Resort village Partenit, Alushta, Crimea.

Take a look at the photo: in front of youParthenite - a wonderful seaside corner, which is nestled right next to the mountain "Ayu - Dag" in the vast Partenite Valley.The well-known dome-shaped mountain rising above the Partenite, "Ayu - Doug" , or "Bear Mountain" protrudes far into the sea, forming a cape, clearly visible from almost all points of the southern coast.Approximate age of the mountain estimated at 161 million years.

"Ayu - Dag" - one of the largest “failed volcanoes” in Crimea. Unable to break through to the surface, the magmatic formations cooled, which is why such formations are called “failed volcanoes.” “Ayu-Dag” indeed looks like a giant bear crouched near the water.
Clouds often swirl above Ayu-Dag. And this is not surprising: it rises 572 m above sea level.

In 1960, “Ayu-Dag” was declared a natural monument, and since 1974 it has been a state reserve.

Protected by the powerful sides of the "Bear Mountain", Parthenite forms the borders Big Yalta and Big Alushta. Its name comes from the Greek "parthenos" - "virgin". According to legend, here, on Ayu-Dag, there was a sanctuary of the Taurus goddess Virgin.People have always lived in the Partenite Valley, starting from the Stone Age, which is confirmed by excavations. The latest date of settlement on “Ayu-Dag” is determined by the fateful 15th century.
There is evidence that the earthquake of 1468, after which the sources of fresh water on Ayu-Dag disappeared, was the reason that people left the mountain.

Parthenite is the western part of Big Alushta, famous resort region. Despite its centuries-old history, Partenit is very young as a resort. It is a little over 30 years old, but holidays in Partenit are considered one of the most prestigious on the southern coast of Crimea. Uniquely his geographical location: the village is open only from the sea and is closed by mountains on three sides, which, even in the case of a rainy summer on the peninsula, provides bright sun and clear skies above!

The life of modern Partenit is closely connected with the work of two large health resorts - the Territorial Center for Balneology and Rehabilitation "Crimea" And d/o "Aivazovskoe".
Sanatorium "Crimea" located in an ecologically clean place, in big park, on the seashore, at the very foot "Bear - mountains."

The area of ​​the sanatorium is 42 hectares, a third of which is occupied by a park area. Beach over 16 thousand square meters. meters stretches along the open sea.

The relict park of the sanatorium is especially good "Crimea"!!! Its foundation was laid back in the 19th century.

Park of the Crimea sanatorium created by Nikitsky employees botanical garden. Here is one of its branches and a powerful nursery.

The combination of sea air, saturated with ozone, and mountain air, with the smell of Crimean pine, is considered healing.
Holidays in Partenit are water activities: rowing boats, catamarans, windsurfing, speedboats and scooters, jet ski racing and banana boat rides.

Under the guidance of an experienced scuba diver instructor, you will immerse yourself in the mysterious and silent world of the Black Sea.

By individual order, you can take an exciting trip along the coast on a speedboat. There are also many sea excursion trips on large ships.

Once an elite health resort of the Supreme Presidium
Council of the USSR has now hospitably opened its doors to everyone who wants to relax in this wonderful corner of the South Coast.

The center of attraction in Partenit are the well-maintained beaches, where vacationers spend most of their time enjoying the sun and sea swimming.

The sea off the coast of Partenit, as well as along the entire southern coast, never freezes, in swimming season It rarely storms.

Yalta, Gurzuf, Partenit, Alushta are located in semicircular bays bordered by a mountain amphitheater.

Extraordinary pure water in the Partenite Bay, protected from the wind, serves as a reward for everyone who loves the sea.
To get to know this region more deeply, get acquainted with its history and visit museums.

In one of the buildings of the sanatorium "Crimea" organized
"Museum of Natural Beauty and Antiquities" (photo on the left)

It lovingly contains more than four thousand exhibits.
These are minerals, archaeological and paleontological finds. Crimea is so rich and diverse in them.

In general, the park of the sanatorium "Crimea" For all guests, Partenita has become a place where you can have a great time.And during the day, if you are tired of the hustle and bustle, and in the evening - if you want entertainment.

Bright, unforgettable experience about Partenite leaves "Dolphinarium"It is located on the territory of the Crimea sanatorium, in an indoor pool, open year-round.

Dolphins are considered one of the most beloved, and at the same time, mysterious marine mammals.
They have truly unique data - they dive to a depth of 300 meters, have the most powerful biofield, see in infrared radiation, and pick up sounds that humans are unable to hear.

Dolphins are also one of the most good-natured creatures on Earth. They not only entertain, but also treat sick children.

Many vacationers from all over Crimea come to watch theatrical performances of dolphins. The spectacle is always interesting, funny and cheerful

In addition, experienced dolphinarium staff will tell you a lot of interesting things about dolphins and their unique capabilities.

And after the performance, guests can take pictures with dolphins and swim with them. In other words, undergo a unique course of dolphin therapy.

Dolphin therapy at the Partenita Dolphinarium is carried out for adults and children over 4 years old.

The developed complex of therapeutic and recreational activities with the participation of dolphins makes it possible to correct the functional state of people with the following health disorders: phobias, chronic fatigue syndrome, childhood necrosis, primary childhood autism, disorders of the musculoskeletal system of various origins (cerebral palsy, post-traumatic syndrome), enuresis, delay psycho-speech development.

Patients and their parents have comfortable rooms with everything they need for a comfortable stay.

Powerful diagnostic and treatment base of the sanatorium complex "Crimea" is able to provide all the necessary clinical, biochemical and functional studies.

If you decide to communicate with dolphins in “free mode,” then this is also possible.

Dolphins love to swim under their noses"at the "Bear" - ("Bear - mountains"). This is their favorite place.

Sailing on wild beaches past the "Bear Mountains", we often admire their masterly somersaults.

Do not be afraid of aggression on their part: dolphins are harmless, unlike people.
The very fact of the presence of so many dolphins on the coast Partenita, testifies to the excellent ecology of this region.

come to Parthenite - "Valley of the Maidens"! Or "Virgin Valley " . It's the way you like it.

Holiday House "Aivazovskoe" located in the picturesque part of the Alushta resort between the famous “Bear Mountain” and the rocky cape “Plaka”.

On the steep slopes of the amphitheater of a small bay between capes Tepeler and Plaka there is a park with an olive grove, lawns, palm trees, cedars, flower borders, swimming pools, and artificial cascades.

About 7000 coniferous trees and more than 200 species of exotic plants, combined with sea air and low humidity, create a unique microclimate that is extremely favorable for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, circulatory system and nervous system throughout the year.

A natural attraction of the Aivazovskoye Holiday Home is a park - a monument of landscape gardening art, with an area of ​​18 hectares.

The true pearl of the park is the ancient Olive Grove with 200-year-old trees, which previously belonged to the estate of Count Raevsky.

This park, according to gardening art professionals, is a rarity not only in Crimea, but also in Ukraine.

Not only vacationers at health resorts, but also everyone can see all this beauty.

Probably, someone thinks that they can design parks on a whim - buy more flowers and bushes and stick this flora around the buildings. No! You need knowledge of techniques, architecture, painting, geography, biology, plus taste, plus experience, plus a professional feeling.

The employees of the landscape workshop created here conducted a scrupulous comprehensive analysis and created the concept of a “romantic park.”

Myths are based on historical facts, associated with Partenit: “Ancient Greek culture, Taurus dolmens, medieval Genoese fortifications, Tatar estates - fragments of this should be reflected in the artistic image of the park.”

Some subjects are presented more fully, for example, an ancient manor: a grove of 200-year-old olive trees, a rotunda, a pergola (an open colonnade to support plants), pithos, sculptures of satyrs and muses. Some - fragmentarily or even with hints.

The walk begins from the main staircase, surrounded by cypress trees. Its origin is associated with the name of Raevsky, the former owner of Partenit and Karasan

An Italian garden with geometrically trimmed shapes is being designed against the backdrop of the sea.

Then the space focuses on the directions and styles of gardening art: a landscape garden in the Art Nouveau style with a marble sculpture of the Pope - the priestess of secret revelations.

And so the unsightly slope turned into an exquisite rose garden with flowers and stones, and the garden bed near the dormitory turned into a Mexican hill with agaves, prickly pears, yuccas and dracaena.

Probably, landscape architects also have a “Hamlet park” that they dream of building.

In the case of Aivazovskoye Park in Partenit, we can safely say: this dream has come true!!!

In the park of the sanatorium "Crimea" has its own characteristics: these are small ponds, as well as several beautiful fountains with sculptural groups.

One of them, with a five-meter figure of Prometheus in the center - famous in Crimea "Color and music fountain - "Prometheus" .

The fiery-colored water from the torch of the ancient hero breaks into thousands of splashes, merging with the streams.

Late in the evening in the thick southern darkness, combined with music, the fountain makes an indelible impression!In the evenings to the pier of the Crimea sanatorium from all over Crimean coast boats are approaching, bringing those who want to marvel at this miracle.
Partenit is a magical corner of Crimea!!!

Partenit is an urban-type settlement located on the eastern slope of Mount Ayu-Dag, which is in the geographical center south coast Crimea. Partenit is a territorial department of Big Alushta, located on its extreme western border, which runs from the Gurzuf side of Bear Mountain.

Like many places on the south coast, Partenit traces its history back to ancient times and earlier. Cimmerians, Taurians, Scythians, Goths, Greeks and Genoese, Turks and Tatars lived here. However, it was the Greeks who gave the name Parthenite, perhaps starting from geographical features locality, or from ritual specifics local population, adhering to the cult of the goddess Virgo. Hence the name of the valley - virgin, maiden. From the same root "Parthenos" is an ancient Greek temple-sanctuary. As a variant of the geographical origin of the name, we can assume the following train of thought, starting from the legend of the giant Punisher Bear, sent by the gods to destroy the area, but stopped in front of our valley and was petrified by the sea. And the Parthenite valley remained untouched. There is a compelling reason for such a legend. Indeed, the terrain after Ayu-Dag from west to east becomes more gentle, not as steep and complex as the Yalta region. The western side of the South Coast gives the impression of a quarry where someone tore up the slopes with a giant bucket Crimean mountains. Maybe the Greeks really believed the local legend and called our valley untouched and virgin.

The period of greatest flourishing of Parthenite occurs in the early Middle Ages and is associated with the name of a prominent religious and political figure of Taurida, Bishop John of Gothia. In the Middle Ages, Partenit was part of the Gothic diocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople with its center in Doros. In VIII-X centuries. Partenit was under the rule of the Khazar Kaganate, and in the X-XIII centuries. - Byzantium. The conclusions of historians made on the basis of excavations indicate that Partenit was the center of the Gothic diocese and the residence of its bishop. In documents this place is called “marketplace in the Partenites”. On Ayu-Dag, John of the Goths founded the monastery of the apostles Peter and Paul, who later became the feudal lord of this large and rich settlement.

In 787, Bishop John led an anti-Khazar uprising, which, however, was defeated. The result of this was the destruction of the monastery and the decline of church life, partially restored only at the beginning of the 15th century by Metropolitan Damian. But it did not stand for long and in 1475 the monastery, and the entire settlement was destroyed by the Ottoman Turks, after which it never returned to its former prosperity. The fate of Bishop John and the related fate of the Partenite monasteries and Partenite in general evokes many conflicting responses, which we invite everyone to discuss on the website and at meetings of the Renaissance Society.

On Ayu-Dag there are a large number of traces of the former active life of the settlers; the ruins of temples, the remains of masonry and the ruins of defensive walls have been preserved.

In the 16th-15th centuries, Partenit was part of the possessions of the Republic of Genoa, in 1475-1774 - part of the Ottoman Empire, in 1774-1783 - part of the Crimean Khanate, in 1783-1917 - part of the Russian Empire.

Village Parthenite repeatedly mentioned in archaeological and geographical literature as an example of the preservation of old Greek names in later settlements.
Due to its advantageous location in the center of sea trade routes between the eastern and southwestern parts of Taurica, Parthenite, which had a convenient bay, was the center of trading activity. Even at the early stage of its existence, according to written sources, it is known as the “Marketplace in the Partenites.” Parthenite dominated the district, where intelligence recorded the existence of several settlements - two on the southeastern slopes of Ayu-Dag, one on the site of the village of Lavrovoe (formerly Kurkulet), the other with a fortification on the site of the village of Zaprudnoye. Main function Parthenita, as cities, from the 10th century. there was maritime trade. It remained this way until the 16th century.

After the Crusades, which weakened Byzantium, its influence in Taurica noticeably decreased. With the establishment of Genoese dominance in the Black Sea, when from 1380 the coast from Chembalo to Kafa was assigned to them, Parthenite retains the meaning of the important commercial port. With the conquest of Crimea by the Turks, marked by defeats and fires, Parthenite suffers the same fate. After the fire, it was restored, but not as a commercial port, but as a small village. By the 17th century it has lost its meaning.

At the end of the 18th century. Parthenite was a small village with a mixed Greek-Gothic-Tatar population. With the annexation of Crimea to Russia, village Parthenite passes into the possession of General M.N. Raevsky, who owned two estates in the Partenit Valley and in Karasan. At the expense of the owners in 1871 and 1907. excavations are being carried out.

Currently, Tepeler is almost completely built up with multi-storey buildings modern village, which displaced from its slopes old village Parthenite.

The largest and richest, judging by its importance in the church organization of Taurica, was the monastery of the Apostles Peter and Paul, which was located in the southern part of the Partenite Valley, at the eastern foot of Bear Mountain. The main building of the monastery was its temple, built at the end of the 8th century. In 1907, the height of the surviving walls of the temple was up to 2.5 m. During the years of Soviet power, the masonry was partially destroyed. In the early 70s of the XX century. during the construction of a sanatorium of the USSR Ministry of Defense on this territory, the remains archaeological site They fell asleep, and in their place they built a recreation area. The height of the ruins of parts of the temple barely reaches 0.5 m.
The temple was a small three-nave basilica with a narthex with a total length of 17.8 m. On three sides, except for the east, the building was surrounded by a gallery. The floor of the basilica had a patterned pavement of tiles in the form of squares of alternating colors: red - made of brick, yellow - made of sandstone and feldspar, laid in an oblique checkerboard pattern. The masonry of its original parts from hewn piece Inkerman stones was also fully consistent with the Byzantine type of building. The use of Inkerman limestone was exceptional for the Southern Coast and testified to the connection of the builders of the Monastery of the Apostles with the Kherson region, near which (in Inkerman) stone was mined in ancient times.

In the center of the small village of Partenit there was a quarry, and grapes were grown in the vast fields near Ayu-Dag. The Partenite Valley was decorated with the palaces of the Karasan, Utes, and Kuchuk-Lambad estates. In the center of the village there was a quarry, and the stone was loaded at the pier, now known as the “Italian”:

After the Great Patriotic War, in 1945, Partenit received a new, poorly substantiated historical events the name "Frunzenskoe", which existed until 1991, when the village was returned to its historical name.

Currently, about 6 thousand people live in the village. The basis of its economy is the health resort and tourism industry, trade and catering.

The text was compiled by A.N. Yarkov.

Partenit is an urban-type settlement of amazing beauty on South coast Crimea. He hid in a cozy bay between Alushta and Yalta. We can say that Partenite is a small diamond of the large Crimean peninsula.

Ancient Parthenite - history

People have chosen the territory of the valley since the Stone Age. The Taurians lived here. Legend has it that the Taurians built a temple to their main goddess on Mount Ayu-Dag - the Temple of the Virgin. Then the Goths lived in the valley. Under them, Partenit was the capital.

In the 4th-8th centuries, a port was made from Partenit, where ships arrived from different parts of the world.

In 1908, archaeologists found the temple and tomb of St. John of Gotha in the valley.

At Partenit rich story. He was and seaport, and the capital, and eventually became an urban village. The village changed owners until it came to General Raevsky, who began to revive the valley.

Today Partenit is popular and incredibly beautiful resort, where you can have a great rest and strengthen your body.

Bear and Little Bear - modern Parthenite

Partenite is located between two mountains - Ayu-Dag and Kuchuk-Ayu, which is affectionately translated from Turkic as - bear and cub. The village belongs to Alushta.
Helpful information:
Population: about 8 thousand people
Length: borders the Black Sea coast – 100 km. The exact address : urban-type settlement Partenit, st. Parkovaya 1., Alushta, Republic of Crimea, Russia.
Index: 298542
Infrastructure: there is a bus station, shops, market, cafes, hotels for tourists, health resorts, guarded parking, ATMs, park.

Photo gallery:

Weather in Partenit - warm summers and rainy winters

Parthenite is subtropical. Summer and autumn are not too hot here, but winter is rainy.

The mountains reliably protect Partenite from winds and cold air.

The temperature of the hottest months of the year – July and August – is +24 degrees.

Temperature of the “velvet” season – September – +21

Water temperature in warm weather - +22 - +24

Parthenite – perfect place to improve the health of the body and improve immunity.

What to see in Partenit - attractions

In the village of Partenit there is a whole excursion bureau where you can choose an excursion according to your interests to any corner of Crimea.

    Main attractions:
  • Bear Mountain
  • Aivazovsky Park
  • Stone Museum
  • Palace of Princess Gagarina
    5 more places worth visiting:
  • Mount Ayu-Dag. It rises 525 meters above the coast. Clouds cover the mountain - a breathtaking sight. It is believed that the mountain is a failed volcano. Cape “Bear Cub” (Kuchuk-Ayu) is the pride of the valley.
  • The Prometheus Fountain is a light and music fountain in the Crimea sanatorium - one of the attractions of Partenit.
  • For those interested in history and religion, the remains of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul are located near Mount Ayu-Dag (you can see the altar and tomb).
  • The ancient park "Paradise" is the best on the coast. There is Japanese garden, Italian, more than 400 species of rare plants and shrubs. The park's olive grove is 500 years old!
  • The underground tunnel of the Crimea sanatorium is more than 120 meters long. At the exit - Observation deck, where the whole Partenite is in full view.
In addition, you can go to neighboring Alushta and Yalta. There is something to see and where to walk.

Video review of the village:

Entertainment in Partenit

In Partenit there is a unique dolphinarium. There you can not only watch a performance, swim with dolphins, but also undergo dolphin therapy.

Posted By website on 03/26/2013

Village Partenit

Arrival in Partenit

Partenit is located between Gurzuf and Alushta, so you can get to it equally from both Alushta and Yalta. Moreover, if from Yalta to Partenit you can always leave from the bus station from the site of regional routes, then with Alushka everything is much more confusing, some even advised taking a trolleybus, and then wait for whoever will be the first to go - since from the south-bank highway it’s about three kilometers to go to the village itself offhand. Moreover, from Alushta you need to go not from the bus station, but after crossing the passage - go right to the bus and trolleybus stop. Since the Alushta - Partenit minibus goes from the city center. Personally, I don’t understand the logic here.. more precisely, maybe in light of the described problems in Alushta with the beaches and the general policy of the administration, it is described in articles about Alushta - like straight from the center go to Partenit, there are beaches and dozens of times pimps and the water is cleaner , there’s no need to push here...
I got a little distracted. Partenit itself is really a village in the real sense - an urban-type village with a very significant part of the buildings - multi-storey buildings. Entire streets of high-rise buildings with 12 floors, and not, as usual, a couple of buildings in the center..

At the same time, apparently there are not many apartments for rent, since prices start from 500 hryvnia per apartment per day, which is relatively expensive even for Yalta (in the far part from the sea it is quite possible to find an apartment for 350-400), and this despite the fact that Walking to the free city beach, for example from the roundabout at the entrance to the village (stop at the Aivazovsky sanatorium park), is perhaps 2.5 kilometers under a good hill. And back to the hill...

The minibus from Alushta and Yalta stops at three stops:
– in front of Aivazovsky’s holiday home – one of the local attractions, well-groomed and beautiful park Aivazovsky, a visit to which if you are not a vacationer at a holiday home costs 50 hryvnia per adult, after which you will also have access to an excellent sanatorium beach..

Stop at the bottom of the corner after going down

And the final one is at the bus station in the village of Partenit - next to the sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The entrance to which, if you are not a local with registration, costs 20 hryvnia; many people go to the beach here.

Partenitsky beach

The main sidewalk path begins here - down to the sea from the bus station - to the main official city free beach. I’ll say right away that the beach surprised me, despite the fact that it was a very beach time - the beach was full for August after the nightmare that we saw on the city free beach in Alushta

– By contrast, the beach seemed somehow half empty. Even at the very beginning, upon arrival in Yalta, friends who had already vacationed here immediately told us that Partenit has one of the freest beaches on the South Coast. We somehow didn’t really believe it, but having visited the Partenite beaches we can really say that in comparison with other free beaches of the South Coast - Miskhor, Livadia, Alushta, and especially Yalta and Alushta, this is really true.

This is partly explained by housing prices, and the still weak development of construction going on everywhere on the South Coast and the sticking in of things that are not sticking in everywhere and everywhere.

And it’s not clear who the other resorts are designed for.. Once again I’ll note in my opinion - well, they won’t be able to compete with Turkey and Egypt either in terms of service levels or even now in prices, these wonderful buildings often disfigure the already rebuilt coast of the South Coast beyond recognition. Well, that’s what you can say about a painful issue.

Overall, I’ll say that I liked Portenit, it’s not particularly big, and you’re unlikely to get lost. But at the same time, with a good and free beach, and most importantly, it is quite large, and is located between the paid beaches of Aivazovsky and the sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

True, as almost everywhere on the South Coast (with the exception of the beaches of Livadia, and) new, uncut crushed stone has been poured onto the beaches... otherwise it is probably impossible to make up for it... what remains of the beaches on which there is no artificial crushed stone can be seen in the last emergency zone of the free Partenita beach.. everything is conveyed quite eloquently in the photo.

In general, you don’t really walk on crushed stone barefoot; it’s advisable to either have special rubber slippers on the crane, or just be careful and once again be careful when entering and leaving the sea... it’s very easy to cut yourself on the crushed stone. What I did with my own hands, unbeknownst to myself, was cutting my thumb in neighboring Gurzuf.

But this is where the disadvantages of the free Parthenite beach end; there are changing cabins and a toilet for 2 hryvnia (lower than anywhere else on the beaches of the South Coast), and ice cream and beer for average prices. beach prices 8-15 hryvnia. At the same time, cars are not allowed on the beach - it’s a pedestrian zone, so it’s comfortable to walk to the bus station (unlike the same dangerous descent along the automobile-pedestrian road to the beach in the village of Nikita), and it doesn’t take long, in general, from the final minibus in Partenit (bus station) perhaps the sea is the closest and most easily accessible (without serious elevation changes) on the South Coast. The sea is literally 400 meters from the final stop.

At the same time, I repeat, there are no serious descents or ascents and no steps at all. Which is simply nonsense for the South Coast. But there really is a nuance here - renting an apartment near the entrance to the city’s free beach during the peak season is quite problematic, since below there is a sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are not so many high-rise buildings around in the immediate vicinity. Those. we saw a large number of people going to relax on the beach from the Aivazovsky stop (the roundabout at the entrance to the village), from which, I repeat, it’s about 2.5 kilometers to the beach..

Ayudag in Partenit

Of the local celebrities, of course, AY-Dag is just as pleasing.
The ascent to Ayu-Dag is carried out only as part of an organized group, with a guide. We climbed with a former history teacher, author of several books about Ayudag.

The cost of the ascent is 60 hryvnia per person, the group gathers at 14-00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and by 19-00, 20-00 descends back to the bus station. I will write separately about the excursion to Ayu Dag here.
Video view of the city and the sea from Mount AYu-Dag (Bear - Mountain) in Partenit from the southern peak:

In general, if you want a well-equipped embankment, clean sea You are welcome to Partenit. Fortunately, travel from Alushta costs 15 hryvnia, from Yalta – 9 hryvnia.

Minibuses run quite often - the schedule is in the photo below. The last bus from Partenit leaves around eight in the evening. Well, even if you are delayed, you need to get to the highway (about 3 km from the ring) along which minibuses go to Yalta almost around the clock.

the main street Partenita leading from the center to the city embankment - beaches main street Partenita leading from the center to the city embankment - beaches

At the lowest point of the Partenitsa valley, the Uzen River runs through the village - in the summer it crosses Partenit - an urban-type settlement mainly consisting of 50 5-12-story houses
schedule of minibuses Partenit - Alushta and Partenit - Yalta

TV relay in Partenit - a TV relay center is located, the antenna is visible from many corners of the sea and in the village.
Former names of Partenite - Frunzenskoe (1945 - 1993)

Partenita - military sanatorium "Crimea"
The territorial center for balneology and rehabilitation "Crimea" arose in 1997 - with the merger of two adjacent sanatoriums: "Crimea" and "Frunzenskoe"

Partenit panorama of the outskirts of the village - photo from the central embankment

From the city beach of Partenita opens beautiful panorama: on the far right is Cape Plaka, next to Partenit is the village of Karasan - with the Utes sanatorium.


Partenit is a beautiful corner of the Crimean land, located right next to the famous Bear Mountain, this constant guardian of the southern coast of Crimea. Oldest mountain Crimea - Ayu-Dag - was formed 160 million years ago as a result of a failed volcano. From the outside, she really resembles huge size bear drinking water from the Black Sea.

According to local legend, on Ayu-Dag there was once an ancient sanctuary of the Taurians - the Temple of the Virgin (“parthenos”), since then the valley near the mountain has been called Partenitskaya. People have always lived in the valley, starting from the Stone Age, but they left Ayu-Dag only in the 15th century, when after a big earthquake all fresh springs disappeared there.

Partenit in Crimea lies on the border of two resort cities - Yalta and Alushta. And although the first human settlements appeared there thousands of years ago, Partenit became a resort only at the end of the last century.

The location of the village is difficult not to recognize as unique: closed by mountains on three sides, it is open only from the sea. Low rain clouds linger for mountain peaks, and over Partenit, even during the rainy season in Crimea, the sun always shines.

At the end of the 19th century, it was defeated here with numerous conifers, and since then sea ​​air, mixed with mountain and saturated with coniferous phytoncides, became medicinal.

Sanatoriums and hotels in Partenit

The famous Partenit sanatoriums in Crimea provide year-round treatment to thousands of people. These sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of respiratory organs, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems:

  • sanatorium "Aivazovskoe";
  • sanatorium "Karasansky".

And numerous hotels and boarding houses of Partenit in Crimea welcome vacationers in their wonderful rooms and on their pristine beaches:

  • "Flamingo";
  • "North";
  • "Europe".

Resort infrastructure

Considering the influx of vacationers, local authorities We made sure that all categories of vacationers enjoyed their vacation. It's amazing to see here Beautiful places, visit local attractions:

  • ancient parks "Paradise" and Nikitsky Botanical Garden;
  • ancient settlement of Partenit in Crimea;
  • leftovers defensive towers on Ayu-Dag;
  • stone museum;
  • dolphinarium;
  • ruins of the Church of Peter and Paul (10th century).

Young people will find pleasure here for themselves:

  • water activities: banana boat rides and jet skis, scooter and boat racing;
  • windsurfing and diving;
  • sea ​​excursions on motor ships;
  • discos;
  • restaurants and bars.