The state of Colorado is one of the most large regions USA. Many tourists come here every year to visit the well-known Rocky Mountains and enjoy all the benefits of being among the spectacular landscapes.

general information

The area of ​​this region is 269.7 thousand square meters. km, and its population is slightly more than 5 thousand people. The capital of Colorado, Denver, is also the most big city in this territory. The area is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, which include the Rocky Mountain belt.

Most tourists come here precisely to admire the grandeur of the snow-capped rocks, the beauty of the coniferous forests and enjoy the mild climate. The region is the center of summer and winter

The largest cities in Colorado are Lakewood, Aurora, Pueblo and others.

Tourism and industry

Thousands of ski fans come to Colorado every year in the winter to spend time on the snowy slopes sparkling under the bright rays of the sun. By the way, not only US residents gather here, but also tourists from all over the world. The most famous mountain tourist areas in Colorado: Aspen, East Park, Colorado Springs.

It's not just tourism that generates serious income for the government's coffers: Colorado is also an important industrial center. Most residents of this county live and work in its eastern part, which occupies two-fifths of the entire territory of Colorado. The state is also known for tunnels cut into the mountains to provide water to the dry prairies of farming areas, which are an important source of income in the area. Because Colorado lands are located between the major cities of California and the Midwest, it is home to important transport arteries, providing cargo sorting in the Rocky Mountain region.

Agricultural industry

As for the agricultural industries and agriculture of America, the state of Colorado occupies a leading position here. The US is highly dependent on products produced in the area. The most notable and profitable are sheep breeding and meat and dairy farming. This is due to the large amount of land ideal for raising livestock.

A variety of government improvements are helping farmers begin successfully growing crops such as potatoes, grains and sugar beets. Today, the territories previously occupied by desert prairies are endless

Mining industry

Colorado's mining industry is an important component of the US economy. The state gained prominence (due to its rich reserves of valuable metals) as early as the 1850s. During this period, the first adventurers appeared here, becoming victims of the silver and gold rushes. By the way, this area still abounds in valuable metals, although the most important point of Colorado's mining industry is now oil and, therefore, the production of gasoline.

In addition, the state occupies a leading position in molybdenum mining and steel production. Denver, the capital of Colorado, is even home to the US Mint.

Flag and coat of arms

The main symbol of Colorado, the flag, was officially adopted in 1911. The red letter "C" depicted on the canvas stands for "Colorado", which means "red color" in Spanish. The golden ball inside the letter indicates the existence of gold mines. The blue and white stripes of the banner symbolize the natural beauty of this land, blue skies and white snows in the Rocky Mountains.

The state emblem was adopted in 1877. The triangle depicted on it represents the all-seeing eye of God. There are also symbols of the state's mining industry, which brings major revenue to the treasury. These are mountains, earth and a pickaxe.

The state is located mostly in elevated areas. Its lands are located at an altitude of 2100 above sea level, making Colorado the highest altitude state in the United States.

The first charitable organization was created in Denver. It was a relief fund established by a priest, two ministers and a rabbi in 1882. It was called the Public Charity Service.

The largest silver bar in the world was found in this state. This happened in the city of Aspen in 1894. The weight of the unprocessed nugget reached 835 kilograms, which allows it to still remain the largest ingot in the world.

Once upon a time, the political arena of the state saw three different governors in one day. In 1905, he became Alva Adams, who after two months of work was removed from office: he was caught cheating during the elections. The incident occurred on March 17, the same day the state legislature decided to entrust this post to James Peabody, but he refused. A little later, but on the same day, Jesse MacDonald, a former lieutenant governor, took over as governor.

Rocky Mountains

This mountain system is located in the midline of Colorado. Two-fifths of the state is covered by an impressive array. The Rocky Mountains are called the Roof North America. There are 55 of the highest peaks here, some of them reaching 4270 km above sea level. Mountain system stretches from Alaska all the way to New Mexico, but Colorado contains the highest areas. In turn, the rocky mountains are divided into five chains.


Natural scenic landscapes are the main attractions that can be experienced when visiting the state of Colorado. On the map national parks First of all, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with such places as Old Bent Fort, Black Canyon and the Dinosaur Sanctuary.

To sum it up, Colorado is a great place to family vacation in nature or to spend your holiday conquering snow-capped peaks. For the USA, this state is not only important tourist center, but also an excellent source of minerals and agricultural products.

Colorado is a state located in the west-central region of the United States. It shares a northern border with Wyoming and Nebraska, an eastern border with Kansas, a southern border with Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona, and a western border with Utah. Area 269,837 km². Population 5,116,769 people. The capital is the city of Denver. Big cities: Fort Collins, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Boulder, Westminster. In 1876 it became the 38th US state.

State attractions

More than 30% of the state's area is occupied by parkland. The Black Canyon Park is very popular among rock climbing and rafting enthusiasts. Almost all Northern part Colorado is a resort area with mountain hotels, sports complexes, and boarding houses. Just northwest of Denver is the college town of Boulder. About 50% of the population are students and scientists working at the University of Colorado, the Museum of Natural History, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, where the best supercomputers on the planet are located. It is also home to a Buddhist Institute, the Center for Astrophysics and Space Science (CASA), the National Snow and Ice Research Center, and the Atmospheric and Space Physics Laboratory.

Summit Country is home to several famous ski resorts. Near the city of Aspen there are resort areas for snowboarding, places for cycling, hiking, and fishing. Also among the attractions are the Garden of the Gods with its red “turrets”, the Pikes Peak-Coag Railway with its beautiful landscapes, National Park Mesa Verde and its cave cities Anasazi culture, Dinosaur National Monument and the highest suspension bridge in the world - Royal Gorge (321 m).

Geography and climate

The state boundaries are parallel to each other and form a “rectangle”. The Rocky Mountain ranges are located in the central part of the state. Highest point– Mount Elbert, whose height is 4399 meters. The lowest point is located at an altitude of 1011 meters above sea level. Rivers flow from the western and eastern sides of these mountains. Most of the mountains are covered with coniferous forest. East of the Rocky Mountains are the Great Plains. The Colorado Plateau is located in the western part of the state. Major rivers: Colorado, Rio Grande and Arkansas. The climate on the eastern plains is different from that in the western foothills. In the eastern region, the climate is temperate continental, low humidity, with little precipitation (from 380 to 630 mm/year). In summer the average temperature is 35°C, in winter it can drop to -18°C. In the western part the climate is relatively uniform; in the higher elevations the climate is mountainous. The highest temperature in July is 21°C. IN winter period high level of humidity.


In 2007, GDP was $236 billion (11th place in terms of income). Among the most developed types of industry are food, chemical, mechanical engineering, and metallurgy. Mineral resources include coal, oil, natural gas, vanadium, uranium, zinc, and gold. The country's richest coal deposit is located in the northwest. The state of Colorado is a leader in beer production. The state capital is home to large banks, a mint, light industry enterprises, and federal organizations. In the field of agriculture, they grow wheat and corn, raise cattle, and are engaged in winemaking. The development of tourism makes a great contribution to the development of the economy.

Population and religion

The population density is 19 people per km². Residents of the state live mostly near the eastern slopes of the mountains, since these places are more protected from storm winds from Pacific Ocean. The first settlers were the Spaniards. In 2000, their number was 10.5%. A large number of African Americans, Chinese, and Koreans also live here. By religious faith, 65% of the population are Christians (44% Protestants, 19% Catholics, 2% Mormons, 1% Orthodox), 2% are Jews, 1% are Muslim, 5% are other religions, 25% are atheists.

Since the 15th century BC e. until about the 12th century. n. e. In the present territory of Colorado lived Indian tribes who called themselves “Anasazi”, representatives of an advanced agricultural civilization. Their possible descendants - the Ute and Cheyenne tribes - are familiar to us from American westerns.
In the 17th century The Spaniards came to the territory of the future Colorado, who gave the region its current name. Following them, the French arrive from the already developed colony of Louisiana. A long struggle for control over this territory begins.
At the beginning of the 19th century. The United States of America occupies Colorado, and in 1876 it becomes the thirty-eighth state.
During 1913, thanks to one Norwegian, among local residents developed a passion for skiing. This is how Colorado becomes one of the main centers of the “white madness” of alpine skiing. Even earlier, in the seventies of the XIX century, with the appearance in the region railway Crowds of gold miners poured here. But the Colorado gold rush was short-lived.

At first glance, the state of Colorado is all rocks and mountains, but in fact it is replete with attractions.

Most of the state of Colorado is located in mountain range, which marks the climatic boundary between the western states (California, Utah and Nevada), the central and eastern parts of the United States. The Sawatch is one of two mountain ranges that crosses the state from north to south and serves as the hydrographic boundary between the Pacific and Atlantic basins.
The most high peak Colorado - Elbert (4398 m).
The eastern part of Colorado is a flat region. Here they engage in livestock farming and produce significant quantities of oil, gas, tin, molybdenum, zinc, coal and silver.
Colorado Springs is home to electronics and information technology companies.
Tourism plays a very big role in Colorado. Aspen, located 354 km southwest of Denver, is known to fans winter sports all over the world. Influential and wealthy people looking for exciting experiences come here every year to enjoy the exciting slopes.
Near Colorado Springs is the Garden of the Gods - cliffs of red and white sandstone and other sedimentary rocks surrounded by evergreen cypress trees. This amazing landscape, especially during sunrise.
Colorado Springs is a must see. Here is a restored old ranch that looks like it came to us from Westerns. It is worth taking a walk through the National Park, which is declared cultural heritage UNESCO. Here you can find traces of the first inhabitants of this state, related to the culture of the Anasazi tribes.

general information

Thirty-eighth state of the United States (since 1876).
Common borders with states: Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah.

Capital: Denver 598,707 people, in the metropolitan area - 2,506,626 people. (2008).

English language.

Currency: US dollar.

Religion: Christianity.

The most significant cities: Colorado Springs, Lakewood, Boulder, Pueblo, Arvada.
Rivers: Colorado. Arkansas, South Platte, Rio Grande.

Mountains: Medicine Bow Range, Sawatch Range, San Juan.


Area: 269,837 km2.

Population: 4,301,261 people (2000).
Population density: 15.9 people/km 2 .
Average height above sea level: 2100 m.
Highest point: Elbert (4398 m).


Minerals: metal ores, coal, natural gas, uranium.

Agriculture: growing potatoes, sugar beets, livestock.

Curious facts■ Colorado means “colored red” in Spanish. Apparently, the whole point is that the Colorado River flows between red rocks.
■ From 1858 to 1860 Denver, main city Colorado, was called Auraria.
■ Near Colorado Springs is one of the most significant educational institutions USA - United States Air Force Academy.
■ Around 1850, over 10,000 gold rushers flocked to Colorado Springs in search of fortune.

Despite the heavy snow falling, we managed to fly away from wet and dirty New York
And although the news says that half an hour after our departure from the airport LaGuardia there an aircraft rolled off the runway Delta, our United generously sprinkled with reddish anti-freeze and started from the pusher, falling into air pockets so the people oohed and aahed... they finally broke out of the cyclonic captivity somewhere over Illinois (US state)

IN Colorado(US state) sunny and calm
A completely different America - smiling and friendly
And although the roads are dry - we were told that we can do whatever we want with the rented car - it is fully insured
Choosing a car to rent in the USA
We got to the place in an hour...
The journey across the USA has begun!
First stop: near the city Colorado Springs a park Garden of the Gods(Garden of the Gods)

I recommend staying in cozy houses near the park Garden of the Gods : Sunflower Lodge

The further into the depths of “single-story America”, the cheaper the prices in stores and motels.
You come across bearded and shaggy old men in greasy overalls. They drive prehistoric Chevrolet-type jeeps and cannot hide their surprise when they see us.

It turns out that Beavis and Budhead are not fictional characters: they were copied from the young people of “one-story America” - I can testify.

Something strange is going on with the weather and climate zones: we left in the January cold, and after lunch it was already mid-May.
Bright sun in the blue sky, and below there is snow with needles studded like a hedgehog’s back - pine trees and fir trees
The Colorado road trip continues tomorrow at Colorado National Monument

Departure to the national park Colorado National Monument located 6 km from the town Grand Junction
And although the park opens at 9 o'clock, we entered there at 8
We could have done it earlier - with the first rays of the Sun

Departure to the park costs 10 dollars and we paid this fee upon departure
At 8 o'clock there was no one in the park employee's booth.
We spent a total of 3 hours in the park, but there are enthusiasts who walk here and spend several days exploring this place
Well, we are now moving east - ski resorts in our program tomorrow

Now we are staying in Craig (on Route 40 towards the Steamboat Ski Resort). You know... this Craig - 2 streets 3 houses. On the horizon, two chimneys of some kind of processing plant or state district power plant are smoking... We stayed at a hotel in this town. There is a notice right before the entrance: “Wipe your dirty feet before entering.” But the hotel itself is very good: a suite is 100 bucks with taxes
So, Ikrinka got into a conversation with the girl from the reception (the girl is a typical Craig resident: fat, with black and red hair and extensive piercings)
How she found out that we are from Russia says:
— I really want to go to Russia...
— ?
— Actually, I like Craig.
— ?
— This year will be my first trip to the Philippines. But my friends with whom I am going to the Philippines say that I need to go to Russia
- Listen, it’s a bad idea for you to go to Russia.
— ?
— Are you going to start asking everyone there, “How are you?”? but in Russia they don’t like it and you can get punched in the eye for it
- I still want to go to Russia

I can’t stop enjoying the roads in Colorado: there’s snow all around, it’s minus outside, and the asphalt is clean and dry
Today we drove along road 40 past the ski resort Steamboat.
What can I say: I would prefer to go skiing to Italy and Austria: it’s compact, cozy... and there’s a whole city here.
I think the rest of the major ski resorts in the US are of the same type.
Checked the box

Rocky Mountain Park or Rocky Mountain National Park not impressed at all: groups of tourists photographing a half-dead deer and creating a traffic jam, frisbee games on Bear Lake. Everything is somehow sucked out of thin air
No, maybe all the beauty is there... beyond the horizon and to see it you need to put on snowshoes and climb there for a couple of days - but this is not our method

However, I can recommend staying in a separate cottage from Wildwood Inn- very nice, spacious, overlooking the river, 3 km from the entrance to the park. And there is also a restaurant nearby Headtrail— pretty good moose burgers

As soon as I wrote this message, Ikrinka knocks on my window from the street: Take your camera - we have a moose in the parking lot!
It turned out to be not an elk, but a deer

Today we decided to give up and not travel around Colorado anymore: we extended our stay in Estes Park by booking an extra night in the cottage Wildwood Inn and tomorrow afternoon we fly to Utah - Salt Lake City and this will be the second part of the trip around the USA (there are 4 of them in the USA)

Today yesterday's elk decided to act decisively and demonstrated to Ikrinka that he was not an elk, but a deer
We drove along road 7 down - all entrances to the park were closed. In general, the conclusion is this: in a national park Rocky Mountain there is absolutely nothing to do in winter. It is best to come here in the fall, when the leaves turn yellow and red. Then it’s beautiful and colorful here, just like this US state is called

The great Colorado River rises at the top of the rocky mountains. It is not the longest in the country and cannot boast of its length. But still, it is generally accepted in the world that she is considered Great. The fact is that over hundreds of thousands of years, its leisurely waters formed an amazing natural landscape, biting deeper and deeper into the ground and rocks. The result of her work was the Grand Canyon, whose depth exceeds 2000 meters.

Surprisingly, the Grand Canyon was put on maps a little over a hundred years ago, when geologist John Powell and a small team rafted along the entire river bed. Imagine his surprise when he first saw the Grand Canyon and realized that the reason for its formation was the Colorado River, which patiently continues to cut its way through the rocks. In ancient times, these places always belonged to the Indians and subsequently these lands, especially the Monument area, became the main stage for filming Westerns. Navajo Indians still live in these areas on reservations.

Today, the Colorado River is the only source of water for many hundreds of kilometers around, which is gradually leading to the shallowing of the river. More than twenty thousand tourists strive to raft from the upper reaches of the river to the Gulf of California. But the queues of applicants are so huge that you have to reserve your application two years in advance. Alternative option To admire the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon is to travel along its bed on foot or in a jeep.

Coordinates: 31.81543800,-114.80403900

Arsenic Pool at the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon itself is an amazing creation of nature. For millions of years, the Colorado River made its way to the Gulf through the mountains, granite rocks and desert plains. The result of her work was Grand Canyon, which is fraught with many amazing natural monuments. Rafting down the river through its gorge you can encounter the most unusual phenomena. For example, Pumpkin Creek.

342 kilometers deep into the canyon you can see an unusual natural reservoir on the left bank of the river. Its rounded, pot-bellied walls truly resemble an orange pumpkin. If you swim closer and stand in the boat, you can see that the inside is hollow and filled with strange greenish-yellow water. We do not recommend even touching it, let alone drinking it. The fact is that pumpkin is the formation of lime deposits on carbon dioxide sources. For a thousand years, the water built up walls around itself, which over time turned into a pumpkin filled with spring water.

But the most unusual thing is not in the form, but in the content. The warm water in the pool is simply overflowing with minerals - zinc, copper and lead. And arsenic. The usual level of this poison in water is about 50 mg per liter, but here there are 1100 mg of arsenic per liter. Even a tiny sip from this pumpkin can cause death. When taking photos near the pool or after swimming in it, rinse your body thoroughly with running water.

Coordinates: 35.91553200,-113.33420800

What sights of Colorado did you like? Next to the photo there are icons, by clicking on which you can rate a particular place.

Rocky Mountains

There is hardly any place in the United States suitable for mountaineering and rock climbing that is larger than the territory national park"Rocky Mountains". It straddles both sides of the Dividing Range and comprises nearly a third of the entire state. A distinctive feature of these rocks is the unusual slope of the surface and many different cracks and ledges, which make it possible to easily overcome long distances. The only difficulty is choosing a comfortable season for climbing.

At the beginning of summer, the rocks are covered with snow and ice, causing the usual routes to take a completely unimaginable ascent trajectory, which attracts a special category of climbers.

Coordinates: 42.38333300,-115.93333300

Mesa Verde National Park is located in the southwestern part of Colorado, in the town of Montezuma Country. The total area of ​​the park is about two hundred square kilometers, and the elevation difference ranges between 1900 and 2600 meters above sea level. The park's main attraction is the numerous ruins of stone dwellings created in weathered sandstone canyons by an ancient people better known as the Anasazi Indian tribe. These buildings were erected in the 13th century and are the first example of an “apartment building” in the history of American architecture. The number of residential visits in such houses amounted to up to one hundred separate rooms.

The name of the park was given in honor of the plateau of the same name, rising 600 meters above the surrounding area, the slopes of which are covered with coniferous forest. Translated from Spanish, "Mesa Verde" means "Green Table". The popularity of these places began to increase in the second half of the 19th century, when Spanish explorers began to understand the value of ancient rocks for the life of the Indians. The first explorer of Mesa Verde was Richard Wetherill, an amateur historian who studied the history of the Pueblo; in addition, the archaeological work of the Swedish geologist Gustav Nordenskiöld was of great importance.

In 1906, in order to protect antiquities from possible vandalism, Mesa Verde received official status as a national park, and 60 years later entered the National Register historical places USA. Since September 1978, the park has been included in the list of World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO.

Coordinates: 37.18769000,-108.49226800

United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel

The U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel is located in Colorado, on the campus and training base of a branch of the U.S. Air Force Academy. The chapel was built in 1962 in the modernist style, designed by the architect Walter Netsch.

The chapel’s majestic appearance is given by seventeen rows of steel frames ending in peaks at a height of 50 meters. The building consists of three levels in which services are held for representatives of the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish faiths.

The chapel is a popular tourist attraction, with approximately 500,000 people coming to see it every year. In 1996, the chapel was awarded an award from the American Institute of Architects, and in 2004, as part of the cadet corps, it was recognized as a National historical monument USA.

Coordinates: 38.96400800,-104.81479000

Club Beta

Denver's Beta Club is distinguished by its environmental stance. Its lounge rooms are green and made with sustainable products that have been recycled and used to build the club. Its mandatory rule is to recycle used materials at recycling centers, which are located at the main traffic points in the club. Such materials are plastic, glass, aluminum, paper and others. The nightclub's motto is “We are green,” which fully confirms their position.

The club is equipped with a powerful audio and video system, lighting and special effects. All these amenities affect the quality of the music and therefore the visitors. Beta's goal is to develop club culture and is constantly moving in this direction. The establishment never stands still, it moves, looking for ways to expand and improve. His creative ideas delight regular visitors every time.

Coordinates: 39.75365300,-104.99535600

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