You don’t have to travel far to see something interesting. In mid-November we went to the village of Fanagoriyskoye, in the Goryacheklyuchevsky district. It is less than 100 km from Krasnodar. We went in search of the Kesukh waterfall. Along the way we found a spring, a trough-shaped dolmen, mushrooms and even a lake.

How to get there?

From the village of Fanagoriyskoye to the waterfall - 11 km, you can walk or
We go by car to the Podnavisly tract, and from there it’s 3.5 km to the waterfall.

There will be a couple of fords before Podnavisla, any cars can pass them, there is little water. But after Podnavisla only a good SUV will pass, there are a lot of holes, puddles and dirt.

The road is wide and well-trodden. There were no people on the route; we met only one group of mushroom pickers.

About the waterfall

How “Kesukh” is translated is quite difficult to find; according to one version, it is “snow son”.

Kesukh is a tributary of the Chepsi River. From Adyghe “Chepsi” is translated as “cold water”. The place became popular in the early 80s.
The waterfall is located on an unnamed peak, 674 m high. The entrance to the stream is located just opposite famous mountain Navisla (704 m).

The waterfall formed in a small gorge, where there is a lot of green moss, tall pine trees and huge stones. The height of the waterfall is 20 meters, there are more waterfalls behind it, but there is no trail as such, you have to go around the rocks, the climb is steep and slippery, we haven’t climbed there yet.

The best time to visit is the winter months or March; even in November there was little water. The route is suitable for a one-day hike.

2. 11 people gathered for the hike, half of them were cheerful pensioners)) In the morning it was cold about +5, but in the afternoon it warmed up to +15.

3. The road started out dirty. In this weather we put on our boots.

4. We climbed a small hill reminiscent of the “Wolf Gate”; there was a trough-shaped dolmen.

5. We go down from the dolmen, there is a lot of green moss here.

6. The Chepsi River, on its banks we found beautiful places with “baths” for swimming and picnics.


8. We found mushrooms - honey mushrooms.

9. We ford the river.


11. We turn onto the Kesukh stream. There are a lot of green pine trees here.


13. And here is our waterfall.



Visiting a resort town Hot key, you should definitely go on an excursion to the waterfalls. One of the most beautiful and at the same time the most mysterious places is Hell's Falls. It received this terrifying name from its residents due to its landscapes. Swift water falls from sharp stones into a bowl several meters deep. The view is impressive, if a little ominous. Tourists who come to the foot of Hell Falls bring home a lot of emotions and many photographs that capture the beauty of the landscape.

Usually, tourist routes designed so that everyone can enjoy the beauty of this place to the fullest. Parking at Hell's Falls takes several hours.

Hell Falls, being a tributary of the stream of the same name, is part of the Chepsi River basin. Its height is only 12 meters.

How to get there?

You can get to the place on your own. Hell's Falls is located in the village of Fanagoriyskoye in the vicinity of Goryachiy Klyuch. From the center resort town Bus No. 193 runs there daily. However, before you go on a solo trip, you should evaluate your strength: a walk to Hell’s Falls can greatly tire unprepared tourists. It will be difficult to get into some places without special equipment.

That is why it is best to use the services of a guide, who will help you not get lost and tell you about all the sights along the way.

Photo from the site:

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Video from route markers

In general, the region of the route is rich in attractions: in Goryachiy Klyuch itself there is Dante’s Gorge, the Cockerel rock, within walking distance from the city, the Devil’s Mouth waterfall and the Mirror rock. In the immediate vicinity are the Kaverzinsky, Kesukhsky and Ayuksky waterfalls, the Bogatyrsky caves, the Podnavisla tract and simply picturesque meadows for a picnic along the Psekups River. At the entrance along the M4 highway from Goryachiy Klyuch to the village of Khrebtovoye, near the village of Pyatigorskaya, there is a memorial dedicated to the memory of the Soviet wars.

"Big Kaverzinsky Waterfall" is considered one of the most scenic spots in the area of ​​the Goryachiy Klyuch resort. The height of the waterfall is about 10 meters. It is preceded by several waterfalls ranging from 1 to 3 meters in height, including the Small Kaverzinsky Waterfall. There is a staircase attached near the waterfall; you can climb it to the Universitetskaya cave.

It is important to know

Limitations and Features

The route is accessible at any time of the year, except during high water, but it is best to visit the waterfall in late spring, when the forest is already green and there is still water in the riverbed, or in the fall.

The time it takes to complete the route greatly depends on the preparation of the participants. Expect that the entire route will take one day. The way back takes three times less time than the way to the waterfall.

Like most forests there are ticks.

Some plant species are dangerous:

- Caucasian ash tree. It blooms in May-June; its flowers, when in contact with human skin, cause severe pain and deep chemical burns.

- Hogweed. Blooms from late May to August. Grows on the banks of reservoirs, wastelands, and near roads. Its leaves and fruits, like ash, contain essential oils and upon contact with them a burn occurs; the most severe burns from hogweed can be obtained in sunny weather.

How to get there

The route is located in the south of Russia in the Krasnodar region, near the city of Goryachiy Klyuch.

Nearest cities: Goryachiy Klyuch (20 km), Dzhubga (40 km).

The route begins and ends at the village of Khrebtovoye, located on the M4 Don highway. The beginning of the active part of the route can be reached from the nearest town of Goryachiy Klyuch:

By bicycle, travel 20 kilometers from Goryachiy Klyuch along the M4 highway towards the city of Dzhubga.

By taxi from the bus or railway station in Goryachy Klyuch. Travel time is about 15 minutes.

By personal car. The car can be parked at the nearest farm.

On a regular passing bus traveling towards the city of Dzhubga, having agreed in advance with the driver. Stop in the village. The spinal bus does not make it and go back by regular bus it won't work.

Departure from the village of Khrebtovoye public transport complicated Despite the fact that there is a stop in the village commuter buses, they can’t even predict their appearance local residents. Agree in advance with the taxi driver about options for leaving the village of Khrebtovoye. The best option is personal transport.

Places for rest and overnight stays

The route does not include overnight stays.


It is necessary to take with you sufficient supplies of water for the entire trip.

The shops

Sufficient supplies of food and drink must be purchased in advance.

Don't forget to take it with you

  • Supplies of food and drink.
  • Remedies for mosquitoes and ticks.

Detailed route description

The route can be divided into two parts. The first part of the route, about 5 kilometers, runs along a rutted forest road with overcoming several, not deep, fords and a slight climb; you can walk or ride a mountain bike.

The second part is on foot; the approach to the waterfalls goes up the river bed in a small gorge. The trail goes along big stones, with climbs to small ledges and waterfalls.

The first part of the route begins at the exit from the M4 Don highway near the village of Khrebtovoye. The main landmark is a suburban transport stop and a monument to the Second World War (a mass grave of Soviet soldiers killed in battles with the fascist invaders in 1942-1943); between these objects there is a dirt road that goes into the forest in south direction. We stick to this road, after a few tens of meters we cross the ford and move on.

Having passed a farm, we come to a fork. You can reach the waterfalls along both roads; the road at the top (on the right, white marking) leads to an unknown camp site with a lake. The road is of better quality, but has a greater difference in elevation and uncertainty in the possibility of passing through the tourist center; beyond the tourist center it adjoins the marked route. The road below (on the left) is indicated on the track, marked with white\blue\white markings along the entire route. Along the road behind the fork there will be large and dirty puddles from time to time.

After 2 km there is another fork, we turn right, after the fork after 300 meters you need to cross a ford, the descent to the ford is very broken by jeepers.

Having passed the ford, we move 1.5 km along the main road. We go out to the parking areas, cross several small fords, after which the road ends and ends in a gorge.

The second part of the route begins. The next 2 km can only be covered on foot; we move into the gorge up the river. The path into the gorge winds from bank to bank; from time to time you have to walk along the riverbed. We climb the rocks and overcome the rubble of fallen trees. After 1 km to the right of the main channel, we meet the Small Kaverzinsky Waterfall.

We continue moving up the main channel, after a few meters we meet a small waterfall, which you will need to climb, for this there is a rope tied to the left side. Having risen, we continue to move along the riverbed, after 1 km we come up against a wall 10 meters high, along which a wide ribbon of water flows, this is the “Big Kaverzinsky Waterfall”.

For the second part of the route (moving into the gorge along the river bed), you can plan a 3-hour journey to the waterfall and 1 hour on the way back to the road and parking areas.

  • 1864 - Date of foundation of Goryachiy Klyuch
  • 17 - This amount mineral springs used in Goryachiy Klyuch
  • 65 km - Separates Goryachiy Klyuch from Krasnodar.

Well, everything is clear with the Hot Key itself, but what to do if you want more? This perfect place for research. The surroundings of Goryachiy Klyuch are fraught with many interesting sights: Kaverzinsky waterfalls, the Mirror rock, Bogatyrsky caves, etc. Let's consider three listed places. Perhaps even a little too much for one day!

Rock Mirror

This smooth and even rock huge size is striking in its scale. It is convenient to combine an inspection of the Mirror rock with a walk along Goryachiy Klyuch, since the route begins right in the city.

To get to Mirror Rock, you will need one of two things: either a guide or a navigator with a track. If you have neither one nor the other, you can use the mobile navigator for your smartphone This is an excellent program where all the sights are marked, and it works even without the Internet and network.

When going to the Mirror rock, it would be most convenient to make a small circle and at the same time see a few more sights. This is a ferruginous spring (there’s nothing beautiful here, it’s worth going to it just for healthy water), Dragon's Mouth waterfall and viewing platforms from the Kotkh ridge. The end point in this case will not coincide with the starting point, and you will exit right at Dante’s Gorge.

Dragon's Mouth Waterfall

Another name is the waterfall on Maltsevoy Stream. In summer it almost always dries out.

Observation platforms on the Kotkh ridge

The next attraction is already located outside of Goryachiy Klyuch. These are the Bogatyr caves. To get to them, you need to leave the city and drive towards Dzhubga. Where there is a sign on the route to Fanagoriyskoye, you need to turn off and drive about a kilometer to the beginning of the route.

Bogatyrsky caves

  • 650 m — Length of the trail from the road to the caves.

The route to the caves is short. It will take you no more than an hour to do everything. By the way, on the way to the caves there is a good picnic spot with a table and benches.

Kaverzinsky waterfalls

  • 6 km — Route length (one way).
  • 3 - There are so many waterfalls along the way. And this is not counting small water slides and beautiful rapids.
  • 10-12 m - Height of the Big Kaverzinsky waterfall.

If you drive from Goryachiy Klyuch towards Dzhubga, then on your left will be the village of Khrebtovoye. This is where the route to the Kaverzinsky waterfalls begins. You need to turn left where there is a small monument near the road, and then drive along the gravel road inland, cross the river (it is shallow, but the ford is reliable) and leave the car at Uncle Vova’s farm. Parking here is paid, it costs 200 rubles. If your car’s cross-country ability allows it, then you can drive it much further!

Path to the waterfalls

It passes first along a forest road, broken by SUVs, and then along the bed of the Tambovskaya Shchel river. If you want to feel confident, wear rubber boots, they will keep your feet dry.

First waterfall

It is located on a tributary that flows into the Tambov Gap River.

Second waterfall

It is literally 100-200 meters from the first waterfall.

Hell's Waterfall in Goryachy Klyuch (Goryachiy Klyuch, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

  • Last minute tours to Krasnodar region

They say you can look at fire and water endlessly. Perhaps the crowds of tourists who have walked the difficult path to the fantastically beautiful Hell Falls will be direct confirmation of this. Well, how else can we explain the fact that the flow of water, completely low by world standards, rushing off the sharp stones, literally attracts travelers of all ages to stay longer? So they sit, silent, enchanted and reverently contemplating nature in the flesh. Well, having paid a one- or two-hour tribute to the waterfall with a terrifying name, they hurry on, so that on long winter evenings they can remember that rumbling rustle of water, the glare of the sun and the emerald green of the moss around.

It is no coincidence that Hell's Falls is considered one of the most beautiful places in the vicinity of Goryachiy Klyuch. Of course, a certain flair of romance and entertainment is given to it by its name, which came from nowhere. They say that this stream of water got the name Kingdom of the Dead because of its impressive appearance. They say that water falling from a height of 12 m into a bowl several meters deep produces a gloomy impression. And the sharp stones that break through at its top add tragedy to the overall appearance.

Be that as it may, the majestic Hell Falls remains one of the most popular attractions of Goryachy Klyuch. It is located in the Chepsi River basin and is part of a tributary of Hell Creek. It will be problematic for an unprepared tourist to get there on his own - it is better to go to organized excursion or find an experienced guide who will show you all the amazing natural and man-made beauties of Chepsi.

It is no coincidence that Hell Falls is considered one of the most beautiful places in the vicinity of Goryachy Klyuch. Of course, a certain flair of romance and entertainment is given to it by its name, which came from nowhere.

Well, if you have free time and desire, it is better to plan your trip so as to see several waterfalls at once, in addition to Hell. After all, this area is included in the pool the most beautiful river Psekups, which means that in the area you can find 15 small rivers, 50 streams and as many as 22 waterfalls. Alas, getting to them is not so easy, but the walk will be even more interesting. Tourists will be treated only to protected areas, relict forests, incredible natural beauty and the most elegant waterfalls of all types and sizes. Don't forget about special equipment and comfortable boots

Address: Krasnodar region, Hot Key, p. Phanagorian. You can get to the village by bus No. 193, which runs every day from the center of Goryachiy Klyuch.