Dilapidated mansions, of which there are many all over the world, make a depressing impression, but always attract many who like to delve into old stories.

Peeling walls, on which traces of graffiti are visible, the remains of broken furniture, empty windows and things of previous owners, have their own unique energy, and they look very photogenic, so such houses are simply a haven for photographers and lovers of mysticism!

One of these incredibly atmospheric places is the once abandoned Villa de Vecchi, also known as the “Haunted Mansion”. This one is located an old house among the mountains of Italy, not far from Lake Como, and for many years has had the reputation of being a rather mysterious place.

The history of the old villa begins in the 1850s, when the local Count Felix de Vecci, returning from long trips around the world, decided to build a cozy nest for his family. He hired the Italian specialist Alessandro Sidoli as an architect, under whose leadership the building was built in the Baroque style.

In the first years of its existence, Villa de Vecchi produced for its guests unforgettable impression: its walls and ceilings were decorated with elegant frescoes, there was a beautiful piano in the huge reception hall, and a richly decorated fireplace warmed the house with the warmth of its fire. A wonderful park was laid out around the villa, in which there was even a fairly powerful fountain, powered by water pressure from the mountainside. It was a luxurious mansion, surprising guests with many construction innovations previously unknown to them.

Unfortunately, the subsequent history of this house is rather gloomy - despite the wealth surrounding the owner’s family, they were unable to live happily ever after there. Returning home one day, the count found his wife brutally murdered, and his daughter completely disappeared from the house, leaving no traces. The desperate father searched for her for several weeks in the surrounding forests, but never found her. Distraught with grief, Felix de Vecci committed suicide at the age of forty-six.

This tragedy occurred in 1862, after which the villa passed into the hands of the count's younger brother, who became the last occupant of this house. Now the building is in an abandoned state, frightening local residents with its dark beauty and terrible stories.

Murders, suicides, occult rituals of black magic, two world wars - the Ghost Mansion has seen many horrors in its lifetime and has earned the dubious reputation of the most famous haunted house in Italy. Nowadays Villa de Vecchi stands abandoned, abandoned and dilapidated, which only adds to its gloomy glory and attractiveness in the eyes of tourists hungry for thrills. There are quite a few such adrenaline maniacs wandering around here, and local old-timers unanimously claim that at night the sounds of pianos and human screams can be heard inside the old mansion.

History of Villa de Vecchi

The creepy mansion, located in northern Italy east of Lake Como, was built in the mid-nineteenth century by order of Count Felix de Vecchi, the famous patriot, participant in the War of Independence and hero of the Milanese uprising of 1848, known as the Five Days of Milan. The Count happily survived the revolutionary events and in the coming peaceful times took on the construction of a country estate, choosing a picturesque plain and entrusting the project to the architect Alessandro Sidoli. The count's summer residence was completed by 1857, but the chief architect did not see it. He died a year before the completion of construction and opened a grim list of victims of the ghost mansion. According to legend, the aristocrat’s misfortunes began immediately after the construction was completed, because it was here that the war hero found his wife and daughter dead. Whether the legends lie or not, it is absolutely certain that the hero of the revolution died in April 1862, after which the summer house fell into disrepair.

In addition to the “ghost mansion” and “ghost house”, Villa de Vecchi has a third popular nickname - the Red House. This bloody name appeared in the 1920s, when the famous occultist, Kabbalist and Satanist Aleister Crowley stayed here, who found the ideal place for his black rituals and mystical rites. Crowley spent several nights in the villa, after which he left, but his followers remained and used the hacienda for sacrifices and the Black Mass for many years. Over time, the Satanists left the terrible palazzo, but the memory of sacrifices and murders remained. The infamous building has also been preserved, although its technical condition leaves much to be desired and is deteriorating every year. The outside walls are covered with moss and ivy; inside, the frescoes and tapestries are practically destroyed due to dampness and vandalism of uninvited guests.

Photo of an Italian haunted house

In 2002, a significant event occurred, which once again emphasized the sinister nature of this place in the eyes of the local community. An avalanche came down from the mountain, the plain was covered with stones and huge boulders, but the elements spared the architectural heritage of Felix de Vecchi, without causing any harm to it. And local residents are not at all happy about the happy rescue of the palazzo from a natural disaster.

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"Villa Mussolini" is also known as Villa de Vecchi. It got its name from the Italian commander of the Dodecanese archipelago under Mussolini, Count Cesare Mario de Vecchi. This ardent supporter of the Italian National Fascist Party and confidant of the Duce rebuilt the beautiful historical building in order to live in it himself, and in the summer to use it as the summer residence of Benito Mussolini. The leader of the Italian fascists intended to hold a last years his life after retirement, but never had time to visit the island. Thus, the house went down in history as “Mussolini’s Villa,” although the Duce never saw it.

Villa Mussolini is a two-story building with a total area of ​​757 m², unique from an architectural point of view. The villa, located on a plot of land with an area of ​​8100 m², has been abandoned for many years. After the Italians left the islands, for some time it was the resort home of the Greek royal family, and then - after the liquidation of the monarchy - it became the property of the Greek state, writes ITAR-TASS.

In 1912, after the defeat of the Turks during the Italo-Turkish War, Italy received Rhodes. The Italians controlled the island until 1943. After Italy left the war in 1943, the island was occupied by German troops.

Since 1945, Rhodes, like all the Dodecanese Islands, has fallen under British protectorate. According to the Paris Agreements of 1947, taking into account the desire of the islanders for enosis - reunification with Greece, as well as Greece’s contribution to the allied victory and the sacrifices made by the Greek people, the British agree to transfer the Dodecanese Islands to Greece. In 1948 it was reunited with Greece. wiki

Cesare Maria de Vecchi, 1st Count of Val Cismon (Italian) Cesare Maria De Vecchi, Conte di Val Cismon; November 14, 1884, Casale Monferrato - June 23, 1959, Rome) - Italian colonial administrator and fascist politician.

From 1936 to 1940 De Vecchi served as governor of the Dodecanese, supporting the use there Italian language. The following year he was elected to the Fascist Grand Council and on July 25, 1943, he voted for the Dino Grandi resolution that removed Mussolini from the position of the Duce. As a result, he was sentenced to death by the court of the Italian Social Republic. But with the help of the Catholic Church he was able to escape to Latin America. wiki

Elafos Hotel, address - Salakos 851 06, Griechenland.

Hotel “Elafos”, which means “Doe”. The hotel building, like the villa, was built in 1929 to accommodate Italian officers.

During World War II, Italian officers also lived here, then the building was used as a German military hospital.

In 1932, a new independent wing was built next to the Elafos Hotel (below on the map to the left of the hotel) called "Elafina", making the complex known as "Elafos-Elafina".

Across the street from the hotel is the Elafaki restaurant.

Just behind the restaurant building is the destination of our trip - the “Haunted House” (that’s how it is labeled on the Google map) / “Villa Mussolini” is also known as Villa de Vecchi.

A structure I don’t quite understand on the side of the hotel.

Our way up, we started to the left of the restaurant. Along the road we began to come across some dilapidated buildings.

A little higher up is a large building of unknown purpose.

On the left, in a room with a small window, there is a bathtub and traces of a toilet, then there are small rooms of the same size. I guess it was a servants' house.

We go around the building on the left side, going up the mountainside a little.

Having walked along a fairly wide road, which a little further runs along the roof of the “servant’s house”, we came to a villa with east side(entrance and main entrance are on the west side).

Near the house you can see a stone bench and overgrown flower bushes.

You can already see through the bushes beautiful view on the sea, which was once enjoyed by people sitting on a stone bench.

All the walls outside and inside the building are written and painted with “rock” paintings of tourists who visited here.

By going around the villa on the right, you can get inside, we only went to the first floor and then to the nearest rooms, I strictly do not recommend going up to the second floor, since in several rooms the ceilings are rotten through and through and if something happens to you, then “ ambulance“It will take a very long time to get here.

Entrance to the house from the entrance.

The room in which the boiler for heating the house and water is located.

Mattresses are scattered on the floor.

Kitchen room.

The most beautiful room in the house with an amazing view of the sea.

In the corner lies something similar to a homemade so-called. "Devil's Board", which can be seen in almost every horror film about ghosts. Most likely, someone tried to contact the souls of their former owners;)

The tiles on the floor have been preserved here since the construction.

View of the house from the entrance.

Garage. In the photographs from 2 years ago, the garage door was still in place. Now part of them lies on the steps of the main entrance.


A few tens of meters west of the villa there is an abandoned church.

View from the porch of the church towards the villa.

View of the villa from the road.

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All over the world there are abandoned buildings covered in legends of the past. Those who like to tickle their nerves often go there to see paranormal activity with their own eyes. And skeptics, who cannot be frightened by any ghosts, listen with interest to the stories associated with this or that house. In this post, we have collected the creepiest abandoned buildings that will give you chills.

There are many legends surrounding this creepy abandoned hotel located in Cyprus. Many people claim to have seen ghosts there. “Why would there be ghosts there?” - you ask. And it was like this...

In 1930, the hotel flourished and was the most popular tourist destination. Berengaria was owned by a very rich man who had three sons. When the father died, he decided to divide the inheritance in the form of a hotel and family wealth equally between his sons.

Through certain time The brothers began to quarrel over the division of profits generated by the hotel. And soon after the start of the conflict, they all died under very strange circumstances.

Not knowing the true reason for their death, people decided that their father and the hotel, which, by the way, turned out to be abandoned, took revenge on them. Locals They took out everything they could carry from there. And it is believed that the hotel has become a haven for the ghosts of greedy brothers.

This now abandoned former sanatorium building is located in Louisville, Kentucky (USA). In the 20s of the last century, this city had the highest mortality rates from tuberculosis, as it was located in a swampy area. In 1926, a sanatorium was built here, famous for its advanced methods of treating tuberculosis, which was then incurable.

Nevertheless, the mortality rate in the sanatorium was very high. So that patients would not see how many people were dying, it was decided to build a special tunnel 150 meters long and send the bodies of the dead through it to railway station. It was called the "Tunnel of Death".

When a cure for tuberculosis was finally found, the sanatorium was empty. Afterwards, it housed a nursing home with a treatment center, which was closed due to the terrible living conditions of the people. There was even talk of conducting experiments on older people. The building has been empty since then; vandals broke its windows and took out all the furniture.

Everyone who visited this abandoned place vied with each other about high paranormal activity there. In addition to strange sounds, slamming doors, randomly moving objects, visitors saw here a little boy playing with a ball, a woman with cut wrists calling for help; a hearse pulling up to the service entrance of the building where coffins were being loaded into it. We also saw the ghosts of two nurses here, one of whom hanged herself after learning about being infected with tuberculosis, and the second of whom jumped out of the window.

The forgotten estate of the Demidov family is located in the village of Taitsy in Leningrad region, approximately 39 km from St. Petersburg. The owner of the house was industrialist Alexander Demidov.

They say that Demidov’s daughter, Sophia, suffered from tuberculosis in her youth. So that she could take walks in the fresh air without leaving the house, the corridor of the house ran in a circle along the windows, and wide glazed terraces were installed on the sides of the building.

The legend said that the seriously ill Sophia read a lot and dreamed of taking up natural science, following the example of her grandfather. But the illness did not leave her. One autumn day, from the terrace of the mansion, Sophia noticed an unfamiliar young man in the park. The girl violated the doctors' ban and left the house to meet the young man. They started meeting every day. But one day the young man did not show up at the appointed hour. A thunderstorm broke out outside the window, and Sophia kept running out onto the main staircase to see if her friend was coming. Running out again, Sophia slipped and, hitting her head on a stone step, died.

Since then, her ghost appears on the terrace and halls of the house during thunderstorms.

Source: vsenovostint.ru

In fact, this is just a legend. And Sophia recovered safely and married Chief Jägermeister Count Pyotr Gavrilovich Golovkin. She died at the age of 62.

But extreme travelers claim that in the estate you can meet the spirit of Alexander Demidov himself. If you hide on the main staircase of a house under the cover of night, you can hear rustling sounds on the upper floors, as if something or someone was quietly turning over the pages of an old book.

The abandoned Villa de Vecchi, also known as the “Haunted Mansion,” is located in Italy near Lake Como. For many years now, it has attracted lovers of mysticism from all over the world, thanks to its mystery.

In 1850, having returned to his homeland after long wanderings, Count Felix de Vecci decided to create a cozy nest for his family. And he succeeded. In the first years of its creation, the villa charmed guests with its warmth and comfort. It had a large piano and a warm fireplace, the walls were decorated with expensive frescoes. A wonderful park was laid out around the villa, in which there was even a fairly powerful fountain, powered by water pressure from the mountainside.

An abandoned "ghost mansion" has been left to crumble in the mountains of Northern Italy.

East of Lake Como, nestled in the wooded Cortenova mountains, stands the abandoned Villa de Vecchi. It was built in the 1850s as the summer residence of Count Felix de Vecchi. But within a few short years of completion, the house witnessed an inexplicable series of tragedies that forever cemented its reputation as a creepy place.

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After witnessing murder, suicide, war, and possibly some dark magic, the house was finally abandoned in the 1960s. In subsequent years, the infamous "Red House" (nicknamed after the supposed visit of occultist Aleister Crowley there in the 1920s) became a place of pilgrimage for diggers and thrill-seekers and abandoned places.

Originally located in a 32-acre park, the mansion's architecture was a mixture of baroque and classical oriental styles, and was equipped with all modern amenities, including heating pipes, freight elevators, and a large fountain.

The walls and ceilings were decorated with frescoes and friezes, and the main office had a huge fireplace and a beautiful grand piano. Extensive gardens and picturesque surroundings surrounded the house.

Count Felix de Vecchi was the head of the Italian National Guard and the heroic liberator of Milan from Austrian rule in 1848. Well-read and well-educated, the Count set out to build a dream home for his family with the help of architect Alessandro Sidoli.

The architect died a year before the villa was completed, and many see his death as the first bad omen.

The Count and his family visited Villa de Vecchi during the spring and summer months, and by and large led an idyllic existence. But when the count returned home in 1862, he saw that his wife had been brutally murdered and his daughter had disappeared. The Count undertook a lengthy, unsuccessful search for his daughter before committing suicide that same year.

Then the villa was transferred to Felix's brother, Biago, who reconstructed the building and significantly rebuilt it. Biago and his family continued to live on the estate until World War II, after which they abandoned it forever. The house passed from one owner to another, but by the 1960s, the “Ghost Mansion,” as it came to be called, was abandoned forever by its owners.

Local residents claim that they see ghostly entities here at night. Despite the fact that the piano has long been broken into pieces, music can still be heard coming from the house at night.