Do you want to visit one of the most ancient, but at the same time one of the most cozy places on the planet? Malta is a country with a rich historical heritage, a mild Mediterranean climate, developed infrastructure and friendly local population. It is ideal for almost any type of holiday and is very conducive to tourism.

Fine THERE collected the most useful information, which will help you get an impression of the country before your trip. We wish you a pleasant virtual acquaintance with this unique country!

General information about Malta

Location of the island Republic of Malta

To find the Maltese archipelago on the map, pay attention to the small dot in the center Mediterranean Sea. It consists of 10 islands (three of them inhabited: Malta, Gozo, Comino, and six uninhabited: Cominotto, Filfoletta, Filfla, Manoel, Mushroom Rock and the island cluster of St. Paul).

Neighboring continents and states
The Republic of Malta is closest to Italian Sicily (90 km), the next farthest is Tunisia on the North African coast (230 km).

External and internal reservoirs
Located directly in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, Malta does not have any inland waters. Imagine - not a single river or lake within the entire country!


429,344 people (as of 2015)


man - Maltese, woman - Maltese


Euro (approximate exchange rate as of 02/01/2018: 1 Euro = 1.25 dollars, 1 Euro = 70 rubles)

Control form

Parliamentary republic


two official state languages ​​- Maltese and English, Italian is quite common


Catholicism (about 97%)

Country dialing code

Important numbers for tourists

  • Emergency rescue number – 112
  • Help – 190
  • Police – 191
  • Ambulance – 196
  • Firefighters - 199
  • Russian Embassy - +356-21-371-905 (either on end 6 or 7)
  • hotels: for porters 1-2 € per bag, for room cleaning 2-3 €
  • restaurants: from 5% to 10%. However, if the service charge is already included, then there is no need to leave a tip.
  • taxi: usually not required, but if you don’t mind, round up the amount for the trip or leave 10%

But for tourists there is an interesting bonus: thanks to the TAX FREE system, when leaving the island you can return about 15% for purchased goods (each receipt must be at least 55 Euros, and their amount must be at least 315 Euros). Items must be unused and receipts must be available. The refund amount will be sent to you at the specified address within three months, minus administrative expenses.

Climate, when is the best time to go?

The climate here is subtropical Mediterranean: sunny, hot and dry in the summer, and in winter period- quite mild, with rare rains and an absolute absence of frost and snow. Average monthly temperatures: in summer about +26 °C, and in winter about +13 °C. Malta is a real record holder for the number of sunny days per year on the entire European continent. It's almost always sunny here!

So, when is the best time for you to go to this sunny island? Yes, at any time of the year!

  • Summer- Naturally, for lovers of heat and sunshine, it is better to go from June to September. The temperature at this time can reach +40 °C, but generally fluctuates around +35 °C. The Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Malta warms up to +27 °C in the summer season. If an umbrella is useful, it is only for protection from the sun.
  • Off-season- for people who prefer summer weather that is fairly dry, but not too hot, we recommend going to the archipelago in May, September or October. These months delight vacationers with comfortable air temperatures (about +25 °C) and water (about +20 °C).
  • Winter- and if you want to breathe fresh sea ​​air– visit this country during the low season. The sea breeze and periodic short-term rains perfectly cleanse the atmosphere, which during the day mostly stays at +15 °C and does not fall below +5 °C (even at night). The water temperature in winter is about +12 °C.

Cities and resorts

Thanks to its small size and location, you can be on the coast at any time. By car you can drive the length of the entire country in an hour, and the width in half an hour (the length of the main island is 27 km and the width is 14.5 km). At the same time, there is something to see and actively spend time here!

A few words about the capital of the Republic of Malta

The capital of the Republic of Malta is located on the big island archipelago. This is an impressive port city with a rich historical heritage, narrow sunny streets with bright doors and balconies decorated with flower beds. The city is protected by UNESCO and is literally a museum under open air. After all, with an area of ​​only 50 hectares, it accommodates about 320 cultural monuments and attractions. For 2018, Valletta received the status of European Capital of Culture.

Largest cities in Malta

In general, the settlements on the islands are small, with the maximum number of inhabitants (about 25,000 people) living in the town of Birkirkara. Also among the largest cities are the following cities: Mosta, Qormi, Zabbar, Nashshar, Rabat, Zeitun, Zebbuj, Fgura, Attard. Many settlements actually have no borders and smoothly transition into each other, being, by and large, regions of the island.

The most popular tourist and resort towns of the archipelago

Cities that attract tourists can be divided into resort cities and those of cultural value:

The current capital with an incredible number of attractions from different historical eras. The fortified port city, despite its grandeur, is very conducive to walks and a pleasant cultural holiday. This is literally a paradise for tourists - there is something to see here, and at any time - you can relax in some pleasant establishment with a cup of aromatic coffee or a glass of delicious Maltese wine, and also enjoy truly haute local cuisine.

Valletta, Malta

Perfectly preserved ancient capital Malta, which deserves special attention. It is also a fortified city and, despite its high popularity among tourists, remains an extremely quiet place, ideal for thoughtful walking.

Mdina, Malta

The most prestigious and popular resort town with a cozy embankment and enough for a pleasant shopping shopping centers, boutiques and shops.

Sliema, Malta

Here are perhaps the most ideal conditions for staying with your family: developed infrastructure And transport system plus comfortable beach areas and numerous historical places to visit.

Bugibba, Malta

Here is the largest sandy beach in the entire archipelago. Ideal place for the relaxed beach holiday, as well as for a comfortable stay with children.

Mellieha, Malta

The place where the popular film about the fisherman of the same name was filmed. The remaining decorations served as the basis for creating a place to attract tourists.

Popeye Village, Malta

A fishing village with a fairly large market for local products and a beautiful port area with boats of all kinds.

Marsaxlokk, Malta

Has small but cozy beaches. Thanks to its direct proximity to Patchville, it is one of the most popular places from tourists.

St Julian's, Malta

It will especially please young people, lovers of parties and noisy nights out. This is where the entire club life of the archipelago is concentrated.

Paceville, Malta

Features of staying in Malta for Russians

Of course, the features of the colorful Republic of Malta cannot be described in three words, but we will still try to tell you the main points that you should pay attention to for a comfortable stay among the locals.

A brief history of the country, the main milestones of its formation and level in modern times

To complete the picture, it is necessary to understand the main historical events, which affected the formation of Malta. This the most ancient state, with a history that dates back centuries, which is confirmed by the oldest megalithic temples of the island on the planet. The first mentions of this country marked the beginning of our era. Christianity has flourished here since the 60s, brought here by St. Paul. Being on the Mediterranean trade route, the country was of interest to numerous conquerors, but each time the Maltese managed to free themselves from the invaders. Since 870, the country was in the hands of the Arabs, then became part of Sicily, and in 1530 it was transferred to the sovereign Knightly Order, thanks to which the golden age began here. But in 1798, Napoleon recaptured the islands from the knights for two years, surrendering their positions in 1800 to the British army called to help. After defeating the French, the British remained in the archipelago until 1964. Complete independence from Great Britain was proclaimed here in 1974. And since May 2004, the country joined the EU. This is such a difficult history, full of wars and battles, which at the same time has strengthened this majestic people. Modern Malta is a free, successful, cultural and progressive country.

Features of the Maltese people

The Maltese, having a very multifaceted history and roots intertwined with a large number of nationalities, due to numerous conquests, are a very peaceful people themselves. However, you should be extremely careful when communicating with them. Unlike the overly polite Europeans - local residents much more sincere in their reactions, sometimes even hot-tempered and impulsive. But it is worth noting that they are not at all aggressive, they simply will not keep silent if it seems to them that you have somehow violated their foundations, which they have preserved and honored for centuries. Religiosity and traditionalism are perhaps the two main and fundamental features of the Maltese. Family traditions are especially deeply respected here.

Oh yes. Also, they don’t like to rush and rush. But this is more a common feature of residents of hot countries.

Economic mood of the country

For the Maltese, recent decades have seen significant improvements in the economic well-being of the country as a whole, as well as its residents. This happened thanks to successful development in several areas: light industry, trade and, of course, tourism!

All conditions have been created for tourists here, allowing them to spend their time in a variety of ways and in comfort. At the same time, do not overpay as in other countries of a similar level in the European Union. Malta offers the best combination of price and quality of holiday.

Level of safety and culture of behavior in society

The Republic of Malta has the lowest crime rate in the EU. There are practically no thefts and no thefts here. Everyone who has ever visited Malta notes the highest level of culture, responsiveness and hospitality of the local people. Here you feel absolutely safe even at night. This is due to the deep religiosity in Maltese society and innate chivalric principles. As for knighthood, this may be a little exaggerated, but the level of education of local residents is really decent. But we recommend not to ignore the first point. In Maltese society, jokes using the names of Saints are highly discouraged. In general, in order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you should behave as decently as possible, as well as be attentive and respectful to everyone around you. We agree, this is a universal advice for all countries, but believe me, in Malta you should definitely use it!

Popularity of different types of recreation taking into account seasonality

Now let's decide on the reason for the trip! What to do in Malta during your holiday? A question with a thousand answers (and this is not a joke)! Of course, we won’t list all the variations, since it’s simply beyond the scope of this article - but know: holidays on the sunny archipelago can be incredibly varied and it’s incredibly difficult to get bored here.

Basic ideas for organizing a holiday when visiting the Maltese islands:

  • Beach holiday– delights vacationers from May to October. Perhaps the only type of tourism in Malta that is limited by seasonality.
  • Diving– available here all year round. Malta has literally become a European diving center, thanks to the clearest water off the coast and low diving prices.
  • Study tours– attract here students of different statuses and ages from all over the world, who come for the European level of teaching English. In addition, after learning from native speakers, you can have a wonderful time and relax while continuing to actively train your language skills. During the low season, schools offer good discounts on tuition.
  • Gastronomic tourism– very developed in Malta due to the highest level of local cuisine at fairly low prices (relative to European ones). Gourmets from all over the world come here to enjoy the great tastes of Mediterranean dishes.
  • Excursion tourism - one of the most popular destinations for relax. Countless ancient sights (including megalithic ones), perfectly preserved to this day, attract tourists from all over the world.
  • Ecotourism– is actively gaining momentum among tourists from all countries. Ecological situation on the island, year-round good weather and evergreen nature encourage visiting local settlements and villages (especially in winter).
  • Business tourism– is also becoming increasingly popular (especially among European companies). Local conditions are ideal for holding all kinds of forums and conferences.

In general, a holiday in Malta is comparable to a holiday on the shores of Sicily or Italy. A wide range of services and a high level of service will satisfy even the most demanding travelers. That is why rather picky and demanding Europeans love to come here. After all, here you can find ideal conditions for both relaxing relaxation and active pastime.

The most exciting events and holidays

Sorry, it’s impossible to resist summarizing in advance - how these tanned and smiling Maltese know how to have cultural fun! With what enthusiasm and pleasure they organize street celebrations and fireworks of incredible proportions for almost any occasion, be it religious festivals or calendar holidays– this is a must see with your own eyes! The Maltese people love to celebrate and do it sincerely, in an organized and truly beautiful way. Here we list only those events that are the largest and most significant:

  • 1st of January - New Year's celebration It is celebrated here with obligatory folk festivals and fireworks.
  • February 9 – The five-day Carnival is famous for its widespread costumed and very colorful processions.
  • March 31 is Freedom Day, which is a national and widely celebrated holiday.
    Floating dates at the end of June/beginning of July - Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul. At the end of June, the annual MTV Festival in Floriana (a world-class music event) is held.
  • September 8 is Triple Victory Day, as well as the Feast of the Virgin Mary the Victorious with an annual regatta in her honor.
  • September 21 - Independence Day is celebrated on a national scale and the hoisting of the flag in Floriana.
  • December 13 – Republic Day is also the most important date in the history of Malta.
  • December 25 – Catholic Christmas is celebrated with the deep religiosity and commitment to tradition inherent in the Maltese.

Due to the fact that Valletta (the capital of Malta) became the European Capital of Culture in 2018, a huge amount of funds has been allocated to the reconstruction of the historical values ​​of the archipelago. The year will also be marked by an incredibly rich cultural and entertainment program, complementing the already incredibly busy calendar of holidays and events.

Maltese traditional cuisine

Do you like to eat delicious food? Then you will definitely like it in Malta - the Maltese know a lot about food! Oh, how they can cook deliciously! Believe me, there is not a bit of exaggeration in these words. Perhaps, on the contrary, their deep passion for nourishing, incredibly tasty and beautifully presented food cannot be expressed in words. At the same time, national dishes are quite simple, which allows them to preserve the bright natural taste of high-quality products, which they invariably use in preparation. In general, the delights of local cuisine are characteristic of the central Mediterranean, with the addition of interesting notes brought from Italy, Spain, Sicily, France and even North Africa. Despite this, Maltese cuisine has its own and very bright flavor.

What is a must-try in Malta?

  • Hot pastizzi– small puff pastries with delicate fillings (mainly ricotta or lentil paste). A favorite snack of the Maltese and guests of the island.
  • Torti– no less popular local pies with a wide range of fillings.
  • Cannolly– baked rolls with creamy ricotta, chocolate and candied fruits.
  • Bagilla– tender bean paste with added spices.
  • Raviul– the most delicate ravioli with goat cheese.
  • Stuffat tal Arnit– stewed octopus with vegetables (the dish can also be made from pork).
  • Stufat tal Fenech– rabbit stew (one of the most popular dishes among tourists).
  • Excellent tart Maltese wines and local Chisk beer.

A standard question from tourists is - where is it better to eat and where is it not worth it?

Thanks to the high standards of the Maltese in relation to food, almost all the numerous small restaurants on the embankments and in narrow streets cities worth visiting. Here you can taste superbly prepared dishes of national or more universal cuisine without worrying about your health and well-being.

In Malta it is extremely difficult to find a place where you can get tasty food. Even very small establishments for locals spread appetizing smells throughout the street, and inside such eateries hospitality and comfort reign.

How expensive is it to eat delicious food in Maltese restaurants?

With an average bill of about 10 Euros, you will not only get acquainted with Maltese cuisine, but also be well fed. Portions in establishments are not just large, they are literally huge! All these facts have created the interest of tourists all over the world in gastronomic tours to Malta.

Local shops and supermarkets have shelves with Russian products. If you wish, you can buy the usual buckwheat, condensed milk, cucumbers and much more there. The choice of domestic products is not very large, but with a sudden surge of nostalgia, it is quite sufficient.

Where is the best place to stay in Malta?

Tourist comfort in this country is practically at the forefront. In general, almost all accommodation offers here are capable of providing a decent, well, at least acceptable level. Wide choose hotels, villas and apartments allows you to find a cozy option even in high season. Not to mention the huge selection of half price offers during the low season.

Since many people go to Malta to study in English– some choose accommodation in host families. This type of accommodation has its advantages - after all, it is not only a way to better get to know the culture of the country, but also, often, an opportunity to live in a historical house. However, living in someone else's house can cause natural discomfort, since you have to accept the principles and rules of the owners of the house. This is why many choose to live in hotels or aparthotels. Thanks quite reasonable prices for accommodation – this option in Malta is optimal.

Traveling to the Maltese archipelago is a fairly simple undertaking. It only sounds far away, but in fact it is very close! In addition, this is one of the most friendly European countries towards us. So what do you need to know to make a travel decision?

Do I need a visa and how to get it?

The Republic of Malta belongs to the countries of the Schengen area. If you have a Schengen visa, a separate visa confirmation from Malta is not required. When receiving a visa, for example, from Moscow, it will take about 5 days to wait for a decision and 5,000 rubles for the entire package of documents. If you have submitted your biometric data, then a visit to the embassy is not necessary. But, in any case, it is necessary to have air tickets (round trip) and insurance purchased before submitting the visa request.

What are the ways to get to the place?

Considering the geographical location of the island, the best way to get there is by plane! There are a large number of transit options through Europe. Also, you can use a complex and lengthy method - on crossbars, using aquatic species transport. If you are a keen lover of road adventures, we sincerely wish you good luck and the easiest possible journey!

Average ticket price for main flight options from Moscow

There are many ways to get to Malta. Here are the prices for the simplest, fastest and most convenient:

  • Direct flight AirMalta in low season - about 200 Euros, in high season - about 270 Euros.
  • Transit flight TurkishAirline in low season - about 140 Euros, in high season - about 250 Euros.
    The cost of air tickets is reduced when tickets are purchased in advance and travel documents both ways at once. Plus, all airlines periodically have promotions and discounts. By using these opportunities wisely, you can purchase tickets much cheaper than the listed prices.

How long does it take to arrive?

It depends where you are! But seriously, we will give approximate information on five Russian cities:

  • from Moscow – 4 hours 10 minutes
  • from St. Petersburg – 4 hours 20 minutes
  • from Kazan (via Moscow) – about 20 hours
  • from Yekaterinburg (via Moscow) – about 12 hours
  • from Vladivostok (via Seoul and London or Paris) – about 2 days

Subtleties of movement on the ground

The main transport here is your feet. And this, by the way, is not a joke! The local distances, views and climate are more than conducive to walking! Often, neighboring cities can easily be reached on foot in 15-20 minutes. Well, if you need to get to a more remote location, unfortunately, there is not much choice. This is either a taxi or a rented car (an ideal option, given the low cost and ease of renting). If you have a limited budget, no license or desire to change lanes for right-hand drive traffic, you can use public transport. Bus travel costs 1.5 Euro (with the option of using the ticket all day to travel around the island). There are also weekly bus passes, the price of which varies depending on the season. It is worth paying attention to the complex route system and schedule of this type of transport.

What to bring from the country as a souvenir?

Every tourist knows that when leaving, you need to take with you as many souvenirs as possible that remind you of your vacation! At least it seems so. Often these purchases are spontaneous and caused by fresh impressions of the country, which dissipate over time, erasing from memory the excitement with which they were purchased. And for some, on the contrary, small memorable gifts become the keys to warm memories.

Small authentic gifts are worth purchasing in small shops here. What should you pay attention to? Most often, the finest lace products woven by local craftswomen or products made from goat down are brought from Malta. Also popular are multi-colored glass souvenirs, often blown right in front of you. Well, the list is completed by small figurines of Knights and local silver items.

Tasty items include local products: wine or Limoncello, Jbeinite (goat cheese), high-quality honey from local apiaries, olive oil and delicious sea salt mined here.

What cannot be exported?

We remind you that it is strictly prohibited to export any items of artistic or historical value from the country.

So, should you go to Malta or not?

If your list is missing the most obvious pros and cons that you can expect from a visit, we will try to fill this gap:

7 advantages of Malta

  • Excellent Mediterranean climate and the cleanest coastal waters in the entire Mediterranean and free beaches.
  • This is an all-season holiday resort with European quality, but more low prices.
  • Everything is very close, but at the same time there are huge opportunities for spending time for every taste.
  • It is safe even at night, and the residents are quite friendly towards visitors to the country.
  • English is the second language and all residents speak it, which is convenient for tourists all over the world.
  • The oldest buildings on Earth, as well as the highest density of attractions, are here.
  • An opportunity to inexpensively visit any country included in the Schengen zone.

7 disadvantages of Malta

  • High subtropical air humidity may seem quite difficult to perceive for some.
  • There are no green thickets and widespread sandy beaches here. There is both, but not in such quantities as, for example, in Thailand.
  • A peculiar system public transport, represented by a single bus system with complex routes and schedules.
  • Not everywhere there are ATMs or the ability to accept plastic cards. To successfully purchase lunch in a small restaurant, it is better to have cash with you.
  • Fresh water in the tap it is obtained by desalination and is not worth drinking. Drinking water Here they are purchased in stores.
  • The lack of central heating in winter forces the room to be heated on cool days using electric heaters.
  • In winter, a rather cold wind can blow from the sea.

What you should definitely get to know in this country

  1. Swim in the inland sea in Gozo.
  2. Visit Fort Moel, the Grand Master's Palace and the Armstrong Cannon.
  3. Visit the Upper and Lower Barrakka Gardens and admire the views of the Great Gulf.
  4. Take a stroll through the ancient former capital- the city of Mdina in the evening and get aesthetic pleasure. A historical, but at the same time very romantic place.
  5. Descend to the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni (building around 3500 BC). It is somewhat creepy here, but leaves a lasting impression, allowing you to feel the power and strength of these places!
  6. Scuba diving and seeing the 13-ton statue of Christ is a mesmerizing sight.
  7. Enjoy the freshest giant shrimp sold at the market in the fishing village of Marsaxlokk.
  8. Try cacti.

Minimum program for the first and last day in Malta

On the first day of your stay in Malta– visit capital city Valletta. Since everything is very close in Malta, from the airport to Valletta is a 20-minute bus ride. And, having passed through Valletta all the way to the coast (along main street called the Republic), get into a horse-drawn carriage that will slowly take you along the embankment of this beautiful city. Such an excursion will not take much time (about 15 minutes at most), but it will allow you to immediately plunge into best views archipelago and the city itself, as well as feel the mood of these places.

On the last day We recommend going on a romantic farewell walk to Malta. It is advisable to walk along the Sliema embankment. Such a walk will help you settle down your emotions received on vacation, and also recharge your desire to come again. Believe me, even travelers who don’t visit the same countries twice come back here. And, of course, be sure to throw a coin from the pier if you still want to visit here again!

We wish you an unforgettable trip to the sunny island of Malta!

Well, are you ready for the trip? Bookmark this article so you don’t forget the most important points!

Well... We almost forgot about one of the most important places to visit in Malta. Don't miss the chance to visit Blue Lagoon on the island of Comino to enjoy crystal clear waters and white sand.

Few people know how to see an aura, but many can learn this technique with the help of special exercises. Such sacred knowledge helps to better understand people, conduct business more effectively, and even heal illnesses of the soul and body.

The island state of Malta has always attracted thousands of tourists with excellent resorts and many interesting attractions. Most travelers to last days During their vacation, they prefer to take a last walk through the ancient streets and acquire memorable souvenirs.

Maltese cuisine is a unique mix of European and Arabic cuisines. The country has a lot of different restaurants and cafes to suit every taste. In our new article we will talk about the features of the traditional cuisine of Malta and the best national dishes and drinks.

Malta is a paradise for tourists. In addition to many interesting attractions, active recreation lovers can go surfing and diving, especially if you find yourself on the island of Gozo, the second largest island of the state. You will learn more about how and where to dive best in our next article.

The three cities, which include Cospicua, Senglea and Vittoriosa, are rightfully considered the cradle of Maltese history - without visiting them, it is impossible to get to know the country and its culture. In our new article we will tell you more about each of the cities and their attractions.

Diving in Malta is one of the most popular tourist attractions. The purest clear water, unusual relief and excellent weather, allowing you to dive under water at any time of the year is a nice bonus. Read more about what travelers need to know before setting out to explore. underwater world Malta, we will tell you further in our article.

Malta is one of the dwarf states in Europe, and therefore it is not at all surprising that there is only one functioning in the country international Airport, which is located approximately 5 km from the capital - Valletta. Read more about where the airport is and how to get to it in our new article.

Malta - small Island state in the Mediterranean. In addition to beach holidays, the country is rich in attractions. A separate category is made up of numerous museums in Malta, telling about the history and culture of the people. You will learn more about the best of them in our next article.

The beaches of Malta are rightfully considered one of the most important attractions of this small country, because, in addition to snow-white sand and crystal clear water, gorgeous landscapes appear before the tourist’s eyes. Read more about the best sand and rocky beaches Malta, read our new article.

Malta is an island state where, according to many travelers, there are some... best resorts in Europe. When choosing where to stay in Malta, we recommend that you pay attention to the following hotels, which are rightfully considered the best.

Malta is an island state in the Mediterranean. In total, 23 megalithic temples were discovered here, but only four of them have survived to this day - Ggantija, Hagar Kvim, Mnajdra, Tarshjen. Read more about each of them further in our new article.

Malta is a dwarf state in Europe, but the modest size of the country does not prevent it from being one of the most visited by tourists. We will talk further about how to get around Malta, what types of transport are available here and what the cost of travel is in our new material.

Useful information for tourists about Malta, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Malta, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions of Malta.

Geography of Malta

The Maltese archipelago is located in the Mediterranean Sea south of the island of Sicily. The territory of the state consists of five islands: Malta, Gozo, Comino, Kemunet and Filfla. The last two are uninhabited.

Coastline strongly indented and replete with coves, bays and rocks. The relief of the islands is elevated, rocky limestone rocks protrude to the surface everywhere and completely form the landscape of the islands.


State structure

The form of government is a parliamentary republic. Member of the Commonwealth. The head of state is the president. The executive branch is the government headed by the Prime Minister. The legislative body is the House of Representatives.


Official language: English, Maltese

Many Maltese also speak French and Italian languages.


Predominantly Roman Catholic (98% of Maltese). The Church has a great influence on the daily life of the country.


International name: EUR

Currency can be exchanged at most banks, as well as in hotels (the rate is usually less favorable), specialized exchange offices at the airport (24 hours a day) and seaport. Credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted without restrictions in most hotels, restaurants and shops, and there is a widely developed ATM network.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Malta

Where to stay

Malta has been an ideal country for a holiday by the sea for centuries. Hotels are located according to the size and popularity of the resort. At the same time, division into tourist areas does not exist here, and all hotels are located mainly within the city limits. There are many hotels in the country, and they are all quite different both in the level of service and in the number of vacationers.

As Malta is a center for educational tourism, most of its four and five star hotels are equipped with high-end meeting facilities. The service in such hotels is highly professional - polite and efficient, which is often lacking in hotels of a lower class. In addition, four- and five-star hotels usually have outdoor and indoor swimming pools, saunas and gyms.

Only some five-star hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis. In Malta, this system includes only three meals a day.
Most three-star hotels offer dinners a la carte rather than buffet style. Breakfast is mainly continental: buns, jam, butter, snacks, juice, coffee and tea. All-inclusive meals are available only in a few hotels.

Among the simpler hotels in the country, guesthouses predominate. Here they come in two types: comfort (bath in each room) and standard (bath in several rooms). Accommodation in such guesthouses is inexpensive.

To others inexpensive option Hostels are available for accommodation in Malta. There are a lot of them in the country, which is understandable - the island is considered one of the main European centers for learning English. Most of the rental housing in the country is provided by Maltese apart-hotels, offering studio apartments that are equipped with everything that is necessary for living in an ordinary apartment, from a kitchen with all the necessary appliances to a TV and exercise machine in the living room.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Malta

Malta is a small island state in the central Mediterranean Sea. Malta is the name given to the entire Maltese archipelago, which consists of three inhabited islands– Malta, Gozo and Comino, as well as a number of small uninhabited islands. Unique natural landscapes, magnificent beaches and warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea attract a huge number of tourists here. Despite the very modest size of Malta, the rich cultural and historical heritage of the country is striking.

The island of Malta is the most big island archipelago. One of the main attractions and business card Malta is the Blue Grotto - a unique natural formation of stunning beauty. Not far from the grotto there are important prehistoric monuments - the largest megalithic structures of the island of Mnajdra and Hadjar Im. Among the natural attractions of the island, it is also worth highlighting the Dingli Cliffs - sheer cliffs up to 253 m high, from the top of which magnificent panoramic views open.

The capital of the country, Valletta, is located on the island of Malta - an economic, cultural and political center. Among the most interesting attractions in Valletta are the Grand Master's Palace with the Magnificent Armory Hall, Valletta Cathedral (St. John's Cathedral), St. Paul's Cathedral, the Cathedral of Our Lady Victorious, the Jesuit Church, Casa Rossa Piccola and Palazzo Ferreria. Also worth visiting are the Royal Opera House (Manoel Theatre), Archaeological Museum, Museum fine arts and Fort St. Elmo (National War Museum). The Amusement Park and Marine Park are 9 km from Valletta.

It is also interesting to visit the old capital of Malta – Mdina. Age of this ancient city dates back about 4000 years. The main attractions of Mdina include the City Gate, the Greek Gate, the Palace of Master Vilhena, the Cathedral of St. Paul, the Church of the Carmelites, the Inguanets Palace and the Norman House. Not far from Mdina is the town of Rabat, famous for the Catacombs of St. Agatha and St. Paul. Also interesting are the Church and Grotto of St. Paul and the Archaeological Museum. And near the town of Paola it is worth visiting a magnificent underground temple Hypogeum of Khal Saflini, which dates back to the 3rd millennium BC.

The island of Gozo (Gozo) is the second largest in the Maltese archipelago. The island is famous for the Neolithic megalithic temple complex - Ggantija. Together with others megalithic structures Malta this temple is included in the list of monuments World Heritage UNESCO. The capital of the island is the city of Victoria, which received its name in honor of the British Queen Victoria. The main attraction of Victoria is the fortress located on the top of the hill - the Citadel. On its territory there are several museums (Archaeological, Folklore, etc.), the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Virgin Mary and the Chapel of St. Giuseppe. It is also worth visiting the Basilica of St. George, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Sheukiya and the Ta'Pinu Church near the town of Arb. Among natural monuments The most interesting islands are Calypso Cave, Marsalforn Cave and Cape Doueira, famous for the “Azure Window”, the picturesque Fungus Rock and the so-called “Inland Sea” - a small bay connected to the Mediterranean Sea by a narrow tunnel in the rock. The resort island of Comino is famous for its stunning Blue Lagoon with clear turquoise water.


If a service fee is not included in the bill, a tip of 10-15% is given. Taxi drivers - 10% of the fare.


Office hours

Banking hours: Monday to Thursday - from 8.30 to 12 hours; on Friday and Saturday - from 8.30 to 11.30.

Shops are open from 9 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm. On Sundays and holidays Most shops are closed, but in the busiest ones tourist areas Some retail outlets are open until 22:00 on weekdays, and until 12:00 on Sundays.


From Malta you can bring weaving and pottery, handmade lace, Maltese wines, original Maltese chess, door handles, various glass products - vases, glasses, ashtrays, dishes and decorations; Beitar liqueur made from the fruits of local cactus.

Malta is a recognized gold and silver center of the Mediterranean and is famous for its filigree. It’s hard to make a choice, because the range is huge, and each product is a real work of art. Jewelry with the symbols of the island is popular - the eight-pointed Maltese cross, the Maltese falcon and dolphins.


Malta has a traditionally low crime rate. Pickpocketing and bag snatching are relatively rare. However, thefts and thefts from parked cars are on the rise.

1. What to see and do

The good thing about Malta is that here everyone will find something to their liking: many attractions, beautiful nature and a variety of entertainment will make your vacation enjoyable and educational.

If you prefer leisure beach idleness, then feel free to choose diving, rock climbing, golf and many other sports. Well, if you want to relax away from the hustle and bustle, be sure to go explore the beaches, lagoons and picturesque landscapes. There will be something to do in Malta for those who like to have fun and have a noisy relaxation: bars, restaurants, clubs and casinos - all at your service.

For those travelers who are not averse to learning something new, Malta is simply a godsend: ancient fortresses, ruins of ancient buildings, temples, and all this with the sauce of an eventful history. Here it is simply impossible not to mention the island of Gozo with its ancient megalithic structures and caves.

Be sure to visit the island's capital, Valletta, to stroll through its streets, admiring the ancient cathedrals and buildings, many of which still contain ancient frescoes and paintings by the great masters of the past. Worth a look Cathedral St. John, the Palace of the Grand Master, the Armory of the Knights, Fort St. Elmo, and also the beautiful palaces of Parisio, Castilla and Provence.

Don't forget about the walled city of Mdina (the first Maltese capital). Its palaces (Inguanets, St. Sophia, Archbishop) and museums, temples (Hajar Im, Mnajdra and Tarshin) and cathedrals (St. Paul's Cathedral, the Carmelite Church), as well as the cells of the first Christian prophets are worth staying here at least for day and touch ancient history this place.

But if you are a hunter of beautiful landscapes and like to be alone with nature, you should go to the south or west of Malta, because this is where you will find the most impressive views on the island. You can also stop by the fishing village of Marsaxlokk to taste seafood bought right there on the embankment at the Sunday market. Better yet, do it boat trip along the coast to not only enjoy the view of Malta, but also appreciate the beauty of the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Diving is a very popular activity in Malta because... The island's coastal waters are rich in flora and fauna and attract divers from all over the world. However, if you also want to dive into the depths of the Mediterranean Sea, it is worth considering that for diving in Malta you must obtain a local permit - card “C”.

It is issued at the island's diving centers, and for this you need to provide a medical certificate (this can be obtained on site), two photographs, a ship's book and a fee (1 lira).

There are schools on the island where instructors give lessons to beginning divers and also take CMAS or PADI level exams. It is important to remember that spearfishing and swimming in several archaeological areas are prohibited in Malta. If you find anything of value underwater, you must not touch it - you should report this to the museum or diving school.

3. Smoking

The Maltese are a strict people when it comes to following rules and regulations. On the beaches of the island, for example, it is prohibited to sunbathe topless, and you will not be allowed into temples wearing beach clothes or excessively revealing clothing. The attitude towards smoking is no exception - in Malta there is a ban on smoking in in public places. Smoking is only allowed in establishments that have special hoods in designated smoking areas. The population of the island is officially allowed to report on the owners of those establishments where there is no hood and where, nevertheless, visitors smoke.

4. Security

When traveling to Malta, you can rest assured - this is one of the few places with the lowest crime rate. The worst thing that can happen is petty theft, and even then it is “performed” by migrants from African countries. But still, tourists are advised not to leave things in a parked car and keep everything valuable in the hotel safe.

5. Maltese cuisine

Don't try local cuisine- this is just a gastronomic crime! After all culinary traditions Malta has absorbed the features of European and African national cuisines, so appreciating the resulting motley mixture is your first duty as a tourist.

Be sure to try the seafood dishes: the traditional pie with lampuka (a fish like tuna) or, if you're up for something unusual, spaghetti with octopus ink sauce. It is also worth paying attention to stuffed eggplants, bragioli (beef meat rolls stuffed with minced meat and bacon and sauce) and rabbit stewed in tomato sauce.

For desserts, pay attention to puff pastries with ricotta and imkaret (pastry stuffed with dates).

Have a nice trip!

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