On Monday, the decision of the Tunisian authorities to suspend air traffic with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) came into force. The scandal between Arab countries has been ongoing since the end of last week and was caused by the fact that on Friday Tunisian citizens were no longer allowed on board planes heading to Dubai without explanation. The press secretary of the Tunisian President, Saida Garash, said that the Emirati intelligence services have information about the preparation of a terrorist attack that could be carried out by “women with Tunisian passports.” However, Tunisia intends to restore air traffic only when the UAE “reconsiders restrictions in accordance with international conventions.”

Tunisian President Beji Caid al-Sebsi today met with Foreign Minister Khmais Jinaoui to discuss the situation surrounding the ban on women from the North African country flying to United Arab Emirates. “The President emphasized the need to protect the dignity of all Tunisian citizens both at home and abroad and said that the rights of Tunisian women should not be violated, regardless of the reasons,” Mr. Jinaoui said after the meeting. The Tunisian authorities do not intend to make concessions. “The suspension of flights will continue until Emirates airline (the leading airline of the UAE.- “Kommersant”) will not review the restrictions for Tunisian women in accordance with international conventions,” President Al-Sebsi said.

Relations between the two Arab countries worsened on Friday when women with Tunisian passports were no longer allowed on board flights to Dubai. As the Tunisian state news agency TAP clarifies, even those women who were traveling with their husbands were not allowed on board. After this, the UAE Ambassador to Tunisia was summoned to the Republic’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs “for clarification,” but no clear answer to the question of what caused this measure was given: the ambassador only said that the ban was temporary.

The fact that the reason for denying women flights was “security issues” was first stated by UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash in his Twitter. “We had a meeting with our Tunisian brothers, where we talked about security information that led to specific measures,” Mr. Gargash wrote yesterday. He clarified that the UAE authorities “respect Tunisian women” and called for “avoiding misleading interpretations.” However, on the same day, Tunisia announced the suspension of air traffic with the United Arab Emirates. Measure came into force Today.

Today, details of Sunday negotiations between representatives of the UAE and Tunisia became known. As the press secretary of the country's president, Saida Garash, told the Tunisian radio station Shams FM, the Emirati special services have information about the preparation of a terrorist attack that is going to be carried out by “Tunisian women or women with (fake) “Kommersant”) Tunisian passports". As Ms. Garash clarified, female terrorists may have experience gained in Syria or Iraq.

However, despite the emerging explanation for what happened, outrage at the actions of the Emirati authorities in Tunisian society continues to grow. Thus, the General Tunisian Confederation of Labor called the imposed restrictions “offensive and racist,” and the pilot of Tunisian origin Akram al-Nuweishi, working in Japan Airlines(Japan), said that he was ready to support his country and would also refuse to fly to Dubai or Abu Dhabi, although Tokyo is not involved in this conflict in any way.

Kirill Krivosheev

Having visited different regions of Turkey, you never cease to be amazed at how diverse the country can be. On the one hand, these are one of the most best hotels in the world, which provide all kinds of services (this includes animation and the famous “ all inclusive", and all kinds of show programs), magnificent beaches and unique natural landscape(at a distance of 100 km you can find massive mountains with dense coniferous forests and semi-desert lands with low vegetation). But indeed, what Turkish hotels offer us cannot be offered by any country in the world. On the other hand, Türkiye is a deeply religious country, with a very interesting rich history and attractions. If you have not been to Istanbul, then you have not seen Turkey. This is an amazing city! It is enough just to know that in the past it was the capital of Byzantium, and also most beautiful city Constantinople. Istanbul has long been a shopping center and is not losing its position. It is worth noting that many people initially underestimate the delights of relaxing in this beautiful country. What you can get by choosing Turkey for your holiday:

A wonderful holiday in luxury hotels (“all inclusive”);

Rich excursion program;

An ideal holiday for everyone;

Value for money.

All you need is a foreign passport and a good mood!

United Arab Emirates

The UAE is the only country in the world where you can come and get the feeling that you have seen the whole world. After all, only here you can see wonders from all over the world on the territory of one city. Singing fountains of Barcelona? Please, they are here! Ski slope? Yes too! Tallest building in the world? And it is! And also a lot of interesting things: magnificent sandy beaches (by the way, the sand may seem very familiar to you, since it is brought directly from Thailand) and amazing hotels (only here is the only 7* hotel in the world), an aquarium, a dolphinarium, huge shopping centers!

This is a city of the future that never stops developing for a minute. For example, if your Burj Khalifa tower is built in the world, then the design of the building allows you to place supports to the building and add several more floors! And then again the building turns out to be the tallest in the world! The wonders do not end there; in the UAE there is a complex of islands made in the shape of a palm tree, as well as the “Islands of the World” complex in the form of a map of the earth. The islands are home to the most elite hotels, celebrity villa complexes and a host of entertainment venues.

It is worth special mentioning the city of Abu Dhabi, built in the Arabic style, with unique architecture. Here is the Formula 1 track, also located on the artificial artificial peninsula of YaS, and the most expensive mosque in the world. Hotels in Abu Dhabi are not inferior to hotels in Dubai, but only compete in terms of the wealth and equipment of the rooms.

The UAE is a stunning separate world, where wealth and luxury border on technological progress, a world where time does not stand still, but only moves forward rapidly!

Until recently, not much was known about Tunisia. But year after year this direction has been winning our hearts. This is a country of magnificent sandy beaches, olives and cork trees! Tunisia is famous for the best SPA in the world, namely thalassotherapy. Based on the most large hotels(mostly 5*) there are huge SPA centers, and the services offered there will surprise even the most spoiled tourist.

For a long time, Tunisia was under the influence of many states, and therefore absorbed the diversity of world cultures. IN last years Tunisia was a colony of France, so most local residents speak French. Holidays in Tunisia will especially please young people! A huge number of nightclubs and entertainment venues are concentrated here. But if you want to retire and get away from the hustle and bustle, then any hotel with a separate, green area and a magnificent beach will give you this opportunity!

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets from Tunisia to the UAE, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in November prices reach an average of 50,780 rubles, and in July the cost of tickets drops to an average of 24,926 rubles. Plan your trip now!

We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine best time to purchase air tickets.

See how the price of air tickets from Tunisia to the UAE changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 349%. The minimum price for a flight from Tunisia to the UAE is 18 days before departure, approximately 19,112 rubles. The maximum price for a flight from Tunisia to the UAE is 28 days before departure, approximately 132,697 rubles. In most cases early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

The cost of air tickets from Tunisia to the UAE does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights from Tunisia to the UAE is on Saturdays, their average cost is 26,534 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Fridays, their average cost is 47,628 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

The graph shows comparative prices for air tickets from Tunisia to the UAE on the most popular airlines. Based on this information, you can plan your trip and buy air tickets from Tunisia to the UAE from the carrier that suits you.

Statistics will help you choose a flight based on your financial capabilities, as well as your wishes in terms of comfort and flight conditions. Most low prices for flights from Tunisia to the UAE offers Qatar Airways, the highest prices are Emirates.

People go to Tunisia to relax first class spa, bargain at the oriental bazaar, ride a camel through the largest desert in the world and, of course, have a wonderful time relaxing in hotels by the sea. Holidays in Tunisia have become a good replacement for holidays in Egyptian resorts: tours here are inexpensive, the service in the hotels is decent, and there is enough sand in the Sahara and ancient ruins for everyone.


Visa to Tunisia for citizens of the Russian Federation need not. All you need to visit Tunisia is to pay for a hotel, fly to one of the airports and fill out a short form.

Tours to Tunisia

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.


If you are planning beach holiday in Tunisia, then remember that swimming season begins from the end of May and lasts until the end of October. For travel, it is better to choose the off-season - late autumn or mid-spring.

There are many hotels in the resort areas of Tunisia, which literally dot the entire coastline. Those on the first line have large territory, your own beach area, garden and swimming pools. Usually these are hotels of well-known international chains, but there are also local brands whose service is no worse. The most common hotels in the category 4 or 5 stars. We recommend choosing food by type "all inclusive".

Round-trip flights to Tunisia

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.

First of all, of course, it is worth planning a visit to the famous one - without visiting him, a trip to Tunisia will be incomplete. It will also be interesting to see the dwellings of the troglodytes and the places where the Star Wars episodes were filmed. It’s definitely worth wandering around the capital’s medina, looking around and taking fantastic pictures in the blue and white city, and feeding the giraffe at the Phrygia Zoo.


Currency of Tunisia - Tunisian dinar. One Tunisian dinar consists of 1000 millimes and is equal to approximately 50 cents.

What to bring

The three most popular souvenirs from Tunisia - olive oil, ceramics and desert rose.

Olive oil has been produced in Tunisia for a very long time; endless olive plantations can be seen along the roads. There are several varieties of olives growing in the country, so all kinds of oil are sold. It is only important to pay attention to the acidity - it should be at least 1%.

The Desert Rose is a beautiful souvenir that can only be found in North African countries. These are sand, salt and gypsum compressed by the wind, which form interesting figures that look like flowers. Average price for one “rose” - one dinar, but you can bargain and get “a bunch for a penny.”


Tunisia was under French rule for a long time, and this left a big mark on national cuisine. For example, they still serve the freshest and very tasty baguette for breakfast here, and they know how to make croissants very well. Chefs are also successful in preparing dishes from cereals and legumes- for example, chickpeas or couscous. But with meat everything is much sadder. Mainly mutton, cooked in the oven and generously seasoned with spices so that the lamb is almost unrecognizable.

Boiled vegetables (also with seasonings) are at a premium here. What Tunisians have no equal in is their sweets. Nuts in honey, baklava, Turkish delight, nougat - you can’t list everything!


Developed in Tunisia bus and train connections, as well as a taxi service. You can travel between cities by bus or train. The national carrier, which controls electric trains, offers carriages of varying degrees of comfort. Tickets are quite expensive - from 9 to 20 dinars. An amazing metro runs in the capital, like two peas in a pod, similar to interconnected trams - almost all lines are overground, there are no transfers between them.

IN resort towns The best way to get from point A to point B is by Taxi. It is very important to know a few rules so as not to end up on the city outskirts without money. Firstly, remember that getting into a taxi costs a fee (about 250 millimeters). Secondly, always ask for the counter to be reset and turned on. Thirdly, be prepared for a rather reckless driving style. At night, taxi prices increase by 50% - from 21:00 to 5:00 there is a special tariff. In general, traveling by taxi is convenient and very inexpensive if you follow all the rules. A trip from to, for example, will cost about 4 dinars, and from a coastal hotel to the city center, to the medina - 2-3 dinars.

How to get there

Tunisia is a country in northern Africa, neighboring Libya and Algeria. Its shores are washed by gentle waters Mediterranean Sea. About a third of the country's territory is occupied by the Atlas Mountains, and it begins in the south of the country.

There are 9 airports in Tunisia, but Russian tourists land at 4 of them. Capital (Tunis-Carthage) accepts regular flights. New Enfidha airport accepts charters from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russian cities (Perm, Tyumen, Kazan and others). The transfer will take approximately 45 minutes.

Charters with Russian tourists also land in Habib Bourguiba airport in Monastir. Before


In 2015, Tunisia was rocked by another revolution and the unrest continues to this day. On excursions you can see fortified police and military vehicles. From time to time, local radicals organize clashes, most often this happens in the capital; in resort towns this is rare. After the sad incident of a terrorist attack on a hotel, the resort administration has strengthened security - the areas are equipped with video cameras, the hotels are guarded by people in uniform.

Good to know

  • Time in Tunisia is two hours behind Moscow.
  • Sockets in Tunisia are no different from Russian ones; an adapter is not needed.
  • The jellyfish season on the coast begins in August and lasts until early September.
  • Large shops are open until 19:00, small shops - until 23:00.
  • It is better for women not to appear in not too crowded places without a male escort and not to go alone into coffee shops with a male audience.

For many years now it has been very popular among Russian tourists enjoy Arab countries. Holidays there are exotic and comfortable. Sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of any country for vacation. If you still haven’t decided where it’s better to go: the UAE or Tunisia, then our life hack will help you make a choice.

A nice bonus only for our readers - a discount coupon when paying for tours on the website until August 31:

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And you will find many more profitable offers from all tour operators on the website. Compare, choose and book tours at the best prices!

The United Arab Emirates is a federal state. Moreover, each emirate is a state with an absolute monarchy. There are 7 of them in total. The state is located on the Arabian Peninsula, its eastern part. Muslim traditions and laws are very strong here. Currency: UAE diarham.

Tunisia is a presidential republic in northern Africa, divided into 24 administrative districts. The population respects Muslim laws and traditions. True, there are some concessions regarding low-alcohol drinks. The currency is the Tunisian dinar.


All seven emirates have resort areas. The shores of the UAE are washed by the waters of the Persian and Oman Gulfs. In the top five popular resorts includes Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Ajman, Fujairah. Dubai is the most popular among Russians. This is the most European tourist-oriented resort. This is where they built famous islands palm trees: Jebel Ali, Jumeirah and Deira. Sharjah is famous for its strict morals.

In the north and northeast, Tunisia is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Developed tourism infrastructure, magnificent sandy beaches, excellent hotels will allow you to have a wonderful vacation. In total, there are about 15 resort areas in Tunisia. The five most popular: Hammamet, Sousse, Monastir, Nabeul, Mahdia. Everyone will find their own style of relaxation here. For example, Hammamet combines noisy areas where discos and clubs are located and quiet quarters - a paradise for thalassotherapy. Sousse is very popular among young people and therefore noisy. Monastir is more suitable for those who like a relaxing holiday. It is located near Sousse.


It's very hot in the Emirates. A tropical desert climate prevails here. In summer the air temperature is 40-45C, sometimes up to 50C. In winter 20-30C. From the end of September to November and from the end of March to May - 35C. Better time for holidays from October to May.

In the north of Tunisia, off the coast, there is a Mediterranean subtropical climate. In summer average temperature air 35C. The high holiday season begins at the end of May and ends at the end of October.


The UAE is located on a sandy plain that turns into a rocky plateau. Flora and fauna here are very poor. But not everything is so sad. The UAE has very beautiful oases and sand dunes. Each resort area is a magnificent oasis with palm trees, lawns and fragrant flowers.

The nature in the north of Tunisia is similar to that of southern Europe. There are fertile lands planted with vineyards. Dense forests of cork oak, juniper and pine grow. There are also pine and olive groves here. In the northeast there are white sand beaches and palm trees.

Sea and beaches

By many indicators Persian Gulf considered the sea. His coastline in the resort area there are magnificent beaches with white sand. Many hotels are built near the coast and have their own beaches. If hotels are located far from the coast, then vacationers from them can use either municipal free beaches or, for a fee, private beaches of other hotels. From which emirate to municipal beach you are in depends on how naked you can be. On hotel beaches you can sunbathe in swimsuits and swimming trunks.

The Mediterranean Sea is the saltiest after the Red Sea. That is why it is so easy to swim in it - it holds water wonderfully. Sandy beaches with white sand in resort areas will not leave anyone indifferent. All beaches in Tunisia are municipal. More expensive hotels have their own assigned, guarded sections of the beach. Residents of cheaper hotels have to pay for sun loungers and umbrellas.


Holidays in the UAE are considered expensive. There are mostly expensive, high-level hotels here. Just look at the famous Burj al-Arab. There are many 3-4-5 star and even 7 star ones. But there are also 1-2 stars. The more expensive the hotel, the more entertainment it offers its vacationers. The most common food system in hotels is breakfast only. Very rarely there is breakfast, dinner or lunch, dinner. It’s easier and cheaper to eat in cafes and restaurants.

The hotels in Tunisia have very old and weak rooms. That is why fewer tourists come to them than they could. Food systems in hotels are very different: breakfast; breakfast and dinner; breakfast lunch dinner; all inclusive.


In Sharjah hotels, you can only drink alcohol in your room. And in Dubai it is allowed on hotel grounds and beach bars. If this is important to you, you need to be more careful when choosing an emirate and a hotel.

In Tunisia, drinking alcoholic beverages is permitted on hotel premises. In bars and cafes, tourists are sold beer and not always alcoholic beer. Stronger alcoholic drinks can be purchased in General stores.


The UAE offers the following entertainment:

  • Sand skiing
  • Rally in the desert
  • Overnight stays with nomads
  • Camel treks
  • Sports facilities: golf courses, tennis courts, football fields, bowling, etc.
  • The “Country of Professions” park was built for children. Here children are told about professions, given uniforms and tools to earn money for entertainment if the money given by their parents runs out. Children are delighted with this park.

Active entertainment in Tunisia:

  • Diving is not bad, although inferior to Egyptian
  • Hunting of wild animals is allowed
  • All resorts have equipped golf courses
  • Boat trips with various entertainment programs
  • Horse riding
  • For children there are water parks, Disneyland, amusement parks, Botanical Garden and etc.


Dubai specializes in SPA destinations. There are a lot of centers here that offer their own variety of procedures: massages, water treatments, saunas and baths, wraps, etc.

Tunisia is famous for its thalassotherapy centers. Mostly they are located on the territory of 4-5 star hotels. Today there are about 40 of them. Various wellness treatments. Sea products are used: water, algae, mud, underwater shower, etc. The therapy is very popular among those who want to lose weight, improve their skin, and recover from many diseases.

Club entertainment, restaurants

Dubai is a paradise for tourists when it comes to nightlife. There are many clubs, restaurants and discos here. They even sell alcohol, but only to people over 21 years old. In other emirates, night entertainment is worse, or there is none at all.

For its tourists, Tunisia offers a large selection of bars, restaurants, clubs, and casinos. Some of them feature DJs known all over the world.


The emirates of Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah are the main shopping centers. Here, in shopping centers and boutiques you can find the most famous brands. In addition, many locally produced products are sold in oriental bazaars. The UAE is famous for its spices, gold items, carpets and silks.

Oriental bazaars and shops are simply a paradise for lovers of souvenirs and interesting things. Here you can buy magnificent glassware, ceramics, jewelry made of silver and gold, amulets, carpets, hookahs, a stone flower made of salt and sand, called the Desert Rose, etc.