There are a huge number of different interesting places, which amaze with their beauty and remain in the heart for a long time, and some of them are also famous for their name, since they can easily pass for a tongue twister. Some of them include only one word, many consist of many, the most important thing is that such a name is very difficult to pronounce the first time. Here is a list of the longest and most difficult of them to pronounce; let's try to pronounce them out loud together.


This country has a city whose name has 168 letters and is one of the longest (or maybe the longest) names in the world. This is the ceremonial name of the capital of Thailand - Bangkok: Krun Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Nopparat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Aman Piman Avatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit. Unfortunately, not everyone can pronounce it, so airports use a shortened version that sounds like Krung Thep. All these words have a certain meaning, which characterize this place as a city of angels, great city, the precious city, the impregnable city of God Indra, the great capital of the world, endowed with nine precious stones, a happy city, a replete royal palace that resembles a divine abode where an incarnation of god reigns, a city worshiping Indra, built by Vishnukarn. Oh, what a name, you must agree! You can break your tongue! By the way, since you are already in Thailand, it would be a sin not to visit Bangkok - one of.


So, before you are 85 letters combined into one word: Taumatavhakataprikimaungahoronukupokaiivhenuakitanatahu. This name proclaims one place in New Zealand as “the place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, slid and climbed, swallowing the mountains around, which are known as the lands of the cannibals, and played the flute to be loved. This name is listed in the Book of Records as the longest word-name in the world. By the way, you have nothing to fear in this country, because New Zealand included in .


This word can be called downright modest, compared to the previous one. It has “only” 58 letters, and the place itself is located on the island of Anglesey in Wales. In fact, the authenticity of this name has not been proven, Llanwyrepullgwingyllgogerihuirndrobulllantisiliogogoh. It is believed that at first the name had about 20 letters, and one tailor decided to deceive everyone and in the 19th century added another 38 letters on top. Whether it’s a hoax or not, it doesn’t matter, this place is famous for its name, which is quite logical and understandable.


Pekvachanamaikosquasquaypinwanik is the name of a lake in Canada, and the longest of any official word in the country. Translated, this means a lake in which trout are caught on a hook.


Meallan Liath Coire Mhic Dhubhghail- this is one of the most most beautiful places in Scotland, which also has the longest in this country. This is very big mountain with many peaks, lakes and kars (glaciers in the highlands). Many people go there on excursions, which certainly teases and attracts everyone who is passionate about this type of entertainment. And don't forget to visit one of.


A lake with a very “simple” name Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg You can easily meet in Webster, MA. It is believed to be one of the longest official titles in the United States of America. Its name translates as “everyone fishes from his own side, and no one claims to be in the middle.” It is the second largest fresh body of water in the state and is also known as Lake Webster.


Next on our list is the name of the farm in South Africa, which reads like Twibuffelsmetinycutmorsdudgeskitfontein. This is the longest name in Afrikaans, the official language of this place. And the “name” itself means “spring, when two buffalos are killed with one shot.”

Perhaps someone has been to these places? Or do you just live near the places I listed or something similar that is not on my list? I would be very interested to learn new facts about the longest names in the world!

2.08.2019 at 17:43 · VeraSchegoleva · 1 050

Top 10 longest city names in the world

There are a lot of things in the world settlements, and they all have names. Their story is very interesting. Many towns, villages and hamlets are named after their founders. They are often formed on behalf of a nearby river, or dedicated to some key features of the area in which the settlement is being built.

The variety of names is amazing: beautiful, dissonant, complex and even offensive. In this article we'll talk about the names of settlements, which not everyone can pronounce, but they can easily replace tongue twisters and other exercises for speech development.

10. Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky (Russia)

Russian city, located near the border with Buryatia. Founded in 1789, until 1926 the city was called Petrovskoe village. That’s what Catherine II ordered to call him.

An iron foundry and an ironworks were built in the village. Mostly convicts and exiles lived here. Not only Russian Decembrists served their sentences, but also Italians and French who took part in the uprisings.

1926 was a very significant year for the village; it was given city status. Given a new name "Petrovsk", added definition "Zabaikalsky", because a city with that name existed in the Saratov region.

Now Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky- Not Big city OK, in terms of population it ranks 749 out of 1,113 cities in the country (at the beginning of 2018).

9. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Russia)

Administrative center of the Kamchatka Territory. This is where the base is located Pacific Fleet Russia.

Enough Old city, it was founded in 1697. The Cossacks chose a place to store the tax, which they collected from the people in kind, and built a fort here.

43 years have passed, an expedition was sent here. The researchers were given a goal - to make a map of the area and understand whether large sea ​​vessels. The ships on which the explorers arrived bore the names of Saints Peter and Paul; on the basis of them, Vitus Bering decided to name the new settlement Peter and Paul fort.

The official birthday of the city is October 6, 1740, when the ships of the expedition arrived. Under Paul I, Kamchatka became a military outpost. In 1924, the new government ordered the port to be given a new name. The city began to be called Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

8. Furstenfeldbruck (Germany)

The regional center in Bavaria is located on the Amper River. In 1263, the men's Fürstennfeld was founded here.

The history of the city began in 1935, when it was officially recognized and given its original name. Derivatives of the name are two words “Fürstenfeld” “Bruck”, which can be literally translated as "bridge across the prince's fields".

Currently Fürstenfeldbruck is a modern developed city. The number of residents is small, only 35 thousand. Despite this, the infrastructure is developed and, importantly, there are enterprises that produce products from various industries.

7. Truth or Consequences (USA)

The county seat of Sierra County. It was founded in 1884, then it was called Hot Springs, which means "Hot Springs". A well-deserved name, Hot Springs was home to 40 thermal springs.

In 1950, it was renamed after the popular program. As a result of the publicity stunt, the city began to be called also Truth or Consequences (Truth or Consequences).

Moreover, now the townspeople are celebrating the date of the renaming, this is a celebration in honor of the show’s host, Ralph Edwards. The city is small, about 7 thousand inhabitants live here, but it is a real water and climatic paradise.

6. Freixo de Espada à Cinta (Portugal)

Settlement, center of the municipality of the district of Bragança. This is a very old village, founded in 1152. Wine region of Portugal. No wonder it looks like a fairy tale in spring. Many flowering trees delight the eye, and their aroma makes your head spin.

Freixo de Espada à Cinta translated as " ash tree surrounded by sword" There are several versions explaining the origin of the name. According to one, the city was founded by the Portuguese king. He decided to rest under the ash tree and hung his sword on the tree.

5. Llanwire Pullgwyngill (England)

This town is located in Wales, Llanwyre Pullgwingill- This official name. Quite long, translated into Russian means “ St. Mary's Church, located in the white hazel bushes».

Little is known about this settlement; it became famous thanks to its unusual name. In 1860, an unknown man came up with the original name to increase the influx of tourists.

Llan¬fair¬pwll¬gwyn¬gyll¬go¬ge¬rych¬wyrn¬dro¬bwll¬llan¬ty¬si¬lio¬go¬go¬goch- this is what the new name of the village sounds like. Yes, this is all about the same church, only now its location is being clarified by several more signs ( near the whirlpool and the church of Tisilio, which is located next to the red cave).

The most popular landmark in Wales is the nameplate.

4. Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky (Russia)

The history of the name of the city is no different from other names of Russian settlements. The military post was founded during the reign of Alexander II in 1869. It was named after him - Alexandrovsky post.

This place was used to serve the sentence of criminals - convicts. Prisoners worked in logging and coal installations.

In 1926, the government changed, and the city received a new name Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, an adjective has been added that specifies its location.

3. Santa Fe (USA)

The city is located in the state of New Mexico, is its administrative center. Santa Fe translated as " Holy Faith", but this is only part of the name, because the full name is quite difficult to pronounce.

La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de AsísRoyal City of Saints: Francis of Assisi and Faith.

Near the city rich story. The first mentions of settlements date back to the 11th century BC. e. The settlement was called Ogapogi, the Spaniards tried several times to seize these lands, but they failed. Subsequently, the city of Santa Fe was founded on the site of ancient settlements.

2. Los Angeles (USA)

It turns out that it’s common Los Angeles also has a clever name. He is located in the USA.

In 1781, a small village called El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles sobre El Río Porciúncula, translated from Spanish " The village of the Queen of Angels, the Virgin Mary, on the Porsyunkula River" In 1850 the village became a city.

Nowadays, everyone knows about the existence of Los Angeles. It is the largest city in the state of California. Now they call it Los Angeles, and locals sometimes even shorten the name to two letters LA.

1. Bangkok (Thailand)

The name of Thailand is listed in . It consists of two dozen words (that's more than 168 letters). Locals use the name Krung Thep.

The city was founded in 1782 and was named Bang Kok, which translated meant “ wild plum village" In 1767, the capital of Thailand was destroyed by enemies. It was decided to move it to the part where the village was located.

The official name of the city (in Russian transcription): Krun Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintarayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Nopparat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchanivet Mahasathan Amon Piman Avatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit. Half the meaning of the words in this title is lost. All these are various epithets and words of praise in honor of Bangkok ( capital of the world, city filled with abundance etc.).

Readers' Choice:

The Kingdom of Thailand is located in the very center South-East Asia and in its outline it resembles the head of an elephant, and its area is comparable to the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Great Siam, never conquered in its 7 years centuries-old history, in 1932 changed the absolute monarchy to a constitutional one, and soon changed the name: the Thai word "tai"(meaning "free") was combined with the English word "land"(translated as “land”) and Thailand appeared - land of the free.

Longest capital name in the world

The capital of the kingdom is Bangkok, the 17th largest city in Asia, which, like the resorts of the kingdom, is always warm, the temperature does not drop below 22 degrees. Even during the rainy season, Bangkok is filled with sunshine, and the showers here pass as quickly as they begin. Even 100 years ago, having visited Bangkok, travelers said that they had seen the Venice of the East, and today Bangkok and its attractions are more like New York with the same skyscrapers, traffic jams and noisy streets.

Here you can meet people of any nationality, but the most smiling of all are the Thais: it is not for nothing that the world calls Thailand the land of smiles.

Bangkok is large city, in which almost 15 million people live today ( according to 2012 data). But the Thais themselves do not call it Bangkok, for them it is Krung Thep, which translated from Thai means “City of Angels”. The name of the capital of Thailand is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest name of the capital of a state in the world and consists of 30 words. Any Thai person on the street will pronounce the full name of his City of Angels without hesitation (they begin to teach it along with the alphabet in the first grade of school - website note):

Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintarayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Nopparat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Avatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit.

And it translates like this:

The capital of angels, the great city, the immortal divine jewel and fortress, the great land that cannot be conquered, the great and prosperous kingdom, the magnificent and wonderful capital of the nine jewels, the place where the greatest rulers live and is located Grand Palace, the home of the gods, the magnificent creation of the god Vishnu.

Royal altars with photographs of the monarch and his family are everywhere. Nobody forces Thais to worship them; it comes from sincere love. You can go to jail for insulting the king, but such a thing would never occur to anyone. Rama IX is a role model who has earned the honor and respect of the people during his long life.

The Thais turned their City of Angels into a modern capital, building new areas with huge shopping centers, expensive shops, luxury hotels on the top floors of skyscrapers, thousands of restaurants, and endless markets.

On the streets of Bangkok they sell absolutely everything: clothes, souvenirs, jewelry. Moreover, trade here is in full swing day and night, surprising Europeans with cheap prices. Particularly cheap at such stores are items from well-known designer brands, sewn by Thai craftswomen using their own patterns.

By the way, Thais love to bargain, and even if there is a price tag on a product, this does not mean that that is exactly what you need to pay for it.

What was the capital of Thailand like before?

Bangkok was once called the Venice of the East. 200 years ago, travelers who came here from Europe saw a luxurious city built on the water, where beautiful temples and palaces lined the streets. Bangkok was built according to the design of the former capital of Thailand - the city of Ayutthaya, i.e. on the water. King Rama V, when he chose a place for the new capital, ordered canals to be dug here. However, at the end of the 19th century, the kings of Thailand began to travel to Europe, saw that self-propelled carriages were in vogue and began to fill the canals of Bangkok with earth to build roads.

What remains today of the Venice of the East is a few poor neighborhoods with shacks. Perhaps someday they will also be covered with earth, but for now tourists are brought here to show what the capital of Thailand and the sights of Bangkok used to be like. Many of the shacks built next to other people's houses do not even have a postal address, but there are also old mansions with lush gardens where Bangkok's intelligentsia lived for generations. There are many monitor lizards and fish in the canals. And to this day, these canals serve not only as streets, but also as water supply and even sewage systems.

Thai cuisine

Gourmets around the world discovered Thai cuisine only 20-30 years ago. The culinary art of Thailand owes a lot to China and India - the food is just as spicy and is cooked mainly over an open fire, but Thai cuisine is distinguished by spices and seasonings. Thais love to mix things that cannot be mixed for European tastes: sweet and salty or bitter, hot and sour, fish and meat. You can fall in love with it, but not right away.

The Amita Thai Cuisine School is a legendary place and probably the only one of its kind, because here you can really learn how to cook several Thai dishes and, most importantly, remember how it’s done. Here you will be taught how to cook four dishes that can change Europeans' perception of Thai cuisine for the better: a hot dish, a cold appetizer, a side dish and a salad for dessert. The most difficult part, of course, is the hot one - chicken curry in coconut milk. First, they show you the whole cooking process, explaining what needs to be put in and in what order, which ingredients can be changed to taste, for example, the amount of hot curry, green pepper and beans, and which ones not - coconut milk, fish sauce and cane sugar. After cooking, you can try it all, and then cook it yourself. The lesson will cost you 3,000 baht (approximately 3,000 rubles).

A lot of food is sold on the streets of the capital. Wheeled carts are always equipped with hotplates. Thais love hot food, eating up to 6 meals a day. During a meal, it is completely pointless to distract them, because food is the main thing in the life of a Thai, because it is during food that communication takes place. Most often, Thai food looks extremely unappetizing to our foreign eyes, but contrary to popular belief, Thais eat not only grasshoppers, crickets and other insects, although this is true. Thai cuisine is exquisite, of course not on street stalls, but more on that below.

"Ancient city"

One of the attractions of Thailand, located 45 km from Bangkok, is Muang Boran Park, which translated from Thai means “ Ancient city" On an area of ​​350 hectares, the Thais have recreated 116 of their most revered and famous monuments architecture created in the Kingdom of Siam over the past 800 years. Palaces and temples are made on a scale of 1:2

The ancient city is attractive because once you visit it, you can get an idea of ​​the architecture of the entire country. The territory of the park is huge, so it is better to move around it in an electric car - this way you can see more. The cost of an excursion on an electric car is 1,400 baht, and on a general tram - 300.

floating market

80 km from the capital is the largest floating market in Thailand, “Canonam Kun Tunkin”, which is translated from Thai as “flower market”, because once upon a time there were not shopping arcades along the banks, but flower fields. Here you can buy anything you want and very cheaply, from fruits and vegetables to home furnishings.

Be sure to watch your hands so as not to get your fingers pinched by nearby boats.

The market wakes up at 6 in the morning and the first to appear on the canals are fish merchants, and by 10 they are no longer here - perishable goods give way to vegetables, fruits, souvenirs, clothes and all sorts of things that are attractive to tourists and useless to the Thais themselves)

Locals come here mainly for food and sometimes for hats, which are here for every taste: Vietnamese, Thai, colonial era.

Tourists are always delighted with the floating market: drinking coconut milk while sitting on a boat is a rare pleasure, and renting a boat costs only 100 baht per hour. There is no need for a guide at the market, and its main rule is very simple - bargain. And to the last, because the price can be reduced even 5 times, because for tourists it is specially inflated. When buying fruit, it is not customary to bargain. Food, fruits, and vegetables are mainly bought here by local Thais and all this is really very cheap, especially what seems exotic to us and is not sold in Russia!

Bangkok from the ship

Only from the water can you see how Bangkok truly lives. You can sail by boat past the shacks that have remained here since the mid-50s of the 20th century, in front of which there are modern skyscrapers 50 floors with a completely different life. A walk along the canals of Bangkok is akin to exotic for tourists: there are very few blocks left on the water, and if they used to be the center of the city, they are now considered the outskirts.

The City of Angels is one of those that doesn’t sleep at night, you can shop until 12 am, listen to music in street bars, and for those who want something special, this is the time to see night Bangkok from the side of the ship. Pleasure boats are always filled to capacity - this is much more interesting than going to a regular restaurant, especially in places where tourists gather, including large ones. shopping centers, in hotels and even in theaters, dinner is no less important than the performance. The Thais do not impose their food at all - the buffet consists of Thai, European, Indian and Japanese cuisine, especially loved by tourists from Russia.

Only from the cruise boat at dawn at 6 am or after sunset (in Bangkok it is all year round sets at 6 pm), you can see in its beauty the Wat Arun temple - the temple of the dawn. His stupa is still the tallest in Thailand - almost 80 meters. The tiers of Wat Arun symbolize the multiplicity of worlds, in the existence of which the Thais, of course, believe, and these worlds, apparently, are more beautiful than even the magnificent creation of the god Vishnu - the City of Angels, known to us as Bangkok.

The longest official name is a 305 meter high hill located in New Zealand.

Mamihlapinatapai (sometimes spelled mamihlapinatapei) is a word from the language of the Yagan tribe ( Tierra del Fuego). It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the "most compressed word" and considered one of the most difficult words to translate.

Mamihlapinatapai means " A look between two people that expresses the desire of each that the other will initiate what both want, but neither wants to be the first».

And here's what world's longest word?

The full chemical name of the largest protein contains 189,819 letters and is considered the longest word in any language.

Titin, also known as connectin, is a giant protein consisting of 244 individually folded protein regions connected by an unstructured peptide sequence.

In addition, the titin gene contains the largest number of exons, 363, found in a single gene.

Titin plays an important role in the contraction of striated muscle tissue, but it is best known by its technical name, which is considered the longest word in any language in the world.

The name "titin" is borrowed from the Greek word "titan" (giant deity, something big size). The chemical name starts with methionyl...and ends with...isoleucine.

The full name of the largest protein would take up a lot of space in this post, but you

If you really want to hear what the longest word in the world sounds like, you can watch the video, which takes almost 3.5 hours to fully pronounce this name.

Interestingly, you won’t even see the full chemical name of titin in dictionaries, since dictionary compilers consider the names of chemical compounds to be a verbal formula, not a word. But no matter what you call it: a word, a formula or a whole story, it is extremely long.

The longest word in the Russian language has not yet been determined for a number of reasons. Theoretically, one of these words could be the adjectiveahydropyridopyridine, consisting of 55 letters. But will such a choice of winner be fair, because in analytical, let’s say, chemistry, the names of substances can be constructed according to a certain scheme and sometimes reach downright cosmic values.

Another frequently cited example is the construction of a word by adding the prefix right-. Its quantity can be unlimited, therefore, there will be plenty of letters in such a word.

Various words that contain a numeral and denote any value are also popular - one thousand eight hundred seventy-nine centimeters, or built like eighty-four years old. To indicate the age of, for example, the Earth. So there are countless possibilities for word creation. You can combine options for quite a long time, because, as we know, natural numbers dark. That is, you can ask yourself to express the diameter of the Earth in millimeters, and you can only imagine how many letters there will be in this newborn word. In view of this, the task of finding the longest word in the Russian language, alas, will not be crowned with success. Moreover, most of these words seem almost like monsters to the average person, and are not used at all in ordinary speech. Only on a local scale. That is, it is quite possible to find the longest word among parts of speech, for example, verbs or nouns.

Some difficulties are also created by the lack of agreement on whether different word forms can be used. So, for example, in the Guinness Book of Records in 1993, the longest word was the word X-ray electrocardiographic (33 letters), in the 2003 edition - highly considerate (35 letters). In the first case, an analogue of the word could be used - ente(42 letters). Disputes arose, naturally, due to the fact that, as we can see, in the first case the word was used in the genitive case, and in the second the spelling, for example, in the same case, would be longer by a letter. In general, the record-breaking words were never recognized, because the information is quite subjective and cannot be confirmed.

How do you like this longest abbreviation? (56 characters)


Research laboratory of operations for concrete reinforcement and reinforced concrete work for the construction of prefabricated monolithic and monolithic structures of the technology department of the construction and installation department of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the USSR. That is, you can imagine how the employees of this organization answered the question about work.

Now let's talk about the very best of their kind.

Longest adjective with a hyphen: agricultural engineering (38 letters).
The longest nouns with a hyphen are: uprooter-bulldozer-loader and animate-inanimate (31 letters).
The longest noun without a hyphen: water-mud-peat-paraffin treatment (29 letters).
Longest adjective without a hyphen: electrophotosemiconductor (28 letters). This data is kindly provided by the spelling dictionary Russian Academy Sci.
The grammatical dictionary of A.A. Zaliznyak, published in 2003, believes that: the longest (in letters) common noun lexeme in dictionary form is the adjective private entrepreneur (25 letters; word forms in -ogo and -imi - 26 letters).

The longest verbs are to re-examine, to substantiate and to internationalize (all - 24 letters; the participles formed from them with the ending -uyuschie and gerunds ending -ovavshisya - 25 letters each). The first time I couldn’t even immediately imagine the meaning of the second word...

The longest nouns are misanthropy and eminence (24 letters each; word forms in -ami - 26 letters each)
The longest animate nouns are eleventh-grader (20 letters) and clerk (21 letters), word forms in -ami are 22 and 23 letters, respectively.

The longest adverb recorded by the dictionary is unsatisfactory (19 letters). We should not forget that the overwhelming majority of qualitative adjectives ending in -y and -iy form adverbs in -о, -е or -и, which are not always recorded in the dictionary.

The longest interjection included in the dictionary is the slightly rude fizkult-hello (14 letters).

The word accordingly (14 letters) is also the longest preposition. The longest particle is exclusively a letter shorter.

But in addition to long, little-known and highly specialized words, there are also champions in literature, for example, the word for good consideration, which Nikolai Leskov used in the story “Hare Remise”. The most interesting thing is that no one knows the true meaning, it is quite likely that the author himself invented it . But probably everyone can imagine its meaning.

Our language hides a lot of interesting things, and I think the number of record-breaking words does not in any way affect the power and beauty of our Russian speech. While collecting information for this article, I learned an incredible number of interesting things. And for some reason I remembered that when I was seven years old I thought that the word electrosynchrophasotron was, well, the longest one, and Staroportofrankovskaya Street was generally something out of science fiction. Beliefs change...And most importantly, language is not something static, and is daily replenished with neologisms; he lives, is reborn, and it is unknown how long the champion word can become. Although, judging by the current desire of young people to shorten the word beyond recognition, it is still unknown who will win...

And when I was studying at the institute, there was a student in our group who considered his last name to be the longest in Russia - Skorobogatko - 13 letters, who has more?

Every huge metropolis and small village has its own unique story titles. Some settlements were named after famous people who contributed to the development of that area. Others received names associated with picturesque nature region. But there are some of the longest names of places in the world that you won’t be able to pronounce the first time.

Russian record holders

In Russia, there are several settlements with long names. These are mainly villages and towns located in the northern part of the territory Russian Federation. The longest name of a city in Russia is Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, located on Sakhalin Island. This city has the most letters in its name, but its population is extremely small (does not exceed ten thousand people).

Initially, there was a military post in its place. Later the city became a place of exile for dangerous criminals. Until 1926, the city with the most long name was called the Alexander Post (it was named after one of the Russian emperors). Afterwards the city was designated as the administrative center Sakhalin region, therefore it was renamed Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky. This name also preserves original title settlement, and an indication of its location was added.

Longest town name in England

Llanwyre Pwllgwyngill is famous throughout the world. Many locals love to argue with visiting tourists over the fact that travelers will not be able to clearly and correctly pronounce its entire name right away due to the specifics local language. Llanvair Pwllgwyngill is located in Wells, UK. Anyone who manages to pronounce the longest name of the city without hesitation can safely be hired as a television announcer.

But this area also has an unofficial, longer name - Llanwirepullguingillgogerihuirndrobullllantysiliogogogoch. The name itself can be translated from Welsh (the indigenous language local residents) as "The Church of St. Mary in the vicinity of the mighty hazel tree near the great whirlpool and the Church of St. Tisilio near the bloody cave." This place is also famous for the fact that the sign on the only railway station is the most famous and visited place in the country.

Longest city name in the world

Bangkok is considered the record holder for the number of letters in its name (the city is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records). And immediately this version may seem implausible, because the word “Bangkok” has only seven letters. But this is only an abbreviated version, which is adopted for ease of pronunciation. The longest name of the city is: Krun Thep Mahanahon Amon Ratanakosin Mahintarayuthaya Mahadlok Phop Noparat Rachatani Burirom Udomratchaniwe Mahasatan Amon Piman Avata Sati Sakathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit.

And it can be translated from the local language something like this: “The city of heavenly angels, majestic city, the settlement is the eternal diamond, the indestructible settlement of the majestic god Indra, the great capital in the whole world, which is endowed with nine beautiful gems, happiest city, full of all kinds of benefits, unique Royal Palace, representing the divine cradle where the reborn almighty god sits, the city received by people from the great Indra and erected by the inviolable Vishnukarna.” But it is difficult to accurately interpret the meaning of the words in the name of this capital, since many words are outdated, and this moment are not used by modern Thais.

Los Angeles

Immediately behind these record holders is another city, which everyone is accustomed to calling by a shorter name. It is located in the United States of America and is better known as Los Angeles. Although the longest name of the city is pronounced: El Pueblo De Nustra Señora La Reina De Los Angeles De La Porcincula.

It means "Village" immaculate virgin Mary, Queen of Heavenly Angels, on the Porsyunkula River." Initially, this name was given to a small village, but in 1820 the area grew, becoming small town in the state of California. At the moment, the city is the largest in terms of population in the state and the second in the country.

Santa Fe

Following Los Angeles is another American city - Santa Fe. As in previous cases, this is just a familiar abbreviated name. The true name is pronounced like this: Willa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asis. The settlement is located in the state of New Mexico. His unusual name can be translated this way: “Royal City of the Sacred Faith of St. Francis of Assisi.” Previously, several villages were located in its place. After several unsuccessful attempts to conquer these lands, a fairly large provincial town was located here.

History in city names

Story various cities is quite interesting, but even more interesting are their unusual, intriguing names. Such facts easily attract curious tourists from all over the world. Of course, despite the fact that the desire to travel appeared quite a long time ago, such names were not given with the aim of attracting anyone. They were given in honor of holy martyrs, famous personalities, reigning persons and other famous people and characters.

But the fact remains that they have survived to this day, and now many are trying to get to know these cities more deeply, to understand why such a name was given. This is quite a fascinating and amazing process that anyone can join.