Satellite image of the island Characteristics Square3174.71 km² Population6409 people (2018) Population density2.02 people/km² Location 45°00′00″ n. w. 147°53′00″ E. d. HGIOL ArchipelagoGreat Kuril Ridge A country Audio, photo and video on Wikimedia Commons


The island stretches from northeast to southwest for 200 km, width from 7 to 27 km. Area - 3174.71 km². Length coastline reaches 581.9 km. Consists of volcanic massifs and mountain ranges. There are 20 volcanoes on the island, nine of which are active: Kudryavy (986 m), Lesser Brother (562 m), Chirip (1589 m), Bogdan Khmelnitsky (1585 m), Baransky (1134 m), Ivan the Terrible (1159 m) , Stokap (1634 m), Atsonupuri (1205 m), Berutarube (1223 m). There are many waterfalls on the island, including one of the highest in Russia - the Ilya Muromets waterfall (141 m), located on the Medvezhiy Peninsula; lakes, hot and mineral springs. At the entrance to the Lion's Mouth Bay there is the island of Stone Lion, 182 meters high. On the Pacific side there is an island. Lonely .


872 species of vascular plants have been recorded on the island. Most of the island's territory is covered with coniferous forests of Ayan spruce and Sakhalin fir; Cajander larch grows in the central part. In the south of the island there are broad-leaved species: curly oak, maples, calopanax, as well as bird cherry sciori, Kuril cherry and several types of woody vines: Kaempffer grapes, wood pliers, oriental toxicodendron, Chinese lemongrass, actinidia kolomikta. There are developed thickets of bamboo - Kuril saza, due to which forests and mountain slopes are often impassable. In the north of the island, which has a more severe climate, dwarf cedar, bush alder, different kinds bush willows and birches.

Endemics of the island are Kavakamian astragalus, island wormwood, and Kuril edelweiss. Among the rare plants of Iturup, the following can be distinguished: the endangered Asian pommel, continental and cordate aralia, seven-lobed calopanax, Japanese candyk, Wright's viburnum, Glen's cardiocrinum, obovate peony, Fori's rhododendron, Sugeroki holly, Gray's bifolia, pearl marshwort, low wolfwort , mountain peony, Sargent juniper, pointed yew, lichens Glossodium japonica and Stereocaulon naked, moss-like Bryoxyphium savatier and Atractycarpus alpine, growing near the Baransky volcano.

In the extreme south of the island there is a state nature reserve"Island".


In the northern part of Iturup, between the Slavnaya and Glush rivers, there are many brown bears. A feature of the fauna of Iturup is the disharmony of the theriofauna, i.e. a pronounced predominance of predatory mammals. The ratio of predators (fox, mink, sable, bear) to potential land victims (rat, red-gray vole, house mouse, mountain hare) here reaches 1:1. As a result, predators are forced to diversify their diet with seafood and seabirds, which is one of the features of their diet in the Kuril Islands in general.


Air traffic is carried out through the Burevestnik airfield, owned by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Sea communication (passenger and cargo) is carried out through the motor ship “Igor Farkhutdinov”. On September 22, 2014, the civil airport “Iturup” was opened on the island. On the morning of September 22, the first flight of Aurora Airlines from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk took place there. The governor took part in the opening of the airport Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin. In the near future, the airport will accept flights only from Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory and Magadan region, but international flights are also planned in the future.


The indigenous population of the island is the Ainu. Currently, some have been completely assimilated, while others were repatriated to Japan as subjects of the former Japanese Empire along with ethnic Japanese in the period from 1947 to 1949.

The current population is 6387 people. (2007) - formed as a result of migration exchange with the continent in the second half of the 20th century.


In the central part of the island on the shores of the Kuril Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is the city of Kurilsk - administrative center district and the only urban settlement of the island. Rural settlements: Reidovo, Kitovoe, Rybaki, Goryachiye Klyuchi (2025 people), Burevestnik, Shumi-Gorodok, Gornoye (1757 people). Non-residential settlements: Active, Slavnoe, September, Vetrovoe, Zharkie Vody, Pioneer, Yodnaya, Lesozavodskoe, Berezovka.


In 2007, within the framework of the federal target program “Socio-economic development Kuril Islands for 2006-2015” plans were announced to build an international airport on the island. The administration of the municipal formation “Urban District “Kurilsky”” planned to allocate 1.2 billion rubles for the construction of the airport. Chapter federal agency air transport Alexander Yurchik stated that new airport will be the main airport in the Kuril Islands. On September 22, 2014, the airport received its first regular flight company "Aurora" from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with 50 passengers on board.


There is a rhenium deposit on Iturup. Discovered in 1992 on the Kudryavy volcano. The deposit is represented by a fumarole field with permanent sources of high-temperature deep fluids - fumaroles. Rhenium is found in the form of the mineral rhenium ReS2, with a structure similar to molybdenite.

According to the Institute of Volcanology and Geodynamics Russian Academy natural sciences, the Kudryavy volcano releases 20 tons of rhenium every year (by the way, the world production of rhenium in 2006 was about 40 tons; the price of 1 kg of rhenium is up to 3.5 thousand dollars). In 2003, Russian scientists successfully carried out experimental work on the extraction of rhenium from disulfide emitted by a volcano. Commenting on the success of Russian specialists, Rossiyskaya Gazeta noted that rhenium is a strategically valuable metal that is used in the military-industrial complex (primarily in the aerospace sector). The largest specialist in the field of rare refractory metals E.M. Savitsky wrote: “Many rare elements are still little used in industry due to insufficient knowledge of their properties. Rhenium has so many positive qualities that it has become a metal in short supply. Any amount of it will be absorbed by industry. Rhenium is reliability, strength, quality.” The high-temperature rare-metal vapor-gas system of the Kudryavy volcano on Iturup Island has been attracting the attention of researchers for a quarter of a century, since the discovery of rare-metal mineralization in fumarole products.

Deputy Director of the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements (IMGRE) of the Ministry natural resources and RAS, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A. Kremenetsky noted that extracting rhenium on the island is economically feasible. According to the scientist, in addition to rhenium, there is also the possibility of extracting bismuth, indium, germanium, silver, gold and selenium. Kremenetsky emphasized: “If only the unique volcanic deposit on the island of Iturup did not also end up abroad.”

Previously, the USSR mined rhenium in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Emphasizing the importance of rhenium mining, Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote: “God sent Russia the Kudryavy volcano on Iturup Island, where this rhenium is a real storehouse!” .

On Iturup there is a large deposit of native sulfur (more than 4 million tons), clearly visible from the sea when approaching Kurilsk between the Chirip and Bogdan Khmelnitsky volcanoes.


The island's climate is generally classified as temperate maritime. However, it is complicated by the monsoon component, as well as a significant difference in the microclimate between the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific part. The latter is explained by the fact that the Sea of ​​Okhotsk coast is warmed by the warm waters of the Soya Current, while the Pacific coast is noticeably colder. On the Sea of ​​Okhotsk coast of the island there is less fog, so the number of clear and warm days per year is noticeably higher than on the Pacific coast, due to which the flora and fauna here are richer and more diverse. In general, summers on the island are humid and quite cool. Due to high humidity, the warmest month of the year is August, when average daily temperatures reach +14°C. This is higher than on Urup, but a little cooler than on Kunashir. The sum of active temperatures on Iturup is 1350°C compared to 1700°C on Kunashir, 1650°C on Shikotan and 700°C on Urup. Winters on the island are much milder than on the continent, characterized by frequent snowfalls and thaws. Thanks to the huge reserves of snow, many southern plants successfully survive during the cold period, and in the summer, melting snowfields maintain optimal water supply for moisture-loving species. Forester N.A. Popov called these climatic conditions"snowy subtropics". This definition is not widely accepted by researchers in the region, but some sources use it.

Average daily air temperature according to NASA
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec Year
−2.0 °C −3.7 °C −2.3 °C 1.4 °C 4.2 °C 7.7 °C 11.2 °C 13.6 °C 12.8 °C 10.0 °C 5.2 °C 0.5 °C 4.9 °C



In a controversial status

In 1643, between the islands of Iturup and Urup, the Dutch navigator De Vries discovered a strait, which was later named after him. Frieze gave the name to the island Iturup Land of the States- in honor of the States General, the then unofficial name of Holland.

As part of the Russian Empire

From 1947 to 1949, subjects of the former Japanese Empire (including the native Ainu) were repatriated to Japan.

Since 1991, it has been part of Russia as the successor country of the USSR. Currently, the Japanese side constantly returns to the problem of the “Northern Territories” (Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan islands, the Habomai group of islands), insisting on their transfer to its jurisdiction. The lack of visible progress on this issue is preventing the conclusion of a peace treaty between the countries.

see also


  1. Iturup Island is the subject of a territorial dispute between Russia, which rules the island, and Japan. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the island is part of the territory of the Russian Federation, according to the administrative-territorial division of Japan - it is part of the Nemuro district of Hokkaido Prefecture of Japan.
  2. Autumn on Urup, sakhalin.info. Retrieved June 2, 2017.
  3. Russian National Library. Atlas of the Russian Empire of 1745. Atlas maps. (undefined) . exhibitions.nlr.ru. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
  4. 税務署所在地・案内(北海道) (Japanese)
  5. Map of Nemuro Subprefecture(undefined) . Unavailable link
  6. Administrative map of Japan (As of April 1, 2009)(English) . Archived from the original on February 7, 2013.
  7. Northern Territories Affairs Office of the Hokkaido Governorate General Department

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And now this island is the subject of a dispute, like all the Kuril Islands, between the two countries. Here, it seems, is just a piece of land and rocks washed by the sea - what is there to divide? But this is only at first glance, even if you do not take into account the mining of the mineral rhenium on the slopes of the volcano, it turns out that the island is very interesting for tourists, lovers and unusual places.

Why go to Iturup?

The question is, of course, an interesting one, especially considering the fact that Iturup has its own airport and connections with the mainland. And on social networks you can find offers of very educational excursions with the goal of visiting this most remote piece of a large country.

There are many on Iturup, there are volcanoes, even active ones, beautiful white and black cliffs off the coast. Tourists have somewhere to roam and something to see. Fans of urban attractions and mysterious places can visit the military ghost town of Gorny, located in Kasatka Bay.

The modern appearance of the island was formed by volcanoes, and they still “determine” how this part of the Kuril ridge will develop. It’s convenient to go to the volcanoes directly from the only official city of Kurilsk; Chirin and Bogdan Khmelnitsky are just a stone’s throw away.

Another “volcanic” attraction near the city is called Yanquito. This is a miraculous monument of volcanic activity - harsh, chaotic rocks near the coast. Black bizarre rocks against the backdrop of the sea depths were created by volcano sculptors from their own lava.

Volcanoes not only create rocks, but also heat water. The island has hot baths and unique river Boiling. The river flows from the Emerald Eye, heated by the Baransky volcano. This lake is located close to the heat source, and the water in it reaches almost one hundred degrees; flowing into the river, it cools down, but steam still comes out. Near the river there are places for rest, there are places for swimming, you can cross it by a bridge.

Is a ghost town worth visiting?

Those who are not afraid of abandoned cities can visit the military ghost town of Gorny. Officially, it no longer exists, but it still belongs to the military, and there are still people there. In the dead city there is practically no infrastructure; the old houses of the garrison, built in a vulnerable place from a strategic point of view, are crumbling and have become similar to the buildings of Pripyat.

Even the road does not want to exist near the settlement forgotten by the authorities. Theoretically, two routes led to the city, but practically at the moment both are difficult to access. To get to the ruins of Gorny, you still have to try. One road was built by the military for strategic purposes and is currently passable only by the toughest military vehicles.

The second path is very unstable, it goes along the shallows and becomes accessible only during low tide. You need to get to your destination before the waves block the only “accessible road.”

The ghost town consists of houses built in the very early eighties that have survived several earthquakes and storms. The surviving boxes stand without windows or doors, everything else is broken and looted. This is a local apocalypse. In winter, all this gloomy splendor is covered with snow that is not removed by anyone.

What rocks are white in the distance?

The White Rocks are the brightest and most beautiful attraction in the region. This is a huge snow-white ridge hanging over the spacious. This is 28 kilometers of pumice and porous volcanic glass - another “creation” given to nature by volcanoes. The snow-white color of the rock is gracefully set off by emerald greenery; the rocks are covered with a carpet of grass on top.

The beaches of dark sand mixed with volcanic waste offer fantastic views. But the most unusual color scheme can only be seen from the sea. As soon as you move a little away from the shore by boat, you immediately see the bright contrast between the snow-white rocks with their green blanket and the dark strip of coastal sand.

And if you swim even further from the rocks, the photographs will show a unique combination of blue sea ​​water, dark sand, white rock and emerald greenery. Where else can you see such an unusual combination of colors and shades? The landscape looks best in the rays of the sun, and with a gloomy sky the result is an unusual mystical view.

After examining the white rocks, you can take a walk to the Windy Isthmus. There are no rocks or mountains here, but the wind constantly blows and you can see the ocean waters on one side, and admire the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk on the other.

big country, rich in unusual attractions and places that attract the attention of tourists. And Iturup Island is one of these attractions that deserves to be visited at least once in a lifetime.

In the northwestern part of the Pacific sector of the Earth, the abyss Pacific Ocean And Sea of ​​Okhotsk shares a majestic mountainous underwater structure stretching from Japanese Islands to the Kamchatka Peninsula. Its length is 1250 km with an average width of 150 km; the height above the seabed reaches 5 km.

The upper part of the ridge rises above sea level, forming, like a garland of stringed beads, an arched chain of the Kuril Islands, consisting of the Greater and Lesser Kuril ridges.

Iturup (Japanese: 択捉島 Etorofu) is an island in the southern group of the Great Kuril Islands, the most large island archipelago (3200 sq. km), its length is about 200 km, average width 25 km. The island consists of volcanic massifs and mountain ranges. The banks are high and steep. The most prominent peaks: Mount Stokap (1634 m) and Bogdan Khmelnytsky volcano (1585 m). According to the most common version, the name of the island of Iturup goes back to the word “etorop”, which translated from the Ainu language means “jellyfish”.

Iturup Island: photos

Volcano Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Iturup Island

Iturup Island: where is it located?

According to the administrative-territorial structure of Russia, Iturup Island is part of the Kuril urban district of the Sakhalin region. The island's ownership is disputed by Japan, which considers its territory to be part of the Nemuro subprefecture of Hokkaido Prefecture.

Iturup Island on the world map

Iturup Island: how to get there

Air traffic is carried out through the Burevestnik airfield, owned by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Sea communication (passenger and cargo) is carried out through the motor ships “Igor Farkhutdinov” and “Polaris”. On September 22, 2014, the civil airport “Iturup” was opened on the island. On the morning of September 22, the first flight of Aurora Airlines from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk took place there. The Governor of the Sakhalin Region, Alexander Khoroshavin, took part in the opening of the airport. In the near future, the airport will only accept flights from Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory and the Magadan Region, but international flights are also planned in the future.

Iturup Island: video

Life on Iturup Island

If your route lies to the Kuril Islands, Iturup Island should undoubtedly be part of your trip. After all, this is a very beautiful and original place. No wonder many consider it a real pearl of the Kuril Islands. Today we invite you to find out what the island of Iturup is, find out where it is located, what the climate is like here and what are the characteristics of the flora and fauna. We’ll also figure out how you can get to this interesting place.

Iturup Island: photos, description

Iturup is the largest Great Kuril Ridge, part of the Kuril Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean. Iturup belongs to the Russian Federation, but Japan has been claiming its rights to it for a long time. The authorities of this country consider it as Hokkaido Prefecture. As for the name of the island, it is believed that it comes from the word “etorop”, which can be translated from the Ainu language as “jellyfish”.

Geography and map of Iturup Island

As already mentioned, this island is located in the Pacific Ocean. On the northern side it is washed by the waters. Iturup Island on the map of Russia can be found in the southeast of our large country. The map clearly shows how close Iturup is to Japan.

The length of the island from northeast to southwest is 200 kilometers, and its width in different parts varies from seven to twenty-seven kilometers. The area of ​​Iturup is 3200 square kilometers. The island consists of mountain ranges and volcanic massifs. There are about twenty volcanoes here, nine of which are active (Kudryaviy, Lesser Brother, Chirip, and others). In addition, the seemingly small island of Iturup boasts many picturesque waterfalls, including Russia’s Ilya Muromets (141 meters). In addition, there are lakes, as well as hot and mineral springs.


Iturup Island is rich not only in volcanoes, waterfalls and geysers, but also in a number of representatives flora. Thus, most of its territory is covered by coniferous forests, consisting of small-seeded spruce and Sakhalin fir. IN central region islands you can see Kuril larch. Broad-leaved species also grow in the southern part of Iturup: thin oak, calopanax, maple. Also on the island there are very developed thickets of bamboo - Kuril saza, which makes the mountain slopes and forests almost impassable.


Iturup Island has temperate summers here, which are humid and quite cool. The warmest month is August, when the average daily temperature reaches +14 degrees Celsius. Therefore, when going to Iturup, even in summer, be sure to bring warm clothes. As for winter, it is much milder here than on the continent, and is characterized by frequent snowfalls followed by thaws. The average temperature in the coldest month, February, is -3 degrees Celsius.

Island inhabitants and settlements

About six and a half thousand people live on Iturup today. In the central region of the island on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is the only city and administrative center here - Kurilsk. Its population is about 1800 people. The rest of the islanders live in rural populated areas Whale, Reidovo, Fishermen, Hot Keys and a number of others.


The only economically viable rhenium deposit in the world was discovered on Iturup Island in 1992. It is located on the Kudryavy volcano. According to scientists' research, about twenty tons of rhenium are released from the depths of the volcano to the surface every year. It is interesting that the world production of this metal per year does not exceed forty tons. One kilogram of rhenium costs about 10 thousand US dollars. This metal is strategically valuable, as it is used by enterprises of the military-industrial complex (primarily in the aerospace field). In addition to rhenium, the subsoil of Iturup is rich in bismuth, indium, germanium, gold, silver, and selenium. There is also a large deposit of native sulfur here.

How to get to Iturup

Air traffic to the island is carried out through the Burevestnik airfield located here, which belongs to Russian Ministry defense Passenger and cargo sea traffic is carried out using two motor ships: Polaris and Igor Farkhutdinov.

I would like to note that if you decide to visit Iturup Island, then most likely you will have to go by plane. Canadian aircraft Bombardier DHC-8 fly here. For example, a ticket from the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk will cost you four and a half thousand rubles. Travel time is about an hour. Moreover, keep in mind that the plane does not always depart on schedule. This is due to the variability of weather conditions on Iturup. It even happens that people who want to get to the island wait two or even three days for good weather.

Arriving at Burevestnik, you will most likely be very surprised. After all, luggage here (without tags) will be unloaded from the plane directly onto the ground, where each passenger must pick up his things. As for the airfield itself, it is located approximately 60 kilometers from Kurilsk. Moreover, you will drive 50 kilometers along a dirt road, and another 10 along the shore of Kasatka Bay (which can only be done at low tide). This is due to the fact that the airfield was built by the Japanese. It was from here that their fighters were sent to bomb Pearl Harbor. Construction of a new airport is currently underway near Kurilsk.