Spain has hidden quite a lot in its vastness mysterious places like a magical dream. This is a list of 15 of the most interesting ones.

Incredible waterfalls, forests like from a fairy tale, rock formations of incredible shapes, caves in which a dragon slumbers, rivers in which turquoise waters flow, absolutely red or pink earth... Spain has many hidden corners to discover something every time new without leaving the country.

In fact, there are so many magical places in Spain that it is difficult to choose them. We tried to select for you the 15 most magical places in Spain and tell you about them, so that it would be easier for you to plan your new trip to our fairy-tale Kingdom.

1. Minas de Riotinto, Huelva, Andalusia

Lunar landscapes, absolutely red lands and red water in the river create the illusion that you are on Mars. But no, friends, you are on Earth and have not flown anywhere from here. Moreover, you are on the soil of the Kingdom of Spain!

Minas de Riotinto is one of the most interesting places on the map of Spain. These are landscapes that have been changed and transformed under the influence of human activity, starting from the Bronze Age, when people began to develop these places and their depths.

If you decide to visit this surreal place, it will not leave you indifferent.

2. Selva Irati, Navarre

Imagine a dense forest, behind every tree of which there is a fairy or a forest gnome or a hobbit (whichever you prefer) hiding. And all this among incredible colors: red earth, thousands of shades of green on the trees and the incredibly blue sky of Navarre. Selva Irati is the second largest beech forest in Europe (after the Black Forest in Germany) and the best preserved in its original virginity.

This unspoiled environment is ideal for sports and recreation, photo walks, senderism and just a weekend stroll to enjoy the unique landscapes.

3. Beach of the Cathedrals, Lugo, Galicia

Do you want to feel like a little ant on planet Earth? Head to the north of Galicia and visit the Beach of the Cathedrals.

Huge, 32-meter cliffs in the form of arches descend into the ocean. If you get here at low tide (in the morning or late evening), you can walk under these arches, which seem to have been carved into the rock by giant Cyclopes.

In fact, this unforgettable spectacle has been perfected by nature over many, many thousands and millions of years. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this one of the most amazing places Spain.

4. Hell's Throat Gorge (Garganta de los Infiernos), Caceres, Extremadura

The Hell's Throat Gorge Nature Reserve is without a doubt one of the most unique landscapes hidden in Spain.

It is in a privileged location in the north of the province of Cáceres in the western part of the Sierra de Gredos, in the heart of Valle del Jerte, full of waterfalls, streams, natural pools and huge bowls (pozos), carved into the rocks by water erosion of rivers.

This place is ideal for hiking and photo shoots. This worthy place to feel like a hero from The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit.

5. Garajonay National Park, La Gomera, Canary Islands

Shrouded in fog or pierced by rays of bright sunlight, the laurel forests of Garajonay look like prehistoric landscapes. The only thing missing is dinosaurs and pterodactyls on the tree branches for complete realism...

This magical place, usually shrouded in eternal darkness, is so old and so virgin, untouched by human activity, that it dates us back to the Tertiary period.

The forest is on beautiful island La Gomera, part of the Canary Islands archipelago. This corner of Spain is so full of wonders that you will definitely fall in love with it.

6. Las Medulas, Leon, Castile and Leon

Burgundy sand, sharp peaks, red rocks rising between chestnut and oak trees. Las Medulas are natural monument, which began to take shape during the time of the Roman Empire, which mined gold in open pits in these places and exported tons of it outside Spain.

Walking around Las Medulas is like a step into another reality, another dimension that allows you to expand your horizons.

Las Medulas are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and are one of the most incredible cultural parks available in Spain.

If you travel to Las Medunas visit the Orellans viewpoint to enjoy the panoramic view, be careful, it will steal your heart forever!

7. El Torcal de Antequera, Malaga, Andalusia

This is an almost surreal landscape, striking in its unusualness. El Torcal de Antequera is distinguished by the bizarre forms of limestone formed as a result of karst processes.

Walking between these peaks and polished stones and rock formations immerses you in Other worlds previously unknown to man. From the very first steps of walking through this place, your imagination is completely captivated by the surrounding landscapes.

El Torcal de Antequera is a true natural paradise in Spain that you have to see to believe1

8. Drac Caves, Mallorca, Balearic Islands

One look at the Drak caves is enough to imagine a sleeping dragon guarding treasure chests, how he lights a torch and in its dim light you can watch how drops roll down the stalactites into mysterious lake In a cave.

This magical corner is located next to Manacor and its 4 caves descend to a depth of 25 meters below ground level. Inside the cave there is a large underground lake, next to which you can hear the captivating sounds of classical music.

It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful place in Spain...

9. Ordesa National Park, Huesca, Aragon

Deep intermontane valleys, high mountains, lush vegetation, turquoise rivers, waterfalls, and all this dissolves in the stunningly beautiful atmosphere of Ordesa National Park.

National Park Ordesa, located in the Pyrenees of Aragon, is something out of fantasy that goes beyond understanding. Here you can shoot fantasy films.

Ordesa Park is spread over more than 15,000 hectares of beautiful landscapes and is home to the most... big waterfall Europe, so choosing just one corner to enjoy all the beauty of Ordesa is simply impossible.

But we can advise you to go through the Añisclo canyon, the Pineta valley, and further to the famous Cola de Caballo valley.

10. Gulpiyuri Beach, Asturias

Despite the fact that mass tourism has already reached this point unique place, it does not lose its magical appeal.

Get out to this beach one day at dawn and you will see a stunning picture of the sea beach, with a piece of the sea... but you won’t see the sea itself, or rather the ocean, since everything is surrounded by green meadows, sun-drenched and high cliffs.

And although the depth of the lagoon is not enough for swimming, Gulpiyuri beach seems special, unreal... Perhaps nymphs come here to swim at night...

11. Fageda d'en Jorda, Olot, Catalonia

Mountains that are actually a dormant volcano, green landscapes, incredible patterns of tree roots on the ground, all this adds mystery and a veil of magic to this place.

The Natural Park Zone Volcanica de la Garrotxa, in spring and autumn, is covered with an incredibly colorful carpet, which gives even greater confidence that here you will definitely meet one of the heroes of local mythology.

Take a book, food with you, sit under a tree and wait... maybe you will get lucky...

12. Las Bardenas Reales, Navarre

Las Bardenas Reales is a semi-desert place where you will find various stone sculptures carved by water and wind over many thousands of years. Among the bizarre shapes you will find various plateaus, volcanoes, mysterious mountain inhabitants and what else your imagination tells you.

Walking through Las Bardenas Reales is like going to the moon, only you don't have to leave planet Earth to do it.

13. Sierra de Cazorla Natural Park, Jaén, Andalusia

Next to the sea of ​​olive trees that cover most of the province of Jaén, you will find a green paradise more typical of the north of the country.

La Cerrada de Elias is the most famous route in this place and the most beautiful. Additionally, this route passes through the village of Cazorla, a small medieval wonder that features the Castel de la Yedra with its imposing ramparts.

Here time has stopped and peace rules the place and the world.

14. Monastery of Piedra, Zaragoza, Aragon

Natural Park The Monastery of Piedra is a true symphony of water, light and nature, which come together here to give rise to one of the most magical places in Spain.

The flow of the Piedra River formed rocks, lakes, caves, and waterfalls along its path. Once you set foot on the territory Natural Park Monastery of Piedra, you will leave your heart here forever.

15. Green Caves (Cueva de los verdes), Lanzarote, Canary Islands

The volcanic island of Lanzarote is so unique that it is not surprising that in its depths it conceals such wonders as the Green Caves. This is a volcanic cavity, 7 km long, which was formed by lava from the Corona volcano 5,000 years ago.

This is one of the longest lava tunnels in the world, where for many centuries it found its refuge local population. Today these caves are open to tourists.

Spain is very beautiful and hospitable country. Green hills and flowering fields, vineyards and orange groves, beautiful beaches and the clear sea attract nature lovers and beach holiday. For lovers of history and culture, Spain opens the gates of its unforgettable cities, opens the doors of world-famous museums, and shows its most interesting corners. It will not leave indifferent gourmets and connoisseurs of fine wines, fans of shopping and lovers of noisy discos and nightclubs.


The capital of Spain is Madrid. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the city does not have its own architectural symbol; it itself is a symbol of Spain, built in the 16th century. by King Philip II, who no longer had enough space in the former capital of Toledo.

Madrid is full of architectural monuments of various eras and styles, attractions, museums with priceless exhibits, beautiful gardens and parks, noisy markets and colorful Spanish streets.

The most beautiful place in Madrid can be safely called architectural ensemble The Royal Palace in Baroque style, which served as the home of the royal dynasty until 1931.

Another popular placeCathedral San Isidro, built in honor of the patron saint of Madrid, Saint Isidore. In addition to this temple, the capital has many beautiful churches, cathedrals, mosques for representatives of other faiths.

Madrid is home to one of the most famous museums in the world - National Museum paintings and sculptures of the Prado. Its collection is based on the collections of three kings of Spain from the Habsburg dynasty - Charles I, Philip I and Philip II. All exhibits were kept in the Royal Palace of El Escorial until King Charles III ordered the creation of a public museum in Prado Park in 1814. Currently, the Prado collection includes more than 9,000 exhibits, including world-famous paintings and ancient sculptures.


Toledo – former capital Spain. This place weaves together the history and culture of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, which is clearly reflected in its architecture and attractions. In 1986, the city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Toledo Cathedral, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is one of the largest in the world, with a 90-meter-high bell tower visible from anywhere in the city. Another famous religious building in the city is the Toledo Mosque, which was built by several generations of Arabs living in Spain.

The heart of Toledo - the Alcazar fortress or royal palace - was rebuilt several times throughout its history, so its facades represent a bizarre mixture of architectural styles.


The second name of Seville is the Orange Grove. The streets and parks of the city are lined with orange trees, and the city itself is surrounded by orange orchards. In spring, the air of Seville is filled with the delightful aromas of blooming citrus fruits.

One of the most remarkable buildings in the city is the Seville Cathedral, built on the site of an ancient Moorish mosque from the 12th century. After the expulsion of the Moors, the mosque was destroyed, but its minaret was so beautiful that it was preserved and converted into the bell tower of the new cathedral, the third largest in Europe. 500 years ago, the dome of the minaret, destroyed by an earthquake, was replaced with a weather vane, which gave the name to the entire tower - La Giralda.

Seville also inherited from the Moors a beautiful garden and park complex, part of the ensemble of the Royal Palace. The palace was rebuilt in the 14th century, but the Moorish style of the place was preserved, and the ruling Spanish dynasties have used it as one of their official residences for 700 years.

Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are a real pearl of Spain, an archipelago in Atlantic Ocean of 7 large and 6 small uninhabited islands. The largest and most popular islands among tourists are Tenerife, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria. The sunny beaches of the Canary Islands attract lovers sea ​​holiday and nightly entertainment.

The islands are famous for their banana plantations, laurel forests and beautiful landscapes adorned with blooming hibiscus, prickly pear and strelitzia.

Balearic Islands

Balearic Islands- another popular holiday destination in Spain. Three large islands archipelago - Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca - are known throughout the world. Each of them, in addition to a wonderful opportunity to relax on magnificent beaches and swim in clean and warm water Mediterranean Sea, attracts guests of the country with its features.

Mallorca has a beautiful city, the capital of 5 islands - Palma de Mallorca, boasting its Bellver Castle. In the east of the island you can also admire landscapes untouched by civilization.

Ibiza is known throughout the world as the capital of club culture, with its noisy and luxurious night parties in clubs and bars. open air attract many celebrities.

Menorca can rightly be called a museum island thanks to the large number of architectural and archaeological sites, statues and sculptures in the open air, crypts with burials. The most mysterious prehistoric monument is considered to be Thauls - towers of T-shaped stones lying on top of each other, the purpose of which has not yet been solved.

Botanical Garden MariMurtra in Blanes

One of the most beautiful places in Spain is the Botanical Garden of the Sea and Myrtle or Marimurtra in the coastal city of Blanes. Its territory represents three geographical zones– Mediterranean, subtropics and temperate zones.

Uniqueness Botanical Garden Marimurtra is that it is located on rocks that offer breathtaking views of the Costa Brava. The seascape is framed by magnificent flowering plants, which is why Marimurtra is considered one of the most beautiful places not only in Spain, but also in the world.


Alhambra – magnificent palace in the Arabic style in Granada is a uniquely beautiful place that has given inspiration to many world-famous artists and writers. This citadel was built in 1238 by the Moors, who made Granada the capital of Islamic Spain.

Extensive palace complex The Alhambra, built on the wooded Sabica Hill, is a stunning backdrop to the majestic snow-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevada. This place is essentially the whole city with gardens, pavilions, fountains, ponds, palace ensemble and a small medina (residential area).

Features of the palace's decor are plaster carvings - an openwork pattern in the form of Arabic script, as well as zillis - glazed colorful ceramic tiles, which are used to create complex designs on the building's base.

The Lion's Courtyard is a world masterpiece of architecture, the most beautiful place in the Alhambra. This is a fountain in the form of a bowl on the backs of 12 marble lions, located in the center of arcaded galleries with graceful columns.

1. Alhambra

The Alhambra palace complex in Granada is close to architectural perfection. This is perhaps the most exquisite example of Islamic art in the entire world. It is also the most enduring monument to the 800-year rule of the Moors in the Spanish region they called Al-Andalus. The red fortress towers of the Alhambra dominate the Granada skyline, standing out against the backdrop of the snow-capped Sierra Nevada peaks. Close to the Alhambra we see how the perfect proportions of the Generalife gardens complement the exquisite details of the Nasrid palace. In general, this is the most beautiful monument in Spain.

2. Sagrada Familia

One of Spain's greatest landmarks, the brainchild of Antoni Gaudi, built in the style of Spanish modernism, will continue to be completed for more than 80 years after the death of its creator. Bizarre and complex, inspired by nature and only slightly limited by the Gothic style, Barcelona's stunning temple rises into the sky with majesty. Incredible curves and deviations from architectural canons will leave you bewildered, and the small details of decorative curls on the façade of the Passion of Christ and the façade of the Nativity are worthy of many hours of study.

3. Mezquita

Mezquita, amazing temple complex Cordoba, was founded in 785 and is the most beautiful mosque in Europe, and can compete in splendor with any other architectural masterpieces of the Muslim world. This mosque meant so much to the main city of Muslim Andalusia that each new caliph tried to leave a trace of his rule in it. The most impressive additions to the mosque are the arches and vaults of the august chapel, built in the 10th century. Apart from the Christian temple that became part of the Mezquita in the 16th century, this is purely Muslim architecture in all its splendor.

4. Easter in Seville

Travel back to ancient Spanish medieval Christianity and experience Seville's masses at the amazing Easter celebrations that take place throughout Holy Week. During the processions of representatives of religious brotherhoods, believers carry the most beautiful pasos(figures) of Christ and the Virgin Mary to the noisy greetings of the laity. The most glorious procession takes place in madru-gada(first hours) Good Friday. Once seen, these celebrations are impossible to forget, as they are an exotic and endlessly delightful combination of theatricality, seriousness and deep faith. Religious processions occur in other cities in Spain, but nowhere do they reach such proportions as in Seville.

5. Evening Madrid

Madrid is not the only one European city with active nightlife, but it surpasses the others in its rhythm and the strength of street noise. As Ernest Hemingway noted, “In Madrid, no one goes to bed until they have thoroughly enjoyed the night.” Here you will find an endless variety of adjacent bars, small clubs, lively discos, cocktail bars, and chic clubs where celebrities flock. To really feel this atmosphere, head to neighborhoods like Huertas, Malazana, Chueca and La Latina.

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6. Pintxos in San Sebastian

Chefs can even turn bar snacks into works of art. Pintxos(pintxos - Basque tapas), sometimes called "haute cuisine in miniature", are small appetizers often served on a piece of French bread. Walk into any bar in the center of San Sebastian and you will be offered a wide selection of snacks at the counter. All in all, this is the most unforgettable culinary experience in Spain. Although the atmosphere in such bars is always relaxed, the art of experimenting with flavor combinations is very serious (this business card Basque Country), and there is no doubt that it will only improve over time.

7. City of Arts and Sciences

The City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, designed by one of Spain's greatest architects, Santiago Calatrava, has helped transform Spain's third largest city into one of its most vibrant destinations. A bold and stunning masterpiece modern architecture, this complex includes a modern theater - the Reina Sofia Palace of Arts, a huge Oceanographic aquarium, the Hemisphere planetarium and the Prince Philip Science Museum.

8. La Rioja - the country of vineyards

La Rioja is a place where you can spend weeks winding along quiet roads in search of a delicious glass of wine. IN liquor stores(bodegas) offer wine tastings, and in the picturesque villages the traveler will find magnificent wine museums, the basis of this region. Hotel MarquesdeRiscal near Elciego, built by Frank Gehry, can be called the “Guggenheim of Bilbao” - in architectural scale and ambition. This hotel has become an elite center for wine tourism throughout the region.

9. Salamanca - a city of the Renaissance

Flooded with bright lamplight, Salamanca's elegant central Plaza Mayor is perhaps the most beautiful square in Spain. But it is just one of many gems in a city whose architectural splendor can be matched by few places in the entire country. This city is home to one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe, so the nightly festivities here are not complete without student revelry. It is this combination of splendor and energy that makes Salamanca the favorite city of many Spaniards.

10. Sierra Nevada and Las Alpujarras

The Sierra Nevada, with its majestic Mulacén peak (3,479 metres), the highest mountain in mainland Spain, provides a stunning backdrop to the warm city of Granada. Here you can ski in winter, walk in summer, and explore amazing pueblosblancos(white villages) Las Alpujarras. The villages of Las Alpujarras are one of the refuges of the Moors on Spanish soil and are somewhat reminiscent of the oases of North Africa; they are lost among the forests and deep gorges for which the region is famous.

11. Madrid “Golden Triangle of Arts”

Madrid may not have many architectural wonders, but what it lacks in architecture it more than makes up for with an incredible array of art galleries. The pearl of Madrid is the Prado Museum, where there is a place for masterpieces by Goya, Velazquez, El Greco and other masters from all over Europe. However, the Prado is also within walking distance of the Reina Sofia Center for the Arts, where Picasso's Guernica, as well as works by Dali and Miro, are exhibited. Nearby is the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, which brings together the works of the greatest authors of many centuries.

12. Asturian coast

According to one account, the emerald green region of Asturias, located in northwestern Spain, has 211 bays. Although the Atlantic is quite cool here, which may not please those who were planning to sunbathe, the beauty of these often wild and untouched reaches is simply breathtaking. Moreover, the villages, of which there are many along the coast and throughout the region, are some of the most beautiful in the coastal regions of Spain. And the dishes served in this part of the country are also famous throughout Spain.

13. Flamenco in Andalusia

Sublime and melancholic, touchingly intense, the art of flamenco originated in Andalusia and continues to exist here in the south of Spain, where you can discover the masterpieces of this genre. The birthplace of flamenco lies somewhere between Seville, Cadiz and Jerez de la Frontera, and in all three cities the colors of live flamenco cut through the night. Seville is especially rich in flamenco establishments. Performances with this dance are very fiery and memorable for a long time.

14. Walking in the Aragonese Pyrenees

Spain offers the walker a wide variety of places to explore, but the Aragonese Pyrenees are particularly renowned as an ideal destination for hiking. The Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park is one of the most outstanding (both literally and figuratively) places in the Pyrenees. The highest point of this mountain range is the peak of Monte Perdido (3348 meters). The park offers climbing along majestic rock walls and ice platforms, where you can sometimes spot chamois. Please note that the park has a limit on the number of people who can be in the park at one time.

15. Overnight in a beautiful parador

You can get a royal stay in the Spanish state network paradores(paradors) - often luxurious and always extremely comfortable former castles, palaces and monasteries. There are only 86 of these paradores throughout the country. They constitute the golden fund of the European real estate service, and many are also located on the territory of historical complexes (for example, the Alhambra of Granada), and the prices for overnight accommodation are more reasonable than you might imagine, especially if you book online and in advance.

16. Picos de Europa

These peaks rise in a tight group just above the rugged and ever-changing coastline of Cantabria and Asturias. The Picos are three majestic limestone massifs unique to Spain, but geologically similar to the Alps. The peaks of Europe are crossed by the most interesting tourist routes. These mountain ranges, being an integral part of the second largest national park Spain boasts the most picturesque mountain landscapes in the country - a serious claim, considering that Spain also has the Pyrenees and Sierra Nevada. The Picos de Europa occupy a place of honor in this high circle.

17. Beaches of Menorca

While Mediterranean coast Spain has become the personification of mass tourism, Menorca occupies a special place in its composition. The island was protected from the harmful effects of excessive economic development, so most of it is a UNESCO biosphere reserve. The island has coastline 216 km long with many beaches that deserve a separate description. Some argue that getting to them by sea is the height of pleasure, but spending time there is no less pleasant. Among the most best beaches- Macarelleta and Turqueta.

18. Santiago de Compostela

According to legend, it was here that Saint James, one of the twelve apostles, rested. Therefore, Santiago de Compostela in the far north-west of Galicia attracts pilgrims like no other place in the country. Its magnificent cathedral features an extraordinarily rich Romanesque façade and remarkable spiers. The cathedral is a famous destination for pilgrims along the Way of St. James in Northern Spain. But look beyond the cathedral and you'll see many other exquisite monuments, as well as a magnificent culinary culture that embodies the whole of Galicia.

19. Las Fallas

The noisiest Spanish festival is one of the most spectacular. It takes place annually in March in Valencia and is an explosive celebration with fireworks, music and bonfires that light up the sky for almost a whole week. But this is not just noisy fun. The Las Fallas Festival has deep cultural roots and is exceptionally inventive. During it, each region tries to outdo the others in making beautiful sculptures made of wood and papier-mâché, which are burned at the climax of the holiday.

20. Try the best jamon

Jamon (jamon, smoked ham) is one of the main dishes of Spanish cuisine and one of the few that is found throughout the country. If there is a national Spanish dish, it is not even paella, but jamon. In almost any Spanish restaurant, at almost any time, at least one jamon is prepared, laid out in a special roasting pan called jamonera. Thin, wafer-like slices of selected jamon (it’s called jamonibericodebellota, although there are many other types of jamon) are simplicity itself, and they represent for us the Spanish culinary paradise.

21. Cabo de Gata

Cabo de Gata is a pristine strip of protected coastline east of Almeria. These places are truly legendary for many Spaniards. For most of the year, the beaches, nestled between towering cliffs, are virtually deserted. It’s rare where else you can dive and walk like this. Indeed, Cabo de Gata is a kind of oasis, a place of stunning beauty that looks exactly as it did in those days when no one except the residents Spanish coast, haven't heard of the Costa del Sol yet. The best thing is that you can't see any tourist areas from here.

22. Way of Saint James

Every year, tens of thousands of pilgrims and tourists, driven by a variety of motives, set out on the northern Spain. They are heading to Santiago de Compostela, a place incredibly important to all Christians. But the appeal of this great route is not limited to religious feelings. In the north of Spain there are many tourist routes, but no other allows you to penetrate so deeply into the soul of Spain, to experience the joys and whims of its nature. And upon completion of even the smallest transition, you will gain impressions for the rest of your life.

23. Segovia

One of the most beautiful small towns in Spain is Segovia. Here you will find beautiful Castilian churches and picturesque places, because the city stretches along a mountain ridge, often covered with snow. But Segovia also has two legendary architectural masterpieces. Firstly, this is the Alcazar castle with several towers, which served as the prototype for the famous Disney castle. Secondly, this is a gigantic but elegant Roman aqueduct, made of granite blocks (fastened together without a single drop of cement). It has stood the test of time and has stood in the city center for almost 2000 years.

24. Holidays in Cadiz

Cadio creates a special dashing feeling of “living today” and almost immediately makes you fall in love with its central, sometimes destroyed, streets of the 18th century. Locals while away the hot summer nights in the squares of the old town and in bars near the water. And the fame of how Carnival is celebrated in Cadiz, its fun and passion spreads throughout the country. And the city itself is absolutely charming: breathtaking historical monuments, snaking whitewashed paths, panoramic observation platforms and the cathedral square - all this is no less beautiful than in other cities in Spain, and sometimes even better if you are blown by the cool salty Cadiz breeze.

25. Costa da Morte and Cape Ortegal in Galicia

We look absolutely tiny next to the wild Atlantic cliffs of the Galician coast. Near Cape Ortegal, you'll experience strong winds and the huge Atlantic waves will seem like just a tidal wave as they crash against the rocks of the cape far below. And along the Costa da Morte, where people talk only about shipwrecks, long and deserted expanses of sand alternate with menacing rocky headlands. If only all Spanish beaches were so pristine!..

26. Shopping in Barcelona

Barcelona has been an icon of European style for decades, and high fashion designers have played a significant role in ensuring that reputation never leaves the city. As a result, Barcelona has become one of the world's largest shopping centers, a place where originality really matters. Shop along Barcelona's boulevards (Gràcia, Rambla de Catalunya and Diagonal Avenue), as well as in the countless private shops and jewelry boutiques in the Gothic Quarter, Born and Gràcia boulevards.

27. Three cultures in Toledo

Emblematic home of the Spanish Catholic Church and army, Toledo's medieval center is an outstanding masterpiece world heritage. Toledo is known as the "city of three cultures" (where Muslims, Jews and Christians once lived side by side) and today remains a fascinating labyrinth of former mosques, synagogues and churches. The latter are still in active use, and the Toledo Cathedral is one of the most majestic in Spain. Since Toledo is located very close to Madrid, many travelers stay there only during the day and rush to the capital in the evening. But spend a night here and you will see Toledo in all its glory.

28. Costa Brava

This coastline is easily accessible by plane from the rest of Europe. It is dotted with the kind of villages and beaches that gave rise to the passion for summer vacation in Spain. The Costa Brava in Catalonia is one of the most beloved destinations in the Mediterranean. In addition, the spirit of Salvador Dali gives these places their originality and refined eccentricity. The great artist once lived in Cadaques. In addition, places such as Figueres and Pubol Castle are associated with the name of Dali.

But should you expect to marry a Spaniard?! In this matter, it is better to listen to the advice of experienced compatriots...

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All countries, without exception, are proud of their achievements in the field of science and culture. The Spaniards do this skillfully and for show. Gaudi architecture, unsolved secrets flamenco rhythms, traditional bullfights, exotic islands and famous resorts - this is not a complete list of what is offered to an enthusiastic tourist in this temperamental country. We'll take you on a tour of 15 best places Spain.

Tourist map of Spain attractions

There are 17 regions in Spain, including the Canary and Balearic Islands. Outside the major Spanish cities there are many interesting places that tell about the versatility of nature and art in Spain. A visit to each of these amazing places will make your trip rich and colorful.

Video: top 10 attractions in Spain

1. Sagrada Familia (Barcelona)

Sagrada Familia (Barcelona) - the temple is the most ambitious long-term construction project, which has been under construction for 132 years. Initially, construction (1882) was entrusted to the architect Francisco del Villar, who soon abandoned the project. In 1883, work was continued by Antonio Gaudi. The famous architect managed to complete only one tower unusual building. To date, only 8 towers out of a planned 18 have been erected. The project is expected to be completed in 2026.

Cape Marroki - extreme southern point European continent. It is an artificial dam built in the 19th century. From here you can see the coast of Morocco with the naked eye.

Arena Las Ventas (Madrid) is a bullring built in the neo-Moorish style (neo-Mudéjar). Accommodates 23,798 spectators. Inside the complex you can visit the Bullfighting Museum.

Seville Cathedral is the largest Gothic church in Europe, built in 1401-1519. It is a treasury of ancient relics and paintings by famous artists such as Goya, Velazquez, Murillo and others.

The magical fountains of Montjuic (Barcelona) are one of the most visited places in the capital of Catalonia. The unique show invites tourists to enjoy a magical combination of music, water and light.

Cibeles Fountain (Madrid) - sculptural composition, erected in 1782, represents the goddess Cybele seated on a chariot drawn by lions.

Mount Tibidabo is one of the most popular tourist places Barcelona and all of Spain. From here you have beautiful views of the capital of Catalonia. On the slopes of the mountain there is an amusement park of the same name with rides and an observation tower.

Montserrat Monastery is a Benedictine monastery, the religious center of Catalonia and a place of pilgrimage for Catholics from all over the world.

Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao) - the museum of modern art is a spectacular building made in the style of deconstructivism. Exhibitions of contemporary Spanish and foreign artists are held here.

Barcelona Zoo - The zoo's collection includes 400 plant species and 319 animal species.

The Prado Museum (Madrid) is one of the most famous and most visited museums visual arts. The museum houses works by Velazquez, Goya, Bosch, El Greco and other representatives of European painting.

Royal Palace(Madrid) - the residence of the kings of Spain, located on the banks of the river. Manzanares. The interior of the palace is famous for its frescoes by Caravaggio, Giordano, Velazquez, Goya, unique Flemish tapestries, etc.

Port Aventura is the most visited amusement park and the largest resort in Spain. The park is divided into 6 thematic zones.

City of Arts and Sciences (Valencia) - is represented by a unique complex of examples of modern architecture. Surrounded by swimming pools and parks.

Dali Theater-Museum (Figueres, Catalonia) - a museum dedicated to the work of S. Dali. The interior decoration is represented by unique compositions of paintings, decorations, sculptures, etc.

Spain is a beautiful and diverse country. There is everything for a rich and unforgettable holiday: huge beaches, lots of entertainment, beautiful European architecture and even ski resorts. Every year Spain is gaining more and more popularity among Russian tourists. Most Popular tourist destinations Spain is Barcelona, ​​the Canary Islands, Madrid, Seville and some others Famous places. Next, the most important and most famous sights of Spain, which every visitor to this beautiful country should see.

Best places in Spain

1. Alhambra (Granada)

The largest architectural park ensemble, located in the east of Granada. This is a whole complex of palaces and parks with rich history and stunning views. The main development of the Alhambra occurred during the Muslim dynasty. During the period of its existence, the ensemble actively developed, adding new buildings. Today, the Alhambra includes numerous towers, palaces, halls, several squares and even a full-fledged park, the road to which passes through the Gate of the Garnets. The Alhambra is on the list of World Heritage Sites and is one of the main attractions of Spain.

2. Sagrada Familia (Barcelona)

- most beautiful temple in Spain and one of the most beautiful in the whole world. Construction of this structure began in 1882. The main architect was Antonio Gaudi. The architectural style of the temple is neo-Gothic and modern. The cathedral continues to be built today. Once completed, it will have 18 towers. The central tower of the temple is 170 m high. The Sagrada Familia has a rich interior decoration. It uses different geometric shapes and the most unusual architectural solutions.

3. Royal Palace (Madrid)

Home The Royal Palace is deservedly one of the most beautiful palaces in Europe. This majestic architectural structure serves as the official residence of the kings of Spain. Construction of the palace took place from 1738 to 1764. The palace has a luxurious interior design, including frescoes by great artists, luxurious crystal chandeliers, large tapestries, furniture of various styles, etc. The Royal Palace in Madrid consists of many halls, each of which has its own characteristics. It's simple mandatory place to visit in Spain!

4. Alcazar in Segovia

The Alcazar of Segovia is not only an important landmark in Spain, but also one of the 10 most impressive castles in the world. This stunning fortress has witnessed many historical events: its premises were the resting place of Alfonso X the Wise, Isabel I the Catholic was crowned here, and the marriage of Philip II and Anne of Austria was held in the castle chapel.

5. Mezquita in Cordoba

The Mosque of Cordoba is one of the most important monuments of Islamic architecture in Spain, as well as the most emblematic example of Spanish-Muslim Umayyad art. Construction of the structure began in 785 and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of historical center cities. It is now a Catholic cathedral, known as the Mosque of Cordoba.

6. Abbey of Sacromonte (Granada)

One of the most famous and most beautiful sights in Spain, which is a must-see in Granada, is the Abbey of Sacromonte. It was erected on the top of Mount Valparaiso. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the abbey was completed and expanded. Currently it consists of three parts - the abbey, seminary and collegiate church. Each of these buildings has its own remarkable places. Open on the grounds of the abbey interesting museum with a rich collection of paintings and tapestries. A wonderful place is the patio. Its decoration is magnificent: arches decorated with stucco, galleries with columns and big fountain in the center - all this attracts crowds of tourists.

7. Gothic Quarter (Barcelona)

The Gothic Quarter is an ancient district of Barcelona and one of the most attractive places in this beautiful Spanish city. We can say that this is where Barcelona was born. The street layout here is the same as in all medieval cities - intersecting, winding and very narrow, mostly pedestrian streets. In the Gothic Quarter, amazingly, ancient buildings that have preserved the spirit of the Middle Ages coexist next to the buildings of the last century. This is the main tourist magnet!

The quarter is famous for its large number of architectural and historical buildings, ancient temples. One of the most famous is the Cathedral. The architecture of its facade simply fascinates visitors.

The beautiful squares of the quarter deserve special attention:

  • Plaza Nova was founded in 1355. Fragments of the ancient walls are still preserved here.
  • Royal Square. All buildings, including the Royal Palace, were built in Romanesque and Gothic styles. It was here that King Fernando received Christopher Columbus after his voyage to America.
  • Plaza de Sant Jaume. The main administrative buildings are now located here - the City Hall of Barcelona and the Parliament of Catalonia.

Moving from one historical building to another, you suddenly find yourself in a cozy public garden. There are many of them in the Gothic Quarter. Here you can relax, listen to street musicians, and sit in a cozy cafe. Among the attractions of Barcelona, ​​the Gothic Quarter is one of the most popular.

8. Prado Museum (Madrid)

There are quite a few attractions in Spain for art lovers, but the Prado Museum deserves special attention - one of the most visited fine art museums in the world. His collection began with art objects collected by Spanish monarchs starting in the 16th century. Nowadays, in the spacious halls of the Prado Museum, the best paintings by artists of the Spanish school, world masterpieces, sculptures, and objects of decorative art await the visitor. The permanent exhibition includes more than 7 thousand paintings and thousands of sculptures. Among them you can see works by Rubens, Raphael, Durer, Titian, Goya and other great masters who have left their mark on art for centuries.

9. Park Güell (Barcelona)

Park Güell is the most unusual and beautiful park in Spain and a favorite Barcelona attraction for many travelers. This is a masterpiece of the great Antonio Gaudi, who was able to transform the failed project of the industrialist Güell to create a garden city. Just look at the two houses at the entrance, giving the impression of gingerbread houses. The main staircase is decorated with fountains, animal figures and, of course, the symbol of Barcelona - a mosaic salamander. The “Hall of a Hundred Columns” is impressive, decorated with stained glass mosaics. In the central part of the park there is the famous winding bench, decorated with collages of fragments of ceramics and glass. While relaxing here, you can admire the views of the city.

10. Alcazar in Toledo

It is one of the most beautiful and the main attraction of Toledo, proudly towering over the entire city. It can be seen from everywhere, no matter what part of Toledo you are in. The grandeur of the austere architecture of the Alcazar is stunning. Throughout the history of its existence, this beautiful Spanish building was damaged and burned several times, and was restored just as many times. What happened within these walls? The kings of Castile once lived here. Later, in the 17th century, there was a state prison here. Located on the highest point of the city, the Alcazar was an ideal place for defense during the war. Currently, the palace houses the Army Museum and the regional library.

11. Arena Las Ventas (Madrid)

Plaza del Toros Monumental de Las Ventas is the full name of the first largest bullfighting arena in the entire country. In addition to bullfighting, all kinds of festivals and celebrations are held here. The arena's capacity is more than 23 thousand spectators. Built almost a hundred years ago, the Arena Las Ventas building amazes with its interesting architecture in the neo-Moorish style. The walls are made of red brickwork, the arched entrances in the shape of a horse's shoe are decorated with tiles. In the park in front of the arena there are two sculptural compositions.

Another attraction of the arena was the bullfighting museum, opened in 1951. Visitors here can examine many unusual exhibits, including the heads of killed bulls and the blood-soaked costume of a dead matador.

12. Alcazar Palace in Cordoba

What is a must see in Spain are the numerous palaces and fortresses. One of these beautiful attractions is located in ancient city Andalusia - Cordoba. The history of the ancient historical complex begins from the times of the Roman Empire. Alcazar means “palace” in Arabic. But initially the fortress was a defensive bastion, and only in 1328, during the reign of King Alfonso XI, it was converted into the residence of the kings.

The architecture of the Alcazar in Cordoba combines the directions of Arab and European cultures. The palace building is a regular square topped with four towers. Each of these towers has its own name and purpose. The undoubted decoration of the Alcazar are its stunning gardens with fountains and ponds. This fortress was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994 and is a hot tourist spot in Spain.

13. Walls of Avila

The 11th-century Romanesque walls of Avila are among the most important historical sites in Spain. Their dimensions are: 2537 meters in total length, 12 meters in height, 88 towers, 9 gates and three wickets.

There is some disagreement about the date of construction of the walls, but everyone agrees on their artistic and historical importance. Avila is the best preserved medieval walled city in Spain and perhaps in all of Europe. Old city and the city walls were declared a World Heritage Site.

14. Monastery of Escorial

The El Escorial Monastery is a palace complex, a basilica and a monastery. The palace was the residence of the Spanish royal family, the basilica is the burial place of the kings of Spain, and the monastery is the current residence of the monks of the Order of St. Augustine. This is one of the most unique pieces of Renaissance architecture in Spain and Europe. Its construction in the second half of the sixteenth century was initiated by King Philip II. This, as it is called, "the eighth wonder of the world", certainly deserves to be part of the list of the best tourist sites in Spain!

15. Plaza Mayor (Madrid)

Plaza Mayor is included in the list of the best attractions in Madrid, and it is also one of the two main squares of the city that every tourist visits. Its appearance dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. The history of Plaza Mayor is very rich. In the beginning she was just market area Outside the city. Later, military parades, knightly tournaments, and even Inquisition courts were held here. The first place equipped for bullfighting was also Plaza Mayor. These days, this beautiful square is particularly popular among visitors to Spain and locals. The square is bordered by many arches housing cafes, restaurants and shops. It's always very lively here.

16. Mount Montserrat (Barcelona)

Montserrat is a picturesque mountain range located 50 km from Barcelona. This area is famous for its Catholic church, located on the top of the mountains and bearing the same name. Next to the monastery there is a natural complex that is under special protection of Spain. The Montserrat mountains have breathtaking views and rich flora. There are more than 1,500 plant species here. Walk this natural complex will definitely be very exciting and memorable.

17. Mount Tibidabo (Barcelona)

Tibidabo is part of the Collserola mountain range. The height of the mountain is 512 m. This highest point all over Barcelona. The mountain offers beautiful views of the city, which is why it is so popular among tourists. On one of the slopes there is a picturesque Tibidabo park, which has Observation deck and the oldest attractions in Europe. At the top of the mountain is the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart, which was built between 1902 and 1961.

18. Barcelona Aquarium

This building is located in the Old Port of Barcelona. This is a very popular destination among both guests and city residents. Today, the Barcelona Aquarium deservedly bears the title of one of the largest aquariums in the world. Its dimensions are amazing. The structure consists of 35 separate aquariums, which hold more than 5 million liters of water. Each aquarium contains individual representatives water world. In total, there are about 11 thousand in aquariums. sea ​​creatures. The main attraction of the structure is a huge oceanarium, through which a transparent pipe 80 meters long runs. A visit to the Barcelona Aquarium will be an excellent solution for both adults and children.

19. Spanish village (Barcelona)

An excellent solution for those who want to explore the most significant places Spain without leaving Barcelona. The Spanish village is a complex that contains exact copies of the famous sights of Spain: temples, palaces, monasteries, castles, etc. On the territory of the village there are copies of buildings in reduced and natural sizes. Each structure was built from the same materials as the originals. This museum was built in 1929 by famous Spanish architects.

20. Teide National Park (Tenerife)

The largest and most popular nature reserve in Canary Islands. Every tourist on the island of Tenerife is obliged to visit this natural Spanish attraction. The total area of ​​the park is 18.9 hectares. The main object of the reserve is the Teide volcano and its majestic crater. Teide is a high mountain area, so tourists can see incredible contrasts. In the lower regions, subtropics reign, and at the peaks there is snow and a completely different nature appears. Teide Park is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level.

21. Seville Cathedral

This is the largest and one of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals Europe. Its construction took place from 1401 to 1519. The temple consists of a main chapel and five side chapels. In one part of the cathedral, many ancient treasures are preserved: paintings by famous artists, precious items, church relics and much more. It is in the Seville Cathedral that the tomb of Christopher Columbus is kept. This attraction is a must-visit in Spain.

22. La Seu Cathedral (Palma de Mallorca)

One of the majestic Gothic cathedrals in Spain. It was erected on the site of a destroyed mosque in honor of the liberation of Mallorca from the Moors. The height of the cathedral is 121 meters, width - 55 m. The construction of the cathedral took many decades, so its appearance was influenced by many architectural movements: classical Gothic, late Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Mannerism. In 1904-1914, the cathedral was restored under the leadership of Antonio Gaudi.

23. City of Ronda

Rhonda – beautiful city Spain, located in the province of Malaga. The city has stunning views, many attractions and small cozy streets. Ronda literally hangs over the abyss, being located on the very edge of a steep hill. The city is home to one of the oldest bullrings. Here you can also get acquainted with ancient weapons, ammunition and other ancient relics. The city has many cozy cafes where you can have traditional snacks and enjoy the silence of European streets.

24. Fortress of Vila Velha (Tossa de Mar)

One of the largest and most significant fortresses on sea ​​coast, the main attraction of Tossa de Mar. More than 800 years ago, there was a full-fledged city here bearing the same name. A winding stone path leads to the top of the fortress. This place has a rich history and beautiful views. The fortress walls offer stunning views of the sea and the nearby beach.

25. Plaza de España (Seville)

The main park ensemble of Seville, located in the southern part of the city. Made in neo-Moorish style with art deco elements. Construction took place in the 1920s. The square contains many ancient buildings and several museums. The main attraction of the square is the central fountain, designed by famous Spanish architects. Plaza de España has stunning views both during the day and at night.