Black Sea resort Abrau-Durso is not one, but two villages. The famous champagne wine factory is located in Abrau; Durso is a small, relatively quiet resort town on the sea.

Local features

Climate and weather

The climate in Abrau-Durso is very warm and mild, close to the Mediterranean. It is influenced by the proximity of the sea, mountains and relict forests. Winters here are rarely harsh. Summer is usually dry and hot, with an average air temperature of +26ºС. Sea water warms up to +26ºС, and the water in Lake Abrau - up to +28ºС. There are about 250 sunny days a year. Due to its location in the basin, there are no strong winds on the coast, such as occur in Novorossiysk.

For grapes, the Abrau-Durso climate is considered close to ideal. Winemakers say that in terms of natural and climatic conditions, Abrau-Durso is in no way inferior to the famous French province of Champagne, if not superior to it.

The holiday season in Abrau-Durso is the summer and autumn months. Well suited for lovers of a relaxing holiday " the Velvet season“in September-October, when the heat subsides and the flow of vacationers sharply decreases.

What to do

Abrau-Durso has good conditions for lovers beach holiday. The sea in Durso is clean and transparent. Beach pebble, closed on both sides by rocks. A few kilometers from Durso, on the territory of the RSU recreation center, there is nudist beach "Diana". You can also swim in Lake Abrau. Since the water in it warms up very well, swimming season often begins even earlier than at sea.

Definitely worth a visit on an excursion to the champagne wine factory. Here you can not only try wonderful wines, but also learn how to drink them correctly, how to distinguish different varieties by taste, and how real wine differs from a fake.

In Abrau you can also ride on the lake on boats or catamarans. Those who wish go fishing Fishing rods can be rented.

On the beach in Durso it is offered many water attractions. Lovers spearfishing and diving will discover the rich and diverse underwater world of Durso Bay and the adjacent coastline.

You can also do an interesting SUV ride. Local guides have developed several routes that take from several hours to several days.

In Abrau-Durso there is hunting base . In the vicinity of the village live deer, roe deer, wild boars, hares, foxes, martens, etc.

What to bring from here

The best souvenir you can bring from Abrau-Durso is a bottle of good champagne. There are two official stores in the factory building. However, in other shops in the village, which call themselves branded, but are not related to the factory, real Abrau-Durso wines are sold, and the prices usually do not differ from the factory ones. Experts advise buying only aged, expensive champagne, which is incomparably tastier and does not cause headaches.


Scientists have several versions of the origin of Lake Abrau. According to one of them, the Abrau River once flowed into the Black Sea, but several thousand years ago there was a strong earthquake, and the river was blocked by a landslide. A lake formed above the natural dam. Another version (soil failure) is associated with the etymology of the word “abrau”, meaning “failure”, “precipice” in Turkic. True, no traces of karst voids were found near the lake. There is also an assumption that the lake is the remnant of an ancient freshwater sea, which is partly confirmed by the list of its inhabitants.

The word "Durso" means "four waters" in Turkic. A few kilometers from Lake Abrau, behind the pass, a river flows, fed by four springs.

Abrau and Durso were Adyghe villages before the Caucasian War.

Champagne in Russia gained great popularity after the Napoleonic War. But supplies from abroad were very expensive. In 1870, Emperor Alexander II issued a decree establishing an appanage estate for the royal family on the shores of Lake Abrau. European champagne grape varieties, despite numerous doubts, have taken root well in the North Caucasus. In 1891, Prince L. Golitsin was appointed manager of the estate, under whose leadership 5 huge cellars for the production of champagne were built over 5 years. At the end of 1898, the first batch of champagne appeared under the Abrau brand. In 1903, Abrau received a gold medal at the Paris Exhibition as the best sparkling wine in the world.

Before the revolution, production volume was small, champagne was intended only for the royal court and aristocracy. In 1920, a wine-making state farm was created on the basis of the royal estate. Nowadays Abrau-Durso is the only producer of classic champagne in Russia.

Champagne production in Abrau-Durso was interrupted only twice - during the Great Patriotic War and in 1985, after the introduction of Prohibition. And the maximum production volume - 3 million bottles - was reached just before Prohibition, in 1980-1985.

In 2005, Vladimir Putin took the plant under his personal guardianship. In one of the plant’s branded stores hangs a gold memorial plaque with Putin’s words: “Glorious past, future must be brilliant!”

Residents of Abrau like to joke that they live on champagne. The tunnels for aging wine were actually dug right under the village.


One old legend tells about the origin of the lake. As if the daughter of a rich man from Abrau fell in love with a simple shepherd from Durso. The girl's parents were against it, and she met with her lover secretly. One day, when she went on a date, the rich people held a feast in Abrau. For fun, they began throwing cakes instead of disks. God was angry for the desecration of the bread, and the village with all its inhabitants sank into the ground. In its place was formed huge lake. When the beauty returned and did not find her native village, she threw herself off the cliff, but did not drown, but ran along the water surface to the other shore. According to one version, she met her shepherd there, according to another, she did not find her beloved. But they say that where the girl ran across the lake, her trace is still visible - the lunar path.

There is also a legend that during the Great Patriotic War, about 40 thousand bottles of champagne were sunk in Lake Abrau. However, there is still no evidence that at least one bottle was found at the bottom, although the depth does not exceed 10-11 meters.


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Many people go to the Krasnodar region to swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beaches, but often they cannot imagine that other types of recreation exist in those places - without the bustle of the beach. You can easily breathe clean air there, there is a perfect combination of vast open spaces, wonderful landscapes and delicious sparkling wine. So, welcome - vacation in Abrau-Durso, a magnificent and fabulous neighbor of the glorious hero city of Novorossiysk.

Abrau and Durso

In fact, the village is called Abrau, and Durso is located closer to the sea - seven kilometers away. You can only get there along a winding road in the mountains. In Durso there are recreation centers, hotels and other resort infrastructure. In Abrau there are: police, post office, hospital and the hero of the occasion - the lake of the same name.

Abrau-Durso official

  • Located 14 kilometers from Novorossiysk.
  • Founded 1871
  • Permanent population – approximately 3,500 people
  • Composition: Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians
  • Since 2012, there has been a training base for football players in the village, games and training camps among Russian clubs are held.
  • The Abrau-Durso plant is Russia’s largest producer of sparkling wines.
  • At the end of the 2000s, the urban-type settlement of Abrau-Dyurso was transformed into a village

Lake Abrau

The lake is quite large, with an area of ​​approximately 0.6 km2, the water in it is heated to a fairly high temperature. For this reason, it is very comfortable to swim in the lake in summer. Until now, scientists have not been able to solve the mystery of the origin of this lake. “The failure” - this is exactly what the exact translation of the meaning of the name of the lake means - could have appeared due to a shift in the mountain layers. It is also possible that this is the remnant of a fresh sea. There are many living in the pond different types fish

Another mystery is hidden in the water drainage. Abrau collects water from the river and underwater sources, but there is no visible water flow near the lake. There is a version that excess water simply evaporates, but is this true?

Lake Abrau.
Author: Skif-Kerch – own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The lake does not have vegetation, which is found in almost every enclosed body of water, and the freshness of the water from the lake is beyond doubt. This circumstance is an argument in favor of the hypothesis of the relationship between the lake and the sea. Not far from the lake there is another small reservoir called Bam. They are now breeding lotuses. If the wind blows from the lake, the aroma of lotuses is felt long before you approach the water.

Stories about the lake

About all the famous mysterious places legends are formed. Lake Abrau has three of them.

  • The first legend tells about the love of a Circassian girl and a poor guy. The girl could not contradict her parental prohibition and grieved for her beloved. The poor thing was surrounded by stupid people who saw the purpose of life only as pleasure and idle entertainment. Therefore, God punished them - one day the settlement went underground. The young orphan grieved and cried so much that a stream formed from her tears, filling the hole with tears. This is how the lake appeared. The girl wanted to drown herself in it, but could not. She managed to walk across the water straight to the opposite shore, where her lover was waiting for her.
  • The second legend tells of a harlot who was imprisoned in rocks as punishment and was forced to swear on the welfare of her village. But a shepherd passing nearby radically changed the girl’s plans. The village fell into the ground, and the harlot cried until the gorge that appeared was filled with tears. The legend ends just as happily as the first.
  • The third legend tells about a dragon living at the bottom of a reservoir. The sun's rays reflect off the surface of his body, and the lake turns a wonderful turquoise color. In the dark, under the light of the moon, a path forms on the surface of the water. Some see in the path the traces of a girl, an unfortunate drowned woman. And some say that this is a reflection from a dragon's crest.

Abrau-Durso. Author: Vyacheslav Rebrov, CC BY 3.0,

In addition to these fabulous legends, there are still quite real story, which is associated with the treasure. During the Second World War, when the Germans tried to break through to the Caucasus, an order came to drown the entire supply of sparkling wine from the factory cellars in the waters of the lake. At that time there were more than tens of thousands of bottles there. The decision was made to prevent the enemy from celebrating their victory with the best champagne in the country. After the end of the war, more than one attempt was made to find this treasure, but, unfortunately, they were all unsuccessful. There is reliable information that the champagne was flooded, but no one can determine its location, and the lake reliably keeps its secret.

Champagne factory: old times

After the tragic events described in the legends, the Circassians decide not to populate the lands near the lake. A lot of time passed, the Caucasian wars ended and Russians settled in these areas. Prince Lev Golitsyn liked these lands, and he asked permission to form a settlement near the lake.

In the place where the Abrau-Durso plant now stands, there used to be impenetrable forest thickets and a roaring river flowing into the lake. At the special commission, at the suggestion of F.I. Geiduk, it was decided to engage in viticulture in these lands.

Thanks to the tenacity and steadfastness of Heyduk and Prince Golitsyn, a factory was built in this place in 1870. The first grape vines were brought. They took root well and became the basis for all subsequent vineyards. At first, only vintage wines were made here. And already in the twentieth century they began to produce champagne. The first 13,000 bottles marked the beginning of the champagne factory's success.

Events took place when the plant was on the verge of shutting down. The revolution, the war with the Germans, the collapse of the USSR - all this hit the plant hard, causing irreparable damage to both the equipment and the premises of the plant. A certain period of time passed, and there were people, such as the founders of the plant - Golitsyn and Geiduk, who were engaged in the revival of traditions. We were busy restoring production and again giving people the opportunity to enjoy the taste of great wines.

Abrau-Durso plant: our time

Now the plant produces some of the best champagne wines in Russia, using classical technologies in production. When making wines, the best grape varieties are taken, growing directly next to the plant. Also, grapes are additionally supplied from a number of other places and even other states.
Interesting fact: the main stages of production are still done by hand. Golitsyn always insisted that only women can methodically perform the same operations every day. Only they can hear the wine that is ripening. That’s why even now the bulk of the plant’s workers are women. They deserve enormous gratitude for their skill and patience. The quality of the wines is no worse than Italian or French.

On the territory of the plant.
Author: kasparova2

Krasnodar region - Mecca Russian tourism. There are so many directions! There is grape, and sports, and cultural and educational, and medical, and rural, and so beloved by many lazy, or beach, tourism. It assumes the absence of bustle, noisy nightlife, and a large number of people. For such a vacation, tourists prefer to go to a small resort town near Novorossiysk - Abrau-Durso.

There are many beaches here, both well-maintained and completely wild. There is a beach in Abrau-Durso for those who like to sunbathe naked.

Amazing place

Many tourists, only coming on vacation to Abrau-Durso, are surprised to learn that in fact this is the name of two settlements, located at a distance of just over seven kilometers from each other. The road between them is a mountain serpentine.

Abrau-Durso beach is located in a comfortable climate zone. The weather here is similar to the Mediterranean: mild and warm. In the summer months, the average temperature is around +26̊C. Enjoy water treatments possible from late spring to early October.

Abrau-Durso has a wonderful local market, many cafes, cozy small restaurants, and shops. There is even a club for night parties and several discos.

Tired of a beach holiday, resort guests can go hiking in the mountains. The sea in the Durso area lives its own rich life. It is not surprising that divers and spearfishers love these places.

Mountain Abrau

Abrau-Durso beach is a vague concept. And that's why. There are actually two beaches. One in the village of Abrau. There is no sea here. But there is something wonderful Mountain Lake. The village is simply surrounded by beautiful grape plantations and relict forests. Abrau is a favorite place for lovers of silence and mountain beauty. The lake is located in a mountain basin, and its waters are saturated with limestone. At first glance, the water seems cloudy, but this is a deceptive impression. The waters of the lake are considered healing. The lake is very cool just a few steps from the shore, even on the hottest days.

You can swim and sunbathe in any place you like. Recreation areas along the road leading to the “limanchik” are especially popular. There are always parking spaces, the coastal area is quite large and there is a shady forest nearby. No less popular is the wooden pier near the Imperial Hotel.

A popular entertainment is riding on rented boats or catamarans. Boats are often rented for fishing.

Marine Durso

The village of Durso is located on the coast and has several separate beaches. Therefore, if you ask a taxi driver the route “Abrau-Durso, beach,” then he usually takes you to Durso.

The main beach of the village - Central - is pebbly. Locals recommend buying comfortable flip-flops with thick soles for the beach. The beach is located in a bay surrounded by picturesque rocks. The sea gradually gains depth, so there are many families with children here.

There is more entertainment in Durso than in Abrau. Catamarans, scooters and boats are available for rent. They say that the views from the sea to Abrau-Durso beach are stunningly beautiful.

The beach is fully equipped for recreation. The infrastructure is very well thought out and close to foreign standards. There are enough sun loungers, umbrellas, awnings, and mushrooms. There are toilets and rooms for resting and changing clothes. From morning until late evening, cafes, trading stalls and all kinds of water activities. There is a lifeguard post on the beach.

The water is almost always clear, despite the huge number of swimmers. Coastal waters become cloudy during heavy rains (the turbidity is brought by the mountain river Durso flowing into the sea).

The main problem for resort guests in July-August is parking. The place is difficult to find even in a paid parking lot.

Wild Durso

Behind one of the rocks is the “uninhabited” beach of the village of Durso - “Diana”. It is not equipped, but there are vacationers on it. The arches of rocks almost completely hide the shore from prying eyes, so people rest here in whatever clothes their mother gave birth to. "Diana" - the famous Abrau-Durso. The shore is pebbly and flat. Vacationers set up tents and stone barriers to protect themselves from ill-wishers.

A piece of Europe - Abrau Beach

Abrau-Durso beach boasts a separate zone of European beach comfort. This part of the beach is closed and is leased to the Abrau-Durso wine tourism center. Guests of the Round Lake estate and the Imperial Hotel relax on this beach. Abrau Beach is equipped with lounge areas, tents, large umbrellas, and comfortable sun loungers. Comfortable showers and changing rooms are available for guests, and outdoor cafes and bars are open.

If you want privacy

In the resort town of Abrau-Durso there are several completely secluded beaches. They are located in gorges, and their names are appropriate: Lobanova gap, Navagirskaya gap, Wet gap. During summer holidays Spontaneous car camping is organized on these beaches. Externally, all three beaches are similar to each other: large pebbles (sometimes just stones), the bottom is flat, and around there are mountains covered with virgin forests.

Various young people and nudists like to relax here, whose motto is: “Summer, Abrau-Durso, sea, beach.”

Closed beaches

On the territory of Abrau-Durso there are several recreation complexes: the Blue Wave recreation center, the Fregat sanatorium and health complex, the Romantic, Energetik, Moryak recreation centers and others. The beaches of these complexes are, naturally, pebbly. The infrastructure is quite modest: a small number of sun loungers, awnings and cabins for changing clothes. Some have piers and outdoor cafes. The beaches of these complexes are closed.

Every summer, all Abrau-Durso beaches receive rave reviews. Guests of this resort promise to return here again...

The village of Abrau-Durso is one of the most beautiful places to relax in Krasnodar region. There are not only mountains and the sea, but also the largest freshwater lake in the region.

The village consists of two parts, one of which has the same name as the lake - Abrau. I was able to visit this fabulous place and commit self-guided tour throughout the surrounding area.

On one side of the lake there is a village. The village is famous for its sparkling wine factory. The wines are excellent and I advise everyone to visit the factory on a tour and taste it yourself. Behind the village there is a road up the mountain. The view of the lake and the mountains is simply stunning. By the way, there is a mountain Observation deck, unequipped. All the bushes and trees around this site are hung with ribbons.

Probably you need to make some kind of wish. But the beauty that opens from this platform completely blows away the memory and no desires come to mind, only delight.

The lake itself also looks very beautiful up close, framed by mountains. The lake has been declared protected natural object and the use of motorized vehicles is prohibited. Around the lake, in some places, the cottages of the wealthy openly flaunt their luxury. local residents. Probably in a water protection zone. And a small yacht was immediately spotted. You can’t forbid living beautifully, but nevertheless, the interesting question is how wastewater treatment plants are arranged near coastal buildings. And one more thing... the lake was repeatedly closed for sanitary reasons. And I categorically do not recommend swimming there. Although nature cleanses itself over time if you stop shitting in it.

But I highly recommend admiring the beauty. The views are most beautiful.

And on the territory of the champagne wine factory there is magnificent park with fountains. And the fountains are made in such a way that you can run through them and splash. Very nice on a hot day. There are no special entertainments in the village, only the beauty of nature and champagne.

By the way, the prices in the factory store are not much lower than in ordinary chain stores, so it’s worth buying something there only to reassure yourself that I’m bringing a souvenir from the south.

Lake Abrau. The most beautiful and most mysterious lake Krasnodar region. Turquoise waters shrouded in legends, framed by mountain ranges.

Has existed for a long time beautiful legend about the love of a shepherd from Durso and a rich beauty from Abrau. The girl's parents did not want to hear about the poor groom.

One day the rich people threw a feast at which, for fun, they threw cakes of bread on the ground. For desecrating the bread, Allah punished the mountaineers and sunk the village with all its inhabitants into the ground.

A lake formed on the site of the village. The beauty managed to escape. During the misfortune, she was with her lover from Durso. Returning and not finding her village, the girl threw herself off the cliff into the lake. She didn't drown, but ran through the water like a the opposite shore, in search of loved ones. But not finding anyone, she returned back. No one knows what happened next to the beauty from Abrau and the shepherd from Durso.

Since then, in the place where the girl ran, a lunar path has formed, which is visible at night. In winter, this path is the last to freeze.

There are also modern theories of the origin of Lake Abrau. Some scientists believe that the lake was formed as a result of a karst failure, others consider the lake to be a remnant of the Cimmerian Basin, and others suggest that the lake appeared as a result of mudflows and landslides.

We love to come to the lake in the spring, when you can enjoy the silence and coolness. In the summer, there is no end to those who want to visit the lake. Tourists are brought in by bus, parking lots are full of cars and there is a bustle in which all the magic of this wonderful place is lost. The lake has a beach in the form of a small pier. But if you are planning to swim with children who cannot swim, then it is not suitable for you. The banks are reinforced with concrete slabs, which go straight into the depths at a steep angle. Jumping into the water from the pier is quite deep.

You can rent catamarans and rowing boats. But to use motor boats prohibited, as stated in the "Safety Certificate". Lake Abrau received a “safeguard certificate” in 1974 and was declared a natural monument. For the same reason, you will not be able to pitch a tent or camp on the shore of the lake. Tourist infrastructure Abrau-Durso is quite well developed; you can stay at a camp site or in a hotel.

From all over the country, tourists rush to Abrau-Durso to visit the sparkling wine factory. Tourists are guided through the underground halls of the plant, tunnels built back in the 19th century, where The drink undergoes fermentation and aging. I will tell you more about the excursion in a separate article.

The Temple of Xenia of St. Petersburg is definitely worth a visit. Very beautiful temple, towering over the waters of Lake Abrau. From the height of the hill on which the church is located, there is a stunning view.

If you are planning a trip to Krasnodar Territory or would you like to visit beautiful place and take a break from the bustle of the city, come to Abrau-Durso, and best of all in the spring.

How to get to Abrau-Durso