Available in Poland, on the shore Baltic Sea a wonderful place to relax - Tricity (Trójmiasto), Three cities together, Tri-City: Sopot (41 thousand inhabitants), Gdynia (127 thousand inhabitants), Gdansk (461 thousand inhabitants). This is the tourist agglomeration of the 1000-year-old Free City of Danzig (now Gdańsk).

Where to relax in Poland in summer?

Blissful lazing on the beach combined with a stroll along St Mary's Street and Long Street. The street is crowned on one side by the Golden Gate, on the other by the Kogi Gate (today Green Gate), where there is a solid bridge that can be lowered to big ships. Next to the royal houses are the houses of the most worthy patricians, merchants and people who held high positions.

Festive parades and noisy fireworks were held here. Between the Neptune Fountain and the Town Hall is the Târgu Long Market. Long Market - This place in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries also carried out executions of witches, heretics and criminals who were only nobles or legal citizens. The rest were executed on Mount Szubieniczej or in prison. The next attraction worth seeing is the charming long bridge, and opposite the Island of Breadbaskets and the Maritime Museum, which is located on the island of Ołowianka. Here is the building of the Polish Baltic Philharmonic.

Continuing your walk along the harbor you will reach the port of Motlawa. A little further to the Swan Tower and the pirate ship Galleon Lew. On the embankment there is a crane and St. Mary's Gate, behind them is the archaeological museum. The museum has an observation tower from which a magnificent panorama of Gdansk opens. Behind the Amber Museum stands a monumental temple - the Basilica of the Virgin Mary, one of the largest brick churches in the world.

You can taste the delicacies of Gdańsk cuisine in numerous taverns, cafes, and restaurants. There are also youth clubs and the famous cabaret - Kabaret Evan. This is a great place for thrill seekers. The cabaret is located near the Great Armory, on the right. And next to the statue of King John III Sobieski is the National Theater, which rivals the dramatic scenes of Warsaw and Krakow.

Royal Road Krakow Ceremonial route of the kings

When visiting Gdansk, we cannot ignore the place where the struggle against the policies of socialism began. This is, of course, the Gdansk Shipyard. Solidarity Square is not far from the place where three former shipyard workers died in December 1970. Now on this site there is a monument - three crosses with anchors, the Monument to the fallen shipyard workers. Nearby, on a hill, at a height of 50 m above sea level, there is a station - a modern interactive Hewelianum center has been formed on the site of the former fortress.

In Gdansk you can also visit National Museum, Wisłoujście fortress and Westerplatte peninsula. Wisłoujście is difficult to reach on foot, you can use public transport - bus 106 and tram routes. Returning from the peninsula, you can use the ferry to cross the Vistula Dead River in the area of ​​the new port, and visit the lighthouse of the Gdansk Nowy port.

It would be wrong to visit Gdansk and not visit one of the most charming places - Oliva Park (open from 05.00 to 23.00). There is a cathedral here where you can listen to organ music. Walking along the alleys of the park and the valleys of Paradyż, you can visit the Palm House (Palm House was founded in 1910, and in 1956 it became botanical garden), Abbot's Palace, Ethnographic Museum, Oliva Zoo.

In 1831, the Prussian King Frederick II transferred the park and palace into the ownership of the Hohenzollern family. Since 1860, the park became a public park and was open to residents. To this day, it is a favorite place for city residents to relax and take a walk.

Every person deserves a decent rest after such a trip. Nothing is more relaxing than relaxing on the seashore, and whoever has time, even during just one day, you can sunbathe, admire the sunset or the waves.

Yet there is nothing as inspiring as the open element of space that is water. A map of the beaches of Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot will certainly help you get to the beach. Tickets for the water bus or pedal boat (catamaran) to travel from Gdańsk to Gdynia, Hel or Sopot can be purchased at Fish market or at the ticket office from the pier. ticket price 20 zlotys (discount 10 zlotys); bicycle - 3 zlotys.

But that's not all... Denmark, Ireland... While vacationing in Gdansk, you can visit Scandinavia. Tempting?

Full list Short list

Poland seems to me an underrated country Russian tourists, at least, most of my friends do not come here specifically, but only sometimes make their European routes. And in vain. This is a country with history, wonderful cuisine and amazing hospitality. Of course, Poland extends its hospitality to the youngest tourists - children. I can’t count how many times my daughter and I have been here, and every time our vacation was filled with impressions, comfort and joy.

We and our child were always surrounded by care both from hotel and cafe workers, and local residents, which, as it seemed to us, love children very much and are happy to have such guests. Therefore, I can confidently recommend Poland to everyone who travels with their child for your joint vacation.

General nuances


In order for the holiday to be positive for children, it must also be so for parents. From my own experience I can say that to organize interesting trip You can do it with a child of any age, the main thing is not to overload him and yourself. Don’t worry about making the trip perfect: children have different moods. For example, sometimes instead of a museum we could spend the whole day at the playground near the hotel. Be prepared for any turns. Don’t try to cover everything at once; think over your route in advance and choose the places you definitely want to visit, and visit the rest if possible.

I am sure that it is not necessary to choose only children's entertainment: after all, recreation should be interesting for adults too. Of course, it’s unlikely that your baby will be ready to spend hours walking with you around castles or historical centers, but with a small, lightweight stroller and a couple of new toys, you’ll most likely be able to visit several of these attractions. You can already try to come to an agreement with an older child. We usually divide our holidays into parent and child ones, for example, in the morning we go to the museum, and in the afternoon to the water park.

Road and transport

You can get to Poland from Russia in any available way; you can read more about this in this. In my opinion and experience, the most inconvenient option is a bus: firstly, customs control takes a long time, even adults will have time to get tired, and secondly, the child is forced to spend the entire journey in one position, there is no opportunity to walk, like on an airplane or train , and even more so stop and walk, as if you were driving a car.

Our family lives in Kaliningrad, and since the Polish border is about fifty kilometers away, we travel by car. To get there from the main part of Russia, I would choose a plane. I didn’t travel by train, but according to reviews from my friends, this method is also quite convenient.

It seems to me that in order for the road to be calm and positive, you need to take care of some things:

  1. Food. Regardless of what kind of transport you take, you will definitely want to eat, and if you can cope with your feeling of hunger, then an unfed child will definitely be unhappy and in a bad mood. That is why in my children's bag I always have cookies, dried fruits, vegetable purees, in general, what the baby is used to eating every day. Of course, you need to take small, sealed packages, especially on an airplane, where there are strict transportation rules, but on our flights they treated food for the child with loyalty and only once put out an open bottle of water. By the way, take the water with a special children's cap: you will be protected from unnecessary changes of clothes.
  2. Cloth. We rarely went on a trip without spilled juice or a banana smeared on a T-shirt, so take at least one set of clothes with you. And if you travel in the cold season, then it is convenient to replace bulky shoes with warm socks along the way.
  3. Lessons in transport. The road is a long and sedentary task, so think about what the child will do in a limited space. Some time before the trip, you can choose a new one as a gift or hide a few of your baby’s favorite toys. Finding them later on the plane, the child can get very carried away. Take markers and small colored notebooks, and don’t forget to download a couple of cartoons to your tablet. This point is definitely worth paying attention to, because a capricious, bored child can ruin the road not only for you.

In general, Poland is a country where it is worth driving a car, and if you have the opportunity to rent a car, then take advantage of it immediately (you can see offers and prices). The roads in the country are good, and the distances are not too long, the only negative is the price of fuel, gasoline is twice as expensive.

Moving from place to place with a child in a car is more convenient than even in the most comfortable bus. Primarily because you can stop when necessary. Children's playgrounds, found on Polish highways near cafes and gas stations, will be very useful. Sometimes whole ones come across entertainment centers with carousels and a zoo, such as on the route from Gdansk to (photo above).


I advise you to choose a place to stay overnight in advance. Find out about a baby cot, if you need one, and whether there are additional payments for those traveling with a child. Although I have not encountered any demands to pay for a separate place for the baby, I have heard that this sometimes happens. We usually chose apartments with a kitchen: our daughter eats in different time, and we often had dinner at home if the day was busy and we didn’t want to go somewhere, so it was important for me that I could cook something quickly.


There were no problems with food in Poland. We started our travels to this country with our daughter when she was about two years old. Many cafes have a children's menu, although all sorts of spices and sauces are added to the dishes, but when we asked to remove something, they usually met us halfway. My daughter liked the local dumplings, or pierogi as they are called here, and she devoured them with pleasure. We also bought baby products like vegetable or fruit purees in Poland, and they are no different from Russian ones, so you will always find something to feed your child.

What else

I advise you to take your usual medications with you, firstly, children begin to get sick spontaneously, and sometimes there is no time to get their bearings in a foreign country, and secondly, many medications in the European Union are sold only by prescription. I usually pack a first aid kit with the essentials, and it doesn’t take up much space in my luggage. Take a thermometer with you to measure your temperature, the one you always use. I take a simple thermometer, and it fits perfectly in the glove compartment, without disturbing anyone or risking being broken.

Where to go

If you think about any specific holiday destination in Poland, then there is complete freedom. You can go enjoy nature or explore cities - both you and your child will find entertainment.

All at least somewhat touristic places are prepared, in my opinion, quite well for welcoming children. The sidewalks are smooth, it’s easy to move around with a stroller, the only thing that can get in the way is a large number of people moving along the road with you. It’s rare that a cafe doesn’t offer a highchair for children; almost everywhere there are coloring books and pencils, toys or entire playrooms. Next, I will tell you what entertainment awaits you and your child on the most common tourist routes in Poland.


The first place for a children's holiday in this wonderful country that comes to mind is winter capital Poland. Although, this place is wonderful at any time of the year. One of my favorite Polish cities, suitable for children of all ages. If your child is still very young, then you can simply enjoy walks and breathe the mountain air. There are no industries around, so it is fresh and clean.

If your child is already a little older, then play on the playgrounds, ride horses in Krupówka or go somewhere.

Water park (Aqua Park Zakopane) and thermal center (Terma Bania)

The Zakopane water park has a good children's area, many slides for teenagers and in general it is very nice and cool. But, besides this water amusement park, 20 kilometers from Zakopane there is a wonderful thermal center. There's not a lot of fun for kids, but the warm water and stunning views from the outdoor outdoor pool will also delight parents. This center is called Terma Bania, it is divided into three zones, so noisy games with children will not interfere with anyone’s relaxation and rest.


Older children should be introduced to skiing, for example, in Szymoskova Polyana there is an excellent slide for beginner skiers and snowboarders; you can also find a Russian-speaking instructor.

There is a training program here, upon completion of which a special certificate is issued confirming completion of the course. Such preparation costs 185 EUR (780 PLN). In general, Zakopane has many trails for beginners, so it is a great place for children.

Tatra Museum

If you want to go to museums, choose the Tatra Museum, whose exhibits tell about the life, culture of the population, as well as the local nature. Costumes, tools, furniture, musical instruments typical of the region, as well as stuffed animals are presented, but in my opinion they look a little creepy. Here children are welcome and are even allowed to touch many objects at the exhibitions, of course, so as not to damage them.


A trip to Zakopane can be combined with a visit to Krakow - ancient capital Poland - very cozy city, steeped in the history of Polish kings. It is located just over a hundred kilometers from, and if you are not by car, you can appreciate the convenience of Polish buses. Krakow is not only large Polish city, but also one of the centers of tourism, so there is a lot of entertainment for children here.

Zoo (Krakow Zoo)

Although it is small, it is cozy and located in a very interesting place called the Volsky Forest. There are also hiking and cycling routes, beloved by the townspeople.

An adult ticket costs about 4 EUR (18 PLN), but we were allowed in for free because the cashier was not there.

Energylandia Park

Visit the Energylandia center near Krakow in the town of Zator. This is a huge amusement park with a huge number of attractions for both children and adults. Here you buy one ticket, which is valid for all carousels. For children under three years old you will pay a symbolic 0.23 EUR (1 PLN), for children up to 140 centimeters tall - 14 EUR (59 PLN), for others the ticket will cost 25 EUR (109 PLN). Discounts apply to disabled people, pregnant women and birthdays.

The Museum Of Municipal Engineering

In Krakow there is interesting museum, where education and entertainment are perfectly combined, is the Museum of Urban Engineering. The building in which it is located used to be a tram depot, then it was adapted for exhibition purposes. The museum has several permanent exhibitions; our daughter liked the one about cars the most. I think this place is more suitable for visiting with children over three years old. Ticket costs 2.5 EUR (10 PLN), family (two adults, two children) - 7 EUR (30 PLN). A tour in Russian will cost 11.5 EUR (50 PLN). Read more about Krakow.


If you want to go to the Polish capital, then it will not disappoint you either and is suitable for a child. Of course, it’s not my favorite city, and (this is subjective, of course) not the most beautiful, but still it’s a modern metropolis with diverse architecture and rich history. So this city definitely deserves attention.

Copernicus Science Center

In my opinion, this is the most interesting entertainment in the city, and although I am no longer a child, I go there with great pleasure.

It’s not worth bringing a baby to this place, but a slightly older child is fine. This is a large center where your children can get acquainted with various physical phenomena, optical illusions, anatomy, astrology and other sciences. There is complete freedom here, you can touch, move everything, conduct experiments yourself, in general, there are no restrictions.

The only barrier may be language; all descriptions of how to use the exhibits are in Polish and English, sometimes Russian is found, but not everywhere. If your child has not yet mastered a foreign language, then your help will be useful to him, although much is intuitive, and even if you cannot read anything, it will still be interesting. Our daughter often thinks about this center, and although we spent almost 7 hours there, we still didn’t cover a lot. By the way, I advise you to come here early in the morning before opening, at 9 am. It is unlikely that even in this case you will avoid the queue, but at least you will have time to get inside. If you arrive in the afternoon, you may simply not have time to enter the center.

The scientific complex has a shop, a cafe and a children's playroom, for which you will be given a ticket at the box office when purchasing a ticket. To prevent children from crowding in the playroom, all visitors are divided into groups, and the ticket will indicate what time you can come to the children's room. We got there about three hours after we entered the museum. IN play child will be able to not only have fun and run around, but also learn a lot of interesting things, for example, what the world looks like through the eyes of a dog or snake. A ticket to the Copernicus Center costs 6.3 EUR (27 PLN), a family ticket for two adults and two children will cost 16.8 EUR (72 PLN).

Roof Garden (Warsaw University Library Roof Garden)

It’s worth taking your child to the park on the roof of the library, it’s very close to the science center. Don't be afraid of the heights, everything is fenced and safe. it will be revealed to you beautiful view to the surrounding area, and you can relax on a bench surrounded by beautiful flowers and other plants.

There aren't any interesting entertainment, but it's a great place for you to relax on the grass while your little one runs and plays.

Warsaw City Center

Take a walk around historical center definitely go, but there are dangers for your parents’ wallet: literally at every step souvenir shops, toys, balls and giant soap bubbles for half a euro.

My daughter’s eyes simply ran wild, and by the end of the walk our cash reserves were a little depleted.

Waterpark Wodny Park

In general, judging by our daughter, you can visit water parks in any city. If your child also loves water activities, then he will definitely like it at the Warsaw Aquatic Center. We were in a place called Wodny Park, where, by the way, the only Olympic swimming pool in the city is located.

The water park itself has slides, a jacuzzi, a fast-flowing river, in general, everything that children usually look for in such centers. Parents can take turns enjoying the SPA: available here different types massage or other treatments. A ticket to the water park for the whole day from Monday to Friday costs 21.5 EUR (92 PLN), and on Saturday, Sunday and holidays- 31 EUR (133 PLN).

Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia

The following is very common tourist place in Poland it is the Tricity: Gdansk and Gdynia. With children I would live in Sopot, a small town on the Baltic coast.

It is fresh, clean, there is a place to walk, some even swim in the summer, although the sea is not too warm. In general, these three cities can be covered at one time, since they are very close to each other, and entertainment can be chosen throughout the Tricity.

Loopy's World Entertainment Center

This is a large children's entertainment center in Gdańsk. There are many attractions, slides, cars, dry pools and all sorts of other interesting fun. Adults can relax with a cup of coffee or join the children and have fun with them. For a child under three years old, the ticket price is 9.3 EUR (40 PLN), for others - 10.7 EUR (46 PLN). An adult accompanying a child can enter for free.

Adventure Park

I would take an older child to the Adventure Park in Gdynia. This is a place for sporty children who love thrills, and for parents who want to be sure that such entertainment is safe. There is a rope park with a height of 10 to 20 meters, ATVs, horses, a climbing wall, a shooting range and much more. For younger children there are inflatable trampolines, another small ropes course and a traditional playground with a sandbox. For each type of entertainment you need to buy separate ticket. Prices are very different: from 8 to 30 EUR, fun for kids is cheaper: from 2 to 8 EUR.

Children's goods stores

In Gdansk and Gdynia, I advise you to visit the children's store Mama i Ja: there is a huge selection of all kinds of toys for children of any age, both parents and kids will be amazed. Well, what children don’t like toys? Another store I liked is Akpol Baby in Gdansk. There is a huge assortment of all kinds of goods: clothes, feeding supplies, baby monitors and everything else. The store constantly has some promotions and sales on different groups goods, so there is also an opportunity to save.

Water parks

There are water parks in Sopot and Gdynia, of which we were only in Sopot (I can’t count how many times). There is a good area for children, with several slides for both very young children and those who have already grown up a little. There is a jacuzzi, the main pool is not too deep, I think 1.3 meters; Around the children's area you can relax in a sun lounger, there are quite a lot of them, and we always found a free one. The prices are very affordable: an hour in the water park from Monday to Friday costs 4.7 EUR (20 PLN), 3 hours - 9.3 EUR (40 PLN), a day ticket - 11.7 EUR (50 PLN). On weekends and holidays, the price of visiting the water park is slightly higher: one hour costs 5.4 EUR (23 PLN), three hours - 10.5 EUR (45 PLN), a day ticket - 14.2 EUR (60 PLN). For children under 16 years of age and adults over 65 years of age there is a discount on a ticket of approximately 1.2 EUR (5 PLN), a child under three years old is admitted free of charge.

Zoo (Oliwa Zoo)

There is a wonderful zoo in Gdansk. The territory is large, but it is possible to get around it; if you are traveling with a stroller, then there should be no problems at all. For the especially lazy, a train rides around the park for an additional fee. There are cafes and places to relax. There are many open enclosures, the animals are very interesting to watch, some come close to visitors and even pose for photos. A ticket costs about 5.8 EUR (25 PLN).

Gdansk City Center

Gdansk in general is very beautiful city, of the Polish ones, it is at least one of the most impressive, and largely thanks to the perfectly preserved historical center. Be sure to take a walk along it.

I advise you to go to the Motlawa River embankment. Here you can ride a boat or a motor ship, the duration of the trips and the price are very different, so choosing a suitable route for yourself will not be a problem. If you don’t want to swim, there are ships at the pier with restaurants where you can have dinner overlooking the river.

Another interesting memory for both us and our daughter was visiting the Christmas market in Gdansk. In general, the city during this period was beautiful: a huge Christmas tree, thousands of lights made for real fabulous place, even more mesmerizing than usual. At the fair there were children's carousels, a lot of delicious food, unusual or traditional souvenirs and an attractive holiday atmosphere. Be sure to try to come during the Christmas period.


Marienburg Castle (Malbork Castle Museum)

Malbork is famous for Marienburg, one of the largest medieval monuments Poland. After the Great Patriotic War, it was almost completely destroyed, but the Poles restored it.

The castle is very large, you can easily plan a whole day to visit it. There are Russian-speaking guides, and I advise you to use them, because the history of this place is very rich.

Dinosaur Park Dino Park

Malbork itself is a small city, and there is not much entertainment here. You can take your child to the park of moving dinosaurs, which is called Dino Park. In addition to dinosaurs, there is a rope park, a fossil museum, attractions, and trampolines. A regular ticket per person costs 6 EUR (26 PLN), a family ticket for two adults and one child will cost 16.6 EUR (71 PLN).

Torun, Bydgoszcz, Grudziadz

If you like beautiful European cities, but are not delighted with the crowds, then I recommend that you visit Toruń, Bydgoszcz and Grudziadz. You can choose any of them for accommodation: these are fairly quiet places, and hotel prices are not too different. We lived in Bydgoszcz, although I liked Torun most of all - a very beautiful medieval town that was not damaged during the Second World War and was preserved in its original form.

Be sure to take time to visit the castles and the historical center, it is not too big and the children should not be too tired.

Jura Park Dinosaur Park

Among children's entertainment, near Toruń in the town of Solec Kujawski there is a dinosaur park, Jura Park. There are about a hundred models in it. Some seem like harmless lizards, while others are a little scary even for adults, but it’s interesting.

In addition to dinosaurs, there are paid and free attractions, souvenir shops, cafes and a play area. In summer, a ticket costs 5.8 EUR (25 PLN), in winter - 4.2 EUR (18 PLN).

Torun gingerbread (Torun's gingerbread)

Another local attraction is the Toruń gingerbread. a true legend cities. In the center there is a special gingerbread shop with different fillings, chocolate and many other variations.

To be honest, we didn’t like it, even our sweet-toothed daughter didn’t eat it, but try it anyway: everyone has different tastes, maybe you’ll like a local gastronomic celebrity.

Bydgoszcz City Center

The city of Bydgoszcz, 46 kilometers from Toruń, is also worthy of attention. A very pleasant place, although I didn’t experience any special emotions, except perhaps the joy of meeting street performers, their music inspired and lifted my spirits for the whole day, and Poles and tourists started dancing right on the bridge near the tightrope walker’s monument.

It's a cute Polish town, but it's a little hard for me to form any idea of ​​it other than "a nice Polish town."

Central square with a fountain - favorite place for children's running competitions, and the monument also attracts the attention of children.

Kids Play Children's Center

Among the places worth visiting in Bydgoszcz I would like to highlight child Center Kids Play - two floors of entertainment for children of any age, many carousels, a trampoline, a dry pool and much more. By the way, we also thought about the parents: it’s convenient to watch the children, soft sofas, coffee or tea, free Internet.

From Monday to Thursday, an hour of play will cost 2.8 EUR (12 PLN), an unlimited ticket will cost 4.7 EUR (20 PLN). From Friday to Sunday, a ticket for an hour will cost 3.5 EUR (15 PLN), and a ticket for the day will cost 5.8 EUR (25 PLN). If you want someone to look after your child, the price of the service is 3.5 EUR (15 PLN) on weekdays and 4.7 EUR (20 PLN) from Friday to Sunday.

Geothermal center Geotermia

In the city of Grudziadz, which is 70 kilometers from Bydgoszcz, the most interesting and popular place- These are geothermal salt pools, they are called Geotermia. They are designed for bathing both children and adults; Several pools are available, differing in temperature and salt concentration. Such baths, as it is written on the center’s website, are useful for everyone and help with stress, insomnia, respiratory diseases and many other ailments; for prevention, of course, they are also good. Hour at geothermal pools costs only 4.2 EUR (18 PLN), two hours - 6 EUR (26 PLN), unlimited stay - 9.3 EUR (40 PLN).

Masurian lakes

I also cannot ignore or recommend the Masurian Lakes region. This region is also called the Masurian Lake District: about two thousand bodies of water surrounded by forests, natural parks and nature reserves. An excellent place for a calm, measured holiday. Most Popular resort towns- these are Gizycko, Mikolajki, Ilawa, Ryn. Of the places listed, we were only in Mikołajki, the center of Polish yachting.

Yacht rental

You can rent a boat with a crew and create your own route, or ride with a group of tourists. I think that for a child who loves boat trips, any of the options will be interesting.

Of course, long-term yacht rental is not a cheap pleasure, but renting a yacht for a short time motor boat It's not that difficult. A 30-minute ride will cost from 35 EUR (150 PLN) to 70 EUR (300 PLN) depending on the chosen vessel.

Tropicana Waterpark

The water park in Mikołajki has long been a favorite among residents Kaliningrad region who come here on weekends. It is called Tropikana and is located on the territory of the Golebiewski Hotel. The water park is wonderful, there is a children's area, different pools and slides for all ages. Hotel guests enjoy water center free of charge, for everyone else the entrance costs 7 EUR (30 PLN), for a child - 3.5 EUR (15 PLN), and children under four years old visit the Tropicana for free.

I hope that after reading the article you are convinced that traveling to Poland with children is possible and even necessary. I have listed only those places that we visited during our travels to this country; I am sure that in Poland you will be able to find even more interesting things for you and your child.

Anything to add?

Beautiful for its nature and history. At any time of the year you can have a wonderful holiday in this wonderful country. Poland has castles, parks, sea and mountains - what more could you dream of?;)

So, let's begin. Since you are from Kaliningrad, you have probably already seen enough of the Baltic Sea, however, you should not immediately deny yourself viewing the sea from the Polish shore. Gdansk, Gdynia and - three seaside towns, which is popularly called Trójmiasto (Triple City). There are a huge number of hotels, spas, beaches, concert venues(for festivals that are held there almost every week).

If you get tired of social life, move to the streets of Gdansk - such beauty cannot be ignored

This is such a beautiful coast of the Baltic Sea.

You can easily get to Gdansk from Kaliningrad by bus or, what I recommend, by blablacar (blablacar.com)

Let's move to the heart of Poland - Warsaw. Starówka is here for you ( Old city) and high-rise buildings up to the clouds, Soviet and bourgeois architecture adjacent in unison, as well as parks, castles, clubs, metro, shopping centers and traffic jams.

Warsaw is a must-visit, if only to understand the rhythm and energy of the whole country

Now let's talk about southern Poland and the Tatra Mountains. Located on the very border with Slovakia a beautiful city. If you are planning your trip in winter, then you should definitely come here immediately.

Do you agree, it’s fascinating? In winter, here you can rent a house, rent skis or a snowboard, stroll through fairs, drink mulled wine or enjoy the taste of smoked cheese, traditional for these places.

The cheapest way to get to Kaliningrad is by Blablacar or by bus and train (with a transfer in Warsaw)

Of course, it is worth mentioning cities such as Wroclaw, Poznan. These cities are famous for their architecture, churches and castles. These cities are included in almost all tourist routes in Europe, so I won’t focus on them.

Let me add this. If you travel from Kaliningrad to Poland by car, find time to visit small town Malburg. It is located near the border - Russia. This small town is home to a charming castle

Be sure to visit Poland, because it has so many beautiful things!;)

Of course, we won’t talk about temperatures close to 30 degrees plus. For this . “Warm” will be considered in comparison with normal summer temperature values. Thus, the water temperature, according to many years of research in the Baltic Sea, ranges from 9°C to 22°C in summer. And if a value of 9 degrees is more suitable for winter swimmers, then 18 and above are absolutely normal temperatures for swimming. Especially when on land it’s up to 34°C in the shade, and this happens in the Baltic every summer. The water temperature here is quite dependent on currents. It is difficult to go wrong with swimming, since the beaches in Poland are mostly supervised by lifeguards and are equipped with signs indicating the water temperature. If swimming is not allowed, this is indicated with a special flag. Rescuers on boats approach swimmers and inform them that they must leave the water until the ban is lifted. But there are places where the temperature is more or less stable. About them below.


Despite the fact that this is where Poland begins (or ends, depending on who you choose) and there is only one sea around, oddly enough, the water here has a fairly stable temperature. There are no sudden changes in currents here due to the underwater landscape. Hel by nature it is elevated and its surroundings, especially those that lie on the other side of the open sea, are the warmest from the point of view of water. Kuźnice (Forge) can be called very good example in this plan.

Chałupy Welcome To! – sang in the eighties and nineties in Poland. Chalupy is perhaps the most famous village in the country, but not so much because of the beaches themselves. Rather, thanks to the nudists who chose these places shortly after the Second World War. So Chalupy became a household name thanks to nudist beaches in Poland. It is worth noting that naturalists settled in Chalupy for a reason. The beaches are clean and the water here is beautiful. You don’t need to know how to swim; you can walk in the water for a long time and still remain waist-deep in it. It is this shallow depth, and even in the sun, that makes local beaches look like Mediterranean resorts. Nowadays you will see nudists here less often, but there are more than enough kiters. It is better to book hotel rooms in advance.

Władysławowo, Puck

The beauty of this place is also the Puck Bay (Zatoka Pucka). It is shallow, and therefore warms up in the summer to that same 22°C absolutely calmly. Puck is not a very popular tourist town. All because it has no access to open sea. But you and I are wondering where it’s warmer. It's warmer here. Vladislavovo has a beach facing the open sea, but towards the same Halup, just a kilometer from Vladislavovo, the beaches of the Gulf of Puck begin. There are fewer people here than on the beach in Vladislavovo itself, and a slightly different, more homely and calm atmosphere.

All of the above resorts have an important advantage for tourists from Russia. In particular, from the Kaliningrad region, because they fall under the visa-free border regime. If we ignore the Hel Spit, then there is also a place to swim in the warm Baltic water. Here the bottom topography and current play an important role.


Thanks to the shallow water coastline, on which there are widely spread beautiful beaches Ustka is a wonderful place to relax. Precisely for relaxation, because unlike the popular Kołobrzeg, it is quiet and peaceful here. And since we are also interested in water temperature, here it rises above 17°C more often than in Kołobrzeg. Although there, of course, it’s good. But it should be noted that the Polish residents themselves praise Ustka, giving it preference when choosing seaside resort. Especially in the last couple of years.

Kopań (Kopań - lake)

Not quite the sea, but 100 meters from it. In the Darłowo commune there is the salt-water lake Kopan. It is separated from the sea by a small strip of land and connected to the sea by a canal through which water from the sea flows into the lake during a storm. This is why the water in the lake is salty. In fact, Kopan is every child’s beach dream. Surely, sitting on the beach, everyone dug a “pool” or pond connected to the sea by a canal. Water was filled into such a pool and it was like sitting in a hot spring, because compared to the sea, the water in it was really hot. The depths of Lake Kopan are very small - from 2 to 4.9 meters. Accordingly, it warms up well. This has its own charm; you can swim in the sea when it’s hot, and when it’s a little cooler - in the lake. Two pleasures in one. That’s why the lake-sea ended up on our list of Polish seaside holiday destinations.

Łeba (Leba)

Lake Łebsko, which is similar in nature, formed by the Leba River near the city of the same name, is an example of a combination unusual for these places. In addition to the fact that here, as in the case of Lake Kopan, the lake and the sea converge, there is also a desert. Sand dunes can be observed throughout the entire space from the river to the sea. I also call them “walking dunes” because they actually move under the influence of winds. As for the sea temperature in these places, it is rather normal here, but the views and the opportunity to walk through the desert from the sea to a river similar in size to the sea will clearly not leave anyone indifferent.

The place is interesting both from the point of view of entertainment and from the point of view of history and culture. Here you feel that the border with Germany is close. Very. Sometimes it’s even so close that, due to the number of Germans vacationing here, it may seem that you are already beyond this border. Moreover, on this moment There is no official border, in a certain sense of the word. If you want to have a blast on the beach, go to a disco and let yourself frolic without inhibitions, then the beaches of Swinujscia are suitable for you. The water here is slightly warmer than the average along the Polish coast. But if you want to grab two pleasures here too, welcome to Międzyzdroje, which is just a few kilometers from the center of Swinoujscia. There is silence here, peace, clean beaches, clean - and most importantly warm - water of the Baltic Sea. As in other cases on the Polish coast, the bottom topography plays a major role in the warmth of the water in Miedzyzdroje. We can say that the beach here goes into the water for about 25 meters. The water is knee-deep and chest-deep - maximum.

It is worth noting that on almost all beaches and resorts in Poland you can relax with small children, since the depths off the coast, with rare exceptions, are very shallow. In addition, on official beaches there are always lifeguards and dedicated paddling pools for children. They are located where the water is shallower and warmer. Rescuers have special supervision over such a paddling pool. In general, children in Poland are surrounded by care and attention. This is the policy of the state and society. This also applies to beaches. Children playing on the beach in a crowd of complete strangers to each other is a normal phenomenon. So go to the beach in Poland with a child, even if on weekend, it will even be very appropriate. Adults will also have something to do while their child is frolicking with new friends. Even if this activity is just relaxation.

Summer is a time created for joy, pleasure and positive emotions. Long sunny days give us more free time for active rest and creativity, juicy berries and fruits add energy, the lush nature around inspires. If you have children, then summer is the ideal time to pay more attention to them, because fun time spent with parents, regardless of the child’s age, has a positive effect on his development, builds self-confidence, brings closer and strengthens family relationships.

To do this, it is not necessary to spend all your savings on visiting expensive mountain resorts or holiday abroad over the sea. These traditional vacation spots are familiar to parents, but not always comfortable and interesting for the children themselves. But you can give your child a lot of impressions by going with him for a weekend to one of the places we offer, where it’s never boring.

We will tell you the best, most surprising and exciting ways to spend an unforgettable weekend with your child in Poland. By using them, you will not only create an interesting adventure for the kids, but you will also have a fabulous time, quietly plunging into a carefree childhood.

The largest amusement park in Poland - Energylandia

In the summer, you need to make the most of every day so that you have somewhere to draw energy from on cloudy and rainy autumn school and work days. A powerful charge of positive energy will give you a visit to the grandiose theme park entertainment in Poland - Energyland, which is located in the picturesque area of ​​Zator, near Krakow and Katowice (30 min. by car).

A ticket to Energylandia is a ticket to a real dreamland: here, on an area of ​​26 hectares, there are several dozen modern attractions: carousels, 7D cinemas, extreme roller coasters, theaters and amphitheaters where circus performers, actors and illusionists perform and broadcast the most anticipated new products from the multi-industry. There is also a planetarium in Energylandia, as well as an unrealistically beautiful Water Park, stylized as tropical island, with sun loungers and pools of varying depths, where a comfortable water temperature is maintained, and experienced lifeguards monitor the safety of visitors.

This park has many other unique entertainments, among which every family member will certainly find something to their liking. Energylandia is specially divided into several zones: Baikolandia (fantastic rides and even safari for the little ones), a family zone (attractions for families with children), an extreme zone (entertainment for real adrenaline junkies), a performance and show zone, and a Water Park zone. .

Service and comfort at the Energylandia amusement park are at the highest level. Here they have made sure that customers do not stand in long lines for tickets - they can be bought online, they have equipped parking lots for several thousand (!) cars, there are free changing rooms and drying areas near the pools in Energylandia, lifeguards monitor the safety of water activities, and also near Each attraction has specialists who monitor its safety and ensure that all rules are followed when using the attraction.

All the attractions in Energylandia are new and have received international quality certificates, including ISO 9001. In addition to the attractions, there are many food establishments, cafes, and restaurants on the territory of the amusement park, which serve not only the kids’ favorite food: fabulous desserts and ice cream, but also tasty and nutritious dishes from different cuisines of the world, so you definitely won’t go hungry in Energylandia.

Ticket prices for the largest amusement park in Poland - Energylandia:

  • children under 3 years old - 1 zloty
  • children over 3 years old and less than 140 cm tall - PLN 59
  • pregnant women and pensioners - PLN 59
  • children over 140 cm tall and adults - PLN 109 per person
  • ticket for a year - 329 zlotys

In summer, Energylandia is open to customers from 10.00 to 18.00 on weekdays and from 10.00 to 20.00, and sometimes until 24.00 on weekends. We recommend that you find out the exact opening hours of the park on the day you plan to visit it on the Energylandia website.

Interestingly, newlyweds who want to do a wedding photo shoot in Energylandia and come in wedding suits have the right to enter for only 1 zloty! And for another 1 zloty, every child under the age of 18 has the right to visit Energylandia on their birthday! This amusement park offers discounts for people with special needs and for school excursions (15 people or more).

A ticket to Energylandia is valid for the whole day and gives you the right to unlimited use of all the attractions you like. If necessary, only parking, souvenirs, food and overnight accommodation are subject to additional payment.

Energylandia is number 1 on our list of holiday destinations in Poland recommended for visiting with children. This Polish Disneyland makes dreams come true and provides unforgettable experiences.

Africanarium in Wroclaw

The Africanarium is part of the famous Wroclaw Zoo and the first large-scale aquarium in Poland. This incredible place fascinates both children and adults, allowing them to get an extremely close and educational look at the exotic aquatic world of Africa.

The oceanarium consists of 21 pools with a total volume of 15 million liters, which are inhabited by more than 250 species of different fish and inhabitants of African reservoirs! It is divided into thematic zones corresponding to the fauna of different regions of Africa:

Red sea(the ecosystem of a coral reef is reproduced, where more than 60 species of exotic fish thrive).

East Africa(Nile hippopotamuses, the world's smallest antelope dik-diks, unusual rodents and endemic fish from the lakes of the region live here).

Skeleton Coast(an extremely interesting and popular area, because its inhabitants are African fur seals and children's favorite penguins! In addition, here you can see serpentine moray eels, jellyfish and beautiful lionfish).

Mozambique Channel(this area in the Afrikarium is visited most often, because it is presented as a huge 18-meter acrylic tunnel, during which sharks, green turtles, giant stingrays and other interesting inhabitants of the Mozambique Strait swim around you).

Jungle near the Congo River(here you will meet dangerous African crocodiles and cute manatees, as well as a variety of birds inhabiting the jungle).

Ticket prices for the Africanium in Wroclaw:

  • children under 3 years old and persons over 75 years old - free
  • children from 3 to 7 years old - 35 zlotys
  • students - 40 zlotys
  • adults - 45 zlotys
  • family ticket (2+3) - 150 zlotys

The ticket gives you the right to visit the Africanarium and the zoo itself, which is very convenient. Tickets can be purchased online. The Africanarium is open from 09.00 to 18.00 from Monday to Thursday, and from Friday to Sunday and on holidays it is open an hour longer: from 09.00 to 19.00. You can get to the zoo and Afrikarium in Wroclaw by public transport: trams No. 1, 2, 4, 10 or minibuses No. 115, 145 or 146.

The Africanarium in Wroclaw is a place that is not decorated with decorations, but with nature itself, mystical and beautiful. I want to come back here.

Dinosaur parks in Poland (A2)

Every person should visit a dinosaur park in their life, because where else can you see this mysterious prehistoric creature, which children and adults are fans of, in real size? There are a lot of dinosaur parks in Poland, more than 20. We will offer you the largest and most interesting dinosaur parks that are definitely worth visiting:

Dinosaur Park JuraPark in Krasievo

Dinosaur Park JuraPark in Krasiejow (25 km from Opole and 80 from Katowice) is the largest dinosaur theme park in all of Europe, where science and entertainment form an explosive mixture of positive emotions and useful knowledge. There are still actual excavations of fossils of these creatures, the oldest of which are 225 million years old.

There are 200 real-size dinosaur models in the park; next to each of them there is a sign with information that makes learning about the dinosaur easy and interesting.

However, this is not all. JuraPark in Kraseyuv is a whole range of entertainment for the whole family. A ticket to this park gives you the right to visit the time tunnel, the prehistoric aquarium, the paleontological pavilion, to explore the dinosaur park along the educational trail, and have fun in the amusement park or children's playgrounds. affordable holiday on Jurassic Beach.

Prices for tickets to the JuraPark dinosaur park in Kraseyuv

  • children under 4 years old - free
  • schoolchildren and students - 32 zlotys
  • adults - PLN 39
  • family package 2+1-100 zlotys
  • family package 2+2 - PLN 125

JuraPark in Krasijow is open from 10.00 to 19.00 on weekdays and from 09.00 to 20.00 on weekends.

Dinozatorland dinosaur park in Zator

The highlight of the Dinozatorland park in Zator (50 km from Krakow and Katowice) is that the dinosaurs here are like alive: they move and make characteristic sounds. There are more than a hundred dinosaurs in Dinozatorland, and they are located in the ancient forest among centuries-old trees. In addition to dinosaur figures, you can see their real skeletons and other fossils here. Dinozatorland offers its visitors other equally interesting entertainment.

Here you can get to mysterious world Greek mythology, where Greek gods and mystical creatures from known myths live, fully enjoy Andersen’s characters in the Land of Fairy Tales, and also get acquainted with the giant moving figures of the most popular insects - a truly unusual and fun spectacle. Dinozatorland also has an amusement park with many incredibly diverse attractions, the collection of which is constantly growing to keep guests interested.

Ticket prices for the Dinozatorland dinosaur park in Zator

  • children under 3 years old - free
  • all others - 59 zlotys
  • family package 2+2 (two adults and two children under 16 years old) - PLN 199

A ticket to the Dinozatorland dinosaur park will allow you to visit all thematic areas (which is 4 hectares) and give you the right to unlimited entertainment in the amusement park (including in the 5D cinema). Tickets to Dinozatorland can also be purchased online, however, they will only be valid for 2 days after purchase.

Dinozatorland in Zator is open from 09.00 to 19.00 on weekdays and from 09.00 to 20.00 on weekends and holidays.

JuraPark Dinosaur Park in Solec Kujawski in Poland

The JuraPark dinosaur park in Solec (15 km from Bydgoszcz) is a place where, just a few steps along the excursion path, you plunge into the past millions of years, getting acquainted with extremely realistic figures of the then inhabitants - giant dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era and reptiles. Staying in the park is educational and entertaining at the same time. There is a museum of the Earth, a winter garden, as well as a fun town with slides, carousels, simulators, etc.

Prices for tickets to the JuraPark dinosaur park in Solec Kujawski in Poland

  • children under 4 years old - free
  • children under 10 years old, pupils, students (up to 26 years old) and pensioners - 22 zlotys; family package 2+2 (two adults and two children under 16 years old) - 85 zlotys

All types of tickets to the JuraPark Solec dinosaur park can be purchased online. Park opening hours:
weekdays: 09.00 - 19.00
weekend: 09.00 - 20.00

Educational and entertainment park “Farm of Illusions” (Farma Iluzji)

Educational amusement park Farm of Illusions is one of best places on the entertainment map in Poland, located 85 km from Warsaw towards Lublin. A visit to this unusual place will bring joy not only to your children, but also to you, because the laws of physics do not apply here, stereotypes are broken, and in return you can see amazing scientific phenomena that at first glance seem like real magic.

Here you will see a flying house of secrets and a house that spins, visit a mirror labyrinth, a fairy-tale palace of shadows, a tunnel of oblivion, an Egyptian museum and even the mysterious tomb of a pharaoh, go down into a magical gold mine, meet wild dragons, get acquainted with the phenomenon of levitation, and be able to trace the invisible first glance traces...

The list of entertainment at the Farm of Illusions goes on for a long time. Let us only add that there are many interesting areas here, photos in which can confuse and amuse even the biggest skeptics, and visitors are treated to fascinating illusionist shows every day.

Getting to know illusions gives a lot of fun and entertainment and at the same time, in a very interesting and easy way, teaches the child to think broadly and outside the box, analyze and develop imagination.

Prices for tickets to the educational and entertainment park “Farm of Illusions”

  • children up to 100 cm tall - 1 penny
  • children under 12 years old - 34 zlotys
  • adults - PLN 39
  • family (2+2) - 240 zlotys

The establishment is open from 10.00 to 19.00 on weekdays and from 11.00 to 18.00 on weekends.

Family recreation park “Magic Gardens” (Magiczne Ogrody) in Janowiec

The family holiday park “Magic Gardens”, located in Janowiec (65 km from Lublin and 55 from Radom), is another great option for spending an unforgettable weekend with children in Poland. This family amusement park is based on an original fairy tale story.

Among hundreds of flowers, trees and bushes, you will discover magical lands whose inhabitants are unusual creatures. Fantastic characters and buildings in the Magic Gardens organically fit into the unusually picturesque nature and it seems that you, too, have become the hero of some kind of fairy tale.
We advise you to take the time and visit all the presented zones, such as the Carrot Field, where giant carrots grow, the city inhabited by gnomes, the House of the Sorcerer, the Dragon's Nest, the Castle of Sorceresses, etc.

In the Magic Gardens there are many places for relaxation and entertainment: carousels, swings, slides, castles, tunnels, trampolines, trampolines, and also many educational games, for example, experiments with water in Water World. All entertainment, fun and attractions available in the Magic Gardens are included in the ticket price.

The Magic Gardens will be of interest to various age groups, especially for children of primary school age, although you can come here even with the smallest ones (comfortable walking paths make it easy to walk with a stroller, modern toilets have changing tables, and food establishments will gladly warm up what you bring with you). food or bottle of nutrition).

On the territory of the Magic Gardens you will find many cozy places to relax and even grill areas with everything necessary equipment, so you can organize an unforgettable family picnic. Parking from the Magic Gardens is free, as is WI-FI on their territory.

Prices for tickets to the family recreation park “Magic Gardens” (Magiczne Ogrody) in Janowiec:

  • children up to 100 cm tall - free
  • children under 14 years of age and pensioners - 26 zlotys
  • adults - 32 zlotys
  • family (2+1) - 77 zlotys
  • family (2+2) - 99 zlotys

The Magic Gardens are open to visitors daily from 10.00 to 19.00. Tickets to the family holiday park “Magic Gardens” can be easily purchased online.

Miniature park Inwald Park in Inwald

You can also have a pleasant weekend in Poland with children in the Inwałd Park, which is located in the city of Inwałd (Lesser Poland Voivodeship) 60 km from Krakow and 80 km from Katowice. The main entertainment in Inwałd Park is a visit to the World of Dreams miniature park.

Here your children will be able to make an unusual trip to several countries at once: Australia, Greece, Italy, China, Mexico, Germany, France, getting acquainted with miniature architectural monuments characteristic of each of them. In just one day you will have time to visit Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty, take a photo at the Brandenburg Gate, walk the entire Great Wall of China and admire the gondolas in the canal near St. Brand. And at the same time feel like Gullivers, because most of the buildings are made on a scale of 1:15, and some - 1:10.

However, Inwałd Park is not only a park of miniatures. Here you can also visit the dinosaur park Dinolandia with its Cave of Secrets, labyrinths and interesting themed cafes, take advantage of the variety of attractions in the Lunapark, you can travel back in time to the 15th century and end up in a medieval village, where you will meet the artisans of that time - potters, blacksmiths, shoemakers , play bowling or billiards, and then visit the fortress and you can even play laser paintball in its dungeons, along with dragons and knights.

There is also a mini-zoo on the territory of Inwałd Park, where you can see and even feed various animals, both exotic and well-known.

Another must-see place in Inwałd Park is the Garden of Ivan Paul II, which is also called the living museum of the Pope. 3 hectares - this is exactly how much the work with the image of the figure of Pope Rome, the Cathedral of St. Peter's in the Vatican and the Cathedral Holy Virgin Mary in Wadowice. To create this incredible living picture, about 20 thousand appropriately selected plants were needed: trees, shrubs, flowers and tons of stones, gravel and crushed stone. In the garden you can stroll along cozy alleys, admire nature and learn unusual stories from the life of John Paul II. Inwałd Park has a campsite and tent city, and you can also stay in a hotel on its territory.

Ticket prices for the miniature park Inwałd Park:

  • children under 3 years old - 1 zloty
  • children from 3 years old and students up to 26 years old - 60 zlotys
  • adults - 70 zlotys
  • family (2+2) - 240 zlotys

A ticket to the miniature park Inwałd Park is valid for 2 days. You can purchase tickets at the box office and online. Inwałd Park is open in the summer from 09.00 to 19.00 on weekdays and from 09.00 to 20.00 on weekends and holidays.

Flyspot wind tunnel in Poland

One of the biggest dreams of all children (and almost all adults) around the world is to fly like their favorite superheroes. In Poland there is now a great opportunity to make such a dream come true. You don't need to be a pilot or practice to do this. extreme species air sports, just visit Flyspot - a powerful wind tunnel that allows you to feel weightlessness and enjoy the feeling of free flight.

This happens thanks to the creation of wind speeds of up to 300 km/h, which lifts visitors several or even tens of meters into the air and gives unforgettable emotions. There are two such tunnels in Poland: in Warsaw and Katowice.

Each flight ticket includes a short initial training, during which the participant learns the basic rules for the safe use of the wind tunnel and the rules of communication in it and meets his instructor, who will monitor his safety. After training, each participant receives a special flight suit (you cannot fly without it), a helmet, goggles, and disposable earplugs (the tunnel is quite noisy). After exiting the tunnel, the visitor will receive a Certificate and even the opportunity to receive a video recording of the happy minutes of his flight! This type of holiday is only available for children over 3 years old. One flight lasts 1.5 minutes - the time of free fall after a parachute jump from a height of 4000 meters.

Ticket prices for the Flyspot wind tunnel in Poland

The price of a ticket to the Flyspot wind tunnel in Poland depends on your level of training. We will look at prices for beginners.

  • children under 18 years old - 2 flights, PLN 219
  • adults - 2 flights, PLN 249
  • family package (2+1) - 2 flights, 699 PLN

Flyspot operates in Poland from 08.30 to 24.00 every day.

Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland

Wieliczka - small town near Krakow (only 10 km from its center), where one of the most popular tourist sites in Poland is located - a large-scale salt mine with a history of 700 years. Wieliczka is a whole underground city with lakes, carved heroes, food establishments and even a church. You can see the beauty of this mine by walking several trails of varying lengths and difficulty.

Today, these salt dungeons and caves are of interest not only to adults - a whole fairy tale story has been invented here for children, making their stay in Wieliczka full of adventures and surprises. Children are invited to travel not just with a mine, but with the whole fairy-tale country of Soliland.

Walking through the underground corridors, they will get acquainted with the secrets of Soliland, solving puzzles, meet fantastic characters on their way, such as the dragon Solonya, the Treasurer who treats him with sweets, or the gnome Soliludka, they will hear exciting legends about the good spirits of the mine and other incredible interesting secrets, will get acquainted with the procedure for extracting salt, and will also be able to watch a multimedia display of interesting material about the digging site on the walls of its caves.

When going on an excursion to the Wieliczka Salt Mine, we recommend taking with you sufficiently warm clothes (the temperature in the caves is 15 degrees), as well as comfortable shoes, because you will have to climb hundreds of steps. The duration of the excursion is more than two hours.

Prices for tickets to the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland (excursion “Discovery of Soliland”):

  • children under 4 years old - free
  • children from 4 to 16 years old - 46 zlotys
  • adults - 65 zlotys
  • family (2+2) - 176 zlotys

The Wieliczka Salt Mine is open daily from 07.30 to 19.30.

ZOO SAFARI in Borisev (Poland)

Immerse yourself in wildlife and you can hunt for mysterious and interesting animals from all over the world using a camera lens by going to ZOO SAFARI in Borisev (30 km from Lodz, a little more than 150 km from Warsaw and Poznan). Your child will definitely remember this weekend for a long time, because on an area of ​​26 hectares there live more than 600 different animals, including extremely rare white lions, Bengal tigers, pumas, lynxes, African buffaloes, many species of antelopes and zebras, kangaroos, lemurs, camels and many more -many other, no less interesting representatives of wild fauna.

In addition, ZOO SAFARI has a special Mini ZOO area, where even the smallest children can play with cute and safe animals, such as miniature goats, Cameroon sheep, alpacas, Vietnamese pigs, donkeys and fluffy rabbits. Adults are also extremely willing to come here, because such direct communication with animals brings joy to any age.

If your child has more than enough energy, then Figlarniu is for you fairyland ZOO SAFARI, where there are many entertainments and attractions, or to the 7D cinema. On the territory of ZOO SAFARI there is a catering establishment with 170 seats, which offers a charming panoramic view of the entire territory of the park.

Ticket prices to ZOO SAFARI in Borisevo:

  • children under 3 years old - free
  • schoolchildren, students and pensioners - 24 zlotys
  • all others - 29 zlotys
  • family (2+1) - 74 zlotys
  • family (2+2) - 95 zlotys

The safari operates daily from 09.00 to 19.00.

Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw

Young researchers and experiment lovers will definitely appreciate a visit to the unique Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. This center can be called both a science museum and a huge research laboratory, in which every day more than a thousand visitors get acquainted with exhibits, take part in experiments, learn to diversify the perception of seemingly complex and incomprehensible phenomena and laws of nature, think critically, analyze and find answers to your questions.

There are 400 exhibits here, grouped according to thematic principles, each of which can be viewed and even tested independently. The center’s animators will be happy to answer any questions that you may have during the process. Koperniku has six permanent interactive exhibitions, as well as a Workshop, High Voltage Theater and Robot Theater. You should also definitely visit the Pioneer Park and the Copernicus Sky Planetarium.

And on the roof of the Copernicus Science Center there is a garden, walking through which you will have an incredible view of the Vistula and the roofs of the old town.

Ticket prices to the Copernicus Science Center:

  • children under 2 years old - free
  • children from 2 to 19 years old, students (up to 26 years old) and pensioners - 18 zlotys
  • all others - 27 zlotys
  • family (2+2) - 72 zlotys

Due to the popularity of the Copernicus Science Center, all types of tickets can and should be purchased online in advance, because in the very center there are long queues to the ticket office, in which you can spend even several hours. The Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw invites visitors from Tuesday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00, and on weekends it is open from 10.00 to 19.00. The establishment is closed on Monday.

You can get to the center public transport the city of Warsaw, in particular shuttle buses No. 105, 118, 127, 185, 102, 162. Paid parking is available on the territory of the center (PLN 5/hour).

If you want to have a really high-quality and comfortable holiday with your child in Poland, then rest assured that all of the above locations were created just for this. However, in these 10 positions interesting places The options for holidays with children in Poland do not end - this country can offer many more original ways to have fun. If you already have experience of successful holiday trips to Poland with children, leave your reviews and impressions in the comments to the article.

We hope our selection of the best places for family vacation in Poland will be useful for you. Choose what suits your family’s tastes and feel free to go on a journey of excitement. To choose the best option in terms of time and costs, read the material. Here you will find a description of the pros and cons of all types of transport that you can use to travel to Poland from Ukraine. We remind you that from June 12, 2017, the visa-free regime with the EU, which means your child can travel to Poland on the basis of his own biometric passport. About all the nuances of its design, necessary documents, price and production time, read our article.