Vacation is approaching? Serpentines, mountains, sea and descriptions of attractions - just for this alone it’s worth traveling south by car or traveling around Russia or Europe!

This site presents best photos reports on road trips and adventures, interesting stories, stage reports, city information, route information and trip reports.

  • Additionally: stories of car owners.

Having decided one day to travel by car with my parents, it was decided to visit European capital beauty and fashion, love and romance - the legendary Paris. The path ahead was not easy - 3000 km: Donetsk - Paris.

Transshipment points were planned in Poland, Hungary and Germany. Despite the fact that there were two drivers among us, we really wanted to relax and admire the sights of the countries we were passing through.

We flew to Stockholm with a large group. It wouldn’t fit in a regular passenger car, so to get to the final destination, the polar towns of Piteå and Luleå, it was necessary to rent a minibus. There are several car rental offices at Arlando Airport, but there were no cars with the required passenger capacity available.

I had to turn to my Swedish comrades. They helped and ordered Renault rental for us for 270 euros per day. Compared to the price lists of other companies, it is relatively inexpensive, especially since we paid together. Each of the 9 people in our company had to pay 1,200 Swedish kronor, which is equal to 120 euros, for four days of rent.

Every year, at the end of summer, our whole family rushes to the shrines of Kaluga land. But now the children have grown up, the youngest is studying at a medical university, so the crew of our car has decreased. But the start day has arrived.

Photo No. 1. We packed up in the evening and decided not to leave early. We travel our route over 2 days. We always stop by the city of Zadonsk. Here is one of the holiest places Lipetsk region. The Monastery of Tikhon of Zadonsk is probably known to every believer. Therefore, we leave at 8 am.

The time has come for the chicks to fly out of the nest. This year, my daughter graduated from school and successfully entered Volgograd Medical University. We urgently needed to take the documents to the admissions office, and we set off on our first trip to the hero city of Volgograd.

The distance according to the navigator is 547 km. After looking at the information about the quality of roads and traffic jams, we decide to leave early in the morning. Our task is to arrive before 15-00. At our beloved Gazprom, we fill up with 95-octane gasoline, run into a traffic jam, and hit the road at 8 a.m. The road to Chaltyr is easy. The track, although single-lane, is wide. We move at the maximum permissible speed of 109 km/h.

Auto Travel September 14, 2015

Introduction: The main purpose of the trip was to capture in early spring three natural object: Lake Baskunchak, Mount Elbrus and the Terek River. Travel time: March.

The idea of ​​the trip is to see the French province and coast, to look into previously unexplored corners of Europe. This is already the 6th trip to Europe in my car. Of course, the wow effect has long worn off. Especially after last year’s trip to the happiest countries of the world (Norway-Iceland). Therefore, I wanted a little bit of everything - nature, rural roads (away from the highways), small towns and castles.

Once our faithful friends told us: “Oh, you know, we have a dream to ride a camper. Would you like to join? We took up this idea with great pleasure. We immediately went through several places we would like to visit and settled on Karelia. What not amazing place? And for the next six months we had a common dream.

Well, well, I’ll try myself as a narrator on this forum, especially since I think that I have the right to do so, since since the late 80s of the last century I have driven cars of different stripes (from used “Germans” to our “okushechki”, which I was on 3 times in Sochi alone) more than one hundred thousand kilometers along the roads of Europe, the Soviet Union, the CIS and Russia (Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Crimea, all Black Sea coast Krasnodar region and dozens of cities and regions of our vast Motherland).

The trip took place in the summer of 2015. After two small trips to Kazakhstan in 2013 and along Lake Baikal in 2014. Descriptions of the first two routes were not long in coming and were posted on Drome immediately after our return. And this 50-day route required great inspiration, a visit to the muse and a lot of free time. Therefore, some points present here are no longer relevant, please do not judge strictly, especially since some things (for example, prices) can be compared with current ones.

For me this trip was quite spontaneous. The customer for whom we built this motorhome two years ago called and offered to accompany him on a trip to Altai. The action plan included 2 main points: Visit South coast Lake Teletskoye. Get to the Ukok plateau. The main character and home for the next 3 weeks is the Mercedes-Benz Zetros 2733 motorhome.

At the end of winter you always want to warm up, you just have to choose an option according to your budget, interests and time. Well, with tickets, of course. The choice fell on Southeast Asia. We've already been to Thailand, Bali is expensive - we were lured in by stories about cheap Vietnam. This means there is a basic goal. It remains to decide on the specifics. But there are typical problems with this - you want more of everything, and different things, and not to be on the move all the time. And then the thought popped into my head - it’s still in those parts - why not look at Ankgor Wat, since it’s still nearby? We sat down to connect transfers, accommodation, tickets. They almost killed each other, but everything worked out and this is the route that emerged.

Back in 2013, when we were young and self-confident, I suddenly wanted to go to mountain hike. I drove past the North Chuisky ridge in the Kurai steppe and realized that it was necessary. Upon arrival home, I started looking for information about routes available to conquerors with zero level of training, and here it is - Three Lakes Dome, 1B, just what I needed. Judging by the descriptions of other travelers - a short walk to warm up before serious peaks - it’s suitable, turn it around. What do people have in the photos - backpacks, boots, helmets - ok, let's go to the store, buy backpacks, boots, helmets, this is too much, a stone definitely won't hit me, that's it - now I'm definitely a Conqueror. They also, of course, recommend good physical preparation, but, alas, I have work to do and I have no time.

Are you planning to go on a road trip for the first time? Or have you already conquered more than one thousand trails and roads in your car? In any case, the “Road Travel” section will help you avoid a lot of problems and prepare you for many surprises along the way. Preparing for a trip by car is a serious matter, so here you will learn about the capacity of various cars and their behavior on a long trip. We talk about what obstacles you may encounter on a road trip around Russia, how the car reacts to the peculiarities of Russian roads, as well as about the sights and interesting places that come our way. If you are planning a road trip around Europe, you will also find a lot of interesting things here. The road trip reports of our correspondents contain photographs taken along the way and useful tips for those who love independent travel by car.

showing 1 - 1 0 of 1 3 9 road trips

  • Mitsubishi Pajero Sport - "Good warmth"

    Do you know what the Mitsubishi Pajero Sport and alpacas – amazing animals that live high in the mountains – have in common? South America? Let’s share a secret: the first one helped us get acquainted with the second ones and learn a lot of interesting and very useful things about them

  • Audi A6 - "Tandem for fun"

    Getting joy from life and from everything that surrounds us is in some way an art, especially when it is possible in ordinary everyday activities. But, if you travel in the new Audi A6 in Spain, it’s easy to become a hedonist - the car and the country are simply created for pleasure

  • Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross - "Time Machine"

    Classic and modern – can they be organically combined? In search of an answer to this question, we took a Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross and went to the stronghold of domestic crafts - the Museum of the History of Russian Shawls in Pavlovsky Posad

  • Skoda Octavia - "Likes for... station wagon"

    The traditional rating system is no longer popular - today many things are measured by the number of likes. We also decided to join the modern trend, and as a testing ground for the Skoda Octavia Combi we chose the border of Moscow and Vladimir regions

  • January 18, 2019

    Mitsubishi L200 -
    "Notes of a Naturalist"

    Animal world always attracts, and exotic birds and animals - especially. That is why we, in the company of a Mitsubishi L200 pickup truck, went to the border of the Moscow and Kaluga regions to the Sparrows Bird Park.

  • January 03, 2019

    Land Rover Discovery -

    While traveling in a Land Rover Discovery along the Pamir Highway, we didn’t encounter much off-road conditions. But, perhaps, this was the most difficult route of all the past expeditions within the framework of the “Discovering Russia” and “Time of New Discoveries” projects.

  • Jaguar E-Pace, Jaguar F-Pace - "Cat Breed"

    The mountain serpentines and broken asphalt of Romania were perfect for testing Jaguar brand crossovers - E-Pace and F-Pace. Both cars showed themselves to be real “predators”

  • Skoda Kodiaq - "Bear Path"

    Classic holidays in Altai include fishing, hunting, horse riding and river rafting. We have added a trip in Skoda cars to this list, using the top-end version of the Kodiaq mid-size crossover, released in Nizhny Novgorod

Road trips

Road trips and adventures

In general, it happened a long time ago, back in 2016. The North has always attracted me with its brutal nature and unique culture. Thoughts about a trip somewhere more northern have been cultivated for a long time. One day I got together with a friend (to celebrate something) and decided to move somewhere to the North. At that time, I had already been to Karelia (I traveled to Belomorsk), so I needed another location. Time was limited as always (9 days off for May holidays), so in terms of time/distance ratio, the Arkhangelsk region was optimally suited. In addition, the Arkhangelsk region is a real treasure trove of monuments of wooden architecture, which attracts all sorts of lovers of everything Northern (like us). That's what we decided.

By chance, several years ago my family and I moved from the city of military glory, Khabarovsk, to the hero city of St. Petersburg. And again the road began to beckon, especially since here, as on Far East, there is a place to walk horses and unwind. Once again looking at the western part of the map of our vast Motherland, my gaze fell on Kola Peninsula

What do you know about Kolyma? I think most will name: camps, cold, hordes of midges and herds of bears right on the road. Oh yes, herds of bears are right on the road, which can only be driven by a tractor. I’m exaggerating, of course, but when people learned that we were going to Magadan, they said in all seriousness: “There are no roads there!”, “There are bears climbing out there today.” Etc. But that couldn't stop us.

The idea for this trip originated much in advance, back at the end of 2017. In general, my wife and I really love various trips, but the birth of three children made us very sedentary people for a long time. But the children grew up, we waited, dreamed, selected options and finally decided.

I have a drop of Polish blood in me. And when I retired, I decided to sort out some family issues. In particular, to find the mass grave of his grandfather, the commander of an anti-tank fighter division, who died on Christmas night 1944 in Belarus (which was done), and at the same time figure out his ancestry.

I prepared thoroughly for the trip, monitoring the opening hours and prices of everything that interested me, and drawing up something like a daily schedule. The trip plan is as follows: Late evening start from NN - arrival in St. Petersburg, cultural education 7 days - lunch start from St. Petersburg - overnight in Cherepovets - early start from Cherepovets and to the village with a stop and a walk around Yaroslavl, with a stop in Ivanovo and a quick run through Textiles Pro - 5 days rest in the countryside and then back to work.

The only thing I was afraid of was a mudslide on the Georgian Military Road (like in 2016). In case of bad weather conditions and a closed border, I prepared a plan B and even a plan C. One was to go to Georgia through Azerbaijan. The second plan was to stay in the Caucasus: Elbrus - Dombay - Grozny - Makhachkala - Derbent (Caspian Sea). In any case, we got mountains + sea. But I really wanted Georgia.

We decided to take a risk and did not regret it at all, without incidents on the road (thank God), despite the age of the car (31 years). The traffic cops didn’t stop, but they looked at us))). In Gelendzhik we went to the mountains, the nature was crazy, we drank from a mountain stream. We rode to Abrau-Durso via Novorossiysk, and of course it’s just like tourist centre- everything is well maintained, clean and very very beautiful. We went to Dzhubga - a garbage dump, the beach is dirty, Shanghai in a word, but for some reason the people are rushing. Novomikhailovsky is like the complete opposite of Dzhubga. In general, we drove along the coast. Then they rushed to their grandmother in the village of Kubansky (Novopokrovsky district), ate their belly full of melons, stayed for a while, helped as much as they could and drove to Tyumen. By the way, I advise everyone who will be near Volgograd to go through the village of Kotelnikovo - the fish there is simply gorgeous, with different smoked varieties. In Tyumen we slept for three days and in Nizhnevartovsk, there we transformed our beast a little (we refreshed the paint), stayed with our parents and returned to Tyumen. This is how my wife and I spent a busy summer))) Traveling by car is a topic.