One of the attractions of Crimea that receives insufficient attention is the unique trolleybus system, which includes the longest trolleybus route in the world. The length of the route from Simferopol airport to Yalta is 96 kilometers.
And in Crimea, the oldest linear trolleybus in the CIS is in operation - the Škoda 9Tr, produced in 1972.

It seems to me that it is worth devoting a separate story to Crimean trolleybuses.

2. Trolleybus service in Crimea was opened in 1959. Crimean trolleybuses are serviced by the Crimetrolleybus enterprise. One of the stations is located on the station square of the Simferopol airport.

3. For many years, to get from the airport to Yalta by trolleybus, you had to travel with a transfer. This route was restored last year.

4. The fare is very low, both on city routes and on intercity routes. You can get from the airport to Yalta for just 98 rubles.

5. There are also travel tickets. A travel ticket is an inexpensive but useful gift!

6. In Crimea, thanks to the climate and technology, very old trolleybuses are still found.

7. Notice how impressive the lady is driving. There are a lot of female drivers.

8. Currently, there are 25 trolleybus routes in Crimea, of which 7 are suburban and 5 are intercity.

9. Many modern models of trolleybuses. There are 244 cars in Crimea.

10. On the section from Simferopol to Alushta, the route passes through a pass. There is a monument to a trolleybus there.

11. Trolleybuses run very quickly, slides go through without problems.

12. During the USSR summer period the interval between trolleybuses was 2 minutes. For the convenience of passengers, tickets for trolleybuses to Alushta and Yalta were sold together with train tickets to Simferopol at railway ticket offices major cities Soviet Union.

13. Old man. Škoda 9Tr19 produced in 1979.

14. A fresher model. Škoda 14Tr02/6 1988.

15. There are a lot of “oldies” on the roads of Crimea, not only among trolleybuses. Pay attention to the number, it is still Soviet.

16. You can also see such rarities.

17. On the way, we noted the interval between trolleybuses, it turned out that the maximum interval on the Simferopol - Alushta line is 20 minutes.

18. Interesting fact: in October 2014, tests of the Trolza-5265 “Megapolis” trolleybus with autonomous travel to the area of ​​the street began in Simferopol. Heroes of Stalingrad, where there is no contact network. It has been serving residents in the area since November.

19. Unfortunately, due to the fog on the South Coast it was difficult to photograph.

20. Ukrainian model Bogdan T70115. 2011 release. There are a lot of such trolleybuses on the roads.

21. Crimean trolleybuses had different times. In 2006, the Crimea trolleybus enterprise became the property of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. 2009 turned out to be a particularly difficult year, the company was declared bankrupt and was on the verge of closure, many routes were closed. But we managed to survive. I consider this a great achievement.



25. Development is planned in the coming years trolleybus network Crimea. In January 2015, the first trolleybus VMZ-5298.01-50 “Avangard” entered the Simferopol trolleybus fleet. There are plans to build a trolleybus line from Sevastopol Belbek Airport to Yalta.

26. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to ride a trolleybus on this trip, but we will definitely need to take the longest trolleybus route in the world.

Reports from a trip to spring Crimea:

Trolleybuses in Russia play a social role for the population. But it is unlikely that in any city this type of transport has gained such popularity as in Crimea. On the peninsula, the trolleybus went beyond the city and united several cities and the villages closest to them. Also, in comparison with other vehicles, this is one of the most affordable types of transport, spacious and environmentally friendly. The Crimean trolleybus schedule can be found below.

Intercity flights:

  1. No. 51 - Simferopol - Alushta; (Simferopol railway station)
  2. No. 52 - Simferopol - Yalta; (Simferopol railway station)
  3. No. 53 - Alushta - Yalta; (Alushta station)
  4. No. 54 - airport - Alushta; (Simferopol airport)
  5. No. 55 - airport - Yalta. (Simferopol airport)

Suburban trolleybuses:

  1. Alushta - Verkhnyaya Kutuzovka (No. 31); (Alushta station
  2. Alushta - Zaprudnoye (No. 32); (Alushta station
  3. Simferopol - Perevalnoye (No. 21, 22, 23); (Simferopol railway station)
  4. Yalta - Nikitsky Botanical Garden (No. 42); (Yalta station)
  5. Yalta - Krasnokamenka (No. 41). (Yalta station)

Crimea trolleybus schedule updated on April 4

There are trolleybuses in Crimea in several large cities; the most popular route is the trolleybus connection between Simferopol and the South Bank. The trolleybus route starts from Simferopol airport and railway station and ends in the vicinity of Yalta, passing along the way villages adjacent to Simferopol: Perevalnoye, Alushta, Alupka, Nikita and Yalta itself. There are several routes in this direction. Every year during the holiday season the number of flights increases. The route Simferopol - Yalta is a unique phenomenon not only within the Crimea, but throughout Europe and the world. This is evidenced by the monument to the trolleybus in Crimea on the Angarsk Pass. The Crimean trolleybus line is the longest, its length is 84 km, and if from Simferopol airport, then all 96 km. The route was opened more than half a century ago. The first trolleybus went to Alushta in 1959, to Yalta a little later - in 1961.

For many years after the opening of the route, the trolleybus was not just a means of transportation, but also an attraction. Since there was an excursion throughout the journey, observation platforms stops were made to admire the views. Today there are no such excursions, but Crimea Trolleybus is going to return to this tradition. After all, the attention of all passengers is still attracted by the unforgettable Crimean landscapes - the Demerdzhi, Ayu-Dag, Chatyrdag mountains, shady forests and the azure sea.

Crimea trolleybus schedule 2019 2018: intercity flights

There are two trolleybus stations in the capital:

  1. bus station at the Simferopol railway station;
  2. bus station at Simferopol airport.

The route is served by routes numbered 51 and 55. Trolleybuses numbered 51 travel at intervals of 25-60 minutes. They get to Alushta quite quickly, less than an hour. Flight 55 heads to Yalta, stopping at Perevalnoe, Alushta, and Gurzuf along the way. The journey takes 2.5 hours. Intervals between flights are 30-40 minutes. If you go from the railway station, the fare to Alushta will be 77 rubles, and to Yalta - 122 rubles. From the airport a little more expensive. To Alushta - 92, and to Yalta - 138 rubles. Travel from Alushta to Yalta is 47 rubles.

Crimea trolleybus schedule 2019 2018: suburban routes

Suburban routes are simply a salvation for residents of villages closest to cities. Permanent and regular transportation I guarantee getting to work or school on time. Also, trolleybus transport in Crimea is quite economical; travel will cost half as much as by bus. Another advantage is the presence of stops on suburban routes and the large capacity of this type of transport.

In Crimea, there are five flights connecting cities and villages on the Simferopol - Yalta route. All flights have their own schedule. All routes have thought out interchanges in each locality. Among suburban routes Simferopol - Perevalnoe is especially popular: 21, 22, 23 flights pass along this route. In Simferopol, each of them has their own Ending station- Train Station, Central Market, Freedom. The route is needed as to the local population, and for tourists. It is from Perevalnoye that you can start your journey to the Red Caves, to Chatyrdag, Tyrka or Dolgorukovskaya Yayla. The fare from Simferopol is 35 rubles.

The website presents the Crimean trolleybus schedule for 2019-2018. Knowing exactly the intervals between flights, direction and travel time, you can easily plan and adjust your trip.

Crimean trolleybus is a unique intercity trolleybus system connecting Simferopol with resorts South Bank Crimea, the longest trolleybus system in the world (86 km).
Trolleybus service on the route Simferopol - Alushta was opened in 1959, on the route Simferopol - Yalta - in 1961.
Travel time from Simferopol to Alushta is 1.5 hours, to Yalta - 2.5 hours. On the way from Simferopol to Alushta, the trolleybus overcomes the Angarsk Pass (752 m).
The Crimean Republican Production Enterprise "Crimeatrolleybus" includes the Simferopol, Alushta and Yalta trolleybus depots.

In October 1958, the Council of Ministers of Ukraine decided to build the first mountain intercity trolleybus line in the USSR and Europe: Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta. The first stage of this line Simferopol - Alushta with a length of 52 km was built and put into operation in a record short time of 11 months. This line was built by specialists from more than 80 enterprises from 10 cities of Ukraine. In the first stage, 2 trolleybus parks were built in Simferopol and Alushta, 16 traction substations, more than 3 thousand supports were installed and over 200 km of overhead wire were suspended.


In May 1959, by decision of the Crimean Regional Executive Committee No. 337, the Crimean Trolleybus Administration was organized. In the summer of the same year, the first 40 trolleybuses arrived in Simferopol: domestically produced MTB-82D and Skoda 8Tr8. On September 12, 1959, testing of the contact network began in Simferopol, and on October 7, regular traffic was opened on the route Railway Station - Maryino, with a length of 8.5 km. There were 9 domestically produced trolleybuses of the MTB-82 brand operating on the route. Over 200 thousand passengers were transported during the first month of operation. In the late 80s, about 500 thousand passengers were transported in the city in one day. Today, over 220 thousand passengers are transported in one day.


On November 6, 1959, trolleybus traffic on the Simferopol - Alushta line was officially opened. The first trolleybuses on this line worked with conductors. The fare was 6 rubles 50 kopecks, and the conductor also served as a tour guide. On April 28, 1961, trolleybus service was opened in Yalta along the city ring, with a length of 4.5 km. On this route, trolleybuses operated at intervals of 1 - 2 minutes. In July 1961, the second stage of the intercity trolleybus line Alushta - Yalta, 33 km long, was built. The duration of the trip to Alushta was 1 hour 50 minutes, to Yalta - 2 hours 50 minutes.

An employee of the trolleybus depot who has been working since its foundation

In general, in 1960-70. There was an active expansion of the trolleybus network. The intercity route became very popular in the country; trolleybuses operated in 3 shifts. The fleet in Simferopol reached its design capacity by 1962, numbering 102 vehicles. By 1968 Simferopol ranked 19th in the USSR in terms of density and intensity of urban transport. In the same year, there were 212 trolleybuses in inventory, which required reconstruction, which was completed in 1972.


In the 70-80s. in the midst summer season trolleybus traffic intervals on the Simferopol - Alushta route averaged 2 minutes. During these years, for the convenience of passengers, tickets for trolleybuses to Alushta and Yalta were sold along with train tickets to Simferopol at the city ticket office. Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Minsk, Kharkov, Riga and Vilnius.


Skoda 9Tr (Skoda 9Tr) is a trolleybus that was produced from 1961 to 1982 by the Czechoslovak company Skoda-Ostrov and was one of the “legendary”, most popular models of trolleybuses operated in the USSR - a total of more than 5 thousand vehicles.



The USSR became acquainted with Czech trolleybuses back in 1959, when new Skoda-8Tr vehicles arrived for work on the Simferopol-Yalta intercity route in Crimea. Initially, it was planned to operate domestic vehicles on this unique line, but tests of MTB-82 trolleybuses showed that they are not capable of operating on mountain track. On the long descent from the Angarsk Pass, the starting and braking rheostats, which were designed to operate trolleybuses in cities with flat terrain, overheated. Czech trolleybuses did not have this problem. In addition, their operation on the Simferopol - Yalta highway resulted in a number of other advantages - better maneuverability on mountain serpentines, an improved dynamic braking system, greater strength of the body and chassis. An important role was also played by the fact that Czech technology looked much more modern than domestic cars, and only the best trolleybuses were supposed to operate on the all-Union resort route.

The trolleybus body was manufactured in two versions: with two or three screen-type doors. The door drive is pneumatic. The traction motor control system is rheostat-contactor.


A special two-door modification was made for the USSR. This was due to the Soviet fare system - passengers enter through the back door, where the conductor is located, and exit through the front. A small number of three-door cars were supplied to the USSR, but usually they had the middle door blocked, the floor leveled and additional seats(this was done only on cars intended for the Simferopol-Alushta-Yalta highway; the Skoda-14Tr was also modernized)


Time has confirmed that the Skoda 9Tr turned out to be a very reliable car - some of them have worked for more than 35 years, and some are still working today. The most demanding part most often turned out to be the rheostat-contactor control system for the traction motor. The stepwise change in the strength of the electric current in the windings of the electric motor was dictated by the need for smooth acceleration and braking, and the system was designed in such a way that if it malfunctioned, the trolleybus accelerated and decelerated with obvious jerks: which often caused dissatisfaction among passengers. But at the same time, it gave the trolleybus unusually high maneuverability. According to this criterion, the Skoda 9Tr was superior not only to domestic ZiUs, but also to Skodas of newer models.


With a stated speed of 60 km/h, an empty trolleybus on a 2 km long stretch could easily reach a higher speed - over 90 km/h. Despite the jerks and compressor noise that were uncomfortable for passengers, the Skoda 9Tr was quite comfortable due to the semi-soft seats and interior heating


A freshly painted trolleybus undergoing repairs in the workshop

IN Last year New Bogdan T-601 trolleybuses from the Lutsk Automobile Plant began to actively arrive in Crimea. But many drivers believe that the old Skoda 14Tr from the 1980s are more reliable, since they were made entirely in the Czech Republic

The oldest trolleybus of the Alushta trolleybus fleet is the Skoda 9Tr from 1968. The car and the driver are the same age


Now this once ordinary passenger trolleybus has been converted into a technical vehicle.

Old trolleybus bridges will still serve after repair

You cannot buy original spare parts for old Czech trolleybuses, many are manufactured by repair shops, and suitable replacements are used. After the final depletion of its resource, the trolleybus goes on its last journey - for scrap metal



One of the “old guys” 9Tr, plowing the expanses of the Simferopol-Yalta highway, was lucky enough to become a museum exhibit in Moscow 3 years ago.
By the way, trolleybuses are transported by rail. This is exactly how all trolleybuses got to Crimea from Czechoslovakia - on the railway platform to Simferopol, and then on their own

Most often, the electrics break down in an old Czech trolleybus. But the employees of the trolleybus fleet and all trolleybus lovers are more concerned about competition with minibuses and routes. The tourist today has gone wild and considers it shameful to go to the resort by trolleybus

Currently, the cost of travel from Simferopol to Alushta is 7 hryvnia, to Yalta - 12 hryvnia (approximately 25 and 40 rubles, respectively)


Website materials used.

Crimea was and remains one of the most picturesque corners of the post-Soviet space. Thanks to the trolleybus, residents and guests of the peninsula have the opportunity not only to travel between two cities, but also to inexpensively get to Alushta, Gurzuf and others settlements Yalta highway. The 86-kilometer-long path pierces mountainous areas like an arrow, ending at the most beautiful Black Sea coast. The path from Simferopol airport to beauty resort Yalta will take about 2.5 hours.

History of the line

First project transport communication between the cities appeared back in the 30s of the last century, when the Soviet leadership decided to build here railway. Heavy natural conditions, constant landslides and the unsuitability of some areas for construction led to the curtailment of the project. In return, in 1958 it was proposed to equip a unique intercity trolleybus line. Thanks to the incessant work of the workers of Soviet Ukraine, the section from Simferopol to Alushta was put into operation within a year, and the remaining 33-kilometer section to Yalta was opened in July 1961.

The route's peak popularity occurred in the 70s and 80s, when during the holiday season the interval between trolleybuses did not exceed two minutes. The line's management at that time cooperated with the railway - vacationers, along with a train ticket, often received a ticket for a trolleybus to the coast.

What to see along the route?

From the windows vehicle The most beautiful plain, mountain and sea landscapes open up. A few kilometers from the border of Simferopol there is an artificial reservoir on the Salgir River.

Traveling to the coast, travelers:

  • On one side of the train they will observe the ribbon of the Black Sea coast;
  • On the other are the peaks of the Crimean Mountains.

The route passes through the famous vineyards of the peninsula, which are picturesquely located near the mountain spurs.

Tourists can see Mount South Demerdzhi (1239 m) and weathered rocks, which received the mystical name Valley of Ghosts. Noteworthy is the “head of Catherine” - a massive block that vaguely resembles the profile of a woman’s face. The trolleybus slowly climbs up to the Angarsky Pass (752 m), where the tourist routes to Northern Demerdzhi and the Chatyr-Daga plateau. Those who want to go to the Marble and Red caves go to the Perevalnoye stop.

In addition, the path runs around:

  • Winery in Massandra;
  • Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

How long will the journey take?

Trolleybuses usually run at intervals of 18 to 35 minutes. Travel time from Simferopol to Alushta is about 1.5 hours, and to the beauty of Yalta you will have to spend another 60 minutes. In total, there are about 40 stops along the way.


The ticket price may change and it is better to find out the current cost on the Crimea Trolleybus website. In any case, the trolleybus line connecting Simferopol and Yalta remains the most affordable way to transport tourists to the coast.

As of 2016, ticket price:

  • From the Airport to Alushta is 85 rubles;
  • To Yalta – 129 rubles;
  • The fare from the Simferopol railway station is 70 and 114 rubles, respectively.

Other Features

The trolleybus fleet of Crimea is constantly updated, and only modern vehicles enter the line. Large windows will allow passengers not to miss a single detail from the surrounding landscape.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the transport schedule in advance - service intervals vary greatly depending on the time of year.