Lately, the Chinese have been loving building glass. In 2016, several walking trails opened over the abyss, as well as a similar bridge, but of shorter length and size. After two weeks, cracks appeared on one of the paths.

Nothing scares Chinese tourists and crowds of people have already appeared at the new attraction. Before opening, it was tested for strength with a sledgehammer, which means the bridge should not collapse: you can risk your life to walk on it and take stunning selfies.

Wang Ming, one of the visitors: I wanted a little inspiration. I'm not scared - the bridge seems safe!

The bridge is located in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in the city of the same name, in Hunan Province. This is the same park with sandstone pillars that inspired James Cameron to film Avatar.

The bridge is 430 meters long, six meters wide, it is made of 99 glass panels and hangs over the abyss at a level of 290 meters. Construction cost $3.4 million. The author of the project, Israeli architect Haim Dotan, initially refused the order.

Chaim: The customer asked me: “What do you think if we build a bridge from here to here? I answered: “No.” He looked at me and said, “Why? What are you even talking about? I asked: “Why the bridge? It is very beautiful in here. [It will ruin the view].” The customer continued to press, and I agreed: “Okay, we’ll build a bridge, but under one condition. I want it to be made of glass and not be visible.

The bridge had to be six meters wider: the customer wanted to hold fashion shows on it, as well as organize bungee jumps. The white cables holding the structures in the air should also be more massive.

Chaim insisted: No way. The bridge must be invisible.

Work on the project took three years. The bridge was made light and durable. The design can withstand wind gusts of up to 100 m/s. The design engineers were satisfied.

Chaim: They told me that the bridge turned out to be as thin as a feather and as light as a breath of air. My God, can you imagine techies describing a bridge like that?!

On the opening day, 8,000 tourists immediately came to the park to test the bridge’s strength. People ran and jumped on the bridge, did the splits and did other acrobatic tricks. And, of course, selfies.

The mountains of the Wulinshan Range and the town of Zhangjiajie, lost in them, have existed since time immemorial. But only recently, walks through places with surreal landscapes among these mountains have become especially popular among tourists.

This was facilitated by fantastic shots of soaring peaks depicting the planet Pandora in J. Cameron’s film “Avatar”, which were filmed in these very places. Curious tourists flocked to the Chinese province of Hunan, where on an area of ​​almost 500 square meters. kilometers, spread out National Park Zhangjiajie. But, since the road to the reserve was not easy, the excitement gradually subsided. For the time being.

Grand Canyon Bridge, Zhangjiajie Park, Hunan Province

The second wave of tourist flow began in August 2016. It was then that an extreme attraction opened on the territory of the forest - a glass bridge over the gorge, hovering at a dizzying height above the ground and called the “Grand Canyon”.

Parameters of the Grand Canyon Bridge

Today it is. The parameters of the structure are impressive:

  • height above the ground – 300 meters;
  • the width of the pedestrian part of the bridge is 6 meters;
  • passage length – 430 meters;
  • design capacity – 8000 people per daylight hours;
  • load-bearing capacity – up to 800 people at a time;
  • construction material: 120 panels of 3-layer heavy-duty glass;
  • additional attraction: the world's highest jumping platform, located under the central span of the bridge at an altitude of almost 270 meters above the ground.

Author of the bridge project

The author of the project is Israeli architect Haim Dotan, whose creations are well known in China. Being an adherent of the concept of merging architectural objects with nature, he came up with such a unique bridge, which, in his words, is intended to become not just “a jumper for moving from point A to point B,” but a natural scene with the illusion of floating in the clouds. In the future, it is planned not only to organize dance shows on the transition parade ground, but also to open an amphitheater with 3,000 seats at its final point for holding various kinds of shows.

Bridge safety

Fragility of the structure, of course, is illusory. The bridge went through rigorous testing for structural integrity, temperature endurance and wind resistance. Eyewitnesses say that to check the safety of the structure, they not only performed a crash test on it, but also allowed a heavy car to drive over the glass. The structure did not flinch. And now neither raging hurricanes, nor heavy precipitation, nor even the lively dances of several hundred stomping heels will destroy the glass bridge in . The photo demonstrates its strength.

But everyone can get their share of adrenaline from the bridge. A crystal path with a transparent bottom attracts daredevils from all over the world to take a walk over the abyss in the mountains. Having experienced pleasure hanging over the abyss, tourists rush to other corners of the park, fraught with passages through forests, crossings cable car and the descent in a glass elevator from the mountain.

Twiddling Dragon Trail, Zhangjiajie Park, Hunan Province

And, if extreme glass over the abyss is not enough, then the Zhangjiajie Nature Reserve will offer crystal lovers another interesting trek. This time - over a cliff. By the way, it also opened to the public only in August 2016.

Walking along the undulating corridor, tightly adjacent to the Tianmen rock and repeating all its curves, you can get an unforgettable experience. To some they will seem like happiness at the edge of the clouds, and to others like fatal minutes of walking on the edge of an abyss. But no one will remain indifferent.

Bridge technical characteristics

Specifications this miracle is much more modest than that of the Grand Canyon. Although both glass bridges are located in the same park, they are the complete opposite of each other. Thus, the “Writhing Dragon” is 1.6 meters wide, the glass thickness is 6.5 cm, and the length of the passage is only about 100 meters. In the absence of a flow of people, you can even run these meters half-bent, if not for one “but”. The fact is that the “Dragon” hovers at an altitude of 1430 meters above the ground.

Feelings above the bottomless abyss

When entering the bridge even the most courageous begin to get goosebumps and dizziness from the bottomless abyss when looking down. There's no time for running here! Somehow I would get there without incident, tenaciously holding on to the handrails. Those who are not afraid and walk across the bridge this not at all long distance with their eyes wide open will be able to capture in their lenses frames of indescribable beauty, where peaks and gorges alternate with a mysterious haze, and the stone slopes of the cliffs smoothly turn into green caps of peaks.

To ensure safe passage, all tourists are given special anti-slip shoe covers, which also serve as covers for dirty street shoes. This measure helps preserve the glass sidewalk transparent and clean for a long time.

Heroes' Bridge, Shinyuzhai Park, Hunan Province

The tour of the glass bridges of China will continue with another masterpiece of fragile architecture - the Bridge of Heroes, located in the Shinyuzhai National Geological Park in the same Hunan province, 46 km from the city of Pingyang and 112 km northeast of the provincial capital - Changsha.

This is an earlier example of bridge architecture. Was opened to the public in 2015. Old-timers say that this passage through the valley, connecting the two peaks of the mountain, existed before, but only in wooden form. That’s why it didn’t particularly tickle the nerves of pedestrians. But after the reconstruction, when he was dressed in an outfit made of crystal, suspension bridge became the No. 1 attraction in the park. Still would! The parameters are serious:

  • length – 300 meters;
  • width – 1.5 meters;
  • glass thickness – 24 mm;
  • height above the ground – 180 meters;
  • withstands temperature changes of up to 60 o C and wind speeds of up to 230 km per hour.

Many wanted to test their courage and “touch” the height of the 58-story building. Only here the house is not with reinforced concrete floors, but with glass floors from top to bottom! Bridge of Brave People - there is no other way to say it!

U-shaped bridge on Yuntai Mountain, Henan Province

This is another adrenaline trail that is very popular among tourists. Located in Henan Province. This is the same province that is famous for its grottoes near the city of Luoyang. But do not confuse it with Hunan, where the other three bridges described above are located.

The U-shaped passage that follows the contour of Yuntai Mountain in the Yuntai Mountain Range is a blood-stirring attraction. It received its first visitors in September 2015. But not even a month had passed since the opening day when the bridge showed its capricious character. While it was filled to capacity with people, a steel flask belonging to one of the tourists fell onto the glass surface. The floor under pedestrians' feet instantly covered with cracks. Fortunately, only the first layer of super-strong three-layer glass broke. Everything went well, but you can imagine the horror that gripped the people, because they were at an altitude of almost 1100 meters.

Since then, others and this glass bridge over the abyss have not been allowed metal objects, and they ask you to take off your high-heeled shoes.

China surprises the whole world with its ability to create masterpieces with the epithet “the best”. Tall, big, numerous, long - you will find everything in China. A special topic is the construction of bridges and tunnels. Even famous Great Wall- an option for a promenade along mountain ranges. Glass Bridge in China, made of super-strong material, it earned the title of “fearlessness attraction.” The latest masterpiece once again forced the whole world to admit that this country is curious not only for the traditions of Eastern identity, but also for its unique ability to combine them with modern achievements of science and technology.

Ahead of all Europe: a transparent bridge in China

The construction of structures in this “country of the Celestial Empire” has both practical, utilitarian and aesthetic, decorative purposes. The most ancient, unusual, long, exotic, wide bridges were built in this amazing country. And they partially serve to solve truly practical problems. Such complex interchanges and multi-lane highways and bridges as in Beijing are rarely seen anywhere. At the same time in and tropical island In Hainan, bridges are widely used to decorate parks and hotel areas. The glass bridge currently being built in China is a tribute to modern technology and proof of the entrepreneurial spirit of the craftsmen, but time will tell whether it is appropriate to use this material.

The first arch bridges appeared in 610. Europe only eight centuries later approached the ancient technologies that were used during construction in ancient China in 610. This bridge, built in Hebei province, has survived ten floods and earthquakes and has remained in its original form to this day. This is a kind of monument, like the modern glass bridge in China, to the ingenuity of craftsmen. But more on that later.

China: bridge of the future

A real masterpiece is being built between Hong Kong and China - the Pearl River Necklace Bridge from NL Architects claims the title of “the most humane bridge in the world.” It allows any type of car to comfortably change lanes to the required lane: for Hong Kong it is the right side, for China it is the left side of the road. Moreover, the road strip itself changes places, and the driver does not have to make additional maneuvers. The project is also interesting for its design solution. It is planned to be completed by 2016. The author of this project is a Dutch company, and it was developed as part of a competition declared by the Chinese side.

Glass Bridge of Fear

Transparent bridge in China made of heavy-duty material built in natural park Zhangjiajie. Extraordinary “Avatar” beauty mountain range used by enterprising Chinese to attract tourists, and it is worth admitting that the idea has fully justified itself. The glass bridge in China also serves as an observation deck, from which not only panoramic views of the mountains open, but also equally picturesque scenes under the feet of desperate tourists. This “fearlessness attraction” is 60 meters long and at an altitude of 1430 meters, on the Heaven’s Gate Mountain (Tianmen) gained popularity immediately after its opening. Crowds of guests visit a glass bridge in China. Photos taken as souvenirs will be a good advertisement for thrill-seekers.

The most transparent bridge

Where is he located? In the south of China, in Hunan province, a glass suspension bridge was built in the mountains. At an altitude of 180 meters, you can walk along a modern structure 300 meters long, connecting two rocks of the mountain range. The ability to imagine that you are separated from the abyss by 36 mm (three layers of heavy-duty glass), when you are walking practically on air, is an excellent precondition to think about the fact that life is unique and fragile! To confirm strength and to attract attention to transparent bridge In China, a whole group of volunteers was withdrawn. In this way they are connected to modern world shows, technology and simple human curiosity.

Transparent bridge - a symbol of trust

The transparent suspension bridge has attracted the attention of the whole world. This “fragile” structure connects two cliffs and has a commercial purpose as an observation deck.

A bridge is humane because its purpose is to unite. The glass bridge in China, the photo of which you see, can withstand a sufficient number of pedestrians, as evidenced by a group of volunteers confirming the strength of the structure.

Since climbing this particular bridge does require a certain amount of courage, a special attendant is provided to help visitors cope with their fear.

Everything that in the world serves people, their needs and aesthetic pleasure is worthy of attention and implementation in practice. The theme of bridges connecting coasts and continents, helping people overcome terrain obstacles, is proof of this. The combination of utility and aesthetics is the main principle of architectural projects.

In the south of China, another creepy glass bridge has opened over a cliff, along which only the bravest and bravest tourists walk along the cliff to the mountainside rugged with caves.

The bridge, called "Writhing Dragon", which leads to Tianmen Mountain, opened to the public on August 1. Length glass path- 100 meters, width - just over one and a half meters. Tourists have a truly breathtaking view of the valley on the other side. mountain range. The bridge hangs at an altitude of 1500 meters above the ground. This is the third such bridge on the same mountain. More recently, it was an ordinary wooden path.

This mountainous area is very popular among tourists due to its incredible natural scenery, as well as a relatively new attraction - glass bridges.

The photographs show how the first visitors to the opened bridge carefully walk along the mountain, holding on to the wall, some trying not to look down through the transparent floor and over the railings.

The first glass bridge in the mountains of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park opened in November 2011 and has since attracted tourists who want to experience what it's like to walk on the very edge of a precipice. The glass floor was then only 2.5 inches (6 cm) thick, and visitors were visibly nervous when they stepped on it.

Second glass bridge across the canyon in national park opened in May of this year. It reportedly cost approximately $3.5 million to build.

For those who want a more intense sensation, here you can bungee jump into the abyss.

Glass bridges are now a popular trend in China. Usually local authorities they are perceived as an opportunity to increase the influx of tourists. These ambitious projects typically involve bridges, bluff paths, or observation decks.

Below are the five most popular glass bottom designs in China.

The observation deck with a glass floor is located on the territory of the famous Shilin stone forest, 70 kilometers from Beijing. Its height is 400 meters above the ground, and its area is 415 square meters. It opened in May 2016.

The glass bridge, 300 meters above Zhangjiajie Canyon in Hunan Province, was scheduled to open in July 2016. Its length is 430 meters, height is about 300 meters.

"Hero's Bridge" lies 180 meters above the ground and is located in Shinyuzhai National Park in Hunan Province. It opened last fall.

The 260-meter-long Yuntai Mountain Trail passes at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters above the ground. It was also opened in September 2015.

Glass Observation deck Yunduan is located at an altitude of more than 700 meters above the ground. It opened in the summer of 2015.

Here is a short video about how tourists manage to walk across such bridges. Spoiler alert: they're a little worried.