The word Adriatic exudes warmth, mystery and romance. The Adriatic Sea and its coast fully confirm these ideas. The warm, mild climate, beautiful cities located in picturesque bays attract many tourists.

Adriatic Sea on the world map

The Adriatic Sea is part of the system. The sea got its name in honor of ancient city Adria, once standing on its banks.

Now Adria is 25 kilometers away from the coast due to the accumulation of earth and sand in the deltas of local rivers.

Which countries does it wash?

Adriatic Sea washes the following states:

  • Italy, length coastline which is more than 1000 kilometers;
  • Croatia(1770 kilometers);
  • Albania(470 kilometers);
  • Montenegro(200 kilometers);
  • Slovenia(47 kilometers);
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina, the length of its coastline is the smallest - tiny 20 kilometers.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Coast Adriatic Sea, belonging to Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the smallest compared to surrounding countries. Its length is only 20 kilometers. The only resort of this state on the Adriatic is small town Neum with a population of less than 2 thousand people.

Neum is similar to the Croatian resorts of the Adriatic coast: the same ancient history, rooted in antiquity, the same old houses, the same pebble beaches and similar climate.

But prices for holidays and services in Neum are the lowest on the entire coast and compare favorably with neighboring resorts Croatia.

There are no attractions in the city, but there are annual international festival animations And music Festival .

Coastal climate by month

The climate of the northern and central Adriatic is generally recognized Mediterranean, but due to the mountainous terrain of the coast it has features that distinguish it from the Mediterranean climate.

The Adriatic Sea is characterized by local winds generated in the mountains, which greatly influence the weather. The southern part of the sea has subtropical climate. Differences in weather conditions the southern and northern Adriatic influence the length of the holiday season in these two areas.


On the Adriatic coast it is not yet felt, since the daytime air temperature is 8°C in the north and 13°C in the south. The water temperature is on average 14-15°C, and in some places it can reach 17 degrees, but this is not enough for swimming.

It becomes noticeably cooler, the air temperature can drop to 4°C in the north and 10-11°C in the south. In the northern part of the coast, snow may fall and even short-term snow cover may occur. The amount of precipitation this month is 2-6 days. Water temperature in January climatic summer begins along the entire coast, average temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius, the holiday season begins.

But swimming is not yet comfortable due to the slowly warming sea; its temperature at this time does not exceed 17-18 degrees.


Set over the entire Adriatic Sea Azores anticyclone, bringing very warm, sometimes hot weather with low humidity.

Average water temperature throughout the summer in the northern part of the sea it reaches 24 degrees, and in the southern part it rises to 26.

The average daily air temperature is 28 degrees, and at times rises to 35 degrees above zero.

It gets even hotter, the air temperature on the coast rises another couple of degrees and is 30-32 degrees.

  • Some areas could experience temperatures as low as 13°C, while others could reach temperatures as low as 19°C. The warmest place on the Adriatic at this time remains the Budva Riviera and the islands of Croatia, where the season can last almost until this time. The water also differs depending on the region (14-20°C).
  • In that video you will see the shores of the Adriatic Sea of ​​Montenegro:

    The Adriatic Sea is a semi-enclosed sea, part of the Mediterranean Sea, which separates the Balkan and Apennine peninsulas.

    The Adriatic Sea washes the coasts of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Italy and Croatia.

    History of the Adriatic Sea

    The Adriatic Sea was named after ancient port on the territory of Italy, which was built by the Etruscans in the 6th century BC. This port was called Adria.

    In ancient times, this port was an important trading point on the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean in general.

    The Adriatic Sea played a major role in the formation of the Roman Republic and later the Empire, providing it with access to the Mediterranean Sea and allowing it to conduct active maritime trade.

    Adriatic Sea on the map

    What rivers flow into the Adriatic Sea

    Among the large waterways that flow into the Adriatic Sea are the following rivers:

    • Po, whose length reaches 650 kilometers;
    • Adige, whose length is 410 kilometers.

    Where does the sea flow

    The Adriatic Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea, which in turn flows into the Atlantic Ocean.


    The seabed is predominantly a large depression with no big amount depressions The seabed is predominantly covered with silt and sand.


    There are many large port cities on the Adriatic coast. In Italy, for example, such a city is Trieste, which is also an independent city within Italy.

    One of the most beautiful cities in Italy is Venice, which is also located on the seashore. The population of Venice hardly exceeds 260 thousand people, but its popularity is so high that it is one of the most delicious places for tourists in the whole world, and all thanks to the unique architecture and canals, along with traditional streets.

    Large Italian coastal cities also include Bari, Ancona and Brindisi. Of the Croatian cities on the coast, it is worth noting Rijeka, the incredibly beautiful city of Split and the popular port town of Dubrovnik. Very beautiful and big city On the coast is also the Albanian city of Durres. The city boasts unique architecture from the Roman and Byzantine periods. No less beautiful city also is Vlora.

    Flora and fauna

    Just like in the Mediterranean Sea, animal world The Adriatic is extremely rich. There are a lot of mollusks, sea urchins and crustaceans, the variety of which is simply amazing. There are mussels, oysters, sea ​​urchins and limpets, crabs and sea cucumbers. There are jellyfish.

    There is a huge variety of seaweed (about 750 species) in which seahorses hide. As the depth increases, large crustaceans such as lobsters, cuttlefish, octopuses, large crabs, moray eels, starfish and eels begin to appear.

    The amount of plankton in the water is also quite large. Among the most common fish, mention should be made of the huge variety of sardines, tuna, and mackerel. Sharks are also found in the Adriatic Sea, among which the following species are found: night shark, blue shark, spiny shark and sea fox.

    Adriatic Sea. starfish photo

    Also in the waters of the Adriatic you can find a giant shark, which is the second largest in the world after the whale shark. Representatives of mammals are also present in the Adriatic, such as dolphins and monk seals (they are also called white-bellied seals), which are now endangered.


    The area of ​​the Adriatic Sea reaches 144 thousand square kilometers. The maximum depth reaches up to 1230 meters, the average depth is 240m. In general, the Adriatic Sea is quite shallow, so in its northern part the depth for the most part reaches 20 meters and a little more.

    The eastern shores of the sea are mostly mountainous, but the western shores are mostly low-lying. There are many islands in the Adriatic Sea. Among them, the Dalmatian Islands deserve special attention, which are popular place for tourists to relax. Among big islands also noteworthy are Krk, Brac, Cres, Pag, Hvar and Korcula.

    The climate in the Adriatic Sea is Mediterranean - throughout almost the entire year the temperature stays within +20 degrees. As for precipitation, its amount is insignificant, which generally corresponds to the climate of the Mediterranean region. The water temperature in summer exceeds 20 degrees, and in winter it does not fall below +8 degrees. The salinity of the water is from 35 to 38 ppm.

    • The shores of the Adriatic Sea, as well as its islands, are resorts where millions of tourists from all over the world come every year;
    • Gas and oil production is actively underway on the Adriatic Sea shelf.

    Many travel agencies offer holidays on the Adriatic coast, describing the advantages of a comfortable holiday at low prices. But a logical question arises in response: where is the Adriatic Sea? It turns out that this is a semi-enclosed part of the Mediterranean Sea between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas, which washes the shores of several countries: Italy (more than 1000 km), Slovenia (47 km), Croatia (1777 km), Bosnia and Herzegovina (20 km), Montenegro (200 km) , Albania (472 km).

    The Adriatic Sea communicates with Mediterranean Sea, via Ionian. Where the Adriatic Sea joins the Ionian Sea, the peninsulas come together and form the Strait of Otranto, which is called the gateway to the Adriatic. Its width at its narrowest point is 75 km. Located on the shore of the strait Italian city Otranto, and in southern point Italian “heel”, where Cape Santa Maria di Leuca is located, the strait enters the Ionian Sea.

    Interestingly, the name of the Adriatic Sea comes from the ancient port of Adria, which was located on the coast in the delta of the Po and Adige rivers. However, over several thousand years, these rivers, with their sediments, moved the deltas deep into the shallow sea in this place so much that Adria is now 25 km from the sea.

    The area of ​​the Adriatic Sea is 144 thousand km², the depth is from 20 m in the northern part of the sea to 1230 m in the southeastern part. It juts out into the land for 796 kilometers, the width of the sea is from 93 to 222 kilometers.

    The water temperature of the Adriatic Sea in the northern parts in summer is up to +24 degrees, in winter - +7 degrees; V southern parts in summer - +26 degrees, in winter - +13. In summer it is sunny and warm, but in winter it often rains and is often cloudy.

    A distinctive feature of the Adriatic Sea is the transparency of the waters, which is one of the highest in the world and is 56 meters! The salinity of the waters is also higher than the world average and amounts to 38 ppm.

    The coastal zone is represented by many species of mollusks and crustaceans. Oysters, mussels, sea urchins, and crabs live in shallow waters. Seahorses swim in the algae thickets. At greater depths live lobsters, large crabs, octopuses, cuttlefish, starfish, eels and moray eels.

    Note for tourists: the following types of sharks live here: dwarf shark, blue shark, and a rare great white shark.

    Dolphins and endangered monk seals can be seen in the Adriatic Sea.

    Within the sea are the Dalmatian Islands; There are many bays convenient for ships, the largest of which are called Manfredonia, Venice and Trieste. It is also convenient for navigation here because the bottom off the coast is located at a sufficient depth. The seashores are sandy or pebbly, so resort areas are well developed here.

    Adriatic Sea - perfect place for a family and romantic holiday that surprises with its beauty and diversity.

    You can also look at the map:

    The Adriatic Sea separates the Italian Peninsula (Apennines) from Balkan Peninsula. The Adriatic is the most Northern part Mediterranean Sea.

    The Adriatic Sea extends from the Strait of Otranto (where it joins Ionian Sea) to the northwestern Po Valley. Countries on the Adriatic coast - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia.

    The sea is divided into three basins, the northern one is the shallowest, the southern one is the deepest (with a maximum depth of 1233 meters). The underwater ridge of Otranto Sill is located on the border between the Adriatic and Ionian seas.

    Hydrography of the Adriatic Sea

    The prevailing currents move counterclockwise: from the Strait of Otranto, along east coast and back into the strait along the western (Italian) coast. Tidal movements in the Adriatic Sea are insignificant, although large amplitudes sometimes occur.

    The salinity of the Adriatic is lower than that of the Mediterranean because the Adriatic Sea collects a third of the fresh water that flows into the Mediterranean; this makes the Adriatic a dilution basin for the Mediterranean.

    Water surface temperatures typically range from 30°C in summer to 12°C in winter, which significantly stabilizes the climate of the Adriatic basin.

    The Adriatic Sea lies on the Apulian or Adriatic microplate, which is separated from the African Plate. The movement of the plate contributed to the formation of the surrounding mountain ranges and the tectonic uplift of the Apennines after the collision with the Eurasian plate. In the late Oligocene, the Apennine Peninsula was formed, separating the Adriatic basin from the rest of the Mediterranean Sea.

    All possible types of precipitation are found in the Adriatic; Moreover, the bulk of water is transported to the sea from the Po River and other rivers on the west coast. West Coast is alluvial (terrace), and the eastern coast is strongly indented with pronounced karstification.

    The depth of the Adriatic Sea is 259.5 meters, and maximum depth— 1233 meters; however, the North Adriatic Basin rarely exceeds a depth of 100 meters. The North Adriatic basin extends between Venice and Trieste to a line connecting Ancona and Zadar (only 15 meters deep at the northwestern end). The middle Adriatic basin south of the Ancona-Zadar line (also called the Pomo depression or Jabuca pit), has a depth of 270 meters. The deep-water Palagruzsky threshold (170 meters) is located south of the Middle Adriatic Pit, separating it from the Southern Adriatic Pit with a depth of (1200 meters) and the Middle Adriatic basin from the South Adriatic basin. Further south, the sea floor rises to 780 meters to form the Otranto Sill on the border with. The South Adriatic basin is in many ways similar to the North Ionian Sea, to which it is attached.

    In the transverse direction, the Adriatic Sea is asymmetrical: the Apennine peninsular coast is relatively smooth (the capes of Monte Conero and Gargano are the only significant protrusions in the sea); in contrast to the Balkan coast, where numerous islands abound. The strength of the coast is determined by the proximity of the Dinaric Alps, in contrast to the opposite (Italian) coast, because Apennine mountains are located further from the coastline.

    It is assumed that the entire volume of Adriatic water is exchanged through the Strait of Otranto in 3.4 years. This is a relatively short period. For example, it takes approximately 500 years to exchange all the water in the Black Sea.

    Since the rivers flowing into the Adriatic Sea reach a water volume of 5,700 cubic meters per second, this rate is 0.5% of the total volume of the Adriatic Sea or 1.3 meters of water each year.
    After the Po River, the second and third places in terms of importance of water exchange are the Neretva and Drin rivers. Another significant contribution of fresh water to the Adriatic is the underwater discharge groundwater through underwater sources. Their contribution is estimated to be 29% of the total water flow into the Adriatic. Underwater sources include thermal waters, discovered on the shelf near the city of Izola. Thermal spring water is rich in hydrogen sulfide and has a temperature of 22 to 29.6 ° C.

    The earliest settlements on the Adriatic coast were Etruscan, Illyrian and Greek. By the 2nd century BC, the shores were under Roman control. In the Middle Ages, the Adriatic coast and the sea itself were controlled to one degree or another by a number of states, primarily Byzantine Empire, Serbian Empire, Republic of Venice, Habsburg Monarchy and Ottoman Empire. The Napoleonic Wars resulted in the First French Empire gaining control of the coastal areas, and British efforts to fight the French in the area eventually secured most of the eastern Adriatic coast and the Po Valley in Austria. After the unification of Italy, the Kingdom of Italy began its expansion to the east, which continued until the 20th century. After World War I and the collapse of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, control of the east coast passed to Yugoslavia and Albania. The first disintegrated in the 1990s, and four new states emerged on the Adriatic coast. Italy and Yugoslavia agreed on maritime boundaries by 1975, and this boundary is recognized by Yugoslavia's successor states. But the maritime boundaries between Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Montenegrin waters remain disputed. Italy and Albania agreed on their sea ​​border in 1992.

    Fishing and tourism are significant sources of income along the Adriatic coast. The tourism industry in Croatia's Adriatic is growing faster than in the rest of the Adriatic basin.
    Maritime transport is also an important sector of the region's economy: there are 19 seaports on the Adriatic, each of which serves more than a million tons of cargo per year. The largest seaport The Adriatic Sea is the port of Trieste. And the port of Split is largest port Adriatic Sea for passenger transportation.

    There are dozens of marine protected areas in the Adriatic. The reserves are designed to protect karst habitats and marine biodiversity. The sea is rich in flora and fauna - more than 7,000 species have been identified as native to the Adriatic, many of which are endemic, rare and endangered.
    The shores of the Adriatic Sea are inhabited by more than 3.5 million people. The largest cities are Bari, Venice, Trieste, Split.

    Islands of the Adriatic Sea

    There are more than 1,300 islands and islets of all sizes in the Adriatic Sea, including those that appear at low tide. Most of them are located along the eastern coast of the Adriatic, especially near Croatia. The largest Croatian islands are Cres and Krk, each with an area of ​​405.78 square kilometers, and the highest is Brac, whose peak reaches 780 meters above sea level. The island of Losinj is separated from the island of Cres by a narrow shipping canal dug during classical antiquity; the island was formerly known as Apsirtidas. There are 47 permanently inhabited Croatian islands, among which the most populated are Krk, Korcula and Brac. The islands along the western (Italian) Adriatic coast are less numerous. But the most famous of them are the 117 islands on which the city of Venice is built.

    The Adriatic Sea washes the shores of several European countries and is considered one of the most beautiful and exotic places on the world map.

    The Adriatic Sea is shared by 6 countries. It is located between the Balkan and Apennine peninsulas. The dimensions of the sea reach 800 km in length and more than 220 km in width. The Adriatic Sea is connected to the Mediterranean Sea through the Ionian Strait. Before entering the strait, the islands come together, and this place is called Otranto, and local residents they call it the gateway to the Adriatic.

    Countries bordering the Adriatic Sea

    The Adriatic Sea on the map washes the shores of 6 countries. However, the size of the area where there is a sea is different for each state.

    The most common resorts are located on the shores of Croatia and Italy. These countries occupy the largest sea area and have a variety of beaches. For a relaxing holiday, there are sparsely populated places with beautiful nature or densely populated resorts, with a lot of urban infrastructure for entertainment.

    Depth of the Adriatic Sea: maximum and average

    The Adriatic Sea is quite shallow. Average depth is 200 m. But there is a depression that indicates its maximum depth of 1230 m.

    Adriatic Sea on a map with depth and ports

    Since the sea does not have great depths, the water temperature in summer reaches 24-26 degrees. From a bird's eye view, the water is so clear that you can see the bottom and the life of aquatic inhabitants.

    Structure of the Adriatic Sea

    The Adriatic Sea on the map is 230 km wide. The total sea area reaches 140,000 square meters. m. Its northern part is quite monotonous and has a depth of up to 40 m. Along the route, the depth of the sea in the east increases and reaches 230 m.

    Also in the east, the coast has some differences with the northern part, as it is mountainous. In the eastern part of the sea there are a large number of small islands. Almost all of them are inhabited. Since this part of the sea is deep, shipping is well developed in it.

    Flora and fauna of the Adriatic Sea

    The Adriatic is very popular among tourists from all over the world, as it contains a large amount of flora and fauna.

    There is:

    Since there is a current in the sea, you can periodically see a giant shark, jellyfish, schools of tuna and bubble mackerel. Many species of sea inhabitants are listed in the Red Book.

    As for algae, there are more than 700 species. The Adriatic Sea is one of the most exotic places on the planet, therefore, all tourists dream of visiting there.

    Climate, water temperature by month

    Climate and sea temperatures similar to the Mediterranean. Since there are no severe frosts in these places, the water temperature, even in winter, does not exceed 14 degrees. However, 70% of the annual precipitation falls in winter. All tourists try to visit this place in the summer, as the water temperature is more than 23 degrees.

    The climate of the Adriatic Sea is quite hot, therefore, resort infrastructures are located along all coasts.

    Holidays on the Adriatic Sea: when is the best time to go?

    It is recommended to relax on the Adriatic Sea from May to October. The rest of the year there is too much rain and wet weather. In May-June the water temperature is 18-23 degrees. At this time there are few tourists and the beaches are not full.

    This time is recommended for people to solitude with nature and travel in mountainous areas. July-August can be called the busiest months. At this time the sun is hottest and the water reaches 25-27 degrees. This time of year attracts the largest number of tourists from all over the world.

    September-October is similar to May, but at this time there is a stronger wind, but the air is quite hot. The water temperature reaches 20-23 degrees. In autumn, the air temperature drops sharply at night.

    The best resorts on the Adriatic Sea

    There are resort areas for tourists on the coasts of 6 countries. All around the sea you can see large rocks, forests and cypress groves. There are also a large number of fishing bays and ports on the coasts. However, cities with large cargo ports are less popular among tourists, as the water is not as clean as in villages, for example.

    The best resort areas are the beaches of Croatia and Italy. They claim the largest sea area and have the best infrastructure. Every morning the sand is cleaned with special machines, and rescue towers are installed along the perimeter of the coast. Also in these countries the most comfortable 5* hotels and sanatoriums are located.


    This country has the largest number of mountains. This is where you can see the most beautiful nature, combining sea surf and cypress groves. In Montenegro, water transparency can reach 50 m. The color of the water also has distinctive features: it is azure blue.

    This occurs due to a large amount of salts and minerals. The water on the coast of Montenegro is colder than in other countries. This is due to its transparency, since the sun does not warm it up enough. Resort towns and the villages of Montenegro are both expensive and cheap.

    For example, Sutomore is one of the cheapest resorts in the country. This place is visited by a large number of tourists. But Budva, one of the most expensive resorts Montenegro. On the coast of Budva there is large water parks, luxury hotels, clean sandy beaches, restaurants and cafes.

    Montenegro shares the sea with 5 countries, and the climate does not differ much. One of the advantages of this country is cheap services and entertainment. The city of Bar is famous for its markets where you can buy Italian goods at low prices.

    The country also has many architectural landmarks from past centuries.


    The Adriatic in Italy is considered the most popular resort among residents of Western Europe. Every year, the beaches of the Adriatic Sea in Italy are visited by millions of vacationers. Here is the most developed infrastructure.

    The Adriatic Sea in Italy can be divided into beaches:


    On the world map you can see that most of the Adriatic Sea belongs to Croatia. There are many historical cities with a special architectural style located here. The resort center is Dubrovnik.

    This city has big story and rivals Venice in beauty and grace of historical structure. You can also highlight the city of Zadar. Here classic style is intertwined with innovative style. In addition to museums and theaters, there is a large organ, the melodies of which come from the splash of the waves. All this is combined with bright lighting effects.

    If tourists are interested in ancient buildings, then they need to visit the city of Pula.

    There is:

    • ruins of ancient buildings;
    • amphitheater;
    • Triumphal Arch.

    The country of Croatia does not have a large area, however, it occupies more than 1500 km of the Adriatic Sea. It has a large number of attractions. Beach areas are divided into sand and pebble. Along the entire coast there are large hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, water parks and a lot of other entertainment. The climate in summer is stable, without sudden changes.


    Albania as a resort is not yet very famous among tourists, so the country’s coastlines look more spacious. Albania has many mountains and rocky areas. There are green forests near the beaches.

    In terms of service quality, the country can be compared with:

    • Italy;
    • Spain;
    • Croatia.

    The climate here is hot and peak visitors are between June and August. The sea temperature reaches 27 degrees. However, tourists highlight the most best time for holidays in Albania September. The resort itself in this country has some differences from neighboring countries.

    One of them is low prices. In September, prices fall even more, and the weather remains virtually unchanged. However, during the autumn months, cool winds appear and temperatures drop at night.

    Pebble and sand beaches are always clean; tourists note the level of comfort at a high level. The cities of Albania have a large number of attractions, so in this country a seaside holiday is not a priority goal for most vacationers.


    The Adriatic Sea (you can see its structure on the map) also affects such a small country as Slovenia. The Adriatic here occupies only 40 km, however, this is quite enough for tourists.

    The entire culture is imbued with Italian style. Some cities were part of the Venetian Republic for hundreds of years, so the Italian style is felt everywhere here. The Slovenians note that in the summer, a large number of Italians visit their resorts, since prices are relatively low here.

    Attract tourists from all over the world:

    • clean beaches;
    • high level of service;
    • beautiful nature;
    • amazing buildings.

    In Slovenia there are several museum cities that preserve a large, centuries-old history. Despite the Italian style, Slovenia has its own unique culture.

    Festivals and parades often take place here. On the coasts of this country there are many routes for exploring local attractions. This can be done either on horseback or a bicycle, or on excursion transport.

    The climate in the country is similar to neighboring countries. Air temperature is 26-29 degrees, water temperature is 24-26 degrees. In early spring and in late autumn there is a large amount of precipitation, but the rest of the time the weather is always hot with a light sea wind.

    Holidays in Slovenia are not the cheapest, but also not the most expensive. Tourists visit this country largely because of its unique mixed culture.

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    This country touches the Adriatic Sea less than others. Bosnia and Herzegovina is most famous for its ski resorts. There are a large number of mountains and forests here. The only place with access to the Adriatic Sea is the city of Neum.

    Its beaches stretch over 25 km, however, this is quite enough for a pleasant holiday at sea. The city has a well-developed infrastructure. There are many hotels, bars, nightclubs and restaurants located here. The beaches of Neum are pebbly. The pebbles here are quite large in size, which can make some tourists uncomfortable, so it is recommended to take shoes with you to the beach.

    The Slovenian resort can be considered one of the safest, since there are mountains around the coastal area. The water temperature in summer reaches 27 degrees. Swimming season starts from May to September; in summer there is practically no precipitation.

    In addition to the resort area, the city has its own attractions. Here you can see beautiful nature, where Coast combined with forest and mountains. There are also many in the city historical monuments and buildings. Holidays in Bosnia and Herzegovina are not so popular among tourists, but it is very beautiful and cozy here. Prices are quite low compared to neighboring countries.

    Largest cities on the Adriatic coast

    A large number of cities from 6 countries are washed by the Adriatic Sea, but you can note the largest and most developed coastal cities:

    Hotels and prices

    The Adriatic Sea (on the map you can see the length of the coasts of all countries) washes 6 countries, therefore, on its coast there are hundreds of hotels with at different prices. Below are the best options with reasonable prices and services.

    The name of the hotel Description Average price per day
    Elvezia*** (Italy) The hotel is 300 meters from Pesaro Beach. Prices here are relatively inexpensive. Equipped with comfortable rooms and a terrace where Italian food is served. 4800 rub.
    Hotel Marko**** (Slovenia) The hotel is located in Portorož, next to the beach. Tourists highlight comfortable rooms, delicious food and polite staff. Around the hotel there is a beautiful green Garden. The rooms are equipped with WI-FI and plasma TVs. There is also underground parking. 7200 rub.
    Hotel Delfin Plava Laguna** (Croatia) Located in the city of Porec. The distance to the beach is 70 m. For tourists there is open pool With sea ​​water. Each room has a private bathroom, air conditioning and plasma TV. Meals are served as a buffet. There is a gym with exercise equipment and a tennis court on site. 4200 rub.
    Hotel Continental*** (Albania) The hotel is located in the city of Durres. The distance to the beach is 500 m. The hotel rooms are equipped with bathrooms, free wi-fi and air conditioning. 2000 rub.
    Hotel Safir*** (Bosnia and Herzegovina) The hotel is located in the city of Sarajevo. The beach is 250 m away. The rooms are equipped with bathrooms and free WI-FI. 1900 rub.
    Hotel Lucic*** (Montenegro) The hotel is located in the city of Budva. Distance to the beach is 450 m. Each room has free WI-FI, bathroom and balcony. The hotel restaurant serves delicious breakfasts, and the view from the balcony reveals all the delights of the city. There is also free parking on site. 4900 rub.

    What attractions are worth seeing while on vacation?

    A lifetime is not enough to see all the sights of the countries washed by the Adriatic Sea.

    Therefore, the most famous and visited places will be described below:

    It is impossible to list all the attractions of the cities of the Adriatic Sea. Each country has its own unique story and culture.

    Before the trip, you need to purchase in advance sunscreen and hats, since the sun on the Adriatic is scorching and you can get sunburned in a matter of hours.

    If the beach is pebbly, then you need to take shoes with you, especially for children. It is recommended to go to the sea in the morning and evening. From 11:00 to 15:00 the heat peaks, so you can get discomfort when resting.

    If you go to the Adriatic Sea with your own transport, you need to study the road in detail on the map, and also take care of parking, find out where there are parking spaces. Driving from of Eastern Europe will be quite long, therefore, it is recommended that 2 people take turns driving the car.

    Article format: Mila Friedan

    Video about the resorts of the Adriatic Sea

    Review of the resort of Brela in Croatia: