Between Cape Uret and the village of Maryino, 27 kilometers from Chernomorskoe, there is such snow-white sand and a clear sea that it seems as if you were somewhere in Egypt. Even when there is a storm everywhere, it is almost always calm here. It’s surprising that this place has so far been chosen by a few “savages” - at the beginning of August, when the holiday season is in full swing, you can find no more than a dozen companies pitching tents at a distance of 200-300 meters from each other. Freelance artists unfurled their canvases on the shore and enjoyed the beauty at sea underwater world diving lovers. holidays in Crimea.
On the right bank of the beach there is the Tarkhankut recreation center, owned by the State Flight Academy of Ukraine. Mostly pilots, dispatchers and other representatives rest there civil aviation. Spartan holiday conditions are justified by the very low cost of living - 40 hryvnia per bed. By the way, as we managed to find out, it is located on the site of a former German airfield. One of the participants in the Great Patriotic War told how in 1941, when he was one of two thousand people evacuated from Odessa on the steamship Fabricius, while crossing from Cape Tarkhankut to the Evpatoria port in the area of ​​Cape Uret, the ship was attacked by German seaplanes. The torpedoes passed by, under the bottom, and those accompanying the ship opened fire on the Nazis. patrol ships, so “Fabritius” managed to escape. Rest in the Crimea. True, a year later it was still sunk near Anapa. Despite the fact that it was not possible to find reliable information about the location of the German airfield in this place, the passengers of the ship saw seaplanes rise from the high bank. In addition, it is known that by the beginning of the war, the Luftwaffe hydroaviation was already represented by the eighth PPS detachment, which was armed with the He-59, Arado-196 and Dornier-24 floatplanes.
After the war, Cape Uret was used by the Soviet Navy as a place to locate a deviation range, which is used by ship navigators during orientation. To this day, special towers remain on the deserted shore - fragments of a training ground forgotten after the collapse of the USSR.
Cape Uret is popular among yoga lovers. Every year people with a certain mindset gather here to conduct meditation sessions. For week-long seminars on restoring the body’s energy, the organizers of such “gatherings” collect 200 euros! On the cliff, from which an amazing view of the “blue lagoon” opens, twice a day the seminar participants sit in the lotus position and nourish their bodies with energy. Rest in the Crimea. In the mornings it is especially quiet here, only a light blow of the wind and the whisper of the awakening sea can be heard. In this case, only the lessons themselves are paid for, accommodation is in your own tents, food is at your own expense. By the way, the “guests” of the “blue lagoon” recommend bringing gas burners with them, since you won’t find firewood here, and the administration of the camp site vigilantly ensures that visitors do not light fires, because dry grass, especially in August, can easily ignite. Residents of the village of Maryino constantly bring water, milk, yoghurts, ice cream, pies, samsa and other products to the beach. So you won't die of hunger here.
Not far from Cape Uret is the village of Okunevka - one of the most popular resorts today. And a little further, near the village of Znamensky, there is the Greco-Scythian settlement of Belyaus. This is where vacationers on Maryinovsky Beach most often make excursions. As archaeologists told us, excavations have been carried out here since the 60s of the last century. It is believed that in the second half of the 4th century BC. e. An ancient Greek settlement arose here, which was a fortified estate. Rest in the Crimea. A powerful multi-story tower rose near the shore. Its walls were made of beautifully hewn blocks. One of the participants in the Soviet expedition noted in his diary that he was amazed by the quality of the masonry, which was made without any mortar and has survived to this day. 600 years later, the estate was attacked by the Scythians, who pushed the Greeks south. The new owners strengthened the base of the tower with an additional anti-ram belt. The belt, made of huge blocks, had original height about five meters and gave the bottom of the tower the appearance of a pyramid. Its remains can still be seen today.
Interestingly, most of the estate is now under water - after the waters of the world's oceans rose, the shallow western coast of Crimea was flooded. But in addition to the underwater city, divers are also attracted by the ancient ship that sank here. It was discovered in 1961 while digging a canal for the passage of ships to Donuzlav, when one of the units of the Black Sea Fleet began to be based in the bay. Among the archaeologists' loot were amphoras of the 4th-3rd centuries BC, a wooden anchor and bronze nails.
By the way, lovers of “wild” recreation also pitch tents near the archaeological camp. But only those who have not yet been to the “blue lagoon”. Holidays in Crimea.

> > >

Beach at 35 Battery - " Blue Bay", in Sevastopol one of the most popular, both among city residents and vacationers. It is always crowded here, from mid-May until the end of the swimming season.

All these photos of the “Blue Bay” of Sevastopol were taken in September. As you can see, there are a lot of people, including in the sea (which means the water is warm), so if you weren’t able to get away on vacation in the summer, don’t despair - the Velvet season in Crimea, beautiful!

Holidays in Crimea in the “Blue Bay” of Sevastopol

The main advantages of this beach:

  1. A transparent sea, in which it is pleasant not only to swim, but also to dive (they offer to learn how to scuba dive right on the beach).
  2. A white beach covered with large pebbles, which towards the water's edge, as well as the first 3-4 meters in the water, turns into very small pebbles, almost sand. Therefore, if you are going on vacation with your children in Sevastopol, feel free to choose “Blue Bay”.
  3. There is everything you need for relaxation - canopies, locker rooms, dry closets, cafes and retail outlets with inflatable rings, masks, towels, souvenirs and other small items. Descents and passages are equipped with wide wooden stairs.
  4. You can get to the Blue Bay beach in Sevastopol by public transport or by car.
  5. The picturesque rocks around are sometimes reminiscent of the famous, sometimes even lunar landscape. People dive from them, sunbathe on them, and take pictures in front of them.

There are many mini-hotels located near the beach, so finding accommodation here is not difficult. Another reason why tourists choose this place is the historical and memorial complex “35 Coastal Battery"is an impressive landmark of Sevastopol. One of the most heroic places of defense of the city during the Great Patriotic War. By the way observation deck Battery Beach is visible in full view - two shining white crescents, washed by an unrealistically azure sea.

How to get to the Blue Bay beach in Sevastopol by car. The map shows that the beach is located in the southwestern part of the city near the Cossack Bay microdistrict of Sevastopol; you can get to the Blue Bay by car only from here, turning left from the highway behind the high-rise buildings, right before the descent. The road here is a country road, quite bumpy, but fortunately short. There is plenty of parking space.

Here is a video of the “Blue Bay” of Sevastopol, both the beach and the surrounding area are clearly visible, including cottage village, where housing is rented out to vacationers, and the 35th Battery:

The overwhelming majority of reviews about the Blue Bay of Sevastopol are positive. Tourists like that it is cozy here, it rarely happens a big wave, it’s not a long walk to the sea. I like that tourists, in addition to the above-mentioned diving, also have other entertainment:

  • kayaking;
  • attractions - slides, trampolines, etc.
  • sea ​​excursions, etc.

Living in this area it is convenient to go on excursions to Sevastopol, Balaklava and South coast Crimea.

How to get to the Blue Bay beach in Sevastopol by public transport

There are several routes that go here:

  • bus number 105 (from the 5th km through the Central Market) to the stop. "Blue Bay";
  • minibus (topik) No. 77 to the stop. "Blue Bay";
  • minibus (topic) No. 95 (from Central Market) before turning to Cossack Bay, in this case go a little further.

Probably the only drawback of this place is the bad road on the last part of the journey.

Near Cape Uret and the village of Maryino there is amazing place which is called Blue Lagoon.

Visitors who come here are amazed by the beauty of the lagoon, which is beautiful in sunny weather and stormy weather.

This perfect place for relaxation, creativity, diving.

“Blue Lagoon”, Koktebel in Crimea: amazing forces of nature

Uret and the area around it in different years World War II, and then during the existence of the Soviet Union, they were used for military purposes.

In particular, a German airfield, and then a deviation range, which was used by ship navigators to navigate the sea. Now only a few towers remain from the landfill.

Now on the shore of the lagoon there is a recreation center called Tarkhankut. Those who want to be in nature, meditate, and draw come here. For example, yogis come to the cliff to get a boost of energy near the sea.

The shores of the Blue Lagoon are an attractive place for lovers of “wild holidays”, so there are many tents on the beach. Considering that it is quite a long walk to the nearest village from the Blue Lagoon, which is located near Koktebel, Crimea, so experienced travelers recommend stocking up necessary things in advance.

This applies not only to tents, but also to gas burners and bedding. Build a fire on the coast, which officially belongs to tourist base, is prohibited, and this is strictly monitored here.

Food products can be purchased from residents of the village of Maryino, who regularly bring here all the essentials.


The main activity of those who come to the Blue Lagoon in Koktebel is diving. Everyone loves to dive here.

Moreover, the seabed keeps many secrets and mysteries. You can find wrecks of sunken ships, admire fish and algae.

Not far from the beach are the villages of Okunevka and Znamenskoye, near which archaeologists conduct excavations every year. There is a Greco-Scythian settlement here, called Belyaus.

It arose in the 4th century. BC. thanks to the efforts of the Greek colonialists, it had the appearance of a fortified estate, which was protected from the shore by a massive multi-story tower. The walls of the building were made of hewn blocks, which were folded without the use of mortar.

However, the tower is now in excellent condition. After the Greeks, the site was captured by the Scythians, who strengthened the settlement with a special belt.

It was a ditch made of large stone blocks and was 5 meters high. As a result, the tower looked like a pyramid.

Now half of the settlement is under water, as a result of flooding. A ship from the period of antiquity was also found there, which archaeologists found in the early 1960s.

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A unique bay on the western coast of Crimea, far from civilization, attracts artists and divers.

Between Cape Uret and the village of Maryino, 27 kilometers from Chernomorskoe, there is such snow-white sand and a clear sea that it seems as if you were somewhere in Egypt. Even when there is a storm everywhere, it is almost always calm here. It’s surprising that this place has so far been chosen by a few “savages” - at the beginning of August, when the holiday season is in full swing, you can find no more than a dozen companies pitching tents at a distance of 200-300 meters from each other. Freelance artists unfurled their canvases on the shore, and diving enthusiasts enjoyed the beauty of the underwater world at sea.

On the right bank of the beach there is the Tarkhankut recreation center, owned by the State Flight Academy of Ukraine. Mostly pilots, air traffic controllers and other civil aviation representatives rest there. Spartan holiday conditions are justified by the very low cost of living - 40 hryvnia per bed. By the way, as we managed to find out, it is located on the site of a former German airfield. One of the participants in the Great Patriotic War told how in 1941, when he was one of two thousand people evacuated from Odessa on the steamship Fabricius, while crossing from Cape Tarkhankut to the Evpatoria port in the area of ​​Cape Uret, the ship was attacked by German seaplanes. The torpedoes passed by, under the bottom, and the patrol ships accompanying the ship opened fire on the Nazis, so the Fabricius managed to escape. True, a year later it was still sunk near Anapa. Despite the fact that it was not possible to find reliable information about the location of the German airfield in this place, the passengers of the ship saw seaplanes rise from the high bank. In addition, it is known that by the beginning of the war, the Luftwaffe hydroaviation was already represented by the eighth PPS detachment, which was armed with the He-59, Arado-196 and Dornier-24 floatplanes.

After the war, Cape Uret was used by the Soviet Navy as a place to locate a deviation range, which is used by ship navigators during orientation. To this day, special towers remain on the deserted shore - fragments of a training ground forgotten after the collapse of the USSR.

Cape Uret is popular among yoga lovers. Every year people with a certain mindset gather here to conduct meditation sessions. For week-long seminars on restoring the body’s energy, the organizers of such “gatherings” collect 200 euros! On the cliff, which offers an amazing view of the “blue lagoon,” twice a day, seminar participants sit in the lotus position and nourish their bodies with energy. In the mornings it is especially quiet here, only a light blow of the wind and the whisper of the awakening sea can be heard. In this case, only the lessons themselves are paid for, accommodation is in your own tents, food is at your own expense. By the way, the “guests” of the “blue lagoon” recommend bringing gas burners with them, since you won’t find firewood here, and the administration of the camp site vigilantly ensures that visitors do not light fires, because dry grass, especially in August, can easily ignite. Residents of the village of Maryino constantly bring water, milk, yoghurts, ice cream, pies, samsa and other products to the beach. So you won't die of hunger here.

Not far from Cape Uret is the village of Okunevka - one of the most popular resorts today. And a little further, near the village of Znamensky, there is the Greco-Scythian settlement of Belyaus. This is where vacationers on Maryinovsky Beach most often make excursions. As archaeologists told us, excavations have been carried out here since the 60s of the last century. It is believed that in the second half of the 4th century BC. e. An ancient Greek settlement arose here, which was a fortified estate. A powerful multi-story tower rose near the shore. Its walls were made of beautifully hewn blocks. One of the participants in the Soviet expedition noted in his diary that he was amazed by the quality of the masonry, which was made without any mortar and has survived to this day. 600 years later, the estate was attacked by the Scythians, who pushed the Greeks south. The new owners strengthened the base of the tower with an additional anti-ram belt. The belt, made of huge blocks, had an original height of about five meters and gave the bottom of the tower the appearance of a pyramid. Its remains can still be seen today.

Interestingly, most of the estate is now under water - after the waters of the world's oceans rose, the shallow western coast of Crimea was flooded. But in addition to the underwater city, divers are also attracted by the ancient ship that sank here. It was discovered in 1961 while digging a canal for the passage of ships to Donuzlav, when one of the units of the Black Sea Fleet began to be based in the bay. Among the archaeologists' loot were amphoras of the 4th-3rd centuries BC, a wooden anchor and bronze nails.

By the way, lovers of “wild” recreation also pitch tents near the archaeological camp. But only those who have not yet been to the “blue lagoon”.
My family and I come here every year because we love privacy. It is quiet, calm, there are few people and the sea is cleaner than anywhere else. Just like in the movie “The Blue Lagoon”, only without the palm trees. But don't write anything about this place. Otherwise they will come tomorrow and ruin your entire vacation!
Sergey, vacationing from Kirovograd

on the very shore of the Black Sea west coast Crimea in resort village Sandy.

Year of construction: 2007.

Operating period: from 05/01/17 to 09/30/17.

Building No. 1.
Number of floors: 1.
Number of rooms: 4.

Distance from the sea: 20 m.

Building No. 2.
Number of floors: 1.
Number of rooms: 4.
Transition between buildings: no.
Distance from the sea: 20 m.

Building No. 3.
Number of floors: 1.
Transition between buildings: no.
Distance from the sea: 20 m.

Building No. 4.
Number of floors: 1.
Transition between buildings: no.
Distance from the sea: 20 m.

Buildings No. 5,6.
Number of floors: 3 (including attic).
Transition between buildings: no.
Distance from the sea: 20 m.

Building No. 1.

  • 2-seater category B.
    Room size, sq.m: 18.
    Number of main seats: 2.

  • 2-seater category A.
    Room area, sq.m: 25.
    Number of main seats: 2.

    In the room: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, separate beds.
Building No. 2.
  • 2-seater without air conditioning.
    Number of main seats: 2.
    Quantity additional places: 2 (sofa).

  • 3-seater without air conditioning.
    Number of main seats: 3.
    Number of additional seats: no.
    In the room: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, separate beds.
Building No. 3.
  • 2-seater category B.
    Room size, sq.m: 18.
    Number of main seats: 2.
    Number of additional seats: no.
    In the room: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, separate beds.

  • 2-seater category A.
    Room area, sq.m: 25.
    Number of main seats: 2.
    Number of additional seats: 2 (sofa).
    In the room: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, separate beds.
Building No. 4.
  • 3-bed with partial amenities.
    Number of main seats: 3.
    Number of additional seats: no.
    On the floor: shower, toilet. In the room: washbasin, TV, refrigerator, separate beds. Bathroom for 15 rooms, at one end of the corridor - for men, at the other - for women (2 showers in each).

  • 4-seater without air conditioning.
    Number of main seats: 4.
    Number of additional seats: no.
    In the room: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator.
Buildings No. 5, 6.
  • 2-seater category B.
    Room size, sq.m: 18.
    Number of main seats: 2.
    Number of additional seats: no.
    In the room: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, separate beds, balcony.

  • Double category A with sea/park view.
    Room area, sq.m: 25.
    Number of main seats: 2.
    Number of additional seats: 2 (sofa).
    In the room: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, separate beds or double bed, balcony.

  • 2-bed attic.
    Number of main seats: 2.
    Number of additional seats: no.
    In the room: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning.

Meals: canteen of the recreation center 100 m from the buildings.

Supply system: without food.

Children: accepted from any age.

Documents: passport, travel voucher, medical insurance policy, for children - certificate of epidemiological environment and vaccinations, birth certificate.

Check-out time: check-in from 14:00, check-out until 12:00.

Included in the price: accommodation.

For mobile application Yandex Maps Yandex Maps: open coordinates in the Yandex.Maps application)

For the Google Maps mobile app Google Maps: coordinates: 44.8467, 33.5961 (