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1. The importance of catering

Public catering plays an increasingly important role in the life of modern society. This is ensured, first of all, by changes in food processing technologies, the development of communications, means of delivering products and raw materials, and the intensification of many production processes.

According to international documents, the term “public catering” is characterized by such various definitions as “methods of preparing large quantities of food, carried out without prior agreement with the consumer,” or as any “types of catering organized outside the home.” Throughout the world, food service establishments are owned by either the public or private sector.

The most important task of public catering at the present stage is the introduction of new production technologies.

Today, there are practically no such types of enterprises as public canteens providing dietary, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, as well as specialized enterprises accessible to low-income populations.

Today, the following forms of public catering can be distinguished:

A restaurant is a public catering establishment that provides consumers with a wide range of complexly prepared dishes, mainly made to order. In a restaurant, a high level of service is combined with the organization of recreation for visitors, depending on the level of service and the degree of equipment, as well as the size of the markups, enterprises of this type are divided into restaurants of the highest and first categories.

Catering establishments of the highest category include restaurants, cafes, bars that are distinguished by the highest level of customer service, the complexity of the range of products prepared and sold, as well as the high class of architectural and artistic design of the premises and perfect technical equipment.

The first category includes catering establishments with a smaller volume of services, but in which service is also provided by waiters. First category restaurants organize performances by musical groups.

Fast food establishments, which include: bistros, snack bars, “fast food”. In our rapidly developing world, the most progressive form of public catering is considered “fast food”, which is translated from English as “fast food”. A few years ago, the first fast food establishments appeared in Russia - McDonald's cafes. Today, such catering outlets are very popular, since the modern pace of life does not allow spending a lot of time on lunch.

A bar is a public catering establishment that provides consumers with a small assortment of dishes. There is a grill bar and a sushi bar. The difference between these bars is their different menu. The sushi bar serves Japanese cuisine. The grill bar mainly offers grilled dishes; you can also eat delicious food, listen to good music, or watch your favorite movie.

A cafe is a catering establishment that offers a pleasant place to relax and appreciate a variety of dishes and desserts, as well as get a pleasant impression of hospitality, impeccable and fast service. Magnificent interior, background music creates cozy atmosphere for a pleasant stay.

Confectionery cafes, coffee shops - catering establishments where you can taste and appreciate the taste of coffee from different continents and enjoy dessert;

A canteen is a public catering establishment designed to serve the population during the lunch break.

Creation of public catering enterprises in Russia with high quality prepared products, level of service, as convenient as possible for visitors - one of the most important tasks facing the public catering system today.

food equipment fish

2. Equipment, inventory, tools

Cold shop equipment, tools and inventory

Rice. 1 Inventory and devices used in the cold shop: 1 - gastronomic knives: a - fillet knives; b - gastronomic (sausage); c - for slicing ham; g - kitchen; d - with two handles for cutting cheese and butter; e, g - with one handle for cutting cheese and butter; h - for curly cutting of butter; and - knife-fork; 2 - manual tomato cutters; 3 - egg cutters; 4 - device for cutting cheese; 5 - manual oil divider; 6 - scraper for butter; 7 - cutting board; 8 - board for cutting lemons; 9 - manual juicers; 10 - slide for side dishes; 11 - trays for aspic dishes; 12 - forms for pates, jellied and sweet dishes; 13 - spatula-knife for laying out jellied dishes; 14 - spatula for laying out portioned dishes; 15 - production forks for laying out dishes; 16 - utensils for laying out dishes: a, b, c - salad utensils; g - device for canned fruits; d - tongs for laying out portioned dishes

They are equipped with the following modulated table sections: SOESM-2 with a refrigerated cabinet, SOESM-3 with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a container for storing components of cold dishes; SMVSM with built-in washing tub; SMSM for storing spices, kitchen utensils, equipment, installation and connection to the electrical network of small-scale mechanization equipment.

Workplaces must also be equipped with various types of mechanical equipment: a machine for cutting gastronomic products of the MRG-300A or MRGU-370 type; machine for cutting boiled vegetables type MROV-160; universal drive for a cold shop, type PKh-0.6, which includes the following types of replaceable mechanisms:

MS25-200 - for mixing salads and vinaigrettes (10 kg per load); MS3-40 - juicer; MS4-20 - beater; MS18-160 - for cutting boiled vegetables; MS27-40 - for cutting fresh vegetables and fruits.

Products are stored in refrigerated cabinets and low-temperature counters. For cooking edible ice use liquid ice cream ice makers - freezers.

Dishes are portioned using tabletop dial scales (2 kg capacity).

Equipment, tools and inventory of the hot shop

The hot shop must be equipped with modern equipment - thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking boilers, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and shelving.

At the workplace, cooks preparing broths install stationary boilers in a line - electric, gas or steam. Electric boilers KPE-100, KPE-160, KPE-250 with a capacity of 100, 160, 250 liters or KE-100, KE-160 with functional containers are more often used. The UEV-40 cooking device is intended for cooking seasoning soups, second and third courses, side dishes; It differs from boilers in that after cooking the cooking container is disconnected from the steam generator and transported for distribution.

In a restaurant where broths are prepared in small quantities, 50 and 40 liter stovetop boilers are used for cooking them. To prepare puree soups, products are pureed and crushed using a universal P-P drive with replaceable mechanisms, UKM universal kitchen machine with replaceable mechanisms.

In addition to stationary digester boilers, the soup preparation workplace includes a line of thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment. The line of heating equipment consists of electric (gas) stoves and electric frying pans. Non-mechanical equipment lines include sectional modulated tables and a mobile bath for washing garnishes for clear broths.

At the workplace of the cook preparing the first courses, the following are used: a table with a built-in bathroom, a table for small-scale mechanization, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet for storing food supplies.

Depending on the type and power, it is planned to use mechanical equipment in the hot shop (universal drive P-II, machine for preparing mashed potatoes).

In a hot shop, for the convenience of organizing the processes of preparing hot dishes, it is advisable to use sectional modulated equipment: a section-table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3; section-table with refrigerated cabinet SOESM; table section with built-in washing tub; section-table for installation of small-scale mechanization equipment SMMSM; sections-inserts for thermal equipment VSM-210; sections-inserts for heating equipment with a VKSM mixer tap.

The hot shop must be equipped with a variety of equipment: cutting boards, chumichkas (for portioning dishes), skimmers (for skimming foam), scoops (for pouring liquid), strainers, etc. To determine the volume occupied by the product in the boiler, boiler measuring rulers are used. , for cutting food - three chef's knives; carbing (for figured cutting).

Equipment, tools and inventory of the fish workshop.

For cleaning and gutting fish, there are special tables on wheels with small sides along the edges. The scales are cleaned with mechanical or manual scrapers or graters.

Using a RO-1M scale cleaning machine, scales are removed from fish; The fins are cut off with a fin cutter, and the heads are removed using a decapitating machine.

For the production of semi-finished portioned fish products, small pieces and products from cutlet mass, production tables are installed on which cutting boards, dial scales, and containers for semi-finished products are placed. The fish is cut using a large chef's knife.

To prepare cutlet mass from fish, a universal drive and a bath for soaking bread are used.

On the sturgeon processing line, production tables, a heated bath for scalding links, and washing baths are installed.

In small enterprises, the heads and tails of fish are cut off by hand with a large or medium-sized chef's knife. If the workshop processes sturgeon fish, then install a metal rack with a tray for defrosting; Additionally, a heated bath is installed to scald the fish. If there are no such baths, use hot water boilers.

Store tools in a special box or in drawers of production tables. The containers for semi-finished products are baking trays, which are placed on shelves and in a refrigerator. To prepare minced fish, small enterprises use a MIM-type meat grinder or install a universal drive with replaceable mechanisms (meat grinder, minced meat mixer and grinding machine).

Refrigerated cabinets are used to store semi-finished products.

In the workshop for the production of jellied dishes the following must be installed:

Production tables for portioning pieces of raw product, for cutting cooked product, for manually peeling vegetables;

Defrosters for defrosting fish and chicken;

Washing baths for washing raw materials;

Vegetable cutting machines for slicing and grating raw vegetables;

Cooking kettles are necessary for directly cooking jellied dishes and preparing gelatin;

Meat grinders for chopping meat;

Strainers for straining broths and gelatin;

Racks for placing jellied dishes while cooling them;

Refrigerated cabinets for short-term storage of jellied dishes.

3. Occupational safety and fire safety

All workers must know the safety rules. Persons who have passed safety exams are allowed to work before entering work and undergo induction training directly at the workplace, and then periodically, at least once a year.

Before starting work: put on overalls, tuck hair under a hat, sleeves should be fastened on the hands, put on comfortable shoes. Tidy up the work area and do not block passages. Inspect the inventory and make sure it is in good condition. The cook is obliged to put his workplace in order for safe work and check:

serviceability and idling of equipment;

presence and serviceability of fences;

presence and serviceability of grounding;

serviceability of other equipment used;

make sure that the electric stove and oven switches are in the zero position;

serviceability and operation of local exhaust ventilation.

If any malfunctions or malfunctions are detected in the equipment, the cook is obliged to immediately notify the production manager or the administration of the enterprise and not begin work until they are eliminated.

During operation:

1. All operating mechanisms and machines outside working hours must be turned off from the power supply in the “off” position.

2. It is prohibited to change the start and installation of the electric motor when loading products in the replaceable mechanism.

3.Leaving a working machine or replaceable mechanism unattended is prohibited.

4. The lids of cooking pots, pots and other utensils with hot food are prohibited from opening.

5. Do not place baking sheets in the oven that do not match the oven size.

6. Do not handle hot dishes with bare hands, use towels.

7. When working on thermal equipment, strictly follow the rules. It is necessary that the surface of the frying plate is smooth and free of cracks.

8. To open the container, use a tool designed for this purpose.

9. When carrying loads, the following standards are established: for women - 20 kg, for men - 50 kg.

10. Work on electrically heated equipment while standing on an electric mat.

11. It is prohibited to work on equipment connected to the electrical network, light matches, or turn on electric lighting if there are smells of gas. It is prohibited to work on equipment with faulty automatic adjustment.

12. Repairs to the machine may only be carried out by qualified workers.

13. It is forbidden to straighten food by hand, as well as remove crumbs and stuck slices while the mechanism is running. It is allowed to push vegetables only with a special pusher. It is strictly forbidden to open safety covers during operation. Replacement of discs and knives is carried out only after the engine has completely stopped. If any problems occur with the machine, turn it off immediately.

Before disconnecting from the electrical network, you must first turn off all electrical equipment, with the exception of emergency lighting and equipment operating in automatic mode. After turning off gas-using installations, remove the spanners from the plug valves. When carrying out sanitary treatment, do not cool the heated surface of stoves, frying pans and other heating equipment with water.

Repairs to the machine may only be carried out by qualified workers. It is prohibited to carry out repairs yourself.

4. Organization of the workshop

Organization of cold shop work.

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks.

The range of cold shop products includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuca, jelly, compotes etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest.

Considering that in a cold shop products are made from products that have undergone heat treatment and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and cooked vegetables, fish and meat. In small enterprises, universal workplaces are organized, where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program; in large cold shops, specialized workplaces are organized.

The selection of production tables depends on the number of workers simultaneously working in the workshop, on the basis that the work front for each worker must be at least 1.5 m. Washing of vegetables, herbs, fruits is carried out in stationary or mobile baths or for this purpose a sectional modulated table with built-in washing tub SMVSM. In the cold shops of large canteens, mobile racks are used for short-term storage of dishes before sending them for sale. In restaurants, the cold shop has a serving counter.

At the workplace for preparing snacks from gastronomic products, dishes from meat and fish products (assorted fish, meat; sausages, ham, balyki, cheese, etc.) are cut, portioned and prepared.

If the assortment of cold dishes includes jellied dishes, then it is recommended to organize a specialized workplace for their preparation. Boiled and meat products are cut on production tables SP-1050, SP-1470, equipped with VNTs-2 scales for weighing portions of products, chef’s knives, cutting boards marked “MB”, “RV”, trays for placing weighed products. Before decorating the aspic dishes, the food is prepared and decorated. Portions of meat or fish are placed in prepared trays (capacity of 30-50 servings), dishes, forms; decorated with products located in the slide; pour lanspig using a pouring spoon and place it in a refrigerated cabinet or use a table with a refrigerated cabinet SOESM-2 or SOESM-3 for this purpose. If jellied dishes are prepared in trays, then upon release they are cut into portions and transferred to tableware (trays, snack plate) using special spatulas.

When the number of sandwiches sold is small, bread and food are cut manually, using gastronomic, cheese, bread knives, special devices for cutting eggs, etc. When making sandwiches in large quantities, it is necessary to install an MRKh bread slicer or gastronomic machine at the workplace.

Vegetables, meat and other products for cold soups are cooked in a hot shop. Then the vegetables are cooled and cut into small cubes or strips using a machine for cutting boiled vegetables or manually using three chef's knives. Fruit infusions and side dishes for sweet soups are prepared in a hot shop.

From sweet dishes in the cold shop they prepare compotes, jelly, jellies, mousses, sambuca, etc. At the chef’s workplace for preparing sweet dishes they install a bath, a production table with a refrigerated cabinet, table scales VNTs-2 and use various equipment, tools, molds, tableware. To perform many operations, a universal drive with replaceable mechanisms is used for rubbing fruits, berries, whipping cream, mousses, and sambucas.

For jellied sweet dishes, juice is squeezed out of berries and fruits using juicers. Syrups are cooked in a hot shop. The prepared syrup is poured into molds and trays. The mousse syrup is whipped using a replaceable mechanism attached to a universal drive.

Compotes and drinks of our own production (lemon, cranberry, rosehip, etc.) are prepared in a hot shop, then cooled and portioned into glasses.

At large enterprises, a freezer is installed to prepare soft ice cream. For short-term storage and dispensing of industrially produced ice cream, a low-temperature counter PKHN-1-0.4 or a low-temperature section SN-0.15 is used.

Ice cream is sold in metal bowls in its natural form or with various fillings. Special spoons are used to portion ice cream.

Organization of hot shop work.

Hot shops are organized at enterprises performing the full production cycle. “The hot shop is the main workshop of a public catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broth, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes.

In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (pies, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made meals go directly to dispensers for sale to consumers.

The hot shop occupies a central place in a catering enterprise.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops and a convenient connection with the cold shop, with the distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils. The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments: soup and sauce.

The sauce department equipment can be grouped into 2-3 lines. The first line is intended for heat treatment and cooking of meat, fish, vegetables, as well as for preparing side dishes and sauces in stovetop dishes. The line consists of sectional modulated equipment and includes an oven, stoves, electric frying pans, and deep fryers. In restaurants, this line is equipped with food warmers designed for short-term storage of main courses in a hot state.

The second line is intended for auxiliary operations and includes sectional modulated tables: a table with a built-in washing tub, a table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet (in restaurants). Meat, fish, and vegetable semi-finished products are prepared for heat treatment on production tables. A production table with a refrigerated slide is used in restaurants for portioning and decorating dishes.

Organization of the work of the fish workshop.

Fish enters the workshop frozen, salted and chilled. In addition to fish, the workshop processes crabs, shrimp, lobsters, oysters, mussels, and squid.

The fish processing line at public catering establishments is designed for the following operations: thawing frozen fish or soaking salted fish, cleaning fish scales, gutting, chopping off heads and fins, washing and manufacturing semi-finished products.

For cleaning and gutting fish, there are special tables on wheels with small sides along the edges. Sometimes tables with a groove at one edge are used. The scales are cleaned with a knife, mechanical or manual scrapers or graters. Fins and heads are cut off using special machines or manually.

The processed fish is washed in baths with two compartments. The workplace for preparing semi-finished fish products is equipped with a special production table, scales, a set of chef’s knives, various boards, and a set of spices and seasonings.

Finished semi-finished products are placed in special containers and transported on carts or racks to refrigeration chambers or a hot shop.

Fish waste (heads, bones and fins) is used for cooking fish broths and preparing marinades, caviar and milt are used for casseroles.

In a small fish production workshop located in one room, the processing lines for meat, fish and poultry, as well as equipment and tools, are strictly demarcated.

5. Nutritional value of raw materials, preparing them for production

The value of fish as a food product is determined primarily by the presence in its composition of a large amount of complete proteins containing all vital (essential) amino acids. Other nutrients present in fish - lipids, vitamins and minerals - are also important.

The chemical composition of fish is not constant and depends on the type of fish, age, sex, habitat, time of fishing and other factors. The content of main substances in fish meat is (in%): water - 52 - 83, proteins - 12 - 23, fats - 0.2 - 3.3, minerals - 0 5 - 3. Fish also contains vitamins A, group B, PP, D, E.

Fish meat proteins are mostly complete. They contain all the essential amino acids, which are easily digestible and are of great importance in the functioning of the body. Connective tissue also contains the defective protein collagen. When cooked, collagen turns into glutin, forming jelly.

When cooking fish, extractive nitrogenous substances are easily extracted by water and give the broth a specific taste and smell that stimulate appetite and promote better absorption of food.

Fish oil contains many unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and arachidonic acids, which are of great biological importance for the human body. Fish oil is easily digestible and is a source of fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K that are not synthesized in the body.

Depending on the fat content, fish are divided into lean (up to 2%), medium fat (from 2 to 8%), fatty (5 to 15%) and extra fatty (more than 15%).

Of the mineral substances in fish meat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, and chlorine predominate. There is also iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc. Marine fish contains more minerals than freshwater fish.

The nutritional value of fish depends on the ratio of edible and inedible parts, structure and chemical composition, which are not the same different types fish The content of edible parts in fresh fish ranges from 46 to 80%.

Many fish have white and brown colored muscles (up to 10% of the weight of the edible part of the fish). Brown meat has low taste, is characterized by a different composition of basic nutrients and is characterized by a high (up to 10%) myoglobin content. In this regard, it is used for industrial processing at the place of catch (saury, tuna).

When storing fish, autolytic breakdown of lipids occurs (fish lipase remains active at minus 220C). Due to the predominance of highly unsaturated fatty acids, fish lipids under the influence of atmospheric oxygen, especially at elevated temperatures and access to light, are easily oxidized with the formation of peroxides, hydroxy acids, aldehydes, which leads to a decrease in the quality of fish products (rancidity, greasing, the appearance of “rust”, etc. ), including ready-made culinary products.

In order to prevent unwanted changes, frozen fish is glazed, gas- and moisture-proof materials are used, and storage conditions and periods are strictly observed.

Undesirable changes occur more actively in marine fish. This must be taken into account when preparing dishes by properly selecting side dishes, sauces, aromatic roots and spices.

Mineral substances (1-2.5%) are contained in increased (by 70%) and more varied quantities compared to the meat of warm-blooded animals. Most of all it contains phosphorus, potassium (130-420 mg%), calcium, magnesium (20-50 mg%), iron (up to 7 mg%), sulfur, chlorine, and in sea fish - bromine, copper and iodine (1 -2 daily norms per 100 g).

Table No. 1

Fish carbohydrates are represented by glycogen (0.5-1.5%). In nutritional terms, its role is small, but it has a significant effect on the taste, color and smell of fish. It is believed that the darkening of meat during drying, drying and frying occurs due to melanoidins. Table No. 2

The diversity of the chemical composition and structural features of fish tissues make it an excellent dietary product. After heat treatment, fish meat becomes loose, easily saturated with digestive juices, and therefore is easily digested and absorbed. Some sea fish (cod liver, halibut, etc.) contain a lot of vitamins A and D. The nutritional value of fish is given in tables 1, 2, 3.

Table No. 3

Only in our country olives are mistaken for the fruits of different trees. This opinion is not true. Both the soft green olives and the brown-black olives come from the same tree. True, at different stages of maturity.

Nutritional value (per 100 g)

Protein..………………………………………………………………………………..80 g

Fat……………………………………………………………10.70 g

Carbohydrates………………………………………………………6.30 g

Energy value………………………………….115.00 kcal

The fruits are rich in fats: their share depends on the variety, growing conditions of the olives, and degree of ripeness. A large proportion of the mass of the drupe is water; proteins, carbohydrates and fiber are present to a small extent in the pulp.

The micro- and macroelements contained in olives include: iron, copper, selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.

Olives and the oil produced from them are a valuable product. In addition to the fact that they contain most of the nutrients necessary for humans, they have a pronounced healing effect. Unsaturated fatty acids regulate blood cholesterol levels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, and strengthen the cardiovascular system and bone tissue.

Dietary fiber has a beneficial effect on digestion, antioxidants fight premature aging of the body and, according to some information, are a good prevention of cancer.

Olives are almost completely absorbed by the body, almost never cause allergies, and prevent the development of diabetes.

Olive oil is useful for cuts, burns, vision problems, gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other diseases. In addition, it is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery - it is part of creams, masks, anti-cellulite products, and soaps.

A contraindication for consuming olives and products derived from them is, perhaps, only cholecystitis or individual intolerance.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of "Crab sticks".

Crab sticks

Below is the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion.

The nutritional value

Calorie content…………………………………………………………….. 88kcal

Proteins……………………………………………………………..17.5 g

Fats……………………………………………………………..2 g

Water…………………………………………………………70 g


Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent)………………………2.905 mg


Chlorine…………………………..…………………………………..165 mg


Zinc………………………………………………………….0.7 mg

Chromium……………………………………………………………55 mcg

Fluoride……………………………………………………………...430 mcg

Molybdenum……………………………………………………….4 mcg

Nickel……………………………………………………..6 mcg

The energy value of Crab sticks is 88 kcal.


The nutritional value of parsley for human health is associated with a diverse content of beneficial nutrients: carotene and vitamin C, protein, minerals and essential oils. The chemical composition of its root crops is as follows: dry matter it contains 11.5-36.4%, sugars - 0.7-10.1, protein - 1.5-3.2, leaves - respectively 12.5--26.2; 0.7--3.1 and 2.4--4.5%. The fat content is 0.8%, fiber - 1.4, ash - 1.8%.

Parsley leaves have a high content of carotene (1.3-19.8 mg/100 g) and vitamin C (58-380 mg), in root vegetables - 0.03 and 20-35 mg, respectively; 25-30 g of green parsley can satisfy the daily requirement of an adult for vitamin A and C. That is why you need to consume it more often, adding it in thoroughly chopped form to dishes. The content of other vitamins in root vegetables is as follows, in mg/100 g: B - 0.1, B2 - 0.09, PP - 2, B6 - 0.23. There are fewer of them in the leaves.

Parsley is a source of alkaline mineral components. Its greens contain a lot of potassium (340-1080 mg/100 g). According to this indicator, it ranks first among all vegetables and spices. Root vegetables and greens are rich in sodium (79-330 mg), calcium (245-325 mg), phosphorus (95 mg), iron (2 mg), as well as magnesium and copper. Parsley is valued for its good taste and aroma, due to the presence of essential oils (in leaves - 0.25, seeds - 2-7%). They are found in roots and stems. Essential oils improve perception, promote digestion and absorption of food. It also contains amino acids and is rich in purines.

Both greens and root vegetables are used in cooking. Greens are consumed fresh and dried. Fresh herbs can be stored for 1-2 days. When wilting, it can be moistened with cold water. Finely chopped greens are added to all first and second courses (with the exception of dairy and cereal dishes) immediately before consumption. Parsley decorates the appearance of the dish, gives it aroma, and also significantly enriches it with vitamins and mineral salts. The norm for adding fresh parsley is 5, dried - 0.35 g.

The root crop of parsley is called white root. Its taste is sweetish. Use fresh or finely chopped dried root vegetables. Raw is added when preparing boiled fish or stewing meat.

When preparing broth or clear soups, root vegetables are cut lengthwise into two halves and baked on the surface of the stove until a brown crust forms, after which they are placed in boiling broth, which gives it color and a specific aroma. The serving rate is 3-5 g per dish. However, sautéed parsley root vegetables are more often used. It is added to meat, fish, vegetable, puree and clear soups, stews, boiled fish, and sauces. Bookmark rates range from 10 to 60 g per serving. Parsley root vegetables are used in large quantities in pickles (up to 60 g per serving).

The fruit pulp contains a significant amount of organic acids (citric, malic), pectin substances, sugars (up to 3.5%), carotene, phytoncides; vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid (up to 0.085%), rutin, flavonoids, coumarin derivatives, galacturonic acid, sesquiterpenes, hesperidin, eriocitrin, eridictyol.

Nutritional value of lemon

Per 100g of product:

Calories: 34 kcal. Proteins: 0.9 g. Fats: 0.1 g. Carbohydrates: 3 g.

Dietary fiber: 2 g. Organic acids: 5.7 g. Water: 87.8 g. Mono- and disaccharides: 3 g. Ash: 0.5 g.

Vitamins per 100g of product:

Vitamin PP: 0.1 mg. Beta-carotene: 0.01 mg. Vitamin A (VE): 2 mcg.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.04 mg. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.02 mg.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic):0.2 mg.Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine):0.06 mg.Vitamin B9 (folic):9 mcg.Vitamin C:40 mg.Vitamin E (TE):0.2 mg.Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent):0.2 mg.

6. Technology of preparing the dish, the importance of the dish in nutrition. General cooking technology. Quality requirements, storage conditions and periods, filing rules

Name of the dish: Fish aspic.

100 g of Fish Jellied dish contains:

Proteins……………………………………………………………5.35 g

Fats……………………………………………………………1.5 g

Carbohydrates……………………………………………………….0.79 g

Calorie content…………………………………………………………….38.06 kcal

To prepare 1 serving (150 g) you will need:

Salmon (steak), medium-sized…………………………………….. 25 g.

Pike-perch (fillet), small-size…………………………………………… 25 g.

Crab sticks…………………………………………………….. 10 g.

Fish jelly (prepared)…………………………………… 60 g.

Olives………………………………………………………. 1 PC.

Pitted olives……………………………………. 1-2 pcs.

Lemon…………………………………………………………………….. 2-3 slices

Parsley……………………………………………………………2 sprigs

Cooking method

Boil the broth with the addition of roots. Add gelatin, previously swollen in cold boiled water, into the ready-made hot, strained and fat-free broth and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then add salt, bay leaf, cloves, black pepper, vinegar and add half the norm of egg whites (the eggs are first separated from the yolks), thoroughly mixed with five times the amount of cold broth. Stir all this, bring to a boil, add the remaining proteins and bring to a boil again. The finished jelly is filtered.

The processed salmon and pike perch are boiled, disassembled into small pieces, and the crab sticks are cut into strips. Place a slice of lemon, chopped olives, and a few cranberries on the bottom of the mold. Pour in jelly. When the jelly hardens, add pieces of fish and crab sticks. Refill with jelly. When the jelly has completely hardened, place the aspic on a plate.

When serving, garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of herbs.

Requirements for raw materials

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the dish Jellied fish and crab sticks must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate etc.)

All products used must be processed in strict accordance with established sanitary standards and rules.

Fish is defrosted in air or in cold water at a temperature not exceeding +12°C at the rate of 2 liters per 1 kg of fish. To reduce the loss of minerals, it is recommended to add salt to the water at the rate of 7-10 g per 1 liter. It is not recommended to defrost fish fillets and sturgeon fish in water.

Fruits should be fresh, elastic in consistency; taste, color and smell must correspond to the products used.

Greens must be fresh; taste, color and smell must correspond to the products used.

Nutritional value, calorie content and chemical composition of the dish (vitamins, microelements)

The nutritional value of the Fish Jellied dish per 100 g of product and the yield is 200 g:


Name of raw materials and products

Bookmark amount for 1 serving.

Bookmark rate

per portion, net


Gross weight

Net weight

Salmon fillet s/m

Pike-perch (fillet) s/m

Crab sticks

Fish jelly (prepared)


Pitted olives

Lemon (for juice)

Parsley (greens)

Output of the finished dish,

Technological process

The processed salmon and pike perch are boiled and disassembled into small pieces. Crab sticks are cut into strips. Place a slice of lemon, chopped olives, and a few cranberries on the bottom of the mold. Pour in jelly. When the jelly hardens, add pieces of fish and crab sticks. Refill with jelly. When the jelly has completely hardened, place the aspic on a plate.

Requirements for registration, sale and storage

The dish is sold in portioned containers immediately after preparation. When on vacation, decorate with a slice of lemon and a sprig of herbs.

According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish when serving should be no higher than 14°C.

The permissible shelf life of the Fish Jellied dish before sale, according to SanPiN, is 1 hour at a storage temperature not higher than 14°C.

Quality and safety indicators

The organoleptic characteristics of the Fish Jellied dish must meet the following requirements:

The microbiological parameters of the Fish Jellied dish must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, index

Requirements for the quality of fish dishes

The quality of ready-made fish dishes is assessed by compliance with the recipe: the correctness of cutting the fish, slicing and breading, compliance with the rules of heat treatment and bringing the fish to readiness, the taste and smell of the prepared dish, appearance.

Boiled fish is served with bones and skin without bones. The fish must be cooked. The color, taste and smell must correspond to the given species.

Poached fish, boneless, with or without skin. The fish must be cooked and fully retain its shape. Clots of coagulated protein are allowed on the surface of poached fish, so to improve appearance The fish is served with sauce and decorated.

Fried fish is served with skin and bones, or with skin without bones. Its surface should be covered with an even crispy crust from golden to light brown. Consistency - soft, juicy. The taste of fish is specific, without any foreign aftertaste. The smell is of fish and fat.

Before release, boiled and poached fish is stored on a steam table in broth at a temperature of 60-70 0 C for no more than 30 minutes. Fried fish is stored on a stove or steam table for no more than 2-3 hours, after which it is cooled to 6-8 0 C and stored at the same temperature for up to 12 hours.

Personal hygiene and sanitation

Persons who have passed a medical examination with chest x-ray and examination for bacteria and helminth carriage are allowed to work in the kitchen. In the future, cooks must undergo a medical examination at least once a month and less than twice a year (once every six months) be examined for bacterial carriage and helminthic infection, and also periodically undergo chest x-rays.

Cooks must strictly monitor their personal hygiene:

Constantly (at least four times a month) wash in a bathhouse with a change of underwear; before and after work, take a shower, and if there is no shower, wash and wash your hands up to the elbows with soap and a brush and disinfect them with chlorine water; cooks are also required to change their underwear twice a week;

Before starting work, the cook must take off and put away his outer clothing, thoroughly wipe his shoes, and wash his hands with soap; storing outerwear outside the closet is prohibited;

Work only in clean overalls, completely cover your hair with a cap; When leaving the kitchen, as well as before visiting the restroom, be sure to take off your overalls;

While working, keep your workplaces clean, when moving from one job to another or accidentally contaminating your hands, when returning to the kitchen after leaving, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and a brush; Every kitchen should have a washbasin, soap, hand brush and towel;

Do not smoke in the kitchen area.

Unauthorized persons are prohibited from entering the kitchen.

Kitchen workers are also required to maintain their personal hygiene.

According to existing rules, patients with acute infectious diseases, including catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, persons with pustular diseases and open ulcers and fistulas, patients with scabies, suffering from inflammatory processes of the eyes of infectious origin, as well as patients with active forms of tuberculosis and venereal diseases. Persons who have been ill intestinal diseases, are not allowed to work in the kitchen for periods determined by special instructions.

All sanitation and personal hygiene requirements must be strictly observed when maintaining the kitchen (dining room), utensils and equipment.

The kitchen and dining room should be bright and clean. The area adjacent to the kitchen (dining room) must also be kept clean.

Cleaning of the kitchen (dining room) premises is carried out after food processing, food distribution and as needed for each contamination. Upon completion of work, the kitchen area is washed using hot water and soap. After washing, the kitchen floor is wiped dry with a rag.

The dining room is cleaned three times a day. Floors are washed after they have been slightly dirty, but without fail at least once a day. Dining tables are cleaned after meals have been eaten at them. Dirty dishes and cutlery, food debris must be removed from tables, and the table cover or oilcloth with which the table is covered must be thoroughly wiped.

To clean the kitchen (dining room) premises, it is necessary to have specially marked equipment, separately for washing cutting and dining tables, separately for cooking pots and for cleaning floors.

Cleaning of premises, cutting and dining tables, washing equipment and dishes is carried out by kitchen workers under the supervision of a cook. The cooking pots must be washed personally by the cook himself.

New dishes

Technological map No. 1 Sauteed cod

Product name

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Vegetable oil

Mass of fried fish

Bulb onions

Tomato sauce

Parsley (greens)

Cooking technology

A napkin is moistened in salted water, squeezed out, wiped over the cod, and then the fish is cut into portions. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the cod in it. When the fish is browned, place it on a hot dish.

Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in oil, add tomato sauce, add parsley, bring to a boil and pour this sauce over the fish. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Technological map No. 2 Asparagus with trout fillet

Product name

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Vegetable oil

Olive oil


Ground almonds


Mass of baked fish

Green sauce

Cooking technology

The asparagus is cleaned and boiled for 15-20 minutes in salted water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of butter.

Heat the oven to 120 degrees. Coat the fish fillet with vegetable oil. Place on a greased baking sheet and cover with foil. Bake for about 8 minutes.

The chives are pureed with butter. Brown the almonds without adding fat, add 3 tbsp. spoons of water and bring to a boil. While whisking, add the onion-oil mixture and season with lemon juice.

Place asparagus on plates. Carefully place the fish on top. Pour in green sauce and garnish with chives.

Technological map No. 3 Small flounder with grapes

Product name

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g


Bulb onions

Dry white wine

Weight of boiled fish

White grapes

Weight of baked product

Sauce - white bechamel

Cooking technology

Place the grapes in a saucepan, pour in water so that the water covers all the grapes, bring the water to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. The water is drained.

Melt butter in a frying pan, put onion and fish on top of the onion. Wine is poured. Cover with oiled parchment, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer the fish for 10 minutes or until tender. The finished fish is placed on a dish and covered with grapes. Pour in beaten eggs and bake at a temperature of 250-280 until golden brown. Cool.

Served with white bechamel sauce.

Technological map No. 4 Asp shashlik

Product name

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Bulb onions

Dry white wine

Vegetable oil

Sweet pepper

Weight of finished kebab

Side dish - boiled rice and tomatoes

Cooking technology

Mix marinade ingredients. Peppers are cut into pieces. The fish fillet is cut into cubes, arranged with onion slices and poured with marinade. Marinate for 2 hours in the cold. Place pieces of fish mixed with slices of onion and sweet pepper on long skewers. Grill, turning occasionally. Serve with boiled rice and fresh tomatoes.

Technological map No. 5 Fried fish with green oil

Product name

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Wheat flour

Cooking fat

Mass of fried fish

Green oil

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Catering is a branch of the national economy, the basis of which is enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and customer service and differing in types and specialization.

Development of public catering:

Provides savings in social labor due to more rational use of equipment, raw materials, materials;

Provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency and maintains health;

Makes it possible to organize rational nutrition in children's and educational institutions.

Public catering was one of the first in a number of sectors of the national economy to embark on the path of transformation, taking on the burden of acute problems transition period on market relations. The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed, and a large number of private small enterprises appeared. In 1995, the Russian Federation Law “On State Support of Small Businesses in Russian Federation“- one of the fundamental ones for the period when the course sharply changes from a 100% state monopoly in the economy to market relations. The law determined which enterprises are considered small and which of them can count on state support. Therefore, specialized enterprises that began to disappear in the first years of privatization are now gaining momentum in their development (kebab shops, dumpling shops, pizzerias, bistros, etc.).

Many public catering enterprises are purely commercial, but along with this, social catering is also developing: canteens at industrial enterprises, student and school canteens. There are food factories and companies that take on the task of organizing social catering.

Competition is an integral part of the market environment, the main engine of a market economy. The main task of each enterprise in a competitive environment is to improve the quality of its products and services provided. The successful operation of an enterprise (firm) must be ensured by the production of products and services that:

Meet clearly defined needs;

Satisfy consumer requirements;

Complies with applicable standards and specifications;

Meet current legislation and other requirements of society;

Offered to consumers at competitive prices;

Causes profit.

To achieve its goals, the enterprise must organize its activities in such a way as to keep under control all technical, administrative and human factors affecting product quality and safety.

A situation where supply exceeds demand requires a marketing approach to organizing work. Food and service services must be competitive. The main criteria of competitiveness are safety, quality, range, price, services. Marketing research is needed, the object of which should be consumers, their attitude towards services, requirements for the quality and range of products and services. The research results can be used as the basis for an enterprise’s quality policy, and it cannot be done without creating quality systems.

Such a system is multi-element. It includes, for example: management responsibility, procurement of raw materials and products, development of new products, production management, control, identification of services and products, prevention of incorrect actions, management of service processes, product safety, marketing, personnel training.

IN last years Important laws of the Russian Federation have been adopted, designed to protect the interests of the country's residents: “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On Standardization”, “On Certification of Products and Services”, “Law on the Uniformity of Measurements”. These laws protect the rights of consumers from safe, quality products and services that must also be safe for environment. They should also guide catering establishments in their work.

Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of production intensification common to the entire national economy - achieving high results with the least expenditure of material and labor resources.

Production concentration in public catering provides for the concentration of means of production and labor in large enterprises, such as procurement enterprises for the centralized production of highly prepared semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products with subsequent distribution to other enterprises. It is necessary to take into account world experience, because the development of social nutrition is based on concentrated production, using new technologies to provide finished products to workers, children, schoolchildren, students, the elderly, etc., and in accordance with the physiological needs of each social group. An example of such concentration of production is the Helsinki food processing plant of a Finnish company, and the Dresden central kitchen in Germany. At these enterprises, the production of products (from loading raw materials to preparation and distribution to large and small enterprises) is almost completely automated, thanks to this the consumer receives biologically complete nutrition, the safest possible products, and a wide range.

Production specialization in catering- this is the concentration of the activities of a public catering enterprise on the production and sale of a certain range of products or on the implementation of certain stages of technological production.

There are two types of specialization – subject and technological (staged).

The subject specialization of enterprises is developing in the following directions:

Catering for individual groups of consumers, depending on their work and study;

Catering for consumers in need of dietary and therapeutic nutrition;

Food production national cuisine and kitchens foreign countries;

Production of culinary products from one type of raw material (vegetarian canteens, dairy cafes, fisheries);

Production of a narrow range of dishes in dumplings, shashlik, cheburechny, etc.

The essence of technological specialization of the product production process is divided into two stages: mechanical processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products at procurement and industrial enterprises and production of finished products at pre-production enterprises. Technological specialization is closely related to the concentration of production.

Cooperation in public catering- This is a form of production relations between enterprises that jointly produce certain public catering products. Cooperation can be intra-industry, for example, between procurement and pre-production enterprises. An example of such cooperation can be food factories, school and student catering companies.

Intersectoral cooperation is cooperation between enterprises in various industries, for example, between public catering enterprises and meat processing plants, dairy plants, poultry factories and other industrial enterprises that supply semi-finished products to public catering enterprises; creation of complex companies.

The efficiency of public catering largely depends on the implementation of scientific and technological progress, the main directions of which are the following:

- first direction– this is the mechanization of processes, the use of modern equipment (mechanical, thermal, refrigeration). With the centralized production of semi-finished products and culinary products, it is necessary to introduce high-performance mechanisms and machines, production automation; introduction of mechanized production lines for processing vegetables, preparing meat and fish semi-finished products. At the same time, it is necessary to mechanize small enterprises, where the share of manual labor is very large. Nowadays, many types of small-capacity equipment are produced - desktop mechanical equipment, small-sized thermal equipment;

- the second important direction is the development of progressive technology for the production of public catering products based on new equipment. It is necessary to develop and master the production of all kinds of semi-finished products and products from potatoes and vegetables, meat, fish, cereals and cottage cheese. To serve consumers in large work, school, and student canteens, make wider use of conveyors for picking and dispensing packed lunches;

- third direction provides for a significant increase in the production of the most important types of cash registers and weighing instruments;

- fourth direction provides for the mechanization of labor-intensive work performed by kitchen workers, dish assemblers, and cleaners of industrial and commercial premises. At large enterprises, the entire range of mechanization means can be used, including mechanized washing departments, conveyors for collecting and delivering dishes from the hall to the washing departments; at medium and small enterprises - machines for washing tableware, kitchen utensils, and appliances;

- fifth direction provides for the introduction of a scientific organization of labor, i.e., scientifically based changes in the organization of production, labor standards, the study and application of advanced production;

- sixth direction related to processing various types information. Thus, the presence of multiple economic connections within the industry, as well as with suppliers of raw materials and goods, transport and other organizations, complicates management and requires the use of electronic computer technology, computerization, and automated control systems.

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Development of public catering in modern conditions

The main direction of state and regional policy in the conditions of market relations in the field of public catering is currently the priority development of a publicly accessible network of public catering establishments, aimed at various consumer groups. From the point of view of public catering enterprises themselves, there is a need to increase profitability and reduce costs. That is why the relevance of the chosen topic is obvious.

At the moment, the city of Chelyabinsk is experiencing a real boom: the number of hotels, canteens, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is growing. The mass catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

A promising direction for the development of public catering in the city is:

1) a public network of public catering establishments aimed at various consumer groups, including a fast food chain - this is facilitated by construction shopping centers and shopping and entertainment complexes;

2) development of a network of socially oriented enterprises that provide food to workers, employees, students, schoolchildren, and children in preschool institutions;

3) mass development public catering networks in integrated shopping areas, hotel services, along highways, at gas stations, train stations;

4) the growth of food service turnover is determined by the development of an open network of public catering establishments (restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, snack bars). At the same time, social catering enterprises remain: canteens for low-income citizens, catering units for schools, hospitals and kindergartens, etc.

Currently, public catering is developing in various directions. A large number of restaurants with national cuisine are appearing, new types of public catering enterprises (pubs, sushi bars) are appearing, nowadays public catering enterprises are equipped with automated accounting systems, new professions are appearing (sommelier, hostess) and, in the end, a modern enterprise public catering becomes a place of pleasant pastime.

Therefore, the topic of the thesis was the preparation of Russian cuisine with the organization of banquet-tea service in a public dining room, because The income level of the population of our city is different. And Russian cuisine is traditional for our country and city, so it will be popular with the townspeople. Although the country is multinational, there are more Russians.

Based on the topic of the thesis, its goal will be to study the features of organizing the work of a public canteen with Russian cuisine, the technology of organizing and holding a banquet at this enterprise.

In accordance with the purpose of the thesis, the following tasks will be solved:

1) study the history of Russian cuisine;

2) study the requirements for industrial premises of a public canteen and the organization of workplaces;

3) consider the rules for serving visitors in the dining room;

5) calculate the dishes for the tea banquet;

6) draw up work schedules for production workers and waiters;

7) develop the production program of the enterprise and accept orders;

8) divide dishes according to assortment;

11) describe the main stages of preparing the enterprise for holding a tea banquet;

Features of national Russian cuisine

The first meager information about Russian cuisine is contained in chronicles - the oldest written sources of the 10th-15th centuries. Old Russian cuisine began to take shape in the 9th century and reached its peak by the 15th century. Naturally, the formation of Russian cuisine was primarily influenced by natural and geographical conditions. The abundance of rivers, lakes, and forests contributed to the appearance in Russian cuisine of a large number of dishes from fish, game, mushrooms, and wild berries. It is rightly believed that by sowing a field, growing and harvesting grain, a person first acquired his homeland. Since time immemorial, Russians have grown rye, oats, wheat, barley, millet, and buckwheat on their lands. Cereal porridges were cooked from them: oatmeal, buckwheat, spelled, rye. Porridge was and remains a Russian national dish. It accompanies a person throughout his life: small children are fed semolina porridge cooked with milk, adults love buckwheat porridge.

Since time immemorial, fresh and sour dough has been known in Rus'. Carols, sochni, and later noodles, dumplings, and dumplings were made from simple unleavened dough. Black rye bread was baked from sour yeast dough, without which the Russian table is unthinkable to this day.

By the 10th century, wheat flour appeared, and the range of baked goods increased sharply; loaves, rolls, kovrigs, pies, pancakes, pancakes and other baked goods appeared.

Russian oatmeal, rye, and wheat jelly should also be considered among the most ancient foods. They are at least 1000 years old.

The story of how jelly saved the city is recorded in the chronicle known as “The Tale of Bygone Years.” This is what the chronicler Nestor told about. Nowadays, grain jelly is almost forgotten. They were replaced by starch-based berry jelly, which appeared almost 900 years later than cereals.

By the 10th century, turnips, cabbage, radishes, peas, and cucumbers were already common in Rus'. They were eaten raw, steamed, boiled, baked, salted, and pickled. Potatoes became widespread in Russia only in the 18th century, and tomatoes in the 19th century. Until the beginning of the 19th century, there were almost no salads in Russian cuisine. The first salads were made from one vegetable, so they were called cabbage, cucumber or potato salad. Later, the recipe for salads became more complicated, they began to be made from different vegetables, meat and fish were added, and new names appeared: “Spring”, “Health”. Liquid hot dishes, they were then called brew, or bread, appeared in Rus' also in the ancient period: first fish soup, cabbage soup, stews, chatterboxes, later borscht, pickles, then solyanka.

Among the drinks, kvass, honey, all kinds of decoctions from forest herbs, as well as sbitny were common. Spices, and in large quantities, have been consumed in Rus' since the 11th century. Russian and overseas merchants brought cloves, cinnamon, saffron, black pepper, and olive oil.

Tea first appeared in Russia in the 17th century. As for alcoholic drinks, in Ancient Rus' they drank low-alcohol ones - fermented honey and fermented berry juices.

Vodka was first brought to Russia in the 15th century, but then it was banned from import and reappeared under Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century.

The originality of the dishes of Russian national cuisine was determined not only by the set of products from which the food was prepared, but also by the peculiarities of their preparation in the Russian oven. Initially, Russian stoves were made without a chimney and heated “black”.

Later, stoves with pipes appeared, and then stoves began to be added to the stoves and ovens were built into them. In the Russian stove they cooked food, baked bread, brewed kvass and beer, and dried food supplies on the stove. The stove heated the home; old people and children slept on the stove.

The food cooked in a Russian oven had excellent taste. This was facilitated by the shape of the dishes, temperature conditions and uniform heating on all sides.

In the Russian oven, food was cooked in clay pots and cast iron pots. Both had a narrow neck, a small bottom and large convex sides. The narrow neck reduced evaporation and contact with air, thereby promoting better preservation of vitamins, nutrients and aromatic substances. Food in a Russian oven was cooked almost without boiling due to the fact that the temperature in the oven gradually decreased, because the oven was first heated and then cooked in it. Thus, the food in the Russian oven steamed more or, as they used to say, simmered.

The Russian stove, having served faithfully for at least 3,000 years, has now completely disappeared from urban life and is gradually leaving rural homes. It was replaced by gas and electric stoves, electric grills, and microwave ovens. Dishes cooked in the oven in ceramic dishes under a dough lid largely retain the taste and aroma of ancient Russian cuisine. In ancient times, the cuisine of the upper class was not much different from the cuisine of the common people. By the 17th century, the food of the royal family, as well as the privileged classes, became more and more sophisticated, differing not only in quantity, but also in composition and method of serving dishes. It should be noted, however, that this applied, first of all, to the festive, ceremonial table. During fasting days, the royal cuisine still retained its common folk features.

It should be noted that over the centuries, along with original dishes, much has been borrowed from neighbors.

The adoption of Christianity had a great influence on the entire Russian way of life, including Russian cuisine. With the spread of Christianity in Rus', there was a sharp division of the Russian table into Lenten and non-Lenten, that is, modest. Observance of fasts from 196 to 212 days led to a wide variety of flour, vegetable, mushroom and fish dishes. During fasts, it was forbidden to have too much fun, eat meat and dairy foods, eggs and sugar, and during strict fasts it was forbidden to eat fish. The Old Russian meat table was distinguished by the preparation of dishes from a whole carcass of a bird or animal, or a large piece of meat.

The turbulent events of the 20th century, which entailed population migration, the development and widespread introduction of mass media, and the emergence of a public catering system with unified “Collections of Recipes,” largely smoothed out regional characteristics, but to a certain extent also enriched the national Russian cuisine. Russian cuisine has come a long way in its development. Along this path there were periods of formation, improvement and prosperity, but there were also periods of decline, there were bright original finds, successful borrowings, but also offensive losses.


1.1 Characteristics of public canteen No. 1

Open-type dining room No. 1 is located in the Metallurgical district of the city of Chelyabinsk on Rumyantseva Street, 45. It is a service for the production of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special diets for various groups of the served contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists), as well as for the creation conditions for sale and consumption at the enterprise. Public canteen No. 1 operates to provide products of mass demand mainly to the population of the area and visitors. The canteen uses a self-service method for consumers with subsequent payment.

The dining room is decorated in Russian style. The dining room menu has an original design and is easily accessible. The dining room is equipped with dining furniture (tables and stools) with a coating that allows them to be processed using detergents and disinfectants. The dining room is provided with a sufficient amount of tableware and cutlery (based on at least two sets per person). seat). Porcelain and glassware (plates, cups, glasses) that meet safety requirements for materials in contact with food are used. Cutlery is made of stainless steel.

1.2 Organization of enterprise production

The essence of organizing production in canteen No. 1 is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of cooking. In accordance with the technological process of product release, production units are organized that form its production infrastructure.

The production infrastructure of an enterprise is understood as the composition of its production units: sections, departments, workshops, production facilities, the forms of their construction, location, and production connections.

According to the production structure, public canteen No. 1 belongs to an enterprise with a full production cycle, working on raw materials. Therefore, the workshop structure of the enterprise is organized in canteen No. 1.

Canteen shops are divided into cold, hot, meat and fish. There are several groups of premises:

1) Warehouse group - designed for short-term storage of raw materials and products in refrigerated chambers and uncooled storerooms with appropriate storage modes.

2) Production group - intended for processing products, raw materials, semi-finished products and production of finished products; The production group includes the main workshops: meat-fishing, cold, hot.

The meat and fish shop is designed for processing raw materials and manufacturing semi-finished products (preparing);

Hot shop - produces finished products, first and second courses, side dishes, sauces, drinks;

Cold shop - produces finished products, cold dishes and snacks, salads, drinks;

The production premises also include: washing kitchen and tableware, a service area, and a room for the production manager.

3) Trading group - designed to sell finished products and organize their consumption. Retail premises provide quick release of products and the creation of necessary amenities for visitors with maximum throughput of the enterprise. The trading group includes: sales area, wardrobe, toilet rooms.

4) Administrative and household group - designed to create normal working and rest conditions for enterprise employees: the director’s office, accounting, staff wardrobe with showers and bathrooms.

The director's office is located on the same floor as the sales area. The room has a connection to the production premises and a telephone.

The production manager's room is located near the kitchen block. There is a telephone, a desk, and chairs. The chef's room is located in the kitchen itself and is insulated with glass walls. This makes it possible to observe and control the work of all production personnel.

Sanitary facilities for personnel are used during personnel preparation for work and after completion of work. Wardrobes for storing work clothes are separated from wardrobes for storing home clothes.

1.3 Requirements for production premises of the canteen and organization of workplaces

The industrial premises of the canteen have a height of at least 3.5 meters. To paint the walls, adhesive paint in light colors was used. The panels are lined with 1.7 meter light ceramic tiles, which are easily exposed sanitization, the ceilings are whitewashed, the floors are covered with Metlakh tiles.

Lighting plays an important role in organizing workplaces. Therefore, in dining room No. 1, both natural and artificial lighting were used.

The air temperature in production premises does not exceed 16 - 180 C in the preparation rooms, and in the hot shop 22 - 250 C. Production premises are provided with powerful supply and exhaust ventilation. The kitchen and washroom are especially ventilated. Production premises are provided with cold and hot water and sewerage. Water is supplied to bathtubs, sinks, as well as to stoves, boilers and other equipment.

An employee’s workplace is a part of the workshop area on which the equipment, inventory, and tools necessary for the employee to perform certain operations of the technological process are concentrated. In public canteen No. 1, universal workplaces predominate, where the worker carries out several heterogeneous operations.

Utensils and equipment are selected in accordance with the standards of equipment and capacity of the enterprise. The dining room is provided with porcelain and crockery and cutlery in the quantity necessary to organize customer service. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for equipment, utensils, and tools are determined by SanPiN, according to which utensils, equipment and tools are made from materials that are harmless and safe for human health and the environment.

1.4 Retail premises of a public canteen

The retail premises of public canteen No. 1 include: a sales area with a distribution line. The group of retail premises also includes a cash register, a bread slicer, and utility rooms - washing tableware.

Visitors to public canteen No. 1 have the opportunity to take off their clothes, wash their hands, and fix their hair. Therefore, the dining room has a wardrobe and a toilet. There are mirrors in the lobby and restrooms.

The dining room wardrobe is located at the entrance. The number of seats in the wardrobe corresponds to the number of seats in the dining room during the period of the greatest influx of visitors. The wardrobe is equipped with metal double-sided sectional hangers with sliding brackets; they are the most hygienic and convenient for work. The distance between hangers is at least 70 cm. Hooks of hangers are located at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor. Bags and briefcases are placed in closets. When accepting items from visitors, the cloakroom attendant immediately hands them tokens and only then hangs up the clothes. When a visitor leaves the dining room, the coat is first served, then the headdress.

The toilet is located next to the wardrobe. There are high demands on their sanitary condition: impeccable cleanliness, good ventilation, bright lighting. The toilet is equipped with hot and cold water, toilet soap, electric drying towels and mirrors.

The sales area of ​​the dining room is the main room where visitors are served. The hall is also designed in the Russian style; there are both decorative elements and fresh flowers, which give a more calm and pleasant feeling to the visitor to dine or just relax.

1.5 Preparation for serving visitors in the dining room

The purpose of preparing the sales area of ​​the canteen for serving visitors is to create ideal cleanliness, comfort, and precise organization of service.

Preparation for service consists of daily cleaning of retail premises, arranging furniture, obtaining dishes, cutlery, table linen and table setting. Cleaning in retail premises is carried out in the morning and ends 1-2 hours before the opening of the enterprise.

When cleaning the premises, adhere to the established sanitary rules. Room cleaning: daily throughout the day, general cleaning 2 times a month. They wash furniture, refrigerators, windows, display cases. Cleaning is carried out in a certain sequence depending on the type of cleaning. First they sweep and then wipe off the dust for wet cleaning, and vice versa for dry cleaning. For cleaning, washing vacuum cleaners, dustpans, buckets, and brooms are used. Lighting fixtures - chandeliers, table lamps - require special care. Dust is carefully removed from them, burnt out light bulbs are replaced. The room should be well ventilated.

Particular attention is paid to the care of ornamental plants that decorate a modern trading floor: they are carefully watered and yellow leaves are trimmed.

The cleaning is completed, the production manager inspects the sales area in the dining room and gives further instructions on the arrangement of tables. During the day, if necessary, cleaning is carried out (current - with a dustpan and broom).

Tables are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, forming groups of zones, separated from one another by main passages at least 2 m wide and auxiliary passages 1.5-1.2 m wide. Each table is placed at such a distance from its neighbors that would ensure free passage visitors to it when the hall is fully loaded. Tables are not covered with tablecloths.

After arranging the furniture, the foreman, against receipt, receives the necessary dishes, cutlery, trays and places them in the hall on utility tables, with stacks of spoons and forks. When pre-serving, place salt, pepper, and a vase of flowers on the tables at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge. Napkins are an essential element when setting the table. In most dining rooms No. 1, paper napkins are used when setting tables and serving visitors, but linen ones are also allowed.

A folded table napkin is placed on the table for use by visitors and to decorate the table setting. There are many different forms of napkin folding known. But it should be remembered that the less hands touch the napkin, the more hygienic it is.

1.6 Serving visitors in the dining room

In public dining room No. 1, visitors are served independently. When entering the dining room, visitors first go to the cloakroom, take off their outerwear, and those who wish can wash their hands and clean up.

The self-service method consists of two stages: the sale of finished products and the organization of their consumption.

Careful preparation of the dispensing room for work, dispensing of finished products and settlements with visitors is carried out by service personnel: dispensing cooks and cashiers.

During the self-service process, visitors are given the opportunity to independently take cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and drinks, confectionery and other products, and cutlery from the dispenser (display window). Hot dishes are portioned by distributors immediately before the holiday.

Visitors place selected dishes on trays, move them to the payment center along the distribution line, and after payment they are transferred to the dining tables.

After eating food, visitors take their dirty dishes to the dishwasher themselves.

1.7 Banquet service

In public dining room No. 1, a tea banquet is organized, mainly for women. Banquet-tea is held in the afternoon from 16 to 18 hours. The banquet lasts no more than 2 hours.

In the center banquet hall They put round four-seater tables and chairs, and they also put one utility table along the wall for the waitresses. Use round colored tablecloths.

When setting tea tables, dessert plates and cutlery are used, followed by Madeira glasses with a capacity of 75 g, and fruit cutlery behind the glasses. Next to the dessert plates are dessert spoons, a fork or a spoon (depending on the dessert dish). Napkins are placed on dessert plates. Fruit plates are placed in stacks of 4-6 pieces, near bowls of fruit on both sides of it.

The banquet-tea menu consists of flour confectionery products (cakes, pastries, sweet pies, cookies), chocolates, sugar, cream. The banquet menu also includes a sweet dish - jelly, ice cream.

Guests are greeted by the hostess of the banquet. She invites them to the table, the waitresses help them sit down, paying the most attention to the older women. After making sure that all banquet participants are comfortably seated, the waitresses offer them sweet dishes and wines. Sweet dishes are served in bowls, which they place on the utility table on stand plates covered with paper napkins. Tea spoons are also placed here. The dish is served to each guest on the right with the right hand. You can place stand plates on the table, and place bowls from a tray in front of each guest on the right. Then hot drinks and confectionery are prepared for serving.

After this, used dishes are removed and clean dessert plates and cutlery are placed in front of each guest. Tea is served after placing hot cream, milk and lemon on the table.

Tea is served in pour-over teapots, along with tea cups, saucers, teaspoons and stirred on the edge of the tea table or separately on a side table.

Hot drinks in cups and saucers are placed on the table to the right of the dessert plates. When serving hot drinks, spoons are placed on a saucer in front of the cup with the handle to the right, and the handle of the cup is facing to the left of the guest.

The tea is poured by the waitress or the hostess of the celebration, but it is still the waitress who serves it.

If during a banquet tea is served from a samovar, then the tea is poured by the hostess of the banquet and offered to the guests. In this case, the waitress helps the hostess in serving tea to the guests, and also brings clean cups and a teapot with tea leaves. At the request of the hostess, the waitress can pour tea from the samovar and offer it to the guests.

After hot drinks are served, the waitresses offer guests cabernet and liqueurs. All these drinks at a tea banquet are usually served not in bottles, but in decanters.


2.1 Development of a production program, acceptance of an order

The production program of an enterprise is the assortment and number of dishes prepared per day, which are sold through the sales area.

The development of the enterprise’s production program is carried out in the following order:

1) Determination of the capacity of the trading floor, the number of consumers

2) Drawing up a billing day menu for the trading floor and for staff.

3) Calculation of the total number of dishes by group in the assortment, assortment and quantity of purchased products.

The development of the production program in public canteen No. 1 is carried out on the basis of current regulatory documents, the approximate range of products, Technical conditions, Technical instructions for semi-finished products and confectionery products. When determining the number of consumers according to the hall loading schedule, the main data is the operating mode of the enterprise halls; duration of food intake by one consumer; hall occupancy in %; according to the numbers of their work.

Development of a production program for the workshop.

Number of consumers:

where Nch is the total number of consumers, hour;

P - hall capacity;

tsch - turnover of seats in the hall within an hour;

Acceptance of an order for banquet service in public dining room No. 1 is accepted by the director, head of production. When placing an order, the date of service for the celebration, the number of participants, the start and end time of the service, a sample menu and the preliminary cost of the order are agreed upon with the customer. The banquet menu is compiled at the request of customers, depending on the capabilities of the enterprise. After agreeing on the menu, the customer pays 50% of the order cost, the cashier issues a cash receipt order and a receipt for it, which is handed to the customer. The order is registered in a special Order Book.

In the future, no later than two days before the start of the celebration, the production manager draws up an Order-invoice with the customer.

The order-invoice is issued in five copies, approved by the head of the enterprise and transferred to the cash desk. The cashier accepts the additional payment for the order from the customer, certifies the Order-invoice with his signature and puts a “paid” stamp. The first copy of the Order-invoice is transferred to the customer, the second remains with the cashier, then it is transferred to the accounting department, and the third, fourth, and fifth are sent respectively to the waiter foreman.

2.2 Calculation of the breakdown of dishes by assortment

The breakdown of dishes by assortment in a public canteen is made according to the standards given for the total number of cold, first, second, sweet courses, as well as for each coefficient separately. Before drawing up a menu plan, you need to refer to the range of dishes and drinks of the given enterprise. To break down dishes by assortment, you need approximate norms of food consumption per person for public canteen No. 1. The data from the table “Approximate assortment of dishes and drinks” is also taken into account when compiling the assortment.

The total number of dishes planned for release is determined by the formula:

where n is the number of dishes sold per day;

N is the number of consumers served;

t is the coefficient of food consumption by one consumer at public catering establishments of various types.

2.3 Menu plan, banquet menu of public dining room No. 1

In public canteen No. 1, a production program for the day is drawn up, based on the daily turnover plan.

Operational planning of production work includes several stages. The main stage of operational planning is drawing up a menu plan.

The menu plan is drawn up by the head of the canteen on the eve of the planned day and approved by the director of the enterprise. It contains the name, recipe numbers and quantity of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand. The main factors that must be taken into account when drawing up a menu include: the approximate range of products recommended for the production of a public canteen, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality.

An approximate assortment of dishes is a certain number of items of cold appetizers, hot appetizers, first and second courses, drinks typical for production in public canteen No. 1. When drawing up a menu plan, it is necessary to take into account the availability of raw materials in pantries and its seasonality. Dishes and snacks included in the menu should be varied both in the types of raw materials and in the methods of heat treatment, the qualification composition of workers, the production capacity and its equipment with commercial and technological equipment, as well as the labor intensity of the dishes, that is, the time spent on preparing a unit of product, are also taken into account . The director and production manager approve the menu plan and are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are available throughout the enterprise’s trading day.

Menu with free choice of dishes. A menu is a list of snacks, dishes, drinks, pastries available for sale on a given day, indicating the output and price. The menu must be signed by the director, production manager and calculator; in the public canteen a menu with a free choice of dishes is used. It represents a list of dishes recorded in a certain order, indicating the yield of dishes, side dishes and main products, and prices.

Calculation of the number of dishes: the total number of dishes is divided into separate groups and the intra-group distribution of dishes.

Branded snacks, dishes and drinks are divided into main groups when broken down. Calculation and number of places in publicly accessible public catering establishments, standards for calculating the network of public catering establishments.

Calculation of the required number of places at public catering establishments located in a residential area is carried out using the formula:

where Nzh.z. - population size living in the area, people;

Rn. - standard of places per 1000 inhabitants.

Rzh.z. = = 5784 (4)

The banquet menu is compiled taking into account the nature of the banquet and the time of the event. It differs from all other types of menus in that the customer takes an active part in its preparation.

Along with the menu in the dining room, a wine list is prepared for the banquet. The content of the wine list is directly related to the banquet held in public dining room No. 1.

2.4 Calculation of the number of production workers and waiters

The number of cooks in the hot and cold shops in public canteen No. 1 N, people, is calculated using time standards, according to the formula:

where n is the number of dishes (items); manufactured per day in hot or cold workshops, pcs., kg, dishes;

t - standard time for manufacturing a unit of product, s.;

T - duration of the working day, hours;

l - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity l = 1.14.

where K is the labor intensity coefficient.

100 is the standard time required to prepare a product whose labor intensity coefficient is 1, s.

The time standard is the time required to perform a certain operation or manufacture a unit of product under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Labor intensity coefficient - represents the ratio of the actual working time spent on preparing a particular dish to the time required to prepare the dish, taken as a unit of labor intensity.

Having calculated the number of production workers in the hot and cold shops of public canteen No. 1, we determine the total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days N2, calculated using the formula:

where a is a coefficient taking into account the weekend and holidays. We take into account that the operating hours of public canteen No. 1 are 7 days a week.

Waiters' calculations: serving the tea banquet is entrusted to waitresses to create a relaxed atmosphere. Let's take two waitresses for this banquet to serve 15 guests.

2.5 Work schedules for production workers and waiters of public canteen No. 1

A correctly developed and observed work and rest regime in public canteen No. 1 ensures an increase in worker productivity, an improvement in the quality of products significantly reduces occupational injuries, reduces the incidence of illness, and improves production standards. Physiologically it has been established that with an 11-hour working day, the lunch break should be set 3-4 hours after the start of work. The work and rest regime previously developed at the enterprise ensures increased labor productivity, improved quality of products, and reduced industrial injuries. In order to establish the work procedure in public canteen No. 1, a work schedule was drawn up. There are daily, monthly, and annual charts. Daily schedules reflect the length of the working day, its beginning and end, the time and duration of the lunch break. Monthly schedules indicate the total number of hours for the month, alternating working days and rest days.

In accordance with labor legislation, the working week lasts 40 hours. In public canteen No. 1, a line graph is used. With this schedule, 1 brigade is organized, with one composition. They work 7 hours a day. 20 minutes, five days a week with two days off. The advantage of the schedule is that the composition of the team is constant throughout the day, this increases the responsibility of workers for fulfilling the production task.

The waiters' working hours are set taking into account the production and trading activities of public canteen No. 1.

In public canteen No. 1, self-service is used, but during banquets, waiters are allocated from among the company’s employees.

2.6 Calculation and selection of mechanical equipment, thermal, refrigeration, auxiliary

Mechanical equipment in hot and cold shops is used to perform various operations - wiping, cutting. The determining parameters when calculating and selecting equipment are: the amount of product processed per shift, machine productivity.

Calculation and selection of mechanical equipment

where Q is the number of products processed per shift, kg;

Ty is the conditional operating time of the machine.

The conditional operating time of the machine ty, hours, is determined by the formula:

where T is the duration of the workshop, hours;

nv - conditional coefficient of use of mechanical equipment;

Based on production calculations according to current reference books, a wiping machine is selected that has a productivity close to the required one.

After this, the actual time of the machine tf h, and its utilization coefficient: nf are determined using the formulas:

where Q is the number of products processed per shift, in kg;

G is the productivity of the adopted wiping machine, kg/h;

T - duration of work of the workshop, hours.

Calculation and selection of thermal equipment

The calculation of the required volume of cooking equipment in public canteen No. 1 is carried out taking into account the timing of the sale of dishes, it includes determining the volume of the number of boilers for cooking soups, sauces, second hot courses, side dishes, sweet dishes, hot drinks. The number of servings sold during the billing period is established according to the food sales table. The number of servings that are prepared for the batch is taken according to the cooking schedule. For dishes that are prepared several times a day, the volume of the boilers is first calculated for the hours of maximum sales.

Calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking broths in public canteen No. 1, VK, dm3, is carried out according to the formula:

where Q is the amount of the main product for cooking the broth, kg;

W - water rate per 1 kg of the main product, dm3;

Q 2 - quantity of vegetables for cooking broth, kg;

k - boiler fill factor.

First, calculate how much of each type of broth needs to be prepared V, dm3, using the formula:

where n is the number of soups that are prepared for this broth;

q is the amount of broth per serving of soup, dm3.

We determine how much broth needs to be prepared: where, n - the number of soups that are prepared from this broth q - the amount of broth for 1 serving of soup, dm3.

Calculation of the volume of dishes for cooking side dishes and main courses

The estimated volume for cooking second hot dishes and side dishes is determined by the formula:

where, Vpr is the volume occupied by the product, dm3. ;

1.15 - coefficient taking into account excess liquid volume,

The total is:

1) Stovetop boiler made of solid drawn aluminum 40 l

stainless steel stovetop boiler 50l

stainless steel pan 6l

4) aluminum cylindrical pan 10 l

5) aluminum cylindrical pan 8l

6) aluminum cylindrical pan 10 l

Determination of boiler utilization factor. The boiler utilization factor nf is determined by the formula:

Calculation of frying pans for frying piece goods

Calculation of frying pans and deep fryers is made based on the area of ​​the bowl and its capacity. The basis for their calculation is the number of products or products sold in fried or stewed form.

For frying piece goods, the area of ​​the frying pan bowl F, m2, is calculated by the formula:

where n is the number of products fried during the estimated period, pcs.;

f - area occupied by a unit of products, m2;

c - turnover of the frying pan area for the maximum hour of the billing period, which is calculated using the formula:

where T is the duration of the billing period, minutes T = 60;

t is the duration of the heat treatment cycle, minutes.

The total area of ​​the bowl F total, m2, is calculated by the formula:

where 1.1 is a coefficient that takes into account the tightness of the products.

Calculation of the frying surface of the stove

The size of the required frying surface of the stove for public canteen No. 1 depends on the type of enterprise, the work schedule of the dining rooms and the degree to which the hot shop is equipped with other types of heating equipment. The plates are selected for the maximum loading hour, taking into account the required frying surface area. The total area of ​​the frying surface of the stove required for cooking products per maximum hour is calculated using the formula:

where, Fp is the calculated frying surface of the plate m3;

1.3 - coefficient that takes into account the tightness of the dishes;

n - the number of utensils required to prepare dishes of a certain type for the billing period;

f is the area occupied by the dishes on the frying surface of the stove, m2;

t - duration of heat treatment of products, min.

Calculation and selection of refrigeration equipment

The selection of refrigeration equipment is made based on the required capacity, which is usually calculated by the mass or volume of products to be simultaneously stored during the billing period.

Calculation of cabinet capacity E., kg, or V, dm3, is carried out according to the formula:

where Q is the quantity of products to be stored in the cabinet for the billing period, kg;

c - coefficient taking into account the mass of the dishes, 0.7-0.8.

Calculation and selection of auxiliary equipment

The calculation of production tables is based on the number of simultaneously working people in the workshop and the standard length of the workplace per employee.

The total length of the tables L, m, is determined by the formula:

where N is the number of cooks, people;

I is the length of the workplace for 1 employee, m.

For public canteen No. 1, in the hot shop:

in the cold shop:

The number of tables n is determined by the formula:

where L is the total length of workstations;

Lst - length of accepted standard production tables, m.

For a tea banquet we choose round four-seater tables. Since there are 15 guests, you need to take 4 such tables, one auxiliary table for the waitresses. Dimensions of round tables: diameter - 950 mm, height - 750 mm, dimensions of utility tables: width - 600 mm, height - 740 mm.

Round tablecloths are used. Their size is calculated: table diameter plus side slopes, 60 cm.

900+60+60=1020 mm.

The number of napkins for guests is calculated:

The number of napkins for waitresses is calculated according to the standards - three pieces per waiter:

The number of handbrake handles is calculated according to the standards - four pieces per waiter:

The number of towels is calculated according to the standards - two pieces per waiter:

2.7 Calculation of the area of ​​the enterprise and workshops

The area of ​​production premises is calculated using the formula:

where S total. - total area of ​​the workshop, m;

S floor - useful area of ​​the workshop occupied by equipment, m;

Ksp. - area utilization factor, 0.3-0.5.

Calculation of the area of ​​hot and cold shops in public canteen No. 1

Calculation of hot shop area:

Stotal = 18 / 0.3 = 60 m.

Calculation of the cold shop area:

Stotal = 5.7 / 0.3 = 19.5 m.


3.1 Standardization of catering products

Standardization of public catering products - activities to establish norms, rules and characteristics in order to ensure: the safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property; technical and information compatibility, as well as interchangeability of products; quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of science, technology and technology.

For a public catering enterprise, the “Procedure for the development, review and approval of enterprise standards (STP)” and the Temporary procedure for the development and approval of technical and technological maps for dishes and culinary products have been approved. (Letter of the Department for Regulation and Coordination of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1997 No. 23-310 “On regulatory documentation.”).

The procedure for the development, consideration and approval of STP standards was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation on July 6, 1997.

Enterprise standards are developed for culinary products prepared using non-traditional methods of cold and heat processing of food products, as well as new technical and technological processes. The construction, presentation and execution of enterprise standards must comply with GOST 1.5-92. Draft standards of the enterprise are coordinated with the sanitary and epidemiological service in whose territory the developer is located.

The enterprise standard is approved by the head of the enterprise. The validity period of the STP is determined by the enterprise approving the standard.

The technological process for preparing culinary products, contained in enterprise standards, must ensure compliance with the safety indicators and requirements established by current government regulations.

Enterprise standards must not violate the mandatory requirements of state standards. Responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the standards of business entities with mandatory requirements of state standards lies with the business entities that approved them.

Changes in enterprise standards are developed in the event of replacement, exclusion or introduction of additional requirements for the mode of preparation of products or the trade and technological process of providing public catering services.

The enterprise standard contains sections arranged in the following sequence:

1) name of the product (trade and technological process), scope of application;

2) a list of raw materials used for the manufacture of the dish (product);

3) requirements for the quality of raw materials;

4) standards for laying raw materials with gross and net weight, yield of semi-finished products and finished products;

5) technological process of product preparation and trade services;

6) requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage;

7) transportation;

8) packaging and labeling;

9) quality and safety indicators;

10) test methods;

11) environmental protection requirements;

12) information data on nutritional and energy value.

The Technical Committee for Standardization “Trade and Public Catering Services” (TK 347) is a public association of interested organizations, enterprises, representatives of federal subjects and municipalities - created in accordance with Order No. 426/467 of October 13, 1999 (lost force). Current order No. 3069 dated November 8, 2007.

In accordance with the order, the secretariat of TC 347 runs the department for standardization and certification of services of JSC VNIIS.

The Chairman of the TC is CEO JSC "VNIIS" V.G. Versan. Executive Secretary - Leading Researcher of the Department of Standardization and Certification of Services E.V. Kamenetskaya.

Within TC 347, 2 subcommittees were organized: PC 1 “Catering Services” and PC 2 “Trade Services”. TK 347 developed and approved the standards.

3.2 Processes that shape the quality of catering products

Diffusion. Washing, soaking, boiling and steaming expose food to water and may remove soluble substances. This process is called diffusion, and obeys Fix's law. According to this law, the rate of diffusion depends on the surface area of ​​the product. The larger it is, the faster diffusion occurs.

Osmosis. Osmosis is diffusion, where the movement of solvent molecules occurs in the presence of a semi-permeable partition. This partition in plant and animal cells is the membrane.

Swelling. Some dried jellies are capable of swelling - absorbing liquid, and their volume increases significantly. Swelling should be distinguished from the absorption of liquid by powdery or porous bodies without an increase in volume, although the two processes often occur simultaneously.

Swelling is either the purpose of processing (soaking dried mushrooms, vegetables, cereals, legumes, gelatin), or accompanies other processing methods (cooking cereals, pasta and other products).

Adhesion (from the Latin as Shaezyu) is the adhesion of the surface of two dissimilar bodies. In culinary practice, the phenomenon of adhesion manifests itself when frying semi-finished meat and fish products, that is, during frying, they stick to the frying surface, which is extremely undesirable.

3.3 Primary processing of products

Russian kitchen dining room industrial

Processing of products at public catering establishments is carried out in accordance with GOST R 50647-94.

Primary processing of vegetables consists of sequential technological operations: sorting, washing, cleaning and slicing.

Potato. During primary processing, potatoes are first sorted and then peeled in batch or continuous potato peelers. After which the vegetables are thoroughly washed and peeled.

Roots. Root crops are usually sorted by hand; They are used depending on the shape and brightness of color for various purposes.

Beets, turnips, small and medium-sized ones, and even short carrots are peeled in potato peelers, then trimmed with a grooved knife, and then washed thoroughly.

Cabbage. When processing white cabbage, the top contaminated leaves are removed, then the cabbage is washed. The stalks are cut out after cutting the head of cabbage into four parts.

Onion. When processing onions, the bottom is cut off, the onion is cleaned of dry scales and cut into rings, half rings, slices, and cubes.

Cucumbers. The vegetables are washed, the stalks and a thin layer of skin are cut off. In greenhouse and early ridge cucumbers, remove the stalk and the skin around it.

Tomatoes. The tomatoes are washed, sorted and the dense pulp along with the stalk is cut out.

Processing of fruits and berries: consists of: sorting, washing, cleaning and slicing. During sorting, foreign impurities, rotten and broken specimens are removed, and fruits and berries are distributed according to size and quality. Fruits and berries are washed by hand to remove any remaining soil and sand from their surface. Peeling and cutting of fruits and berries is done by hand.

GOST 1368-91 - Fish of all types of processing. Length and weight. This standard establishes the division of fish of all types of processing by length or weight.

Fish processing. Mechanical culinary processing of fish includes the following operations: cleaning from scales, removing the head, fins, humerus, gutting, washing, cutting and slicing semi-finished products.

Scales are removed from fish by hand or with mechanical scrapers. The cleaned fish is washed. After cleaning the fish from scales, the fins are removed (starting from the dorsal). They press the cut fin with a knife and, holding the fish by the tail, move it to the side, while the fin is easily removed. The head is removed along the contour of the gill covers. Afterwards the fish is gutted: not by cutting the belly, but by removing the entrails along with the head; cutting the abdomen from the head to the anus. The entrails are removed carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder. The internal cavity is cleaned of dark film. After gutting, the carcasses are thoroughly washed with cold water and dried on wire racks for 20-30 minutes.

GOST 18157-88. Slaughter products. This standard applies to boneless beef cuts and bones intended for sale in trade and public catering networks.

Primary meat processing consists of the following processes; thawing, washing, drying, culinary cutting, deboning, stripping, sorting, production of semi-finished products.

Carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters of meat are thawed in a chamber at a temperature of 0 to 6-8 ° C for 1-3 days or at 20-25 ° C for 12-24 hours. To avoid loss of nutrients, meat is not defrosted in water. After thawing, the mark is cut off, the meat is washed with water (20-30° C) using brushes, rinsed with cold water (12-15° C) and dried in air or with cloth napkins.

Beef processing: The beef side is divided along the contour of the last rib into a forequarter and a hindquarter. As a result of cutting and deboning the forequarter of the carcass, the following is obtained: shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder parts of the shoulder blade), neck part, thick edge, trim, brisket, subscapular part. The hindquarter is divided into the tenderloin, thin edge, hem, flank, inner, top, side and outer hindquarters. Parts of the pulp are cleared of films and tendons, resulting in large-piece semi-finished products: tenderloin, thick and thin edges, parts of the hind leg (upper, inner, side, outer), brisket, edge, shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder parts), subscapular part and cutlet meat (neck, flank, trimmings).

Pork processing: the pork half along the contour of the hind leg between the sacral and lumbar vertebrae is divided transversely into two parts: front and back. After cutting, you get: shoulder, neck, loin, brisket, ham. The resulting lashes are deboned (the meat is separated from the bones), stripped of films and tendons, and large-piece semi-finished products are separated: shoulder, ham (weighing up to 5 kg), neck flesh, loin (with rib bones), brisket (with rib bones), cutlet meat. The amount of waste during processing when processing pork is 13. The remaining food waste in the form of tendons, vertebral, rib and pelvic bones, and tubular bones of the limbs is used to prepare broths. The best are tubular bones. Before heat treatment, the cleaned bones are cut, and the heads of tubular bones are sawed off.


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    Characteristics of the canteen, requirements for it, structural divisions. Development of assortment and production program for the workshop. Calculation and selection of sheets, baking sheets, forms. Drawing up a layout of equipment in the workshop. Calculation of the number of employees.

    course work, added 02/26/2012

    Characteristics of the hot shop of the dietary canteen. Organization of the production program and technological process at the enterprise. Quality control of culinary products. Calculations of the number of consumers, dishes, equipment, area of ​​the hot shop.

    course work, added 09/28/2011

    Description of the hot and cold shops of a public catering establishment. Calculation of dining room capacity. Determining the number of dishes and drinks to be produced. Drawing up a menu plan for the enterprise. Selection of equipment and inventory.

    course work, added 06/21/2011

    An assortment of culinary products produced by a public canteen. Development of a one-day menu for the trading floor. Characteristics of signature dishes or products produced by the enterprise. Drawing up normative and technical documentation for dishes.

    course work, added 03/16/2015

    Characteristics of the restaurant "Moretti" with Italian cuisine, organization of production, requirements for production premises and workplaces. Preparing to serve visitors. Calculation and selection of equipment, product standardization.

    course work, added 12/04/2013

    general characteristics canteen at the university for 200 seats: requirements for assortment, interior design, lighting features. Organization of supplies for public catering establishments. The main algorithm for the operation of a hot shop. Warehousing and packaging facilities.

    course work, added 11/21/2012

    Characteristics of a public canteen. Determination of the number of consumers. Calculation of the total quantity of drinks and products. Drawing up food sales schedules. Calculation of the number of workshop workers, refrigeration equipment and non-mechanical equipment.

    course work, added 11/25/2011

    Development of organizational and technological processes of the enterprise. Determining the capacity of the dining room. Drawing up a loading schedule for the trading floor. Calculation of the number of dishes, culinary products, workshop area. Selection of mechanical equipment, tables.