Tourists who travel abroad on their own, “savages”, as they also say, do not need any voucher. All they need to do is apply for a visa, book a hotel by phone or online, buy a ticket (you can also do it online), take a passport and hit the road. Well, those tourists who decide to use the services of travel agents are issued a voucher. So what is a tourist voucher?

According to the definition given in official sources, a tourist voucher is a document issued by a tour operator and indicating that the tourist has the right to receive the services he has paid for, which include, for example, accommodation in a hotel (boarding house, campsite, bungalow) , taking an excursion, flying to a destination, etc. There is no single form for issuing travel vouchers, so each tour operator has their own.

Where to get a tourist voucher

Having paid the full cost of the trip, the tourist receives from the travel agency a ticket and a voucher from the tour operator of the country in which he is going on vacation. The tourist voucher, which must be of a standard form, indicates the name of the tour, its code, the route of the upcoming trip, a description of the paid services (category of the hotel, meals in it, class of the hotel room, availability of transfer, medical insurance, class of travel ticket, excursion program and so on.)

Why do you need a tourist voucher?

Then why do you need a tourist voucher if, it would seem, everything is already written down in the travel package? The fact is that a tourist voucher is the main document that guarantees that a tourist will receive paid services in the country of vacation. Present at the border, at the hotel, during registration excursion tours Both documents will be needed, since it is the tour operators who issue the tourist voucher who act as intermediaries between the tourist and the service provider, be it a carrier, or a hotel, or a restaurant, or something else. For example, they will ask you for a voucher upon arrival at the hotel.

How should a tourist voucher be issued?

If the voucher must be of a standard form approved by the Russian Ministry of Finance, then the voucher is a document issued by the tour operator of the country you are traveling to. Its form is free. The voucher should not contain the seals or signatures of the Russian travel agent. It is this document that serves as the main guarantee that you will receive the services you paid for. The voucher must indicate the name of the tour operator, information about the number of tourists (how many tourists are going on vacation on this tour), the duration of the trip, and the services included in the price of the tour.

So, we figured out what a tourist voucher is. It remains to be said that customs officers in some countries insistently demand that you present a voucher at the airport or train station along with a visa or instead of it (in countries with which Russia has a visa-free regime).

Tourist voucher is a document establishing the tourist’s right to services included in the tour and confirming the fact of their transfer. Based on the tourist voucher, mutual settlements are settled between the tour operator or travel agent sending the tourist and the receiving tour operator or persons providing specific services. A voucher is an official document that the sending company issues to individual tourists or the leader of a group as confirmation of their right to receive the services listed in it from the receiving company. Upon arrival of the tourist (tourists) at the point of arrival, the voucher is transferred to the receiving party.

The tourist voucher is drawn up in two copies. One copy is transferred to the legal or to an individual who ordered tourism services, the other remains with the subject of tourism activities. The subject of tourism activity has the right to draw up a tourist voucher in triplicate if tourism services in the field of international tourism.

Subjects of tourism activities are required to issue certified copies of the tourist voucher and its annexes at the request of third parties in whose favor an agreement for the provision of tourist services has been concluded.

In the case of providing services for organizing outbound tourism, subjects of tourism activities when implementing a tour are required to issue a tourist voucher and its attachments for each tourist individually.

Moreover, in the case when third parties are family members of the person who ordered the tourist services, it is allowed to issue one tourist voucher and its attachments for all participants in the tour.

When providing services for organizing inbound and domestic tourism to legal entities and individuals ordering travel services in favor of third parties for purposes not related to business activities, a travel voucher is issued in one copy indicating the number of third parties to whom travel services will be provided under a contract for the provision of tourist services.

Moreover, if the consumer properties of tourist services are different, the tourist voucher indicates the entire range of specific tourist services provided to each tourist.

A tourist voucher consists of the actual contract for the provision of tourist services, containing the essential terms of the contract for the provision of tourist services, the following mandatory details: series and numbers of the tourist voucher; date and place of conclusion of the contract for the provision of tourism, as well as three annexes to it. The annexes to the travel voucher are an integral part of it.

Appendix 1 - tour program. In accordance with subclause 1.1. Clause 1 of the contract for the provision of tourist services, the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to provide tourist services in accordance with the tour program. The tour program is drawn up in any form and must contain the following information:

Tour route, date and time of start and end of the tour;

The procedure for meeting and seeing off, accompanying a tourist;

Characteristic Vehicle carrying out the transportation of tourists, the timing of connections (combining) flights, other mandatory information provided for by the legislation on transport activities;

Characteristics of objects for tourist accommodation, including their location, classification according to the legislation of the country (place) of temporary stay, rules of temporary residence, as well as other mandatory information established by the legislation of the country (place) of temporary stay;

The procedure for providing food to tourists during the tour;

List and characteristics of other tourist services provided.

If necessary, by mutual agreement of the performer and the customer, other information may be included in the tour program.

If the customer is also provided with consulting and information services related to the organization of travel, these services are indicated in the tour program.

Appendix 2 - information about third parties to whom tourism services are provided. Information about the persons to whom tourism services are provided must contain information about them to the extent necessary for the provider of tourism services to provide tourism services. That is, the need to fill out certain columns of Appendix 2 to the tourist voucher is determined by the contractor based on the amount of information he needs to provide these services. Appendix 2 to the tourist voucher contains information about the persons to whom tourist services are provided under the contract for the provision of tourist services. If tourist services under a contract for the provision of tourist services are provided only to an individual who is their customer, Appendix 2 to the tourist voucher is not issued.

Appendix 3 - additional agreement to the tourist voucher. Agreements of the parties on other conditions not provided for by the tourist voucher, as well as amendments and (or) additions to the contract for the provision of tourist services are formalized by concluding an additional agreement.

The tourist voucher and its annexes are drawn up in two copies. One copy is transferred to the customer of tourism services (participant in tourism activities), the other remains with the provider of tourism services (subject of tourism activities). At the request of third parties in whose favor an agreement for the provision of tourist services has been concluded, the contractor is obliged to issue certified copies of the tourist voucher. In addition, an agreement for the provision of tourism services with a customer (participant in tourism activities) - a non-resident of the Republic of Belarus can be concluded through postal, telegraph, teletype, electronic or other communication, which makes it possible to reliably establish that the document comes from a party to the agreement for the provision of tourism services.

In this case, the contractor is obliged to attach to the tourist voucher a document confirming the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of tourist services, that is, fax, electronic, etc. copies of the travel voucher and its attachments.

If the customer (participant in tourism activities) orders travel services in favor of third parties, the travel voucher and its annexes are issued in one copy indicating the number of third parties to whom travel services are provided under the contract for the provision of travel services. If the consumer properties of tourist services are different, the tourist voucher indicates the entire range of tourist services provided to each tourist.

Each copy of the tourist voucher and its annexes is sealed with the signatures of the executor (subject of tourism activities) and the customer (participant of tourism activities) and a seal, if any. The text of the tourist voucher and its annexes is drawn up in Russian, and at the request of the customer in English language. If, when filling out an application to a tourist voucher, the text goes beyond the front side of the form, it is allowed to continue filling it out on the back side.

At the same time, on the reverse side of the application form to the tourist voucher, the signatures of the contractor (subject of tourism activities) and the customer (participant of tourism activities) and a seal impression, if available, are affixed. To fill out a tourist voucher in English and Russian using personal computers, strict reporting forms are used with the series and number of the tourist voucher indicated on them during production. All other details are printed using a computer, subject to their strict compliance with the details of the tourist voucher forms intended to be filled out manually.

The sale of a tour to a subject of tourism activity is carried out on the basis of a commission agreement or other agreements not prohibited by law, and the sale of a tour to a participant in tourism activity is carried out on the basis of an agreement for the provision of tourism services. Thus, the subject of tourism activities builds relations with a foreign partner on the basis of a commission agreement of other agreements not prohibited by law. That is, the subject of tourism activities sells a tour to a foreign partner on the basis of a commission agreement or another agreement. The foreign partner implements this tour foreign tourists based on the current legislation of your country

Tourist voucher - this phrase sounds incomprehensible to some, but tempting. And some have been enjoying its benefits for a long time. Let's figure out what the benefits of using it are and where you can get it.

What it is

The International Travel Voucher is a product of the joint efforts of the World Federation of Travel Agency Associations, Usticorp Services Inc - subsidiary company financial group Citicorp and tourists of the world. The work lasted for seven years, the goal of which was to create a universal document that would provide a range of possibilities.
The final development has been approved by the International Hotel Association, as well as a number of leading international hotels and government agencies around the world.

The voucher is a document of strict accountability and contains the tourist’s passport data, period of stay in the country being visited, number of nights and accommodation address.

A mandatory attachment is a bank receipt with a stamp confirming payment for the premises. This document is issued to the vacationer after payment for a specific accommodation facility.

Why is it needed?

The travel voucher is for booking hotel rooms, train tickets, car rentals and other types of services that require prepayment. In addition, this document reduces the costs of currency exchange and greatly reduces paperwork. The voucher also ensures your reservation even in cases of late arrival.

When checking into a hotel, it is necessary to clarify the number and specifics of services that should be provided to you: type of food, accommodation, etc. Also, in the future, based on this document, the hotel issues an invoice travel company.

Also, with a voucher, a tourist can enter some visa-free countries. You will be accepted, for example, by Tunisia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Jordan, etc.

Who issues the travel voucher

You can get a voucher from any tour operator. A prerequisite is that the company you are dealing with must be a member of the National or World Association of Travel Agencies, or both.


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The vacation has been signed, the tour package has been paid for, the suitcase has been packed, and a happy holiday is ahead. Do not forget to carefully study the travel voucher for compliance with the contract signed at the travel agency, otherwise your vacation may be hopelessly ruined. It is better to eliminate any unpleasant surprises before the trip begins.

What does a travel voucher look like?

Vouchers are printed on sheets of white or colored paper. The size of the voucher does not matter, the main thing is its content. After all, it is a copy of the electronic information entered into the system of the hotel, travel company and transfer service when booking. Quite often when traveling, not everything goes according to plan, and the voucher is designed to insure you against such unforeseen circumstances as, for example, a list of tourists forgotten by the guide or a freeze in the hotel reservation system. Abroad, your foreign travel voucher serves as primary proof of the services paid for.

The voucher contains basic information about your booking in Russian and English.

Voucher Number

This is your booking number in the tour operator's system. Using it, you can check the authenticity of your reservation by calling the tour operator’s office.

Tourist data, family composition

The voucher must indicate the number of adults and children, as well as the passport details of all travel participants. Last names, first names, dates of birth and passport numbers. It is necessary to check the correctness of each letter and number.

Hotel name and room type

The hotel must strictly comply with the name and number of stars indicated in the voucher. If you are suddenly accommodated in another hotel or room that does not correspond to what is specified in the voucher, you have every right to file a claim with the sending travel agency. If, for example, you paid for a two-room suite with a balcony and a sea view, and you were accommodated in a one-room suite without a balcony on the ground floor, politely indicate to the hotelier the category of the paid room listed in the voucher.

Power types

The hotel will feed you exactly as stated on your voucher. Food can be of several types:

  • RO - accommodation without meals;
  • BB - breakfast only;
  • HB - breakfasts and dinners (or lunches);
  • FB - three meals a day;
  • AI, All - all inclusive;
  • UAI - ultra all inclusive.

Availability or absence of transfer

If you paid for airport pick-up and drop-off, this information should also be included on the voucher. The date of the meeting and departure, and the type of transfer (individual or group), as well as the type of transport (usually the make of the car and the total number of seats).

Duration of the tour

Please check this item carefully. The duration of the tour (check-in date and check-out date from the hotel) must be indicated opposite the name of the hotel. Please note that check-in and check-out times are not always indicated on the voucher. In most hotels in the world, check-in occurs after 14.00, and check-out of rooms is until 12.00.

Name and contacts of the receiving party

For the convenience of quickly identifying your meeting company at the airport, the tourist voucher contains a picture with the logo of the meeting party. Having it in front of your eyes at the exit from the airport, you can easily find the right person with the same logo on the sign.

In case of unforeseen situations during your vacation, first of all call the representatives of the host company at the phone numbers indicated in the voucher. Their job is to ensure your complete rest. If the problem is not resolved, contact the sending travel agency.

Sometimes the name of the selling company is indicated on the travel voucher, but this item is not mandatory.

Availability or absence of travel insurance

The voucher may also contain information about the type and timing of your insurance policy, which is optional. Do not confuse the voucher with the insurance policy itself. If an insured event occurs, you will need not a voucher, but a travel health insurance policy (if one has been issued).

Flight data

This item is optional, but sometimes the flight data of your air tickets is duplicated in the voucher. Names and codes of airports, dates and times of departures and arrivals.

The travel voucher must be provided by the travel agency in 3 copies: one each for the receiving party, the hotel and you. If you only have one copy of the voucher, be sure to stock up on a couple of copies.

If you find a discrepancy with reality in any of the points of your voucher, urgently contact the travel agency that sold the trip. It will be easier to settle all misunderstandings before the start of the trip than to explain things later with representatives of another state.

The selling company bears full responsibility to the buyer for organizing the tour. If the services specified in the voucher are not provided in full, the buyer has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities upon returning home. In this case, the voucher, along with the contract, will serve as important evidence in resolving the dispute in court.

If all the information in the voucher corresponds to your agreement with the travel company, relax and enjoy your long-awaited vacation.

Good travel companies always care about the convenience of their clients - the entire tourism business is based on this. For the comfort of travelers, various schemes, systems and options are used, and one of the leading links in this chain is the design necessary documents when traveling abroad. When a person goes abroad to relax, the last thing he wants is paperwork. Therefore, travel lovers cannot but rejoice at the opportunity to easily and quickly issue a travel voucher.

What is a travel voucher and what does it look like?

A tourist (or tourism) voucher is a document that replaces a visa when visiting countries with a simplified visa regime: Israel and Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Peru, Maldives and Seychelles. The voucher is also the basis for issuing tourist visa to Turkey, Tunisia, Thailand and other countries.

A travel voucher is a kind of agreement between you and a travel company, which is drawn up in two or sometimes in triplicate (one for you, the second for the travel company, and the third, if necessary, presented at the embassy of the host country). A voucher is a guarantee that you have paid (partially or fully) for your stay in a hotel, hotel or other apartment, or, more simply, that you are expected there. Each company has its own established rules for preparing the form, but the following points must be present in the form of a standard travel voucher.

  1. Information about the tourist (tourists): first and last names, gender, dates of birth, number of children and adults.
  2. The name of the country you are traveling to.
  3. Hotel name and room type.
  4. Dates of arrival and departure from the hotel.
  5. Meals (“full board”, “half board”, “breakfast only”).
  6. Type of transfer from the airport and back (for example, group or individual, by bus or car).
  7. Contacts of the receiving party.

Features of the design of a tourist voucher

The voucher is issued quite quickly - it will take literally a few hours, provided you have all the documents with you. Therefore, going to travel agency To issue a voucher, do not forget to bring with you:

  • foreign passports (for adults);
  • birth certificates (for children);
  • if a child travels with one of the parents, a notarized consent of the other parent will be required;
  • color copies of all the documents listed above;
  • money to pay for the hotel and the services of the travel company itself.

In addition, at the travel agency office you will need to fill out an application for a voucher. In this application you must indicate all the necessary data, including filling out the “purpose of trip” field. Keep in mind that the voucher is issued only to those who visit the country for tourism purposes, so in this column we write “tourism” and in no case indicate that you are traveling for work or business purposes (even if this is the case).

Once you have completed your travel voucher and received it in your hands, check all the information very carefully: it must fully comply with the conditions of your tourist tour. The voucher must have a “wet” seal of the travel company, the date and place of conclusion of the contract, the series and number of the form.

As for Russia and Ukraine, foreigners also need to obtain a tourist voucher to visit these countries. This procedure is no different from that described above. The received voucher should then be presented at the consulate of the destination country, and you will be issued a tourist visa using it.

We wish you have a nice rest and as little paperwork as possible!