In March people go to Lake Baikal for ice skating, skiing, fishing, snowmobiling, a bathhouse and dogs.

Why March? Because in January-February the ice only strengthens and grows, while snow falls on top of it, making the entire lake look like a huge, flat snow field. At the end of February, the winds begin to blow, blow away all the snow, and the ice is polished and miraculously smoothed. As a result, by March, when the sky becomes clear and the sun is already blazing hot, we have an almost fantastic picture.

1. Baikal ice is the most transparent in the world

Baikal ice is unique and diverse: hummocks as high as a house, and terrible ice cracks, and harmless, but infinitely beautiful ribbon cracks. But the main delight of travelers to Lake Baikal is the supernatural transparency of the ice; You can admire this beauty anywhere, but a very special place is Cape Khoboy on Olkhon Island. The local rocks, in which the wind and waves have left deep cracks and grottoes, are called the home of spirits and a paradise for photographers. In winter, Khoboy takes on a particularly mystical appearance: so-called “sokui” are formed on the stone ledges - icy swells of waves frozen in the frost. The wind spins these giant icicles like a screw, and as a result an absolutely phantasmagoric picture is formed.

2. Baikal is the largest skating rink on the planet

Baikal in March especially impressive with cleanliness ice , air. At this time there are no longer severe frosts, and the weather is comfortable. The air temperature is approximately -1° to -10°, and the ice cover of the lake remains strong. Sometimes it is cloudy and there is a little snow, but there are also sunny days. Then everything around sparkles like diamonds. You can not only walk on the surface of the lake, but also ride jeeps, bicycles, snowmobiles, dog sleds, and skates. The ice cover can withstand these loads. Everything is conducive to activity various types calm and active rest.

Baikal winter landscapes

Baikal in March is a fairy tale! Ice covers the entire surface of the lake and forms a strong coating 80-120 cm thick. His appearance delights and surprises. Only here it is completely transparent, like glass, clean and blue. Coastal rocks and capes are reflected on it, as if in water. Through it one can see the blackening abyss of subglacial life to a depth of 40 m.

The ice cover is dotted with shallow cracks. They, like patterns, decorate the mirror surface of the lake, but do not weaken its strength. There are also deep (stagnant) cracks. They pass through the entire ice thickness. When they form, a loud cracking sound is heard. In some places there are transparent hummocks as tall as a man. They are formed at the end of winter as a result of ice movement and are especially spectacular in March, glistening in the sun.

Coastal cliffs and island shores are covered with intricate ice figures- splashes (juice). This strong storm wind throws the water of Lake Baikal onto the rocks at the beginning of winter. It freezes on the stones, and fantastically shaped splashes are formed. Rocks can be covered with them completely or to a height of over 10 m. Large gaps form between the splashes and the surface of the lake after Baikal freezes completely. This is due to the fact that the level of the frozen lake is falling. The overall composition of the splashes amazes with its unusual shape and beauty.

Behind the splashes you can find very beautiful grottoes. There are especially many of them in the Small Sea area, on the largest island of Olkhon. Ice icicles hang from the ceiling of the caves and form fantastic pictures.

Types of holidays in March

There are many types of recreation on Baikal in March:

  • ice diving;
  • ice fishing;
  • skates;
  • walk through the grottoes;
  • photography and much more.

Ice diving

This extreme type of recreation gives extraordinary impressions to divers and accompanying people on Lake Baikal. The very clear water of this lake forms a transparent ice sheet. Therefore, divers can see jeeps and standing people from below through the huge thickness of water and ice. At the same time, you can monitor the diver’s movements in the water from the outside. In addition, when scuba diving you can see magnificent compositions, labyrinths, grottoes made of frozen water. It resembles a fabulous underwater ice kingdom.

For diving, an ice hole (hole) is made; the diver needs special equipment, a signal end. Dive for approximately 45 minutes. When one diver descends, an assistant and an instructor participate.

Ice fishing

Fishing is very popular in March, especially on the Small Sea. The ice cover is strong and the air temperature is comfortable. Here, with a good bite, a fisherman can catch up to 150 fish. There are about 50 species of fish in Baikal. Famous fish can become trophies:

  • Baikal omul. Weighs 0.5-1.5 kg.
  • Grayling. Weighs about 1 kg. Reaches a weight of 5-6 kg.
  • Whitefish. Weighs about 0.5 kg. Reaches a weight of 10 kg.
  • Baikal sturgeon. Weighs 100-130 kg. Length 1.4-1.8 m.
  • Pike. Weighs up to 15 kg. Length up to 1.7 m.

Bloodworms and crustaceans are used as bait.


Ice skating is very popular on the mirror surface of the Small Sea near Olkhon Island. In some places, the winds here completely blow the snow off the frozen surface. Therefore, a fairly flat area of ​​durable, transparent ice coverage remains.

In addition, with the help of skates, many increase the speed of their movement around Baikal by about 2-3 times and travel up to 15-20 km per hour.

Walk through the grottoes

Inspecting the mysterious, interesting ice caves of Lake Baikal in the spring is a breathtaking sight. They resemble fairy-tale palaces and are the most beautiful on Olkhon. There are many half-flooded caves there. In summer it is impossible to approach them, but approaching them on the ice floor is possible. With the beginning of winter, the waves of Lake Baikal fall into them and freeze in bizarre shapes.


Traveling around Lake Baikal in the spring during the ice season often takes place with a camera. I would like to capture all the extraordinary beauty of the icy lake and bring good photos for myself and my friends.

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is rightfully considered one of the symbols of the harsh and pristine nature. And many of us dream of traveling to this legendary lake. In this case, of course, most people mean a summer hike. But who said that traveling in these parts is only possible in the warm season?! We are ready to dispel the misconception and prove to you: winter is quite suitable for going to Baikal. And it is the winter trip that will be more eventful and impressive than the summer one.
Our team invites you to an unusual tour to the Baikal ice. We will travel in March, when the day is warm enough to safely walk on the ice, skate or take photographs, but the ice is still strong enough to drive on.

This season we will conduct TWO tours to Lake Baikal.
The first - from March 5 to 13
Second - from March 13 to 20

The main part of our trip will take place on Olkhon Island.
Olkhon- largest island Lake Baikal: over 800 km2 of steppe, sand, rocks and taiga. Exactly this sunny place throughout the Irkutsk region (90 sunny days per year). Heavy rain and snow are very rare here. Olkhon is ideal for holding winter holidays: there are no crowds of tourists, large settlements(about 1,200 residents live in the village of Khuzhir) and busy highways.
During the days of our trip we will visit different points of Olkhon Island at the very different time days. We do not have a clear schedule for visiting this or that point, because... a lot will depend on the weather and your mood. You can be sure of one thing: we will be wherever you can take a beautiful photo that will remain in your photo album for a long time. During all these days we will be able to see and photograph the icy rocks of the island, ice grottoes, many kilometers of cracks and hummocks, beautiful sunsets and sunrises.
We will walk a lot along the shore of the island and, of course, how can we do without ice skating on such a huge skating rink like Baikal!

1 day. (5th of March) Meeting of participants at Irkutsk airport. (Departure from the airport is planned no later than 10:00, so please pay attention to this when purchasing air tickets. We will inform you additionally about the meeting place for participants who will arrive in Irkutsk a day earlier). Immediately after the meeting, we take a minibus to Olkhon Island; the journey will take about 5-6 hours, depending on the weather. On the way we stop at a roadside cafe for lunch. We arrive on the island, check into a hotel (accommodation for 2-3 local numbers). Excursion to the Shamanka rock. Sunset photography for amateur photographers.

Day 2. (March, 6) Amateur photographers will be able to photograph the sunrise at the Shamanki rock, and those who do not like to get up early will be able to sleep well after a long journey and relax. For photography enthusiasts, Anton Petrus will conduct a photography lesson “Composition and style in landscape photography.” After lunch we set off on our first excursion on the Baikal ice, driving to the north of the island to Cape Khoboy. Along the way, we stop near the island of Khorantsy and see ice grottoes with huge stalactites of icicles, the most fantastic shapes, ice splashes on the rocks, which resemble the real kingdom of the Snow Queen. Next we will stop near the largest hummock, Cape THREE Brothers, and the final point of our journey will be Cape Khoboy. We return to the hotel. Dinner.

Day 3. (March 7) After the excursion to Cape Khoboy we rest, part of the day will be free and everyone will be able to do what they like best. Someone will be able to go ice skating, someone will just take a walk around the village, go to the local museum and buy souvenirs, someone will go to the fish factory for smoked omul. After lunch, photographers will have a session on “Panoramic Photography from A to Z.” An evening walk at sunset to the Shamanka rock. Dinner.

Day 4 (March 8) The routine for the first half of the day is the same - photography enthusiasts go out at dawn, lazy travelers sleep off and relax. Before lunch there will be a class on night photography and shooting the starry sky. After lunch we will go to southern part islands, where we will see several islands with bizarre ice splashes, and the final destination of our journey will be the island of Ogoy, on which one of the local attractions is located - a Buddhist stupa. Return to the hotel. Dinner. Congratulations to our participants on the holiday!

Day 5. (9th of March) Today, part of the day will be free so that each of you can do what he likes: ice skating, walking on the ice of Lake Baikal, exploring the surroundings of the village. After lunch there will be a photography lesson “Processing Landscape Photos in Photoshop”. Evening walk on the ice to photograph the sunset.

Day 7 (11th of March) Today is the last day of our stay on Olkhon. After a long excursion to the north of the island, we rest and take stock of our trip. A lesson on Landscape photos on stock (how and where to sell your photos?) will be held for photographers. After class we will have free time. so that each of you can do what he likes. In the evening, farewell dinner and packing for the road!

Day 8 (March 12) Breakfast and departure to Irkutsk. We arrive in Irkutsk in the evening, accommodation in hotels or departure to the airport.

Cost of participation in the tour: 39,000 rubles per person

The tour price includes:
1. Transfer Irkutsk-Khuzhir-Irkutsk
2. Accommodation in guest house in the village of Khuzhir (2-3 bed rooms)
3. Three excursions around Lake Baikal in the Olkhon area
4. Three meals a day, according to expedition conditions
5. A set of necessary medications (first aid kit).
6. Medical insurance.
8. Services of an instructor and photo guide.

Not included in the tour price:
Meals during the driving part of the tour (First and last day of travel)
Flight to Irkutsk
Hotel in Irkutsk on the last day of the trip.

And some photos for your appetite)










More Baikal photos.

Many of our friends and acquaintances have long dreamed of going to journey to Baikal on your own or organized tour. Anya and I somehow, without hesitation, got ready and went!)) The lack of big money didn’t hurt, the main thing was time!

I think there is no need to motivate you by what is interesting about this place. The most deep lake in the world, the largest source fresh water- it's all about him! The length of Lake Baikal is 636 km, and its width ranges from 27 km at its narrowest point to 81 km at its widest. Most of coastline These are nature reserves, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries. It is believed that the lake arose under the influence of tectonic processes; there is even a controversial statement that the most ancient lake planets! Baikal water is very clean and transparent, especially in the spring, before algae and other microorganisms begin to bloom. You can drink this water without fear (of course, if there is no pulp and paper mill nearby ;-)). Average annual temperature water temperature is +4 degrees, and in summer the water in shallow bays warms up to 20-22 degrees.

Add to this the ethnic flavor, shamanic places and rituals, monuments sacred to many peoples of Asia and you will get a great idea where to spend your next vacation!

Read also:

We have written a short guide where we answer basic questions related to independent travel to Baikal.

How to go to Baikal on your own?

1. When to go?

The climate on Lake Baikal is special, for example, in summer it is colder on the lake than in Irkutsk, and warmer in winter. This place is characterized by harsh, long winters and short summer, as well as strong winds. The driest place on Lake Baikal is Olkhon Island, which is also very sunny and warm in summer. But the southeastern coast is considered the rainiest place, in the area of ​​the Khamar-Daban ridge.

Here, as always, a lot depends on the purpose of the trip. If your goal is to go fishing, swim in the icy water of the lake, or go trekking in the surrounding mountains, then it is best to go to July-August. These are the only two months of the year when Lake Baikal is relatively warm. In June, the water does not warm up enough even in the Small Sea, and in the northern regions of the lake the ice can melt only by the end of May!

In the first half of September it gets a little colder (at night it can be significantly colder), most people go home, and you can enjoy unity with nature while walking around sandy beach Olkhon or arriving in Chivyrkuisky Bay.

in winter getting to Baikal on your own is quite difficult, since regular transport is mainly reserved for the summer. However, groups are organized for skating on transparent ice Lake Baikal or ice fishing.

From mid-March to mid-April when the frost subsides, and in September-October when Siberian nature pleases with its bright colors- a great time for photographers and true connoisseurs of silence and solitude

2. Where exactly to go to Baikal?

As mentioned above, the lake is 636 km long, so it is physically impossible to visit everything at once.

The easiest way to go to Baikal on your own is here (follow the links for detailed reports):

  • The village of Big Cats and
  • - this is the part of the lake that is separated by Olkhon, like a bay.
  • Peschanaya Bay
  • Neighborhoods of Severobaykalsk

All these places will be quite crowded in the summer, with all the ensuing consequences. If you want silence and solitude, you need to avoid places that can be reached by car.

In general, the southeast coast is more populated, civilized, and has infrastructure.

On the east coast are located:

  • Chivyrkuisky Bay
  • Holy Nose Peninsula

Also visit the Ushkany Islands, look at the Baikal seals in their natural environment a habitat. True, this pleasure is quite expensive!
But everything north of Olkhon is truly wild and harsh places.

Near Baikal there is the beautiful Tunkinskaya Valley (according to scientists, this is one large extinct supervolcano). It contains resorts known throughout Siberia: Nilova Pustyn.

Every year hundreds of tourists come to Lake Baikal on their own to go hiking in these places. But it's not that easy, you need to be prepared for bad weather, high mountains, impenetrable taiga...

The most popular routes on west coast Baikal:

  • Village Listvyanka - Maloye More
  • Olkhon Island. The entire island can be walked up and down, only in some places there is no access to the water, there are sharp rocks and ledges.
  • Cape Kotelnikovsky - Lake Gitara ( Northern part Baikal)
  • The Great Baikal Trail (from Listvyanka to the village of Bolshiye Koty).

Naturally, routes hiking there are a lot of them in the vicinity of the lake, look for them on specialized forums and websites, for example “The Magic of Baikal” or “Baikal Fan”.

How to get to Baikal on your own?

The general trend is this: first you need to get to Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude or Severobaikalsk. From Irkutsk 70 km to the coast - this is the closest route to the lake.

To Olkhon You can get there by bus or by boat, read more in the article about But here is a separate post about the schedule.

To Listvyanka there are buses and minibuses from central bus station and the Irkutsk market, as well as motor ships on the Angara.

To the Circum-Baikal Line: by train from Slyudyanka, on a special tourist train.

To Chivyrkuisky Bay: from Ulan-Ude by bus to the village of Ust-Barguzin or by boat "Barguzin"

To Arshan There are buses and minibuses from Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude.

4. Where to live on Lake Baikal?

It really depends on who likes what kind of comfort and whether they like it at all)) We lived in a tent on the shore of a lake or in the forest. But there is also a large selection of guest houses, hotels, campsites or even yurts to suit every taste and budget!

It is better to look for accommodation through a service that allows you to compare prices across many booking systems, such as (sometimes the difference in price for the same room can reach 80%).

If you want to stay in an apartment or rent a room from the owners (often this works out cheaper than a hotel) - try it (click here and get $25 as a gift for your first booking).

5. What clothes should I take?

In summer there is a very strong temperature difference on Lake Baikal. During the day you can get quite sunburned - take caps, thin shirts that cover your arms and shoulders, don’t forget sunscreen!)) But warm clothes are also required: a windbreaker, a sweater or anorak, warm socks, a knitted hat. At night, even in summer, the temperature can suddenly drop. We found every single thing we brought with us useful!

If you are going to Baikal on your own, then you probably still have many questions. We will try to answer them in the last part of the article.

On the shore of the lake is 3 nature reserves, 2 national parks and 5 game reserves, and special rules apply on their territory. In some places you may be asked to pay to be on site. IN national parks They have no right to demand money, but the situation with nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries is unclear. Permits should be obtained in advance to visit these places. Naturally, treat nature carefully and leave behind the place in as pristine a condition as possible. Unless, of course, you want your descendants to also enjoy the beauty and power of Lake Baikal. Thanks for understanding!

Swim in Baikal You can go anywhere, but the water in the open “sea” is very cold. But in the summer, in the bays of the Small Sea, Chivyrkuisky, Barguzinsky and others, the water warms up to comfortable temperatures.

Mobile communications are available near all larger settlements, both on the southern and northern coasts. On Olkhon Island in the Khuzhir region the signal is also received, but it is unstable. But outside the villages there is no connection.

That's all for today! Come to Baikal on your own! You will be satisfied, we promise))