Mountain Park"Ruskeala" has been operating for almost ten years. It was opened for public visits in 2005. Its creation was sponsored by the travel company Kolmas Karelia. "Ruskeala" is very popular today. This place has become so famous for a reason. Tens of thousands of tourists visit it every year.

General information

The monument is called "Marble Breaks of Ruskeala in the 17th - early 20th centuries." Currently, the creation of such a complex is a positive and rare phenomenon in Russia. This example clearly demonstrates how, with the help of private funds, an object can be revived cultural heritage. The place itself is unique. Here it was possible to recreate a rare symbiosis of the mining museum of past centuries and the natural attractions for which Karelia is famous. "Ruskeala" is a truly unique ensemble. Its natural beauty can be admired at any time of the year.

Special atmosphere

Three quarries were formed here as a result of marble mining. They are located next to the left bank of the Tokhmajoki River. The quarries are interconnected by adits. Soon the stone mining work stopped. The quarries were abandoned. On the site of ancient quarries, picturesque ones arose. They are white marble thickets filled with clean water bluish-green color. Currently, inactive adits and mines resemble mysterious grottoes and caves.

Local Attractions

The Ruskeala marble quarry is the main attraction of the complex. This place is a monument of industrial culture of the 18th-20th centuries. Ruskeala Park is officially included in the list of cultural heritage Russian Federation. This monument is unique. There is no other complex like this anywhere in Europe. This is a kind of man-made “bowl” made of solid marble. It is penetrated by systems of drifts, adits and mines. Facing blocks for many architectural structures in the city of St. Petersburg were mined here. The majestic St. Isaac's Cathedral is also no exception. A variety of buildings were decorated with Ruskeala marble. It has a stunning color: white with greenish flecks. Some metro stations are still decorated with this marble.

Marble quarry "Ruskeala"

Its length is about four hundred and fifty meters. It's pretty deep. The quarry is currently flooded. Water rises to the upper underground horizon. The Finns did this before the war began in the 40s. Most of the adits, which were formed in the first half of the last century, are under water. Only one of them is located above this level. This adit was formed in the depths of mountain ranges in the 30s A path was built inside it along which trolleys with marble moved. It is connected to shaft No. 2. It was along it that the workers moved. The mine goes deep into the mountain at a distance of about two hundred meters. embankment railway, along which the trolleys moved, is still preserved.

Scenic Views

Externally, the Ruskeala marble quarry makes a colossal impression. Gray-white rocks descend down to its banks, which are heavily indented. The rocks go deep into the vast distance. Excursions to Ruskeala are held regularly. The canyon has its own pier. Here guests can use the rental service and rent a boat. While traveling on it you can look at the canyon from the water. A certain part of the blocks hangs over this space at a negative angle. Travelers can also admire the views of the grottoes. They were formed in sheer cliffs. The play of light on the marble ceiling attracts the gaze of tourists for a long time. The grottoes really look very picturesque. White arches are reflected in the calm water surface.

Precautionary measures

There are also dry adits here. However, tourists are strictly prohibited from visiting them. To do this, you need the assistance of a geologist. The heat outside means that marble adit It's cold. You can feel the dankness as you go deeper into the layer. It's hard to imagine what it was like for workers here. Career Management provided some data from that time. During periods of peak load, mining was carried out year-round. The drilling process did not stop day or night.

Fundamental differences

There is the main, most famous and visited quarry "Ruskeala". There were several more abandoned ones around it. Currently, activities are underway to develop them. Most quarries are different from each other. This applies not only to types of shores. This also applies to the color of the water. For example, in one quarry it may be gray, and in another it may be blue. The main one is a little different from the others. The water in this quarry is bluish-green in color. Over time, the walls here have darkened and become weathered. This happened during the time when mining was not carried out in the quarries. However, this will not prevent tourists from seeing their true color. It can be observed on freshly chipped marble pieces. They are quite common. The old "block" quarry is special in this regard. Here you can see the most striking manifestations of the picturesque stone. It was in this quarry that marble was extracted in large blocks.

Underground exploration

The speleological commission of St. Petersburg was developing a multi-year expedition project. It's called "Underground Karelia". Speleologists studied it in 2010. The Ruskeala Mountain Park and the Marble Failure became the main objects of research. The latter is located very close to the place where the main excursion route throughout the complex.

Features of the complex

IN winter period The Ruskeala marble quarry looks no less attractive. At this time of year the ice freezes the lake. Therefore, it is very easy to get to the mysterious grottoes and adits. One of these places is called musical for its unusual acoustic properties. In winter, the “Ruskeala failure” amazes with its splendor.

It becomes like an ice castle, the columns of which have the most bizarre shapes. There is artistic lighting here. It helps the majestic canyon light up bright colors with the onset of darkness. Marble Quarry (Karelia) (a map of the area is given in the article) is a favorite place where divers love to conduct their training. As a rule, they do this in the most remote corners of the quarry, so they do not disturb the majority of visitors at all. Several quarries here are flooded. The adits connecting them also ended up in the water. The Ruskeala Canyon (the map clearly demonstrates this) included only three functioning underground horizons that were used for mining. Scuba diving enthusiasts will find this place a piece of paradise. Tempting labyrinths will not leave anyone indifferent. At the very bottom of the canyon, some equipment is still preserved. For example, motorcycles, cars and even a crane. All this attracts those who engage in techno-diving. The water here is clear. There is practically no turbidity. Aquatic vegetation is also absent. In the fall, however, the leaves that fall from the birch trees may fly in.

Local staff keep the Ruskeala marble quarry clean. Workers periodically make forays into the lake and clean it of debris. Traces of people's presence remain everywhere: pieces of paper, plastic bottles and the like. However, visitors litter quite a bit. The visitors must be mesmerized by the majestic beauty of the flooded quarry. Pollute the picturesque Mountain Lake Conscience doesn't allow it. Not only ancient objects have been preserved on the territory of the mountain park. There are also other historical objects. For example, an old administrative building. It is made in the style of classicism. The structure consists entirely of Ruskeala marble. On the territory of the complex there are monuments of industrial architecture of the 19th century. They are kilns that were designed for burning lime. Their brick pipes are conical in shape. The active quarry will also be of interest to tourists. You can watch the process of mining large marble blocks. Currently, these objects are not included in the mountain park. For this reason, they are poorly suited for tourist excursions.

"Ruskeala" (recreation center). General information

A lot of positive emotions await guests here. The complex is located in the Sortavala region. This South part Karelia. From St. Petersburg to this place is about three hundred kilometers. The Ruskeala complex, a photo of which is presented in the article, can receive guests all year round. The base is equipped with everything necessary for their comfortable stay. The rooms can accommodate from two to eight people. There are special rooms for newlyweds and families with children. Even an infant child can be accommodated here with their parents.


Guests can organize a picnic on site. Barbecue available. Guests can bake fish and cook kebabs. A wood-burning sauna is available for rent. It is located on the shore of the lake. A fairly extensive program for vacationers has been developed at Ruskeala. For example, you can calmly go fishing, visit Lake Valaam or see waterfalls and the camp site has friendly and polite staff. Even if guests are not prepared for fishing, they can receive bait, tackle and even professional fishing advice.

Where is the attraction located?

The above describes the features that it has marble quarry"Ruskeala". How to get to this place? You can go through Priozersk from St. Petersburg by car. The route will run through Sortavala along the A-129 highway. In the city itself, you should take the main road towards Petrozavodsk. From Sortavala at the 10th km there will be a turn onto the A-130 highway. After Priozersk a rather winding road begins. The total time you will have to spend on the entire journey is 4-5 hours.

In Karelia, not far from the city of Sortavala, in the village of Ruskeala, on the banks of the Tokhmajoki River, there is mountain park "Ruskeala". The main attraction of this park is the amazingly beautiful marble canyon. The depth of the canyon, stretching almost 500 meters in length and 100 meters in width, reaches fifty meters in places.

Geography and climatic conditions

Karelia is located in the north-west of Russia, on the coast White Sea. Most of the territory of the republic is occupied by a hilly plain. The glacier that retreated to the north at one time had a strong influence on the relief structure of Karelia, forming a large number of moraine ridges, shafts and ridges.

The climate in Karelia is generally mild, varying from maritime to temperate continental. Karelia is characterized by large amounts of precipitation throughout the year.

Winters here are snowy and cold, although frosts are rare. Summer in these parts is short and mostly cool. It is extremely rare to have hot days.

The coldest months of the year are January and February. July is considered the warmest month in Karelia; on average, the temperature during this period is +13 -15 degrees, the maximum air temperature can rise to +30 degrees.

Daylight hours in Karelia vary in length depending on the season. The shortest day occurs in December - about six hours in the south, four hours in the Subpolar regions. Somewhere in mid-January, the length of daylight increases intensively, and in June–July the famous “white nights” begin, when the sun shines almost continuously.

The Swedes were the first to develop marble quarries in Ruskeala. Then, when these lands were transferred to Russia after successful military operations in the Northern War, marble development was suspended for some time. And only in 1769, Empress Catherine II issued a special decree, according to which work at the quarries was restored. The beginning of work in the quarries was associated with the active construction of new palaces and cathedrals in St. Petersburg.

Starting from the 17th century, the Ruskeala marble canyon began to supply different types marble to the capital and other cities of Russia. St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg was lined with marble mined here, and the floors of the Kazan Cathedral were decorated with it. Ruskeala marble was used for making window sills and window coverings in the Hermitage, the facade of the Marble Palace, Winter Palace, Mikhailovsky and Tauride castles. In Soviet times, it was used to decorate the Primorskaya and Ladozhskaya metro stations in Leningrad. The locals are very proud of this.

Ruskeala today

Today, most of the quarries, flooded by groundwater and the waters of the Tokhmajoki River, are no longer used for industrial purposes. Unique nature combined with the results of human activity, they have made the canyon one of the most attractive natural attractions of Karelia. Some of the quarries are adapted for tourists, while others continue to supply valuable building material.

Since marble of various colors was previously mined here, the banks of the canyon also acquired different shades. The marble quarries that remain under water differ from each other not only in outline, but also in the bizarre shades of the water. When you sail along Marmara Lake on a boat or speedboat, you find yourself in a snow-white, malachite-green, or even black kingdom.

And the water in the lake is so clear that you can see the bottom at a depth of 10-15 meters. There are many grottoes around with the most bizarre shapes and shades, which creates the feeling of being in fairyland. This trip around the lake is one of the most popular excursions among tourists in Karelia.

No less exciting activity - walking along the shores of Marmara Lake. Moreover, they have been cleared and paths for tourists have already been laid along them. In some places there are specially equipped viewing platforms. Guides take tourists to the mines and adits within the quarry walls, most of which, unfortunately, were flooded during the Russian-Finnish war. And in the adits and drifts that have survived to this day, you can walk along the routes of the old masters.

Here you can also find dry adits, but going there unaccompanied is dangerous. Interesting feature gallery - the higher the temperature outside, the stronger the deathly cold inside.

One of the grottoes of Marmara Lake was named "Musical Grotto" due to its unique acoustic characteristics. in winter the park turns into a quaint fairytale palace shrouded in snow and ice.

Ruskeala waterfalls

Tohmajoki River is one of the largest tributaries of Lake Ladoga, its length is almost 40 kilometers. It has many rapids and waterfalls. The largest of them is Ahvenkoski waterfall, located three kilometers from the village of Ruskeala. The name of the waterfall is Finnish, and it means “Perch Threshold”. Among local residents There is also the name “waterfall at three bridges”.

The waterfall is clearly visible from the highway passing by the village, and therefore it attracts the attention of tourists. Especially for them, a parking lot and a recreation area with cozy gazebos and canopies are equipped next to the waterfall. Once upon a time, it was at this waterfall that the famous bathing scene of the heroine of the famous Soviet film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” was filmed.

Akhvenkoski is a complex that includes four waterfalls about four meters high. This is a favorite place for tourists and fans of active water recreation.

Another waterfall near the village - Rymäkoski, which is impossible to reach by car. The road there is very swampy, so you will have to walk about 200 meters. Once upon a time there was a Finnish hydroelectric power station on Rymäkoski, some of the dilapidated buildings of which have survived to this day.

Behind the village of Ruskeala, where the Tokhmajoki River crosses the road, an amazing picture of another group of water rapids opens before the gaze of the tourist. And, although these waterfalls are not so high, nevertheless, no one can be indifferent to their unique and enchanting beauty.

Ruskeala failure

Ruskeala failure- another attraction of Karelia, it is located on the border of the mountain park and the currently operating marble factory. Local residents claim that this ice hole was formed when blasting work was carried out in a nearby quarry in the 60s of the last century. The roof of the half-submerged adits left by the Finns could not stand it and went under water, forming an oval-shaped hole on the surface approximately 20 by 30 meters. From here you can go down to the center of the mine. Once upon a time, the underground zone was connected to the territory of the current mountain park through unflooded adits. But at present they are all left under the rubble. Inside the hole, especially in its distant parts, the ice does not melt even in summer.

Lutheran parish

The Lutheran parish in the village of Ruskeala was founded back in 1727. The wooden building was designed by the Finnish architect Anders Fredrik Granstedt in 1834, approved by the famous German architect Johan Carl Ludvig Engel.

The building almost completely burned down during the war in 1941; only fragments of its foundation have survived to this day. The church bell was transported to Stockholm, where it is still kept.

The modern Lutheran parish was founded in 1990, when local residents registered the Ingria Church. A small hotel “Pappila” was opened next to the church.

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Water activities and excursions

Divers, especially cave divers, they love to train in Lake Marmara, swimming to the most remote corners of the quarry. At one time, there were three underground horizons for marble mining - there is plenty for lovers of underwater travel to roam around. After the Finns flooded many mines and adits during the war, a huge amount of equipment remained at the bottom of the canyon, which is so attractive to cave and techno divers in our time.

Amateurs make their routes along the rapids of the Tahmajoki River from spring to the end of summer. The length of the route is about 2.5 kilometers; along the way there are dams and rubble created by beavers.

Travel agency in the city of Sortavala – "Kolmas Karelia" organizes one-, two- and three-day rafting routes along local rivers – Janisjoki and Tahmajoki. The tour includes a transfer from Sortavala to the start of the rafting, the cost of which ranges from 1,500 to 6,500 rubles per person, depending on the duration. Multi-day rafting trips include overnight accommodation, meals and various educational excursions to local attractions. The complexity of the routes depends on the preparedness of tourists.

For inexperienced tourists who want to try their hand at rafting, the Forest Hotel Vegarus offer a route along the Janisjoki River. The program has two routes to choose from – 7 and 9 kilometers long. Rafting takes about 2-2.5 hours. In addition, the program includes a rest at the finish line, where you will be treated to excellent fish soup made from local trout. The cost of the tour is from 2,400 rubles per person.

The hotel offers several excursion options to local attractions. A very interesting trip to a lost village Kinerma will help you get acquainted with the culture and history of local residents. In this village there are unique monuments architecture that has been preserved since the 16th century.

It's good to get some air at any time of the year, and you don't have to take a vacation to do it. In the relative proximity of the city, there are plenty of places where you can spend a weekend: relax in nature, visit the local arboretum and go down into the adit of an old marble quarry, the stones of which are almost two billion years old. Or take a short trip by water to the island of Valaam, when weather permits. The Village continues the “Weekend Route” section - we choose one direction, the end point on it and interesting stops along the way.

The Ruskeala Nature Park seems to have been created for quiet relaxation and walks along steep stone slopes, although it appeared as a result of the production of valuable stone. St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, the Hermitage and St. Michael's Castle are decorated with local marble. If you have enough time, visit Priozersk and Sortavala, small towns in the bays of Lake Ladoga. Very close is the Russian-Finnish border, from which you can continue your journey to the lake part of Suomi. IN last years Many of our compatriots have appeared here, who add Ruskeala to the trip to Valaam.

How to get there

By bus from the bus station to Sortavala
(they go twice a day, 500 rubles), by minibus - about a thousand rubles.

By train- from the Finland Station. From Sortavala, hitch a ride or taxi to Ruskeala (37 kilometers, about 20–30 minutes).

By car along Priozerskoye Highway (A129
to Priozersk, then Sortavala and up (A130)
to Ruskeala. The journey will take 4-5 hours.

Ruskeala Park and surroundings

1. Saint Petersburg 2. Priozersk 3. Sortavala 4. Ruskeala
5. Balaam 6. Finland

rubles- entrance to Ruskeala park

kilometers- length of Tohmajoki waterfall

rubles- cost of set lunch
at the local Lutheran parish

years-approximate age of Ruskeala stones

meters- length of the Ruskeala quarry

kilometers- distance from Ruskeala to the border
with Finland


A small settlement on Vuoksa and Lake Ladoga was first mentioned in chronicles in 1295. The city was called Kexholm for some time, and received its current name after World War II. If you are traveling by car, then look into the ruins of the Korela fortress, see the Lutheran church (it was built by the Finnish architect Armas Lindgren) and go to the Mowgli monument - this is the only monument to the character of Rudyard Kipling in Russia.


Immediately after Priozersk, the quality of the coverage deteriorates sharply. The route, running through the forest, winds and looks like a washboard. Motorists, get ready to drive at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour and remember the domestic road services with a kind word. By the way, the new St. Petersburg - Sortavala highway is being built and will be ready by 2016. The question of what will help her not turn into the same washboard remains open.

The city of Sortavala, like most border settlements, has a difficult fate. Rebuilt at the beginning of the century by leading Finnish architects (Uno Werner Ulberg, Gottlieb Eliel Saarinen, Johan Jacob Arenberg), the center of Sortavala has survived to this day, despite the bombings in 1939–1940. Then almost the entire indigenous Finnish population of the city left these regions, and after the war, the Soviet authorities decided to resettle evacuated people from the Vologda region here.

Clockwise: Sortavala embankment, Korela fortress, embankment in Priozersk

In addition to northern modern architecture, the city has the Museum of the Northern Ladoga Region, where thousands of household items of the indigenous population of Karelia are collected. Eight kilometers from the city there is a local arboretum and cottage village"Winter's Dacha" Renting a six-bed house in the off-season costs from 5,900 to 10 thousand rubles.

It’s worth staying in Sortavala if you have enough time and there’s no rush. If hot dogs and chocolates at gas stations take up too many minutes of your trip, go straight to Ruskeala.


The road from Sortavala to Ruskeala takes 15–30 minutes, you can get there by one of the inexpensive taxis (numbers are posted on trees and lamp posts). Or catch a car for 200–300 rubles. The bus to Ruskeala runs twice a day, it Ending station- the town of Vyartsilya.

You should start your exploration from the waterfalls, which are located four kilometers from Ruskeala. At the Akhvenkoski waterfall, which can be seen from the highway even in the cold season, scenes from the movie “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” were filmed. It is now impossible to get to the dilapidated Finnish hydroelectric power station; it is being repaired, but walking through a snow-covered pine forest is always pleasant for a city dweller who opens Facebook and email 45 times a day.

Moving higher, on the left side of the road you will get to the center of the village of Ruskeala. The most popular recreation center of the same name is located here (2,500 rubles for two guests, 5,600 for eight). However, in Ruskeala you can rent housing even if not at a tourist center, as all surfaces in the city say.

One of the local attractions, the Lutheran church parish, looks very deplorable. The building was built in 1834, but it was allegedly burned down in 1940, and is now being restored with donations from Finns. The latter have long chosen these places for retro tourism; almost all prices are indicated in both euros and rubles. In Sortavala and Ruskeala there are many inscriptions and signs in Finnish, local population Most are fluent in two languages.

Recreation center "Ruskeala"

2,500 rubles for two guests, 5,600 rubles for eight

Clockwise: Ruskeala quarry in winter, quarry illumination, quarry in autumn, exhibition “Marble through time”

Pilgrims stop when they arrive, but the rooms are quite cozy and laconic - except for two beds and a bedside table, there is nothing there. If you're lucky, you'll get a ten-inch three-channel TV. But guests can use the sauna, and the room price (one thousand rubles) includes breakfast. If you want to cook yourself, then use the barbecue in the backyard or local cuisine, the entrance to which is also open to guests. One thing - the place is intended for family vacation, so making noise after 10 pm is strictly prohibited.

Even if you don’t want to stay in the parish, anyone can have lunch or dinner in the fireplace room. For 100 rubles you get tea and coffee according to the free refill system, and an assortment of buns. And for 300 rubles they offer a real buffet. Includes soup, main course, snacks, fruit drinks, kvass and hot drinks. You can make arrangements in advance to stay at the Ruskeala Church by calling (814) 30–33–268 and 8 (921) 467–63–20.

After lunch, go see the marble quarry. This artificial lake, surrounded by steep stone walls. Marble production began here under Catherine II. When the Finns left here for the last time, they cunningly connected the quarry with the Tohmajoki River, and its impressive area was flooded.

In winter, right at the entrance to the park you can ride a team of huskies for a thousand rubles, 2.5 kilometers to Lake Svetloe and back. Dogs are very sociable, and no one forbids petting them. In summer, you are allowed to swim in the lake itself and pitch a tent on the shore. So it's up to you - go down, rent a boat, look at the quarry from the water and swim into one of several caves. Also at the entrance to Ruskeala, souvenirs are sold, where from hundreds of magnets with brownies, Russian women and birch trees you can find a couple of cute ones. Entrance to the park formally costs 150 rubles, but no one checks this. But at the reception they give you a map showing two routes: a short one of 1.5 kilometers and a long one of 2.5 kilometers.

Lutheran Church Parish

1000 rubles per person. BBQ in the backyard and the ability to use the kitchen.

100 rubles- tea
and free refill coffee, assorted buns.

300 rubles- a real buffet.

Along the quarry there are about ten observation platforms with benches - this is perfect place for a picnic, so bring some food. By the way, from six o'clock in the evening on Saturdays and Sundays, Ruskeala employees turn on artificial lighting around the perimeter of the quarry, so it makes sense to hang out until the evening.

If you follow a long route, you will definitely come across a sinkhole cave, where in winter for the same thousand rubles you can go down and skate (they are available for rent on the spot). In the evening artificial grotto illuminated with candles.

Finally, the last point on the long route along Ruskeala is the “Stone Through Time” exhibition, where blocks of marble stone over two billion years old are conveniently located for inspection.

Marble Canyon Ruskeala is one of the most beautiful and most interesting places in Russia, where you can not only relax, but also get acquainted with the history of mining by visiting the ruins of an old marble factory.

The marble canyon is located in the Republic of Karelia, in the village of Ruskeala.

Part of the quarry is still quarried for marble, and the second part is reserved for public visiting, and is called “Ruakeala Mountain Park”. The park is the pride and highlight of our country, the most unique object in Europe, with a pearl - the marble canyon. Its shores rise above the emerald waters, along which you can take a rowing boat into mysterious adits and grottoes. More secluded corners are also available for divers - underwater labyrinths.

Ruskeala Mountain Park

Ruskeala Mountain Park was opened in 2005 and created travel agency“Kolmas Karelia” Tens of thousands of tourists visit it every year. After stone mining stopped, abandoned quarries turned into beautiful lakes - white marble bowls with bluish-green water.

The mountain park is a cultural heritage site, a unique natural ensemble, beautiful at any time of the year. in winter marble lake it is covered with people, and along it you can easily reach adits and grottoes. "Ruskeala failure" turns into a fairytale ice castle with fancy columns"

At night, the canyon is illuminated with artistic lighting, which makes it even more mysterious and impressive.

The Ruskeala Canyon is a favorite place for divers who swim into the most hidden corners of the quarry. The Tohmajoki River attracts rifting enthusiasts who descend the white waters. You can rent a boat and take a ride on the clearest waters. You will also enjoy fishing, picking mushrooms and berries.

Guests tourist centers can visit the city of Sortavala, famous for its amazing Finnish architecture. The Museum of Northern Ladoga region has carved paintings by Russian artist Kronid Gogolev, which are also worth seeing for art lovers. You can visit Valaam monastery, and other amazing places.

The cleanliness of the park is carefully maintained by its staff, who swim around the lake and collect plastic bottles, caps and other garbage. However, many visitors, touched by the beauty of this wonderful place, try not to litter here.

Many of the park's flora and fauna are listed in the Red Book. There are exotic mosses, lichens, orchid plants, rare species of reptiles and amphibians, as well as bats.

How to get to the Ruskeala marble canyon?

Marble Canyon is 300 km away. from St. Petersburg. You need to drive from St. Petersburg along Priozerskoye Highway ( Federal highway A 129) to the city of Priozersk, and then to the city of Sortavala. Then move towards Petrozavodsk, and after 10 km. from Sortavala, turn to Vertsilya village (Route A 130). The total travel time will take you about 5 hours.

From St. Petersburg you can get to the marble canyon by the St. Petersburg-Kostomuksha train from Ladozhsky station. You need to get to Sortavala station, and then take a taxi to Mountain Park.

There are minibuses and taxis running from Petrozavodsk to Sortavala, which you can also take to get there.

Prices, bases, where to stay

A visit to the park costs 150 rubles. Excursion for an adult - 200 rubles, for students - 150 rubles, for schoolchildren - 80 rubles, for children under 7 years old - free.

Renting a boat for 4 people will cost 250 rubles.

You can stay at the Ruskeala recreation center. Day in two local number will cost you from 2500r.

Accommodation in a double room at the Black Stones recreation center will cost you from 2,500 per day.

Lovers of a Spartan holiday in the lap of nature can stay, for example, at the Elki farm. The price for placing a tent is from 150 rubles per day.

Marble Canyon Ruskeala is amazing place, which is worth a visit. Those who have already been here received unforgettable experience, and dream of returning here again.