Became popular a long time ago tourist area. This country is characterized by an interesting historical heritage and amazing natural beauty. Tours to South Korea have also become very popular among Russians. Valid for tourists from Russia visa-free regime in 2020.

Beautiful night panorama of the capital of South Korea - Seoul

rest in South Korea Popular among young people, families with children, and older people.

Russian citizens do not need a visa to South Korea. The corresponding resolution was adopted on January 1, 2014, after which Russians were able to visit the Republic of Korea without a visa. This applies to travel or visits to relatives for up to 2 months; you can read about this on the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The maximum period of stay on the territory of the Republic for Russians is 90 days in one half-year (180 days). However, during this time you can continuously stay in the country for no more than 60 days.

If you are planning a long stay in the country for the purpose of acquiring education or employment, you will need to obtain a long-term visa of the appropriate category.

See a detailed analysis of how to go through the customs declaration and fill out the Arrival Card upon arrival in the country.

What do you need to cross the border?

In order to travel to South Korea or visit relatives in 2020, you will need the following papers and documents:

  1. A foreign passport, the validity of the passport to enter Korea must be at least 6 months.
  2. Tickets back or to a third country.
  3. Confirmation of solvency for the period of visiting the country. That is, you need to have with you either a printout confirming your hotel reservation or a voucher from a tour operator. The Migration Service of the Republic of Korea is not too picky with tourists, and therefore does not require certificates from their place of work or bank statements.
  4. Migration card.
  5. Completed customs declaration.

Customs declaration to fill out when entering South Korea

These documents are quite enough to vacation in South Korea or go in transit through it to a third country, since there is a visa-free regime between Russia and South Korea. If the visitor has other goals that take more time to implement, then obtaining a visa is a mandatory procedure.

Long-term visa to South Korea

A long-term visa can be of several types. They are mainly divided into two broad categories:

  1. Long-term visa (D, E, H).

Let's look at each of these types of visas in more detail. We will also determine what papers are needed to obtain them, the procedure for registration, how long it will be valid, the duration and cost of the procedure.

Long-term visa (D, E, H)

Such visas are issued for a period of 3 months to 2 years with the possibility of extension (does not apply to E visas). In order to extend the validity of a visa, it is enough to contact the Immigration Service of the Republic of Korea.

Who is issued these visas:

  1. Students wishing to receive education in one of the educational institutions Republic of Korea.
  2. Master's and graduate students wishing to obtain the necessary scientific degree under the program of one of the universities in Korea or undergo a professional internship in the country.
  3. Those on a long business trip.
  4. Officially employed. This includes both the search for work by unqualified personnel and highly qualified specialists, executives, senior managers, and scientists.

Obtaining such a visa is mandatory for everyone who wants to stay in the country legally and get an official job. In order to do so, you must contact the embassy with a corresponding request, providing a certain package of documents. This will be discussed a little later.

Foreign National Entry Visa (F-4)

The F-4 visa is not available to all ethnic Koreans. Only the following foreign compatriots can apply for it:

  1. Qualified specialists who have carried out their professional activities in the Republic of Korea for 6 months or more.
  2. Masters, graduate students (and above) who received their academic degree (not lower than a master's) at one of the educational universities in South Korea.
  3. Highly qualified workers who have previously stayed for some time on the territory of the Republic of Korea without violating laws and visa regime countries.

Consulate of South Korea in Moscow at Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 12

In order to obtain any type of visa, you must contact the South Korean Embassy and submit an application and other documents for consideration.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a visa by invitation

For a period of more than 60 days, simply. The first thing that is necessary for this is that the party from Korea, who will act as your guarantor while you are on the territory of the state, submits a petition to the Immigration Service of the Republic of Korea.

The guarantor can be entity, for example, an employer or an individual - a relative or friend who is a citizen of the Republic of Korea or has permanent resident status.

After the guarantor submits the application, the applicant must submit to the visa department of the embassy a package consisting of the following documents:

It is worth noting that in some cases it is possible to obtain an electronic visa without specifically contacting the embassy for this. This applies to issuing visas E-1, E-3, E-5. Visas of these categories are issued online via the Internet.

The visa fee is paid in the same way. You must print your e-visa at the time of travel. This will ensure unhindered entry into the Republic of Korea and hassle-free stay in the country.

Are you planning a trip to Korea? Are you preparing for a long holiday? There are many things to take care of before you make travel plans and start packing your bags. Introducing Here are some of them for your attention.

First of all

For Togo To fully enjoy your time in Korea, you should go on a trip in a good mood. After all, Korea is far from a paradise and calm place where your Problems They will simply disappear as if by magic. There is a high probability that you will repeat the mistakes you make at home in Korea. So stop dreaming and start living.
It will pass Whether your holiday is wonderful or not is entirely up to you. Try to think clearly, understand and accept Korean culture.

Republic of Korea (South Korea) is a state in East Asia, located on the Korean Peninsula. Republic of Korea ranks southern part The Korean Peninsula, protruding 1,100 kilometers from the main part of Asia. From the west the peninsula is washed by The Yellow Sea, from the east - the Sea of ​​Japan, and from the south - the Korea Strait and the East China Sea.

Applying for a visa to Korea

For arrival V Southern Korea Foreign visitors must have a valid passport and obtain a Korean visa before entering the country. However, people from some countries can visit Korea temporarily without a visa. Additional For information on tourist, student and work visas, please visit the section Visas.


Many airlines with international routes regularly fly to Korea. Airlines Korean Air And Asiana Airlines also operate flights from various points around the world. Except In addition, low-cost airlines also fly here with the help of which you can save a lot.


Korean The currency is “won” (₩). The banknote denominations are ₩1000, ₩5000, ₩10000 and ₩50000, as well as ₩10, ₩50, ₩100 and ₩500 coins.

Money can be exchanged at banks, exchange service centers, or official currency exchange offices. Prices at banks vary, so it is better to choose other currency exchange institutions.

Important Please note that with the exception of Citibank bank accounts, only Korean bank accounts are reflected when accepting cash from ATMs in Korea.

ATMs(CD) are usually found in shops, subways, train stations, bus stations and shopping centers. When using international debit cards with the Plus and Cirrus logos, it is possible to access funds from international bank accounts through ATMs with the same logos.

Transfer from the airport and back

Exist various travel options between airports and settlements Korea.

Taxi: Despite the comfort, taxis are one of the most expensive types of transport. By information from the site international airport Incheon ( trip from Seoul to airport, lasting about an hour, costs approximately 44,000 won for a standard taxi and 80,000 won for a luxury taxi.

Buses: depart from Korean airports different kinds buses, including special ones airport transport, local buses, etc.

Car rent: Car rental is available in Korea for people with international driver's license ID. You can rent a car at the airport, large railway stations, and express bus stations.

Voltage and frequency

Voltage The power supply in Korea is 220 volts, 60 Hz. Plugs with two round pins are used. Depending on the voltage of your device and the shape of the plug, you may need converter voltage or adapter. Both can be purchased at discounted prices from centers like E-Mart and Home plus or electronic stores.

When crossing the border you must present the following documents:
international passport valid at the time of entry;
return tickets or tickets to a third country;
confirmation of sufficient Money for the entire period
stay in the country. If you have a hotel reservation (printouts from the Internet
enough) or border guards are rarely interested in a travel agency voucher
availability of financial resources from the tourist;
completed migration card and customs declaration
(issued on the plane, on the ferry or in the arrivals hall in front of the booths
passport control).

Culture and etiquette

to yours This is a brief introduction to etiquette and Korean culture that will help you better understand life in Korea.

Bow: Bowing is the most common form of greeting in Korea. Informal form of bowing reminds a nod, and a deep bow is considered the most polite greeting. Koreans sit cross-legged on the floor and bow deeply to the elderly.

The usual form of bowing consists of several stages:

Stand up right at a distance of 1-2 meters from the person you intend to bow to.
Take a bow from the small of your back while keeping your neck straight.
Straighten up.
Greet: “안녕하십니까”?

In order to feel natural, you must first practice this procedure. Bow And words: "안녕하십니까" ? – is liked by most Koreans as it conveys respect and modesty. It is also important to note that when speaking to elders, making eye contact is considered disrespectful.

Handshake: despite the increased number of handshakes in last years, it is not a traditional part of Korean culture. Shaking hands with a person of higher status or older yourself, when performing a slight bow, place your left hand on your right forearm. In the West, a very firm handshake is a sign of trust and respect, but if you do this in Korea, your new acquaintance may feel uncomfortable.

Respect for elders: Koreans have a reverent attitude towards age. Elders are treated with great respect. Young people always greet older people first. Guys call sisters or girls older girls - "Nuna", and younger girls - "Unni". "Hyung" is an older brother or a grown man for boys, and "Oppa" is for girls. If a person is over forty or if there are 10 summer age difference, then such men are called “Azhussi”, and women are called “Azhuma”.

Language of the body: Touching someone who is not a relative or close friend is considered a violation of personal space among Koreans. When communicating, try to avoid touching and patting. Always pass and receive objects with your right hand (wrist or forearm should be supported with the left) or two hands. To call someone over, you need to extend your hand, palm down, and make “scratching movements” with your fingers. And never guide your index finger. When sitting, do not cross your legs. Keep your feet on the floor, not on your desk or chair.

Attachment: girlfriends and women who are relatives of each other can be recognized by the way they walk holding hands, which is a symbol of close relationships. Close friends relationship among men, are also expressed in a tendency to show less personal space towards each other, in comparison with how it is customary in the West. A close connection is demonstrated through friendly gestures. However, hugs are used less frequently as a greeting among Koreans than in Europe. Kissing and other intimate expressions of love in in public places- unacceptable.

Public transport: There are special seats at the end of subway cars and at the front of buses intended for the elderly, disabled and pregnant women. If everything busy, then it is customary for these persons to give up their seats in another part of the transport. Elderly people often categorically refuse such an offer, but the person who gives in, as a rule, insists on his own. If there is one free seat, Korean women are more likely to allow their companions - men sit, but they prefer to ride standing. Those sitting are expected to hold the bags of their companions.

Lavatory/toilet: Not all public places (bars, restaurants, etc.) have restrooms, but some use a public restroom inside the building. It is advisable to always carry napkins with you, as All restrooms can provide them. In some stations and other public places you may find Asian style toilets where the user is required to "squat" and throwing away Used napkins into specially designed containers. Most restaurants and cafes such as Outback Steakhouse, McDonald's, Coffee Bean, Tea Leaf, Starbucks have Western-style restrooms.

Street: Koreans usually walk on the left side of the sidewalk, opposite the flow of traffic. It's not often that you come across pedestrians walking and eating food at the same time. In many areas Can meet places that sell various snacks and light meals. However, it is customary to eat on the spot, standing in front of the counter. Don't forget that cars drive on the right in Korea. And on the sidewalks, delivery men on scooters periodically appear as if out of nowhere, so be vigilant!

Safety and security

South Korea is a relatively safe country. Until late at night as in big cities, and in rural areas, you can meet people on the street.

You can bring your pets

For that, to Bringing your pets requires a quarantine or rabies vaccination certificate issued by veterinary clinic or your government. In addition, with a certificate of quarantine you must contact the National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service.

Korea is one of the most safe countries in the world: no large number of thefts, no drug addicts, no robberies, and public morality is so developed and strong that it is almost impossible to hear rudeness addressed to you.

If you decide to go to South Korea, namely in, decide on specific dates in advance, because the cost of the flight will depend on them, and not on how far in advance you buy plane tickets. The cheapest tickets to South Korea are, and.

If we talk about transport in Seoul, then to rent a car you will need an international license book - Russian plastic is not suitable. All public transport and orange taxi (state) is paid for by the T-money system - a plastic card on which money is deposited through the terminal.

Everything is like in Russia - you put your card on the turnstile, it tells you the remaining balance, and you move on.

The subway is quiet and calm inside the cars, but no one waits for people to get off and gets on right away, so be prepared to jostle a lot and for a long time. If you live in Moscow and think that this will not surprise you, you are mistaken, in Korea everything is much tougher.

There are corrugated paths in the subway and on the streets yellow color- guidelines for the blind. In Seoul, everything is quite well equipped for people with disabilities, so if you or your relatives were afraid to face the problem of the inability of Korean streets, then feel free to brush aside all fears.

Money. You shouldn't count on credit cards - they are accepted, but rarely and reluctantly: Koreans really love cash. Therefore, exchange part of the money immediately at the airport, and the rest in banks. When you go to stores, pay attention to the price tags. If they are not there, the price of the product is most likely greatly inflated, and you will not be able to negotiate.

If you smoke, take a supply of cigarettes with you because Koreans hardly smoke and it can be difficult to buy cigarettes.

Before the trip, you need to remember about the traditional greeting - you need to bow slightly. Koreans also prefer to bow rather than say “thank you” as a form of gratitude. Direct eye contact, by the way, can be regarded as a threat and disrespect. You can also shake hands, but there is a special ritual in this too: both the right and left hands are presented and shaken, although preference is given to the right - the left hand is placed under the right. If this rule is not followed, the impression will be that you are a very uncultured person and far from polite.

If it turns out that you will be drinking with one of the Koreans, you should never fill your glass - pour it for others, not for yourself.

Since we're talking about alcohol, it's worth mentioning food. The meal cannot begin until the oldest person in age sits down at the table. When choosing food, don't think that in Seoul they cook only dogs and insects, you can find completely normal European cuisine there, but the food is often spicier than we are used to. Also, not all cafes and restaurants offer tea, but they always bring water for free. But be prepared for the fact that in some restaurants and cafes they wash plates right on the road, and you watch all this.

A tourist can stay in Korea without obtaining a visa for a maximum of two months. In 2020, the price of such a visa was $125 if you had a hotel reservation, and $195 if you did not have a reservation. The visa processing time is 7 working days. The price increases for urgent visa processing within 3 days.

Itaewon Foreigners Street in South Korea

If you want to stay for a longer period, Korea requires you to register with the local migration service. For longer stays additional permits are required.

There is a visa type F-2, which is the essence of a residence permit in a form that is quite familiar to us. It turns out in several ways. The simplest is to enter into a marriage with a Korean citizen: to obtain a residence permit, you must submit certain documents, including a marriage certificate.

Sample visa to visit South Korea

For the first time, the right to long-term stay in the country is issued for three years. After the expiration of the established period, it is necessary to determine whether to extend this visa or immediately apply for an F-5 visa, which is permanent residence.

Another option for obtaining a residence permit in 2020 is quite vague - a residence permit is granted to foreigners who have lived in Korea for quite a long time and have made a significant contribution to the life of the country.

This path can be called difficult due to the fact that there are no clear criteria by which to evaluate the contribution to the development of the country.

Another method, not widespread, but still a good option. We are talking about “professional migration” or residence permit for specialists. The F-2 visa can be issued to foreigners living and working in Korea on a specific visa type (engineers, master's students, professors, etc.). To apply for a residence permit, you just need to score the required number of points out of the maximum - 120. The minimum threshold is 80 points.

This is what an ID card looks like in South Korea

No one gives a guarantee of obtaining a residence permit, but if you pass the minimum threshold, the chances increase. If you still receive this type of visa, then you will be issued an F-5 visa, which provides the opportunity to live in the country. After a certain time, you can. The advantage of this method is that a professional who has received an F-2 visa can bring his family to Korea using the same visa.
After a year, the visa can be extended, but it is important to show that the company is profitable and provides jobs for Koreans. Otherwise, there is a high probability of visa refusal.
The advantage of this method is that in 2020 the market in the country is not saturated and there is no need to open extremely expensive production facilities; you can open, for example, an inexpensive restaurant.

Thanks to a number of new agreements recently concluded between South Korea and the Russian Federation, A visa to Korea for Russians in 2020 will not be required if the period of stay does not exceed sixty days, the purpose of the visit can be any.

For a longer visit, an entry visa is obtained in advance at the South Korean Embassy or at the Consulates located in the cities of St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Irkutsk. Also, travel agencies accredited at the Embassy have the right to issue a Korean visa.

The Republic of Korea is one of the four "Asian Tigers" - the most economically developed countries region.

Requirement for a Korean visa

For Russians who plan to visit the state for the purpose of tourism, a private visit (to friends or family, for other personal purposes), a business trip, transit, a visa to South Korea will not be required if their stay is short. That is, the rules of a visa-free regime apply when, when crossing the border, the corresponding entry stamp is simply placed in the foreign passport. If you are planning a long visit, study, work or long-term treatment, then an application for a visa to South Korea must be submitted in advance in Russia.

It should be remembered that South Korea and North Korea are two different states that are still in a state of military conflict (a peace treaty has not been signed between them). Visa legislation North Korea differs significantly from the regime of its southern neighbor. It is not easy to get into North Korea, and if it is possible, then severe restrictions are imposed on the movements of a foreigner. Do you need a visa to North Korea or not? There is a clear answer to this question: yes, you do. This issue will be discussed further.

Visa-free entry

South Korea is becoming more and more attractive tourist destination for Russians, especially for those who live in Southern Siberia or Far East. For example, residents of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky have a much shorter flight time to Seoul than to Moscow. Moreover, many Russian companies have business ties with South Korean partners, who in turn have economic interests in the Russian Federation.

To simplify bureaucratic procedures, it was introduced mutual visa-free regime crossing the border. Now you don’t need to worry about whether you need a visa to South Korea for short-term visits and calmly get ready for your trip - the borders are open.

Documents for visa-free entry

To cross the border freely, a citizen of the Russian Federation will need to present only a few documents:

  1. A current passport that is valid for another six months ( the report starts from the moment you enter the state, and not from the moment of departure, as in many other states);
  2. A pre-filled migration card, which is issued on board the plane (or other transport by which the passenger arrives in the state);
  3. Customs declaration (even if there is nothing to declare, this document still needs to be filled out);
  4. Return tickets from South Korea for any transport (these can be either air tickets or ship tickets), or travel documents to a third country if the foreigner is traveling in transit;
  5. Confirmation of the availability of money for a stay in South Korea, or confirmation of solvency (a paid hotel reservation, a printout from a bank account, with credit card, operating in the state, cash, etc.).
Korean border guards are not very picky about Russian citizens; they do not conduct a thorough search and study of documents. Often the procedure is quick and formal, the process takes a few minutes.

Migration card

This is a small form in which personal information about the arrival, his address for the time of his stay in South Korea, and passport details are entered. It’s easy to fill out; if you have any questions or difficulties, you can contact the flight attendant (on the plane) or the staff border service at the airport.

Customs declaration

Completing this form will require some knowledge of English language. All columns must be marked with an “X” if the traveler does not bring with him:

  • Animals;
  • Plants;
  • Any goods for sale;
  • Weapon;
  • Money of more than 10,000 US dollars (or 10,000 Korean won);
  • Other items prohibited for import.
If you have any difficulties filling out the declaration, you should ask the aircraft or ship personnel for help. If such an opportunity is not given, then you can turn to a compatriot or a foreigner who speaks English.

Traveling with children

The rules also apply to children visa-free entry. In order for a minor child to be able to safely enter the country, his parents only need a birth certificate (the requirement is not mandatory, but it is better to take it with you)

A child traveling accompanied by one parent needs a power of attorney authorizing his or her removal from the country from the other parent. The same rule applies to official guardians.

If a long-term visa to Korea is required for a child, it is obtained according to the same rules as for adults.

Types of entry visas to Korea

If the purpose of your trip to South Korea requires a stay of long term(for example, contract work or study), then the question of whether a visa to Korea is needed is not necessary - it must be obtained in advance at the South Korean Embassy or at the country's Consulates. Visas are assigned different categories depending on the purpose and duration of stay: D, E, H, F-4.

Work visa (D, E, H)

South Korea is a developed country with enough strong economy, progressive innovations and many practical areas that move science. That is why a work visa to Korea for Russians in 2020 may be available only to those professional specialists who have high qualifications, in-demand knowledge and relevant experience. Competent managers and specialists can also apply for employment in South Korea (and therefore for the appropriate level of pay).

It should be remembered that the country has its own candidates for vacant positions, but if a Korean employer still wants to hire a foreigner, then he has the right to do so.

A work visa to Korea is obtained not only on the basis of an official invitation from the employer company, it can also be obtained by submitting an application to the Embassy (in this case without yet having an employment contract). This option is more complicated, but it can also be implemented.

Student visa (D, E, H)

Such a document will be required for students who want to study in South Korea. There is a list of Universities that have the right to accept foreign students for study. It can be viewed on the website of the Korean Embassy (it is updated periodically).

Foreign National Visa (F-4)

This visa is intended for Koreans who permanently live in other countries, but not everyone is eligible for such a document. Only highly qualified workers, master's and graduate students with an academic degree, or employees of South Korean companies who have previously worked in the country and have shown themselves to be good can receive this type of visa.

Research Visa (E-1, E-3, E-5)

Such a visa will be required for a narrow circle of people who conduct scientific research or conduct any research activities. This type of visa is easiest to obtain if you justify the purpose of your visit to the Embassy. You can find out more about the possibility of obtaining a document on the website of the Korean representative office.

A Korean visa for researchers can be applied for online; in this case, in response to the request, an electronic document is sent (if the visa is approved), which must be shown at passport control.

Features of long-term visas

To be able to obtain a long-term visa to South Korea, you need to provide confirmation that a Russian citizen has a guarantor on the territory of this state. They can be either an employing company (in the case of a work visa) or a private individual (friend, relative) who is a citizen or resident of South Korea.

The guarantor submits an application to the Immigration Service, after which the visa applicant is allowed to submit papers to the Consular Section of the Embassy (Consulate) in Moscow or other cities.

Documents for a long-term visa

List necessary documents for a long-term visa to South Korea is not very large. You will need to provide:

  1. Questionnaire completed in English and Korean(two copies of the form - one in English, the other in Korean);
  2. A foreign passport, which must be valid for another six months (these 6 months are counted from the moment of leaving the country), with free space for a visa;
  3. A copy of the passport page with personal data and photograph;
  4. If you have an old passport with Schengen visas, as well as visas from Canada, the USA, Japan, Australia, then you will need a copy of it;
  5. Photo size 35 by 45 mm with standard parameters on a light background, the size of the head should occupy 80% of the photo;
  6. Invitation from an employer/individual/university.

No hotel or other accommodation reservations are required..

Sample of a completed application form for a visa to the Republic of Korea

Application procedure

The applicant can bring the necessary documents personally to the South Korean mission, or send them from any place (region) in Russia using the Pony Express service.

After submitting the papers, you just need to wait for the decision. Korean immigration law does not require financial information, employment certificates, or bank statements. In this sense, it is quite loyal to the Russians.

Visa validity periods

Any visa to South Korea for Russians has its own validity period. After this period, there is a convenient possibility to extend the document.

Extension of a visa

If your Korean visa has expired, it can be extended without leaving the country. All documents except visa categories E-1, E-3, E-5 are subject to this rule. Extension issues are handled by the Immigration Service of the Republic of Korea.


Each visa to Korea has its own price; the current amounts are shown in the table below.

If documents are sent via Pony Express, then the price of services upon delivery.

Registration period

Obtaining a long-term visa to Korea for Russians will take from 10 days to 4 weeks, depending on the completeness of the package of necessary documents.

Visa to North Korea

You can get a visa to North Korea in two cases: if you go in a group organized tour or as an individual tourist with a professional Korean guide. A foreigner is not given the right to move within the country.

If a foreigner wants to visit North Korea, it will not be easy to obtain a visa; it is generally impossible to do it on your own. The country continues to build communism under the leadership of the permanent ruling Kim clan, which has established a total dictatorship on the territory of the state. In order not to shake the foundations of its power, the leadership limits the entry of foreigners as much as possible.

In the case of a group tour, the visa is issued by a tour operator that is officially recognized by the North Korean authorities. If you are planning an individual trip, then it can also be done only with a tour operator, who in this case will act as an applicant for a visa to North Korea.

The visa application is processed for a month, and a regular tourist form must be filled out in 3 languages: Russian, Korean and English. The North Korean Embassy in the Russian Federation does not even have a website, so it is impossible to see any more or less correct examples or tips, from which the conclusion is drawn that if such barriers exist, most likely in North Korea independent tourists are not welcome, the visit is only possible through an approved tour operator.


South Korea is of great interest among tourists from Russia. The country has everything - and beach holiday, and megacities, and natural attractions. The simplified entry regime, which has become possible since 2014, eliminates many formalities and waste of extra time when planning a trip. Russians who wish to go on holiday (or with other people) to this country need to remember the following main points:

  • Now you don't have to worry about whether you need a visa to Korea for a short stay. tourist trip– according to the new legislation, a stay of 2 months is allowed without first obtaining an entry document at the Embassy;
  • Korean authorities are loyal to Russian tourists, to travel to the country you do not need to collect an endless list of documents to confirm your intentions or connection with your homeland;
  • Unlike some countries (primarily the Schengen area), the immigration visa service does not consider every person arriving from another country as a potential illegal immigrant, so reviewing documents at the border is a rather formal procedure, but nevertheless full list You must always have documents with you;
  • When visiting North Korea, you need to take into account the peculiarities of this country: you cannot use a mobile phone, the Internet, move without a guide, or scold the current leader Kim Jong-un (or his relatives).