California is most often called the Golden State. It's funny to note that 12% of locals here are unemployed. However, there is another side - this is where 88 billionaires live, more than 10,000 families have a total annual budget of more than $30,000,000.

Map of the USA showing all American states

All this does not prevent California from having colossal debts, but thanks to Hollywood and Silicon Valley, this situation is gradually improving.

The next richest states are Florida and Illinois.

Lowest taxes

Delaware State Road Map

Fairly moderate tax revenues make Delaware an attractive place at first glance, but in fact low taxes are a necessary measure to ensure the livelihood of the state.


There is no income tax, trade - 4%, fuel - $0.24.
The state of Wyoming has large revenues from the sale of mining rights natural resources- oil and minerals. Thanks to this, taxes are very low here.


State income tax is 2-6%, fuel surcharge is $0.2, and sales tax is 4%.
The Sugar State is famous not only for the production of sugar from cane, but is also a second producer of oil and gas.

The largest Russian diasporas

When a person travels to a foreign country, he is always interested in where his former compatriots prefer to settle on its territory. Someone strives to these places, wanting to be among their own, someone avoids overly popularized places, but in any case, it is better to know where Russians live in America.

Texas, Houston

The local Russian community is represented mainly by a scientific social group. The fact is that in Houston there is a space center, as well as oil producers.

Russian-American cooperation has led to the formation of a stable Russian diaspora in Houston - there is Cultural Center, a small theater and even a Russian newspaper.

You can find books in your native language at your local library. About 54,000 Russians live in Texas, more than 30,000 of them in Houston.

Detailed map of Texas showing all cities

Washington, Seattle

Map of Washington showing roads

California, San Francisco

The Californian Russian diaspora is significantly different from all others - there are several clan associations that are strictly ranked. The most influential is the oldest community - the descendants of its current members arrived in the United States back in the 19th century.

The second community - on Gieri Boulevard - consists of those who arrived not so long ago.

The third relates to Silicon Valley.

Map of the distribution of American states by region

Due to the proximity of the ocean, the climate is slightly more humid, but the local population has such advantages as good beaches and seafood at relatively low prices.

  • The eastern United States of America attracts visitors with the help of the Big Apple - New York City. This is one of major cities this region, and the Russians practically have their own quarter here. Of course, we're talking about about Brighton - a mixture of Soviet culture and the American dream.
  • If we consider the state of New York, then everything is as simple and easy as in neighboring New Jersey. Quiet, cozy, prices are high, but at the same time everyone can afford everything.

    Map of New Jersey showing all cities

  • In Jersey, everything is not as clear as we would like - there is Trenton, a hotbed of gangsterism, and there is cozy and bright Princeton. Finding work here can be a problem, because even the local population often travels to neighboring New York to work. Southern New Jersey has universities, which means you can find very, very cheap housing there. True, its level of comfort will be low.
  • Pennsylvania attracts Russian speakers no less than Brighton Beach - this is where Philadelphia is located, which, according to second-wave migrants, was a dream city.
  • In addition to the described Mid-Atlantic states, New England is also popular - New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut. Once upon a time, the first pilgrims settled here.

    To this day, you can meet representatives of the most different countries. New England is a very safe region. Climatic conditions Here they are close to continental ones, nature is rich in colors and gifts. The towns here are quite small, to the local population I like silence.

    IN North America There are only two states. One of them is the United States of America. Second country, Canada

    The USA ranks fourth in the world in terms of area (9.5 million km²) and third in terms of population (327.0 million people). The length of the border is 14.7 thousand km, c. A detailed map of the United States provides information that the state has a border with only three countries:

    - combined -

    • with Canada (8.9 thousand km) - in the north. In addition to land (13 states), the border with Canada runs along the water of four of the five Great Lakes (except Michigan).

    - land -

    • with Mexico (3.3 thousand km) in the south.

    - sea -

    • along the Bering Strait with the Russian Federation.

    A feature of the external and internal (interstate) borders of the United States is their geometric type. In the central part of the country, the borders between many states are absolutely straight lines or river beds.

    The US map in Russian is approximately two-thirds brown. Western part of the country to the coast Pacific Ocean- a huge plateau, smoothly turning into one of the greatest mountain systems- Cordillera. In the east of the country there are also mountains - the Appalachians. They are surrounded by a vast flat area:

    • in the south - the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida.
    • in the east - the states of North and South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Pennsylvania.

    One of the US states, Hawaii, is an archipelago of volcanic islands in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. In the mainland of the country, more than a hundred peaks have a height of more than 4,000 m. Another feature of the country’s geography is the location of the state of Alaska. It does not have a common border with the main territory of the country. The border with Canada is a straight line with a length of 2,475 km. The highest mountain in the United States, Denali (6190 m, until 2015 - McKinley), is also located here.

    USA on the world map: geography, nature and climate

    The USA is one of the most recognizable countries on the world map. In addition to two oceans, the coastline of the country is washed from the south by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. In its depths, dozens of destructive hurricanes. Climatic feature In the central and eastern states there are tornadoes - atmospheric vortices, during the passage of which the wind speed reaches 320 km/h.

    The US water system includes more than 250,000 rivers, the largest of which, the Missouri, is 3,767 km long. The deepest and deep river is Missouri. On the border with Canada there are five freshwater lakes with a total water surface area of ​​more than 244 thousand km², which are called Great Lakes:

    • Ontario.
    • Michigan.
    • Huron.
    • Upper.

    Total dyne coastline– over 19 thousand km.

    The USA is the only country in the world represented by all climatic zones: from the Arctic in the north of Alaska to the tropical in the south of the Florida Peninsula. The subsoil of the country is exceptionally rich in a variety of minerals. The flora of the central, eastern and northern parts of the country consists of broad-leaved and coniferous forests. Vegetation on the western prairies is very sparse. The geography of the region is represented by the huge and amazingly beautiful canyons of dried up rivers.

    Map of the USA with cities: administrative division of the country

    According to the law, the United States includes 50 states and the Federal Capital District of Columbia. Largest states:

    1. By territory:
    • Alaska (center - Juneau) - 1,717,854 km².
    • Texas (center - Austin) - 696,241 km².
    • California (center - Sacramento) - 423,970 km².
    1. By population:
    • California – 38.8 million people.
    • Texas – 26.9 million people.
    • Florida and New York – 19.8 million people each.

    States are made up of counties. There are 3,141 of them in the country. The smallest number of counties in the state is 3 (Delaware), the largest is 254 (Texas). In the District of Columbia (area - 177 km²), separated in 1871 from the territory of the state of Maryland, the country's capital, Washington, is located.

    The United States includes a number of overseas island territories. They are under different jurisdictions:

    • incorporated - are part of the state.
    • unincorporated are owned by the state.

    According to the method of management, territories are divided into:

    • organized - managed by local government.
    • unorganized - managed by US central authorities.

    Total overseas territories– 16, including:

    • incorporated organized – 0.
    • incorporated unorganized - 1. Also included in this category is the 12-mile maritime border zone and sea ​​vessels under the US flag on the high seas.
    • unincorporated organized – 4.
    • unincorporated unorganized – 11.

    A map of the USA with cities in Russian includes 9 cities with a population of more than a million people. The largest:

    NY– the largest city in the USA (8.5 million people) occupies an area of ​​1214.4 km² in the eastern part of the state of the same name on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The city is located in an area with a humid subtropical climate. Average annual temperature– 12.7°C.

    Los Angeles– the second most populous city in the USA (3.9 million people). Located in the subtropical area of ​​Santa Monica Bay, Southern California. The length of Greater Los Angeles from north to south is almost 200 km. The average annual temperature is above 14°C, the maximum winter temperature is up to 21°C.

    Chicago– the largest city in Illinois (2.7 million people). Administrative center Cook County on the shores of Lake Michigan. It is located in the continental climate zone. The average annual temperature is 10°C. Up to 1000 mm of precipitation falls in Chicago per year.

    US political maps

    In my own way appearance The political map of the United States is remarkably reminiscent of a rural patchwork quilt, with the patches getting smaller and smaller from west to east as you approach New York City. The almost equal sides of the states seem to say that before the advent of the US political system, this place on planet earth was a single whole, without any borders. Only a few states have borders that coincide with the watershed line large rivers and it turns out that there is one state on one side of the river, and a completely different one on the other. On political maps USA The boundaries of fifty states, absolutely equal subjects of the federation, are drawn. The capital, Washington, is located in the District of Columbia, which is not officially part of any state. States are divided into districts, administrative units whose territory must be no less than the territory of the city. There are 3,141 counties in the United States. The number of counties in states is completely arbitrary, for example, in the state of Delaware there are only three counties, and in the state of Texas there are 254 counties. Each state has separate legislative, executive and judicial powers. The names of the states most often come from the names of the kings of France and England and the names of Indian tribes.

    Regions of the United States

    The Americans themselves divide their country into a number of large regions. These are cultural formations that have formed on the map of the United States under the influence of history and geography. They are characterized by common economics and literature, as well as morals and customs. The multinational historical heritage gives the regions their originality, clear demographic characteristics that determine the age and occupation of the population. Different dialects are spoken in the regions, and people’s views and horizons also differ, depending on geographical location region. Total such conditional regions for USA map four. These are the Northeastern United States, Southern United States, Midwestern United States, and Western United States.

    Political-geographical and physical maps of the USA

    The territory of the USA mainly consists of three parts located on the North American mainland, if you look at the geographical maps of the USA. This is the continental, main part, the Alaska Peninsula with islands and the 24 islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. The main continental border is adjacent to Canada in the North and Mexico to the South. The state of Alaska, separated from Canada, borders not only Canada, but also Russia. Besides geographic map USA denotes several possessions in the Caribbean it Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, as well as officially the islands in the Pacific Ocean, such as Guam, Wake, Midway, belong to the territory of the United States. Eastern Samoa is also part of the United States.

    The United States of America covers an area of ​​9,826,630 square kilometers, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, the land area occupies 9,161,923 square kilometers, the water surface covers 664,707 square kilometers. The vast majority of America, if you look closely at physical cards The USA is located on the central plain, relatively high mountains in the west, low mountains and hills are located in the east of the country. Alaska also has wide river valleys and mountains. The main volcanic relief is located in Hawaii. identifies several climatic zones located throughout the vast territory of the country.

    Time zone map

    Five time zones of the USA

    In 1878, the famous Canadian engineer S. Fleming first proposed the term standard time, which was adopted in 1884 at the next meeting of the International Astronomical Congress. S. Fleming's idea was as follows: the surface of the territory globe conventionally divided by meridians into 24 hour zones, each 15° in length or one 1 hour in longitude. At the same time, in each time zone, the time that corresponds to the middle meridian of this zone operates. When moving from one zone to an adjacent one, the standard time changes in 1-hour jumps. The standard time of individual time zones is given special names. For example, the time of the zero zone is called Western European, the time of the first zone is called Central European, and the time of the second zone is considered Eastern European. Standard time was first used in 1883 in Canada and the USA. Since the beginning of the 20th century, it began to be used in European countries.

    Map of the USA from satellite. Explore satellite map of USA online in real time. Detailed map of the USA created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible satellite map USA allows you to study the streets in detail, separate houses and US attractions. The map of Israel from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

    USA- a country on the continent of North, which is located between Mexico and Canada. In addition to the mainland, the United States has numerous islands. The capital of the USA is Washington. The official language is English, but due to its proximity to Mexico and large numbers of Latin American immigrants, Spanish is becoming more widely used. The USA is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

    The USA has several climate zones - subtropical (in the southern part) and temperate. In the northern part of the United States, the difference in seasons is clearly felt. Winters in the north are long, cold, summers are warm, but often cool and short. Summer reigns in the southern regions all year round, this is especially true in Florida and Hawaii.

    USA- not just a huge state. This is a country of immigrants, a place where different cultures and traditions intertwine. Despite the fact that there are no medieval or ancient monuments in the USA, this country constantly attracts numerous tourists due to its natural attractions and other interesting places. The most visited cities in America are New York, the cultural and economic center of the United States, Los Angeles, where Hollywood is located, Las Vegas, famous for its casinos and vibrant nightlife and Washington - the capital and location of the White House.

    The natural attractions of the USA are amazing. The most notable of them is Niagara Falls. The second most important attraction of this kind is the Grand Canyon, located in the center of the United States, in the state of Nevada. There are also dozens of national parks and nature reserves, each of which is unique and interesting.

    US resorts are Florida, California and Hawaiian Islands. The latter are considered one of best places relaxation and a kind of separate exotic world with its own traditions and culture.

    The USA or the United States of America is a country located in North America. The term America is often used instead of the place name USA. A map of the United States shows that the country is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The total area of ​​the country is 9,518,900 km2 (the fourth largest country in the world).

    On detailed map USA can be seen that the country is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, the country includes some islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The states are divided into 3141 districts. USA states map represents Largest cities countries: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston. The capital of the USA is Washington.

    America has the highest GDP level in the economy. Despite the 2008 crisis, which hit the American economy hard, the United States is one of the most developed countries in the world. The US economy is maintained at a high level largely due to natural resources, high-tech manufacturing, the service sector, scientific research and software development.

    The USA plays a significant role in world politics. After World War II, the country became one of the strongest states in the world. The United States is a member of NATO and the UN Security Council.

    Historical reference

    The USA was formed in 1776 from 13 British colonies. Until 1783, the country fought the War of Independence from the British Empire. The Constitution was adopted in 1787, and the Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791. In the 1860s, a civil war breaks out between the northern and southern states, leading to the unification of the country and the abolition of slavery.

    After World War II, America, which suffered little from military action unlike European countries, became a leader in world politics. From 1946 to the 1980s it is carried out Cold War between the USA and the USSR.

    EventsXXI century:

    2003-2010 – military operations in Iraq

    September 2005 – Hurricane Katrina, levee failure and flooding of New Orleans

    2009 – President Barack Obama is inaugurated as the first African-American president

    October 2012 – Hurricane Sandy, flooding of New York

    Must Visit

    A map of the USA in Russian is replete with attractions: from skyscrapers in New York to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The largest cities in the USA are a must-visit: New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Miami and San Diego.

    It is recommended to visit the gaming capital of Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, Mississippi River Valley, national park The Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan in New York, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the White House and memorial parks in Washington, Boldt Castle on Hart Island, the Willis Tower and Empire State Building skyscrapers, Disneyland in Florida , Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee.

    Note to tourists

    Gulrypsh - a holiday destination for celebrities

    Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia is an urban-type settlement called Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife’s illness, they needed a change of climate. The matter was decided by chance.