How to get to Varadero

Like no other country, Cuba attracts the Russian traveler with its beaches. And the point here is not only in the ideal Caribbean landscapes, but also in the special spirit and mood that reigns on Liberty Island. People fly to Cuba to feel nostalgic for the old days, when sterile cleanliness reigned on store shelves, and people knew how to enjoy even the simplest trifles. Cubans in this sense are very similar to our former selves, and therefore the answer to the question of how to get to Varadero is sought and found by thousands of tourists who have decided to go back in time, at least for a few days.

Choosing wings

There are direct flights to Cuba from Russia regular flights two airlines - Aeroflot and Cubana, but their boards fly from Moscow to Havana. There are two possible options get to the beaches of Varadero - or buy a ticket to Havana and go to your chosen hotel from there, or fly to the famous Caribbean resort with a transfer in one of European airports:

  • You can fly directly from Moscow to Havana on board Aeroflot. The asking price is from $700. Travel time is 12.5 hours.
  • You can get to Havana cheaper by Air France and KLM. Their prices for tickets to Cuba are traditionally more reasonable than those of other carriers. The cost of the flight is from $600, you will have to spend 13 hours in the sky.
  • The cheapest option is to buy a ticket to Varadero airport on a Belgian Airlines flight or on board Lufthansa. With a connection in Brussels or Frankfurt, the journey will take at least 20 hours. The price of flights depends on how far in advance they are booked and the time of year. Approximately, you will have to pay $700-$800 for the round trip.

Varadero Airport receives many international flights daily and is in second place after Havana in terms of the number of passengers served. The air harbor itself popular resort Cuba is located 20 km from the center of Varadero and is named after Juan Gualberto Gomez.
When asked how to get to Varadero from international airport, Cuban taxi drivers answer most readily. For their services they will ask from $40 to $50, depending on the level of self-confidence. If you know how to bargain and have free time and the desire to do this, you can always “drop” the price to $25-$30.
Second and most cheap way to get to the hotel strip - use public transport. It is represented at Varadera airport by Viazul buses. They depart to the resort area several times a day, the journey takes about half an hour, and the cost of the trip is $6.

  • The Viazul bus schedule, ticket prices and other useful details can be found on the website - The resource has an English version.

How to get to Varadero from the capital

By choosing the Moscow - Havana flight option, you can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, you will be able to save a lot when purchasing an air ticket, especially if you try to book your seat on the flight in advance. Experienced independent travelers use email newsletter services special offers, which you can subscribe to on airline websites. The second advantage of a trip to Varadero via Havana is the opportunity to get acquainted with the numerous attractions of the Cuban capital, the central part of which is listed by UNESCO World Heritage humanity.
Once at Havana airport, decide what you would like to do next. If you are interested in old Havana, you can get to the city either by taxi or by car. public transport:

  • Coming out of international terminal walk a couple of tens of meters to the left. A taxi rank is located here, as is a shuttle stop that runs between the terminals. Taxi drivers will ask about $25 for their services. You can bargain with them endlessly, but you are unlikely to be able to reduce the price. The shuttle will take you to the Terminal 1 stop for just a few cents. There, when you cross the road, you will see a stop for city buses R15 and R12 heading to the area of ​​Varadero and Old Havana.
  • If sightseeing in Havana is not in your plans, you can take a taxi from the capital's airport and travel to Varadero in comfort. The cost of the service will be approximately $100 per car. Once you get to the center of Havana, you can find a taxi for $70-$80. At the airport, prices for everything are always higher.
  • The second way to get to Varadero from the capital is to go to the Viazul bus station in Havana and buy a ticket for a flight to Varadero. They depart at 8.00, 10.00, 13.00 and 17.00 and arrive at the most popular Cuban resort three hours later. The price of the trip is $10.

The most profitable option is to find representatives of travel agencies and hotels among those meeting you at Havana airport and negotiate with them about a transfer to Varadero. Usually this service costs about $15-$20, but you shouldn’t count on 100% success in this case for obvious reasons.

All prices in the material are approximate and are given for March 2017. It is better to check the exact cost of travel on the official websites of carriers.

Local in Varadero

What are the endlessly white beaches on Varadero, when is the rainy season there, where does the history of Cuba come from and other facts have already been written on the Internet an infinite number of times.
Therefore, without stopping at general information about Cuba and Varadero, I’ll immediately move on to specific questions that came to my mind when I was just planning to go to Cuba, for example: if you fly to Cuba through Havana, then how to go to Varadero on your own, what are the prices for a taxi and is it possible to order a transfer from Havana to Varadero, and also if you fly to Varadero by charter, then how can you go on an excursion to Havana yourself. Perhaps you also have some of the questions listed above. Here I answer!)

Moscow – Varadero: direct flights and flights via Havana.

When you plan to travel to a country on your own, in this case to Cuba, the most expensive purchases are air travel and hotel accommodation. Therefore, I approached the purchase of an air ticket to Cuba very carefully: I monitored prices from different airlines, followed promotions and discounts, subscribed to send cheap tickets from , waited charter flights.
As a result, I bought an air ticket to Cuba on the route Irkutsk-Moscow-Havana-Moscow-Irkutsk for only 57 thousand rubles, which by Irkutsk standards, taking into account the expensive flight to Moscow, is very cheap.

You can get to Varadero in Cuba as follows: direct flight Moscow – Varadero , and through Havana.

Direct flight Moscow-Varadero it takes the same amount of time as a Moscow-Havana flight, but such flights do not always happen. For example, Nordwind Airlines(airline " North wind") there are charter flights in the Moscow-Varadero direction.
You can navigate prices and availability of direct flights from Moscow to Varadero using the low price calendar:

You can get from Moscow to Varadero via Havana.
If you compare the prices for flights Moscow-Varadero and Moscow-Havana, the difference can be more than 10 thousand rubles in favor of a flight to Havana.

Flight over Varadero)

I wrote about prices for air tickets to Cuba (Moscow-Havana), as well as how to book and buy air tickets to Havana online

You will find all the information about how to find accommodation when arriving in Havana, book accommodation in Havana in advance, and about transfers from Havana airport to the city in the article
If you are not going to stay in Havana and immediately want to go to Varadero then...

How to get from Havana airport to Varadero on your own.

The distance from Havana to Varadero is 134 km.
Travel from Havana to Varadero you can do it yourself at intercity bus Viasul company. In general, it is cheaper to travel around Cuba by these buses than by taxi or shared taxi. Buses have a convenient schedule, and bus stations are located only in Havana, far from the center, and for example in Varadero, Trinidad, Santa Clara, etc. right in the city.
The fare to Varadero from Havana is 9.5 cookies (which is equal to 9.5 euros). Travel time – 3 hours.
Intercity buses from Havana to Varadero run several times a day. Bus schedule - screenshot from the official website of Viasul):

Bus schedule from Havana to Varadero (screenshot from the Viazul website page)

When planning a trip to Varadero, you should once again look at the schedule directly on the website:

Transfer Havana-Varadero, taxi prices from Havana to Varadero.

Transfer prices from Havana to Varadero range around 150 CUC. If you catch a taxi collectively, then this cost is divided among all passengers. Approximately 25 cookies per person in a 6-seater car.
You can catch a taxi and taxi collectively at central square in Havana or around bus terminal Viazul, as well as at Havana airport.
You can order a transfer from Havana to Varadero in advance through the service Kiwi taxi .
You can book a Havana-Varadero transfer or find out the price using this form:

Excursions to Varadero: Cayo Blanco island and swimming with dolphins.

When vacationing in Varadero, travel companies offer a variety of excursions. We liked an excursion to an island in the Atlantic Ocean - Cayo Blanco. In principle, the island will not be something outlandish for sophisticated travelers. An ordinary island White sand, emerald water.

island of Cayo Blanco, the sky was gloomy, and it ended up raining)

The excursion lured us with the opportunity to swim with dolphins.
However, we were very disappointed with how things turned out.
And so, they take you to the island on a comfortable catamaran.

Catamaran in Marina Marlin Bay, Varadero

Drinks and snacks are included in the price of the excursion. First, as with all sea excursions in countries located near seas and oceans, the first stop is at a coral reef. Everyone is given masks and snorkels.
If you have been to the Red Sea in Egypt, then you will most likely be disappointed with snorkeling off the coast of Varadero. Compared to the flora and fauna of the Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean (at least in this part - near Varadero) is much inferior. However, there are still colorful fish.

Next is the announced swimming with dolphins. We bought this excursion just for this pleasure.
The price for an excursion from Varadero to Cayo Blanco is 110 CUC (110 euros). If you do not swim with dolphins, the price of the excursion will be lower - 80 CUC.
On excursion brochures, photographs of this attraction look something like this:

me and a dolphin, and no one around) And if it weren’t for the life jacket, then one could say that this was a chance meeting in the ocean)

In reality, everything is much simpler - like this.

Mini-aquarium and trained dolphin)

A couple of trained dolphins swim in this mini-dolphinarium and free swimming with them is prohibited. It’s also not possible to take photographs, since there are a lot of people and everyone stands in a line with their backs to the pier. There is a professional photographer working on site who, for 10 cookies (10 euros), is ready to photograph you without other people. The trainer will give commands, the dolphin will perform (for example, lie on the palm of your hand) and the photographer will photograph how you supposedly hold the dolphin. The photographs will be ready in the evening of the same day and they will be delivered to you directly to the hotel or to the private office.
Ride a dolphin for 10 seconds (one tiny circle) - 10 cookies. Only in this case does it become possible to take photos yourself. Otherwise, you need to order a photographer.

An indescribable feeling, of course, but I didn’t have time to enjoy the process in 10 seconds)

But there is also a plus in this excursion. Lunch is included in the price and this the only place in Cuba, where we managed to eat plenty of seafood. On an excursion to Cayo Blanco, there is a buffet for lunch and you can eat until you burst.

Lunch on Cayo Blanco

The excursion to Cayo Blanca begins from the very beautiful Marlin Marina bay. We were a little envious of those who lived at the BLAU VARADERO hotel - they immediately ran from the catamaran to their rooms to relax after such an eventful journey across the expanses of the Atlantic) And we went to the center of Varadero, since we rented accommodation from the locals.

Excursion from Varadero to Havana: book your own tour of Havana.

Having arrived in Cuba on your own, you can book excursions at the offices of the CUBA TOUR company. In Varadero, the Cuba Tour office is located in a shopping center located right in the center of Varadero. This is one of the biggest travel companies in Cuba. But small local travel agencies also sell excursions to Havana.
Attention! If you buy an excursion to Varadero from travel agency, it will be either in English or Spanish.
A tour of Havana with a Russian-speaking guide can be booked from local residents:

You can go on an excursion to Havana on your own, without a travel agency. Walk along the streets of Old and New Havana or take a ride on excursion bus(omnibus), which departs every 15 minutes from the central square in Havana. The cost of such an excursion is 10 cookies per person. The bus runs to the sights of Havana. You can leave and enter during the day with one ticket. The audio guide tells about Havana in English.

Architecture of Old Havana

You can get from Varadero to Havana in the same way as from Havana to Varadero, in several ways:
1) by intercity bus of the Viasul company, cost – 9.5 CUC, travel time – 3 hours.
Buses run several times a day.
Schedules and prices from the Viazul website from Varadero to Havana:


2) by taxi. Prices start from 150 CUC.

3) by taxi collectively. Price 25 CUC per person based on 6 beds.
You can catch taxis and shared taxis near the Viazul bus terminal in Varadero or on the main street of Varadero.

I wish you a wonderful holiday on the shore Atlantic Ocean.
Sincerely, Katya Bashkurova.
I would be glad if you share your impressions or your experience of vacationing in Cuba in the comments.

local population on Varadero beach, Cuba

They have long been one of the main attractions of Cuba. Visiting them is an important item on a traveler's bucket list. Soft white sand and crystal pure water, despite the rapid construction beach hotels, make this resort a place where you can enjoy beautiful nature and relax from the bustle of the city.

How to get from Havana to Varadero on your own? Varadero is not so far from Havana, only 134 kilometers. This distance can be covered in a couple of hours, although there are several stops along the way.

Excursion tour

Often travelers who fly to Varadero for a few weeks want to visit Havana. If the trip is planned with an overnight stay, it is better to take an excursion. The tour operator will arrange overnight stays at the hotel and transfers to and from Havana. The excursion will also include a sightseeing tour of the capital. Prices range from 120 CUC (7,500 rubles) per person for a day trip to 2,000 CUC (12,200 rubles) for an overnight excursion. This trip can be booked in advance or requested at the hotel reception.

Solo travel

How to get from Varadero to Havana on your own? If you plan independent trip, then you can use a taxi service, regular buses or rent a car. Such a trip will save some money and time, because the tourist himself chooses what he wants to do in the capital: sightseeing, shopping or tasting local dishes and Cuban rum.


The easiest way to get from Varadero to Havana is to take the Viazul bus. The cost of the trip is only 10 CUC (635 rubles). The bus station in Varadero is located on the corner of Calle 36. The station can be easily reached from any hotel, for example, by taxi - the cost is 3-5 CUC (150-200 rubles).

The bus is a great way to get to Havana quickly and safely. It is possible that it will be filled with other tourists wanting to see the capital. It's better to book yourself seat in advance, at least a day in advance. Reservations can be made through the official Viazul reservation system. After confirmation of payment, the tourist receives a receipt by email, which must be printed and exchanged at the bus station ticket office for bus tickets.

In Havana the bus stops in Old Havana and then in Vedado - historical district cities, Ending station- Western Vedado.


The option of taking a taxi from Varadero to Havana is more comfortable, but costs much more. The standard cost of a trip is usually about 80 CUC (5,000 rubles), but you can find a cheaper car. Taxi drivers wait for passengers near the Viazul station, sometimes there are already one or two passengers in the car. You can try to join them and split the fare for the trip.

Getting to Havana by taxi will be much faster than by bus, because there will be no stops along the way, and the driver will bring tourists to their desired destination. You can and should bargain with taxi drivers about the price of the trip, because this is part of the Cuban adventure. In Cuba they are traded everywhere, the original price can be significantly reduced. Even if the traveler does not speak Spanish, English language Many people understand here too.

From the capital to the resort

From Havana you can get to Varadero using the same methods: bus and taxi. You can also rent a car. Three major car rental companies - REX, Cubacar and Havanautos - offer good cars. The price includes a daily car fee, an initial deposit, insurance and several additional fees (delay and damage vehicle). This option is only suitable for experienced drivers. After all, driving on Cuban roads is still a pleasure and is often accompanied by increased stress.

Buses from Havana to Varadero leave from the main Viazul station on 26th Avenue, right opposite the old zoo. There are four flights a day: at 6.00, 8.00, 13.00 and 17.30. All buses are modern, air conditioned and very comfortable. The journey lasts three hours. During this time, the bus makes stops where you can have a snack or do a photo shoot.

There are also buses from different bus companies, for example, "Havantur", which go to Varadero, collecting passengers at various city hotels. This travel option is also safe and cheap.

Varadero Airport

From Havana Airport you can get to Varadero by public transport - Viazul buses. Flights depart to the resort several times a day. The journey takes about an hour, the cost is approximately 400-500 rubles per person. Cuban taxi drivers ask about $40 (3,000 rubles) for their services, but you can bargain for half that price.

How to get from Varadero to Havana Airport? The easiest way is a hotel transfer; its cost is often included in the package. If you go on your own, it is better to use a bus or taxi.

We wanted to go to Cuba last year, but somehow it didn’t work out. The azure ocean was very attractive from photos on the Internet and there were a lot of rave reviews.

The most common destination is Varadero, where hotels often operate on an all-inclusive basis. We decided to go there for 2 weeks, to the BelleVue Palma Real hotel ( detailed review with many photos attached).

We were lucky with the location of the hotel; it is located in the very center of Varadero, where all the attractions are concentrated and where there are places to go for a walk.

Almost all the attractions are indicated on such street maps, which is very convenient. 3 parts of one card. From the right edge of the city to the left.

Chickens walk everywhere in Varadero, lizards with curled tails run around, and some large birds, hawks, eagles or something similar fly around.

That's how they are.

Currency exchange in Varadero The first thing you will encounter upon arrival in Cuba is currency exchange.

For locals there are pesos, for tourists - convertible pesos (cookies). You can change money at the airport, which is difficult because you don’t have much time, or at a bank at the best rate. If you take an exchanger or a hotel reception, there will be a commission. As of today, the euro/cookie rate is 1.20, and the dollar/cookie rate is 0.86. The hotel commission is 3 units. There are 3 banks in Varadero, one next to our hotel, 2 others on street 36. To exchange at a bank you need a passport.

Varadero Center

We walked all the way around the center worthwhile places- this is the famous Beatles cafe and very beautiful park-JosonePark. A large green area with several cafes, a pond in which ducks and a goose swim. We also saw peacocks and a heron there. Entry is free and worth a visit. The Beatles cafe, by the way, is located on the edge of this park.

Josone and its inhabitants.

Getting around in Varadero

Taxis operate in Varadero various types, from vintage cars to mopeds with a round awning at the back and horse-drawn carriages. We didn’t take a taxi, but tourists are often deceived and overcharged, so negotiate the price right away, or ask to turn on the meter. For mopeds the normal price is 3 cookies, for horse-drawn carts 5 cookies, no more. To see Varadero, I recommend double-decker red buses, they constantly run around the city, there are stops everywhere with a bus on a red background. They charge 5 kuk per person there and you can ride all day and go out as many times as you need. Schedule from 9 to 19. All taxi drivers constantly honk at passing tourists and shout after them. On the streets they constantly come up with offers to buy cigars, buy at least something, or even just extend their hand.

Map of double decker bus stops.

Shops in Varadero

Within walking distance from the hotel there were 2 stores, unfortunately I don’t remember the exact names, one was Hicacos and the other was Panamericana. The rest is open markets. First shopping mall- it's just a lot of small shops. The second one is like a supermarket, but the selection of rum there is not very large, so we didn’t find anything special either.

It was on the red bus that we went to Plaza America, their main shopping center, to buy souvenirs. It also consists of many different shops, but on the ground floor there is a supermarket like our Pyaterochka "Mercado".

Vigilance is the first rule of traveling to Cuba!

They have the widest selection of rum. Satisfied, we bought it for souvenirs, go to the cash register and check it out. We dialed in 25 cookies, 30 on the cash register. Well, we think, okay, maybe we looked at the price wrong. I ask for a check, the cashier gives it, but there is no total amount on the check. We count the check again, it still comes out to 25 cookies. We approached the cashier and showed the required amount on the calculator, she blushed and waved her hand, apologized, saying that she had made a mistake and gave us 5 cookies. Be careful, always take receipts and count the amounts, even if in a large supermarket they try to heat it up like that, then what can we say about other places.

By the way, when they changed money at the bank, they were not yet so suspicious; they gave 120 kuk for 100 euros, although according to the bank statement they should have given 120.5. We didn’t pay attention to this, but I’m talking about vigilance. By the way, banks close at 5 o'clock and are closed on weekends.

Also, if you drive a little further than Plaza America, that is, a reserve with caves, you can get there by red bus, but we didn’t have time, unfortunately, it worked until 5 pm. Cost 5 CUC per person. You will be given a map that you will have to follow to find those caves.

Beach on Varadero

In principle, I won’t say that we rushed around Cuba and visited a lot of things, because we just wanted to lie on the beach and have a quiet, stress-free holiday. In terms of weather and water, November is not exactly the ideal month to travel to Cuba. Having read on the Internet that this was the beginning of the season, we went without hesitation, but out of 14 days there was only calm on 1 day, the rest of the time there were waves. Sometimes strong, sometimes weaker. But we swam almost every day, there was a real storm for literally 2 days, and in general even I, a person who is a poor swimmer and never goes deeper than “neck deep,” was able to jump on the waves. They don't knock you off your feet; at most, water will get into your ear. Often the waves would bring algae, and then it would become a bit eerie. They remove algae with a tractor along the entire embankment, but not very efficiently; they still remain lying on the sand. The water temperature is very comfortable, you can go in calmly, probably 28 degrees. The entrance to the water is good, smooth and sandy, you have to walk quite a bit to get to the depths.

As for the weather in general, it was cloudy and raining for a couple of days, just at that time there was a storm in the ocean. I was struck by the contrast in temperature between the sun and the shade. If you lie in the sun and it starts to get hot, then going into the shade it becomes fresh and you can even freeze. It’s not like in Moscow, if it’s hot, it’s either shade or not – it’s still stuffy. Another nice thing is that my husband and I didn’t get burned. We always get sunburned in Cyprus, and regardless of the sunscreen, we then peel off, but here my white-transparent skin calmly accepted the Cuban sun and became tanned.

How to go to Havana.

Besides lying on the beach, we wanted to go to Havana. Not with a tour, not with a local guide, but independently. By the way, the excursion from the tour operator cost 80 CUC per person, the services of a local guide 100 pesos and you can take up to 4 people. There is an option to go on your own, on 36th Street there is a mini bus station (local guides in cars spend the day and night near it, not allowing you to go inside), there is a Viazul office there, they carry you for 10 kuk one way, for two it costs 40 kuk. There is a risk that there may not be enough tickets, since they are sold 30 minutes before departure and you need to stand in line. The ride takes 3 hours, longer than more expensive alternatives, since the bus calls at the airport and also at a neighboring city. There are toilets on the bus, but they are closed; a deliberate stop is made at a cafe where there is a paid toilet. By the way, all toilets in Cuba are paid, except for the airport and some restaurants. We left Varadero at 8 am, the last bus back leaves at 5 pm, and we left on it. It is extremely difficult to learn anything from Cubans, they do not understand English well, or they are simply too lazy to explain, until recently they did not know where to wait for the last bus in Havana, since no one could really explain, and in the Viazul office they brushed it off and said that any person will tell you. But one local guy nevertheless informed us, for which many thanks to him, we got off at the stop of old Havana, sat down there, the bus back was packed, there were also only 2 empty seats left, so I believe that initially the bus is coming from Revolution Square... in general, in order not to fly with tickets, you need to look for the Viazul office somewhere there.

Havana certainly makes an impression. Narrow streets, shabby houses against the backdrop of the Capitol, the Cathedral and other attractions even seem romantic. We had walking route, we visited: Cathedral Square, San Cristobal Cathedral, La Fuerza Fortress, Plaza de Armas, Capitol, Brotherhood Park, Malecon Embankment (La Cabaña Fortress and the Statue of Christ were seen from the embankment, we did not have time to get closer there). We also visited a cigar factory. There are more cars in Havana, more people wanting to drag you somewhere, and more smells of exhaust fumes from vintage cars. It’s stuffy, hot and you don’t know where to get away from the attacking tour guides and bicycle taxi drivers. If in Varadero they are all calmer, then here they are ready to tear them to pieces. But it’s worth going there; there will be a lot of impressions.

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This Cuban city can easily be described in one word - beach. 20 km of terry sandy coast, warm water of the Atlantic Ocean and an endless string of hotels create the atmosphere of Varadero. The beaches here have been ranked among the best in the world more than once. And even though Cuba is not yet spoiled by the benefits of civilization, and the journey here from Russia takes more than 13 hours, Russian tourists have long chosen this paradise.

Varadero belongs to the province of Matanzas and occupies the Hicacos Peninsula, which is 135 km from Havana. It is inhabited by 27 thousand local residents and X thousand tourists, and at any time of the year. People come here to swim and bask in the sun, listen to salsa rhythms and play golf, hang out at discos and sip rum. And, of course, breathe the air of Freedom.

A flight from Moscow to Varadero with connections in Belgium and Germany is possible. Round-trip ticket prices start from 800 USD, travel time is 22 hours or more.

It is convenient for St. Petersburg residents to fly to Varadero with a transfer in Vienna or Frankfurt am Main. The total travel time is from 16.5 hours, a one-way ticket costs about 420 USD. The second option is through Moscow and then directly to Havana.

From airport to city

Guides in Varadero

Entertainment and attractions

In the evening, return to the arms of Varadero for some reckless Cuban fun. Discos and dance shows are held everywhere in hotels and clubs; anyone can get here for 10 CUC. The most popular dance floors are found in the Casa de la Musica, the Internacional and Tuxpan hotels. Dance to live music you can go to the Calle 62 cafe or the Mambo Club, and the place Cuevos Los Pirates is famous for its location - the club is built in a cave.

5 things to do in Varadero

  1. Do sand therapy on the beach. And forget about everything.
  2. Dance with a local amigo.
  3. Play golf or a mini version of it.
  4. Dine at Al Capone's house on Avenida Kawama.
  5. Swim with dolphins.

Varadero for children

Cuban resort welcomes young tourists. Many hotels have children's areas where neither a three-year-old nor a skeptical teenager will be bored. The main thing is to clarify the living conditions and the availability of a children's menu in advance.

Tired of beach and hotel animation, little travelers will not refuse to visit the dolphinarium. Here you are allowed not only to watch the dolphin show, but also to swim with them after the show. (office site).

Hosone Park is ideal for relaxing walks. But even here the kids have somewhere to spend their energy. For a small fee, they can ride a camel or train, and those who are older can go around the pond on a catamaran or play mini-golf. Nearby there is another small park with carousels and children's cars.


Average monthly temperature, °C day and night, water

    The best time to relax here is in the winter or off-season (November and April). There are many tourists, but the weather is more stable. In winter, the ocean warms up less and cold snaps occur, but they last only a few days.