MONUMENT, a, m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    natural monument- — EN natural monument A natural/cultural feature which is of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity, representative of aesthetic qualities or cultural… … Technical Translator's Guide

    natural monument- A unique, irreplaceable natural complex or individual object in ecological, scientific, cultural and aesthetic terms... Dictionary of Geography

    Natural monument of the Pskov region “Snetogorsko Murovitsky” ... Wikipedia

    Sablinsky caves, reconstruction of the life of ancient people Coordinates ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Cave (meanings). “Cave” is a geological natural monument of local significance. It is located in the Novoazovsky district of the Donetsk region, on the outskirts of the village of Guselshchikovo, three meters from the highway to Novoazovsk.... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Maryina Gora. Maryina Gora is a botanical natural monument of local importance. It is located on the territory of the Serebryansky village council in the Artyomovsky district of the Donetsk region. Status of the monument... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Springs. Springs hydrological monument nature of local significance. It is located in the Krasnolimansky district of the Donetsk region near the village of Shandrigolovo. Geographical coordinates: 48.400278,… …Wikipedia

    Druzhkovka petrified trees are a geological natural monument of national importance. Located in the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region near the city of Druzhkovka and the village of Alekseevo Druzhkovka. The status of a natural monument was assigned... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Attics. Cherdakly is a botanical natural monument of local significance. Located in the Volodarsky district of the Donetsk region, near the village of Kremenevka, Donetsk region. Status of a natural monument... ... Wikipedia


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Moscow is one of the greenest metropolises in the world. Almost a third of its territory is given over to the natural complex, and about a fifth is occupied by miraculous natural landscapes. The nature of the city is the most valuable resource for its residents. It promotes health environment, allows people to relax in the fresh air without making long trips, gives children the opportunity to develop harmoniously and explore the world, and is simply pleasing to the eye. Such " green islands» how Serebryany Bor, Bitsevsky Forest, Izmailovsky Park give Moscow a unique beauty.

But values natural areas They can be irretrievably lost if they are allowed to be built up or littered, if thousands of vacationers are allowed to light fires there, drive cars through them, leave garbage, and destroy flora and fauna. To preserve Moscow’s nature, the capital’s government adopted the law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas in the City of Moscow” (dated September 26, 2001, No. 48).

Great contribution to conservation Specially Protected Natural Areas(SPNA) are contributed by the city residents themselves, who are aware of the value and recreational opportunities of Moscow nature. Behind last years The ecological culture of Muscovites has grown noticeably; they have become more respectful and careful about natural areas, helping to clean them and maintain order, and most importantly, better comply with environmental rules when visiting city parks and reserves.

On natural monuments of Moscow natural landscapes predominate, which are capable of self-healing and self-regulation, that is, they do not require constant care and arrangement. The special protection regime limits economic activity on them (for example, they are not threatened by development). By 2013, 118 were taken under special protection natural objects with a total area of ​​more than 16 thousand hectares. Let us list their main categories.

To preserve natural communities, historical and cultural monuments, natural and historical parks: “Bitsevsky Forest”, “Izmailovo”; “Kosinsky”, “Kuzminki-Lublino”, “Moskvoretsky”, “Ostankino”, “Sokolniki”, “Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo”, “Tushinsky”, “Tsaritsyno”.

To save unique natural landscapes , flora and fauna are also created natural reserves various profiles: “Sparrow Hills”, “Deguninsky”, “Valley of the Skhodnya River in the Molzhaninovsky area”, “Valley of the Setun River”, “ Teply Stan", "Troparevsky", "Valley of the river. Gangway to Kurkino."

Unique or typical, but well preserved natural objects Moscow received the status of natural monuments. By 2013, 100 natural monuments had been created. Among the Moscow natural monuments there are boulders and outcrops, valleys, sources and mouths of rivers and streams, swamps, springs, ravines, forest areas, individual trees, as well as large natural objects: the Kamennaya Kletva ravine system on the Krylatsky hills, artificial island Serebryany Bor, the Shchukinsky Peninsula and the floodplain tract on the Skhodna River - the Tushinskaya Bowl.

Hereby natural wealth Moscow is national park federal significance"Elk Island" This is a "museum of nature under open air" In the protected forest and wetlands " Elk Island» such people live large mammals, such as elk, wild boar, sika deer, beaver, 125 species of birds are found, and more than 800 species of plants grow on its territory.
System of specially protected natural monuments of Moscow, also includes water protection zones and other objects.
A network of environmental education centers, ecological routes and trails has been created in specially protected natural areas of the city, cycling routes. Thus, “landscaped” urban nature attracts more and more visitors and lovers of active recreation. It is important that the negative impact on nature on their part is minimized - through strict adherence to environmental rules (which will be discussed below).
The main goal of the special protection regime is to reduce the negative human impact on natural areas of the city. The most important thing is to preserve the natural landscape and soil. For this reason, construction and excavation work, making fires and burning dry grass are prohibited in protected areas. You cannot take soil for growing plants, dig holes, dump or burn garbage. Driving cars and bicycles (outside bike paths) is prohibited: their wheels damage the ground.
The next task is to preserve the trees, shrubs, grasses, and even mosses and lichens that create the “framework” natural community. Plants must not be damaged or collected in protected areas. No bouquets - otherwise the most beautiful and original plants will disappear. Let the berries also remain on the branches: after all, this is future growth and food for birds. For damage to species listed in Red Book of the City of Moscow a stricter penalty is provided. You cannot even “help” plants without an approved plan: after all, planting trees can disrupt the existing biocenoses. You should only walk along paths so as not to compact the soil above the roots and trample the plants.
The third task is to help survive wild animals. It is forbidden to scare them away, catch and kill them, or destroy shelters and nests. This applies not only to animals and birds, but also, for example, fish, frogs, butterflies and other representatives of the fauna. In protected areas, you cannot walk dogs without a leash, make noise, or carry out thinning during the nesting period of birds. Picnics are held only in specially equipped areas.
The fourth task is preserve the improvement elements of the protected area: trail decks, signboards, benches, etc. When designing them, it is necessary to provide for resistance not only to rain and wind, but also to such elements as vandalism.
These rules are determined by the law of the city of Moscow “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” (No. 48 of September 26, 2001). Responsibility for non-compliance is provided for by the Moscow Code of Administrative Offences.

Natural monuments: Khanty-Mansiysk hills (Khanty-Mansiysk region), Shapshinsky cedar forests (Khanty-Mansiysk district), Bolshoye Kayukovo (Surgutsky district), Cheuskinsky cedar forests (Nefteyugansky district), Lake system Un-Novyinklor, Ai-Novyinklor (Beloyarsky district), Ostrov Smolny and Ovechiy Island (Nizhnevartovsky district), Lake Renge-Tur (Sovetsky district).

Monuments of history and culture: (Surgut district), "Winter Sovkunins" tract and Sorov lakes (Nefteyugansk district), Lake Aran-Tur (Sovetsky district).

Natural parks: (Sovetsky district), Numto (Beloyarsky district).

Natural monuments.

« Khanty-Mansiysk Hills» - located in the green zone of Khanty-Mansiysk, on the Irtysh River and the Gornaya channel, and is a unique landscape complex. The natural monument is complex and has local significance (cultural, historical, health).

Natural monument " Cedar Grove» is located near the village of Shapsha, Khanty-Mansiysk region. The purpose of creation is to preserve forests of the first group (cedar forests).

« Bolshoye Kayukovo» is located in the Surgut region, 75 km from the village of Ugut. The main types of swamps and forests characteristic of the middle taiga zone of Western Siberia are concentrated here.

Natural monument " Cheuskinsky cedar forests» is located in the vicinity of the village of Cheuskino, Nefteyugansk district. Its goal is to protect landscapes adjacent to locality and having exceptional recreational and sanatorium significance.

« Lake system Un-Novyinklor, Ay-Novyinklor"- this natural monument was formed in the Beloyarsky district. Created with the aim of preserving and studying the unique natural complex of lakes.

« Smolny Island" And " Sheep Island» is located in the Nizhnevartovsk region near Megion. The purpose of creation is to preserve the unique ecosystem of the region.

« Lake Renge-Tur» - located in the Sovetsky district. Place of recreation and tourism local residents. Created in order to preserve the ecosystem of the lake with coastal tracts of sphagnum swamps and light pine forests, nesting places for the white-tailed eagle.

Monuments of history and culture.

"" - natural and archaeological center. Created in the Surgut region with the aim of preserving a unique cultural and historical complex archaeological sites, dating back to the period of the 4th millennium BC. - XIX century AD and preserved to this day in the forest environment on the right bank of the Ob River.

« Tract "Winter Sovkunins"» - declared lands of historical and cultural significance with the aim of preserving historical and cultural monuments (holy places) of the indigenous peoples of the North. The monument is located in the Nefteyugansk region.

« Sorovskie lakes» - a plot of land of historical and cultural significance. It was formed on the territory of the Nefteyugansk region with the aim of preserving natural, historical and cultural objects.

« Lake Aran-Tour" - a monument of nature, history and culture of local importance. Lake Aran-Tur forms the Arantur Lakes system, which includes lakes Pop-Tur, Krugloye, and Lopuhovoye.

This entire group of lakes, as well as lakes Renge-Tur and Svetloe, were included in the currently projected natural park"" as zones of protected and recreational regime of the Sovetsky district.

Natural parks.

Historical and cultural natural park "". In 1995, Russia’s first historical and cultural natural park was created on the territory of the Sovetsky district. The goal is the preservation and use of historical and cultural monuments, natural landscapes. As well as creating conditions for relaxation local population, tourism development, development and application of effective methods for maintaining environmental balance in conditions of recreational use of the territory. The abundance and diversity of archaeological sites and their wide chronological range make the park territory unique.

"Numto". Natural Park district significance was created in 1997 on the territory of the Beloyarsky district in order to preserve the unique natural complexes Siberian Uvals, which have ecological, historical and ethnographic significance, as well as for the protection of places of residence and economic activity small peoples North. The natural park is located at the junction of two geographical zones(tundra and taiga), is an enclave of the merger of three indigenous Siberian peoples - Khanty, Mansi, Nenets.

Natural monuments- an interesting or rare natural object, or complex, which is located on a plot of land, airspace or water surface. These can be objects, both inanimate and living nature, unique in cultural, aesthetic, scientific or historical-memorial terms. The maintenance of such objects has important environmental, aesthetic, scientific, cultural or health value. Objects are divided by type: zoological or botanical, hydrological or hydrogeological, geological or complex.
TO natural monuments may include significant areas - forests and valleys, mountain ranges and coastal areas. The territory may contain a protected waterfall or crater, a rare plant or tree, a geological outcrop or cave, etc.

Legal regime

A special protection regime is established in the territories - reserve, which consists of limiting or completely prohibiting economic activity. Any type of activity should not contradict the principles of conservation. The legal regime of natural monuments is regulated by the Federal Law “On Protected Natural Areas”. Natural monuments and territories, protected by this Federal Law, may have local, regional or federal significance, in accordance with this, the types and forms of ownership of them are established and their affiliation is determined. The territories are the state property of the Russian Federation or its constituent entities.
Violation regime of the territory, causing damage entails criminal liability. Damage caused to natural monuments and complexes within the boundaries of protected areas is subject to immediate compensation based on the actual costs of their restoration.

Natural monuments of Russia

Security Day historical places and monuments is marked on the calendar on April 18. On this significant day, many remember that Russia is rich in various attractions. Natural monuments of Russia- irreplaceable and unique, valuable in environmental, cultural, scientific and aesthetic terms. The excursion program should include a visit to and familiarization with natural monuments. Cultural and educational active recreation in the form of an excursion can solve both educational and recreational problems, as well as environmental and aesthetic education. Large natural monuments can be used as places active rest. But at the same time it is necessary to study the permissible load on this territory. Question about usage territories must be decided under the strict supervision of relevant authorities. In some cases, it will be wiser not to include certain areas of natural monuments in the list of places

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What does "natural monuments" mean?

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

natural monuments

natural objects that have scientific, historical or cultural-educational and aesthetic significance (waterfalls, geological outcrops, unique trees, etc.) are protected by the state.

Large legal dictionary

natural monuments

according to the definition of the RSFSR Law “On the Protection of the Natural Environment” of December 19, 1991, “individual unique natural objects and natural complexes that have relict, scientific, historical, environmental and educational significance and require special protection of the state.” According to the definition of the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” of February 15, 1995, “natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin, are unique, irreplaceable, valuable in ecological, scientific, cultural and aesthetic terms.” P.p. may be of federal or regional significance. Declaration of natural complexes and objects of P.P., and the territories occupied by them, as territories of P.P. permitted with the removal of the positions they occupy land plots from the owners, owners and users of these areas.

Natural monuments

individual natural objects that are protected or deserve protection due to their scientific, educational, historical-memorial or cultural-aesthetic significance (for example, a waterfall, a cave, a picturesque cliff, a volcanic or meteorite crater, a unique geological outcrop, a remarkable boulder, rare or interesting in historically tree, etc.). They are widely known in the USSR Kungur cave, Kapova Cave, Kivach Waterfall, etc. P. p. For most p. p., the regime of reserves is established, and for especially valuable natural objects - the regime of reserves. Sometimes, individual protected areas of significant size (forests, areas of valleys, coasts, mountain ranges), which are more accurately called protected landscapes or tracts, are classified as protected areas.