When we talk about ships, the first thing that comes to mind is the Titanic. However, few people know that there were and are still large ships in the world. Unfortunately, in our time, half of them have been dismantled. So you can only see them in the picture. The rest are still sailing the oceans and seas. As for the key selection of sizes, they were considered according to the maximum length of the vessel.

The first place went to the ship with this name. And the floating platform itself was the first in the world. People used it both for transportation and for liquefying and extracting natural gas on board. This wonderful and huge model is manufactured by Samsung Heavy Industries. Apparently, Samsung is already tired of creating phones and TVs. It's time to come up with masterpieces. Nowadays, the ship is considered the largest in the world. As for the completion of construction of all components, it will come to an end in 2017. At the same time, the company wants to drill the seabed off the coast of Australia.

The deadweight of this vehicle is 564,763 tons. So she rightfully takes second place. The ship was launched in 1979. In those days it was considered so large that people compared its length to the largest tall buildings in the world. The ship was unable to fit not only in the Panama Canal, but also in the Suez Canal. In 1988 there was the Iran-Iraq War. At the same time, the ship was severely damaged by an Iraqi Air Force missile. At that moment, the ship was transporting Iranian oil in the Persian Gulf.


This supertanker is considered the largest today by deadweight. It was built by a French company. Only five years were spent on construction, and after that, the ship was dismantled for scrap metal in South Korea in 1983. In 1977, the ship was launched. Its length was 414.2 meters, and its deadweight was 555,051 tons. As for the tanker's short service life, its commercial usefulness was minimal. The ship was absolutely unable to pass through the Panama and Suez Canals.


The ship received fourth place due to its length of 406.5 meters. Its deadweight is 516891 tons. The ship was launched in 1977. Despite the fact that it was built in Japan, the structure made its first voyage for its intended purpose from Liberia. The tanker, as a rule, transported oil between the countries of the Middle East and Europe. It was dismantled for scrap in 2002 in Pakistan.

What is remarkable about this ship? The Danish company decided to make the first of 8 identical container ships of the E-Class series. Nowadays, the ship is considered the only one operating among all the giants. It was launched into the water in 2006. The ship transports various cargoes between Northern Europe and Asia through the Strait of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal. Despite its impressive size, the ship managed to gain notoriety. When it was being built, there was a big fire, but in 2013, due to damage to one engine, the structure lost control in the Suez Canal. There was no flooding then.

The deadweight of this design is 441,585 tons. The length is 380 meters. Double-hulled ships are now considered the largest ships operating worldwide in terms of gross tonnage and deadweight. Only 4 identical vessels were put into operation.

This type of ship can be classified as one of the largest dry cargo ships. They, in turn, belong to the Brazilian mining company Vale. The structure was made to transport ore to America from Brazil. The length of the ship is 362 meters, and the deadweight is 400,315 tons. In total, about 30 similar ships were made with a deadweight that varied from 380 to 400 thousand tons.

The class has two twin vessels cruise ships Oasis. They are considered the largest representatives of their type in the world. But if we take into account our model, then its length is 362 meters. Deadweight is 19,750 tons. The ship was launched in 2008. This liner can carry a maximum number of passengers, which is 6296 people. The crew is 2384 people. By the way, there are a lot of other entertainments on board that are impossible to fit on one page.

As for the length of the ship, it is 345 meters. Deadweight - 19189 tons. The structure was launched in 2002. This is one of the largest passenger airliners in the world. The ship is ready to transport up to 2,620 people across the entire ocean. There are also 15 restaurants, a casino, a ship’s planetarium and much more.

10. Mozah

The last place on our list goes to a ship with a length of 345 meters and a deadweight of 128,900 tons. The design is considered the first of the Q-max family of tankers. It was made to transport reduced natural gas, which is produced in fields near Qatar.

Video: Top 10 largest ships in the world

The most famous cruise ship in the world for two centuries has been the famous ship Titanic, the popularity of which was brought by its tragic fate. Today, on different continents of the world, the largest cruise ship in the world is being discussed, which amazes with its luxury, size and grandeur. And this proud status belongs to the liner called “Harmony of the Seas”.

Technical parameters of the ship

To understand how big this airliner is, here are the following characteristics:

  • length: 362 m, which is 50 m longer than the Eiffel Tower in Paris;
  • width: 66 m;
  • weight: 120 thousand tons;
  • height: 72 m, which is equal to a 20-story building
  • capacity: more than 6 thousand passengers and about two thousand crew members;
  • number of cabins: 2500;
  • dining rooms: 20;
  • swimming pools: 23.

Considering such huge parameters, the Harmony of the Seas liner was compared to a floating city, where everything is provided for a comfortable and carefree holiday.

What is the budget of the Harmony of the Seas liner?

And how much do you think this creation of the American company Royal Caribbean Cruises cost? The amount is even more amazing than the scale of the ship. In total, the budget of the tourist liner was delayed by $1 billion, and in time 2.5 years.

Getting on the deck of this ship, every vacationer finds himself in a real fairy tale. Here you can feel luxury at every step and have everything you need for a full, unforgettable holiday. For example:

  • living park with 10 thousand plants;
  • large skating rink;
  • luxury casino;
  • the royal theater with a capacity of 1.5 thousand spectators;
  • aqua theater and cinema;
  • gyms and swimming pools;
  • large basketball court;
  • water slides, crazy rides, a water park, two water walls for surfing. And for the most daring vacationers on the ship there is the highest slide in the world - “Absolute Abyss”. Anyone who dares to descend from it will experience a crazy flight down 30 m in 14 seconds;5
  • 30 cafes and restaurants, including Bionic bar, where robots work as waiters.

And against the backdrop of all this diversity, the creators decided to add a 100 m long shopping street, where shops and fashion boutiques are located.

When the Harmony of the Seas liner set out on its maiden voyage, hundreds of people came to see it, and during its construction, tourists visited the decks of the liner. In summer, the ship travels along Mediterranean Sea, and in winter – around the Caribbean.

Once upon a time the most big ship there was the Titanic. But today there are ships that are several times the size of the Titanic. In this article we will talk about the largest ship in the world.

Titanic was a cruise ship. Everyone remembers his story. He collided with an iceberg because he was very huge and could not turn sideways in time. It seemed that such liners would not be able to exist; they were very bulky and their fate was not comforting. But it turned out that similar liners can exist, and at the same time be several times larger. Today's most large airliner This is Oasis of the Seas. Photo below:

the largest airliner in the world

It really is several times larger than the Titanic. Look at this image:

The largest ship

Royal Caribbean International wanted to build a ship that would be the best for many years to come, and on October 28, 2009, Oasis of the Seas was launched. It immediately became the largest cruise ship in the world. The ship also became the most expensive, as its price was $1.24 billion. The average cost of a ship staying in the port is $230,000. And this is within just a few hours of stay!

The dimensions of the liner are amazing: its length is 360 meters, its width is 66 meters, and its height is at its most high point was 72 meters.

the world's largest airliner

The largest ship: characteristics

They say correctly that this is not just a ship, but a whole Small town. The dimensions of this liner are five times larger than the dimensions of the Titanic. There can be 6,360 passengers and 2,160 crew on board. The ship has a large number of different entertainment centers. Starting from swimming pools to a real theater. The ship has 4 swimming pools, which together make up 23,000 liters of water. There are 12 thousand plants and 56 large trees on the ship. There is a park, a climbing wall, 10 spa cents. It is so huge that it is even divided into themed areas.

The largest ship has several restaurants, its park is similar to the park in New York, so classical American music will be performed there. There is a lot more that can be said about the ship, but I suggest watching the video.

Largest ship:

List of largest passenger ships world, click here.

Dockwise Vanguard

Of course, Oasis of the Seas is the largest ship, but there is also the Dockwise Vanguard, the world's largest heavy cargo ship.

On February 12, 2013, the ship made its first voyage. Dockwise Vanguard arrived in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2013. The cargo it carried was 56,000 tons, but the maximum load could be 110,000 tons.

the world's largest airliner

The vessel was built by Hyundai Heavy Industries for Dockwise Shipping. It was launched in 2012. In terms of characteristics, it does not surpass the Oasis of the Seas liner. Displacement 91,238 tons, deadweight 117,000 tons. Length 275 meters, width 79 meters, draft 9.5 meters. Maximum speed 14.4 knots, average 12.9 knots.

The method of loading onto the ship is also unique. Special compartments are filled with water and the ship slowly but surely sinks under water. Once the ship is underwater, cargo is loaded onto it.

To maintain the ship, 60 people will be required, who are located in the hold of the ship.

The well-known Costa Concordia, which was wrecked in January 2012 off the coast of the island of Giglia (Tuscany), will be transported using this ship. Let me remind you that the Costa Concordia is several times larger than the Titanic.

The largest ships in the world:

Another video:

Imagine going on a free cruise on the largest ship in the world. There is a whole metropolis of entertainment and services inside, and everything is free. Fantastic? Yes. But one day, when a parade of planets takes place, the company launches a new ship, this fairy tale becomes reality. Tour operators, the media and everyone who will subsequently sell trips to this liner are invited to the first flight.

Harmony of the Seas is by far the largest cruise ship with a capacity of 8,200 people, of which 2,200 are crew. The height of the ship is comparable to the height of a 20-story building. The length is 362 meters, which exceeds the length of Red Square in Moscow. The construction of the liner cost Royal Caribbean more than 1,000,000,000 euros.

But the most impressive thing is not the dimensions, but the filling of the liner - a helipad, swimming pools, water slides, a casino, a theater, ice rink, a garden with 12 thousand different plants and much, much more. There is even a Bionic bar on board, where robots work as waiters. Let's see what it looks like inside...

General plans of the liner. This is a really huge thing, a giant Noah’s Ark with a displacement of 227,500 tons:



We left the port of Barcelona. Two fire ships saw us off: in honor of the first voyage, they staged a “salute” of water cannons:


The first place you go on a cruise is, of course, your cabin. I won’t give the footage, I’ll just mention that my cabin had a separate dressing room:


Common areas of the ship. On the right in the photo is a giant head sculpture that rotates in layers in different directions:


On board there is pedestrian streets. There is a complete feeling that it is not a ship that has gone out to sea, but a piece of the mainland. There are a lot of people. After a number of incidents on cruises, Royal Caribbean installed an advanced facial recognition system that can, if necessary, identify each passenger in a crowd:


Many sculptures and works of modern art:


Let's go up to the upper decks. There are two types of decks - indoor, comfortable in windy weather, and outdoor:


There are 16 decks on board. 6 main pools and 10 giant Jacuzzis:


The upper deck is replete with public areas:


Plenty of sun loungers. Pay attention to the slides behind the pool:


On the other side of the golf course:


Waves for surfing:


Rope crossing at seven floors:


There is a huge aqua theater at the stern of the ship. WITH upper deck There are two pipes leading down which you can go down with your clothes on. It feels very fast, very scary and very dark. You overcome almost 30 meters of height in 13 seconds, making two 360-degree turns along the way:


To the right of the aquatheater is a pedestrian area called Central Park:



Naturally, there is a gym, and it is gigantic. Lots of training equipment and equipment:



There are 20 restaurants on board Harmony of the Seas. The main one occupies three floors, where daily dinners are held:


And this is the same Bionic bar where robots work. The mechanical arms have 30 alcohol components in their arsenal. The range of cocktails they can make is endless. One cocktail takes 30 seconds. Looks fantastic:


Another memorable restaurant is called “Wonderland” and is based on the famous work of Lewis Carroll:


Hall decoration:



Instead of a menu, they bring an empty picture that needs to be painted with water. After these manipulations, words appear. It might seem like a small thing, but it leaves a lasting impression:


Molecular cuisine restaurant. The dish is called “Vegetable Garden”, and the “ground” is made from bread with the addition of cuttlefish ink:


A dessert made from a ball that is poured over hot chocolate. After a minute, the ball melts, revealing the ice cream inside. Delicious:


Every week, the liner's restaurants consume 4,500 kg of chicken and almost 7,000 kg of beef. Total on board 4900 seats in restaurants and bars. The assortment of desserts again confused me:


Central Park has dozens of stores to suit every budget:


You won't be bored in the evening. Rather, on the contrary, you will need to run from one view to another:


At the theater there is a Broadway production of "Grease". The film of the same name, based on this musical, made Travolta a star already in 1978:


Ice show. Just pay attention to the quality of the costumes that were prepared for the performance:







The actors swim, fly, or something else. Looks stunning:



The actor fell off the rope a couple of times right above the audience, causing the audience to scream in surprise:


Our team from Russia:


It is often said that cruises are for European retirees. However, the situation is changing, and companies are increasingly targeting middle-aged people and young people. Discos, good restaurants, fitness, shopping and beach holiday- it’s really not boring and rich.

By the way, last year I also talked about the previous largest Royal Caribbean liner, called Allure of the Seas:

Have you been on cruises? Tell us about your experience.

P.S. A short video about our cruise. Stay Tuned!

For many centuries, merchant ships and warships have been plying the oceans. Sometimes people build such colossuses that, looking at photographs, it is difficult to imagine them. These hulks transport people, cargo, oil and gas. About the 6 largest watercraft in the world - further in the review.

1. Supertanker Knock Nevis

The longest ship ever built is an oil tanker Knock Nevis, previously known as Jahre Viking. Knock Nevis is also considered the largest object ever created by man. Its maximum length is 458.45 meters and its displacement is 260,941 tons.

The supertanker first took to the water in 1979 when it left the Sumitomo Heavy Industries shipyard in Japan. The ship transported crude oil around the world and was even bombed in 1988 during the Iran-Iraq War. The ship caught fire in coastal waters and sank; it was completely written off. After the end of the war, the Jahre Viking was raised, repaired and put back into service.

To operate a supertanker, a crew of only 35 people is needed. The machine is driven by one 9-meter propeller, which makes 75 revolutions per minute. Thanks to this, a cruising speed of 16 knots (30 km/h) is achieved. To slow down, the ship needs 9 kilometers, and to turn around - 3 kilometers of water space.

Throughout its history, the ship has repeatedly changed its name, owners and port of registry. In 2009, the tanker made its last flight to India, after which it was cut into metal.

2. Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise

The American USS Enterprise is the world's largest warship. This is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, also known as CVA-65. This is already the eighth ship with this name in the American fleet, but the largest of all. It is 342 meters long and can carry up to 4,600 troops and 90 aircraft.

The nuclear power plant of eight reactors produces a maximum power of 280,000 hp, thanks to which the ship can reach a speed of 33.6 knots (62 km/h). These characteristics look even more impressive when you consider that the USS Enterprise was commissioned in 1962. In 2017, after 55 years of service, the ship was officially decommissioned. Before that, he managed to see the Cuban crisis, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq War, where he represented the military power of the United States.

3. Gas carrier Q-Max

The world's largest gas carriers are Q-Max vessels. Their displacement is 162,400 tons, length is 345 m, width is 55 meters. Q-max vessels can hold up to 266,000 cubic meters of natural gas and reach speeds of up to 19.5 knots (36 km/h).

On this moment There are 14 Q-Max class gas carriers in the world; each giant costs $290 million. The vessels were built by Samsung Heavy Industries, Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. The first gas carrier in the series (Moza) was completed in 2007 at a shipyard in South Korea. The ship received its name in honor of the second wife of the ruler of Qatar.

4. Container ship CSCL Globe

In November 2014, the naming ceremony of the world's largest container ship CSCL Globe was held. This is the first of five container ships ordered by China. transport company CSCL in 2013. The vessel is designed to sail on the route from Asia to Europe. The giant vessel, 400 meters long, has a displacement of 186,000 tons and can transport up to 19,100 shipping containers.

The CSCL Globe uses an electronically controlled MAN B&W engine producing 77,200 hp. 17.2 meters high.

5. Harmony of the Seas

For several decades in a row, Royal Caribbean International has been building new cruise ships, which are increasingly larger than the previous ones. In 2016, he made his first voyage, Harmony of the Seas, 362 meters long. The ship accommodates 2,200 crew and 6,000 passengers on voyages across the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Caribbean.

Harmony of the Seas displaces 225,282 tons and reaches maximum speed 22.6 knots (41.9 km/h).

There are plenty of entertainment options on board to keep you entertained for weeks on end: a spa, a casino, an escape room, an ice skating rink, a surf simulator, a theater, two climbing walls, a zip line, swimming pools, a basketball court, a small golf course and even a water park.

The Harmony of the Seas cost an estimated billion dollars to build, making it one of the most expensive commercial ships ever built.

6. TI class supertankers

The largest oil tankers still in service are the TI class supertankers. These vessels are TI Africa, TI Asia, TI Europe and TI Oceania. Mega-tankers were built in South Korea in 2003 for the Greek company Hellespont.

The TI class vessels are "only" 380 meters long - 78 meters shorter than the Knock Nevis. Each of them displaces 234,006 tons and when fully loaded they can reach a speed of 16.5 knots (30.5 km/h). A total of 4 ocean giants were built, which are still in use today.

And just recently they were considered record-breaking