If you don’t think about how to spend your weekend, you can very easily become hostage to your usual routine when you have free time. However, there are many activities that will allow you to spend your weekend fun and usefully.

How to spend your weekend

1. Walk. Walking is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a healthy activity.

2. Visit the pool. Go to sports complex to swim.

3. Team. There are a sufficient number of football, volleyball, and basketball teams that you can join. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet new people during the competition and also have a fun weekend.

4. Go on a hike. Plunge into the arms of the forest and feel unity with nature, surrounded by loved ones... What could be better?

5. Meeting with friends. Organize a meeting with friends and spend the day off together, talking and having fun.

6. Become a volunteer. Become a volunteer or participant in an event. You can have fun, get free access to an event that interests you, and also meet new people.

7. Make homemade pizza. Not good at culinary delights? Now is the time to upgrade your skills and spend the weekend in a tasty and healthy way.

8. Drawing. All you need are pencils and paper. Give freedom to your imagination.

9. Origami. Take up origami. On many sites on the Internet you can find interesting patterns that you can implement using plain paper.

10. Creative writing. A computer, pen and paper are all you need to become a writer. You don't have to be Hemingway, just start writing whatever comes into your head.

11. Build a home shelter. Build a hut at home for yourself and your family, and enjoy childishness all day long.

12. Reading. Reading is a great way to spend your weekend productively. Stock up on interesting books and go into the world of new knowledge and...

13. Learn a foreign language. Nothing can stop you in your quest to master English, German, French, Spanish or even Chinese.

14. Get a pet. For example, a dog or cat can provide plenty of entertainment if you're not sure how to spend your weekend.

15. Visit the ice palace. Ice skating will be fun and interesting entertainment. Don't you know how to skate? Great, here's a reason to learn.

16. Get some sleep. Chronic lack of sleep increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. In the short term, lack of sleep has a negative impact on the feeling of alertness, reduces attention and impairs memory.

17. Have a no-obligation day. You are so used to making plans, running somewhere, doing something. Give yourself a fasting day. Do what you want, and if you don't want to, don't do anything.

18. Take up meditation. Helps reduce high blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve productivity, creativity and well-being.

19. Learn something new. Learning not only provides you with new knowledge, but also improves your... Identify a skill that interests you that you want to develop, or an area of ​​knowledge that you want to explore in more depth, and commit to self-improvement.

20. Analysis and improvement. Take time to reflect on the past week and think about your goals and areas of your life that you can improve.

21. Visit an amusement park. Eat cotton candy, ride a roller coaster, relive your childhood.

22. Go to a cafe. Here you can relax in pleasant company, eat something sweet and more.

23. Bowling or billiards. Spend time combining sport, competition and relaxation into one.

24. Cinema. Do you like watching movies? Then you will definitely enjoy visiting the cinema.

25. Travel. Travel to another city and spend the weekend disappearing into a crowd of strangers.

26. Holiday for children. Take your children to the circus, zoo or Entertainment Center, and in the evening play with the whole family Board games.

27. Extreme. If you don’t know how to spend your weekend, then skydiving or rope jumping will allow you to remember these moments for a long time.

28. Paintball. You ? Then get together and take part in a military clash. You will be guaranteed a feeling of adrenaline and muscle pain.

29. Theater. Have you been to this quiet cultural place for a long time? Perhaps this day will come this coming weekend.

30. Hobby. The moment has come to remember what you like and do it.

31. Football or hockey match. Are you an ardent fan and lover of team sports games? Then spending a weekend evening watching your favorite team play is what you need.

32. Quest or room of fear. For those who like to take part in intellectual events, as well as tickle their nerves, comments are unnecessary.

33. Dating girls. If you are not in a relationship, then go outside and.

34. Bathhouse. The weekend will not be in vain if you decide to go to the bathhouse.

35. ATVs. Ride an ATV and feel the full power of these monsters.

36. Romantic date. surprise: invite her to a romantic dinner.

37. Bicycle ride. If you want to have a fun, interesting and rewarding weekend, then go on a bike ride with your girlfriend.

38. Rest in the countryside. Rent a house in the countryside and have a grand gathering with friends.

39. Hike to shopping mall. If you haven't updated your wardrobe for a long time, it won't be a bad idea for you to go shopping.

40. Water park. Be part of this water fun and feel spontaneous and carefree.

41. Nightclub. If you have absolutely nothing to do, and your body requires rest, then why not visit.

42. Concert. Is your idol coming to your or a neighboring city? You should definitely attend his concert, experience what live sound and a crowd of fans are like.

43. Meeting with parents. Don’t forget about your closest people, especially if you haven’t seen them for a long time.

Life these days is always in a hurry to get somewhere, before the long-awaited weekend arrives, Monday comes and then it’s back to work. But what about rest? Let's figure out what you can do on your days off.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

What can you do on your day off?

There's nothing wrong with spending two days lying on your side, flipping TV channels or staring at the ceiling. This even needs to be done, but very rarely, otherwise it also turns into a routine and brings melancholy and bad thoughts that life is joyless and boring.

This is certainly not true! We just don’t always know what to do on our days off. But if you set a goal and come up with options, then it is quite possible to create a very large cultural program on Saturday or Sunday.

Your program will also depend on who you will be doing it with - your beloved husband or wife, your child, your friends or your parents. The material component is also an important point: are you ready to spend money or would you prefer to have fun without spending your money? How you will spend your day off and where will depend on these moments.

Therefore, stop messing around, gather your team, choose a place and time, and go on vacation!

Spending the weekend with family

If you are a family man, you have a spouse, as well as a couple of children, and you want to have fun and interesting time with them, then here are your options:

  • Outdoors. The park is perfect place for the whole family. Usually there are children's swings or slides, which will definitely delight the little ones. The park allows you to take a walk in the fresh air, give your children an active holiday, and allow you to relax and chat with your significant other.
  • It happens that there are no swings or places in the park where children can frolic, this is not a problem! You can easily have a small picnic here on the lawn under the tree. Prepare something tasty to take with you, such as sandwiches or hot dogs. You can buy them along the way, but that's if you're willing to spend a little. The main thing is to take a blanket with you to lay on the grass. You can also take a couple of games with you. Almost every home has cards, checkers or chess, perhaps you have Monopoly or other board games.
  • Another great idea is board games. If you do not have them, then it is advisable to purchase them, just for such a case.
  • On summer weekends, the beach can be a good alternative to the park. This option is suitable if you have a river nearby. Grab your swimming trunks, circle, blanket and go swimming. The beach is a great way to spend quality time with your family.
  • In the summer you can always go to the village to visit your grandmother; if there is a river or forest there, then that’s generally great. You can go swimming or go mushroom picking.

Of course, the beach and picnic in the park are suitable for warmer seasons, such as summer, late spring or early autumn. But what to do when it’s cold outside? In winter, the best activity would be a snowball fight; if you have a large family, you can have a real battle. It's always fun to build a snowman or go sledding.

Heading out to town for the weekend

What do people do in the city? If you are willing to spend money, then a great option for family vacation On the weekend there will be a visit to the cinema. If the children are still small, take them to see a cartoon. Nowadays there is always at least one cartoon showing in cinemas.

If you crave thrills, go straight to the amusement park. This is where the real impressions are! Here you can have great fun for both adults and children, ride a Ferris wheel, ram each other with cars and eat cotton candy.

Your family might enjoy visiting various exhibitions, museums or other cultural events. Find out in advance where they will be held and be sure to go there.

It's always interesting to go to the theater to see a performance. It is very interesting and exciting to watch actors play live.

Relaxing at home

There is no need to think that there is nothing to do at home other than sitting in front of the computer or TV. For many, it will always be better to spend time with family at home. Especially if the weather outside is rainy and you don’t want to go anywhere. What can you do at home? Let's start with the fact that it will be a lot of fun to do something together, like cook a meal. Get organized and cook a simple meal together.

Games are always the most exciting and fun. If you have board games, play them, but if you don't, you can always play crocodile and the like.

You can add a little romance and set up a home theater. To do this, choose an interesting movie, sit on the floor close to the computer monitor or TV screen, lay out a soft blanket or throw pillows, and, of course, have something to chew. It is best to arrange such a viewing in the evening, when the sun has already set; the darkness will add a real feeling of being in the cinema.

What can you do on the weekend with your girlfriend or boyfriend?

For a couple of lovers who are just beginning to build their relationship, it is very important to spend time together and preferably not only at home while watching TV series, but also to go for walks and have a cultural relaxation. But what can you do on the weekend with a girl or guy?

A great way to have a good time with your loved one is a simple walk in the fresh air. Regardless of the time of year, you can take a walk (this way you communicate, enjoy nature and learn a lot about each other). A walk is a great option for a young couple who wants to spend a lot of time together.

Go to the cinema or theater. It is worth organizing such outings at least once or twice a month, it is very useful for developing culture in yourself, as well as just having a pleasant time together.

An excellent option would be to visit the same amusement park, where the two of you can have fun and get a lot of positive emotions, and of course, eat cotton candy!

For a girl and a guy the best option For weekend relaxation there is always a visit to a cafe or restaurant. There is nothing more pleasant than sitting in the evening in the company of your loved one, in a good establishment, chatting and tasting delicious food. This option is also suitable for married couples who want to be alone without children. Romance is never too much.

How to spend your day off without money?

You don't have to spend money to have a good rest. It doesn’t matter who you are with - your family, your child, your husband, your girlfriend or boyfriend, you can have a great weekend at home or outdoors and do it without any money!

Take a walk. Fresh air will be good for you. You can walk everywhere if you live in the city. There are plenty of places where you can take a walk, the same park where there are swings and slides. If there is a river, then there must be an embankment, walk along it, watch the people and city life. Such an excursion will allow you to learn more about your city and introduce your children to it.

Active leisure is also an excellent example for spending time on the weekend. Go for a run or do some aerobic exercise. Go on a hike. Just take water and a light snack from what you have at home and travel a little.

A good option for spending a day off would be to visit your parents. Applicable if you live separately. Meeting with mom and dad will always give you a boost of positive energy and will also help strengthen your relationship with your family. You may have to spend a little money, for example, on travel if your parents live far away, but this is an insignificant expense for such an important visit.

Is it possible to do repairs on weekends?

For some of us, the weekend does not promise much good, because while some of us are having fun in nature or going to restaurants on Saturday or Sunday, others are waiting for the weekend to continue repairs! Naturally, there are people who really like it and they transform their home with joy. But is it possible to do repairs on the weekend? However, when else should it be done? After work you won't have enough energy.

In any case, if doing repairs is a pleasure for you, you like it, and you feel a sense of joy, then do repairs on your day off! If you don’t want this, then it’s better, of course, to hire specialists who will do everything for you, but this costs money. It's up to you to decide. But repairs are a sacred matter, so if you start and decide to do it yourself, then do it on your vacation or on weekends.

Weekend... This word sounds like music to everyone, with the exception of only the most notorious workaholics who are ready to work without breaks. For most people, the weekend is a time to catch their breath, get some sleep... and then spend most of their time grocery shopping, cleaning, and cooking. What if you try to slightly modify the script? And at least sometimes leave the weekend just for relaxation and fun time with family, friends and loved ones.

So, how to spend your weekend? To keep you in a good mood, try to get all your work problems out of your head. You shouldn’t take work home in hopes of “pulling up your tails” a little over Saturday and Sunday (of course, we're talking about not about emergency situations). Because if you spend the entire weekend or even part of it, working on various tasks, it is unlikely that you will be able to organize a proper rest. And if you decide to rest, then you will be haunted by remorse for the fact that time is passing, and you will not get down to work. Also, you should not constantly scroll through certain work moments in your head. Let the weekend become a time of rest from work, because in this case, by Monday you will gain strength and rush into battle with renewed vigor! And the efficiency of your work will be much higher, and you will accomplish much more than you would have done in the past two days at home.

Weekend in the city

How to spend a weekend in the city? There are many ideas for this case. Start by studying the city's posters - perhaps there is a film or play on at the cinema or theater that you have been meaning to see for a long time. Or maybe it’s time to buy yourself or your household a few new things? Then you should visit the shopping center, where you can not only buy everything you need, but also have a snack before further adventures. Those who are thinking about it can be advised to go to the zoo or circus, watch an interesting cartoon in the cinema, eating it with popcorn and drinking juice, or visit any game center with an abundance of all kinds of entertainment that is dear to the heart of any child. If it's outside the window good weather, then it’s time to get out to the park, take a walk and take the children on rides (by the way, adults can also ride on many modern rides, so you’re guaranteed a dose of adrenaline). You can also go to the skating rink or rollerblading. Don't you know how?

And if you don’t have any mood to get out of the house and go somewhere, then give yourself a real lazy day. All you need is a cozy blanket, a CD with your favorite movie and a plate of something tasty. You can spend such a weekend at home either alone or with your family - this will bring everyone in the household even closer together.

Weekend in nature

How to spend a weekend in nature? Of course, such a pastime is more focused on summer months, although if you want, you can get out of the city in any weather (with the exception of rain and severe frost) - there is always something there, you can play snowballs and make snowmen - this is an excellent option for a family weekend that both children and adults will remember for a long time. In spring you can look for the first flowers and collect bouquets, admire the awakening of nature and rejoice that winter with its snow and frost is left behind! Autumn is a great time for the most beautiful and vibrant photographs against the backdrop of a golden-fiery carpet of leaves. If you are still wondering how to spend a weekend with friends or family, then going out of town together is what you need. You can rent a house at a suburban recreation center or even organize a two-day hike with an overnight stay in tents, or you can get out for one day - in any case, you are guaranteed a dose of good mood and vigor! And for lovers active rest A bike ride or even horse riding is perfect.

Weekend with loved ones

How to spend a weekend with your loved one? You can arrange a real one without waiting for February 14th. Go to a cafe or arrange it at home, pamper each other with pleasant surprises and once again confess your love. And even if your chosen one is not particularly sentimental and romantic, such a weekend will not leave him indifferent. You can also go for a walk with your loved one and simply wander through the alleys of the park, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes. If you have similar musical tastes, you can go to a concert of your favorite artist.

Although you can spend the weekend with your loved one without leaving home at all. A pleasant movie on DVD, cooking lunch or dinner together, a relaxing bath, candles and declarations of love - this is the kind of weekend you and your loved one will want to repeat again and again!

Birthday is one of the main holidays throughout a person’s life. This wonderful holiday, unfortunately, happens only once a year. But on the other hand, if you celebrate your birthday every month, then this event loses its magic and charm.

Children's birthdays are real events in the lives of their parents; they prepare for them in advance, helping children create a real holiday with gifts, fun and games. Well, as an adult, a person takes on all the preparations for a birthday party or entrusts them to professional agencies for a fee.

Yes, celebrating a birthday is a habit formed in childhood and instilled in each of us by adults. At the same time, we can safely say that this is a good habit that gives great pleasure not only to the hero of the occasion, but also to his close circle. Preparations for this event take place in anticipation of celebration and joy, and the holiday itself delights with many wonderful surprises, gifts, congratulations, and positive communication with invited friends. The main thing is to organize everything correctly!

How to celebrate a birthday?

One of the main criteria happy holiday, of course, is the availability of financial resources for its organization. However, even with a small income and no savings, you can organize a great holiday that will be remembered for a long time not only by the birthday boy himself, but also by all the guests. For example, low-budget options include holding a holiday outdoors or in the country. Even at home or in the office, with the consent of management, you can organize a real party.

You can organize a memorable holiday with little effort

Birthday preparations

Planning is one of the important stages of hosting a birthday party. The optimal period for preparing festive events is 3-4 weeks. This period will allow you not only to plan your budget, but also to think through all the little details of the celebration, on which the success of the entire evening depends.

Planning the venue

The number of invited guests and the budget of the celebration will depend on the venue. This could be, as mentioned above, your own living space, a cafe, a summer house, a restaurant or a club. When choosing a location for a party, you should take into account the time of year and weather conditions expected outside on the day of the celebration. For example, celebrating a birthday that falls in winter on the beach is, to say the least, uncomfortable. The best option for a winter party is to hold it in some room.

But for summer day birthday, the bosom of nature, a dacha or a cafe under open air. The same applies to a holiday on a boat or liner. It's not very pleasant to be surrounded by water on a cold autumn day.

Preparing the venue

If the venue is a private area - a cottage or an apartment - then it is necessary to do a thorough cleaning in advance and expand the space by temporarily rearranging the furniture. If the special event will take place in a cafe or restaurant, on a rented ship or in a sauna, it is required to arrange the rental of the premises in advance, having discussed the design options with the administration.

If your birthday is planned to be held outside the city, you should consider ordering road transport, delivery and delivery of invited friends and relatives after the holiday.

The preparation of the holiday must be taken responsibly

List of invited guests

The list of guests depends on the number of people close to the birthday person, the budget of the event and the size of the room where the party will take place. In any case, you should only include on this list those people you would actually be happy to see.

Your birthday is your holiday, so you don’t need to pay tribute to society and observe vague standards of decency by inviting those who are unpleasant to you to your celebration. Invitations must be sent out in advance. Invitation cards indicating the place and time of the party will not be superfluous.

When compiling a guest list, you should take into account the appropriateness of the venue and the number of invitees. For example, it would not be very correct to invite grandparents to night club, and the boss - to the sauna, unless you are in a very close relationship.

Menu selection

The menu, as well as the shopping plan, should be thought out in advance. The holiday budget will depend on this; in addition, early planning will help avoid fuss on the eve of the event. If the birthday party will be held in a cafe or restaurant, you should agree in advance on snacks and hot dishes with the chef. You should inform the administration of the establishment the number of invited guests and select from the proposed list of dishes those that you like the most.

How to celebrate a birthday at home?

Home parties, as a rule, are not very expensive compared to restaurants or clubs. At home, you can enjoy communication with relatives and friends without officialdom, distractions and the presence of strangers, for example, waiters or musicians. Although, the latter can be invited to a home celebration.

In any case, in his own living space, the birthday person will be able to feel more relaxed, and the atmosphere will be cozy and warm - family. If you wish, you can contact an agency organizing holidays, and they will send a toastmaster or artists at the right time who will diversify the traditional party at home.

The holiday can be very fun at home

For a birthday party held at home to be a great success, you need to elegantly decorate your living space with beautiful garlands, balloons, ribbons and flags. You can develop and prepare an unusual menu, think through entertainment program– games, competitions, charades and music playlist. In events held at home, it is very important that everyone invited has fun.

For a few days, you should look in specialized magazines or the Internet for recipes for new salads, appetizers, meat and fish dishes - everything that you will treat to invited relatives and guests. We should not forget about the cake, which is a very important attribute of a birthday. You need to set the table with beautiful dishes - let everything on this day be homely, but still solemn!

Who are home parties suitable for: Celebrating a birthday at home is perfect for people who appreciate the comfort of home and communication with loved ones in the family circle.

The main disadvantage of celebrating a birthday at home is the need for careful preparation, which falls entirely on the shoulders of the hero of the occasion: you will have to decorate the home, set the table, think through entertainment, and after the holiday you will also have to clean the apartment. In addition, you cannot invite a large number of guests to an ordinary apartment, since people will feel uncomfortable in cramped spaces.

How to have fun celebrating a birthday in a cafe or restaurant?

In every modern locality There are cafes and restaurants, various entertainment venues where you can successfully hold a birthday party. When choosing such a place, you should pay attention to two main criteria:

    What and how they cook in the establishment;

    What entertainment program does the cafe or restaurant offer?

Reviews on city forums, a list of signature recipes, and the opinions of friends who have visited the restaurant before will help you understand the first question. The answer to the second question will be the reputation of the group that plays in the evenings in the establishment, but everything is simple here - for a fee, the establishment will organize entertainment for you for every taste, especially if you rent the entire hall for the evening of the holiday.

Restaurant reservations should be made in advance, no later than two weeks before the event. The menu, the sequence of serving dishes, and the entertainment program must be discussed with the administration of the establishment in advance. By the way, it is the top manager or creative director of the establishment who will help decide on the design of the hall.

There is a budget option for holding a birthday inexpensively and not within the walls of your own home: you can organize a party in a pizzeria or on the summer terrace of a cafe - this will cost much less than renting a hall. And the pleasure from the event will be no less.

Outdoor Birthday Scenario

One of the options for a summer birthday party is a celebration held outdoors. The invitation cards must indicate in advance that the event will be held outdoors, as they will need to dress appropriately and take the necessary accessories and attributes.

Of course, the hero of the occasion, when holding a party outdoors, takes on the main preparatory activities. However, he simply cannot cope with all matters alone. Therefore, you should agree in advance which of your friends will help you and who will be responsible for what. If the holiday will take place outside the city, you should consider transport delivery guests, and if an overnight stay is expected, then organize sleeping places to accommodate all guests.

If you are planning a picnic in a park or on a river, then you should choose in advance a place where the holiday can be enjoyed without disturbing other vacationers. When celebrating a birthday in the park, you should remember the rules of conduct in public areas.

Organizing a party outside the city is easier and more interesting - you can surprise your invited friends with dishes cooked in the fresh air: potatoes, meat, vegetables baked on coals. If there is a body of water near the festival site, you can catch fish or crayfish and cook fish soup.

Holding a celebration outdoors allows you to organize a tournament or competition in outdoor, active games that are difficult to play indoors.

The advantages of spending a holiday in nature include clean air, beautiful scenery, and the opportunity to play football or volleyball. A budget option a holiday that will cost less than an event in a cafe or restaurant. In addition, the list of guests for an outdoor celebration can be unlimited - there is enough room for everyone.

The disadvantages of such a party include unpredictability weather conditions, which may surprise you with rain or cold wind.

How to have fun celebrating a holiday in a nightclub?

Parties in a nightclub are ideal for people who love visiting such establishments, love loud music, invigorating cocktails and dancing until the morning. When planning a party in a nightclub, you should remember that everyone present will congratulate you on your celebration, as the DJ will definitely loudly announce this event.

Today club birthday parties are very popular. Themed holidays, which are held according to pre-planned scenarios, are especially in demand. Find out in advance what the theme of the party is planned for the significant date. Book tables in advance based on invited guests. When filling out invitation cards for friends and family, be sure to indicate the theme of the party so that your guests have the opportunity to think about their costume, hairstyle, and accessories.

Scenario for a pajama party with a photo shoot

An original version of a birthday party could be a pajama party. The tradition of holding such events came to us from America, where they are a long-standing tradition. Today they are also loved by our youth for their intriguing subtext, which is why they are always received with a bang.

This type of holiday is suitable for young people who love unusual “gatherings”. This fun takes place without active games and is limited to passive entertainment: playing cards, backgammon and watching movies. You can diversify your pajama party with a pillow fight or a game of spin the bottle. But it is romanticism and mystery that distinguish such an event from other types of holidays.

The main rule of a pajama party is the spiritual closeness of all its participants. Therefore, you should not invite unfamiliar acquaintances to such a birthday. This will not only be inappropriate, but may put those present in an awkward position. Moreover, a pajama party involves a photo shoot. Funny hairstyles and makeup will be captured on film and will allow you to remember the holiday for a long time.

When organizing a pajama party, don’t forget about candles that will add intrigue, light treats - it’s harmful to overeat at night, and sleeping places where invited friends can stay overnight.

The pajama party will be remembered for a long time by all participants

Beach Birthday Party Secrets

With the onset of summer, a unique opportunity arises to celebrate your birthday in the form of an incendiary beach-themed party. For many, a beach party is associated with the romance of the sea, fun, entertainment until dawn and cheerful company. If you also time it to coincide with such a significant event as a birthday, then the holiday can be turned into an unforgettable event. Not a single party on the beach, both sea and river, would be complete without fun entertainment, refreshing drinks and exotic treats.

Menu and drinks

Juices, cocktails, fruits - a party on the beach requires a huge number of drinks. As for appetizers, seafood and fish treats are suitable, for example, sliced ​​fish, eggs with caviar, shrimp on lettuce, grilled fish and grilled vegetables. You can offer your guests beach toast with ham and cheese. BBQ sausages are very popular outdoors. Fruits can be washed and placed in wicker baskets. They are suitable for making cocktails and as a dessert.


The beach offers a huge number of opportunities for fun. These can be active games - volleyball, tennis, tug of war, gatherings around the fire with a guitar, you can play the traditional birthday game - “forfeits”. A mandatory attribute of a beach party is fiery dancing to modern music. The main thing is that everyone has fun.

Birthday script in hip-hop style

This scenario is suitable for those who are young at heart, ready for transformation and love to rock things. For such a party, a place is chosen where you can organize dancing, a buffet, competitions - a hall in a cafe, a spacious hall in the office, a summer dance floor in the park. There's no need to worry about the menu either. It is enough to prepare canapés, light salads, and, of course, hamburgers and hot dogs - attributes of American food.

Unusual party scenarios include:

    Joining a parachute club or horse riding section, biking or diving, you can have a fun and active time not only alone, but also in the company of friends.

    Tired of noisy company? Tired of the hustle and bustle? You can spend the day alone with yourself. Buy a delicious treat for your loved one, don’t invite anyone, turn on an interesting movie that you’ve been dreaming of watching for a long time, turn off the lights and light the candles - enjoy!

    Go on a trip or hike. You can go to the taiga, to the forest, to a mountain glacier or to the lower reaches of a dormant volcano - to any place where you have not been before.

    You can organize a costume ball, dress up yourself and dress up your guests in costumes of fairy-tale characters. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time if you come up with interesting competitions and fun.

    You can spend your birthday in a water park in an interesting and fun way. A sea of ​​positive mood is guaranteed for you and your guests! Opposite, but no less interesting place for a friendly party there is an ice skating rink. Many people love ice skating, why not organize group skating on your birthday?

    An excellent place for a non-traditional birthday is a paintball court. This fun entertainment allows you to organize a real “war” and entertain a large company of invited guests. After the game you can have a picnic.

How to celebrate a birthday? It's entirely your choice! The main thing is that you enjoy this day, because this is your holiday. Choose an acceptable option and... light it up to make the party memorable! It doesn’t matter at all how old you turn, on this day the birthday person can do whatever he wants.

Everyone has their favorite places to go. What about those parts of the city you've never been to? Weekends are a great opportunity to sign up for an excursion, go to local history museum or just wander through unfamiliar streets.

2. Gather friends

True, in the cold season you don’t always want to walk in the snow and piercing wind. The solution is to gather friends. Just like that, without any reason. And it’s even better to invent this reason: the New Year’s rehearsal, the birthday of the Emperor of Japan, the release of a new episode of your favorite TV series. Are you short on ideas for themed parties?

3. Disassemble and sell old things

Many people have a bunch of retro junk collecting dust at home, which can either be donated to those in need, or sold at a profit on Avito or eBay. And now it's time to do it. While you're sorting it out, indulge in memories.

4. Arrange a photo shoot

The days fly by and you can't even remember what you did last weekend? Try to capture every pleasant moment of your life in a photo.

Choose something complex and beautiful, buy everything you need at the store and get started. Try to decorate the dish as in a restaurant, light candles that have been gathering dust in the closet since last New Year, mix an unusual cocktail. The weekend is a holiday that is always with you.

6. Spend time with children

A weekend with children is a good chance to briefly return to childhood without being branded as an infantile eccentric. Go to a new cartoon in a cinema, a children's show, a zoo, a planetarium, an aquarium, a museum of entertaining science, toys or sweets (yes, not all museums are dedicated to boring things). If you don’t have your own children, you can “borrow” them from friends or relatives.

7. Take care of your health

Think about what you would like to change about yourself, what in your body gives you the most discomfort, what doctors previously recommended to you. And then you can either go to the gym or choose exercises for yourself.

8. Build a collection

And it doesn’t matter what it will be: a herbarium, a collection of minerals, insects or cups. Creating a collection doesn't have to be expensive. The same plants and stones are easy to find literally under your feet.

9. Make a family tree

This is also a great opportunity to chat with distant relatives whom you haven’t called for a long time. There are resources on the Internet that can help you find your ancestors. What if no one knew, but you are a count?

Get some quiet time with a good book. And if you don’t want to spend money on new books, try raiding the nearest shelves for bookcrossing. Surely there will be something to your liking there. Just don't forget to leave something on the shelf too.

The task is extremely simple: go into a bar, drink a glass of beer or a shot of something stronger and move towards another drinking establishment. All this, of course, in the company of friends. You can continue either until you lose the ability to move, or until you run out of money.

12. Learn something new

IN major cities There are plenty of courses and coaches that can teach you anything. And if you don’t want to spend money on teachers, you can be patient and learn a new skill with the help of tutorials from the Internet.

13. Do geocaching

Geocaching is a quest on a global scale. Geocachers place capsules in a variety of places and leave instructions on their website for finding “treasures.” To find a “treasure”, you need to solve a riddle, and to solve a riddle, you need to know well the history of the place in which it is hidden. There are probably at least a couple of such “treasures” in your city. As soon as you become more adept at finding them, you can start laying new capsules yourself.

14. Improve the interior

Why not rearrange the furniture? It's time to change something in this life. And on weekends there is just time to decorate your home and make the environment more comfortable.

15. Place a time capsule

Collect small things that you have memories of in a box, write a letter to yourself in 5, 10 or 20 years and put it somewhere away. It is not even necessary to bury the time capsule in the ground; it is enough to seal the box so that it cannot be opened without breaking it, and put it in the far corner.

16. Have a movie marathon

Pick three favorite TV shows or movies that you've been wanting to get to for a long time and watch them non-stop. Popcorn, pizza and other goodies will complement the experience.

You can go to a farm outside the city, to a petting zoo, go to a pet store, or just visit friends who have a pet. A sea of ​​positivity is guaranteed.

18. Make something with your own hands

Handmade things are valued much more than factory-made ones, especially in the era of mass market. You can start with greeting cards, soap, candles - all this does not require any special skills or special artistic talent. And there, maybe you can make money from crafts.

19. Go on a trip

There is also a lot of interesting things in neighboring cities! Museums, estates and simply beautiful historical buildings are just waiting for you to get to them.

20. Start keeping a diary

21. Become a gardener

You can arrange a small flowerbed near your house and be happy every time you pass by it. And in the cold season, try to grow something on your windowsill.

In the summer, the parks are full of open dance classes: they give you the opportunity to move around and meet new people. Besides, all year round dance schools offer free trial lessons. If you don't like it, you have nothing to lose.

23. Organize your photos

Select the photos that are really important to you and order a print from a photo salon. Whatever they say, this way of preserving memories is both more pleasant and reliable than gigabytes of photo archives in computer memory. And you can make a photo album yourself.

24. Do charity work

Cleanup work ceases to be a tedious obligation if you organize it yourself. You can also become a volunteer at a shelter, help your disabled neighbors, go donate blood and encourage your friends to do all this. Help people and feel like a good person.

25. Relax

And this doesn't just mean lying on the couch all day. For quality relaxation, it is better to master meditation techniques or yoga. Or, at worst, soak in a warm and fragrant bath.