials and public figures take part in the celebration. Mass amnesties of prisoners are often held on August 15th.
The richness of the Korean people's culture is truly amazing. Dating back to ancient times, Korean culture has undergone significant changes in modern world. However, once you have visited Korea, you will understand that its people have not lost their cultural values ​​and continue to honor the memory of their ancestors.