The name of this settlement, located on the Sylva River, translated from the Turkic language means “icy water”. Initially, the development of the village took place due to the presence of copper deposits here.

The copper smelter appeared here through the efforts of representatives of the Demidov dynasty, the heyday of factory activity occurred in the first half of the 18th century; in the 70s of the 18th century, during the attack by Emelyan Pugachev’s troops, the factories suffered significant losses.

Subsequently, an ironworks was built, the products of which were in great demand during the war with France at the beginning of the 19th century.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the plant ceased operations.

Currently, there is no industry in Suksun, but the attention of tourists is attracted by: local history museum, two temples and a monument to the samovar. Let's start with the latter: according to some sources, it is Suksun, and not Tula, that is considered the birthplace of the samovar, because in historical documents there is a mention of the samovar in 1740, in particular, it talks about a 16-pound copper samovar.

By the beginning of the 20th century, there were about 50 enterprises producing samovars in Suksun. In 2006, the production of samovars was finally suspended, but in the same year a monument to the samovar appeared. It is 3 meters high and consists of four sculptures that are associated with strong family relationships, prosperity and hospitality. The monument was erected on the territory of a local park.

The local history museum appeared on the territory of the village in 1977. At first he was in an old mansion, but due to a fire he was forced to move to an outbuilding. Now museum visitors can get acquainted with materials and exhibits on the history of the Perm region, and here you can admire copper and cast-iron items, in particular, samovars made in the workshops of the Demidov factory owners.

One of the two temples of Suksun - the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - was built in the first half of the 18th century and was not closed even during Soviet times.

The second temple - the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - was built more than a hundred years ago, and is now in the process of reconstruction.

It is impossible, speaking about Suksun, not to mention the unique natural phenomenon– Plakun waterfall. It is located a few kilometers from the village of Suksun on the banks of the Sylva River. The history of the waterfall is connected with a beautiful legend: the parents separated the girl from her lover and imprisoned her in a rock, since then she has been crying inconsolably, and a waterfall was formed from the abundance of her tears.

A cascade of water falls down from 7 meters, the properties of the water do not change, it has neither taste nor smell and can be stored indefinitely. The water has a constant temperature - no more than 5.2 degrees even on the hottest day.

The first researcher of the waterfall was the scientist Shimanovsky, based on the results of his research it became clear that water flows from cracks in the sandstone groundwater and forms two streams flowing down from the mountain.

Plakun water is rich in calcium and other beneficial substances.

The waterfall is also revered as a holy spring; according to legend, several centuries ago the “Burning Bush” icon floated to the bank of the Sylva River, which is now in the Church of Peter and Paul; annually in July there is a religious procession from the temple to the Plakun waterfall.

Urban settlement Suksun

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On the way between Perm and Yekaterinburg - where you can already feel the mountains - there is a small ancient village of Suksun. Turning off the highway at the first turn from Perm, you first climb a ridge covered with pine and birch trees, and then a wonderful valley opens up to your eyes: a blue pond, picturesque villages along its banks, emerald meadows on the slopes and all this framed by dark green wooded ridges . The sights of Suksun will not leave you indifferent!

In sunny weather, Suksun Pond is worth a ride along the ring road around it, especially since it is paved. From the marshy, gently sloping shore you admire the roofs of houses climbing up the hills opposite, and from the steep slope you admire the pastoral landscape of meadows and forests.

Suksun at the beginning of the 20th century.

After passing the dam, you find yourself in Suksun parks: along the water’s edge there is a lower one, on the other side of the street there is an upper one, in which the samovar is immortalized. In the park itself there is a local history museum, which has collected a collection of interesting samovars from the very first to the latest. Unfortunately, Suksun samovars are now produced in Tula.

Brief information

Suksun is an urban-type settlement located on federal highway R242: 135 km to Perm, 235 km to Yekaterinburg.

First mentioned in the chronicle in 1651; The name most likely comes from the Turkic “icy water”. Village Day is celebrated on July 5th. The settlement developed as a mining settlement and is associated with the names of the Demidovs and Kamenskys. Thanks to the copper smelter in 1739, a pond with an area of ​​193 hectares was formed. Suksun samovars of a special shape are known, but the factory for their production went bankrupt.

View of Suksun and Suksun pond.

The prospects of the Suksun region are associated with tourism and agriculture. Resort activities based on local mineral springs and medicinal mud, has been carried out since 1862. However, in Suksun itself tourist infrastructure not enough: the only not very comfortable hotel, a canteen on the market, several cafes and bars attached to them.

The local history museum conducts interesting excursions, in particular, the Suksun ring around the pond through ancient villages and the village itself. There is also a house-museum of the artist K.M. Sobakina. 2 parks with linden alleys. 2 churches in Suksun in the 1790s. buildings and a church in Verkh-Suksun 1891. Many residential buildings are pre-revolutionary, partially preserved platbands.

Characteristic features of Suksun

Suksun is a small village, not suitable for tourists. The museum conducts tours of the surrounding area, but you must have your own transport. All that remains of the samovars is the samovar in the park and the collection in the museum.

Nowadays it’s worth coming here by car on a sunny day - then you can take a bunch of great photos of the views and yourself. After all - pond and mountains, Perm Lake Geneva. It is better to come in June - more sun and less rain. Well, or from Klyuchi for an excursion just for fun.

Those who wish can look at the churches, but only one, the Peter and Paul Church, is in decent condition, albeit with a broken bell tower. We also painted the Vvedenskaya Church in Verkh-Suksun - it looks good now. They don’t even remember about Voznesenskaya; they think it’s either a cultural center or a cinema. Looking around the houses you can see how rural architectural fashion has changed: there are pre-revolutionary elements, Soviet standards and modern siding.

Church of Peter and Paul in Suksun

On the plateau around the pond there are karst sinkholes and small lakes. In summer there are plenty of strawberries and a huge variety of herbs and flowers - plants that grew before the Ice Age have been preserved. On the edges of the forests there are strawberries, and in the forests themselves there are milk mushrooms, sometimes white mushrooms and milk mushrooms. You can fish in the trout farm.

What to see in Suksun

Museum of Local Lore. It is located in the upper park in the wing of the Kamensky house (the house itself burned down). 4 halls, one with a handicraft workshop for making samovars. Good excursions around the surrounding area.

Parks. In addition to the museum, in the upper park there is a monument “At the Samovar”, as well as wooden sculptures. There is also the Church of the Ascension (1796), without domes and roof. Not far from it, on the square, is a monument to those who died in the Great Patriotic War. In the lower park, folk festivals take place on holidays and the skating rink is flooded in winter.

Monument to the Suksun samovar

Dam. You can walk along it - there is a sidewalk. At one end of the dam there are parks and factory entrances. At the other end, on the mountain, is the Church of Peter and Paul.

Church of Peter and Paul(1798). The main operating Suksun temple, which did not interrupt services even in Soviet times. Initially there were other domes, the bell tower has not been restored. The locally revered icon of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush”, transferred from the Church of the Mother of God of the Tokhtarevsky Monastery.

While in Suksun, don't forget to visit.

Sights of Suksun in photo gallery

Sights of Suksun on the map

Video about the city of Suksun

a brief description of: urban-type settlement on the river. Suksunchik, left tributary of the river. Sylva, the center of the Suksun urban settlement and the Suksun municipal district.
Population: 9,300 people (2002). Previously: 3,892 people. (1869), 4,185 people. (1926).
Historical sketch: the settlement grew up around a copper smelter and ironworks, founded on August 11, 1727 and put into operation on January 15, 1729 by industrialist A. N. Demidov. It got its name from the river. Suksun (translated from the Tatar language syuk su - “cold water”). On April 28, 1845, the first iron-hulled steamship in the Urals, Nikita Demidov, was built and launched here. All R. 19th century Tula craftsmen organized the production of copper samovars, basins, teapots and other products in the village. From 1867 to 1898, a mineral hydropathic clinic was founded by the doctor A.P. Shcherbakov. In 1893, three factories of the Suksun mountain district: Suksunsky, Molebsky and Tisovsky were bought by the Perm steamship brothers Kamensky. Ivan Grigorievich Kamensky, owner of the Suksun plant, at the beginning of the 20th century rebuilt the former manor house into a castle in the Art Nouveau style, which was the adornment of the village for the next hundred years.
In 1924, the industrial-cooperative artel “Mednik” arose. From November 28, 1930 to 1958, the Suksun MTS existed. From 1934 to 1955 and from 1963 to 1970 the pedagogical school operated. In the summer of 1941, the Vitebsk spectacle factory was evacuated to Suksun, which later became an optical-mechanical plant (in 1977 it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor). From May to October 1942, evacuation hospital No. 4880 was located in the village. On March 6, 1966, the Sylva state farm was created, on July 4, 1969 - a metal products plant (from 1993 to 2006 - Suksun Samovar JSC).
An urban-type settlement, from June 20, 1933, Suksun was the center of the Suksun district (from February 27, 1924, break from 1932 to 1935 and from 1963 to 1964) and the Suksun village council (until 2006).
Economy: enterprises related to agriculture and processing of agricultural products - state farm "Sylva", LLC SHF "Agrokhim", bakery, OJSC "Suksun Dairy Plant", soft drink plant LLC "Novye Klyuchi"; industrial and service enterprises and organizations - Suksun Samovar LLC (closed in 2006 due to unprofitability), Suksun Optical-Mechanical Plant OJSC, Remtekhsnab OJSC, asphalt concrete plant, Agrotekhtsentr LLC, Stroyservis LLC , MUP "Avtotransportnik", LLC "Suksunstroy", Suksun road repair and construction department of OGUP "Permavtodor", site of CJSC "Firm Uralgazservis", branch of LLC "Uraltekhnika", fire station No. 98, printing house, MUP "Utility service of the Suksun region", TV studio, communications workshop, private enterprise “Hotel”; cinema "Zarya", forestry, Suksunsky rural forestry - branch of the Federal State Institution "Permselles", station for combating animal diseases, canteen, department store PE Baranova O.V., small enterprise "Poisk", telegraph, regional postal center.
Healthcare: central district hospital, pharmacy No. 64.
Education: public institutions Education is represented by two secondary schools, vocational school No. 69, a children's art school, a House of Creativity, an orphanage and five kindergartens and nurseries.
Culture: cultural institutions - district House of Culture, central district library, children's library, Russian Center, municipal theater "Steps" (since 1992, previously - people's). Historian-local historian works. museum (opened in 1978, since 1993 – municipal). Active Orthodox Church (reopened in 1944).
The district gas comes out. " New life"(from March 1, 1935, earlier, until 1962 - “For communism”). In 1931 – 1932 gas was emitted. "For communist labor."
Architecture, sights: monuments to victims of the Civil War and participants of the Great Patriotic War; archaeological site– settlement of Suksun I (7th – 10th centuries, Nevolin culture); a complex of buildings and structures of a former metallurgical plant; Petro-Pavlovskaya building wooden church(1798); natural monuments - historical and natural complexes Suksunsky Bor (area - 215 hectares) and Suksunsky Pond (area - 38 thousand hectares).
The village is the birthplace of Dmitry Efimovich Vasiliev (1902 - 1961), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1954); Ludwig Ludwigovich Okinchitz (1875 – 1941), medical scientist, professor; Konstantin Vasilievich Manoshin (1917 – 1971), Hero of the Soviet Union (1944).