In accordance with the new government decree “Requirements for an automated information system for registration air transport"Starting from 2020, all data will have to be stored by Russian providers. Air carriers are opposed.

The issue of data collection and storage consistently causes a lot of controversy and discussion. This time the problems may affect Russian airlines and their clients. The fact is that currently the largest domestic operators use tools offered by foreign providers to store passenger data. The process of switching to another reservation system will require enormous financial and time investments, which will certainly affect the cost of air tickets.

The Vedomosti portal, with reference to a letter from the general director of Siberia Airlines, reported that the need to locate servers and databases of many airlines in Russia could ultimately lead to a shutdown of Russian air carriers or to a long and costly transition to other reservation systems.

Why leave everything as it is? The fact is that from 2020 new rules on the registration of air transportation will come into force. The Ministry of Transport has developed a resolution “Requirements for an automated information system for registration of air transportation,” and the government has already approved the document.

Vedomosti noted that so far absolutely everything Russian companies resorted to the services of foreign providers. For example, Aeroflot used the services of Saber, S7 - SITA and Amadeus. The latter is also a provider for Ural Airlines.

We are talking about a colossal amount of information, especially since in Russia there are almost no providers that could meet the technical requirements set by the Ministry of Transport. It will be extremely difficult to recover data if it is lost. If there is a special data recovery program for user computers, then fundamentally different approaches will be required to solve large-scale problems.

Experts believe that all parties may also suffer financial losses if a resolution is adopted. Domestic systems today are not equipped with the necessary functionality that allows working in alliances. However, if desired, they can be modified throughout the year to cover data storage needs. But all this will require serious financial investments, as well as the search for experienced specialists who can work on existing algorithms to make them suitable for storing large amounts of data from several air carriers at once.

The design of the apartment can be made in one of the well-known styles popular today. This is one of the historical styles, such as classicism or baroque, ethnic, oriental, modern, modern techno style, mixed eclectic style, country and others. The main thing is to choose something pleasing to the soul in terms of aesthetics and semantic orientation. Moreover, a person with a taste and vision for a harmonious combination of colors and objects can create his own version of interior design, without resorting to the services of professional decorators.

Typical design styles - a proven option for your own decor ideas

Don’t chase today’s fashionable design trends. New doesn't always mean better. Anything too radical will quickly become boring and you will have to do the repairs all over again. It is better to stick to standard time-tested design options. Standardized design applies to standard apartments. It does not involve redevelopment or destruction of walls and consists of a design solution by dividing the room into zones, a functional approach to creating a more comfortable space. But not everyone is satisfied with the standard design. In these cases, the services of a professional are required.

Why do you need a designer when renovating and remodeling an apartment?

As a rule, moving to a new place requires a lot of effort and time. But work does not always allow you to do the difficult work of arranging a home in a short time. But finishing work and design selection require a particularly careful approach, and with hundreds of thoughts in your head about unresolved problems, it will be difficult to make the right choice. Moreover, bring it to life. In this case, you can always turn to an experienced designer for help, who can set all the priorities in a matter of hours.

In order to decide for yourself whether it is worth resorting to the services of specialists, let’s weigh the pros by considering some situations.

You have a great desire to get something unusual, an unusual arrangement of a room that differs in design from the everyday furnishings of the homes of your loved ones. Then a professional designer is an absolute plus, making your task easier.

But not only stylistic tasks and decorative solutions are carried out by the interior designer. He must deal with the painstaking task of completing the redevelopment. This will greatly ease your immediate repair efforts.

Apartment design requires the optimal location of all communications for your convenience and beauty. Properly selected lighting is very important for apartment design. It can highlight all the advantages of your home, as well as all the shortcomings. When you decide on the chosen style, start selecting materials in this style for decorating the walls, ceiling, and floor.

In cottages and private houses, individual design is acceptable. This is a radical change in your living space due to redevelopment, connecting rooms, adding loggias to the living area, changing doorways and other modifications.

Individual design is complicated primarily by the need to obtain a large number of papers to authorize such work, which naturally lengthens the repair time. However, if you involve specialized firms in these matters, be they design or architectural, this will greatly facilitate your task.

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If your goal is to obtain regular and constant benefits from bets, then for this you should learn not only to choose the right financial and gaming, but also to comprehensively evaluate the available information:

  • statistics: the situation with the position of opponents in tournaments, the ratio of matches (home and away), the achievements of teams in recent matches, the history of personal meetings of current opponents, etc.;
  • last news from the camp of clubs;
  • That, how important for each team this specific game;
  • tournament phase;
  • judges, weather and other factors (even premonitions on an intuitive level can play a very important role).

However, the fact is that the players representing our country do not bother themselves with a deep analysis, and on top of everything else, they are overcome by a greedy desire to get everything they can at once. The player wants to get a 100% working scheme of actions that will give him the opportunity to win without risks.

This feature is what crooks like to take advantage of, who are always ready to offer the most “true insider leak” of information that in fact is not such. It is also suggested to visit the sites of “super-forecasters”, whose true level is not much higher than the knowledge of ordinary schoolchildren.

Let's try to figure it out Is it worth using the services of cappers?(those who, at a professional level, offer to predict the outcome of sporting events for a specific monetary reward) or is it better to rely on your own knowledge and abilities?

Privateers, sometimes excellently oriented, at least in a specific type of league or championship, really have comprehensive information regarding the state in which all its participants are, know detailed statistical data and conduct analysis. Unlike the average person, such specialists are actually able to have an advantage over the betting line, which is also not drawn up by laymen.

How to find a good capper

However, the problem is that finding a truly smart privateer who is a true professional and knowledgeable specialist is not as easy as it seems. What distinguishes privateers, for example, from financial and stock exchange advisors, is that they are not required to keep reports on their own successes and failures within the framework of special commissions. You will not find genuine reports and reports on their work anywhere. You shouldn’t trust statistical reports on the authors’ websites either. Such data may well be embellished, or even completely replaced or falsified.

This does not mean that all sports experts are scammers. There are also those who are considered true professionals in their field. However, few of them deal with such little things as paid newsletters or selling forecasts.

In addition, cappers almost never take serious risks. Cappers do not spend their own money, but they are always happy to empty their clients’ wallets. This allows such “professionals” to always remain in the black.

For this reason, someone who does not want to share his money with “someone else’s uncle” can truly be called a prudent and wise person.

But, if, despite everything, you still decide to resort to the services of a capper, then try to make sure that the risk is minimal.

How to minimize the risk when communicating with cappers

  1. There's no hurry. First, study all the information you find about the services offered, as well as the methods of making forecasts of individual cappers. Avoid those who easily offer a 100% win thanks to a new, original strategy. These types of advertisements are usually published by real scammers. In this case the best option it may turn out to be the old tried-and-true “flat”.
  2. It is not recommended to use the site's services, who registered on free hosting. Pay attention to the presence of grammatical errors in the texts, as well as “incorrect links”, the traffic on which cannot be called high. Also, sites that should not be trusted can be identified thanks to the meager information that is provided on them. A serious capper will easily acquire a paid website and place on it complete and useful information about yourself and your services.
  3. You should also Stay away from cappers who ask for a percentage of clients' winning money. Professional cappers receive a fixed fee for their services. In addition, the minimum number of forecasts to be submitted for a specific period of time is stipulated. At the same time, some are even ready to reduce the price if the forecast does not come true.
  4. If cappers agree to work “for nothing”(usually 2-3 weeks), then do not miss the opportunity and take advantage of this offer, thus, you will get an idea of ​​​​the capabilities and abilities of this specialist.
  5. And even if you like the subscription terms, don't subscribe to long term . First, subscribe for at least a month. You can then always renew this subscription.

And do not forget that in case of cooperation with a real and conscientious capper, it is strictly not recommended to ignore his advice and recommendations. The moment you decide to rely only on your own strengths and ignore the help of a specialist, you risk being left with nothing, while the rest of your subscribers will buy themselves a brand new car.

High-quality insurance is determined by a number of functions, the central of which is a reliable level of protection. This factor largely depends on the reputation of the insurer. IN modern times purchasing comprehensive insurance through brokerage services is widespread. But how can you be sure of the guarantees of protection and compensation for damage caused in the event of a traffic accident?

After all, there are many cases of counterfeiting insurance policy. If you wish, you can organize this operation “once or twice” by stealing or falsifying a comprehensive insurance or compulsory motor liability insurance policy based on a document that does not have this moment time, no force. Naturally, stealing a document is not an easy task, however, such practice does happen.

This means that there should be serious control over the work of brokers on the part of the client. After all, it also happens that a dishonest agent fills out a document in such a way that the characteristics of the car turn out to be the opposite of reality (using the cheapest description). Thus, in the event of an accident, compensation will be significantly less than it should be. Accordingly, the damage caused will not be covered even by half.

How to prevent broker fraud?

The fact is that dishonest motor insurance agents, as a rule, use special schemes to lure clients. Among them, the main one is installation low prices, which are much lower than when registering with an insurance company directly without intermediaries. Thus, the public should be careful and always remember that the cost of a policy from an insurance broker cannot be very different from the prices of insurance companies. And the most reliable way to avoid being scammed is to purchase a comprehensive insurance policy directly from insurance companies.

Another scheme for deceiving clients is faking websites and placing fake pages in the first positions of search engines. Thus, potential clients believe and are happy to be served by scammers who conduct successful activities thanks to the reputation of others.

Negative information about competing companies and empty promises are the final element of fraudulent activity. As a result, customers lose the desire to purchase a service from a reputable company, which leads to a difficult situation in the event of a traffic accident.

To prevent fraud, you need to be aware of the factors indicating the falsity of your comprehensive insurance policy:

  • The presence of corrections (after all, in the official documentation this kind of operation is strictly prohibited);
  • The presence of errors of various types: inaccurate information about the owner, about the car, and so on. For example, low power mark vehicle- already a sign of fraud, since in the event of an accident the compensation amount will be much lower.

In conclusion, it is important to note that when applying for a comprehensive insurance policy, you need to behave with extreme caution. This will help prevent the dangerous actions of fraudulent companies and provide reliable protection in the event of an insured event.

In preparing this material, the article “” on the INTACH company website was used.