In Moscow you can often hear many enthusiastic stories. Indeed, sometimes it is amazing that among the metropolis there are still islands of greenery, comfort and tranquility. This is very important for the population major cities, because you still need to rest from the noise and bustle. Of particular interest is the national biological station, which is located in the park and also deserves special attention.

A little about the park itself

Losiny Ostrov is wide famous Russia. Its area is truly vast (about 116 sq. km), it is located on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. The park consists of forest, ponds and swamps.

Of course, most of it is occupied by forests; only 7% of the territory is allocated to water bodies and swamps. The park can be divided into 3 parts:

  • an area under special protection;
  • walking area and places for sports (mainly special routes are laid here, that is, visits are limited);
  • a recreation area that can be freely visited.

It is interesting that such a large territory consists of several smaller Shchelkovsky, Alekseevsky and Losinopogonny. Within the boundaries of Moscow there are Yauzsky and Losinoostrovsky.

Many people visit Elk Island National Park. The biological station located here especially attracts visitors.

History of the park

Now it’s worth talking a little about how this unique natural area, and also note the main events of its history. The very first mention of this place dates back to 1406. Initially, the lands were used as hunting grounds for Russian tsars and princes. Famous interesting fact that it was in this area that Tsar Ivan the Terrible hunted bears. For many years, a conservation regime was in effect here.

After quite a long time, the first forestry was organized in this place. It was founded in 1842. The forestry department carried out the organization of the forest and its improvement. Around the same time, one might say, the man-made creation of the forest began. A large number of pines were planted; such plantings were carried out for more than 100 years; many trees have survived to the present day.

Biological station in Losiny Ostrov park: review

As you know, on the territory of a huge national park there is a very unusual object- moose biological station. The status of a national park implies not only environmental and scientific activities, but also environmental education activities. As part of all these areas, it was decided to open the Elk Biological Station. Now it’s worth figuring out what kind of project was created on the territory of Losiny Ostrov Park.

The biological station is a special territory where moose are kept. The purpose of organizing such a territory is to rescue lost moose calves, provide assistance and food to them, and also to dilute the local population with individuals brought from other places.

The elk biological station in Elk Island National Park can already boast of many achievements. To enrich the animal population, three moose calves were brought here from the Kostroma moose farm. Here they were carefully looked after, raised, and after some time they were released into the wild. In order not to lose the moose, they were put on special collars with which their movements could be tracked. Every year the animals gave birth to offspring. This practice is carried out here periodically.

Why is it worth visiting this place?

Many people are eager to visit Elk Island National Park. The biostation is no exception; there are always visitors here. You can see really unusual things here. It is especially interesting to look at the process of interaction and communication between animals. They make unusual sounds, something you can really hear in very few places. Biological station workers have learned to reproduce similar sound effects, because this is very important when in contact with animals.

This hike will be especially educational for children. Looking at animals up close will be truly interesting for the younger generation; this will arouse interest in studying biology.

How to get there: several route options

So, you should definitely go to such a wonderful place as the biostation (Losiny Ostrov). How to get to the park? Many people have this question. You can get here either by car or by several types of public transport.

The first option is on any bus heading to the region (from You need to get to the first stop after the Moscow Ring Road before turning to the village of Druzhba. Then you need to go to the forest, then turn left (you will see a checkpoint with a barrier), then go straight when the road starts to disperse - stay to the left.

The second option is from railway station“Los” goes by bus No. 547, or from the “Perlovskaya” station - bus or minibus No. 3, they go to final stop near the forest.

The third option is by private vehicle along the Yaroslavskoye Highway until the turn to the village of Druzhba.

One of the world's largest nature reserves is located in the northeast of Moscow. Losinoostrovsky Park starts from Sokolniki and extends to Balashikha, Mytishchi and Shchelkovo. About 12 thousand hectares in the metropolis are allocated for the preserved nature of central Russia.

History of Losiny Ostrov Park

From the 15th century lands near Moscow were royal hunting grounds. The Russian nobility came here, and Ivan the Terrible himself loved to spend time, so the forest was taken care of and protected. The name “Losiny Ostrov” appears during the time of Alexei Mikhailovich the Quiet, who often came hunting with hounds and falcons.

At the beginning of the XIX century. “Losiny Ostrov” is recognized as a protected area, and a hundred years later it is included in the “green belt” around the capital. Losinoostrovsky Park received national status in 1983.

What is Losiny Ostrov Park?

More than 80% of the park area is devoted to forests, with almost a third located in Moscow.

About 5% of the territory is water bodies, swamps, swamps. The rest is sandy and glacial plains, meadows, and moraine hills.

Being a scientific institution, the park is divided into zones:

  1. A specially protected area where mammals live in natural conditions and birds nest. Tourists are not allowed access.
  2. Well-maintained recreational area. There are asphalt paths, benches, gazebos, picnic areas, and beaches on 2 reservoirs.
  3. Walking excursion part of the park, where environmental centers operate. In this area you can travel on foot or on horseback along marked routes.

Unique flora of the park

Losinoostrovsky Park presents the natural vegetation of the Central Russian Upland. Of particular importance is the Alekseevskaya Grove, where 40-meter tall pines grow, up to 220 years old, and Lipnyak, where the trees are 160-180 years old.

Since 1865, the Pine Mane has been preserved; there are also 250-year-old oak trees in the park. The system of reed and lowland swamps is represented by the Mytishchi floodplains and the Upper Yazuz wetland complex, rare lichens grow in the High Swamp, and orchids grow in the shallow waters of the Budaika, Ichka, and Pekhorka rivers.

Many plants that can be seen in Losinoostrovsky Park in Moscow are listed in the Red Book of Russia. In total, the protected flora includes 600 plant species.


About 40 species of mammals, 180 species of birds, 20 fish and 9 amphibians live in the protected area.

Scientists divide the inhabitants of Losiny Island into 3 groups depending on their habitat:

  • taiga;
  • European deciduous forests;
  • forest-steppe and steppe.

The pride of the reserve is the elk population, which exists freely, but at the same time is capable of self-reproduction. Losinoostrovsky Park is inhabited by sika deer, hares, squirrels, and martens. Wild boars, ferrets, stoats and muskrats found shelter. About 120 species of birds have chosen the park as a nesting site, including the eagle, partridge, kestrel, owl, and snake-eater. Many birds, such as cranes, waders, and swans, stop during their migration to wintering grounds.

Visitor centers of Losinoostrovsky Park

A popular recreational area among Muscovites, there is the Elk Station, stables, an arboretum, as well as several educational environmental centers (ECCs).

EPC employees conduct excursions along ecological trails, environmental campaigns, lectures and master classes, game programs, and celebrate national holidays.

In “Red Pine” you can visit a corner of nature and the House of Fairy Tales, where Baba Yaga is in charge.

By visiting the EPC “Tea Party in Mytishchi”, you can find out where water came to Moscow, what samovars were used, and how they drank tea. Next to the ecological center there is an architectural monument of the 19th century. - a water intake station that is still in operation.

The Tsar's Hunt Museum is located in the visitor center of the same name and introduces the traditions of Russian hunting, tells how they dressed for the hunt and organized the Tsar's departure, and navigated the area. Near the visitor center there are the remains of the hunting lodge of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

EPC "Abramtsevo" is located in the former ranger cordon of the 19th century.

At each visitor center you will be served delicious herbal tea, treated to bagels, horseback riding and guided along protected park paths.


In recreational areas, birthday parties and off-site marriage registrations are held, photo shoots and corporate events, promotions and banquets are held, and sports activities are held. Many Muscovites come to Losinoostrovsky Park and post photos of their vacation on various resources.

Not far from the entrances to the park near the EPCs “Tea Party in Mytishchi”, “Abramtsevo”, “Red Pine”, “Russian Life” there are cozy places for picnics. These are wooden houses, sheds, gazebos and tents, which have everything you need:

  • tables and benches;
  • barbecue;
  • firewood.

In ecological centers you can rent log cabins and refectories.

Horse rides

If you want to get better acquainted with the natural world in Losinoostrovsky Park, how to get deep into the protected area? There is only one answer - during a horseback riding excursion.

There are 5 equestrian clubs in the park:

  • "Yauza-1";
  • "Yauza-2";
  • "Losinka";
  • "Mytishchi";
  • "Career".

Walking routes run through the Losinoostrovsky National Park, Mytishchi and Yauzsky forest parks. During the 1-1.5 hour journey, excursionists will see animal tracks, admire the landscapes, and get acquainted with the main natural complexes. The routes are 3-5 km long, go to horse ride It is possible without a guide, only accompanied by an instructor.

In winter they organize sleigh rides, in summer - on a cart or tarantass.

Excursion routes around the park

There are more than 45 km of roads in Losinoostrovsky Park walking routes so that excursionists can see the diverse beauty of nature near Moscow.

The ecological trails “Such a Familiar Forest” and “Mytishchi Plavni” will lead through unique landscapes and ecosystems. During the trip, you can see not only small rodents and birds, but also meet large mammals, including the owner of the park, the moose. An excursion to the Verkhneyauz swamps allows you to learn how beavers live and walk along the dam they built.

On the route “Alekseevskaya Grove” you will get acquainted with ancient trees and search for the place where the travel palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was located. And the excursion “The Path of the Vyatichi”, taking you through the preserved mounds of the 12th-13th centuries, will show the distant past of the Moscow region.

It is extremely interesting to visit the Elk Biological Station, where you can interact with elk calves and, in winter, with deer. However, please note that the tour is only available at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., and you must pre-register. This is due to the way of life of animals.

A fascinating and educational tour of the arboretum Losinoostrovsky Park. Part of the route is laid on wooden walkways, laid at a height of 6 m above the ground. This allows you to see the forest through the eyes of its indigenous inhabitants. The guide will tell you not only about forest inhabitants, but also about foresters, whose profession is to protect forest areas.

There is an excursion dedicated to the ancient roads of the XV-XVI centuries.

Prepared for kids and schoolchildren excursion programs in ecology, Moscow studies, geography, history, natural history.

How to get there by public transport

Losinoostrovsky Park is easy to get to because... There are many entrances to the park; they are located in different areas of the capital.

  1. To the EPC “Tsarskaya Okhota” from the station. m. Shchelkovskaya you need to take bus No. 361, minibuses 506k, 485, 447k, 396k, 362k, 1222k and 380k to the stop. "Experimental field".
  2. To the EPC "Abramtsevo" from the station. m. Shchelkovskaya follow bus number 627 to the stop with the same name.
  3. If from Art. m. VDNKh take trolleybus No. 76, bus No. 136, 172, 244 or minibuses 76,144, 244, 344, 675 to the stop. Printing College, then you can get to “Red Pine”.
  4. You can get to the Losinaya Biological Station if you take the train from Yaroslavsky railway station and get to the Los or Perlovskaya station, then transfer to bus No. 547 or 3. People also go to the biological station from the station. m. VDNKh on any bus that goes to the region.
  5. From Art. m. VDNKh to the visitor center "Russian Life" go to the stop "Children's Clinic" by buses 136, 172, 903 and 789.
  6. Along the Yaroslavl railway to Mytishchi station or from the station. m. VDNKh by minibus to the 4th km of the Moscow Ring Road (20th km of the Yaroslavl highway) - this is how you can get to the EPC “Tea Party in Mytishchi”.
  7. Child Center located in Korolev; go from Yaroslavsky railway station to Bolshevo station, then take bus number 7.

How to get there by car

By car get to national park even simpler. The 95th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road bisects the park area. There are exits from the highway leading to recreational areas.

You can drive in from Shchelkovskoye Highway, the landmark is the traffic police post. The arboretum is located here.

How to get to Losinoostrovsky Park by car without getting stuck in traffic jams? In this case, it is worth leaving early in the morning along the Yaroslavl highway.

The recreational part of the park is open 24 hours a day. Ecocenters and museums are open daily, and some excursions require advance registration.

There is a national park in Moscow, which is located on Losiny Island. This is where the green massif got its name. The first mention of the park dates back to 1406. The green area, located in the northeast of the capital, was a favorite territory for royal falconry and chase hunting. Since then " Losiny Island"(The park) has not lost its attractiveness. But now the area is used for other purposes.

History of the park

National Park“Elk Island” begins its history in the 15th century, but acquired its status later. The green area was first mentioned in written sources during the period when Moscow became the center of northeastern Rus'. At that time, the island belonged to the Taininsky volost, located along today's Yaroslavl highway. Ivan the Terrible loved to hunt in the park.

Later, a royal hunting farm arose on the island. The park began to be called the “Sovereign Trap Route” and acquired the status of a nature reserve. As before, hunting was organized in this territory, often with foreign ambassadors. The name “Losiny Island” appeared only in 1710. In the 18th century. it began to belong to the state department, and hunting on the territory was prohibited to everyone without exception.

With the advent of St. Petersburg, attention to the park decreased significantly, and it began to be overgrown with thickets; trees were mercilessly cut down by peasants for own needs. In 1804, the position of the island changed. Forest protection has resumed again. In 1805, the island again received the status of a nature reserve.

In 1822, the territory was divided into 55 quarters with one boundary wall encircling their common borders. Organized forestry began only in 1842. Until 1912, audits were carried out natural resources, and the island was divided into 4 parts: one operational and three reserved. Losiny Ostrov National Park was created in August 1983. It was based on a ministerial resolution. Since then, the territory has been considered a very valuable natural monument.

Description of the park

Today, Losiny Island (Moscow) has an area of ​​over 116 square kilometers. Forest occupies 80 percent of the territory. It is divided into three zones. The first is the reserved part of the park, which is home to rare species of birds and animals. This part of the island is closed to visitors and is carefully guarded.

The second zone is called educational excursion. Tourist and ecological routes are laid through this territory, accompanied by professional guides. There are four visitor places in this part. The third zone is called recreational. It is intended for mass recreation.

Park location

"Losiny Island" (Moscow) originates from Sokolniki. It borders with the cities:

  • Korolev;
  • Balashikha;
  • Mytishchi;
  • Shchelkovo.

Losiny Ostrov Park is located on an area of ​​12,000 hectares, but only 2/3 of the forest area is located outside the Moscow Ring Road. From the southwestern border of the reserve to the Kremlin is only eight kilometers. The length of the park from south to north is 10 km, from east to west - 22 km.


"Losiny Ostrov" (park) is very beautiful. In the center of the territory there is a small swamp, from which the river begins. Yauza. There are also many streams and reservoirs in the reserve, forming a large water network. Previously, the park contained canals over 100 kilometers long. Now most of them are abandoned.

The largest canal is called Akulovsky and has been operating to this day. It appeared in the pre-war years and connects the Pekhorka and Yauza rivers with the Volga. Through the Akulovsky Canal, water flows into the Russian capital.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to Alekseevskaya Grove, which for a long time also had the status of a nature reserve. This is a unique territory, which is 250 years old. There are many swamps in the park, and they occupy a fairly large area.

Vegetable world

"Losiny Ostrov" (park) always, even in war time was under the close attention of the country's leaders. Trees were constantly being added to the area. Thanks to the work of many volunteer designers, the reserve has acquired a wonderful appearance, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Now more than 800 species of various plants grow in the park: lichens, mushrooms, etc. Many plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Pine trees mainly grow in Alekseevskaya Grove. Miraculously, centuries-old linden trees, taiga spruce forests and oak forests have been preserved. The grass cover is also varied. Growing in the park:

  • forester;
  • lungwort;
  • wintergreen;
  • buttercup anemone;
  • two-leaf mine;
  • sedge;
  • Zelenchuk.

There are a lot of wild strawberries, blueberries and wood sorrel growing in the park, which visitors love. Since it abounds in swamps, there is also an abundance of lingonberries on the territory.

Animal world

The animals of Losiny Island are also very diverse. There are over 280 species of birds and animals in the park. Among them:

  • 180 - birds;
  • 8 - amphibians;
  • 4 - reptiles;
  • 40 - mammals;
  • over 20 freshwater fish.

“Losiny Ostrov” (park) got its name for a reason. Since ancient times, many horned artiodactyls lived in the territory. The number of moose has survived to this day. In the post-war period, sika deer also appeared in the reserve.

Wild boars began to breed, and now their population has increased significantly. The number of beavers has been completely restored. There are many fur-bearing animals in the reserve:

  • ermine;
  • squirrel;
  • black ferret;
  • marten;
  • mink.

At night, the park is dominated by owls and bats. Rodents get along well with animals, harmoniously complementing the reserve with their presence.

Biological station on Losiny Island

The biological station in the Losiny Ostrov park is located next to the ranger’s station. This is a place where you are allowed not only to look at artiodactyls. You can pet and feed not only adults, but also young ones. Moose take this calmly. These are very careful animals and wildlife always try to avoid meeting people.

At the biological station, artiodactyls are already accustomed to the presence of humans and willingly make contact. The staff of the reserve tell those interested about the peculiarities of animal behavior, their domestication and nutrition. There are separate individual excursions. In winter you can even watch sika deer. Visits to the biological station are by appointment.

How to get to the biological station?

It will take a long time to get to the biological station. From the VDNKh metro station there is a lot of walking towards the region regular buses. You need to take any of them and get to the first stop after the Moscow Ring Road. Get out before turning towards the village of Druzhba. Then walk along the main road for another 40 minutes. The path will take approximately 4 kilometers and will pass through the village.

When the road reaches a forest, you need to turn left. From there you will be able to see the barrier with the checkpoint. Go straight all the time, turn left at the fork and get to the biological station, which is equipped with a gate.

Losiny Island (park): how to get there?

There are several ways to do this. The entrance to the park is located from Prokhodchikov and Roterta streets. Nearby are the Babushkinskaya and Medvedkovo metro stations. The park can be quickly reached from the Los railway platform.

Or you can get there by buses No. 136 and 172, which depart from the VDNH metro station. Trams No. 29, 36 and 12 go to another part of the park. They depart from the station. m. "Ulitsa Podbelskogo".

Elk Island. Losiny Ostrov, a national park, northeast of Moscow (partly within the administrative boundaries of the city). Area 11 thousand hectares. Founded in 1983. Coniferous broad-leaved forests of spruce and linden with the participation of oak, maple, and... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

The first national park in Russia in the northeast of Moscow and the Moscow region. Formed in 1983. St. Square 11 thousand hectares. The sovereign grove has been protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible. From the 17th century the park area was intensively used; from 19 to... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ELK ISLAND, the first national park in Russia, in the northeast of Moscow and in the Moscow region. Formed in 1983. Sq. St. 11 thousand hectares. The sovereign grove has been protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible. From the 17th century the territory of the park is intensively... ...Russian history

Losiny Ostrov National Park IUCN Category II (National Park) Coordinates: Coordinates ... Wikipedia

The first national park in Russia (created in 1983). Located in the northeast of Moscow and its Forest Park protective belt, it starts from the Sokolniki forest park 8 km from the Kremlin and continues beyond the Moscow Ring Road to Mytishchi, Korolev (formerly Kaliningrad),... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

The first national park in Russia, in the northeast of Moscow and in the Moscow region. Formed in 1983. Area over 11 thousand hectares. The “sovereign reserved grove” has been protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible. Since the 17th century the park area is intensively… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Elk Island- Sp Losinyj Òstrovas Ap Losiny Ostrov/Losinyy Ostrov L nac. parkas RF Maskvos sr … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

Elk Island- Los other island (natural area in Moscow) ... Russian spelling dictionary

National park on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. Organized in 1983 on the square. 11,816 hectares, of which approx. 9,600 (81%) are forested. To the south and west it is adjacent to residential areas and industrial zones. The territory is crossed by roads (Moscow ring road, etc.... Geographical encyclopedia

Losiny Ostrov is the first national park in Russia, located on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. The largest forest area in Moscow and the largest among the forests located within the city (Moscow part). View of part of Losiny Ostrov... ... Wikipedia


  • Losiny Island, Borodin Vasily. Vasily Borodin (b. 1982) - poet, artist. Graduated from the Moscow State Evening Metallurgical Institute. Works as an editor, illustrates poetry and prose. Author of the book of poems "Luch...
  • Losiny Island, Vasily Borodin. Poems by V. Borodin - an experiment, a study of the phenomenon of comparison. The author's attention is drawn to alliteration and very precise, even tautological rhymes precisely because...